If All You See…

…is the need for an umbrella because ‘climate change’ creates sudden downpours, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Salon saying Trump is the devil.

Read: If All You See… »

Fences Work: Feds Start Putting Them Up In Washington, D.C.

Why put them up around the White House and VP residence? Biden and Harris have both stated that fences do not stop people from coming in

Security fencing goes up around White House, Capitol, VP residence

New security fencing went up around the White House, U.S. Capitol and Vice President Harris’s residence in Washington, D.C. as authorities prepare for Election Day in the event there may be political unrest in the coming days.

The Secret Service constructed eight-foot-high metal fences around the White House and Treasury Department complex and the adjacent parts of Lafayette Square, the Naval Observatory and Harris’s house in D.C., The Washington Post reported.

At the Capitol, previously used temporary bicycle-rack barriers stated “Police Line: Do not cross,” surrounding the perimeter.

Harris will spend Election Night at her alma mater, Howard University, in D.C. The Washington, D.C. Police Department said in a post Sunday that there will be street closures, no parking zones and transit detours for the surrounding area.

The DC police are taking more stringent measures to keep people away than Biden-Harris do at our Southern border. And, let’s be honest, the people most likely to get violent, to riot, to commit arson, and just general mayhem, are Harris supporters. Other than J6, you aren’t going to find Republicans doing this.

The Secret Service also have plans for physical security measures outside of the West Palm Beach, Fla. convention center where former President Trump will host an event on Election Night, the outlet reported.

Well, of course. That’s what they are supposed to do, especially since Democrats have already taken a couple shots (that we know about) at assassinating Trump, and there’s a good chance that Democrats will get violent and unruly if it looks like Trump will win.

Read: Fences Work: Feds Start Putting Them Up In Washington, D.C. »

Climate Cult Wonders If Authoritarianism Is On The Rise Due To Global Boiling

Is it? Obviously, the Warmists at Grist believe so or they wouldn’t run this “we’re just wondering” piece

Authoritarianism is on the rise. Is climate change to blame?

In November 2013, one of the strongest tropical cyclones in history made landfall in the Philippines. Known locally as Super Typhoon Yolanda, the storm pummeled the island country with 235-mile-per-hour gusts and a 17-foot storm surge; picked up limousine-sized boulders as easily as plastic bottles and deposited them hundreds of feet away; and officially killed 6,300 people, although the true death toll was likely much higher.

Rodrigo Duterte, then the longtime mayor of Davao City, made headlines for traveling some 400 miles to one of the worst-ravaged areas of the country, along with a convoy of medical and relief workers and roughly $150,000 in cash. He announced that he’d told security forces to shoot any looters who might try to intercept the convoy. (He went on to clarify, “I told them to just shoot at the feet. … They can have prosthetics after, anyway.”) As a presidential candidate in 2016, Duterte slammed his opponent, the former interior secretary, for allegedly misspending Yolanda recovery funds. He won in a landslide.

Over the next six years, Duterte proved that his foul-mouthed maverick shtick wasn’t harmless posturing. He presided over a brutal war on drugs in which police and vigilantes — emboldened by the president — killed as many as 30,000 peopleimposed martial law on an island home to 22 million for two and a half years, and signed a law that gave law enforcement broad authority to arrest and detain suspects without warrants.

So, a hurricane hits, a strongman takes over (something which is rather normal in that part of the world), and it is all your fault.

The past decade or so has given rise to a grim parade of Duterte-like candidates around the world — politicians who have obliterated the bounds of acceptable political discourse, scapegoated religious and ethnic minorities, dismissed journalism as fake news, sought to imprison their rivals, and undermined democratic checks and balances. In India, commonly referred to as “the world’s largest democracy,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi has vilified Muslims and carried out a campaign promise to build a Hindu temple on the site of a mosque razed by Hindu mobs. In Brazil, former President Jair Bolsonaro promoted a bill that would strip Indigenous tribes of control of their lands and unsuccessfully plotted a coup to remain in power after losing reelection. And in the United States, former President Donald Trump — currently running for reelection — separated immigrant children from their parents and incited a horde of supporters to attack the U.S. Capitol.

