You Do Know That The Cicadas Forshadow A World Of Insect Swarms From Climate Crisis (scam), Right?

The cicadas come every 17 years. But, the Cult of Climastrology has now hijacked this perfectly natural occurrence for their own doomsday purposes, as seen in Axios

The cicadas are foreshadowing our future with more — and more dangerous — insect swarms

Trillions of Brood X cicadas are now emerging throughout parts of the mid-Atlantic and Midwestern U.S.

Why it matters: Most immediately, because they can be as loud as a Metallica show when they’re singing in concert.

But the behavior of cicadas will provide important clues to how climate change and human influence are altering the environment, and preview a future where some insects — including many of the species that most threaten us — could swarm in ever greater numbers.

By the numbers: As soil temperatures 8 inches underground reach 64°F, it will signal to cicadas of Brood X that it is time to end their 17 years underground and burst through the forest floors and suburban lawns of their native territory. (snip through information on cicadas, especially that they are not dangerous in the least)

The big picture: Climate change and habitat loss have already been implicated in the decline of countless other insects, from wild bees to monarch butterflies to certain kinds of moths. But other insect species will thrive in a warmer world — to the detriment of the rest of us.

So, this happens every 17 years, this has been happening for a long, long time (some scientists think this goes back deep into the last ice age), but, Climate Emergency! Why? If you’re asking you must be a Denier, and should have your voice shut down. Just join the cult!

See, we learn about honeybees, which love warm weather, but, are doomed from warm weather because shut up, you Denier! It couldn’t possibly be due to actual pollutants and land use. Shut up.

Suburban development in partially forested areas — as well as climate change — is increasing the threat from tick-borne diseases, with the number of counties in the Northeast and upper Midwest considered at high risk of Lyme disease increasing by more than 300% between 1992 and 2012.

So, mostly suburban development, not a tiny 1.5F increase in global temps since 1850. But, don’t say that you Denier! Heresy!

The catch: Connecting climate change to insect-borne disease is tricky, in part because rising incidences of diseases like Lyme likely also reflect greater awareness and more meticulous tracking.

But, they still will. They just did. Cicadas have zero to do with climate change, whether natural, anthropogenic, or some combination. Yet, they went down this doomsaying cult road.

The bottom line: Cicadas are a loud, if temporary nuisance, but more dangerous bugs aren’t going anywhere.

If that’s the bottom line, then why all the cultish doomsaying?

Read: You Do Know That The Cicadas Forshadow A World Of Insect Swarms From Climate Crisis (scam), Right? »

NY Times: Hey, The U.S. Can Control Israel With Our Tax Dollar Support

This is normal for Liberals: some sort of Palestinian group launches attacks on Israeli civilians, intentionally trying to kill them, and, if Israel responds (usually in a very measured way, working hard to reduce civilian deaths), they are blamed. Why? Because Leftists hate Israel and Jews. Say it for what it is. The NY Times runs this by Nicholas Kristoff, showing the US can influence Israel with our tax dollar support. But not Hamas

What Your Taxes Are Paying For in Israel

Saying Hamas must pay a “very heavy price” for belligerence, Israeli bombs destroyed a 13-story apartment building in Gaza that had a Hamas presence. And saying Israel “ignited fire” and is “responsible for the consequences,” Hamas launched more rockets at Israel.

Not mentioned is that Israel warned them before doing so, telling the civilians to get out, and that Hamas controlled multiple  floors for their terrorist operations. So, we start out with a lie by omission

We’re now seeing the worst fighting in seven years between Israelis and Palestinians, and again a basic pattern asserts itself: When missiles are flying, hard-liners on each side are ascendant. Civilians die, but extremists on one side empower those on the other.

So, not since the last time China Joe was in an elected position. Under Trump they worked towards peace.

The recent fighting was prompted in part by Israel’s latest land grab in East Jerusalem, part of a pattern of unequal treatment of Palestinians. Two prominent human rights organizations this year issued reports likening Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to apartheid. One group, B’Tselem, described a “regime of Jewish supremacy” and concluded, “This is apartheid.” Human Rights Watch published a 224-page report declaring that Israeli conduct in some areas amounts to “crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.”

