Who’s Up For Gross Beer To Highlight Climate Crisis (scam)?

Because, plants hate CO2 and warmth

Brewer makes gross beer to show effects of climate change

A brewery purposefully released a bad-tasting beer to call for people to address climate change.

Fat Tire’s “Torched Earth Ale” is made with low-quality ingredients like used hop extracts and dandelions, and the company said those are the kinds ingredients that brewers might have to use in the future after crops are devastated by the changing climate.

“We give you the beer of the future, that we hope doesn’t exist,” the brewery tweeted. “Without aggressive climate action now, the impacts will be felt even in the beer aisle. Let’s work together to make sure none of us have to drink beer like this”.

And, of course, they’re pimping this all over. Sounds more like they’re attempting to get attention for their business, which is interesting since their climate Comrades so often want to do away with capitalism and put The Government in charge of the economy.


They totally want you to drink sustainably, because you certainly can’t just drink a beer to relax, and claim they’re regular beer is carbon neutral

In 2020, New Belgium’s flagship beer Fat Tire became the country’s first certified carbon neutral beer through tactics like increasing renewable energy installations, increasing energy efficiencies and purchasing carbon offsets. The last strategy New Belgium admits is not a sustainable practice. This is why the 30-year-old brewery has launched the “Last Call for Climate” with Torched Earth Ale, asking beer drinkers to demand their favorite brands to adopt 2030 climate plans. According to the press release, “70 percent of Fortune 500 companies lack a meaningful climate action plan (one that will help companies achieve or be well on the way to achieving net-zero emissions by 2030, the year scientists say that catastrophic climate change could be irreversible without bold action).”

So, they do not use CO2 in their beer? Oh, right, they’re just paying tickets for speeding because they like speeding. Do the trucks that deliver the product not use fossil fuels? Do they power their operation with solar and wind? No? Huh. But, they do want to force Everyone Else to practice their cult.

Read: Who’s Up For Gross Beer To Highlight Climate Crisis (scam)? »

#NeverTrumpers Plan To Grade Republicans With A “Democracy Report Card”

Fake Conservative Grifters gonna grift, you know

Anti-Trump conservative group to grade GOP lawmakers on whether they uphold (or undermine) democracy

An anti-Trump conservative group is launching an effort to track and evaluate whether Republicans in Congress, in the group’s view, have acted to either undermine or uphold democracy and democratic values and what role, if any, they played in attempts to overturn the 2020 election.

The Republican Accountability Project has created what it’s calling a “GOP Democracy Report Card,” which assigns grades to Republican members of Congress ranging from an “A,” which the group describes as excellent, to an “F,” which it describes as very poor. The details of the report card were first shared with CNN ahead of its release on Monday.

The group behind the effort, the Republican Accountability Project, is led by Republicans and conservatives who were outspoken in their opposition against former President Donald Trump’s reelection, including former Trump administration officials Olivia Troye and Elizabeth Neumann. The group operates as part of the advocacy organization Defending Democracy Together founded by prominent Trump critic Bill Kristol and Sarah Longwell, a longtime conservative and Republican consultant.

Only 14 Republicans in Congress received an “A,” the highest possible grade. In contrast, more than 100 Republicans received an “F,” the lowest possible grade.

These are all people who gave up on their conservative principles and beliefs simply because Donald Trump was elected. None of them ever really pointed what Trump did that wasn’t conservative, it was all based on Trump Derangement Syndrome. None of them ever said “hey, Trump trying to enforce federal immigration law was great. All those judges Trump put on federal courts, including SCOTUS, was great. Supporting our ally Israel was great. Not starting new wars was great. And so much war.” Nah, it was “ZOMG, mean tweets!” Very few Never Trumpers ever became rational. I simply stopped listening to Glenn Beck during the 2016 general election due to his TDS tirades. Beck eventually learned when we got into 2017 that Trump was doing good things for conservatives. I’m betting this “conservative” group would give most Democrats A’s and B’s if they rated them.

In an interview, Troye, a former top aide to Vice President Mike Pence who now serves as a director of the Republican Accountability Project, described the report card as a “reference tool” and informational resource for voters that can be updated over time in light of new events and Republican lawmakers’ actions.

Troye, who calls herself “a radically moderate conservative,” said the report card “says a lot about where the Republican Party is” and “speaks to the overall direction of where the GOP is based on where Trump has played a role and led it and how Trumpism has taken ahold of the base of the party.”

The grades are based on a set of four criteria and how lawmakers acted in relation to them, including whether a GOP lawmaker objected to the certification of Electoral College votes and if he or she voted to impeach or convict Trump for inciting the deadly January 6 attack.

In other words, this is, in fact, all about Trump Derangement Syndrome. Nothing more, nothing less.

