Surprise: Farmers Believe In Climate Change, Just Not Anthropogenic

Hey, you know all the talking points that farmers are super concerned about climate change? About that

Farmers Believe In Climate Change But Don’t Think Humans Are The Cause, New Poll Shows

A new poll shows farmers overwhelmingly believe climate change is real and will create significant weather problems but do not think it’s caused by human actions.

The latest annual Farm and Rural Life Poll, conducted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the Iowa State Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology, indicates 80% of farmers believe climate change is occurring, and more than half are concerned with its impact on their operations. (snip)

The study also indicates only 18% believe human activities are causing climate change. That comes as there is an increasing focus from the Biden administration on agriculture’s role in mitigating the problem.

Farmers are concerned about weather, for obvious reasons. And, a warming, or cooling, world can create issues. You had the great potato famine in Ireland and all the crop failures in France, leading to a revolution. Both during the Little Ice Age. Farmers will adapt.

Here’s where this gets really fun

Climate change activists say changing practices is more important than changing minds.

“I don’t think we have the luxury of time to change everybody’s mind,” said Rolf Nordstrom, president and CEO of the Great Plains Institute, a nonpartisan energy advocacy group. “But what we could do is create the market conditions that allow agriculture to flourish in pursuing a low carbon, net-zero carbon world.”

In other words, screw their opinions, they will be forced to comply. Even though most of the little climate cultists refuse to change their own lives. This really doesn’t seem to be about science, but power.

Read: Surprise: Farmers Believe In Climate Change, Just Not Anthropogenic »

If All You See…

…is a horrible rising sea because Other People eat meat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on a Florida woman going for a drive.

Lindsay Wagner, of The Bionic Woman fame.

Doubleshot below the fold, so check out The Other McCain, with a post on a drunken Michigan Democrat.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Cancel Culture: Isaac Newton And George Floyd Murals

Turning science class into social (justice warrior) studies

Isaac Newton Latest Historical Figure Swept Up in ‘Decolonisation’ Drive

Sir Isaac Newton has been labelled as a potential beneficiary of “colonial-era activity” in draft plans to “decolonise” the engineering curriculum at Sheffield University.

Students learning about the mathematician and scientist’s three laws of motion, the core of modern physics, could see changes in their teaching to explain the “global origins and historical context” of his theories, documents suggest.

The plans form part of the engineering faculty’s efforts to “challenge long-standing conscious and unconscious biases” among students to tackle “Eurocentric” and “white saviour” approaches to science and maths, and promote “inclusive design”.

A leaked copy of the “draft inclusive curriculum development” plan at the Russell Group institution says that “much important engineering content and curriculum resources is based on maths developed in the 18/19th century.”

It claims pioneering scientists including Paul Dirac, Pierre-Simon Laplace, Newton, and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz “could be considered as benefiting from colonial era activity”.

You mostly learn a little bit about these guys, primarily Newton, in History class and science classes, right? Places you get facts. Now we have to have squishy context idiocy?

Newton, who lived until 1727, laid the foundations of modern science with his theory of gravity, in the seminal Principia, and theories on light, time, colour and calculus. (snip)

The documents do not explain how Newton is thought to have benefited from colonialism. However, it is known that he held shares in the South Sea Company that traded in slaves.

Which has what, precisely, to do with his scientific achievements? It’s turning science into social studies.

George Floyd mural covered up in Phoenix; drew complaint it ‘celebrates White violence’

Artist Jeremie “Bacpac” Franko painted a George Floyd mural in Phoenix last year to “start a conversation” about the Minneapolis man’s death in police custody.

But after complaints from residents, and an act of vandalism earlier this year, Franko painted over her mural Friday, according to a report.

The mural showed Floyd’s face on a $20 bill and included the title, “#the_price_of_black_lives.” (snip)

But some residents in the Coronado district of Phoenix were not happy with the mural, the Arizona Republic reported.

“This is a mural designed by White people that celebrates White violence,” Coronado resident Kelvin West told the newspaper. “It creates a space for Black people to continue to be traumatized.

Oh, and there’s this

Read: Cancel Culture: Isaac Newton And George Floyd Murals »

Kids Will Face Wars Over Food And Water In Future From Climate Crisis (scam)

Wars have never happened before over those things, right? Remember things like the French Revolution, when they had trouble growing crops? Oh, right, that was during the Little Ice Age. But, this is not about rationality, it’s cultish scaremongering. And it’s about “We” needing to sacrifice, meaning “Other People need to be forced, not me, I’m spreading awareness”

Climate crisis: our children face wars over food and water, EU deputy warns
Exclusive: Frans Timmermans says older people need to make sacrifices to protect the future

Older people will have to make sacrifices in the fight against climate change or today’s children will face a future of fighting wars for water and food, the EU’s deputy chief has warned.