See? Because you drive a fossil fueled vehicle Bad Things happen. Anyhow, this goes on and on and on. I saw this over at Watts Up With That?, which was reprinted from Climate Realism, as written by Linnea Lueken, with the title

Wrong, Grist, Climate Change Isn’t Causing a Rise in Authoritarianism


It may sound like an alright or reasonable conclusion at a shallow level, it is true that uncertainty and instability can lead to the rise of corrupt leadership, but the idea that climate change is generating these conditions is false.

I hate to disagree, but, the climate crisis (scam) is creating authoritarianism, though Grist has it exactly backwards. Authoritarians have always risen. Such is life on Earth. But, those rising from ‘climate change’ are the Warmists themselves. I’ve said thousands of times “for the sake of argument, let’s agree that the slight increase in global temperatures since 1850 are mostly/solely caused by the actions of Mankind, particularly the burning of fossil fuels: so, why is almost every policy being pushed by the Cult of Climastrology, especially by the big wigs, all about more and more government control over our individual lives? Why is that power trying to be centralized? Why are they trying to limit your freedom of speech, of movement, of where you can live, what you are allowed to eat?”

The climate cult is, at it’s core, Authoritarian. That’s who these people are. James Delingpole calls them watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside. The commies/Socialists/Progressives infiltrated the enviro movement after the Soviet Union fell, then took over the climate movement, as it was a perfect platform to push their massive government policies. They’ve brainwashed a huge number of people into believing that Big Government is the way.

Read: Climate Cult Wonders If Authoritarianism Is On The Rise Due To Global Boiling »

It Could Take Days To Get A Winner, But, It’s Totally Not Fraud Or Something

The Credentialed Media has been running these pieces for a few days, and here’s the latest

Why we might not get a presidential winner on election night
Even if takes days to declare who won, it doesn’t mean there’s been fraud.

On Nov. 5, voters across the United States will head to the polls to cast their ballots in the 2024 presidential race between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. But as was the case in 2020, they might not know the results on election night.

That’s because it takes time to count the votes — record numbers of which have been cast before Election Day. And in a race that’s expected to be extraordinarily close, more votes will need to be counted before a winner can be called.

For this election, some swing states, including Nevada and Michigan, have new laws and policies designed to expedite ballot counts. But others, including the battlegrounds of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, still don’t allow the counting of absentee and mail-in ballots until Election Day — which could prolong the process of declaring a winner, especially in such a tightly contested presidential election.

“We are counting ballots faster than ever before,” David Becker, executive director of the nonpartisan Center for Election Innovation & Research, said on a call with reporters. “But when the margins get tighter, it takes more ballots to count until we can call a race.”

Here’s an idea: stop allowing mail-in ballots due to people being lazy. It’s fine for the disabled (though I do see them getting to curbside early voting), students out of state, people in the hospital. Stuff like that. But, because you just can’t be bothered to get your ass up and go wait in line? That’s what adults do.

“I think it’s likely towards the end of the week — Thursday, maybe Friday — we should have an idea of who won the presidency,” Becker said in response to a question from Yahoo News.

The media is simply setting the stage. Why could the U.S. count these before without problems? Why could India count in a day?

Even if it does take days to declare a winner, as it did in 2020, it doesn’t mean anything nefarious is going on. It just means the election was as close as it was expected to be.

“It’s normal that it takes a period of days to get results,” Becker said. “That’s the way it should be.”

“We want them done accurately,” he added. “And anyone who is casting doubt on that process while that process is ongoing probably thinks that they lost.”

And why does it seem that the majority of areas that take so long are battleground states, especially in the districts/counties run by Democrats? And why do all the late tallies tend to benefit Democrats? Why are there all these irregularities, counting sites being kept secret, Republicans kept out, Republican observers kept out, boxes just appearing, ballots postmarked too late or not at all?

Nothing instills confidence in the voting public like taking days to tell everyone the winner of an election! I wonder how many votes they will “find”, how many water pipes will break, and what districts will find boxes of ballots in someone’s car! Honestly, every state should be required to have the ability to process all votes in 24 hours. This is a setup to cheat. If we had an honest, non-partisan media they’d be asking questions, not playing coverup.

Read: It Could Take Days To Get A Winner, But, It’s Totally Not Fraud Or Something »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution driven rain, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Clear Science, with a post on the IPCC saying Himalayan glaciers will be gone by 2035.

