Surprise: Country Has Become More Divided Under China Joe

Mr. Unity. Mr. Bipartisanship. How’s that working out?

Poll: More Americans Believe Country Has Become Divided Under Joe Biden Presidency

A greater amount of Americans believe the country has become more divided since President Joe Biden took office than see the country as more united.

Twenty-eight percent of Americans believe the country is “more divided” under Biden compared to 23 percent of Americans who believe the country is “more united” under his leadership, according to an ABC News/Ipsos poll Sunday.

But the negative poll number for Biden, which contradicts the media’s narrative, did not stop ABC News from writing the headline, “Country optimistic after Biden’s 1st 100 days: POLL” with the subtitle reading, “Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction.”

They should take this poll again every few months, see how that works out. All the far left unhinged policies that have zero to do with unity and bipartisanship, with China Joe barely acknowledging elected Republican lawmakers. Almost every idea makes AOC and the Squad happy. But, all you Republican Never Trumpers and sorta Democrats, you got rid of Mr. Mean Tweets who actually had pro-American policies and wasn’t interested in burdening your life with government, right?

Additional polling demonstrated “49 percent of voters disapproving of Biden’s handling of immigration issues, rising eight points since mid-March. Forty percent approve, down from 46 percent in mid-March,” Breitbart reported.

It should be noted Biden spoke to Congress Wednesday with a 44 percent decline in TV viewership from former President Trump’s speech in 2017. Nielsen’s ratings estimates 26.9 million viewers tuned in across 16 U.S. television stations.

He got 80 million+ voted and only 26.9 million tuned in?

Read: Surprise: Country Has Become More Divided Under China Joe »

Climate Cult Very Upset Over Developing Oil Fields In Africa, Enriching Those “Minorities”

Why do the climate cultists not want black people in Africa to have the same rise in living conditions from fossil fuels that privileged, white liberals have had in the 1st World?

A Canadian oil firm thinks it has struck big. Some fear it could ravage a climate change hotspot

Syringa trees rise out of the Kalahari sand in the wild expanse of Kavango East, as the humid heat warns of afternoon showers. It’s easy to imagine this place has looked the same for a hundred years.

Except, that is, for the road. Recently widened, graded and ramrod straight, new roads like this mean change is coming.

Carved out of the trees and surrounded by a chain-link fence, that change comes as a shock: a giant oil rig towers above these flat lands, dwarfing the trees.

In this northeastern corner of Namibia, on the borders of Angola and Botswana, a Canadian oil company called ReconAfrica has secured the rights to explore what it believes could be the next — and perhaps even the last — giant onshore oil find.

The find — potentially containing 12 billion barrels of oil — could be worth billions of dollars. And some experts believe the oil reserves here could be even bigger.

And the profits would enrich the people there. It would mean more electricity, better cooking and food conditions, better healthcare, and so much more. White Warmists aren’t happy

Unlike neighboring Angola, Namibia doesn’t have an oil industry of its own to speak of — so far. Yet it is already being hammered by the world’s dependency on fossil fuels.

“Southern Namibia already has twice the global rate of warming. In northern Namibia it is a staggering 3.6 degrees Celsius per century,” said Francois Engelbrecht, a professor at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, and a lead author on the 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.

Strange how everywhere always seems to be twice the rate, eh?

But as the climate warms, those dry spells will become more frequent in the summer months, Engelbrecht said. The change in weather patterns and the corresponding increase in heat will create an even hotter and drier climate. It could destroy the way of life of the people who live here.

Uh huh. But, the fossil fuels probably will, since the money from them and the energy will enrich the nations and increase their welfare out of a 3rd world nation. Climate cultists hate when black people are able to not be living in un-powered huts cooking with dung.

Meanwhile, most of these rich, white, privileged liberals won’t give up their own use of fossil fuels.

Read: Climate Cult Very Upset Over Developing Oil Fields In Africa, Enriching Those “Minorities” »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to sand from carbon pollution drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Knuckledraggin My Life Away, with a post noting that only the government can lose money selling marijuana.

