Pushing Police Hatred: WRAL Says Over 100 Killed By Police During Chauvin Trial

This serves no purpose other than to make people hate the police, even as they unintentionally tell the truth on some shootings

More than 100 people killed by police across US during three weeks of Chauvin trial

A hang-up phone call to 911 prompted Person County Sheriff’s deputies to dispatch to a home in Hurdle Mills on April 2. When they arrived, police came upon a hostage situation underway, according to law enforcement members. Shots were exchanged, and 58-year-old Jackie Cameron Capps Jr. was shot dead.

That incident in central North Carolina is one of dozens that have happened since the beginning of Derek Chauvin’s trial on March 29.

“One case – that’s one too many,” said Dr. Hunter Boehme, a criminologist and assistant professor at North Carolina Central University.

I don’t want to be shot? Let the hostage go. Don’t shoot at police. What did Dr. Boehme want to happen? The guy get away with the hostage? Kill the hostage? The police have no blame in this.

In the 22 days between the start of the trial of the former Minneapolis police officer and his conviction, 103 people were shot and killed by law enforcement, according to the Gun Violence Archive.

Maybe I’ll peruse it, but, I know what I’ll find: almost every single incident involved a criminal, probably not complying with the lawful demands of law enforcement officers. Getting violent. Fighting back. (Noon update: I’ve gone through a lot of the incidents, and most involve criminals being criminal and forcing the officer to shoot them. Many the perp had a firearm and raised it at officers, and even fired it. Some are actually suicides).

Chauvin is the first white police officer in Minnesota convicted of killing a Black citizen. Officers are often cleared of wrongdoing because the use of force is found to be justified. Data shows only 1.1% of police involved in these killings will ever be charged with murder or manslaughter.

That’s because the majority are lawful. Police do not want to do this. They are usually forced into the situation. Because people are breaking the law and being threatening.

“Community policing – we have to strive for it,” said Boehme. “We have to develop better relationships. But all those efforts can really go awash when a video [like the] George Floyd [one] emerges.”

Hey, let’s pull the police out of all these neighborhoods, see what happens. Oh, right, the same people will complain when the police they hate are not there to stop their neighbors from shooting each other.

He is currently working to implement a grassroots community police relationship model. The idea is that citizens are in charge and police work in the background instead of residents bringing up program ideas and police implementing them.

I’ll say it: crime skyrockets in black neighborhoods vs that of white, Asian, and Latino ones. Stop blaming the police because they come on 911 calls for criminal complaints.

Read: Pushing Police Hatred: WRAL Says Over 100 Killed By Police During Chauvin Trial »

China Joe Releases His Climate Apocalypse Targets For U.S.

Obviously, these only apply to you peons, not the Elites like Joe

The U.S. Has a New Climate Goal. How Does It Stack Up Globally?

The United States officially has a new goal for fighting climate change over the next decade. So how ambitious is it?

President Biden announced Thursday that America would aim to cut its greenhouse gas emissions 50 percent to 52 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. That’s one of the more aggressive near-term targets among wealthy industrialized nations, although the cuts are arguably not quite as large as what the European Union and Britain have already promised.

That’s an interesting take from the NY Times, since it looks like the article was published prior to the White Green House announcing the targets, especially since the Time really has no more detail than the GHG cuts. Here’s the actual release

FACT SHEET: President Biden Sets 2030 Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Target Aimed at Creating Good-Paying Union Jobs and Securing U.S. Leadership on Clean Energy Technologies

Today, President Biden will announce a new target for the United States to achieve a 50-52 percent reduction from 2005 levels in economy-wide net greenhouse gas pollution in 2030 – building on progress to-date and by positioning American workers and industry to tackle the climate crisis.

The announcement – made during the Leaders Summit on Climate that President Biden is holding to challenge the world on increased ambition in combatting climate change – is part of the President’s focus on building back better in a way that will create millions of good-paying, union jobs, ensure economic competitiveness, advance environmental justice, and improve the health and security of communities across America. (snip)

The United States is not waiting, the costs of delay are too great, and our nation is resolved to act now. Climate change poses an existential threat, but responding to this threat offers an opportunity to support good-paying, union jobs, strengthen America’s working communities, protect public health, and advance environmental justice. Creating jobs and tackling climate change go hand in hand – empowering the U.S. to build more resilient infrastructure, expand access to clean air and drinking water, spur American technological innovations, and create good-paying, union jobs along the way.

Unions are dying out in manufacturing, they seem to apply more to white collar jobs like teachers. Will this require that the jobs only be union jobs? Who’s paying them? Why does this seem more like a payoff to the unions who supported China Joe?