The other two criteria the Republican Accountability Project evaluated lawmakers on was whether they have publicly made statements that cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2020 election and whether they signed on to an amicus brief backing a lawsuit from Texas to the Supreme Court that sought to overturn the results of the election in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia.

So, this “conservative” group (made up mostly of people who wanted hardcore leftist Joe Biden elected, and helped get Dems elected to the Senate), which wants to uphold Democracy, has no problem with Democrats cheating. The same people rating Republicans were also claiming Trump stole the 2016 election by working with Putin.

Some of the GOP lawmakers assigned an “A” grade according to the rating system include: Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska as well as House GOP conference chair Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the No. 3 House Republican.

Some of the GOP lawmakers who received an “F” grade include: House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy of California, House GOP Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the No. 2 House Republican, and Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who recently announced a Senate campaign and placed his baseless opposition to the certification of the 2020 election at the center of his candidacy.

So, the least Conservative members, people who are barely even Republican in political beliefs, get A’s, and people with pretty good Conservative beliefs get F’s? Surprise? Grifters gonna grift. Really, this report card shows exactly which Republicans should get primaried: those who get ranked high by this silly TDS project.

Seriously, Never Trumpers, just move on. This amount of hate can’t be good for what’s left of your mental health.

Read: #NeverTrumpers Plan To Grade Republicans With A “Democracy Report Card” »

Your Fault: Earth’s Axis Shifted Due To Climate Apocalypse

Thanks, dudes and dudettes. You just had to take that fossil fueled trip to get an evil juicy burger, didn’t you? This has obviously never happened before

Earth’s Axis Has Been Shifted by Climate Change, Study Says

Climate change has contributed to the shifting of Earth’s axis of rotation, according to new research.

Earth’s geographic north and south poles—where the planet’s axis of rotation intersects with its surface—are not fixed. Changes in where the Earth’s mass is distributed can cause the axis, and the poles, to move.

Melting glaciers caused a significant amount of water to shift, which scientists have now said helped the locations of the poles accelerate eastward.

It is estimated that since 1980, the poles’ positions have moved about 4 meters (13 feet).

Melting glaciers accounted for most of the shift observed since the 1990s, the peer-reviewed study published in Geophysical Research Letters (the American Geophysical Union’s journal) said.

Wait, what was that part about “estimated”? They’re trotting out a scientific, peer reviewed study that is based on an estimation, not hard data? Now, of course it could have moved and linked to climatic changes, which have been going on for billions of years. However, we know they are wanting to blame this mostly/solely on Mankind. Do they have data on how much the poles moved during the previous cool and warm periods during the Holocene for comparison? No? Then how do they know this is unusual?

Read: Your Fault: Earth’s Axis Shifted Due To Climate Apocalypse »

If All You See…

…are wonderful carbon sucking leaves, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Tradition, with a post on a crazy publicity stunt.

It’s 70’s TV ladies week. That’s Lonnie Anderson, who was in the wonderful WKRP, 1978-1982.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Stefano riboli patriotic pinup

Happy Sunday. Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The grass is getting watered, the Dodgers are on a roll, and the squirrels are mad at the Mockingbirds for mocking them. This pinup is by Stefano Ribali, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Old Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Legal Insurrection discusses Nickelodeon jumping on the Woke bandwagon
  2. Moonbattery covers parenting advice from St. Greta Of Stockholm
  3. neo-neocon wonders at what point liberals will get alarmed
  4. Pacific Pundit notes how many cops are leaving the NYPD
  5. Patterico’s Pontifications discusses the Washington Post’s shooting of unarmed black men
  6. Powerline notes Democrats voted to continue discriminating against Asians
  7. Raised On Hoecakes features a very good K9 doggie
  8. Sultan Knish says Earth Day is killing us
  9. White House Dossier covers China Joe making the stock market drop
  10. The Daley Gator notes another “saint” shot by police
  11. The First Street Journal covers journalists hating on democracy
  12. The Lid notes Levi Strauss’ CEO going Woke, unable to explain why Ga voting law is racist
  13. The Right Scoop covers Kamala’s book visiting the border, but not Kamala herself
  14. Vox Popoli notes China attacking feminism
  15. And last, but not least, Weasel Zippers covers an Asian man attacked by another white, gun loving, Christian, MAGA male

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

San Diego Union Tribune Editorial Board: Police Need Alternatives To Lethal Weapons Or Something

This is the very definition of “won’t someone Do Something!”, as they offer no ideas, just typical leftist whining, pointing the fingers at police (who need it pointed their way now and then, but, not all, just ones who did it wrong), but failing to point any fingers at the criminals who commit the crime

Opinion: Police urgently need a more humane alternative to lethal weapons. It’s time to design one.

