Doctors: Returning To Pre-COVID Habits Has Risks

They’re actually correct in this, which is why I’ve repeatedly said here, on Twitter, in comment sections, and in real life that I’m fine with continued social distancing, not shaking hands or fist bumping, not touching except for close friends and family, washing my hands more than I did prior, and just doing things differently. Yes, I’m fully vaccinated, but, it’s not really COVID that concerns me

There’s a downside to returning to pre-COVID-19 hygiene habits — colds and sore throats are back, doctors say

Many things Americans gave up over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic are coming back, from parties and meals out to hugs and movies. Normalcy also has a downside — the return of colds, sore throats and the sniffles

“People are taking off their masks, they’re no longer socially distancing, they’re not washing their hands as much and they’re getting sick again,” said Dr. Aaron Glatt, CEO of Mount Sinai hospital in South Nassau, New York.

Getting back to normal “comes at a price,” said Glatt, who is also a fellow with the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

After a year of almost no colds, no runny noses and no watery eyes, the minor viruses kept in control by COVID-19 restrictions are making a comeback.

I haven’t had a cold or the flu, even minor, since prior to COVID. Allergies have messed with me just as much, even while wearing a mask, so, rather puts the whole masking thing to lie. If I’m wearing a mask properly and getting a lot of pollen on my face and in my nose, well, pollen is bigger than a virus, right?

Of most importance was influenza, which was at an all-time low this year. The flu season ends in April or May, so it’s not likely to rear up during the summer. But other annoying, though less dangerous viruses, are still out there.

Not having to deal with commonplace colds and viruses has made this “a remarkable year,” said Dr. Clifford Medina, chief of general medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami.

In Atlanta, Dr. Jennifer Shu, a pediatrician and the medical editor of Healthy Children magazine, is seeing an uptick in colds, RSV, rotavirus (which causes vomiting and diarrhea) and strep throat.

“We haven’t had a case of COVID (among our patients) since March 12, but we’re seeing all kinds of run-of-the-mill viruses,” she said. “It’s not more than normal. It’s just a stark contrast from seeing nothing for a year except COVID.”

And the big problem, besides being sick, which sucks, right, is that your boss might go “well, we have to be sure, we’ll see you in 15 days.” And now you’re out for just over two weeks. Even with a negative COVID test, and might there start being fewer testing sites soon(?), they might tell you to stay away for 15 days. And, it stinks to have a cold or the flu. Or something else. And people will be really reticent on dealing with you if you have the aftereffects when you get back.

“Some cold viruses are a little hardier than COVID-19, they last longer on surfaces,” she said. Not being careful about hand-washing or touching the face with hands means they have more chance of jumping to new hosts, he said.

So, yeah, I’ll continue doing my thing. The original directives: wash your hands, don’t touch your face (that’s where the mask helped the most), social distance, don’t touch. I’ve seen how people do not wash their hands. In the past I’ve seen the nastiness on their phones. If some people are upset I won’t shake hands, that’s on them. Times have changed. Perhaps I’ll have to start carrying hand sanitizer around again.

Going forward, Americans would do well to continue practicing the things learned during COVID-19. That doesn’t mean washing down groceries, or never seeing friends or loved ones. But a little care makes a big difference, experts say.


Read: Doctors: Returning To Pre-COVID Habits Has Risks »

Totally Unbiased News And Observer Receives Grant To Publish More Climate Cult Material

Why are newspapers accepting grants to publish certain “news”?

News & Observer receives grant to bolster coverage of climate change, the environment

The News & Observer and The Herald-Sun will add a full-time climate change and environment reporter starting June 1, thanks to a grant from the 1Earth Fund.

The 1Earth Fund is a private nonprofit foundation that finances efforts to provide education and information about climate change, its effects and solutions to the problem.

Adam Wagner has been selected by the N&O as its new climate change and environment reporter. Wagner has worked with the paper for two years as a Report For America corps member. RFA places reporters in newsrooms across the country to help bolster local news coverage. Wagner has covered hurricane recovery and, since the start of the pandemic, efforts to create and distribute a coronavirus vaccine.