Of course this is being blamed on Israel and those extremist Jews. Certainly can’t blame the terrorists who want to kill all the Jews and wipe Israel off the map, right? And then the folks who Blame Israel get upset when you call them Jew haters.

It’s also true that Hamas not only attacks Israeli civilians but also oppresses its own people. But as American taxpayers, we don’t have much influence over Hamas, while we do have influence over Israel and we provide several billion dollars a year in military assistance to a rich country and thus subsidize bombings of Palestinians.

Oh, thanks for that sop about Hamas, but, sure, let’s try and influence just Israel.

Why won’t Israelis let themselves be killed?
The global woke loathing for Israel is taking an even darker turn.

Two weeks ago Turkish forces launched a military assault in the Duhok region of Iraqi Kurdistan. Villagers were forced to ‘flee in terror’ from raining bombs. It was only the latest bombardment of the beleaguered Kurds by Turkey, NATO member and Western ally. It did not trend online. There were no noisy protests in London or New York. The Turks weren’t talked about in woke circles as crazed, bloodthirsty killers. Tweeters didn’t dream out loud about Turks burning in hell. The Onion didn’t do any close-to-the-bone satire about how Turkish soldiers just love killing children. No, the Duhok attack passed pretty much without comment.

But when Israel engages in military action, that’s a different story. Always. Every time. Anti-Israel fury in the West has intensified to an extraordinary degree following an escalation of violence in the Middle East in recent days. Protests were instant and inflammatory. Israeli flags were burned on the streets of London. Social media was awash with condemnation. ‘IDF Soldier Recounts Harrowing, Heroic War Story Of Killing 8-Month-Old Child’, tweeted The Onion, to tens of thousands of likes. Israel must be boycotted, isolated, cast out of the international community, leftists cried. Western politicians, including Keir Starmer, rushed to pass judgement. ‘What’s the difference?’, said a placard at a march in Washington, DC showing the Israeli flag next to the Nazi flag. The Jews are the Nazis now, you see. Ironic, isn’t it?

This is the question anti-Israel campaigners have never been able to answer: why do they treat Israel so differently to every other nation on Earth? Why is it child-killing bloodlust when Israel takes military action but not when Turkey or India do? Why must we rush to the streets to set light to the Israel flag but never the Saudi flag, despite Saudi Arabia’s unconscionable war on Yemen? Why is it only ‘wrong’ or at worst ‘horrific’ when Britain or America drop bombs in the Middle East but Nazism when Israel fires missiles into Gaza? Why do you merely oppose the military action of some states but you hate Israel, viscerally, publicly, loudly?

Brendan O’Neill never quite gets there in his very good piece, namely, these people hate Jews and Israel. That’s it.

No other nation would be expected not to respond either to internal disarray – Hamas supporters have rioted in parts of Jerusalem and around Al-Aqsa Mosque – or to foreign attack. Imagine if the Isle of Wight was home to a movement whose founding constitution expressed loathing for all ethnic Britons and which regularly fired hundreds of missiles into Sussex, Kent, Hampshire. Wouldn’t the British military respond? Of course it would. But the woke demonisation of Israel is now so acute that Israel is expected to take the military assaults of the radical Islamists to its south. To Western activists who find the very existence of Israel abhorrent, any effort Israel makes to protect its borders or its citizens is an affront to global peace and decency. They cannot understand why Israel doesn’t hate itself as much as they hate it, and therefore will not allow itself to be punished by its righteous enemies. How dare you live?

The NY Times, and so many other Credentialed Media outlets simply want Israel to let itself be attacked.

Read: NY Times: Hey, The U.S. Can Control Israel With Our Tax Dollar Support »

Bummer: Moving To EVs Could Threaten US Union Jobs

Perhaps the union workers should consider the policies of the politicians they back. Sure, it’s nice that they get the money, but, how much do you actually make when you’re out of a job?