The fatal shooting of a homeless, mentally ill Escondido man with nearly 200 arrests on his record on Wednesday raises many familiar questions, starting with, Why does America have a history of accepting that it is OK for a police officer to kill someone for aberrant behavior? Why are police officers expected to know how to deal with those who have mental health issues? And how can people with chronic mental health problems be more readily compelled to accept professional treatment?

Since they start with this, let’s go to that linked article

Police Chief Ed Varso said in a video Wednesday that officers were responding to a call of a man who was striking vehicles at the intersection with a metal rod. An officer opened fire when the man approached him in a threatening manner after receiving numerous commands to drop the object and several use-of-force warnings, Varso said.

While his name has not been released, Varso said the man was well-known by Escondido police, with 188 arrests since 2002 for offenses including “violent assaults on police and the public, parole violations, drug charges, vandalism and a host of other property crimes.”

He was warned, and still came after the police, who don’t feel a need to let someone get close enough to them to assault them, and warned him. Back to original

But there is another angle to this issue that is not considered nearly enough: Why can’t inventors, entrepreneurs and law enforcement agencies come up with a highly effective alternative to a handgun to subdue criminal suspects?

Why won’t someone do something! There is an alternative: don’t commit crime. Don’t attack people with a knife in plain sight of police officers. Don’t do things that force officers to pull out their weapons.

Way back in 1965, President Lyndon Johnson ordered a criminal justice study that came back with an urgent recommendation that police needed to have a non-lethal method of incapacitating people without permanently injuring them.

Which brings on a discussion of the taser, and how it can be deadly. And, they don’t always work.

After the 2014 police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, a range of police departments across the nation sought out new alternatives in non-lethal weapons. But an analysis by the Marshall Project, a nonprofit news organization that focuses on the criminal justice system, found that the alternatives had the same problems as Tasers: They could be lethal and weren’t always effective.

Well, there’s the answer: there isn’t really anything. Except people not being criminals. Here’s an idea: let’s use more corporal types of punishment and/or hard labor. Remember the kid who was caught vandalizing cars in Singapore? He got four months in jail and 6 lashes (reduced to 4) with a cane. Bet he never did that again. Of course, that doesn’t solve the problem with 13 year old kids running around firing a weapon at 230am with a known Latin Kings member, running from cops, then dropping the gun while running from the cops and turning around quickly, which would cause the cops to shoot him.

That must change. The status quo of Americans dying at police officers’ hands has got to go. Any number of wealthy philanthropists — or maybe the Biden administration — should offer a big financial prize to the person or team of people who can come up with a highly effective, non-lethal device that can be used to subdue suspects. The need for such a device is immense — demand for it would be huge.

Page the richest Californians: Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg or Larry Ellison or Larry Page or …

Or, how about the newspaper spend its money. Or the people on the editorial board. It is much like how they want to blame all police because people are criminals, rather than the criminals for doing things that get them shot. Don’t want to be shot? Don’t commit crime. If you do, comply. Don’t like what’s going on? Ask for a supervisor. Still comply. Fight your fight in court. Don’t resist. Don’t run. Don’t reach for a weapon. Don’t charge police. Drop your weapon. Did I mention don’t commit crime?

Read: San Diego Union Tribune Editorial Board: Police Need Alternatives To Lethal Weapons Or Something »

Say, How Might China Joe’s Climate Scam Plan Affect Americans?

I’m going to position this as how it might. The UK Daily Mail, and those who are linking to it, is saying this is what will happen

How will Biden’s climate plan affect everyday Americans

(Alternate headline is “How Biden’s climate plan could limit you to eat just one burger a MONTH, cost $3.5K a year per person in taxes, force you to spend $55K on an electric car and ‘crush’ American jobs”)

President Joe Biden’s ambitious plan to slash greenhouse emissions by 50 to 52 percent over the next decade could prompt sweeping changes that could affect how Americans eat, drive and heat their homes. (snip)

While Biden hasn’t released details on what life could look like for Americans, experts and recent studies have laid out what would need to change by 2030 to reach the goal.

Here’s how it could affect every day Americans:

Cutting red meat consumption by 90% and animal products by 50%

Americans may have to cut their red meat consumption by a whopping 90 percent and cut their consumption of other animal based foods in half.

Gradually making those changes by 2030 could see diet-related greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 50 percent, according to a study by Michigan University’s Center for Sustainable Systems.

To do that, it would require Americans to only consume about four pounds of red meat per year, or 0.18 ounces per day.

It equates to consuming roughly one average sized burger per month.

Piss off. I’d like to see the federal government attempt to force this on citizens. You think taking guns away will cause problems? Try this.

I’ve written enough about EVs, I’ll leave you to read it.

