If All You See…

…is a wonderful high point, needed for when the seas rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a Muslim migrant killing a man in Germany, and the police protecting the perpetrator and harassing the father of the victim.

Read: If All You See… »

Senator Josh Hawley Explains His Lone Vote Against Asian Hate Crimes Bill

This rather is what I was saying yesterday, and if only more Republicans had stood up for Free Speech

Hawley explains lone ‘no’ vote on bipartisan Asian hate crimes bill

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said he couldn’t join with the rest of the Senate in approving an Asian hate crimes bill on Thursday because the legislation was too broad and could infringe on free speech.

In a follow-up statement to Fox News, Hawley added that the language could be “dangerous.”

“It’s too broad,” Hawley said. “As a former prosecutor, my view is it’s dangerous to simply give the federal government open-ended authority to define a whole new class of federal hate crime incidents.”

He’s correct. It gives, again, Los Federales even more power to regulate speech, which, last time I checked, violated the Constitution.

Read: Senator Josh Hawley Explains His Lone Vote Against Asian Hate Crimes Bill »

Students Create Art For Climate Crisis (scam), Demand People Listen To Them

How’s that Instapundit saying go? When the people who tell me this is a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis by practicing what they preach, I’ll start believing it’s a crisis

‘Start listening to us:’ Local students create climate change art for Earth Day

Amid melting snow and spring temperatures at Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, a group of skiers stop in the resort’s village to take in a freshly installed piece of artwork created by local students.

The skiers slowly circle the collaborative effort from the area’s youngsters, talking among themselves about what skiing at the iconic resort might look like decades from now as they eye each piece displaying different aspects of climate change.

“If we inform a certain amount of people about climate change, and then they inform other people about climate change, maybe it will make a larger impact and people will start listening to us,” said sixth grader Talia Meng on the project.

With Earth Day events across the Truckee-Tahoe area canceled or minimized due to COVID-19, students from Sierra Expeditionary Learning School, Alder Creek Middle School, and Tahoe Expedition Academy teamed with the North Tahoe Chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby and the Tahoe Youth Action Team to create an art piece centered on climate change.

The circular display, erected Wednesday in Squaw Valley’s village, shows off a handful of banners created by students to show various effects of climate change. Truckee’s Mountain Forge brought in high school students to build the metal stands for the interpretive banners.

Doesn’t look much like art. It’s just a copy of the graph that other climate cultists invented. And, how are all these people getting up the resort? Fossil fueled vehicles? Let’s shut them down. Have these kids, and the teachers who are indoctrinating them on this scam, modified their own lives to conform to their beliefs?

Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a nonprofit, organization that seeks to empower citizens to create the political will for national climate solutions.

So, a group that wants to force their cult beliefs on Everyone Else, while failing to do anything in their own lives.


John Kerry Says Climate Change Is An ‘Existential’ Crisis

… (this is an interview with climahypocrite Kerry)

(Question) The scale of change that you’re talking about in the timeframe that is required is something we’ve never seen in human history.

Let me put it to you this way. How many politicians, how many scientists, how many people have stood up and said, “This is existential for us on this planet”? Existential. That means life and death. And the question is, are we behaving as if it is? And the answer is no.

This is the guy who just took a long fossil fueled trip to India, China, and South Korea. Who owns a private jet, multiple homes, and multiple cars.

Read: Students Create Art For Climate Crisis (scam), Demand People Listen To Them »

Ohio State University: Only Some Black Lives Matter

Is it a shame that police were forced to take down Ma’Khia brown? Of course. Is it her own fault for attacking another black girl with a knife, getting ready to stab her, being warned to stop? Heck yes. And this was all over a housekeeping dispute? Who the heck goes bonkers and grabs a knife over that? Of course, in this day and age, people always want to blame Someone Else, rather than themselves. And, of course, despite paying lots of money to attend a higher education institution, kids do not seem to actually know much nor able to engage in critical thinking

After Ma’Khia Bryant’s killing, Ohio State University students demand the college sever ties with Columbus police

Destiny Brown, a senior at the Ohio State University, breathed a sigh of relief in her dorm room on Tuesday when the guilty verdict came down for former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin. But the moment of respite proved short-lived. Minutes later, she scrolled on Twitter and learned that a 16-year-old Black girl, Ma’Khia Bryant, had been shot and killed that afternoon by Columbus police.