Shift to electric vehicles poses threat to US union jobs

unintended consequencesOn the outskirts of Normal, Illinois, sits a factory that exemplifies the challenges facing the US labour movement as the car industry steers toward electrification.

A former Mitsubishi plant, next month electric vehicle start-up Rivian will begin manufacturing pick-up trucks and sport utility vehicles there. It will employ 1,800 by next month, with plans to scale up to 2,500 by the end of the year.

Mitsubishi closed the plant in 2015, laying off a unionised workforce that was 4,000 strong at its peak around the turn of the century. Rivian bought the factory for $16m from a liquidator and will be launching its first products from there.

But the factory, even though it employs some of the same workers, is no longer a union shop, and the situation in Normal illustrates the changing dynamics in the US car industry.

Electric vehicles are recognised as the undisputed future of the industry. Ford and General Motors are pouring billions into plans to build EVs as they compete against Tesla, which has become the dominant US electric vehicle maker.

The US car industry is foundational to American manufacturing, employing nearly 390,000 at vehicle manufacturers and another 539,000 in the supply chain.

But electric vehicles raise the possibility of job losses for assembly workers and the automotive supply chain. EVs require fewer components overall, which means they require fewer people to make the parts and assemble the vehicles.

And many of the jobs will not be union jobs, and if they try and play games, the plant can just move. But, anyhow, those who do still have a job will have the pleasure of producing vehicles they can’t really afford, which will just be toys for the rich. The workers can hang with all the Fight for $15 folks who were replaced by machines

The need for lithium to power America’s electric cars may result in the extinction of a species

Electric vehicles, which can’t operate without lithium, are a “cornerstone” of President Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan. Likewise, a plant discovered in Nevada thrives on poor soil full of boron and lithium, and can’t exist anywhere else in the world. But, will the push for “environmentally friendly” electric vehicles drive the plant to extinction?

According to a report by CNN Business, less than 40 years ago Tiehm’s buckwheat, a yellow-flowered plant was discovered in Nevada. Botanists are impressed with the plant’s ability to thrive where few species can, in poor soil that’s full of boron and lithium. However, 146.5 million metric tons of lithium and boron, valued at $1.265 billion, lie under the barren soils, home to Tiehm’s buckwheat.

Environmentalists say the benefits of the yet-to-be-studied plant could be extensive, but are as yet unknown. But, they say, what is known is the importance of guarding Tiehm’s buckwheat to preserve biodiversity on Earth, the report noted.

This reminds me of how Warmists love them some solar power plants, but refuse to allow the transmission lines because it could cause environmental problems.

Read: Bummer: Moving To EVs Could Threaten US Union Jobs »

If All You See…

…are wonderful train tracks for trains which Everyone Else should have to take, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on border security for dummies.

Read: If All You See… »

Woman Accuses Six Flags Oklahoma Of Body Shaming And Being Mean

Why is Six Flags so mean to a mom just trying to have a good day at the park?


A woman is claiming that a cop at Six Flags confronted her over the length of her shorts in front of her 11-year-old daughter.

Unfortunately, public debate over women’s clothes is nothing new to the news cycle. Recently, a TikTok went viral after a young woman claimed a mom pressured her to leave a beach because she was wearing a bikini. Earlier in March, another TikTok went viral after a woman accused her neighbor of calling the police over her outfit.

Now, another woman is stepping forward with a similar event that she captured on film.

Bailey Breedlove took to Facebook on May 2 to claim that she and her family were visiting a Six Flags amusement park in Oklahoma City when her 11-year-old daughter was stopped by an officer for rolling down a hill with her Heelys — a brand of skate shoe with a removable wheel embedded in the sole.

Then, the officer allegedly turned her attention to Breedlove’s outfit.