It’s umbrella week

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup I Voted

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the Dodgers won the World Series. This pinup is by Robert Skemp, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. LMAO: Democrat Voters Flock To States With Same-Day Registration/Voting
  2. IOTW Report: “Officers raided my house as if I was a drug dealer.”
  3. Hot Air: Why Peanut the Squirrel Matters
  4. Jihad Watch: Islamic scholar on Israel: ‘If you manage to conquer it, you can conquer the West’
  5. Legal Insurrection: San Jose State U. Suspends Volleyball Coach Who Spoke Out About Male Player
  6. Moonbattery: Kamala Harris and Cardi B
  7. Neo-neocon: Election fraud allegations: here, there, and everywhere
  8. Outside The Beltway: Jazz Shaw, 1959-2024
  9. Pacific Pundit: Kamala the cackling clown headed to Saturday Night Live
  10. Powerline: Dems Gone Crazy
  11. Shot In The Dark: Doakes Sunday: What The Hell Is Going On…Everywhere? (at the time of me adding this to the list, there were 5 follow up posts about irregularities)
  12. Sultan Knish: Schumer’s Jewish Support Crashed After Attacking Israel
  13. The American Conservative: Harris and Walz Declare War on America
  14. The First Street Journal: And these are the people the ‘Palestinian’ supporters admire?
  15. And last, but, not least, The Gateway Pundit has Desperate New York Governor Kathy Hochul Says if You Vote for Republicans in NY You’re Anti-American (VIDEO)

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

NY Times Wonders Why Kamala Is Having Such A Hard Time Beating Trump

Will they dink and dunk around the real reasons?

Why Are Democrats Having Such a Hard Time Beating Trump?

Whatever happens Tuesday, it’s fair to say this campaign has not gone as smoothly as Democrats expected.

In the wake of the midterms, Donald J. Trump appeared to be finished. He may still lose, of course, but he clearly wasn’t “disqualified” — as many expected — by Jan. 6, several criminal indictments or an overturning of Roe v. Wade by his Supreme Court appointees. If voters disqualified any candidate in 2024, it was the sitting president, not the felon who attempted to overturn the last election.

How is Mr. Trump still so competitive? The simplest answer is that the national political environment just isn’t as conducive to a Democratic victory as many might imagine.

Democrats clearly face headwinds in this election. In the last New York Times/Siena College poll, only 40 percent of voters approved of President Biden’s performance, and only 28 percent said the country was heading in the right direction. No party has retained control of the White House when so many Americans were dissatisfied with the country or the president.

Hmm, that’s a hell of a good reason. Then you have a guy with serious mental breakdown, who then gets replaced with Word Salad who has never had a good approval rating, did nothing but open the border and go with everything that Biden’s handler’s wanted.

The polls suggest the challenge for Democrats runs even deeper. For the first time in decades, Republicans have pulled even or ahead in nationwide party identification. Polls also find Republicans with the an edge on most key issues — with democracy and abortion standing as significant exceptions.

Could it be that Democrats who have been in the White House since 2001 and controlled the Senate have messed things up that bad?

The Democrats’ challenge appears to be part of a broader trend of political struggles for ruling parties across the developed world. Voters appear eager for change when they get the chance. The ruling parties in Britain, Germany, Italy, Australia and most recently Japan all lost power. Mr. Trump himself lost four years ago. France and Canada might well join the list.

Oh, see, it’s the same around the world, not the horrible agenda of the Democrats and how bad Kamala is, right?

On issue after issue, Democrats have responded by moving to the right. Most obviously, Ms. Harris had to back away from positions she took when the progressive cultural ascendancy was near its peak in 2019 — a ban on fracking, Medicare for all and so on. But the Democratic shift isn’t simply about backing away from positions taken during a Democratic primary. Across the board, Democrats have de-emphasized policies they preached with confidence to a general electorate only a few years ago.

Nah, they’ve lied about their positions, and Kamala and her Comrades will go right back to their real positions. Really, though, this article is mostly about Orange Man Bad and how dare people support him!

How wokeness could cost the Democrats the election

This time around, Hillary Clinton is not lamenting Republican ‘deplorables’. She has chosen instead, along with Kamala Harris, to label Donald Trump and his supporters as out-and-out fascists. Different words but the same meaning: anyone who backs the GOP candidate in next week’s US presidential election is an enabler for modern-day blackshirts or stormtroopers.

