France, Meaning The Elites, Vows To Change Everything To Solve Climate Emergency (scam)

And those same elites won’t change their own lives, you know that. Oh, they’ll throw a few bucks out to purchase carbon offsets, but, they aren’t giving up their own fossil fueled travel, and the massive rise in prices doesn’t hurt them much

France vows to change its ‘way of life’ in climate struggle

Countries that signed the 2015 Paris climate accord must do more than cut carbon dioxide emissions and develop new technologies to combat global warming — and accept the need to change their way of life, France’s environment minister has said.

Speaking in an interview, Barbara Pompili [she’s a French politician, Minister of the Ecological Transition under Prime Minister Jean Castex since 2020], currently serving acknowledged the importance of technological solutions such as the rollout of hydrogen power in Europe, the US and Asia. But she also highlighted that the wide-ranging bill making its way through the French parliament would “mean profound changes in the lives of our fellow citizens”.

It was “great” for the Americans and others to rely on new technologies such as hydrogen. “But I think we have an extra ingredient in France and Europe. We’re taking these new technologies but we’re going further because we’re also looking at our ways of life,” she told the Financial Times. “We’re really talking about a change of model.”

The legislation includes restrictions on domestic flights, requirements for “climate labelling” of products such as clothing to show their impact on global warming, stricter regulations to enforce insulation of buildings and measures to reduce the carbon output of farming while ensuring sustainability and promoting vegetarian meal choices. (snip)

Pompili acknowledged the difficulties that could result from green policies, but said the climate legislation, which should be enacted by the end of the summer, showed how France could find a balance between saving the planet and preserving the economy and standards of living.

Yeah, right. The French people are going to find out the hard way, and should make the protests over the planned government increases in fossil fuels prices look tiny.

They include a ban on flights for journeys that can be made by train in less than two-and-a-half hours, as well as the creation of a new offence of “ecocide” for those accused of damaging the environment.

Have fun, French people. Maybe this will be a good learning experience for other countries as to the authoritarianism of the climate cult.

Read: France, Meaning The Elites, Vows To Change Everything To Solve Climate Emergency (scam) »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fuels pump, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on moonbat mask morons.

Photobucket is having some issues today, so, had to use an older photo.

Read: If All You See… »

“Anti-Racist” Democrats Trend “Uncle Tim” After His Response To Biden

As has been noticed time and time again, Democrats will attack people in racist, homophobic, sexist, and other ways simply for Wrongthink, despite saying they’re 100% against those things

‘Uncle Tim’ Trends On Twitter After Tim Scott Delivers GOP Response To Biden Address

Progressives pounced on Republican South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott Wednesday night after he delivered the GOP response to President Joe Biden’s joint address to Congress.

Scott said in his response that liberals often called him the N-word and “Uncle Tom” simply for being a Black Republican – and liberals on Twitter and cable news then proceeded to call him “Uncle Tim” so much that it trended on Twitter. The senator called on his Democratic colleagues to accept offers from across the aisle to solve America’s big issues: “My friends across the aisle seemed to want the issue more than they wanted a solution. But I’m still working. I’m still hopeful.”

So, of course

Anyone surprised in the least? This is what they do. You either conform or the “party of diversity, debate, and tolerance” will insult you and attempt to destroy you.

Anyhow, Scott’s reply to China Joe’s Big Big Government speech is pretty darned good.

Read: “Anti-Racist” Democrats Trend “Uncle Tim” After His Response To Biden »

German Court Rules Climate Crisis (scam) Law Unconstitutional, Must Take Actions Sooner

Hey, look, it’s a rare win for the Cult of Climastrology, which loses in court way more than they win. Of course, this will be a loss for the people of Germany, including the “kids” who initiated the lawsuit, as their cost of living increases, consumer goods go up in price or are banned as Bad for ‘climate change’, and government slaps more and more restrictions and controls on everything, including the citizens

Germany must tighten climate law to protect young people’s future, court rules

Germany must update its climate law by the end of next year to set out how it will bring carbon emissions down nearly to zero by 2050, its top court ruled on Thursday, siding with a young woman who argued rising sea levels would engulf her family farm.