“[The officer] proceeded to follow me and grabbed my arm to turn me around and proceeded to tell me my shorts were ‘too short,’” Breedlove wrote on Facebook. “I committed no crime and proceeded to walk to my boyfriend as I am autistic and have a hard time talking to officers. She followed me yelling and calling for backup.” (snip)

Ultimately, Breedlove said her family decided to leave the park. However, the officer then allegedly pulled out handcuffs and asked Breedlove for her ID. It was at this moment that a family member decided to start filming the interaction, which Breedlove uploaded to both Facebook and TikTok. Her video on TikTok has reached over 2 million views.

Go check the video out at the links. And this link has her showing off her shorts.

But, this is 2021, where news outlets do not wait for all the information, and everyone tries to portray themselves as the victim. And today we get

Read More »

Read: Woman Accuses Six Flags Oklahoma Of Body Shaming And Being Mean »

French Look To Encode Climate Crisis (scam) In Their Constitution

What could possibly go wrong with this?

France Senate amends constitutional bill on climate change and biodiversity

The French Senate on Monday voted to amend a government-sponsored bill proposed by President Emmanuel Macron to fight climate change and preserve biodiversity.

The climate bill seeks to change the constitution to state that France “guarantees environmental protection and biological diversity, and combats climate change.” That key phrase originated as a result of a recommendation from a convention of 150 randomly-selected citizens last year.

The National Assembly overwhelmingly voted in favor of the initiative in March.

The Republican-controlled Senate, however, voted to remove the key term “guarantee” from the phrase, citing concerns that the word implies environmental concerns would take precedence over other constitutional obligations.

Instead, the Senate approved a text saying that France “preserves the environment as well as biodiversity and acts against climate change under the conditions laid down in the Environment Charter of 2004.”

Pulling “guarantee” out was a pretty big deal, but, it won’t protect the citizens from a huge jump in government control of their money, their lives, and their freedom if the amendment passes. French citizens should be thinking very hard about the implications of giving their government, which already has lots and lots of power, even more. Haven’t they had revolutions over that kind of governmental authority?

If passed, the bill would codify French domestic policies regarding green commitments in the fight against climate change by setting legal limits to advertising by fossil fuel companies and mandating “sustainability scores” on food packaging, among other things.

And French citizens will soon wonder why their cost of living has skyrocketed, why they’re paying even more taxes, why government is telling them even more how they can and will live their lives. How’s that saying go “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions”?

In order to pass, three-fifths of the citizens vote for the amendment, which must be agreed upon by the Senate and the National Assembly, once those government bodies agree on the wording. I guess we’ll see if all those citizens will vote against their freedom.

Read: French Look To Encode Climate Crisis (scam) In Their Constitution »

A Bunch Of Unhinged, TDS Infused “Republicans” Demand Party Moderate Or They’ll Split

Let’s see: when Democrats criticize Democrats, and even threaten to split off, it’s because they want to move their party further into Modern Socialism. When Republicans criticize Republicans, it’s because they want the GOP to….move more towards Modern Socialism? How else can we deem “moderate”? Trump surely may have been Mr. Mean Tweets and could have used a governor on his mouth and Twitter account, but, most of the things he did were good for American Conservatism. Why do we listen to the squishes claiming to be Republicans? Why do we care if these idiots split off?

More than 100 Republican former officials to seek reforms, threaten new party

More than 100 influential Republicans plan to release a call for reforms within the GOP alongside a threat to form a new party if change isn’t forthcoming, a person familiar with the effort said.

The statement, set to be released Thursday, involves a “Call for American Renewal,” a credo that declares that it is imperative to “either reimagine a party dedicated to our founding ideals or else hasten the creation of such an alternative.” The push will include 13 yet-to-be-revealed principles that the signatories want the GOP to embrace.

Oh, the principles should be interesting when revealed. Will it include attempting to limit the control of citizens by the federal government? How about reducing federal regulations? Promote State’s Rights? Limit abortion on demand? Protect women from having to compete against biological males with mental health issues? Keep federal taxes low? Stop illegal immigration and limit legal immigration to protect Americans and keep jobs for Americans? Balance trade with other nations to give America a level playing field? Support our ally Israel? Make America energy independent? Upholding religious liberty? Opposing the constant spread of limiting free speech? America First? You know, all those things Donald J. Trump was wanting and doing? And more?