Frans Timmermans, vice-president of the EU commission, said that if social policy and climate policy are not combined, to share fairly the costs and benefits of creating a low-carbon economy, the world will face a backlash from people who fear losing jobs or income, stoked by populist politicians and fossil fuel interests.

He said: “It’s not just an urgent matter – it’s a difficult matter. We have to transform our economy. There are huge benefits, but it’s a huge challenge. The biggest threat is the social one. If we don’t fix this, our children will be waging wars over water and food. There is no doubt in my mind.”

What sacrifices has Frans Timmermans made? How about the other bigwigs on the EU commission?

He added: “Those of us who understand we need to move fast should make the social issue the pivotal issue in all of this. I really call upon all of those in the climate movement to join me in focusing on the social issue more than they’ve done in the past. Because this could become the biggest stumbling block.”

He warned that sacrifices would be needed from the older generation to ensure that young people can live in a safe climate. Today’s older people were the beneficiaries of a previous generation’s sacrifice, and were now being called on to make changes themselves, he said.

“Sometimes I wonder whether we are aware of the transformation we’re heading to, and how profound it is. It’s an effort comparable to restructuring after a violent conflict. I used to talk to my grandparents and my parents about how they saw this, after the war. They said, ‘Well, we sacrificed a lot because we knew our children would be better off.’ And this feeling is not there yet in our society.”

WWII actually happened. The Cold War happened. Climate change is happening, but, it is primarily caused by nature, and it sure seems that things like “social” are mentioned a lot when we’re supposed to be talking about science.

Changing people’s lives today would be difficult, but the benefits would be felt by today’s children, he added. “This for politics is a huge, huge challenge. We need to recapture that feeling of a purpose – doing something not for yourself, but for others, which I think has always led to society being at its best.”

And how will all this be accomplished? Via government force?

On Thursday, he travelled to London for his first official visit outside Brussels since the pandemic lockdowns began, with a four-hour meeting in Downing Street with Alok Sharma, the UK’s Cop26 president and host of the talks. He is in weekly contact with John Kerry, climate envoy to US president Joe Biden, and with China’s top climate official, Xie Zhenhua.

Interestingly, there’s no mention of how he traveled. Did he bike? Take the train? An electric vehicle? Or, a fossil fueled flight? People who say everyone needs to sacrifice never say what they’ve sacrificed themselves.

Read: Kids Will Face Wars Over Food And Water In Future From Climate Crisis (scam) »

Boston Globe Thinks It’s A Great Time For Employers To Force Employees To Get Vaccinated

The question now becomes “do other newspaper editorial boards follow suit?”

It’s time for employers to impose vaccine mandates

Despite the widespread availability of COVID-19 vaccines to health care workers in the United States, there still appears to be a stubborn resistance to getting them among nursing home staff. And unfortunately, that resistance has proved to be fatal: According to a recent study by the CDC, a nursing home in Kentucky experienced a COVID outbreak when an unvaccinated worker triggered a string of infections among residents and staff. And though most residents had been inoculated, the virus still managed to spread its way through the home — disproportionately infecting unvaccinated people — and three residents wound up dead.

What’s alarming is that health care professionals are not the only workers in high-risk conditions who have been reluctant to get the vaccine. Correctional officers have also been slow to get the vaccine despite being eligible since the start of the year. As of February, for example, more than half of workers in Massachusetts’ Department of Correction had refused the vaccine, even though prisons have been vectors for the disease. Other state employees who regularly interact with the public have also shown signs of hesitancy: As of last month, 30 percent of State Police had not been vaccinated at department-run sites, indicating that many of them have yet to be vaccinated.

Interestingly, despite so many trying to say it is mostly Republican voters who have vaccine resistance, you see lots of commercials and such featuring left wing folks. Walgreens is running a commercial with John Legend, who totally appeals to Republicans, right? And it features mostly black people. So, who is that aimed at?

Numbers like these are a serious public health risk. While the United States now has ample supply of COVID-19 vaccines, the next hurdle in reaching herd immunity — which Dr. Anthony Fauci has estimated might require up to 90 percent of the population to be immune to the virus — is convincing enough people to actually get the shot. That target is still far away: even though Massachusetts has one of the highest vaccination rates in the country, still only about 35 percent of its residents are fully vaccinated. That’s why some employers, both public and private, must start mandating the COVID-19 vaccine. Not doing so could prolong the pandemic indefinitely, and make the return to normalcy seem more like a mirage than a soon-to-be reality.