To develop the goal, the Administration analyzed how every sector of the economy can spur innovation, unleash new opportunities, drive competitiveness, and cut pollution. The target builds on leadership from mayors, county executives, governors, tribal leaders, businesses, faith groups, cultural institutions, health care organizations, investors, and communities who have worked together tirelessly to ensure sustained progress in reducing pollution in the United States.

All people who like to tell Other People how to live their lives in a way they do not themselves.

This target prioritizes American workers. Meeting the 2030 emissions target will create millions of good-paying, middle class, union jobs – line workers who will lay thousands of miles of transmission lines for a clean, modern, resilient grid; workers capping abandoned wells and reclaiming mines and stopping methane leaks; autoworkers building modern, efficient, electric vehicles and the charging infrastructure to support them; engineers and construction workers expanding carbon capture and green hydrogen to forge cleaner steel and cement; and farmers using cutting-edge tools to make American soil the next frontier of carbon innovation.

That’s the third time it mentions union workers (they’re mentioned a total of 8 times). Oh, there won’t be many jobs in the auto sector, because they will be replaced with even more robots, especially as no one is buying the electric vehicles. Which, if you’ll notice, Joe does not travel in.

Make it in America. We can bolster our domestic supply chains and position the U.S. to ship American-made, clean energy products — like EV batteries – around the world.

I thought making it in America was racist when Trump was in office? It’s not now?

Explored multiple pathways across the economy: The target is grounded in analysis that explored multiple pathways for each economic sector of the economy that produces CO2 and non-CO2 greenhouse gases: electricity, transportation, buildings, industry, and lands.

Yeah, they are looking to control the economy in full.

The United States has set a goal to reach 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035, which can be achieved through multiple cost-effective pathways each resulting in meaningful emissions reductions in this decade. That means good-paying jobs deploying carbon pollution-free electricity generating resources, transmission, and energy storage and leveraging the carbon pollution-free energy potential of power plants retrofitted with carbon capture and existing nuclear, while ensuring those facilities meet robust and rigorous standards for worker, public, environmental safety and environmental justice.

That ain’t happening, not without lots of nuclear power, which Warmists/extreme-enviros are dead set against. Anyhow, how will China Joe lead the way by practicing what he preaches?

Read: China Joe Releases His Climate Apocalypse Targets For U.S. »

Next Great Liberal Idea: Police Needing Supervisor Approval To Chase Perps On Foot

Just another measure to handcuff the police from going after criminals

Chicago Police May Soon Need Supervisor Permission to Chase Suspects on Foot

unintended consequences“No one should die as the result of a foot chase,” Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) said on Tuesday while announcing her consideration of a new policy requiring officers to obtain permission from supervisors before pursuing a suspect on foot.

FOX 32 reported:

Rewriting police policy on all foot chases has now become a hot topic at City Hall. Alderman Brian Hopkins says an official in the mayor’s office told him officers could soon be required prior to a foot chase to do what is now required before a vehicle chase: getting permission from higher ups.

“Of course that raises obvious problems,” Hopkins said. “In the time it would take to do that, the person you’re supposed to be chasing is actually long gone. The point would be moot then.”

Chicago Alderman Brian Hopkins and Lightfoot both acknowledged that such a policy change would incentivize suspected criminals to flee law enforcement on foot.

The New York Post noted, “Hopkins acknowledged the most obvious criticism that such a policy would likely attract: that a suspect on foot could be long gone in the time it would take an officer to get the required approval.”

Hopkins said, “We’re seeing more vehicles flee from police officers because word has gotten out that they’re probably not going to get permission to chase you,” he said.

That last refers to the Chicago policy requiring supervisor permission for a vehicle chase, which is never given, and, now, rarely asked for. If they do the same for foot chases, officers won’t bother asking for permission, because, first, they’ll most likely not get it, and second, by the time they ask and get an answer the criminal is already gone. Criminals will love this policy. And crime will climb even higher in the already high crime city of Chicago, which is actually not as bad as you think, because property crime isn’t as bad as you would think. Portland, Oregon, is actually worse. Expect Chicago to see a huge spike in property crime from this policy change.

Lightfoot’s announcement came days after the release of video capturing the police killing of 13-year-old Adam Toledo on March 29. Toledo was shot and killed by a Chicago police officer following a foot pursuit.

Yes, it was apparently bad to be chasing Adam when he’s out at 230am on a Monday morning, hanging with a 21 year old who’s a known associate of the Latin Kings, shooting off guns, then running.