But for many Americans, the real ‘deplorables’ are to be found among Harris’s backers, such as the tech oligarchs who dominate the economy, the financiers of Wall Street or the moguls of mainstream media. Think of the likes of Bill Gates, who just forked in $50million to the Harris campaign.

Even more detested by most of the public are the ‘progressive’ activist class that has embraced Harris and shaped her past record. This group, as the author Musa al-Gharbi writes in his new book, We Have Never Been Woke, constitutes ‘a new elite’. Trained as ‘symbolic analysts’, these often flailing graduates and professionals now represent a revolutionary class pushing the Democrats towards the ideological loony bin. As long as Harris and the Democrats remain in thrall to the activists’ progressive ideology, they will be tarred with their widely unpopular views on everything from climate change to transgenderism, race quotas and immigration.

And therein lies a big problem: a small number of Elites are trying to run everything, and Fuck You Stupid Plebes for not going along with it.

Read: NY Times Wonders Why Kamala Is Having Such A Hard Time Beating Trump »

Bummer: World Still Clinging To Fossil Fuels, Despite Pledges

Um, who was making the pledges?

‘Waiting in vain’: year on from pledge, world clings to fossil fuels

One year after world leaders issued the landmark call for a global move away from fossil fuels, nations are failing to turn that promise into action, say climate diplomats, campaigners and policy experts.

Countries are being urged not to lose sight of that historic agreement ahead of November’s COP29 climate negotiations, where fossil fuels are not top priority.

Despite last year’s climate deal calling for the first time on countries to “transition away from fossil fuels”, major economies are still planning oil and gas expansions in the decades ahead. (snip)

Global emissions — caused mainly by fossil fuels — are at record highs, pushing concentrations of planet-warming greenhouse gases to unprecedented levels, two UN agencies reported.

Since inking the watershed COP28 pact in Dubai “leaders have been grappling with how to turn those commitments into reality”, said Katrine Petersen from E3G, a policy think tank.

Yeah, well, all those “world leaders” who inked the pact sure use a hell of a lot of fossil fuels themselves. They used a hell of a lot just to travel to Dubai and then return home. And continue to use a heck of a lot more than the average citizen, even among 1st World nations.

“When we talk about climate pledges we are talking about more than just arbitrary, empty words,” said Andreas Sieber from activist group 350.org.

Let’s start with all the “leaders” signing these pledges and all the climate cult groups and members pushing for them. Let’s see them give up their own use, rather than always telling others they must give up their own use, usually at the barrel of government force.

Read: Bummer: World Still Clinging To Fossil Fuels, Despite Pledges »

If All You See…

…is carbon pollution spewing beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is If You are Left you ain’t Right, with a post on Liz Cheney being anything but principled.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden-Harris Jobs Market Has Been Great For Foreigners

For Americans? Not so much

Kamala’s Opportunity Economy: Foreign Workers Score Over 1 Million Jobs, Nearly 800K Americans Lose Jobs

Foreign workers have gained tremendously in the job market as native-born Americans continue to fall out of the workforce on President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s watch, the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows.

The report details an alarming trend, chronicled for years by Breitbart News, where foreign-born workers in the Biden-Harris economy score nearly all job gains and native-born Americans are left behind, out of the labor market.

“Over the last year, native-born Americans have lost almost 800k jobs while foreign-born workers have gained over 1 million jobs; the U.S. labor market is turning into a temp agency for foreign workers and gov’t bureaucrats,” Heritage Foundation Economist E.J. Antoni writes.

At the same time, as Antoni points out, “native-born Americans still have fewer jobs today than before the pandemic (-873,000) while all net job growth has gone to foreign-born workers (+3.7 million).”

It’s not breaking down how many are here illegally, how many are migrants declaring asylum, and how many are on visas

“Many Americans aren’t happy with the economy because they’re not the ones with the jobs,” Antoni writes on X.

Americans have never been happy with companies importing workers and replacing Americans in their jobs. It’s been going on for a while, and we heard the same complaints for decades, but, it has gotten much worse under Biden-Harris, particularly with all the migrants, over 90% of whom will not qualify for asylum but won’t get that hearing for 5-8 years, if they even show up, as Democrats push for them to get work permits.

Read: Biden-Harris Jobs Market Has Been Great For Foreigners »

Pirate's Cove