Postal Union Tells Members Trump Is An “Existential Threat”

First off, isn’t this the kind of yammering that leads to people trying to assassinated The Donald?

EXCLUSIVE: Postal Union Sends Letter Calling Trump ‘Existential Threat’

If former President Donald Trump wins November’s election, he would pose an “existential threat” — at least according to a letter apparently from the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), obtained by The Federalist.

“If Donald Trump wins the upcoming election, it could prove an existential threat to our union and our contract,” the letter reads. “Your vote matters: consider how the consequences could affect you, your job, and our union when deciding how to vote.”

The letter appears to be signed “in solidarity” by Georgia NALC President Don Griggs. It takes issue specifically with Trump and Project 2025, leftists’ favorite catch-all bogeyman.

“Donald Trump and his allies have put together an extensive plan for the next year, if he takes office and appoints anti-union allies throughout the executive branch,” the letter reads. “Our union cannot afford to risk the proposals in Project 2025 becoming a reality.”

The letter claims Project 2025 would “ban all public employee unions and replace private-sector unions with company-controlled unions,” “let states opt out of federal overtime and minimum wage” requirements, and repeal the Davis-Bacon Act, which places wage requirements on government projects.

Second off, does it make you feel good that the people who will be delivering mail-in ballots to citizens and then back to those who count them are taking a stand against someone running for president? Do you trust them?

Third, public sector unions do need to be abolished. The main purposes of unions originally were to bargain for wages and benefits and better working conditions, and to protect workers from poor working conditions and problem bosses. Why is any of this necessary for government jobs? They aren’t working in factories, and few work with dangerous materials.

Griggs told The Federalist the letter came not from him, but from the AFL-CIO — without his permission. “They told me they were going to send me some information as we got closer to the election, and I had no idea they were sending out a letter with my name,” Griggs said. “I never would have sent anything out like that.”

BS. He’s trying to cover his ass. The letter, which you can see at the link, has his signature.

Read: Postal Union Tells Members Trump Is An “Existential Threat” »

Say, Why Are Warmists In Colorado Voting For “Deniers”?

This is an Important Issue for CBS News

Most Coloradans believe in climate change. So, why do some vote for climate change deniers?

With less than two months before the November election, a CBS News poll shows Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are tied in the battleground states.

While climate change is not the top issue for most voters, research out of the University of Colorado Boulder finds it could be a significant factor in the race. CU’s Center for Environmental Futures found a quarter of Republicans, who think climate change is very important, voted for President Biden in 2020, likely swinging the election.

But, in some parts of Colorado, voters’ views on the issue aren’t black and white. (snip)

Much of the Eastern Plains is in Congressional District 4 where — according to statistical modeling by Yale University — 63% of residents are worried about global warming and nearly 59% want Congress and the president to do more to address it. Yet, former President Donald Trump — who has called climate change a “hoax” — won CD4 by 23 points in 2016 and 15 points in 2020, and the district hasn’t voted a Democrat into Congress for 16 years. It’s one of the reasons Rep. Lauren Boebert switched to the district.

Yale’s research shows that — for a majority of people in CD4 — a candidate’s views on global warming are important to their vote. Three-fourths would support regulating carbon dioxide and two-thirds believe clean energy should be a priority for Congress, efforts Boebert opposes.

But while she is a climate denier, Arnusch, a climate believer, says he will likely vote for her.

“Climate is certainly important but it’s not my top priority. When I have that ballot sitting on my table and I’m trying to decide which way to vote — whether it’s a candidate or a ballot measure, which we vote on often in this state — I think about how this is going to affect my farm, how this is going to affect my family.

And there it is: even for most Warmists Doing Something about the climate crisis scam is important in theory, not in practice. Real world issues, like the economy, making sure energy, including fossil fuels, are abundant, inexpensive, and available, and seeing their communities overrun with migrants, including Venezuelan gang members, is way more important in Reality Land. Warmists, again, rarely make changes in their own lives, and aren’t too enthused to vote for candidates who will impose more taxes/fees, jack up their cost of living, and restrict their freedom.

And this drives the Elites, and those who think they are Elites, nuts. 30+ years of spreading awareness, of indoctrination, and they just cannot force those stupid peasants to cooperate.