Read: Next Great Liberal Idea: Police Needing Supervisor Approval To Chase Perps On Foot »

Surprise: China Shocks Warmists By Burning Record Coal

Hey, remember this?

The US and China issued a joint statement on Saturday after Kerry’s visit to Shanghai in which they “committed to cooperating” on the pressing issue of climate change. Li Shuo, a senior Greenpeace climate adviser, welcomed the statement, which he described as being “as positive as the politics would allow”. He said it sent an unequivocal message that the two countries were prepared to work together on the issue. “Before the meetings in Shanghai this was not a message that we could assume,” he said.

Kerry, Joe, and so many Warmists were ecstatic over this, as they were when China made a pledge to be Net Zero by 2060 in September. Flash forward to Tuesday

Record coal burning in China, post-COVID recovery will feed a rebound in global carbon emissions: IEA

Chinese coal consumption is poised to hit a record this year, according to a closely watched global tracking organization, a bump up that contradicts the view held by many climate change and energy experts that coal burning in the world’s second-biggest economy and largest polluter had peaked.

Overall, as the world economy claws back from COVID-19 and due to the expected 4% surge in Chinese coal demand, global carbon emissions will rebound in 2021, the International Energy Agency said Tuesday. (snip)

The data hits days ahead of a U.S.-led global climate-change conference and days after U.S. climate envoy John Kerry and his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua agreed to cooperate to curb climate change with urgency.

Read: Surprise: China Shocks Warmists By Burning Record Coal »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution spewing beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on what the DHS is considering a domestic terrorist.

Read: If All You See… »

BLM Activist: Cops Should Just Let Teens Fight Out With Knives, Mind Their Own Business

This one on Makiyah Bryant is such a scorching hot take that it deserved it’s own follow up post, rather than adding more to the earlier post (via Twitchy)

I can’t remember anyone having a knife fight in grade school, high school, or college. Regular fights, sure. In case Bree forgot, someone, reportedly perp with the knife, per her family, called 911. Should police now ignore these calls if those fighting are blacks?

Yes. Yes she is arguing that. And then she and the other Activists will complain that the police and government did nothing when blacks are stabbing each other. Did the life of the girl being attacked not matter?


Read: BLM Activist: Cops Should Just Let Teens Fight Out With Knives, Mind Their Own Business »

CNN: The COVID Pandemic is “not an ideal moment to parse the fine points of individual rights”

Actually, it’s exactly the right time to be concerned with individual rights. Well, all the time is the right time. But, it does show what Liberals really think, per this Peter Baldwin piece

Vaccine passports — A technical, not an ideological issue

Forgive me for thinking that the midst of a global pandemic that cost millions of lives and trillions of dollars in economic loss is not an ideal moment to parse the fine points of individual rights. Covid has already sparked political fires over how to rein it in.

Privacy advocates have undercut contact tracing apps’ use. This technology would have permitted us to go about our business — unless we were unfortunate enough to contract infection. Then we would have been alerted to isolate. That was certainly preferable to the alternative we were left with — most everyone stuck at home in lockdown.

The claims that mask-wearing in public violates civil rights is too ludicrous to discuss — were it not for the many who seem to believe so. In seemingly every western democracy, anti-mask movements, organizations and parties have arisen to protest the affront they consider the requirement to protect themselves and others.

The same libertarians who are resigned to seat belts, cycle helmets and condoms have resisted the single most effective personal protection against a respiratory contagion. That refusal to follow simple protective guidelines has only helped to spread the virus and prolong the pandemic. “No shirt, no shoes, no service,” provokes nary a murmur, but “please wear a mask” is a red flag to the live-free-or-die crowd.

Masks are pretty much worthless, as they let COVID in. The material in most won’t stop a virus, and most have openings that let it in. Regardless, pieces like this expose that Democrats want citizens compliant. They don’t care about freedom, they want citizens to do as they’re told when they’re told and keep their mouths shut. Comply.

Vaccine passports are a temporary measure, useful during the interval while many are vaccinated, but before herd immunity has arrived. A different solution is needed for the few who have medical reasons to avoid vaccination. They must be given the benefits of inclusion in the scheme. For others, passports will distinguish those vaccinated from the rest.

If you continue reading the piece, you start to get an idea that the passports would not be temporary.

Whether we have passports or not, as a society, we will soon need to decide how to treat our fellow citizens who clear-eyed and consciously refuse to participate in the collective project of herd immunity. Anti-vaxxers, as those who oppose vaccines have come to be known, have objected to inoculation ever since the first vaccine against smallpox became a public health mandate in the late nineteenth century. Some raise religious objections, usually a fear of intermixture between human and animal.