“I can’t even begin to process the fact that we live in a world where people’s lives — regardless of what they’re doing, what they have going on, guilty or not, innocent or not — their lives just do not matter,” Brown told Yahoo News. “It doesn’t make sense to me and never will.”

Overcome with a feeling of helplessness, Brown fired off a group text message to her friends Tuesday evening. “I’m ready to organize again,” she told them.

In a matter of hours, Brown and her friends had planned a sit-in to be held the following day at the Ohio Union, the university’s student center in Columbus. Their goal, Brown said, was simple: to demand that the school sever ties with Columbus police over Bryant’s killing and its mistreatment of students of color.

On Wednesday afternoon, in the midst of finals week, more than 400 Ohio State University students, staff and faculty members attended the sit-in, where attendees chanted, “Say her name” and “Black Lives Matter.” The participants also observed 16 minutes of silence to mark the number of years Bryant had lived. Organizers told the crowd that the protest wasn’t for police reform but for abolition. Following the demonstration, the crowd marched to the Ohio Statehouse, chanting Bryant’s name.

How about saying the name of the girl in pink who would have been the recipient of Ma’Khia’s stabbing? It hasn’t been released as far as I can tell, but, that’s immaterial. And you can bet almost every single one of those college snowflakes would be happy if the cops took down someone trying stab themselves. And would happily call the police if someone was committing a crime against themselves. But, they want the university to sever ties with the Columbus police department. Of course, not everyone agrees.

At Wednesday’s sit-in event, student speakers called out what they felt was a double standard by Columbus police, which is 85 percent white in a community where 30 percent of residents are Black. Data from Mapping Police Violence, a site that tracks police killings, shows that Black people in Columbus are also five times as likely to be killed by police than their white peers. In 2017, Columbus police ranked No. 1 in police killings of Black people among the country’s 15 largest cities.

Even if that’s the case (and people should ask why that is what it is, and it has more to do with lawless actions), the cop stopped an assault with a deadly weapon against another black girl. Does her life not matter? Here’s an idea: everyone who wants to ban police from campus should sign a petition with their name, address, and phone number. If any of those people call 911 for anything regarding a crime against themselves/their property, they are told “nope. You said you didn’t need us. Call a social worker.”

And, lots of hot takes

Read More »

Read: Ohio State University: Only Some Black Lives Matter »

Say, Why Can’t Hollywood Make Good Shows And Movies About Climate Crisis (scam)?

Good question. I’m betting because they would be boring, preachy, and even climate cultists wouldn’t watch

Climate Change Is the Biggest Story on Earth. So Why Can’t Hollywood Make Good TV Shows and Movies About It?

Creators have always pulled from history to explain the past as well as create apocalyptic visions of the future. But this moment seems particularly remarkable when you consider why so few creators have made shows and movies about the climate catastrophe. It’s the most dramatic development in our world, but it’s not just something that happened in the past. It’s still happening—and that might be the best explanation for why we struggle to translate it into art or entertainment.

The television series Occupied, based on a storyline I conceived in 2012, was about climate change and oil production, but its principal attraction for viewers was likely that it was about a Russian occupation of Norway—a story with clear echoes in the somewhat distant past, reminding viewers of the German occupation of Norway during the Second World War. And of course, while a Russian occupation is no longer far-fetched in light of the Ukraine crisis, for Norwegians it still seems more thrilling than frightening. Climate change, however, is a grim reality we’re going to wake up to again tomorrow. It’s the kind of news story we “ought” to read, and yet it feels about as exciting as homework.

(blah blah blah blah)

When good and also commercially successful film and television is produced that deal with themes such as racism, sexual exploitation, genocide, drug addiction, corruption and mental health problems, then why not stories based on the climate change crisis?

Because they’re boring, preaching, and few people actually watch them. Most of the shows and movies do dreadful in the ratings/box office. Some might be “critically acclaimed” and win awards, but, no one watches them.