“We’re grateful to the 1Earth Fund for recognizing that credible and independent news and information on critical issues can help solve intractable problems,” said Robyn Tomlin, president and editor of The News & Observer and The Herald-Sun. “We’re excited to have a talented reporter like Adam Wagner transitioning into this role.”

They’re grateful that they’re news reporting is being bought by a far left outlet? How is it possible to even pretend to be a neutral news service? Let’s find out about Report For America

Report for America is an organization that seeks to place journalists in local newsrooms all around the country. The organization is modeled after the U.S. government agency Americorps which sends members to assist on various projects all over the country.

Report for America helps newsrooms across the country hire journalists. It also seeks to hire journalists to cover areas that are traditionally ignored by the national media.

Report for America is a joint project of Google News Lab and The GroundTruth Project, both organizations associated with the political left-of-center.

So, the N&O is going to publish propaganda, and they are actually going to have several “reporters” from RFA working on not just the climate change scam, but “one covering housing and the pandemic, and one covering diverse communities in and around the Triangle.”

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the climate scam

Top Scientist Cuts Ties With National Lab After It Invited A Climate Denier To Speak

Ben Santer, one of the world’s best-known climate scientists, announced this week he is severing ties with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory after the federal research facility invited a climate denier to give a book talk this Thursday.

Santer had planned to retire from the lab, where he has worked for 29 years, in September, but would continue his award-winning atmospheric research on a part-time basis and maintain his affiliation.

But in a blog post published Monday, the MacArthur “Genius” grant recipient said his employer failed to “adequately address” concerns he raised with hosting physicist Steve Koonin to speak about his new book, “Unsettled,” which sows doubt over the reality of human-causing global warming. Santer cast the decision to allow Koonin, a New York University professor, to promote his polemic at an official lab event as a betrayal of the research conducted there for decades.

If a scientist is unwilling to listen to other views, other scientific data, they should stop calling themselves scientists. Science requires lots of viewpoints, as science can change with new data. And, heck, Santer didn’t have to go to the book talk. But, no, he freaked and quit early. It’s a cult. And now those of us here in the Raleigh area will have a cultist writing lots of material which you know will be front page.

Read: Totally Unbiased News And Observer Receives Grant To Publish More Climate Cult Material »

China Joe Admin Broadcasts On Snapchat To Push Vaccinations

I’m sure this is just what the youngsters flicking through profiles looking to hook up (yeah, and I guess there are funny dogs and other things. And adult ones) want to see, right? A bunch of oldies yapping at theme to get vaccinated

White House teams up with Snapchat to encourage Covid vaccinations for young Americans

The White House this week is teaming up with Snapchat to encourage young Americans to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Starting Wednesday, Snapchat users will be able to use an augmented reality lens that features President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Dr. Anthony Fauci and viral immunologist Kizzmekia Corbett answering questions about the vaccine.

“Hey folks, we have to get vaccinated. The new variants are affecting young people. Getting the vaccine’s going to prevent you from spreading it to your friends and to your family. Let’s end the Covid crisis once and for all, now,” Biden says during the augmented reality experience, first shared with CNN, which mimics a video call with the President.

The Snapchat experience also includes an augmented reality call from Harris, who shares a link to — where Snapchat users can find their nearest vaccination sites – and lets users know that Uber and Lyft will provide free rides to vaccination sites, as well as information from Fauci, who tells Snapchat users that vaccinations will protect them from the current Covid-19 variants.

“A fully vaccinated person right now will be protected against the variants that are currently circulating in the country,” Fauci says.

These are the same people who keep wearing masks around others who are fully vaccinated, who wear them outside when not near anyone. Who had been basically telling people that they shouldn’t change from all the same COVID restrictions even though vaccinated. I’m sure that helps.

But people 24 and younger are getting vaccine doses at much lower rates than their older counterparts, according to data from the CDC. Experts are turning their focus in the fight against Covid-19 to vaccinating young Americans, warning that even though they don’t face a high chance of serious illness, they still risk long-term symptoms if they get coronavirus.

Apparently they don’t feel like putting anything that hasn’t been tested for years in their bodies. Drugs and weird alcohol is perfectly fine.