So, both private sector and government must enforce employees taking the vaccine. I have to wonder, has the Boston Globe required all employees to take it? How about all players and employees of the Boston Red Sox and Liverpool F.C. soccer, since they are all owned by John W. Henry? Interestingly, the editorial doesn’t say.

Employers have the authority to mandate vaccines for their workers, except in cases where an employee has a medical exemption or if a vaccine might conflict with their religious beliefs. And though there’s a question of whether or not federal law allows employers to mandate vaccines that are under Emergency Use Authorization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued guidance that such mandates are a matter of state law. “Many health care facilities have required their workers to get a flu vaccine before. Why is the flu vaccine in that context different from COVID?” Emanuel said. “If anything, we ought to be mandating COVID [vaccines] because it’s a much more deadly disease.”

Well, yes, it’s lawful, however, let’s be honest: many are resistant because the vaccines were developed so fast without all the clinical trials and such of, say, regular flu vaccines. Will the employer be accountable for any side effects from taking the vaccine? They are rare, but, I saw someone taken to the hospital after taking it, as I was sitting out my 15 minutes from the second dose. It’s a slippery slope in requiring employers to force employees to get the vaccine.

Interestingly, the editorial makes no mention of the editorial board members having been vaccinated themselves.

Read: Boston Globe Thinks It’s A Great Time For Employers To Force Employees To Get Vaccinated »

If All You See…

…is a window melted from extreme heat from climate emergency, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on a massive failure of $20 billion of wind power in Australia.

That’s Wanda Ventham in the early 70’s British show UFO.

Read: If All You See… »

All Wildfires Are ‘Climate Change’, Including Ones Used To Cover Up Murder

Say, you know how they were blaming the wildfires in California (with all the horrendous forest management practices that turn the areas into tinderboxes)? Well

From the link

A 2020 wildfire in Northern California that killed two people was intentionally set to cover up a murder, officials said Wednesday.

The Markley Fire was set near a dam in Solano County where the burned body of Priscilla Castro, 32, was found, according to the Solano County sheriff’s office and Vacaville police.

Two other people — Douglas Mai, 82, and Leon “James” Bone, 64 — were found dead from that fire in their homes, Sheriff Tom Ferrara said at a news conference.

Victor Serriteno was arrested by Vacaville police in September and charged with murder in Castro’s death, and prosecutors will file to add two more murder charges and arson charges, the district attorney said.

“Based on an extensive eight-month investigation, we believe Serriteno deliberately set the Markley Fire in an attempt to conceal his crime,” Ferrara said.

Of course, what the climate cult will say is that it was worse than it should have been because you take a fossil fueled vehicle to get an Evil burger.

Read: All Wildfires Are ‘Climate Change’, Including Ones Used To Cover Up Murder »

North Carolina, LA County To Enter Somewhat Relaxed Mask Rules Friday

Were people actually wearing masks outside when alone and doing stuff? A few cranks, of course. We were required to wear them around customers. I think government just likes laying down rules how we live our lives

You can ditch your face mask while outside starting Friday afternoon in North Carolina

Part of North Carolina’s mask mandate will come to an end Friday afternoon.

Starting at 5 p.m., masks will not be required outdoors in the Tar Heel state. This will be the first time in nearly a year that masks will not be required in some public spaces.

Gov. Roy Cooper said he was relaxing the restrictions because of the continued improvement to COVID-19 metrics and the increase in the number of adults in the state who have gotten vaccinated.

However, masks will still be required indoors.

Cooper said the indoor mask mandate would remain in place for a while longer. Before he removes that restriction, Cooper said he would like to see two-thirds of vaccine eligible North Carolinians get inoculated against the virus.

Although the outdoor mask mandate expires Friday, remember that the executive order is a minimum requirement. So individual businesses could still opt to be more strict about where customers are required to wear masks.

And that’s where it breaks down: what will companies require? Regardless, this changes mostly nothing for most of us who wouldn’t wear a mask outside anyhow. A bigger part is that Cooper is requiring 2/3rds of adults to have had at least one vaccine (thanks, President Trump for the vaccines!) before doing away with the indoors mask mandate. Right now it’s about 49%, and fewer and fewer are getting it. So, this is a way of keeping the government restrictions going, despite things going pretty good in maskless states like Florida, South Dakota, and Texas.