The court concluded that a law passed in 2019 had failed to make sufficient provision for cuts beyond 2030, casting a shadow over a signature achievement of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s final term in office.

“The challenged provisions do violate the freedoms of the complainants, some of whom are still very young,” the court said in a statement. “The provisions irreversibly offload major emission reduction burdens onto periods after 2030.”

Among the plaintiffs was Sophie Backsen here, 22, daughter of a farming family on the North Sea island of Pellworm, who fears that rising sea levels would engulf her low-lying island, leaving her with no inheritance.

“We are super happy with the court’s decision,” she told a news conference. “Effective climate protection has to be implemented now and not in 10 years’ time, when it’ll be too late.”

Warnemunde at .41 feet per one hundred years. Wismar at .47 feet. Travemunde at .54 feet. Cuxhaven 2 at .69 feet. All four are very long term stations, and show sea rise well below what would be expected during a Holocene warm period. And the countries to the sides of them are the same.

Anyhow, what this means is that Germany must implement even stronger climate crisis (scam) provisions and put them in effect before 2030, because it violates the freedoms of the little Warmists, who will soon be wondering where all their freedoms went to in order to solve Hotcoldwetdry.

The ruling was stark in the obligations it imposed on the government, said Roda Verheyen, a lawyer for the plaintiffs.

“The court focuses on the civil liberties of future generations, saying those rights are being infringed already today,” she said. “This isn’t vague, but a very clear decision about fundamental rights.”

Have fun, kiddies. Don’t complain when your freedoms, choice, and liberty are reduced, and your taxes and cost of living rise. This is what you wanted. What you asked for.

(DW) “The challenged provisions do violate the freedoms of the complainants, some of whom are still very young,” the court said in a statement.

“Virtually every freedom is potentially affected by these future emission reduction obligations because almost all areas of human life are still associated with the emission of greenhouse gases and are thus threatened by drastic restrictions after 2030,” the statement said.

When does the court give up it’s own use of fossil fuels and go carbon neutral? Anyhow, again, have fun kiddies. No complaining.

Read: German Court Rules Climate Crisis (scam) Law Unconstitutional, Must Take Actions Sooner »

Columbus, Ohio Mayor Ask For Federal Probe Of City Police, Soon To Wonder Why Crime Has Spike Amid Cops Leaving

The mayor will be shocked when the unintended consequences fairy visits his city

Columbus mayor requests federal probe of police force

unintended consequencesWhile Ohio’s capital city has made significant progress enacting changes to its police department, the city needs additional help because of “fierce opposition” to reform within the agency, city leaders said Wednesday as they requested a Justice Department investigation following a series of police killings of Black people and other controversies.

The request by Mayor Andrew Ginther and City Attorney Zach Klein — both Democrats — capped several painful months for the city, culminating most recently with the April 20 fatal shooting of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant as she swung a knife at a woman. Bryant was Black and the rookie officer who shot her was white.

Criticism has included not just fatal police shootings but also the department’s reaction to last summer’s protests over racial injustice and police brutality following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. A report commissioned by city council and released earlier this week criticized both the police department and city leaders, saying Columbus was unprepared for the size and energy of the protests.

I’m guessing it doesn’t matter that the girl Ma’Khia was attacking with a knife, intent to do serious bodily harm, was black, eh? Or that Ma’Khia was attacking another human being with a knife, intent on doing serious bodily harm, and that the law is on the side of the cops, as even some left wingers have noted. As for the protests, who was prepared for the size and energy (which means violence, arson, assault, looting, etc)? And why would that matter? And why would it be necessary to ask Los Federales to investigate, rather than, say, the state of Ohio?

“This is not about one particular officer, policy, or incident; rather, this is about reforming the entire institution of policing in Columbus,” Ginther and Klein said in Wednesday’s letter. “Simply put: We need to change the culture of the Columbus Division of Police.”