For instance, imagine a climate researcher whose education has been funded by her beloved father, who is running an oil company that has brought employment and prosperity to a once-poor community. She is trying to convince her father to join her fight for the climate when she is kidnapped. By who? Why? I don’t know yet, but it’s an example of the kind of fictional narrative that could mirror the problems and dilemmas of our real world.

Yawn. And then there’s the whole thing about Doing Something about ‘climate change’ being popular in theory, but most have no interest in doing something in reality, especially when they know it will hit their own pocketbook, their own freedom and choice. Oh, and just to prove how dangerous it is they used a photo of the Hollywood sign crashing down from an … dam breaking from an earthquake in the TV show 9-1-1, and, somehow the water rushed up a hill (the sign is around 700 feet higher than the closest dam, Sepulveda, which also faces away from the sign) to cause the hill to slide and take down the Hollywood sign. Perhaps there’s some fantastical explanation. Don’t care. It’s rubbish. Just like the idea that people will watch the movies and shows.

Read: Say, Why Can’t Hollywood Make Good Shows And Movies About Climate Crisis (scam)? »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded due to Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on the face of an absolute sh*thead.

Read: If All You See… »

Vox Attempts To Defend Stabber Ma’Khia Bryant In Crazy Fashion

What you have here is this reflexive liberal defense of anyone shot by a police officer, no matter what they did. They aren’t rational, and they want to gin up more racial strife. And, of course, in today’s narcissistic society, people have to make everything about themselves

I could have been Ma’Khia Bryant
Like Ma’Khia Bryant, I was exposed violence at a young age. I needed help, not bullets.

I held my breath for weeks awaiting the verdict in the Derek Chauvin murder trial. The moment the conviction came in, I exhaled and was overcome with relief. Finally, a police officer was going to be held accountable for killing a Black person in America.

But it was only a few minutes afterward that a headline sent my world spinning into disarray again. Police had shot and killed 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant at her home. According to her mother, Ma’Khia had called the police herself for an attempted stabbing, but when the officers arrived on the scene, Ma’Khia was brandishing a knife and they opened fire, striking her four times. She died shortly after.

The morning after Ma’Khia’s death, I could barely get out of bed. The heavy, haunted feeling had returned. And with it, a single thought: I’d been in Ma’Khia’s position before, dealing with violence in my own home, and I could’ve easily wound up just like her.

If it was Ma’Khia who called the cops, and that is only being said by the family (you know, the one she was taken from and placed in a foster home) at this time, as that information cannot be released at this time, then why was she attacking people with a knife, even as the police rolled up and told her to stop? Perhaps screed writer Tiffanie Drayton could put herself in the place of the girl in pink, who Ma’Khia was attempting to assault with a knife.

I’m not sure about you, but, I can’t put myself in her place: I’ve never attacked anyone with a knife. I’ve never attempting murder. Perhaps Tiffanie has. If so, she should rethink her life choices.

Already, people are viewing the body camera video of the teen wielding a knife and using it to rationalize or justify the police’s deadly use of force against Bryant. Yet police treated Kyle Rittenhouse, a white teenager carrying a far deadlier weapon openly in the streets after killing two people, with kid gloves, not arresting him and even giving him a water bottle. For such people, only the “perfect” victim is worthy of justice, and to them, images of Ma’Khia with a knife prove she deserved to die.

This has nothing to do with Rittenhouse, who appeared to be defending himself from multiple Antifa attackers. Ma’Khia was attempting to murder someone in front of a police officer.

They don’t understand that the victimization of Black lives begins far before the police ever even get involved. Ma’Khia, like far too many Black teens, was a victim of systemic racism before she ever decided to pick up that knife. She was in foster care at the time of her death, a reality that Black children are far more likely to face than their white counterparts, and kids in foster care are often exposed to high levels of violence. Though it is unclear how she came to be in that predicament, we do know that Black children are more likely to come from impoverished and single-parent households and have family members who were swept into the carceral system. This leads to an increased likelihood that Black children will be exposed to abuse or violence in their adolescence.

None of that is an excuse for assaulting another person with a knife. And, perhaps the black community should look at themselves to see why this is happening, rather than attempting to blame others. That’s a hard truth that too many people don’t acknowledge in their own lives.

