Your Fault: Biden-Harris Regime Recalls EV Buses Over Fire Concerns

Nothing like putting a bunch of kids on buses that have a tough time offering heat and AC. Oh, and can catch on fire

From the link

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) issued a warning Wednesday about 483 electric transit buses being recalled over safety defects, according to a safety advisory.

Phoenix Motorcars is voluntarily recalling Proterra 800V catalyst vehicles from 2020 to 2021 and ZX5 Proterra transit buses from 2020 to 2022 over concerns that they could be prone to catching fire, according to an advisory from the FTA. The vehicles were first recalled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in September over issues with their radiator fan electrical circuits overheating, which is a potential fire hazard, according to a Sept. 5 report.

A customer reported that their Proterra bus started smoking in July 2021, and a second incident with a smoking vehicle occurred in January 2024, according to a report from Smart Cities Dive. Phoenix Motorcars obtained Proterra’s transit buses after the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in August 2023.

In fairness, not all of the buses were paid for by the Biden-Harris admin: plenty of states wasted their own taxpayer money on this boondoggle. But, they have dumped billions into EV buses (which neither of them ride), including $900 million specifically for EV school buses.

Read: Your Fault: Biden-Harris Regime Recalls EV Buses Over Fire Concerns »

Kamala Harris Gets Annihilated By Bret Baier

This is literally painful for me to listen to

Remember, Baier is no fan of Trump’s. He virtually a Never Trumper. Let’s see how the NY Times writes this up on their front page blurb

Harris Spars Through Combative Fox News Interview
Kamala Harris Brain SlugVice President Kamala Harris battled with Bret Baier, who repeatedly interrupted her and pressed her on former President Donald Trump’s talking points.

ZOMG, Bret interrupted a public official who was bloviating, not answering, and trying to run out the clock? Who was doing the job of being a journalist? How rude! And the Washington Post

Harris clashes with host in contentious interview on Fox
In the vice president’s interview with Bret Baier, she said more bluntly than before that her presidency would not be a continuation of Joe Biden’s.

And that’s the way the Credentialed Media, which has failed to do the job of asking her tough questions, tended to put it. Like Bret was the problem. Here’s Raw Story (I did not realize they were still around. So many of these leftist sites disappeared when the MSM started doing the same job)

‘Insufferable’: Critics pan ‘obnoxious’ Fox News host who repeatedly talked over Harris

If you were giving horrible answers to your boss or the person interviewing you for a job (or, hey, a police officer, judge, or IRS agent), they’d be cutting you off. Imagine doing this to a customs officer? Can you say cavity search?

(Fox News) Baier began the interview Wednesday by asking Harris how many illegal immigrants were released by the Biden administration into the country.

“Well, I’m glad you raised the issue of immigration, because I agree with you,” Harris responded. “It is a topic of discussion that people want to rightly have. And you know what I’m going to talk about-”

“But just a number,” Baier pressed. “Do you think it’s 1 million? 3 million?”

She never could answer.

The “Special Report” anchor then turned to the high-profile murders of Jocelyn Nungaray, Rachel Morin and Laken Riley, all victims at the hands of violent illegal immigrants who entered the country during the Biden administration.

“This is a specific policy decision by your administration to release these men into the country,” Baier said. “So what I’m saying to you, do you owe those families an apology?”

“Let me just say- first of all, those are tragic cases. There’s no question about that. There’s no question about that,” Harris said. “And I can’t imagine the pain that the families of those victims have experienced for a loss that should not have occurred. So that is true. It is also true that if [the border security bill] had actually been passed nine months ago, it would be nine months that we would have had more border agents at the border, more support for the folks who are working around the clock trying to hold it all together to ensure that no future harm would occur.”

Total deflection. Oh, and the interview was supposed to be around 20-25 minutes, her handlers ended it after 5 1/2. The American People deserve answer from those running for office and in office. This is not an aristocracy. They are supposed to answer to us.

Read: Kamala Harris Gets Annihilated By Bret Baier »

Harris Suddenly Supports Fossil Fuels

Has she come over to the “dark side”?

Harris touts oil production during 2024 run after saying companies need to ‘pay the price’ for climate change

Kamala Climate ClownVice President Kamala Harris is facing criticism for touting oil production under the Biden administration after becoming the Democratic nominee, while previously calling for such companies to “pay the price” for climate change.