And forced vaccination. Baldwin attempts to defend this, but, really, if some people don’t want it and risk getting sick (the percent who die or get it bad is extremely low), let them. If I’m vaccinated, I’m not worried. That’s on you.

Those who reject shots remain a threat to others. They spurn the solidarity of vaccination, which by now has become an expectation of citizenship. Should they be allowed to participate where they pose a threat? If not, how can we know whom to worry about without certification? Vaccine passports do not create that dilemma, the unvaccinated do.

So, forget your civil liberties. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Pieces like this do rather show that all the lockdowns and restrictions and such are less about protecting people from COVID and more about Governmental power.

Read: CNN: The COVID Pandemic is “not an ideal moment to parse the fine points of individual rights” »

Green New Deal Reintroduced By AOC, Markey Or Something

Remember when they introduced it back in February, 2019? The GOP controlled Senate voted on it, and every single Democrat voted “present”, including sponsor Ed Markey (who takes lots and lots of fossil fueled trips from Massachusetts to D.C.). AOC raged about the Senate voting on her legislation, forgetting it was also sponsored by Senator Markey. Then she raged for several years, failing to demand a vote in the House. Now?

AOC, Markey reintroduce Green New Deal proposal aimed at climate change, economic injustice

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey have reintroduced the Green New Deal, the sweeping climate change and economic justice plan that Republicans have used to paint Democrats as radical socialists.

The proposal is a redux of the same resolution the two lawmakers introduced in 2019, calling not just for a decarbonization of the economy but also a fundamental reshaping of the nation’s social safety net to steer substantially more government help to low-income and minority communities.

The 10-year mobilization plan calls for free higher education for all Americans, “affordable, safe, and adequate” housing, an expansion of millions more union jobs, and high-quality health care.

“Not only do we refuse to leave any community behind but those who have been left behind come first,” Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said during a Capitol Hill news conference Tuesday. “We’re going to transition to a 100% carbon-free economy that is more unionized, more just, more dignified and that guarantees more health care and housing than we’re ever had before. That’s our goal.”

This isn’t really about ‘climate change’, is it. Hey, remember when AOC worked overtime to kill off the jobs that Amazon would have brought to her district?

Republicans routinely ridiculed the Green New Deal in the past, calling it a social “manifesto” that showed how out of touch Democrats are. In 2019, then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., brought the resolution to the floor without any hearings as a ploy to get Democrats on record in support of the measure. No senators, including all Democrats, voted for the resolution in what Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called a “sham” process. (snip)

Markey told reporters he’s optimistic about its chances this time because much has changed since the Green New Deal was first introduced: Black Lives Matter protests have shined a spotlight on racial injustice, a change in administration, and corporations have begun to realize they need to act as well.

What does any of that have to do with climate apocalypse? I’m thinking McConnell was correct, and, like I’ve said for decades, ‘climate change’ is just a means to push the hardcore Progressive (nice fascism) agenda.

“General Motors is now moving to produce electric vehicles by 2035,” he said. “That was not on the scoreboard two years ago.”

Fourteen years from now? Maybe people will be interested by then. Because few are now. You don’t see AOC, Markey, or Biden driving one, do you? Anyhow, will it get a vote this time? Will it even be discussed in committee?


Read: Green New Deal Reintroduced By AOC, Markey Or Something »

Teen Girl Attacking With Knife Shot By Columbus Police, Media Try A Bit Of Gaslighting

Many, many media outlets are attempting to position the girl shot by police as a darling and another black person killed by police for no reason, linking it to the Derek Chauvin case

Black teenage girl in Ohio ‘shot dead by police’ as Derek Chauvin jury returns verdict

A black teenage girl was shot dead by police in Ohio on Tuesday minutes after a guilty verdict was returned in the case of the officer who killed George Floyd.

Officers were responding to a call on Legion Lane in the city of Columbus when police shot the girl, who was named locally as 16-year-old Makiah Bryant.

Police later released body camera footage showing an officer shooting the victim, who was holding a knife and was poised to attack another girl.

But, she was a good girl!

“She was a good kid. She was loving,” Hazel Bryant, who said the child was her niece, told reporters. She said the girl lived in a foster home and had got into a fight with someone else at the home. “She was 15 years old. She didn’t deserve to die like a dog in the street,” she said.

A good kid!

Police shoot teenage girl to death in Ohio and release bodycam video

Police in Columbus, Ohio, released bodycam video Tuesday night of the fatal shooting of a teenage girl earlier in the day. Interim police chief Michael Woods said at a press conference that it is unusual to have video released so quickly but “we understand the public’s need, desire and expectation to have transparency.”