L.A. County relaxes outdoor mask rules for vaccinated people

The L.A. County Department of Public Health has revised a pandemic health order to align itself with new federal guidance that eased rules on when fully vaccinated people should wear masks.

The updated health order, which goes into effect Friday, states that unless they are in crowded settings, fully vaccinated people don’t need to wear a mask when outdoors alone, with members of their household or with a small group of fully vaccinated people. They also can go without a mask when intermingling with a small group of people who are not fully vaccinated but not at high risk for experiencing serious illness or death from the coronavirus.

The order states that fully vaccinated people must still wear a mask in crowded outdoor settings, such as concerts or sporting events, in spaces where physical distancing isn’t possible and it’s unknown if everyone is fully vaccinated, in indoor public settings and at worksites or businesses.

So, requiring it at worksites and business doing business outside. These government folks really, really like controlling the lives of citizens. And really want to keep this stuff going.

Read: North Carolina, LA County To Enter Somewhat Relaxed Mask Rules Friday »

Climate Cult Says Abolishing Police Part Of Green New Deal

Exactly what does getting rid of the police have to do with reducing “carbon pollution” in order to reduce the planet’s temperature? Well, it’s a cult, so, there’s always a reason, especially since this whole thing has little to do with science, as I’ve been pointing out for over 15 years

There’s No Green New Deal Without Police Abolition

Imagine a future where Black and Brown children don’t have to breathe toxic air from steel smoke stacks spewing polluted particulates. Imagine a future without police—with less crime and more safety. A future where there are enough jobs and housing for all.

This is the kind of radical imagination at the heart of the abolitionist climate movement. The U.S. spends billions on our police forces—dollars that could go toward addressing the root causes of crime, such as poverty and mental health, and toward building sustainable infrastructure. We can build a better world by uprooting injustices at the source and by investing in what communities need to thrive. That’s what the Green New Deal proposes. Let’s create an economy that’s beneficial to the people and the planet.

Welcome to The Frontline, where you’ll be hearing from Green New Deal mastermind Rhiana Gunn-Wright. I’m Yessenia Funes, climate editor of Atmos. I chatted with Gunn-Wright, director of climate policy at the Roosevelt Institute. Last week was what some legislators deemed Green New Deal week as they introduced a number of bills to make this framework reality.

It’s a pretty big jump from black and brown people don’t have to breath toxic air to “abolish the police”, eh, unless you’re in a cult.

YESSENIA FUNES Before we dive into the legislation that’s been introduced this week, let’s talk a bit about the verdict on the Derek Chauvin trial—because police abolition is a climate justice issue, right? How are you feeling given the news?

RHIANA GUNN-WRIGHT I’m glad that Officer Chauvin was held accountable. That is far too rare in our judicial system. What was really striking was looking back at the initial official police report of what happened. It was completely fabricated. It took not only a Black girl taking a video of what happened and posting it—but, then, millions of people protesting for this to happen, which speaks so poorly of our criminal justice system.

I can’t say I felt joy or even relief. I was very glad that he was held accountable, particularly for the Floyd family. That is the least that they deserve. But that feeling didn’t even last for the whole night because Columbus police then killed a 16-year-old Black girl who called them for protection: Ma’Khia Bryant. It just reminded me that policing is not a system that can be reformed. We have to follow the lead of abolitionists and find a different way of creating and maintaining public safety because this isn’t working. This is far from over.

So, hatred of police extends from a few bad cops (in this case, only one, because the second one protected a black girl from being stabbed by Ma’Khia) to all cops, and this is for the climate, people!

YESSENIA There’s been some discussion in the climate movement of how abolition goes hand in hand with building a Green New Deal and investing in all the elements that come with it—affordable housing, clean energy, robust public transit. How does this work to specifically defund the police as a critical move to helping fund something as ambitious as the Green New Deal?

RHIANA Well, it starts off with recognizing that police brutality is an environmental justice issue. The way that policing happens is part of a person’s physical environment, particularly in Black, Latinx, and Indigenous communities. Environmental justice is not just about air pollution. It’s not just about how close or far you are from a fossil fuel facility. It’s also about what makes up your physical environment, including policing, public safety, education, clean water. All of that is part of a person’s physical environment. And in almost every way, Black communities, in particular, are put in unjust environments—environments that actively take away from their health, safety, and happiness.

