Biden-Harris Jobs Market Has Been Great For Foreigners

For Americans? Not so much

Kamala’s Opportunity Economy: Foreign Workers Score Over 1 Million Jobs, Nearly 800K Americans Lose Jobs

Foreign workers have gained tremendously in the job market as native-born Americans continue to fall out of the workforce on President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s watch, the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows.

The report details an alarming trend, chronicled for years by Breitbart News, where foreign-born workers in the Biden-Harris economy score nearly all job gains and native-born Americans are left behind, out of the labor market.

“Over the last year, native-born Americans have lost almost 800k jobs while foreign-born workers have gained over 1 million jobs; the U.S. labor market is turning into a temp agency for foreign workers and gov’t bureaucrats,” Heritage Foundation Economist E.J. Antoni writes.

At the same time, as Antoni points out, “native-born Americans still have fewer jobs today than before the pandemic (-873,000) while all net job growth has gone to foreign-born workers (+3.7 million).”

It’s not breaking down how many are here illegally, how many are migrants declaring asylum, and how many are on visas

“Many Americans aren’t happy with the economy because they’re not the ones with the jobs,” Antoni writes on X.

Americans have never been happy with companies importing workers and replacing Americans in their jobs. It’s been going on for a while, and we heard the same complaints for decades, but, it has gotten much worse under Biden-Harris, particularly with all the migrants, over 90% of whom will not qualify for asylum but won’t get that hearing for 5-8 years, if they even show up, as Democrats push for them to get work permits.

Read: Biden-Harris Jobs Market Has Been Great For Foreigners »

Media Wonders Why We Aren’t Talking About Climate Doom Anymore

I can certainly understand. Even during the 2016 and 2020 election seasons there were way more articles to pick and choose from. It was rare that I had to hunt around for something, instead of seeing the same article printed at numerous outlets. These past 8-9 months climate scam articles have nosedived except for those ones repeated everywhere. Not to say they aren’t out there, just seems less. I do not even see it mentioned in commercials, either from the Harris campaign or their surrogates who seem to be breaking IRS rules

Why aren’t we talking about climate change anymore?

climate change joke

If you’ve been following the media coverage around the election — or even caught snippets of political ads, rallies and debates online — you’re probably familiar with the major issues of this election season.

But amid the relentless chatter about abortion and immigration policies, we seem to have let a major contender slip away — climate change.

Let’s start with one of the most central events of this election season — the presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. When asked about their stances on climate change, neither candidate could help but steer the conversation away from the issue. (snip)

Each candidate treated climate change as a mere segway to an endless debate about the economy. Avoidance of this issue seems to be an unfortunate trend throughout most of the major campaign events this election season.

True, because most voters only care about ‘climate change’ in coffee house bull sessions, not in the Real World. It’s easy to bleat about it when things are going well. Not so much when the economy feels poor.

An article by Brookings claims that the economic burden amongst young voters — who make up 29% of the electorate — has been ballooning since the Covid-19 pandemic. The article states voter turnout amongst young people will depend significantly on the candidate’s commitment to a brighter economic future.

Climate change — a more gradually developing issue — simply does not feel like a pressing issue compared to public hysteria over economic crises. A professor of psychology at Harvard University told The Guardian that climate change is not occurring at a pace that is fast enough for people to give more attention to the subject.

Real world issues always beat ginned up ones.

Read: Media Wonders Why We Aren’t Talking About Climate Doom Anymore »

Surprise: Migrant In Caravan Moving Faster In Case Trump Wins Election

I’ve been reliably told that Kamala is going to crack down on the border now

‘If Trump wins I’m never going’: The 2,000-strong migrant army rushing to the US

They had walked through the night while it was cool, their spirits – despite the odds stacked against them – still high. A ragtag army of 2,000 migrants travelling by foot and in convoy, trying to reach the United States before the possible return of Donald Trump to the White House.

As the sun came up on Thursday morning, the migrants had managed 90 miles in the five days since setting out from Tapachula, the main city on Mexico’s southern border with Guatemala. They only have another 1,000 miles to go to arrive at their promised land: Mexico’s northern border. One of the caravan’s organiser’s calls it “their exodus”; it could almost be a pilgrimage.

The prospect of a Trump presidency – and with it even tougher border restrictions – has galvanised them to start walking now.

A second convoy will set off on Nov 5, deliberately timed for election day, “so Joe Biden and Kamala Harris know we are heading their way” in an effort by human rights activists to emphasise their plight.

But, but, but, they’re supposed to be turned away as Biden-Harris instituted remain in Mexico, right?