Read: Say, Why Are Warmists In Colorado Voting For “Deniers”? »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer causing sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Cackles Harris stealing something else.

Read: If All You See… »

Esquire Seems Shocked Over The Top 10 Books Banned In Schools

In the People’s Republik of California and other Democrat states they’ve banned books like “To Kill A Mockingbird”, “Of Mice and Men”, and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” as being raaacist. Classic books. Books of consequence. But, those are not the ones banned the most

(Esquire) PEN America, which gathers a broader dataset from school districts, school board hearings, and local media outlets, reports that over 10,000 books were removed from public schools (at least temporarily) during the 2023 – 2024 academic year—almost three times as many removals as during the previous school year. About 8,000 of those bans took place in Florida and Iowa alone, where Republican lawmakers have taken shocking measures against school libraries: in Iowa, a new law forbids any material depicting sexual acts from K-12 schools (excluding religious texts), while in Florida, another new law stipulates that any book challenged for “sexual conduct” must be removed from library shelves while administrators review the material.

It’s shocking to remove sexual material from the shelves in schools? Why do Democrats want children, minors, exposed to hardcore sexual material? I cannot remember any book from the school library or as assigned reading having sexual content. I certainly checked out and bought horror books that had some, but, it wasn’t being shoved down my throat by the school. Why can’t liberals just let kids be kids?

In a consequential election year, your right to read is on the ballot. To show you exactly what’s at stake, we’ve compiled a list of the ten most-challenged books of 2023, along with the supposed rationale behind the controversies they’ve sparked. Share these books with the young people in your life, or enjoy them on your own—each one is a moving paean to self-knowledge, inclusivity, and the strength we find in embracing difference, both in ourselves and others. So go ahead and get reading. It’ll make Ted Cruz’s day.

What’s at stake, eh? Here are the top 10

  • Gender Queer, by Maia Kobabe
  • All Boys Aren’t Blue, by George M. Johnson
  • This Book Is Gay, by Juno Dawson
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky
  • Flamer, by Mike Curato
  • The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison
  • Tricks, by Ellen Hopkins
  • Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, by Jesse Andrews
  • Let’s Talk About It, by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan
  • Sold, by Patricia McCormick

Every single one of these is sexually explicit, and all are child pornography. In each case Esquire tries to make a case for them, and it makes it worse, such as

In an interview with Publishers Weekly, Moen said, “Teens are on the internet and they’re coming into contact with all of this and way more. Our philosophy is you can either give them a book that’s been reviewed and approved by multiple professionals in the sex education and health fields, or you can give them a phone and let them figure it out for themselves on PornHub.”

It may be the case that teens are on the Internet, but, should schools, government run institutions of learning, be teaching this stuff to children? Should the teachers be reading this stuff to young children, especially pre-teens, or assigning it as reading? That’s not teaching, that’s grooming. Why is all this necessary? This filth never used to be in schools, which had standards and propriety.

Seriously, “Let’s Talk About It is an illustrated guide to sex designed for teens, featuring comprehensive information about essential topics like orgasms, masturbation, and birth control, but it’s also so much more.” Should this be material pre-teens have? Is this material that should be taught in schools? If the parents want to buy it for their kids, that’s on them. This is not stuff schools should be pushing.

Read: Esquire Seems Shocked Over The Top 10 Books Banned In Schools »

Head Of UN Warns Of “Unstastainable World” Or Something

It’s utterly delicious, and hypocritical, of this prognostication, along with others from different world leaders, after they all took private fossil fueled flights to the UN. How many flew in, a couple thousand? Ten thousand?

Head of United Nations warns of ‘unsustainable world’ during annual meeting of leaders

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres warned world leaders Tuesday that impunity, inequality and uncertainty are creating an “unsustainable world” where a growing number of countries believe they should have a “get out of jail free” card.

“We can’t go on like this,” he said as the General Assembly’s annual debate among presidents, prime ministers, monarchs and other leaders began.

Citing deepening geopolitical divisions, wars with no end in sight, climate change and nuclear and emerging weapons, he said humanity is “edging towards the unimaginable – a powder keg that risks engulfing the world.”

But, he said, “the challenges we face are solvable” if the international community confronts the uncertainty of unmanaged risks, the inequality that underlies injustices and grievances and the impunity that undermines international law and the U.N.’s founding principles.