During her 2019 presidential bid, Harris told voters that she was in favor of the Department of Justice investigating oil companies, such as Chevron and Shell, for “profiting off” pollution.

“These big oil companies, these fossil fuel companies, look, you should be really prepared to look at a serious fine or be charged with a crime. Because here’s the thing, these big oil companies and these fossil fuel companies have been making so much money and profiting off of this pollution,” Harris said.

They sure profit off the vast amounts of fossil fuels Biden and Harris, and now Walz, use to travel around, eh? And Kamala’s fossil fueled stove?

Yet, after becoming the Democratic nominee, the vice president began touting the “largest increase in domestic oil production in history” under the Biden-Harris administration.

“My position is that we have got to invest in diverse sources of energy so we reduce our reliance on foreign oil. We have had the largest increase in domestic oil production in history because of an approach that recognizes that we cannot over rely on foreign oil,” Harris said during the one and only presidential debate against former President Trump in swing state Pennsylvania.

“I am proud that as vice president over the last four years, we have invested a trillion dollars in a clean energy economy while we have also increased domestic gas production to historic levels,” Harris said.

Her buddy Tampon Tim signed a bill requiring 100% carbon neutral energy for Minnesota by 2040.

The U.S. Oil and Gas Association (OGA) slammed Harris’ resurfaced comment from the debate, saying Harris had “nothing to do” with domestic oil production growth.

“In just four years, you and POTUS created the single worst regulatory and legislative environment in our industry’s 160-year history. You’ve put into place 250 separate actions designed to put us out of business. You wanted to put our CEOs in jail, confiscate our capital and prevent our investors from getting any return,” OGA wrote in a post on X formerly Twitter, on Wednesday. “And in spite of all that – we worked around you, over you and have beat your team. Now you want to take credit for what we did in spite of you. Not gonna let it happen.”

Growth was in spite of the Biden-Harris admin, but, of course, Kamala is trying to win an election, and apparently thinks that patronizing those who want fossil fuels is the best way forward. I’m sure she’s privately informed the climate cult groups who back her that she’s not serious.

Read: Harris Suddenly Supports Fossil Fuels »

If All You See…

…is an area flooding from too much carbon pollution, you mightjust be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on Trump running a “dudes rock” campaign.

Sorry, a bit late. Meant to write this after the gym, got rushed to go in and see a customer.

Read: If All You See… »

Border Patrol Agents Plan To Leave Job If Harris Elected

Why would they want to continue to do a job in which political interference stops them from doing the job, and creates a situation where the border is being overrun, to the point that terrorists and gang members, not too mention rapists and murderers, are being let in?

Border patrol agents threaten to leave in droves if Kamala Harris wins: ‘Not doing this s–t again’

Border patrol agents are threatening to leave the critical federal agency in droves if Vice President Kamala Harris wins in November — with multiple agents telling The Post that they can’t face four more years of being undermined and scapegoated.

“I’m not doing this s–t again … four years of hell,” said one agent, who is nowhere near retirement.

Another agent said: “Lots of guys who can retire will go. If Trump wins, they’ll stay.”

On Monday the Border Patrol union, National Border Patrol Council, endorsed former President Donald Trump.

The Border Patrol has suffered massive turnover and plummeting morale under the Biden-Harris administration, insiders say.

The agency has shed more than 4,000 personnel since October 2020, leaving about 19,000 employees, according to the Washington Examiner.

Just like we’ve seen in Democrat run cities and states with cops retiring or leaving, the Border Patrol employees can retire or leave for a different job. They can head off to a local, county, or state police job elsewhere and not have to deal with the potential for diseases from “migrants” and horrible superiors in the White House.

But multiple agents, who talked to the Post anonymously for fear of backlash from their bosses, said that Harris is likely to take office with a massive staffing crisis at the agency if she is elected.

“We will have another exodus just because we will have a bunch of 20-year agents saying peace out,” one agent said.

He also believes the more experienced agents — with five to 10 years on the job, who do much of the grunt work of the Border Patrol — will use their skills to get other jobs.

See? Peace out.

“Under this administration, they’ve done everything they could to make our job as inefficient as possible. They can’t outwardly tell us not to do our job, but when you’re watching criminals come in and get released it sucks,” said one of the agents.