Earlier this week, the White House joined a group of YouTube creators for a virtual conversation to fight youth vaccine hesitancy, Yahoo News reported. And last week, the White House teamed up with a number of dating apps to offer incentives to customers who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus. (snip)

According to Snap Inc., Snapchat’s parent company, the app reaches 90% of young people ages 13-24 in the United States as well as 75% of the 13- to 34-year-old US population.

Is this what you want to see?

It kinda makes you wonder: we keep hearing that Dems are super thrilled about the virus and are getting it, while Republicans are the problem. Yet, most of these kids vote Democrat.

Read: China Joe Admin Broadcasts On Snapchat To Push Vaccinations »

Your Fault: Turkey Struck By Sea Snot From Climate Crisis (scam)

That long shower you took? Followed by hanging in the air conditioning and eating bacon for breakfast? Your fault

Turkey struck by ‘sea snot’ because of global heating

When seen from above, it looks like a brush of beige swirled across the dark blue waters of the Sea of Marmara. Up close, it resembles a creamy, gelatinous blanket of quicksand. Now scientists are warning that the substance, known as sea snot, is on the rise as a result of global heating.

The gloopy, mucus-like substance had not been recorded in Turkish waters before 2007. It is created as a result of prolonged warm temperatures and calm weather and in areas with abundant nutrients in the water.

The phytoplankton responsible grow out of control when nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are widely available in seawater. These nutrients have long been plentiful in the Sea of Marmara, which receives the wastewater of nearly 20 million people and is fed directly from the nutrient-rich Black Sea.

In ordinary amounts, these tiny, floating sea plants are responsible for breathing oxygen into the oceans, but their overpopulation creates the opposite effect. Under conditions of stress, they exude a mucus-like matter that can grow to cover many square miles of the sea in the right conditions.

In most cases, the substance itself is not harmful. “What we see is basically a combination of protein, carbohydrates and fat,” said Dr Neslihan Özdelice, a marine biologist at Istanbul University. But the sticky substance attracts viruses and bacteria, including E coli, and can in effect turn into a blanket that suffocates the marine life below.

So, of course it’s your fault, even though it seems more about too much nitrogen and phosphorus, most likely from farming

“The main trigger is warming related to climate change, as phytoplankton grow during higher temperatures,” said Özdelice, noting that the seawater had warmed by 2-3C since preindustrial times. But since countering climate change requires a global and concerted effort, she urged Turkey to focus on factors it could control: overfishing and waste water discharges.

“This is also an outcome of overfishing because as filter feeders which consume phytoplankton are excessively hunted, it allows room for [phytoplankton and sea snot] to breed,” she said.

Even before the added pressure of climate change, the semi-enclosed Sea of Marmara could barely shoulder the burden of the densely populated and industrialised Marmara basin, Sarı said. “But as temperatures rise, the sea reacts in a completely different manner.

Or is it actually your fault, at least in terms of Hotcoldwetdry? It’s like they just throw ‘climate change’ in for the hell of it when the causation is something else. Because that’s what cults do.

Read: Your Fault: Turkey Struck By Sea Snot From Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is an evil pool, wasting precious non-renewable water, made with evil carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on the Jew hating Left striking big.

Read: If All You See… »

Police Hatred Is Causing Democrat Concern Over Elections

Gee, what a shame that Democrats will pay for their whole defund the police/police are horrible rhetoric

Upcoming races show Democrats grappling with police reform messaging

Democrats are grappling with how to message on police reform ahead of a number of high-profile local races and the 2022 midterm elections as shootings rise across the country.

Republicans successfully tied a number of Democrats to the defund the police movement in the 2020 general election, a tactic some centrist Democrats blame for their narrowed House majority.

Now, local and state races in 2021 could preview how the issue will play in 2022. In Philadelphia, for example, the city’s progressive District Attorney Larry Krasner overcame a primary challenge in what his allies saw as a win for the police reform movement. Meanwhile in New York City, Democratic primary candidate Andrew Yang warned earlier this month that defunding the police would be the wrong approach for the city. (snip)

Critics have tied the rise in violence to police funding cuts and other reforms. Advocates of police reform, on the other hand, are quick to point to factors besides police funding, including an unprecedented pandemic, and note that a one-year spike doesn’t necessarily foretell a trend.