When I think about police abolition and the Green New Deal, what actually unites them is a willingness to recognize that the system we have doesn’t work. And acknowledging that we might not know everything we need to do right now, but we’ll figure it out on the way as long as we’re committed to the right principles. That comfort with uncertainty and risk—and the creativity to find different types of solutions—all of that is necessary for police abolition and the Green New Deal.

So, it all connects together in the eyes of a climate cultist, because it’s a cult. What’s not being asked is “what replaces the police? Who will keep the crime down and deal with criminal activity in these clean energy areas with government run housing?” We’ve seen what happens in the areas with government run housing in Democratic run cities with law enforcement. What happens with none? Will a social worker stop all the drivebys and trash in the streets, among issues? The Green New Deal isn’t about the climate. It’s a political movement.

Read: Climate Cult Says Abolishing Police Part Of Green New Deal »

Florida General Assembly Passes Voting Bill That Makes It Harder To Cheat

This is similar to the one that Georgia passed, which was totally misconstrued and lied about by the Credentialed Media, Democrat pundits and lawmakers, and China Joe. Expect Florida to be the next state that the moonbats go after, especially the big companies.

Florida legislature approves measure that curbs mail voting and use of drop boxes

Florida’s legislature on Thursday night became the latest to approve far-reaching legislation imposing new rules on voting and new penalties for those who do not follow them, passing a measure critics said would make it harder for millions of voters to cast ballots in the Sunshine State.

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who named voting security one of his top legislative priorities this year, said late Thursday night on Fox News that he “of course” would sign the bill.

Like similar bills Republicans are pushing in dozens of state legislatures across the country, the Florida measure adds hurdles to voting by mail, restricts the use of drop boxes and prohibits any actions that could influence those standing in line to vote, which voting rights advocates said is likely to discourage nonpartisan groups from offering food or water to voters as they wait in the hot Florida sun.

Non-partisan means “hardcore leftist groups looking for ways around election laws to keep attempting to influence voters in line.” People can bring water with them. Poll workers can bring water. And, perhaps Democrats can learn to run voting sites better, because it’s usually the ones run by Dems with very long lines. And quite a few Democrat run states have the same law on providing food and water.

Like Georgia, and most states, Florida did not actually have laws on the use of drop boxes and such for voting. It was just willy nilly making it up last year, and the law now codifies it.

The passage of the bill was preceded by an hour of emotional debate, as Black lawmakers stood up to decry a measure they said was aimed squarely at curbing the clout of voters of color.

“You are making policies that are detrimental to our communities,” said an emotional state Rep. Angela Nixon (D), describing herself as “distraught and disheartened.”

No matter the color of the Democrat, they think that black people are dumb and unable to compete and do the things that white people do without the helpful hand of Government. Of course, the offer zero proof that any of this will hurt blacks.

Nevertheless, DeSantis has said new restrictions are needed to shore up election security. “So we think we led the nation, but we’re trying to stay ahead of the curve to make sure that these elections are run well,” DeSantis said in a Fox News segment with other GOP governors Thursday hosted by Laura Ingraham. (snip)

“Why wouldn’t you want to do that?” Rep. Thomas J. Leek (R) said during House debate Wednesday. “I’ve heard repeatedly that we’re trying to fix something that is not broken. But I guarantee you those same people who are making that argument today would come back in 2022 when the system breaks and complain that we didn’t anticipate things that we should have anticipated. This bill fixes those things.”

Like Georgia, this is getting ahead of the potential problems seen in other states, along with codifying things like the use of dropboxes.

The legislation prohibits mobile drop boxes, and it requires local election supervisors to staff all drop boxes and to allow ballots to be dropped in them only during early-voting hours. Supervisors who leave a drop box accessible outside those hours are subject to a civil penalty of $25,000. The state’s association of county election supervisors opposes the law.

So, it prohibits simply dropping a ballot box off somewhere with no one watching it, and requires ballot boxes to be watched? How horrible!

The bill also limits who may turn in a voter’s ballot, allowing only certain family members to do so or limiting individuals to turning in the ballots of just two nonfamily members.

Limiting ballot harvesting, and attempting to keep ballot integrity is just horrible!

One constituency absent from the debate in Tallahassee is the business sector, which in both Georgia and Texas weighed in to oppose voter restrictions. There has been less of that in Florida, both Republicans and Democrats said, because the business groups are largely aligned with the GOP on regulatory and tax issues, and many of the leading businesses rely on tourist-heavy customer bases who aren’t exerting any pressure.

In other words, those darn companies aren’t cooperating in becoming political.

Read: Florida General Assembly Passes Voting Bill That Makes It Harder To Cheat »

Pirate's Cove