And they all know that the reduction in arrivals since Biden put the remain in Mexico policy in place (after calling it raaaaacist when Trump did it) was simply for the election, and, if Harris wins the policy will be removed (notice that none of the open borders left wing groups sued when Biden did it, wanting him to get re-elected, and now Kamala) and the border will be back to being mostly open, with the Border Patrol restricted from doing their jobs.

Read: Border Patrol Agents Plan To Leave Job If Harris Elected »

Bummer: PRC Police Realize EVs Virtually Unusable

The focus her is on Tesla, but, really, this applies to all EVs

California Cops Are Finding Out Teslas Are ‘Nearly Unusable’ As Police Cruises

Police in California are experiencing what happens when good intentions crash into reality. Police departments are transitioning to battery powered vehicles but those vehicles come with challenges that make cops’ jobs more difficult.

Good intentions? Why are the politicians requiring this not driving EVs for the most part?

California is all in on an electric future, planning to ban the sale of gas and diesel powered cars starting in 2035. To get ready for this brave new world some police departments started with buying a few Teslas. These departments immediately ran into serious problems using the vehicles as cruisers, such as a lack of charging infrastructure, inadequate interior space, expensive and lengthy retrofitting processes, interference from advanced driver safety assistance systems and more. Police Chief Cedric Crook for the Ukiah, California police department told San Francisco Gate he doesn’t think the department’s Model 3s will see action any time soon:

The car has other issues, namely size. Tesla back seats “only have room for one prisoner,” Crook said, limiting an officer’s ability to sequester suspects. With an all-Tesla police force, Crook believes incidents involving more than one party will require more officers to respond with more cars, putting strain on resources, all because of the tiny back seat. (snip)

Another concern Crook has about Teslas, and EVs broadly, comes from an essential lesson he was taught in the police academy: “In a firefight, hide behind the engine block.” In a Tesla, there is no engine block, leaving officers without their preferred cover, he said.

There’s also the issue of charging. While public chargers are on the rise, police have struggled to find and use them. And they say that stopping to charge while on a long haul with a dangerous suspect can put officers at undue risk. The Model Y is not much better than the Model 3, according to Menlo Park officers. Problems include cramped spaces for cops in bullet proof vests and duty belts leavelittle room for comfort and an inability to do cop things like jump curbs due to Autopilot programing.

The heck you say! There isn’t all that much room to put a perp in the back seat, especially if the cage with spit guard is installed.

But there is an obvious option here: Don’t use a Tesla. The Fort Bragg Police Department told SFGate using a F-150 Lightning as a patrol vehicle makes a lot more sense.

A Ford Explorer Police Edition will be under $60K, built to certain specification of strength, speed, able to do things like pit manuevers. A Lightning civilian edition runs upwards of $95K, and they would have to have the same modifications to be usable. The actual obvious answer is to use the best vehicle for the job. If fossil fueled vehicles are good enough for the politicians, they should be good enough for the people who have to deal with criminals and put their lives on the line.

Read: Bummer: PRC Police Realize EVs Virtually Unusable »

Biden-Harris Admin Threatens Israel With Arms Embargo

What, exactly, is the point of this threat against an ally who is fighting against Islamic terrorists who also hate America? Is this an attempt to sway the Islamists here in America to vote for Harris, why also blowing off Jews?

US threatens Israel with arms embargo over Gaza aid

The United States has warned Israel that military aid could be restricted unless it takes steps to improve the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, in one of the more serious disputes between the two arch-allies since the October 7 massacre attack.

The State Department, the White House, and the Pentagon confirmed that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin sent a letter on the issue to Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer.

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said that the private correspondence made “clear our concerns about the levels of humanitarian assistance that have been making it into Gaza.”

US National Security Communications adviser John Kirby said the letter “follows a marked decrease in humanitarian assistance, which has us concerned and which prompted the expression of the of those concerns in writing. We want that situation turned around now as soon as possible.”

Well, gee wiz, perhaps if Hamas wasn’t taking all that aid, including as the terrorist supporters at UNRWA work with Hamas. The solution is very simple: Hamas stands down and disarms, releases the hostages, and the normal Gazans need to stop helping Hamas.

But, really, this was leaked in order to show Islamists in places like Dearborn and Minneapolis that the Biden-Harris admin is on their side, and screw those Jews. Notice the Biden-Harris regime has zero demands for Hamas.