Fed up waiting for the all-important asylum meeting date and with the election looming, Ms Meza hit the road with the convoy on Sunday trying to reach the northern border. “We were waiting for the [asylum] appointment but then with the election all these applications will be closed and we are running out of time. The applications are being paused or cancelled but the border will be open,” she says, her three-year-old daughter Taisha pulling at her for attention, “If Donald Trump gets in office again, it will be much tougher.”

I suspect if Trump wins the Biden-Harris regime will end all the border restrictions they enacted as election season hit, leaving the border open and bring in who knows how many illegals/migrants, most of whom won’t be eligible for asylum. How many gang members? How many murderers and rapists? And then most likely ship them to areas which voted Trump in the dead of night.

Rohmal Silva, 38, from Guatemala, is trying desperately to get back to the US, where he has two teenage children. He was deported in 2018 – he says for a drunk driving conviction – after a year in jail and is now on the convoy making the march north. “If Donald Trump wins I think I am never going to go back,” he says, “I am trying to get back before the inauguration. I left Guatemala two weeks ago. I could see the election was coming.”

Mr Silva, who moved to Boston aged 13, is stuck in a no-man’s land, partly of his own doing. “I make a mistake. I got deported. I am trying to go back. I really miss my children. I worry about Donald Trump because the law is going to change a lot and it is going to be more hard to go back to the United States. It is hard now but at least you can apply and apply and you can get somewhere. I need a second chance. I am a father and I don’t think it’s fair that my children are there growing up without a father.”

He knew the rules. He could bring his kids out of the Boston area and to Guatemala.

But he, like the others, is in a race. “At this point our future is not certain. I would like to arrive before Donald Trump [wins]. He will make coming into the country more complicated. That is what everybody is afraid of.”

If they do not want to be afraid of that, there’s an answer: do not come.

Read: Surprise: Migrant In Caravan Moving Faster In Case Trump Wins Election »

Say, What Do Gen Z ClimaActivists Want Next Year?

Well, obviously, it’s not them practicing what they preach, but, anyhow, we’re all supposed to Listen to them with their vast worldly experience

Here’s What Gen Z Climate Activists Are Prioritizing This Coming Year

Gathering at a rooftop venue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, in late October, a group of Gen Z influencers and activists hosted ZCON, a two-day meeting that aims to “channel Gen Z values into action” and reinvent the conference experience. The idea is to bring together like-minded individuals, connecting nonprofit and private sector businesses with Gen Z activists, influencers, and thought leaders. Following its debut in Los Angeles in 2023, ZCON’s goal is to highlight the ways that Gen Z is particularly affected by issues impacting the younger generation, and how they are working towards solutions.

“Reinvent the conference experience”. They always think they are doing things no one else has ever done, that they are the first to do something.

“I see ZCON as a creative classroom where different people come together to express their forms of art, whether that’s through lifestyle, education, or activism,” Isaias Hernandez, a climate activist who spoke at ZCON in 2023, tells TIME. “And to me, it also does not just bring all these young people together, it brings brands, philanthropists, different people from the private sector, to understand the ways in which stories can be molded.”

See? No one’s ever done that.

Within panels and breakout groups, ZCON creates space for young activists to commiserate and come together  For the 2024 session, the ongoing climate crisis was understandably at the center of the impact discussions, which also held a particular focus on social impact work, such as climate education and communication, as well as fundraising tactics for nonprofits. The Gen Z climate activists are aware  that they do not speak for the entire climate activist space—and admit that they may not agree on everything. Yet, they still see ZCON as a space to imagine what comes next for their community, and what might be achieved in the future.

I wonder how many took fossil fueled trips to ZCON? How many are pledging to stop using fossil fuels and reduce their carbon footprints…oh, who am I kidding, these kiddies travel a lot just to take some photos and videos.

They’re obviously very interested in “environmental justice,” meaning they think that black people aren’t capable of taking care of themselves without massive government intervention and control of their lives. Oh, and that government should spend tons of money on this stuff, because the Gen Z folks sure won’t.

And they totally want education and green jobs. Seriously, don’t they have enough access to information? And

Jorge Alvarez, a mental health advocate who recently has been working more towards addressing climate anxiety, also focused on how hard it is for Gen Z to enter into the working force right now. He’s hearing from his peers that they need more opportunities for green jobs specifically.

“We need to fund pipeline programs, specifically for young people when it comes to green jobs, and also more people of color engagement work—period,” Alvarez says.

What’s this we? If they want green jobs, they can fund them themselves. Take out loans from the bank. Solicit funds from the big green folks like Al Gore and George Clooney. But, then, we’re are talk True Gen Z living up to their reputation of being lazy and wanting everything handed to them.

Read: Say, What Do Gen Z ClimaActivists Want Next Year? »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful tree sucking horrible carbon pollution from the air, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on the brutal jobs report.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: White House Changed “Garbage” Transcript Over Stenographer Objects

The White House may have broken the law

White House altered Biden’s ‘garbage’ transcript despite concerns from stenographers

The White House altered the transcript of President Biden’s controversial “garbage” comment despite the concerns of stenographers, Fox News Digital has confirmed.