It’s like a photoshop swimsuit. At full size it looks a lot more real, and there were several colors in the series.

Read: If All You See… »

Florida Looks To Ban “Trans Women And Girls” From Playing On Real Female Sports Teams

As we know, the concept that biological men with mental issues making them identify as female should not be participating with biological females, taking away their wins, scholarships, and such, is “controversial.” Florida is the latest to push protection for real women

Florida lawmakers pass ‘cruel’ bill banning trans women and girls in school sports

Transgender women and girls will be banned from participating in school sports in Florida, if the state’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, signs what critics call a “cruel and horrific” bill rushed through by state legislators in a controversial late-night session.

The politicians revived, then passed, the bill that prohibits trans athletes competing in high school and college sports in short order on Wednesday, employing what opponents have called “shady, backroom tactics” to bind it to unrelated legislation on charter schools.

A previous, standalone bill passed the Florida house earlier this month, but died in the state senate after warnings from the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) that it would not stage championship games and tournaments in states with discriminatory policies.

“It’s horrific,” said Gina Duncan, the director of transgender equality at Equality Florida. “This bill shows not only their lack of humanity but their astounding ignorance about the transgender community, not understanding that trans girls are girls and transgender women are women.

Women and girls with penises. Who typically do very well against real women and girls in sports, taking their wins away. Seriously, do these activists ever think to ask what the biological females think? But, anyway, notice that part about the NCAA

If the NCAA doesn’t want to protect real females who have their achievements blocked because biological men are competing against the females, then, they don’t need to be given money, especially when they threaten and attempt to blackmail Florida. The question now is “does De Santis sign the bills?”

Read: Florida Looks To Ban “Trans Women And Girls” From Playing On Real Female Sports Teams »

Know What Word Is Missing From The Climate Cult Movement? Joy

It’s the key word, you know, and utterly incompatible with the Cult of Climastrology

The key word missing from the climate movement

St. GretaMy son recently celebrated his third birthday. That day I was in awe of the sheer miracle of him — his busy body, his yammering mouth, his effervescent joy. It reminded me of our first days with him, which were marked by sleep deprivation, frayed nerves, overwhelming anxiety and joy — so much joy.

Sounds great. But, this is the climate cult, so, doom

And those memories have me thinking about climate change. As a father, Christian pastor and full-time climate organizer, climate change is rarely far from my mind. But now that President Joe Biden has made it the centerpiece of his legacy-defining American Jobs Plan — with its investment in clean energy, its overhaul of our outdated energy grid, its commitment to clean transportation, and its promise of millions of family-sustaining jobs — it’s bound to be top of mind for many Americans for some time to come.

Huh what? Thinking about the bday party makes the writer, Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, think about ‘climate change’? Should probably resign as a Christian pastor, as he’s not giving his heart to Jesus, and, instead, being a full time member of the climate cult.

Still, that gives me pause.

After all, the phrase “climate change” elicits a laundry list of emotions for most of us: anger, dread, guilt and grief, among them. A growing body of research is revealing the toll climate grief is taking on our collective mental health, and insomnia and other mental health concerns related to climate-induced anxiety have been documented across 25 countries. Absent from most of our climate-related emotional inventory is delight, contentedness or joy.

We need to change that.

When coming face to face with the gravity of climate change, darker emotions are natural. What else is there to feel but anxious about living through the planet’s sixth mass extinction? What else can I feel but dread as homes are lapped by rising tides, livelihoods are crumbled to ash and carried away on Santa Ana winds, and children are poisoned by noxious air and toxic water?

But, that is what the cult is about: doomsaying. All they do is tell us scary prognostications and turn normal events into fables of doom. There’s nary anything that is positive for them.

What else can I feel but shame as the land God has commanded me to hold in trust for my children and grandchildren is desecrated? What else is there to feel but guilt at my own ignorance and complicity, and rage at the behemoth vested interests who have worked so hard to thwart my efforts at every turn? (snip)

For sustained, long-term action — the kind needed to face down the threat of climate change — we need more than anger. Every one of us needs a sense of agency. We need a community of belonging. We need hope that our actions can make a difference. We need joy.