This is not the first group to form as the pro-Trump and traditional conservative factions of the Republican Party remain at loggerheads. The new effort comes as a vote looms to oust Liz Cheney of Wyoming from the No. 3 House Republican leadership post for her refusal to stay silent about former President Donald Trump’s repeated election lies and his role in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

She’s unhinged and keeps throwing Republicans under the bus, which helps Democrats. If she was at a private company and kept throwing the company under the bus they’d remove her from her leadership position and promote her to customer.

The move was first reported by Reuters, which cited some of the people involved: former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, the former administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, the first secretary of homeland security; former Transportation Secretary Mary Peters; and former GOP Reps. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania, Barbara Comstock of Virginia, Reid Ribble of Wisconsin and Mickey Edwards of Oklahoma. Evan McMullin, a former CIA agent who ran for president as an independent in 2016, is also involved.

So, complete and utter squishes. This is the Jennifer Rubin wing, the John Kasich wing, the Bob Inglis wing. The wing of Republicans who endorsed a far left guy like Joe Biden. This is the Thomas E. Dewey wing. Huh what? Did you know that Dewey “did not oppose Roosevelt’s New Deal programs altogether, but merely campaigned on the promise that Republicans would run them more efficiently and less corruptly.” These people might as well be Democrats. This is what they consider “moderate”. We could call them JFK Republicans, since Democrats would not accept JFK these days they’ve moved so far to the left.

One of the organizers is Miles Taylor, a former Trump official who, as “Anonymous,” wrote an op-ed in The New York Times blasting the Trump administration in 2018.

“We’re going give the GOP one last chance to get its act together and moderate, but we’re not going to hold our breath,” Taylor told NBC News. “We’re ready to get out there and fight against the radical elements in the party to try to excise those elements from within the GOP and our national politics and to try to invest in the deeper pro-democracy bench.”

Right, right, the “radicals” espousing Classical Liberalism (which is what American Conservatives are), Federalism, State’s Rights, Freedom, and America First. The principles of John Locke, as applied to America and our version of a federal republic. Trump really, truly broke these people.

Read: A Bunch Of Unhinged, TDS Infused “Republicans” Demand Party Moderate Or They’ll Split »

Who’s Up For Degrowth To Stop The Climate Emergency (scam)?

Again, it’s funny that so many people, both Warmists and Skeptics, said I was crazy for saying that the climate crisis scam was really about politics and such, not about science, back in the early part of the 21st Century. And would have issues when I said Warmists wanted to take us back to 1499. Yet, allow me to toot my own horn in saying “I’ve been right about this the whole time”

Climate Change Modeling of “Degrowth” Scenarios – Reduction in GDP, Energy and Material Use

Well-being can be maintained in a degrowth transition.

The first comprehensive comparison of ‘degrowth’ scenarios with established pathways to limit climate change highlights the risk of over-reliance on carbon dioxide removal, renewable energy, and energy efficiency to support continued global growth — which is assumed in established global climate modeling.

Degrowth focuses on the global North and is defined as an equitable, democratic reduction in energy and material use while maintaining wellbeing. A decline in GDP is accepted as a likely outcome of this transition.

Accepted by whom, exactly? The same people telling us this is a crisis while living in their palatial mansions, taking long fossil fueled flights on private jets, and generally refusing to make any changes in their lives? People who really won’t be affected by government forcing these “equitable, democratic” reductions on the common folk?

The new modeling by the University of Sydney and ETH Zürich includes high growth/technological change and scenarios summarized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as a comparison to degrowth pathways. It shows that by combining far-reaching social change focused on sufficiency as well as technological improvements, net-zero carbon emissions can be more easily achieved technologically.

What if society doesn’t want to change? Warmists sure aren’t changing their lives. Will we be forced?