Still, the increase could give Republicans an opening to put Democrats on the defensive, tying them once again to progressive calls to reallocate funds away from police departments. The strategy proved to be successful last year in more than half a dozen districts where Republican candidates ousted Democratic incumbents.

In the wake of George Floyd, Democrats have been calling for defunding the police, blaming all police of the actions of a few, for cutting their funding, for getting rid of all sorts of special units, replacing cops with civilians (those civilians would have most of the same powers as police, just without the gun, making them….police), taking away qualified immunity (but the politicians don’t want QI taken away from themselves). They’ve been saying lots of bad things about police. Police have been retiring/resigning in droves. Those left are prioritizing where they patrol and respond. They often refuse to become engaged during crime, wanting to avoid getting stuck in a bad situation.

That all certainly is a big cause in the spike in crime in primarily Democratic party run cities. Hence why many cities are backtracking on their defund messaging and actions, cities like Minneapolis. It’s easy for politicians to attempt to do things, as they are protected by law enforcement. Or hire private security.

Republicans say the strategy of tying Democrats to violence and the defund the police movement likely won’t play as well in large cities, but it could become an issue in some key districts.

“I think our urban areas and our cities, they’ve been mostly captured by the Democrats and particularly by the progressives, that it’s going to take a lot to shake those voters away from that sensibility,” Naughton said.

If Democrats want to keep voting for this, hey, let them suffer the consequences. They should be required to stay in their crime ridden cities. Portland used to be a pretty safe city. Now? It’s actually worse than Chicago.

Democratic Sen. Cory Booker (New Jersey) and Republican Sen. Tim Scott (South Carolina), who are both involved in the negotiations, have expressed hope recently about passing police reform through Congress.

“If you look at the heart and soul of the Democratic Party, the most loyal voting bloc African-American voters, doing something on police reform is not just a hope and wish, it’s a must,” Seawright said. “I don’t care how red or blue any district is or any state is, if you don’t turn out your base and you don’t speak to the bread and butter issues, barbershop and beauty salon issues, then you’re going to have an even deeper problem.”

Scott’s reform made sense, it didn’t demonize the police, and led to law and order. Hence, the Democrats filibustered it.

Read: Police Hatred Is Causing Democrat Concern Over Elections »

EVs Are About Environment Justice For POC Or Something

As Tom Nelson likes to say, “this isn’t about climate, is it?” Also “sounds like BS to me”

Electric cars are about environmental justice for Black and Hispanic Americans

The global auto industry has begun a historic shift from gas- and diesel-fueled cars to electric vehicles. President Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan seeks to speed up this transition by requesting billions of dollars to modernize the electric grid and build 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations.

Evidence shows that many Americans are eager to transition to EVs and participate in a clean energy economy. In a recent nationally representative consumer survey, 71% of drivers surveyed said they were interested in getting an electric car. But 48% said that lack of access to public charging infrastructure was holding them back, and 43% cited vehicle cost as a disincentive.

My research focuses on ways to make cities more sustainable, healthy and equitable places to live. In my view, making EVs and charging infrastructure accessible to all drivers is crucial for achieving clean transportation and energy justice.

People of color bear disproportionate harms from fossil fuels. For example, Black people in the U.S. are more likely than white people to live near oil refineries and petrochemical plants.

People who live in these neighborhoods experience higher levels of exposure to toxic emissions such as benzene, mercury and sulfuric acid than those who don’t live near these industries. They also have higher rates of heart disease, cancer and asthma.

Contamination from these facilities drives down home prices. Reduced property values make it hard for families to build wealth or sell their homes and move away from toxic pollutants.

I mean, Andrea Marpillero-Colomina is trying, she’s really trying. But, hey, if Liberals want to spend money they cannot afford on an EV, feel free. Practice what you preach.

Electric vehicles have the potential to greatly reduce air pollution from transportation. They also are less expensive to own and operate over time.

New EVs are rapidly reaching price parity with gas-powered cars. A Tesla sedan costs less than a comparable gas-powered BMW. Even when an EV’s sticker price is higher, significant savings on fuel and maintenance over time more than make up the difference.