This pastor has chosen to sublimate his Christian beliefs to the climate cult, and should know that it has nothing to do with joy.

But joy can be a hard sell. In the climate movement, cynicism and a simmering rage are often worn as a badge of honor. They are coping mechanisms against the daily trauma of watching the beautiful, wondrous world die a little more each day — self-medication from, as author and naturalist Aldo Leopold put it, “liv(ing) alone in a world of wounds.” I’m certainly guilty as charged. Joy can feel extravagant, like the purview of the privileged and the ignorant alone.

You know what would give me joy? If these climate cultists would stop attempting to force everyone else to have their lives changed and controlled by Government. If they’d mind their own business. If they care so much, they can practice what they preach, and leave the rest of us alone. I’m pretty sure the Bible and the teaching’s of Jesus do not say that people should be forced to be Christians: the climate cult does require that Others be forced to give up their money and freedom to Government.

Read: Know What Word Is Missing From The Climate Cult Movement? Joy »

China Joe Wears Masks Outdoors As His Patriotic Duty, You Know

This doesn’t give mixed signals, heck, a bad signal, to all those who are resistant to getting the vaccine, right? They’re looking at this and saying “what’s the point in getting vaccinated if nothing changes?”

Biden wears mask outdoors as ‘extra precaution,’ White House aide says

President Biden hasn’t been following advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to ditch his mask outdoors and around small groups of other vaccinated people because he’s taking “extra precautions,” a White House aide said Sunday.

“You know, we do take some extra precautions for him because he is the President of the United States,” said Anita Dunn, a senior advisor in the Biden administration, on CNN’s “State of the Union” when asked about why Biden “doesn’t seem to be following” the new guidance.

Dunn insisted that he takes health officials’ advice “very seriously.”

“I think the President takes the CDC guidelines very seriously, and he’s always taken his role as sending a signal to follow the science, very seriously as well,” she said.

The agency last week announced that vaccinated Americans can ditch face coverings outdoors unless they are at large gatherings like concerts.

But Biden said he would continue to wear masks outside, calling it a “patriotic responsibility” and “small precaution.”

Well, sure, Dunn goes on to say that Other People who are unimportant can take their mask off outside if they are vaccinated (most didn’t wear it outside even if not vaccinated), but, Biden is too important, you know. But, what’s the point of being vaccinated if you can’t ditch the mask in those situations as put forth by the CDC? If you follow the science, then you ditch it, and show people that there’s a reason you take the vaccine shot. But, Joe doesn’t follow the science, especially since he fails to wear it indoors quite often. He didn’t during his speech to Congress, despite Pelosi’s rules and his own Executive Order.

Anyhow, let’s move some goalposts

Reaching ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Unlikely in the U.S., Experts Now Believe

Early in the pandemic, when vaccines for the coronavirus were still just a glimmer on the horizon, the term “herd immunity” came to signify the endgame: the point when enough Americans would be protected from the virus so we could be rid of the pathogen and reclaim our lives.

Now, more than half of adults in the United States have been inoculated with at least one dose of a vaccine. But daily vaccination rates are slipping, and there is widespread consensus among scientists and public health experts that the herd immunity threshold is not attainable — at least not in the foreseeable future, and perhaps not ever.

Instead, they are coming to the conclusion that rather than making a long-promised exit, the virus will most likely become a manageable threat that will continue to circulate in the United States for years to come, still causing hospitalizations and deaths but in much smaller numbers.

You have others, like Dr. Leana Wen saying the same thing. The numbers are really more like 44% have had at least one shot and 31% are fully vaccinated, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the Elites keep changing things up and moving the goalposts and coming up with ways to continue to have Big Government dominance.

One doctor told CNN on Sunday he’s worried officials haven’t offered strong enough incentives for some Americans to get vaccinated — including younger Americans.

“What I worry about mostly are the young people,” primary care physician Dr. Saju Mathew said. “I see them every day pretty much at work.”