Nearly 25 percent of homes would need to be heated by electricity, rather than natural gas or oil, to help reach Biden’s emissions goal by 2030.

The average cost to install an electric heat pump, which an all-in-one heating and cooling unit, is about $5,613, according to figures home HomeAdvisor.

Taxpayers could fork out trillions of dollars

Industry leaders say Biden’s climate plan, while there are no cost specifics yet, could end up costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars. Nearly 25 percent of homes would need to be heated by electricity, rather than natural gas or oil, to help reach Biden’s emissions goal by 2030.

The average cost to install an electric heat pump, which an all-in-one heating and cooling unit, is about $5,613, according to figures home HomeAdvisor.

Taxpayers could fork out trillions of dollars

Industry leaders say Biden’s climate plan, while there are no cost specifics yet, could end up costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars.

And, let’s not forget things like forcing you to replaced you natural gas fired stove, hot water heater, fireplace, etc. Having to replace your fridge with one with the new, and as of yet barely available, type with a new refrigerant. How about a new washer and dryer to conform? New dishwasher? These climate cultists think everything will be rosy. Can’t wait for their bitching and moaning once they get the bill.

Not shown are certainly the SUVs which followed him for a brief period.

Read: Say, How Might China Joe’s Climate Scam Plan Affect Americans? »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful high point, needed for when the seas rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a Muslim migrant killing a man in Germany, and the police protecting the perpetrator and harassing the father of the victim.

Read: If All You See… »

Senator Josh Hawley Explains His Lone Vote Against Asian Hate Crimes Bill

This rather is what I was saying yesterday, and if only more Republicans had stood up for Free Speech

Hawley explains lone ‘no’ vote on bipartisan Asian hate crimes bill

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said he couldn’t join with the rest of the Senate in approving an Asian hate crimes bill on Thursday because the legislation was too broad and could infringe on free speech.

In a follow-up statement to Fox News, Hawley added that the language could be “dangerous.”

“It’s too broad,” Hawley said. “As a former prosecutor, my view is it’s dangerous to simply give the federal government open-ended authority to define a whole new class of federal hate crime incidents.”

He’s correct. It gives, again, Los Federales even more power to regulate speech, which, last time I checked, violated the Constitution.

Read: Senator Josh Hawley Explains His Lone Vote Against Asian Hate Crimes Bill »

Students Create Art For Climate Crisis (scam), Demand People Listen To Them

How’s that Instapundit saying go? When the people who tell me this is a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis by practicing what they preach, I’ll start believing it’s a crisis

‘Start listening to us:’ Local students create climate change art for Earth Day

Amid melting snow and spring temperatures at Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, a group of skiers stop in the resort’s village to take in a freshly installed piece of artwork created by local students.

The skiers slowly circle the collaborative effort from the area’s youngsters, talking among themselves about what skiing at the iconic resort might look like decades from now as they eye each piece displaying different aspects of climate change.

“If we inform a certain amount of people about climate change, and then they inform other people about climate change, maybe it will make a larger impact and people will start listening to us,” said sixth grader Talia Meng on the project.

With Earth Day events across the Truckee-Tahoe area canceled or minimized due to COVID-19, students from Sierra Expeditionary Learning School, Alder Creek Middle School, and Tahoe Expedition Academy teamed with the North Tahoe Chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby and the Tahoe Youth Action Team to create an art piece centered on climate change.

The circular display, erected Wednesday in Squaw Valley’s village, shows off a handful of banners created by students to show various effects of climate change. Truckee’s Mountain Forge brought in high school students to build the metal stands for the interpretive banners.

Doesn’t look much like art. It’s just a copy of the graph that other climate cultists invented. And, how are all these people getting up the resort? Fossil fueled vehicles? Let’s shut them down. Have these kids, and the teachers who are indoctrinating them on this scam, modified their own lives to conform to their beliefs?

Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a nonprofit, organization that seeks to empower citizens to create the political will for national climate solutions.

So, a group that wants to force their cult beliefs on Everyone Else, while failing to do anything in their own lives.


John Kerry Says Climate Change Is An ‘Existential’ Crisis

… (this is an interview with climahypocrite Kerry)

(Question) The scale of change that you’re talking about in the timeframe that is required is something we’ve never seen in human history.

Let me put it to you this way. How many politicians, how many scientists, how many people have stood up and said, “This is existential for us on this planet”? Existential. That means life and death. And the question is, are we behaving as if it is? And the answer is no.

This is the guy who just took a long fossil fueled trip to India, China, and South Korea. Who owns a private jet, multiple homes, and multiple cars.

Read: Students Create Art For Climate Crisis (scam), Demand People Listen To Them »

Pirate's Cove