That last link talks about the 15 year lifespan of a Tesla. People don’t keep cars that long. The average is four years. So the comparison actually favors the BMW. And most people are not buying what are called “top-line” cars, they’re buying Honda, Toyota, Kia, Hyundai, etc. And you can’t put a big family in an EV like you can a minivan or mid-sized SUV.

Expanded purchase incentives can help to steadily grow the number of EVs on the road. Currently, there are few subsidies available for buying used EVs, and none for people who lease their cars. Creating new financing programs for low- and moderate-income consumers who want to buy EVs can broaden access to clean cars.

A tax break won’t help when the EVs are outside their budget range to start with.

The electric vehicle transition has great potential to benefit Black and Latino communities, which are disproportionately affected by fossil fuel pollution. Carefully targeted incentives and investments can make clean cars accessible for everyone on the road, mitigate the harms caused by gas-powered vehicles and move the U.S. toward achieving energy and climate justice.

This isn’t about climate change, is it?

Read: EVs Are About Environment Justice For POC Or Something »

Democratic Party Run Areas See Spike In Anti-Jew Attacks

The Hill wants to say that the U.S. has seen this spike, and, while technically correct, the vast majority of these attacks have occurred in Democratic Party run cities, just like with the attacks on Asians of late

US sees startling rise in antisemitic attacks

The U.S. is experiencing a rise in violent and disturbing attacks targeting the U.S. Jewish community amid the latest conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Reported attacks across the United States have led to a growing alarm and a series of condemnations from President Biden, Vice President Harris, members of Congress and local officials.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) says reporting of antisemitic incidents has jumped 63 percent since the start of an 11-day war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip that received heavy media coverage in the United States and around the world.

A number of factors appear to have contributed to the attacks, most notably the new conflict in the Middle East.

Well, certainly the notion that the Democratic Party base has long been pro-Palestine and anti-Israel is a big one, especially when you have lots of elected Representatives, most notably Ilhan Omar, AOC, Rashiada Tlaib, and Ayanna Presley (mentioned late in the article), Blaming Israel and not condemning Hamas in the least. When this anti-Israel sentiment jumps into “Apartheid Israel” and other memes, it starts to become hatred of Jews. College campuses run by Democrats have long been hotbeds of Jew and Israel hatred, and pro-Palestinian terrorist. Let’s see what The Hill comes up with

Oren Segal, vice president of the ADL’s Center on Extremism, said it’s hardly uncommon for a flare-up in tensions between Israel and Palestine to lead to attacks on Jewish people elsewhere.

“That’s sort of the worst part and in some ways the most predictable part — seeing all Jews blamed for the policies of Israel, and that’s antisemitism and a standard practice,” he said.

Who’s blaming Israel? Democrats.

But Segal also said the trend is being exacerbated by social media and disinformation campaigns that gained a foothold amid record-breaking reports of antisemitism during the Trump administration.

And Blame Trump. Sigh. But, I guess he has a point, since Trump and his administration were decidedly pro-Israel. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Visiting the Wailing Wall. Not keeping Netanyahu waiting around like Obama did. Which meant the kneejerk reaction from Democrats was to Hate Jews and Israel even more.

Some of the attacks, recorded on cellphone video and documented by Jewish advocacy organizations, include reports of assaults on Jewish diners in Los Angeles last week by a group of men reportedly waving Palestinian flags and cursing Jews. Police on Saturday announced they had arrested one of the primary suspects on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon, and prosecutors are seeking additional charges for hate crimes.

In New York, police are reportedly investigating as a hate crime an assault on a 29-year-old Jewish man who was punched, kicked and pepper-sprayed by assailants reportedly cursing Jews and Israel.

Outside Chicago, police are investigating as a hate crime an attack against the Persian Hebrew Congregation in Skokie, where a window was broken and assailants left a sign reading “Freedom for Palestine” outside.

The ADL has also kept track of antisemitism and support for terror among nationwide protests in support of Palestinians, with demonstrators in multiple cities brandishing signs comparing Israel to Nazi Germany.