What does it say to young people, and the rest, when China Joe is wearing a mask, sometimes two, while he’s outside and nowhere near other people? That getting the vaccine is pointless.

Read: China Joe Wears Masks Outdoors As His Patriotic Duty, You Know »

Surprise: Climate Envoy John Kerry Earned Millions On Fossil Fuels

I guess he talked to Al Gore, who sold his television network to al Jazeera, which is funded by fossil fuels

REVEALED: John Kerry sold his shares in OIL firms on becoming Biden’s climate czar to ‘avoid conflict of interest’ – and after warning we only have nine YEARS to save the world from climate change

John Kerry climateJohn Kerry sold off hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of shares in oil and gas firms after he was made Joe Biden’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate – and weeks after warning that mankind has just nine years to save the planet.

Kerry revealed in official disclosures that he has received millions of dollars from salary, consulting fees and from liquidating stock that he held since President Biden took office.

Documents that cover most of 2020 which run up to January 2021 reveal how Kerry, 77, also held hundreds of thousands of dollars of investments in energy-related companies that could well be affected by policies that he will help develop as Joe Biden’s new climate envoy.

But he was warned by the State Department’s ethics office that the investments were a ‘significant risk of a conflict of interest’ – and agreed to sell them.

Kerry held between $204,000 and $960,000 stock in around three dozen firms connected to the energy sector, including electric, oil and gas, and nuclear energy.

He has also previously held high-ranking positions within firms and entities that could now by affected by his climate policies. The details were all contained in documents obtained by Axios.

See, it’s OK for Kerry to make oodles off of fossil fuels, but, you have to be forced to give them up.

Read: Surprise: Climate Envoy John Kerry Earned Millions On Fossil Fuels »

If All You See…

…is the flag of a massive carbon polluting nation, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report News, with a post on Dems introducing a bill to strip federal grants from companies which conduct criminal background checks.

It’s one-piece week, because one-piece suits just don’t get enough love.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Pearl Frush

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my Devils have won 4 in a row. This pinup is by Pearl Frush, with a wee bit of help.

Pretty much lost all the pinups I saved since mid-January unless I can restore the hard drive on my old laptop without wiping it. Fortunately, the only things I will be out of are those, the ones I added something patriotic to since then, and the stuff in the If All You See folder (which had more than just babe photos, it was a default download folder. Have all my music. Funny thing is, I’ve installed very few programs to my new laptop, which is awesome, BTW. I see the programs in my download folder, but, forget which ones I had installed, because I almost never used them.

Anyhow, what’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Ice Age Now covers the MET Office trying to downplaythe UK’s frostiest April in 60 years
  2. Real Climate Science notes it was the coldest Valentine’s Day in US history
  3. America’s Watchtower highlights Xenophobic Joe banning travel from India
  4. American Elephants covers China Joe’s speech to Congress not being well received
  5. Chicks On The Right covers a poll showing 50% of white liberal women have mental illness
  6. Cold Fury features Cubans noting American’s digesting communism
  7. Dissecting Leftism covers a lawsuit filed by Ashli Babbitt’s family
  8. Free North Carolina notes the Kentucky Derby turning down the Woke left’s demands
  9. Gen Z Conservative covers yet another fake hate crime
  10. IOTW Report highlights Rolling Thunder being denied a pass by China Joe’s Defense Department
  11. Jihad Watch discusses China Joe forgetting he was against the raid that took out bin Laden
  12. Legal Insurrection notes NYU grad students going on strike over their demands
  13. Moonbattery highlights an Alaska couple who attended the Jan 6th DC rally getting a guns drawn visit from the FBI
  14. neo-neocon discusses the FBI’s war on the right
  15. And last, but not least, Powerline laughs at China Joe unable to find his mask. While outside. And vaccinated. And well over 6 feet from people.