Currently, the IPCC and the established modeling community, integrated assessment model (IAM), does not consider degrowth scenarios where reduced production and consumption in the global North is combined with maintaining wellbeing and achieving climate goals. In contrast, established scenarios rely on combinations of unprecedented carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere and other far-reaching technological changes. (snip)

Mr. Keyßer said he was surprised by the clarity of the results: “Our simple model shows degrowth pathways have clear advantages in many of the central categories; it appears to be a significant oversight that degrowth is not even considered in the conventional climate modeling community.

I recommend that  the UN IPCC, elected leaders like Biden, Merkel, Trudeau, etc, trot this out to the citizens. Let’s see how well it goes when people get the implication of what these climate cultists want.

“However, a just, democratic and orderly degrowth transition would involve reducing the gap between the haves and have-nots, with more equitable distribution from affluent nations to nations where human needs are still unmet — something that is yet to be fully explored.”

A ‘degrowth’ society could include:

  • A shorter working week, resulting in reduced unemployment alongside increasing productivity and stable economic output.
  • Universal basic services independent of income, for necessities i.e. food, health care, transport.
  • Limits on maximum income and wealth, enabling a universal basic income to be increased and reducing inequality, rather than increasing inequality as is the current global trend.

See? Totally about science, not Progressive (nice Fascism) policies.

Read: Who’s Up For Degrowth To Stop The Climate Emergency (scam)? »

If All You See…

…is a hat necessary for protection as carbon pollution makes the sun shine brighter, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on the failure of climate models.

Read: If All You See… »

Cancel Culture Comes For Darwin

Remember the days when Liberals revered Darwin and Darwinism? Think back to the Bush 43 years, when there were arguments over Darwinism, Intelligent Design, and Religion. Heck, we thought those debates could get heated. If only we knew what was coming, eh? Anyhow, Libs loved them some Darwin, and would protect his theory no matter what. Jump ahead less than 20 years and this is what you get

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Justifies ‘White Male Supremacy’, Claims Woke University

British naturalist Charles Darwin has become the latest historical scientist to run afoul of the “decolonise the curriculum” movement, with Sheffield University reportedly claiming that Darwin’s theory on evolution was used to “justify white male supremacy”.

A handbook produced by the university informs lecturers and pupils that celebrating “white saviour” figures such as Darwin serves to overshadow less privileged scientists and scholars and that the “whiteness and Eurocentrism of our science” should be deconstructed, according to The Telegraph.

The guidance, which was seen by the right-leaning newspaper, is said to add that “It is clear that science cannot be objective and apolitical,” and “the curriculum we teach must acknowledge how colonialism has shaped the field of evolutionary biology and how evolutionary biologists think today”.

The passage on Darwin also claims that his famed trip on the HMS Beagle — when he collected plant and animal specimens used to develop his theory of natural selection — was in fact a clandestine mission to map colonies for the British Empire.

This claim has been disputed by Oxford University historian Professor Nigel Biggar, who told the paper: “During Darwin’s lifetime the British Empire was busy emancipating slaves across the world.

“The ‘decolonising’ assumption that ‘colonial mapping’ was all about oppression is false, and the judgement that Darwin should be damned by association is morally stupid,” the professor said.

Facts do not matter. Reality does not matter. These moonbats have a Narrative, and will never give up on it, and will always push it forward. Darwin himself was heavily against slavery, and said and published that viewpoint. He was rather woke (not Woke) for his day.

Charles Darwin has also previously been swept up in the Black Lives Matter furore, with Britain’s Natural History Museum launching a review in September into “offensive” and “problematic” collections, including exotic birds collected by Darwin.

So, not the first time the Woke have come after Darwin. This stuff spreads like unchecked pests.

A University of Sheffield spokesman defended the push to decolonise the curriculum, saying: “We are not removing key historical figures from our curriculum, but we are adding those who have also made significant contributions to the fields of maths, science and engineering that are not currently represented.”

And turning those like Darwin into racists who need to be erased simply for the color of their skin. But don’t call it racism!

Read: Cancel Culture Comes For Darwin »

Pirate's Cove