Oh, it’ll change: like so many Democratic Party run cities it will soon become more and more violent as police avoid getting involved in crime intervention, in looking to stop crime before it happens, in slow walking everything, and leaving the force for greener Reder pastures, with the city unable to find many to replace them.

The request by Columbus leaders came the same day that the attorney representing the family of Bryant requested a federal investigation into her death and the state’s foster care system.

The Blame Everyone Else strategy. Why was she in foster care in the first place? I’ll take this with a grain of salt, as it’s the only article really on her parents (but, then, the Credentialed Media has no interest in asking questions that interfere with a Narrative), but, they weren’t exactly good people, and there’s a reason Ma’Khia was in foster care, right?

Meanwhile, like so many Democratic run cities

More than 200 Seattle police officers quit over the last year, many citing anti-police climate

More than 200 Seattle police officers quit their jobs in the last year amid months of frequent anti-law enforcement, racial injustice protests and riots in the city.

Many of the officers cited an anti-police climate in the city – including in the City Council — and disagreements with police management in their reasons for moving on, leaving the department with what Police Chief Adrian Diaz called a “staffing crisis” on Tuesday.

He said 180 police officers quit last year and another 66 officers so far this year.

Some of the officers retired early while others took policing jobs in other cities or moved on to other careers, the officers said in exit interviews, according to KING-TV in Seattle.

He said the department is hiring more community service and crime prevention officers to handle non-criminal calls but said that doesn’t make up for a lack of front-line officers.

So, hiring lots of left-wing lunatics pushing SJW and stuff, but, the actual police officers who deal with criminals? Nope. And you know the officers left are staying away from anything that could put them in a bad position simply due to the color of the criminal’s skin color, being demeaned for doing the actual job, and so forth. This is what Columbus will soon look like. Seattle used to be a pretty decent place. It has jumped to be a 4 on the Neighborhood Scout crime rate scale. The lower the number the worse the crime. Columbus is the US’s 14th largest city, and is sitting at an 8. It should probably be up to a 4 for the 2022 review.

Read: Columbus, Ohio Mayor Ask For Federal Probe Of City Police, Soon To Wonder Why Crime Has Spike Amid Cops Leaving »

New Computer Time – Dell Inspiron 3501

Thanks to everyone who chimed in yesterday. Helped a lot. I typically take every other Wednesday off (and every other Thursday), so, was off today. Ran around to multiple Best Buys and Office Depots, ended up with a Dell Inspiron 3501. 16GB ram (though, not the fastest type, no biggie), 256GB SSD hard drive (512 is nice, but, even after copying all my files for music, photos (lost a bunch of downloaded pinups), etc, I still have about 142GB, especially since I’m not installing a bunch of programs that I never, ever use, including all the add on graphics and stuff for the photo program I use. Full 1920 x 1080 display, which is pretty nice so far.

Speakers aren’t anything special, but, then, for all the named stuff in laptops, they’re rarely special, just too thin. Loud enough.

A fingerprint reader, which is nice.

Backlit keyboard, which times out after so many second of use, with 2 bright settings. Bright enough for sitting in the living room with the lights low.

Intel Core i5-1135G7. While some say the base speed is 1.5ghz, others say 2.4ghz. Regardless, the benchmarks I’ve read on multiple sites is good. Up to 4.2ghz.

Plenty of USBs, 1 HDMI, a memory card reader, even has an ethernet port, which is rather rare these days on laptops. Only thing missing is a USB C port, but, for those rare times I need to move something, usually a song or 2, to the phone, I have a USB to C cable in the car.

Only sorta negative is that it looks rather plasticy, and feels that way. Not smooth plastic as you rest your palms. But, in feeling the 4 other old laptops (2 now dead, but, could put new HDs in them, but would have to purchase Windows for them), and 2 that have real old copies of Windows and just barely allow work) which are smooth, the plastic is just as thick.

The keyboard, which has some really, really nice action, does sit a lot higher up towards the screen, we’ll see if this makes a difference. Huge touchpad, but, I rarely use that.

So far, impressed.

Read: New Computer Time – Dell Inspiron 3501 »

Climate Today: Forcing Everyone Into Megacities, Stop Complaining About Being Forced To Give Up Meat

Megacities. I think I’ve seen this in some movies. Logan’s Run, Judge Dredd, a few others. Things don’t look very good, eh?

How megacities could lead the fight against climate change

In 2050, 2.5 billion more people will live in cities than do today. As the world grows more urbanized, many cities are becoming more populous while also trying to reduce carbon emissions and blunt the impacts of climate change.

In the coming decades, cities will be engines of economic growth. But they must also play a key role in confronting climate change; the world’s 100 most populous cities are responsible for roughly one-fifth of global carbon emissions.

Some of the world’s biggest cities—called megacities—are rising to this challenge. However, these urban areas vary greatly in how efficient they are and how much they will grow. Seeing how they stack up can help us identify where our greatest opportunities are to reduce emissions.

Sounds great! I wonder why the Warmists in these crime ridden, filthy, decaying cities aren’t giving up their own fossil fueled travel, AC and heating, taking short showers, etc and so on now?

Beefing over beef is a distraction the climate movement can’t afford

Lately, it seems like forgoing red meat has become an unfortunate proxy for environmental credentials. Epicurious, for example, just announced that it will no longer publish articles or recipes with beef in a decision it calls, “not anti-beef but rather pro-planet.” And then there are headlines like “Why do some green activists eat meat?”

Meat-eating, meanwhile, has become a sort of symbol for climate denial. There are Twitter wars swirling around whether Biden’s climate ambitions will infringe on Americans’ right to eat burgers (his actual climate proposals would not).

But diet shouldn’t be a political scorecard for how down you are for the planet. Shaming people over what they eat — particularly for girls, immigrants, and people who don’t fit the unfairly skinny box of beauty standards — is nothing new. We don’t need to add one more minefield.

And we dive down into the whole putting people in boxes bit.

Focusing heavily on individual responsibility to save the planet can also be a big distraction from the actual systemic change needed to tackle the global climate crisis. What’s more, it can alienate people who do care about climate change but might not have as many options when it comes to what they eat.

They do realize that systemic change will force changes on individuals, right?

Anyhow, no one is shaming them: they’re being laughed at for wanting Everyone Else to be forced to give up meat which most Warmists won’t do.

Read: Climate Today: Forcing Everyone Into Megacities, Stop Complaining About Being Forced To Give Up Meat »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Free North Carolina, with a post on the 2020 Census results giving an edge to Republicans.

Morgan Fairchild, folks! Who started out in the 70’s.

Read: If All You See… »

CDC, CNN Super Excited To Tell Vaccinated People What They Can And Can’t Do

It almost makes get vaccinated worthless

15 of the safest activities for the fully vaccinated — with and without face masks

Are you one of the growing numbers of Americans who are fully vaccinated?

If so, you can now get more of your pre-Covid life back, according to new guidelines released Tuesday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (snip)

Being outdoors has always been the safest place from the novel coronavirus — even masked and at 6 feet of social distance — because the chance of transmission is far lower outside.

“Outdoor visits and activities pose minimal risk to fully vaccinated people themselves or to those around them,” the CDC said.

Outdoor activities pose almost no threat. There were very few occurrences where there was a mass outbreak since this whole thing started. Sure never happened with all those freakouts by the media over kids at spring break, nor all those BLM/Antifa riots. So, what can you do?

  • Exercise outdoors alone or with members of your household
  • Attend a small, outdoor gathering with fully vaccinated family and friends
  • Attend a small, outdoor gathering with fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people
  • Dine at an outdoor restaurant with friends from multiple households

In fact, the first two outdoor activities listed above are so safe that even unvaccinated people can do them without being masked, the CDC said. Why? It’s the motion of the ocean of air.

In other words, most of the rules for masking and being outside were mule fritters. In all fairness, we didn’t necessarily know all this a year ago when people were Very Concerned, and rightly so, about COVID. But, will governors relax the rules?

But, then

There’s only one outdoor activity listed on the CDC guidelines that requires a mask.

If you attend a “crowded, outdoor event, like a live performance, parade, or sports event” you should be masked even if you’re fully vaccinated.

Why do you have to mask at a “crowded, outdoor event” but it’s OK to get together unmasked with friends from multiple households or those who are not vaccinated? It has to do with the number of people you are likely to encounter, said CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen.

Yeah, yeah. This is how they’re trying to continue the control.

The following indoor activities are all considered low risk for fully vaccinated people, the CDC said, but only if you mask up properly.

“Precautions should still be taken as transmission risk in these settings is higher and likely increases with the number of unvaccinated people present. Thus, fully vaccinated people engaging in indoor social activities in public settings should continue to wear a well-fitted mask.”

So, basically everything inside requires a mask, even for those of us who are vaccinated. Piss off. No, seriously, the CDC says specifically “Take precautions in indoor public settings like wearing a well-fitted mask”. If I’m with people who’ve been vaccinated or have the antibodies, why?

They also provide a massive graphic, as seen above, (in giant form here) of what you can and cannot do.

Read: CDC, CNN Super Excited To Tell Vaccinated People What They Can And Can’t Do »

John Kerry Won’t Let Pesky Things Like China’s Human Rights Get In The Way Of Solving Climate Crisis (scam)

Stuff like that is just very inconvenient for Kerry and the rest of the Cult of Climastrology, and should be ignored, much like Hillary Clinton did while Secretary of State for Obama

(Foreign Policy) FP: Let’s talk about China. This administration has been fairly tough on China. It has accused China of conducting a genocide against the Uyghurs; it has engaged Taiwan; it is reinvigorating the so-called Quad, a group of countries that includes the United States, India, Australia, and Japan. But amid all of this, the Biden White House also really needs China as a partner in fighting climate change. How do you partition this one issue—climate change—from all the other arenas of competition?

JK: Well, I think historically, Ravi, powerful nations that have differences have always been able, almost always been able, to do that. Obviously, North Korea may be an exception for the moment, but usually we’ve been able to come together and be able to try to negotiate and resolve certain differences. The example of that is [former U.S. President] Ronald Reagan in the Soviet Union. He consistently called it the evil empire. He told them to tear down the wall. He was a great advocate for freedom and for democracy. And ultimately, he met with [then-President Mikhail] Gorbachev in Reykjavik, and they came to an agreement that it really didn’t make a lot of sense to have 50,000 warheads pointing at each other on a hair trigger and to be living with that day-to-day danger.

These are the things that make a difference. And right now, climate is enough of an imperative for all of our countries. China doesn’t benefit by not having America as a partner in dealing with climate. And the United States doesn’t benefit from not having China as a partner in climate. So we’re just disciplined. We have differences on economic rules, on cyber. We have other differences on human rights, geostrategic interests, but those differences do not have to get in the way of something that is as critical as dealing with climate. And China made that decision. When I was in China the other day, we negotiated back and forth in good faith. We didn’t have to insult each other or shout at each other. We had a serious, tough conversation, but we managed to find a place and a way to be able to agree and move forward. And I think that opens the door or window to other possibilities in those other arenas. My sense is the Chinese know that there is a benefit to both of us being able to resolve the climate crisis because our citizens are deeply affected by our failure to do so.

Yeah, who cares about all the human rights violations and such from China. I’m sure all the people living in China will be glad for this. These climate cultists are really so invested in the cult that they just do not care about anything that gets in the way of their cult.

Read: John Kerry Won’t Let Pesky Things Like China’s Human Rights Get In The Way Of Solving Climate Crisis (scam) »

Pirate's Cove