See, if all the leaders of the nations would just institute taxes and fees and life controls on their citizens, we can totally stop this! It’s so easy! There’s nothing that a little Authoritarianism won’t solve, you know! Say the people who make zero changes in their own lives and have carbon footprints far outstripping even those citizens of the 1st World. It’s just so weird that these leaders all have the same idea in imposing Modern Socialism.

Read: Head Of UN Warns Of “Unstastainable World” Or Something »

GOP Leads On 8 Of 10 Issues Heading Into Election

But, is it enough to get people to vote for Trump in the states he needs to win for 270?

Gallup: Almost Every Indicator Favors GOP, Making Election Trump’s to Lose

A new Gallup poll shows Republicans leading on nine out of 10 key issues the pollster uses to determine which side has an advantage ahead of the election. Gallup said the GOP trails only on the approval of Congress, and voters don’t like either party on that.

“The political environment suggests the election is Trump’s and Republicans’ to lose,” Gallup said. “Nearly every indicator of the election context is favorable to the Republican Party, and those that aren’t are essentially tied rather than showing a Democratic advantage.”

Party identification has traditionally been a strong indicator in predicting election outcomes, Gallup said, and this year, 48% say they are, or lean, Republican, versus 45% who are, or lean, Democrat — a GOP advantage not seen in decades.

The second highly predictive measure is which party voters believe will better handle big problems. In this, too, Republicans outgun Democrats, by 46%-41%, mostly on the view they are better suited to handle the economy. The poll finds that respondents view the GOP as the party that will make American prosperous by a 50%-44% margin.

Those are, per Gallup, those are the two biggest drivers for elections.

I’m not clear on why all the articles are saying 9 of 10, looks like 8 of 10 to me. Regardless, the question now is, can they keep this? Can Trump keep the crazy down? Because Trump needs to win for the GOP to keep the House and Senate. I really do not think a Harris win will allow either of those to happen.

Read: GOP Leads On 8 Of 10 Issues Heading Into Election »

Climate (scam) Policy Could Force Restaurants To Shrink Portion Sizes

Why does the Cult of Climastrology always have to mind Everyone Else’s business?

Restaurant Portions Are About to Get Smaller. Are Americans Ready?

Portion sizes in American restaurants shot up in the 1980s and never came down. The average serving of spaghetti and meatballs doubled. Bagels ballooned into six-inch-wide monstrosities. Burritos started to weigh more than a Harry Potter hardcover.

Nutritionists and policymakers haven’t had much success fighting portion creep, which has been linked to health problems associated with obesity. Attempts to legislate soda sizes were shot downCalorie counts on menus have largely gone ignored and might even be harmful. Even celebrity-dusted public health campaigns from the White House didn’t move the needle much.

But today, a combo plate of economics, demographics and climate science may accomplish what years of official hand-wringing could not: loosening the grip that super-size restaurant portions have on the national diet.

For the most part, the article has nothing to do with Hotcoldwetdry, but, it’s incumbent on all NY Times writers to include something on the climate scam in most articles. But, most Warmists are Leftists, and most Leftists are happy to force Other People to do stuff, instead of just leaving them alone to live their lives.

Read: Climate (scam) Policy Could Force Restaurants To Shrink Portion Sizes »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon boat used for travel when the cities flood, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on Dems voting against election integrity.

Read: If All You See… »

Islamist Rashida Tlaib Accuses Michigan AG Of Having Pro-Jew Biases

Rashida Tlaib continues to show her Jew hatred. How did it come to pass that a Jew hater and supporter of Islamic extremism and terrorist groups was elected to the US House of Representatives? I guess when the US government brings in large groups of refugees from areas of Islamic extremism and makes them citizens they’ll keep voting their own into office

Nessel accuses Tlaib of antisemitism amid controversy over pro-Palestinian protest charges

Michigan’s Jewish attorney general has accused the state’s Palestinian-American congresswoman of antisemitism, in a war of words between two prominent Democrats that could upend an already tense battleground state.