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Washington Post Is Super Excited Over “Reporters” Harassing Politicians Who “Tried To Overturn An Election”

This would make the reporters partisan activists and mouthpieces of the Democratic Party. Also, the Washington Post, as they’re cheerleading this, seems unaware of what the Washington Post was pushing on the 2016 election even before Donald Trump won (the WP article is behind a big paywall, can’t even read it with Pocket, but, available in full here)

The politicians who tried to overturn an election — and the local news team that won’t let anyone forget it
The journalists at WITF, an all-news public radio station in Harrisburg, Pa., made a perfectly reasonable decision a few months ago.

They decided they wouldn’t shrug off the damaging lies of election denialism.

They wouldn’t do what too many in Big Journalism have done in recent months: shove into the memory hole the undemocratic efforts by some Republican elected officials to delegitimize or overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Too many Sunday news shows repeatedly book the likes of Kevin McCarthy, Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson without reminding viewers how these members of Congress tried to undo the results of the election — and encouraged the Trumpian lies about election fraud that led to the violent assault on the U.S. Capitol less than four months ago. A rare exception is CNN’s “State of the Union,” which hasn’t booked a single member of the so-called Sedition Caucus since January. (snip)

But Harrisburg’s WITF has gone a different route: They want you to remember.

Months before the election, the station’s reporters and editors were already deeply alarmed by what they saw unfolding. “We could see the disinformation really taking hold, this idea that the only way President Trump could lose is if the election were rigged,” Tim Lambert, the station’s news director, told me last week.

This story, which is in the Lifestyle (?) section of the Washington Post, is very long, but, I think you get the idea. This “reporters”, as funded by the taxpayers, won’t let people forget that some Republicans off the hook for daring to attempt to uphold the integrity of our voting system, having witnessed huge amounts of irregularities in states that were tossups, and some that shouldn’t have been tossups but easy Trump wins. There’s zero way Joe Biden gets 80 million plus votes, nor gets enough to win in states like Georgia. One has to wonder if these same “reporters” worked as hard to go after Democrats who attempted to overturn the 2016 election, blaming it on Russia Russia Russia? And wanting to impeach Trump before he even took office. And finally impeaching over really dumb stuff when we should have been focused on the Wuhan Flu. It took a long time, because the website’s search function is not very good, but, yeah, they covered Russia Russia Russia, essentially taking the side of “Trump needs to go”, rather than those who attempted to delegitimize or overturn the 2016 election.

These elected officials, WITF reminded its audience, either knowingly spread disinformation or flat-out lied in an effort to keep Trump in office.

“This was an unprecedented assault on the fabric of American democracy,” the statement said.

Yet, didn’t do the same as Democrats attempted to delegitimize or overturn the 2016 election. Remember Dems forcing the Mueller investigation, which turned out to be a big nothingburger?

“We’re out on a ledge here,” Jason Lambert (station’s news director) remembers thinking. Both he and Blanchard hoped other news organizations would join them. “But it’s been radio silence,” Lambert said.

To be sure, other news organizations, including The Washington Post, are covering the aftermath of the election fraud lies and the insurrection, sometimes in innovative ways, as NYU professor Jay Rosen recently wrote. ProPublica has established a “democracy beat,” and a nonprofit news organization, Votebeat, focuses on election integrity.

But I’d like to see more accountability. So would Princeton’s Kruse. “There’s a tendency in the political media to get caught up in the story of the day and not dwell on the things that need to be reckoned with,” he said.

Yes, let’s hold the Washington Post accountable for all their Russia Russia Russia stuff, in the news and opinion sections, which attempted to delegitimize or overturn the 2016 election, for 4 years. Heck, it started even before Trump took office, even before he won.  Did the WP or WITF complain about the riots during Trump’s 2017 inauguration? How about Rep Al Green saying that they would impeach Trump even before he won? How about the WP running an article on inauguration day about the impeachment of Trump starting? The Russian collusion meaning Trump didn’t win the election legitimately stuff was daily starting November 2016 in the Washington Post. And so many “news” outlets. Who holds them accountable? What of all the Democrat politicians, and some unhinged Never Trump Republicans?

Read: Washington Post Is Super Excited Over “Reporters” Harassing Politicians Who “Tried To Overturn An Election” »

Pirate's Cove