Police did not identify the girl but her family and Franklin County Children Services identified her as 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant. The family also told CBS Columbus affiliate WBNS-TV that Bryant was the one who called the police for help, saying people were fighting outside her house.

Can you guess was CBS News forgot to provide? The bodycam video. It’ll be interesting to see if the 911 call supports Ma’Khia being the one that called. If so, perhaps she shouldn’t have been attacking another girl with a knife when the cops showed up

Bryant’s mother, Paula Bryant, told WBNS she’s “very upset. I’m hurt. I want answers.”

“My daughter dispatched Columbus police for protection, not to be a homicide today,” Paula said with tears in her eyes.

Ma’Khia was staying at a foster home. Paula said the two last saw each other on Thursday. “We hugged each other. She said ‘Mommy, I made honor roll.’ She said ‘Mommy, I’m looking forward to coming home,'” Paula said.

“Ma’Khia had a motherly nature about her. She promoted peace. That is something that I want to always be remembered,” Paula added.

Motherly nature for stabbing. Promoting peace with a knife. Gotta wonder why, exactly, she was staying in a foster home rather than in her mom’s home. Anyhow, you can find this kind of stuff across a lot of the Credentialed media, usually forgetting the bodycam footage, which was released quickly


The mayor noted

Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther called it a “tragic day in the City of Columbus.”

“We know based on this footage the officer took action to protect another young girl in our community,” Ginther explained. “We think it’s critically important to share as much information as possible. We’ll continue to share footage and other information as quickly as possible.”

You can see that Bryant attacked someone else before going after the girl in pink with the knife. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Read: Teen Girl Attacking With Knife Shot By Columbus Police, Media Try A Bit Of Gaslighting »

A Bunch Of Youngsters Yammer On About The Moment They Joined The Climate Cult

It’s no wonder they profess to have climate anxiety: they’re making themselves nuts. Oh, and a bunch of these young people are in their 20’s. One is 28

17 Young People on the Moment the Climate Crisis Became Real to Them

St. GretaWatching An Inconvenient Truth in your middle-school science class. Hearing Greta Thunberg’s calls to join weekly school strikes. Driving away from smoldering wildfires engulfing dry California hillsides.

These are some of the moments that made young people realize the climate crisis will define their lives — and the future of human life on Earth. We’ve heard the facts so many times that it’s easy to become numb to them. The world is steadily growing warmer, certain parts of the world are facing extreme droughts or floods, many wildlife populations are shrinking — and things are only projected to grow worse, with carbon emissions rising and countries contributing to mass deforestation. Despite these emergencies, many U.S. politicians, including Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton and Florida Senator Marco Rubio, deny the reality of climate change. And the Western world, particularly the United States, is currently the biggest contributor to the climate crisis. Though the climate crisis is affecting everyone on Earth, it’s effects have been particularly felt by those living in the global south, lower-income people, and younger people, whose futures are being shaped by how we handle the crisis.

It’s almost like they’re making it all about themselves, just like their narcissistic selfies

These overarching facts are important to reiterate. But it’s also critical to understand what climate change feels like on an everyday level — how it affects our mental and physical health. It’s a problem so enormous and disorienting that it’s often easier to just shove it into the darker corners of our minds, where we don’t want to look. Living under the spectre of climate change can make it feel surreal to try to plan an education, a career, a family, or any concrete aspect of your future.

That’s why younger generations have risen up, calling on global leaders to treat our rapidly changing climate like the emergency it is. Teen Vogue heard from more than 80 young people about how they imagine the climate crisis might define their future. A selection of their responses is below.

Yet, reading through the responses, you get the feeling that, at most, they are only making token changes in their own lives. Strange, right? Let’s take a look at a few. Here’s me favorite

Delina, Houston, Texas, 21, college student

I live in Texas, so the recent winter-storm outage has scared people around me and made us want to take matters into our own hands. I am a coordinator for mutual aid efforts in the Austin area, and seeing people share funds, housing those in need, and sharing food and water has brought me so much hope when seeing how we can help those who are victims of climate disaster. Through social media and listening to community leaders, I am educating myself on how to live a low-waste life and having discussions with those around me to take small steps in living sustainably.

That’s right, blaming a winter storm on heat trapping gases. Sure sounds like a cult, where no matter what happens, it is Proof of what they’re selling. Even when it makes no sense. So, they’ll just make something up to fit it into their cult.

Read More »

Read: A Bunch Of Youngsters Yammer On About The Moment They Joined The Climate Cult »

Pirate's Cove