The exchange between Attorney General Dana Nessel and Rep. Rashida Tlaib, formerly friends, stems from Nessel’s decision to file charges this month against 11 pro-Palestinian protesters at the University of Michigan. In a Sept. 12 statement, Nessel emphasized the right to free speech but accused the 11 protesters at the university’s encampment last spring of “violent and criminal behavior,” including obstructing police and trespassing.

In an interview with a local paper the following day, Tlaib likened the campus protests to other demonstrations against racism and for immigrant rights. She told the Detroit Metro Times that Nessel chose to prosecute the 11 because of “possible biases.”

“It seems that the attorney general decided if the issue was Palestine, she was going to treat it differently, and that alone speaks volumes about possible biases within the agency she runs,” she said.

Considering that most of the pro-Hamas demonstrators were either Middle Eastern or upper middle class whites, how is that racism? And, I thought Democrats were all against “hate speech”, and yet all they were doing was saying how much they hate Jews and want Israel destroyed. Oh, and harassing Jews, attacking them, taking over buildings, committing vandalism and acts of destruction.

Nessel’s office confirmed to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that she took that remark as a reference to her Jewish identity. In a social media post on Friday, she condemned a political cartoon that suggested Tlaib was affiliated with Hezbollah — and also called out the congresswoman for antisemitism.

“Rashida’s religion should not be used in a cartoon to imply that she’s a terrorist. It’s Islamophobic and wrong,” Nessel said on X, formerly Twitter. “Just as Rashida should not use my religion to imply I cannot perform my job fairly as Attorney General. It’s antisemitic and wrong.”

Of course, Tlaib is trying to say that it is about Nessel’s “anti-Palestinian” biases, as did Tlaib’s Islamist supporters. But, Tlaib has a long history of being anti-Jew and supporting Islamic extremism, so, we all know that is BS. The two were actually friends, or, at least, friendly, at one point, but, Nessel learned the reality of Tlaib

But as in so many other relationships, the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war last October 7 marked a shift. In November, Nessel took Tlaib to task for defending the phrase “from the river to the sea,” which many Jews see as a call for the destruction of Israel but which Palestinians say is a call for equality.

“Rashida Tlaib, I have supported and defended you countless times, even when you have said the indefensible, because I believed you to be a good person whose heart was in the right place,” Nessel said then. “But this is so hurtful to so many. Please retract this cruel and hateful remark.”

If you did, you will find just about all of these Islamists to be Jew haters and supporters of destroying Israel and replacing it.

Read: Islamist Rashida Tlaib Accuses Michigan AG Of Having Pro-Jew Biases »

Corn Is The Next Thing Doomed From Hotcoldwetdry

Regular corn, which has been around for thousands and thousands of year, which has been modified many times by Mankind, is doomed, so, we need “short corn”

‘Short corn’ could replace the towering cornfields steamrolled by a changing climate

Taking a late-summer country drive in the Midwest means venturing into the corn zone, snaking between 12-foot-tall green, leafy walls that seem to block out nearly everything other than the sun and an occasional water tower.

The skyscraper-like corn is a part of rural America as much as cavernous red barns and placid cows.

But soon, that towering corn might become a miniature of its former self, replaced by stalks only half as tall as the green giants that have dominated fields for so long.

“As you drive across the Midwest, maybe in the next seven, eight, 10 years, you’re going to see a lot of this out there,” said Cameron Sorgenfrey, an eastern Iowa farmer who has been growing newly developed short corn for several years, sometimes prompting puzzled looks from neighboring farmers. “I think this is going to change agriculture in the Midwest.”

The short corn developed by Bayer Crop Science is being tested on about 30,000 acres (12,141 hectares) in the Midwest with the promise of offering farmers a variety that can withstand powerful windstorms that could become more frequent due to climate change. The corn’s smaller stature and sturdier base enable it to withstand winds of up to 50 mph — researchers hover over fields with a helicopter to see how the plants handle the wind.

Sounds more like Bayer and some farmers are pushing this by using the doomsayers to make some cash. This is all theoretical, not something that is actually happening. It’s looking into a crystal ball. Seriously, that area has long had to deal with harsh storms and wind, but, you know, because you drive a fossil fueled vehicle doom is coming.

BTW, who gets fired and their reputation ruined when the windy doom doesn’t happen?

Read: Corn Is The Next Thing Doomed From Hotcoldwetdry »

Pirate's Cove