Those are all cities run by Republicans, are they not? It wasn’t Republicans running around with the disgusting signs.

The recent attacks on Jews are also being viewed as the most violent expression of a growing solidarity movement for Palestinian national aspirations that are boosted by an increased focus on racial and social justice in the U.S. in general.

So not Republicans going SJW?

On Monday, more than 500 Biden campaign staffers urged the White House to do more to support Palestinian rights and hold the Israeli government accountable.

“We ask that you work to end the underlying conditions of occupation, blockade, and settlement expansion that led to this exceptionally destructive period in a 73-year history of dispossession and ethnic cleansing,” the letter read.

That rhetoric is being viewed as part of the fuel inflaming the most recent spate of attacks on the American Jewish community.

“There is, I think, a view that if you speak of Israel as a racist enterprise, as a state that is enforcing apartheid, if you talk about ethnonationalism, if you talk about ethnic cleansing and genocide, all of these outrageous charges that one hears from voices on the far left, it can, illegitimately, tie into the racial justice movement sensibilities that were so evident, especially in the last year,” said Jason Isaacson, chief policy and political affairs officer with the American Jewish Committee, a global Jewish advocacy organization.

And the pro-terrorist/anti-Jew and Israel rhetoric is coming from China Joe’s White House. We’ve seen all sorts of people using Hamas rhetoric, things like “from the rivers to the sea”, which is a call for the elimination of Israel, wiping it from the map. There’s been long standing hatred of Israel from so many nations in the UN. You have all these nations cozying up to Iran. What do they think is going to happen? BDS is not something coming from Republicans. This is a Democratic Party issue.

Read: Democratic Party Run Areas See Spike In Anti-Jew Attacks »

The Climate Crisis (scam) Needs A New Culture And Politics Or Something

Once again, I’ll point out that Warmists, and even some Skeptics, used to give me guff back in the early 2000’s when I noted that this whole thing wasn’t about science, but authoritarian politics. More and more Warmists are opening up with their real agenda

The climate crisis requires a new culture and politics, not just new tech

resistanceOur society has come to believe that technology is the solution. Electricity from renewable sources, energy-efficient buildings, electric vehicles and hydrogen fuels are among the many innovations that we hope will play a decisive role in reducing emissions. Most of the mainstream climate-change models now assume some degree of “negative emissions” in the future, relying on large-scale carbon capture technology, despite the fact that it is far from ready to be implemented. And if all else fails, the story goes, we can geoengineer the Earth.

But the problem with this narrative is that it focuses on the symptoms, not the causes of environmental decay. Even if the technologies on which we pin our hopes for the future deliver as expected and do not lead to much collateral damage – both of which are huge assumptions – they will not have fixed our mindsets. This is a crisis of culture and politics, not of science and technology. To believe that we can innovate and engineer ourselves out of this mess is to miss the key lesson of the Anthropocene – that dealing with planetary-scale processes calls for humility, not arrogance.

What does this look like in practice? Changing the collective mindset of a civilisation calls for a shift in values. It means educating our children about humility and connectedness, rather than vanity and individuality. It means changing our relationship with consumption, breaking the spell of advertising, manufactured needs and status. It means political organising, generating demand for a politics that sees beyond the nation state, and beyond the lifespan of the currently living generations – Wales has already started, with its Wellbeing of Future Generations Act.

You will be forced to change by your Betters, who will still be able to go on with their lives with little change.

To solve climate change, the innovations we need are financial


But there was something else in the EIA report that caught my attention and perhaps deserves a bit more of all of our attention — how much investment in clean energy is needed. Take a look at this graph. The amount of money that was spent on clean energy in the last four years will need to be quadrupled in 2030 and again in 2050.

That’s no small feat. Especially when the investment world has been timid at best on clean energy over the last decade, although thankfully that’s starting to change.

This is going to mean a lot of taxation.

Read: The Climate Crisis (scam) Needs A New Culture And Politics Or Something »

If All You See…

(I’m guessing Imgr didn’t work this time. Replaced with Photobucket)

…is a raised living space for when the oceans flood the world from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on US winter temps tracking the AMO.

Photobucket was down on me this AM.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove