Interesting: Vaccinated People Less Likely To Engage In Public Activities That Unvaccinated

What could be the reasons for this? I know plenty who aren’t vaccinated. Some because they do not take shots like that, not even a flu shot. Some don’t trust that the vaccines haven’t been fully through CDC vetting process. Some just don’t think it’s necessary. Might those be the ones most likely to be in public? The ones I know are the ones going to bars. Me? I do avoid some things. I’m not going to bars, prefer not to eat at restaurants at this time. And, I’m fully vaccinated. Perhaps more vaccinated’s are more cautious? Who know

Vaccinated people far less likely to engage in public activities than unvaccinated Americans: poll

Vaccinated Americans are far less likely to engage in public activities than people who have not yet received the coronavirus vaccine, according to a new Morning Consult poll.

A survey of 879 vaccinated American adults and 1,321 unvaccinated adults found that those who were not inoculated against COVID-19 were much more likely to want to return to normal and engage in public activities. Morning Consult gauged the interest in both groups in returning to public activities, including going to the gym, taking a train, going to a party, attending a concert, going to a wedding, traveling abroad, and going on a cruise. In every possible scenario, the respondents that were not vaccinated were more inclined to participate in these public activities and events.

According to the poll, 43% of unvaccinated people felt it was safe to go to the gym versus only 27% of vaccinated Americans given the current state of the coronavirus pandemic. There were 42% of unvaccinated respondents who would attend a concert compared to 23% of vaccinated. When it comes to attending a sporting event, 42% of unvaccinated are ready to go to the ballpark, and 29% of vaccinated would go to the stadium to support their favorite sports team. There were 54% of vaccinated participants ready to get back to dating, while 43% of respondents were prepared to look for love despite being vaccinated for COVID-19. Speaking of love, there were 50% of unvaccinated people who felt comfortable attending a wedding, but just 38% of Americans who are vaccinated would go to a wedding. The poll found that 45% of unvaccinated people would attend a religious gathering versus 35% of those who were vaccinated.

Hmm. I went back to the gym almost immediately (and some days it could be really busy, certainly beyond the capacity limits set by North Carolina). Yet, I know some who aren’t vaccinated who stay away from the gym. I’m getting nowhere near cruise, but, I did fly for Christmas. And would fly again being vaccinated, even though it felt weird with zero social distancing. A big concert or sporting event? Maybe.

The unvaccinated Americans were most comfortable with dining at a restaurant (63%), shopping at a mall (60%), and renting a car (58%).

I’m good with letting people I don’t know test driving a vehicle without me. But, also, I like having that 15-20 minutes to just chill, and, I think people pay attention to the vehicle more without a sales person around. I can be quiet for 15 minutes, most people can’t, and focus on me.

The survey conducted from May 6-8 also discovered that 88% of vaccinated people said COVID-19 poses a “severe” or “moderate” health risk in the United States, compared with 70% of unvaccinated respondents.

My position has always been, and, even being vaccinated (you still have a small chance of getting COVID), better safe than sorry. It could be a minor case, or one that will mess you up for months. I don’t feel like missing work for weeks, or even months. I really, really, really hate getting sick. But, people can do them. You don’t want a vaccine? That’s on you. Don’t want to distance or take precautions? That’s on you, just don’t get close to me, fist bump me, etc.

Read: Interesting: Vaccinated People Less Likely To Engage In Public Activities That Unvaccinated »

Democrats Considering User Fees To Pay For Their “Infrastructure” Plan

As they force you to be Watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside), Democrats are looking to make you pay for it

Democrats open to user fees for infrastructure deal

Some Senate Democrats are open to paying for a compromise infrastructure package by imposing user fees, including increasing the gas tax and raising money from electric car drivers through a vehicle-miles-traveled charge.

Why it matters: By inching toward the Republican position on pay-fors, some Democrats are bucking President Biden’s push to offset his proposed $2.3 trillion plan by focusing only on raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy.

“User fees have to be part of the mix,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) told Axios on Thursday.

“I am generally supportive of what the president is trying to do, but I think his initial unwillingness to include user fees makes it really hard.”

Guess who this hits the most? And why would people want to switch to a much more expensive EV when they are just going to pay more for miles traveled? Punished for “being green”? Raise the gas tax? Kill the economy which is on a razor’s edge.

Anyhow, China Joe met with the GOP and Republicans and

The president agreed: “I am very optimistic that we can reach a reasonable agreement. But even if we don’t, it’s been a good-faith effort that we started.”

He added: “We didn’t compromise on anything.”

Reach an agreement but refuse to compromise? Where’s all that bipartisan we hear about? Where’s Joe’s electric limo and electric helicopter? Why isn’t he riding the train?


Electric Chevrolet Bolt EUV rated at 247 miles per charge

The Chevrolet Bolt EUV just missed the mark.

Chevy had estimated that the all-electric subcompact crossover would receive an EPA rating of 250 miles per charge, but the official number is 247 miles.

That puts the $33,595 Bolt EUV ahead of the similarly sized Kia Niro EV’s 239-mile rating and below the Hyundai Kona EV’s 258-mile rating.

The Niro and Kona have 201 hp motors, compared to the Bolt EUV’s 200 hp unit, and start at $31,065 and $32,765, respectively, after deducting the $7,500 federal tax credit they qualify for.

You can’t just deduct the credit as cash. And that’s a lot of money for small vehicles. With few features.

Read: Democrats Considering User Fees To Pay For Their “Infrastructure” Plan »

If All You See…

…is a perfect area for a solar or wind farm, far from the big cities so you don’t have to look at it, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on the way white people walk on sidewalks being raaaaacist.

Read: If All You See… »

TDS: Ellen Degeneres Blames Trump For Her Show Ending

It certainly couldn’t be the utterly toxic environment reported to be on her show, right? Nor how so many have said she is just really awful? I don’t know how many articles I saw the headlines for last year while scrolling Yahoo News and other outlets that had people coming out of the woodwork slamming her and the environment on her show

Ellen Degeneres denies toxic workplace claims led to her ending talk show, cites climate of hatred under Trump

Ellen Degeneres denied that the allegations of a toxic workplace environment led to her ending her talk show and instead blamed the climate of hatred under former President Donald Trump.

Degeneres made the comments during an interview Thursday with host Savannah Guthrie on NBC’s “Today.”

Guthrie asked if she had trouble making the decision to end her show and Degeneres said she had first thought of ending the show in 2018 because of the hatred during the Trump administration.

“First of all I had been struggling with it for a while. I really did think I was gonna stop season 16, because, it was, if you can remember there was a different president, and it was a different time, and there was a lot of hatred and anger, and stuff,” Degeneres said.

Right, right, sure thing. She’s denied all the allegations, and, in fairness, they were allegations. I rarely ever read any of what she calls “clickbait headlines”, but, most were simply allegations. By a lot of people. Who never brought it up previously. And came out of the woodwork when someone started this. But, there were a lot of people, from stars to people who worked on the show. Regardless, just unhinged to blame Trump.

Read: TDS: Ellen Degeneres Blames Trump For Her Show Ending »

New One: Climate Crisis (scam) Affecting Space Junk

This is a new one, but, then since the Cult of Climastrology is always dragging more and more stuff into their doomsday ideology, it should be expected, and the timing is interesting after that huge Chinese piece of space crap crashed the other day

Space junk could be made worse by increasing climate change

There are more than 160 million pieces of ‘space junk’ floating in Earth’s orbit, with the number continuing to rise. Space junk, which can include debris from defunct satellites and pieces of rockets, is proving to be an increasingly prominent problem. Furthermore, with pieces of space junk travelling at average speeds of 16,777 mph (27,000kmh), even the smallest pieces of debris, including chips of paint, could prove extremely problematic.

Researchers have now said that climate change could be making the situation worse.

Space junk is designed to burn up in the density of the upper atmosphere.

However, rising CO2 levels in the upper atmosphere is causing its density to drop.

Ultimately, the lower atmosphere then has less of a pull to draw pieces of space junk in.

This then leads to fewer objects returning to Earth and burning up in the atmosphere and it stays clogged up in orbit.

A report from the European Space Agency last month said the amount of space junk in orbit could increase by a factor of 50 by 2100.

So, of course this is being touted by The Weather Cult Channel, The NY Cult Times, Cult Futurism, Cult Gizmodo, and so many more. None of whom mention how the the business nor the employees have given up their own use of fossil fuels and gone Net Zero. That’s for Other People to be forced to do. The cult always needs to move the scaremongering forward in order to get the Government to force compliance.

Read: New One: Climate Crisis (scam) Affecting Space Junk »

China Joe Decides It’s A Good Idea To Threaten Those Who Aren’t Vaccinated

Now, you certainly heard by now about the CDC saying that the fully vaccinated can ditch the mask indoors except in times of crowds, though they don’t really explain what they mean. Is that when you’re in the supermarket with normal capacity? Or only when it is 2am? Also, what does this mean for those who have the antibodies after having COVID? Are they covered? Anyhow, Donald Trump had a lot of Mean Tweets. I don’t remember any that were threatening, at least to American citizens he was elected to serve

(Fox News) President Biden received backlash on social media Thursday over a tweet that some users saw as a thinly veiled ultimatum when it comes to receiving a COVID-19 jab.

Biden, who addressed the media in the Rose Garden earlier Thursday, announced that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its mask guidance for fully vaccinated Americans. The guidance allows those vaccinated to go mask-free in outdoor and most indoor settings. The president called it “a great day for America.”

Biden’s official Twitter account later posted, “The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. The choice is yours.”

There are plenty more replies at Twitchy. Now, had Trump sent this tweet, the Democrats would be threatening to impeach him yet again, as this is rather dictator-like. As Jazz notes later in the conversation after I noted that it is threatening, it is literal blackmail.

The tweet also raised questions about children who don’t have the approval to receive the vaccines. Dana Hull, a Bloomberg reporter, tweeted, “Really hard for parents who have kids under 12 to square this.”

Yeah, that would be rather difficult. And, how much do masks really work? I’d rather you keep your distance and not touch me. Though, I have no problem with a mask in big crowds, even as an attempt to keep people from giving me a cold or the flu. Joe was elected (maybe) president, not dictator.

And, while the GOP would never have the cajones to threaten impeachment (not that they could, either, not being the minority in the House), they did use an old Democrat and both sides blogging/pundit trick and Questioned The Timing

Republican lawmakers questioned the timing of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s decision to ease indoor mask requirements on Thursday as the Biden administration contends with crises on several fronts.

Biden faced intense pressure this week from lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle who called for decisive action amid escalating military clashes between Israel and Hamas, a ransomware attack that crippled the largest fuel supplier on the Eastern Seaboard, and concerns about inflation that weighed on the stock market.

The CDC’s announcement led some Republicans, including Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., to question what prompted the sudden shift in guidance.

“While the new mask guidance is encouraging, the CDC and my Far Radical Left colleagues only chose to do this to distract from the consequences of catastrophic policy decisions that have been heard around the world,” said Biggs, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus. “Inflation is rising, the Middle East is in shambles, the working class can’t fill up their gas tanks, our border is being overrun and the Biden Administration’s leadership is nowhere to be found.”

It’s nice to see that some Republicans are engaging in Politics 101. Right side bloggers/pundits did this a lot during the Obama admin, and Democrat politicians and bloggers/pundits did this a lot during the Bush years, and some during Trump years. But, here, it could be true. And, it could be an attempt to get things going again, because the China Joe admin sees that the economy is being held up by cracked glass.

The thing is, it’s all about being careful. The chances of you dying are low, but, if you get COVID you could get it and just feel like a regular cold, or you could get it really bad, and feel like someone ran you over, and feel like this for a long time, with lots of feeling like crap for months. That should have been the message, not do this, do that, “we’ll make you do this”, and not threatening tweets.

Read: China Joe Decides It’s A Good Idea To Threaten Those Who Aren’t Vaccinated »

EPA Cultmongers That US Has Entered Unprecedented Climate Territory Or Something

Gotta keep that power and funding going, rather than focusing on actual, real environmental issues. Hey, perhaps something like the Flint water crisis could have been avoided, eh?

U.S. has entered unprecedented climate territory, EPA warns

For years, President Donald Trump and his deputies played down the impact of greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels and delayed the release of an Environmental Protection Agency report detailing climate-related damage. But on Wednesday, the EPA released a detailed and disturbing account of the startling changes that Earth’s warming had on parts of the United States during Trump’s presidency.

Good grief, Trump was in office for just 4 years. What did China Joe and Barack do, other than climavirtue signal?

The destruction of year-round permafrost in Alaska, loss of winter ice on the Great Lakes and spike in summer heat waves in U.S. cities all signal that climate change is intensifying, the EPA said in its report. The assessment, which languished under the Trump administration for three years, marks the first time the agency has said such changes are being driven at least in part by human-caused global warming.

As it launched an updated webpage to inform the public on how climate change is upending communities throughout the country, the Biden administration gave the agency’s imprimatur to a growing body of evidence that climate effects are happening faster and becoming more extreme than when EPA last published its “Climate Indicators” data in 2016.

EPA Administrator Michael Regan said he wants to make clear to the entire country the dangers of rising temperatures in the United States.

“We want to reach people in every corner of this country because there is no small town, big city or rural community that’s unaffected by the climate crisis,” Regan told reporters Wednesday. “Americans are seeing and feeling the impacts up close with increasing regularity.”

EPA staffers said the data detail how the nation has entered unprecedented territory, in which climate effects are more visible, changing faster and becoming more extreme. Collectively, the indicators present “multiple lines of evidence that climate change is occurring now and here in the U.S., affecting public health and the environment,” the agency said.

Who would have thought that the climate would change? That’s never happened over the previous 4.5 billion years, right? Sure, that’s sarcastic as hell, but, when deal with cult members, do they deserve a rational reply? And how do they know this is unprecedented territory? Do they have actual, direct measurements of what occurred during the previous Holocene warm periods, just to shorten the time period? This is nothing more than scaremongering from people who refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their lives Net Zero, while attempting to slap more government restrictions on your life and take more of your money.

Read: EPA Cultmongers That US Has Entered Unprecedented Climate Territory Or Something »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on keeping violent felons in jail being unfair.

Read: If All You See… »

Growing Inflation Is Biden’s Tax On Americans

But, hey, no more mean tweets, right?

Growing inflation is Biden’s hidden tax on working Americans

The sharpest tax President Biden is levying upon Americans is one that was never passed by Congress, promised from the White House, or voted on by citizens at the ballot box. The invisible tax of rising inflation will do far more to harm working and middle-class Americans than Biden’s proposed tax hikes. The trillions of dollars in congressional spending and money printing from the Federal Reserve is already having a dramatic effect on the price of ordinary goods. Inflation has reached its highest point in years, and will likely reach the highest in two generations.

Over the past year, food prices are up 3.5 percent, with eggs and meat up by over 5 percent; gas is up 22 percent and is expected to get even higher by this summer; lumber is up 250 percent; new home prices are up $36,000, with overall housing up 11 percent; and new cars are up 9 percent, the highest in 68 years. In April, 13 percent of new car buyers paid more than the sticker price. Other goods — from household items, baby care and general merchandise — are already up between 5.2 and 7.2 percent from this time last year. The cost of eating out shot up by 3.7 percent over the past year, and some takeout specials such as chicken wings have nearly doubled. Coffee futures are up 24 percent since October. Even growing your own food has surged in price, with the cost of seeds and potted plants jumping by 10.5 percent.

Feeding the problem is the sharp price increase in commodities vital to our basic needs. Microchip prices are up by 25 percent over the last year, hiking the price of items from phones to televisions to car parts. Meanwhile, increased corn prices will further impact a variety of food products. Corn prices have nearly doubled since the start of the pandemic and reached a 13-year high. Along with corn, food prices are buoyed by a 59 percent increase in pork, 23 percent spike in soybean costs, and 21 percent increase in wheat prices. Whatever increase we’ve seen in grocery and restaurant bills will only accelerate as the trend continues.

Put it all together, and consumer prices are the highest they’ve been in eight and a half years. Economists now not only see the risk of inflation “higher than in the last two decades,” but the distinct risk of the Federal Reserve having to increase interest rates by the end of 2022.

In fairness, many of these things have nothing to do with Joe Biden. Or Donald Trump. The blame should be laid at China’s foot, because they were screwing around biological research on a virus. Neither Trump nor Biden had/have any control over people holding onto their cars, leading to a dearth of used, which makes used almost as expensive as new, and don’t expect negotiation. Neither of them raise chickens, leading to a shortage. You can blame lots of politicians, mostly Democrats, for their lockdowns and keeping businesses that make stuff and grow stuff shut. Perhaps the whole “essential worker” paradigm was skewed, since most are essential. Except government workers. A goodly chunk are superfluous.

But, this is politics, so, it’s Biden’s fault. You know they would be 100% blaming Trump. So, 100% Biden’s fault.

The second means of inflation comes through massive government spending. Between several “emergency” measures hastily passed under the guise of pandemic relief and President Biden’s massive new spending plans, we are looking at the potential for 1970s economic stagflation. Biden wants to spend nearly $2 trillion on a misleadingly-named “infrastructure” bill and $1.8 trillion in new social spending. Combined with the already-passed 2021 COVID-19 relief package, this spending will total $6 trillion — more than double the entire federal budget before the Great Recession. As if these large spending plans aren’t enough, the president requested a 16 percent increase in domestic spending in next year’s budget. Is he offsetting the increased social spending with cuts to the military? Nope — the proposed Pentagon budget is up by 1.5 percent.

Nor does the China Joe admin seem concerned about inflation in the least.

However, the reality does not match the White House’s rosy projections. Americans’ savings rates sharply increased after the government distributed $3,200 in direct stimulus payments, plus generous unemployment bonuses that reduced the available labor pool. Much of this saved and printed money will soon manifest in the economy in a frenzy of post-pandemic consumer spending. In short, there is far too much money out there chasing an increasingly limited supply of goods, whether it be food, cars, gasoline, houses or more. This is nearly the textbook definition of inflation.

New car dealers are getting about a third of their normal allotment. Some less. Anything that uses a computer chip will be in short supply for a while. Expect sales on products like TVs, computers, tablets, and so forth to be limited. Same with specials on food products and clothes. Have you tried to buy pants recently? I told you about my experience buying a computer. Well, need some warm weather pants, and, there’s little in stock. Going to have to order from Amazon. We’ve been told that “the buck stops here” when it’s a Republican in office, so, this is all China Joe’s fault.

Global stock markets sink as inflation worries mount

Stock markets in London and Tokyo tumbled 2.5% on Thursday and U.S. futures were lower after a jump in American consumer prices fueled worries inflation might drag on an economic recovery.

Shanghai, Frankfurt and Hong Kong also declined for a second day, following Wall Street lower.

Overnight, Wall Street’s benchmark S&P 500 index recorded its biggest one-day drop in three months after U.S. prices, exceeding forecasts, rose in April at their fastest year-on-year pace in 13 years.

Thanks, Joe!

Read: Growing Inflation Is Biden’s Tax On Americans »

You Do Know That The Cicadas Forshadow A World Of Insect Swarms From Climate Crisis (scam), Right?

The cicadas come every 17 years. But, the Cult of Climastrology has now hijacked this perfectly natural occurrence for their own doomsday purposes, as seen in Axios

The cicadas are foreshadowing our future with more — and more dangerous — insect swarms

Trillions of Brood X cicadas are now emerging throughout parts of the mid-Atlantic and Midwestern U.S.

Why it matters: Most immediately, because they can be as loud as a Metallica show when they’re singing in concert.

But the behavior of cicadas will provide important clues to how climate change and human influence are altering the environment, and preview a future where some insects — including many of the species that most threaten us — could swarm in ever greater numbers.

By the numbers: As soil temperatures 8 inches underground reach 64°F, it will signal to cicadas of Brood X that it is time to end their 17 years underground and burst through the forest floors and suburban lawns of their native territory. (snip through information on cicadas, especially that they are not dangerous in the least)

The big picture: Climate change and habitat loss have already been implicated in the decline of countless other insects, from wild bees to monarch butterflies to certain kinds of moths. But other insect species will thrive in a warmer world — to the detriment of the rest of us.

So, this happens every 17 years, this has been happening for a long, long time (some scientists think this goes back deep into the last ice age), but, Climate Emergency! Why? If you’re asking you must be a Denier, and should have your voice shut down. Just join the cult!

See, we learn about honeybees, which love warm weather, but, are doomed from warm weather because shut up, you Denier! It couldn’t possibly be due to actual pollutants and land use. Shut up.

Suburban development in partially forested areas — as well as climate change — is increasing the threat from tick-borne diseases, with the number of counties in the Northeast and upper Midwest considered at high risk of Lyme disease increasing by more than 300% between 1992 and 2012.

So, mostly suburban development, not a tiny 1.5F increase in global temps since 1850. But, don’t say that you Denier! Heresy!

The catch: Connecting climate change to insect-borne disease is tricky, in part because rising incidences of diseases like Lyme likely also reflect greater awareness and more meticulous tracking.

But, they still will. They just did. Cicadas have zero to do with climate change, whether natural, anthropogenic, or some combination. Yet, they went down this doomsaying cult road.

The bottom line: Cicadas are a loud, if temporary nuisance, but more dangerous bugs aren’t going anywhere.

If that’s the bottom line, then why all the cultish doomsaying?

Read: You Do Know That The Cicadas Forshadow A World Of Insect Swarms From Climate Crisis (scam), Right? »

Pirate's Cove