Read: Biden-Harris Admin Threatens Israel With Arms Embargo »

News Media Shocked Over The Disconnect Between Caring About ‘Climate Change’ Action And Actually Voting For It

Seriously, the climate cult has grown over the past 35+ years into a full on cult, and this is the best their spreading awareness can do

Climate change is a concern for many young CT voters, but not a top one

Tons of Connecticut’s young voters say climate change is a big issue. But how many of them are basing their vote on it?

WSHU’s Ebong Udoma spoke with CT Mirror’s Jan Ellen Spiegel to discuss her article, “Is climate change a key issue for young voters? It’s complicated,” as part of the collaborative podcast Long Story Short. Read Jan’s article here.

WSHU: Hello, Jan. Climate change has been an issue of concern for young Americans for a while now. You recently spoke with about a dozen students at an environmental research class at Three River Community College in Norwich. You talked about voting. Were you surprised by the responses you got? (snip)

WSHU: Let’s start with the polling. What information were you able to get out of the polling? Because I understand the Connecticut Mirror did a poll with MassINC Polling Group in September. And then there was also a Sacred Heart University poll, which was done with GreatBlue.

JES: Well, again, it’s a little bit of extrapolation in that, let’s take the polling that the Connecticut Mirror did. There was really just one question in there, in terms of the issues that people, broadly, not just young people, cared about. And it was really phrased, which issue mattered most? There were a number of issues. Climate was pretty far down the pretty long list, although 42% of people mentioned it, which is reasonably high, especially given the history of where environmental issues have stood in terms of interest over time, not just climate issues. Then if you broke it out by age group, what I discovered was that the 60-year-old plus group had a 46% interest in it, but the 18 to 29-yea- old group was down a little from that point at 43%. But here’s the thing, it didn’t specifically say, what issue are you going to be most interested in voting on? It just gaged the interest.

Interest, eh? But, they really do not live the life

…The Sacred Heart University Institute for Sustainability and Social Justice poll was specifically a national youth survey, and they discovered that something like three quarters of the youth they surveyed, and some of them were below voting age, 15 to 29 was their group. Again, you didn’t have groups that comported with each other. Everybody was doing different age groups. Three quarters of them said they were worried about climate change. 55% of them said they were worried enough to have legitimate anxiety about it. But when you ask them, What are you going to be doing in the next six months to essentially deal with that, like voting, it just plummeted down to overall, about 36%. They broke it out by regions, the northeast region came in at around 34%.

It’s easy to say you care in theory. It’s hard to do anything about it when real world issues interfere, and the Youts are seeing the results of BidenHarrisflation, high energy prices, deflated wages from the inflation, illegals/migrants taking jobs, decreasing economic conditions, and crime. The see the high cost of housing, and seem to be realizing that Democrats, which make up the majority of those pushing the climate cult, are doing it for authoritarian power.

So there’s this disconnect, and that also became an interesting issue, what the reason for the disconnect is. And on some level, it’s just that younger voters do not know. I mean, I hate to say this, they don’t necessarily know what’s going on out there. You have a great deal of ignorance about what the Biden administration, for instance, has done on the climate front. I heard over and over again, ‘Well, I don’t think either group has done enough.’ Now, as a reporter, seeing what I term just a fire hose of policy coming out for the last four years now, that was a bit of a head scratcher for me.

Gaslighting. But, then, the kiddies only see things in short bursts, as they do not seem to be able to concentrate on anything for more than a minute, as they flip from vid to vid. Regardless, this is the same for almost every election: climate scam looks important, then the real issues that actually affect people creep in, and they vote their wallets and their safety. Hence why Leftist politicians will force actions down the throats of voters.

Read: News Media Shocked Over The Disconnect Between Caring About ‘Climate Change’ Action And Actually Voting For It »

If All You See…

…is an evil carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post some big shot Dems feeling a loss coming.

Read: If All You See… »

Mystery Drones Sat Over US Military Bases For 17 Days in 2023, Biden-Harris Admin Did Nothing

Many are saying this should be an impeachable offense. Will anyone in the news media ask Kamala Harris what she knew and when she knew it, and why her administration did nothing?

Unknown drone fleet breached US military base airspace in Virginia for 17 straight days: report

A mysterious fleet of drones entered restricted airspace and swarmed a U.S. military base along the Virginia coast for 17 days late last year, stumping the Pentagon, according to a new report.