What we are fighting for when we say “Black Lives Matter” is not just an end to police killing Black people with impunity but an end to the circumstances that result in altercations that lead to violence. Calls to abolish the police are often met with debasement, but they are sensible. Communities of color need more programs that support youth and single mothers, and promote employment, education, and access to safe neighborhoods. The truth is that by the time the police are summoned, many possible interventions were not available that should have been. And far too often, police do not show up to protect and serve in communities of color.

Someone called the police. Maybe Ma’Khia, maybe someone else. They didn’t just show up. They were not the ones who started the violence, they were the ones who ended it, stopping Ma’Khia from stabbing another black girl. Does her life not matter? Just look at the newer video


Read: Vox Attempts To Defend Stabber Ma’Khia Bryant In Crazy Fashion »

New York City, Which Survives On Fossil Fuels, Sues Fossil Fuels Companies

So, just wondering when the City Of New York plans on giving up it’s own use of fossil fuels to run their operations. Police, fire, trash collection, street cleaning, schools, etc and so on. How about Mayor Bill de Blasio and his use of fossil fueled private jets?

New York City sues Exxon, BP, Shell in state court over climate change

New York City on Thursday sued three major oil companies and the top industry trade group in state court, arguing that the companies are misrepresenting themselves by selling fuels as “cleaner” and advertising themselves as leaders in fighting climate change.

The lawsuit comes after a federal appeals court this month rejected the city’s effort to hold five major oil companies liable to help pay the costs of harm caused by global warming.

The lawsuit said Exxon Mobil Corp, BP Plc, Royal Dutch Shell and industry group the American Petroleum Institute “have systematically and intentionally misled consumers” through fuel sales at branded stations as “cleaner” and “emissions-reducing” while not disclosing climate impacts.

“These lawsuits have no merit and do nothing to advance meaningful efforts that address climate change,” said Exxon spokesman Casey Norton.

NYC just won’t give up on trying shakedown lawsuits. They were blown out in the first one, so, why not try it a second time. Seriously, the three companies should refuse to sell their product to the city. Let’s see how they operate without it. The city itself wouldn’t operate without fossil fuels. All the cars, planes, trucks, and ships that bring people, products, and goods to and from the city. All the fossil fuels required to keep the city operational.

“The defendants in our lawsuit have spent millions to persuade consumers that they present a clean, green choice,” said New York City Corporation Counsel James Johnson. “But they don’t.”

No one thinks gasoline is a green option, at least from a real environmental point of view. And it should be interesting watching NYC attempt to argue their point in a court, which the companies will be happy to argue in. They don’t seem like they have any intention to pony up money for NYC. If someone was suing you, would you provide them your goods and services? And, if the people of NYC like these types of suits, why are they not giving up their own use of fossil fuels?

Read: New York City, Which Survives On Fossil Fuels, Sues Fossil Fuels Companies »

Senate COVID19 Asian Hate Crime Bill Violates The 1st Amendment

It really is not unusual for lawmakers to say “hey, let’s deal with this issue”, craft a bill, then just keep adding to it. For instance, here in NC years ago the police wanted those license plate covers that make them hard to read, especially at night, banned. They were, and the legislature added lots more to it to essentially ban any plate bracket. Is that what happened with this Senate bill? Or, is the violation of Free Speech intentional? And why in the heck did most of the GOP vote for it? Did they read it?

COVID-19 hate crimes bill to fight Asian American discrimination passes Senate

The Senate passed with overwhelming bipartisan support a hate crimes bill to address a drastic increase in violence and discrimination directed at Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act cleared the chamber in a 94-1 vote Thursday. It would expedite the Justice Department’s review of hate crimes andwould designate an official at the department to oversee the effort.

It also would task the department with coordinating with local law enforcement groups and community-based organizations to facilitate and raise awareness about hate crime reporting,including establishing an online hate crime reporting system in multiple languages.

The legislation, which now heads to the Democratic-led House, is one of the few bills to pass this Senate with support from both Republicans and Democrats. Many Democrats expected a legislative fight, but Republicans signaled early their willingness to compromise on the legislation, and senators from both parties have been negotiating for weeks.

Did they bother reading it, or understand that the road to hell is paved with good intentions?