For several nights last December, U.S. military personnel reported witnessing a fleet of unknown unmanned aircraft breach restricted airspace over a stretch of land at Langley Air Force Base along Virginia’s shore, the Wall Street Journal first reported.

The drones would start to arrive about 45 minutes to an hour after sunset each night, one official reportedly told U.S. Air Force Gen. Mark Kelly, who joined several other officers responsible for the country’s most advanced jet fighters, including F-22 Raptors, on a squadron rooftop.

Kelly described the first drone he saw as roughly 20 feet long and flying at more than 100 miles an hour, at an altitude of roughly 3,000 to 4,000 feet. As many as a dozen or more drones followed, flying across Chesapeake Bay, and then traveling toward Norfolk, Virginia, and through a space overlooking the base for the Navy’s SEAL Team Six and Naval Station Norfolk, the world’s largest naval port, according to the Journal.

These would not be privately owned drones, not at that size and speed

The report said officials could not determine if hobbyists or adversaries – such as China or Russia – were responsible for the drone fleet. Reports of the matter reached President Biden and resulted in two weeks of meetings at the White House in December 2023, the Journal reported. Those meetings included the Defense Department, the FBI and the Pentagon’s UFO office, as well as outside experts.

No. Have you ever seen a hobbyist flying a 20 foot drone? The air space over military bases is restricted below 400 feet, and some bases have total restrictions, where planes have to fly around them. In fairness, it was more than just huge drones, others were involved

Two months before the drone fleet emerged in Virginia, five mysterious drones reportedly breached restricted airspace over a government nuclear weapons experiment site in Nevada.

The originating article at the WSJ, which is paywalled, of course, notes (via Twitchy)

Federal law prohibits the military from shooting down drones near military bases in the U.S. unless they pose an imminent threat. Aerial snooping doesn’t qualify, though some lawmakers hope to give the military greater leeway.

Reports of the drones reached President Biden and set off two weeks of White House meetings after the aircraft first appeared in December last year. Officials from agencies including the Defense Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Pentagon’s UFO office joined outside experts to throw out possible explanations as well as ideas about how to respond.

Large drones flying over military bases and a nuclear weapons site sure seems like an imminent threat. Biden-Harris held meetings while allowing someone to spy on bases and such

Over 17 days, the [Virginia] drones arrived at dusk, flew off and circled back… They also were nearly impossible to track, vanishing each night despite a wealth of resources deployed to catch them. Gen. Glen VanHerck, at the time commander of the U.S. Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command, said drones had for years been spotted flying around defense installations. But the nightly drone swarms over Langley [Air Force base], he said, were unlike any past incursion…

Analysts learned that the smaller quadcopters didn’t use the usual frequency band available for off-the-shelf commercial drones — more evidence that the drone operators weren’t hobbyists.

Near the end of the article, we learn that the feds busted a Chinese student from the U of Minnesota as he was boarding a flight to China in January 2024

On Jan. 18, federal agents arrested Fengyun Shi as he was about to board a flight to China on a one-way ticket. Shi told FBI agents he was a ship enthusiast and hadn’t realized his drone crossed into restricted airspace. Investigators weren’t convinced. but found no evidence linking him to the Chinese government. They learned he had bought the drone on sale at a Costco in San Francisco the day before he traveled to Norfolk. U.S. prosecutors charged Shi with unlawfully taking photos of classified naval installations, the first case involving a drone under a provision of U.S. espionage law. The 26-year-old Chinese national pleaded guilty and appeared in federal court in Norfolk on Oct. 2 for sentencing. Magistrate Judge Lawrence Leonard said he didn’t believe Shi’s story — that he had been on vacation and was flying drones in the middle of the night for fun. “There’s significant holes,” the judge said in court.

“If he was a foreign agent, he would be the worst spy ever known,” said Shi’s attorney, Shaoming Cheng. “I’m sorry about what happened in Norfolk,” Shi said before he was sentenced to six months in federal prison.

But “U.S. officials have yet to determine who flew the Langley drones or why…”

And had you heard this story before? You’d think it was big. Yet, no news of it at the time. Was kept hush hush. Didn’t want to interfere with Biden’s re-election campaign, eh?

Read: Mystery Drones Sat Over US Military Bases For 17 Days in 2023, Biden-Harris Admin Did Nothing »

Pirate's Cove