The expanded legislation, spearheaded by Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii,underwent several bipartisan changes before its final passage.

Speaking from the Senate floor Thursday, Hirono said that by passing the bill “We will send a powerful message of solidarity to the AAPI community that the Senate won’t be a bystander as anti-Asian violence surges in our country.”

I can understand why Mitch McConnell wants this, as his wife is Asian. For Chuck Schumer, well, most of the crimes we’ve seen against Asians occur in Democratic Party run areas.

One addition to the bill from Sens. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Jerry Moran, R-Kan., would establish grants to aid local and state governments to encourage more training on hate crimes for law enforcement, establish hate crime hotlines and allow for a “rehabilitation” effort for perpetrators of hate crimes.

And this is where it starts getting a little hinky. The revised legislation shows, all the way at the end, that anyone who commits a “hate crime” can be forced by the court to take “educational classes or community service directly related to the community harmed by the defendant’s offense.” Anyone else think that sounds a bit like forced re-education? Then there’s this as written for the original release of the bill from Congresscritter Grace Meng, the House sponsor of the bill

“The ongoing anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, especially against our elderly Asian Americans, is absolutely horrific. I am honored to introduce the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act with Senator Hirono to address this disgusting pattern of hate,” said Congresswoman Meng. “Before this pandemic started, I urged everyone—including elected officials—to not blame Asian Americans for the virus. My words were not heeded. The former president and his Congressional Republican enablers trafficked racist, bigoted terms to describe COVID-19. In doing so, their language stoked people’s fears and created an atmosphere of intolerance and violence, which persists even today. Since the beginning of the pandemic there has been nearly 3,000 reported incidents of physical, verbal, and online attacks against Asian Americans. Even in my own district in Queens, New York, Asian Americans have been attacked. To combat those acts, we need DOJ to prioritize addressing these heinous acts by designating a point person for these COVID-19 related hate crimes; make it easier for victims to report crimes committed against them; and expand public education campaigns to address COVID-19 hate crimes and incidents. This must end and it is why we are working to ensure our justice system has the people and resources to effectively account for and mitigate anti-Asian hate crimes. I look forward to this bill becoming law.”

“We’ve seen the horrifying consequences of racist language as AAPI communities across our country experience hate crimes and violence related to the pandemic,” said Senator Hirono. “The COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act addresses the surge in violence against AAPI communities by dedicating an official at the Department of Justice to expeditiously review hate crimes reported to law enforcement. The bill also provides resources for communities to come together and fight intolerance and hate. This is no less than victims deserve.”

This positions language as violence, and looks to restrict language. One of the things the bill would do is

Issue guidance describing best practices to mitigate racially discriminatory language in describing the COVID–19 pandemic, in coordination with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the COVID–19 Health Equity Task Force and community-based organizations.

In other words, they will let you know what words you can and can’t say. Which is interesting in that most of this occurs, again, in Democratic run areas. And a violation of the 1st Amendment.

Read: Senate COVID19 Asian Hate Crime Bill Violates The 1st Amendment »

High Flying John Kerry Says Even Going Net Zero Won’t Stop Climate Crisis (scam)

Because science, you know

John Kerry Says U.S., China Could Go to Zero Emissions and Still Not Solve Climate Crisis

John Kerry climateJohn Kerry, President Joe Biden’s special envoy for climate, said Wednesday that one of the only ways to curb the climate crisis is an all-hands-on-deck global response when it comes to lowering emissions.

“The United States could go to zero tomorrow—I mean we can’t but if you’re figuratively speaking could go to zero—we’d still have a problem. The world would still have a problem,” Kerry told Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart.

He continued, “If China went to zero tomorrow with the United States, we’d still have a problem. So every country has to come to the table. This is the single biggest multilateral, global negotiation that the world has ever needed.”

I’m getting the feeling this isn’t really about anthropogenic climate change, not sure why.

Of course, we all know that China won’t do a damned thing, but, they already have their authoritarianism in place.


As Tom Nelson likes to say, this really isn’t about climate change/science, is it.

Here’s China Joe

Read: High Flying John Kerry Says Even Going Net Zero Won’t Stop Climate Crisis (scam) »

Pirate's Cove