In an email viewed by Fox News Digital, a supervisor sounded the alarm on the White House press office’s “breach of protocol and spoilation of transcript integrity between the Stenography and Press Offices.”

“If there is a difference in interpretation, the Press Office may choose to withhold the transcript but cannot edit it independently,” the supervisor wrote in the email. “Our Stenography Office transcript — released to our distro, which includes the National Archives — is now different than the version edited and released to the public by Press Office staff.”

So, the White House did what they weren’t supposed to do. Surprise!

GOP Lawmakers: White House May Have Illegally Altered Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Remark in Official Transcript

House Republicans say the Biden-Harris White House might have broken the law when they altered President Joe Biden’s remarks in the official transcript to imply he did not call Trump supporters “garbage.”

Biden on Tuesday during a video call with Voto Latino in support of Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign said, “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters.” (snip through the stuff you already know about this)

According to House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY) and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY), the White House’s addition of an apostrophe may have violated the Presidential Records Act.

In a letter to White House Counsel Edward Siskel, they demanded that the White House retain and preserve all documents and internal communications related to Biden’s statement and the release of the inaccurate transcript.

If you broke federal record keeping laws at your private business you would be in big trouble, and would have to pay a big fine, at a minimum. Here? Nothing will happen. We’ve seen this from Republicans too often. We all know what Biden said, and so do most people who heard it. Perhaps those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome who typically vote Republican should understand that this is exactly what Democrats think of you. You’re garbage. You’re Fascists. Nazis. And simply Useful Idiots, who will see policy after policy, law after law, rule after rule, passed that are completely against your political beliefs just because you focus on Orange Man Bad.

Read: Surprise: White House Changed “Garbage” Transcript Over Stenographer Objects »

Universities Racing To Add Climate (scam) Degrees Or Something

I guess colleges are dumping degrees in influencer, Nordic lesbian, ethnic studies, frisbee, and others, feeling that a degree in climate scam will be a great grift

Climate change degree programs proliferate

The University of Chicago is the latest top-tier institution to unveil new degree programs to attract students who want to study climate change.

Why it matters: Tackling climate and energy challenges requires specialized skills and knowledge, and employers have reported gaps in worker qualifications amid an abundance of jobs.

Driving the news: The University of Chicago announced Wednesday it is creating the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Growth, which will offer undergraduate and graduate degrees.

The institute plans to hire 20 new faculty members during the next five years, with searches taking place in areas from law to materials engineering and AI.

As part of the institute, the university is rolling out a new core curriculum on sustainable development and growth.

So, overpriced “teachers”. Cool. Meanwhile, can Chicago be made sustainable with all the shootings and illegal aliens?

Obviously, they’ll only be teaching this from the climate cult POV, doing a bit of indoctrination.

Read: Universities Racing To Add Climate (scam) Degrees Or Something »

WWIII Watch: Blinken Confirms North Korean Troops About To Fight In Ukraine

Oh, you thought things couldn’t get worse under the Biden-Harris admin? Think again

Blinken: 8,000 North Korean troops in Kursk, could join Ukraine war in days

About 8,000 North Korean troops in Russia are in the country’s Kursk border region and are expected to enter Moscow’s war with Ukraine in the “coming days,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Thursday.

Russia has been training the North Koreans in artillery, basic infantry operations, drones and trench clearing, indicating “that they fully intend to use these forces in front-line operations,” he told reporters following a meeting with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and their South Korean counterparts in Washington, D.C.

“We’ve not yet seen these troops deploy into combat against Ukrainian forces, but we would expect that to happen in the coming days,” Blinken said, adding that if the North Korean troops enter the fight they would become legitimate military targets.

The Pentagon earlier this week said about 10,000 North Korean soldiers were training in Russia and were seen outfitted in Kremlin uniforms and equipment en route to Kursk, where Ukrainian forces launched an incursion this summer.

Supposedly, the only time North Korea has sent their military to another nation since the end of the Korean War, such as it is, was Vietnam. They’ve worked with other nations, and had advisors on the ground in places, but, never actual ground troops. But, now, we have them working with Russia and about to enter Ukraine.


Iran Might Wait Until After US Election To Strike Israel Over Fears It Might Benefit Trump Campaign: REPORT

Iran’s military leadership announced Thursday intentions to retaliate against recent Israeli strikes but may delay action to avoid benefiting former President Donald Trump’s campaign, according to The New York Times.

Deputy commander of the guards General Ali Fadavi said to Lebanon’s Al Mayadeen television that Iran’s counteraction to Israel in what he termed “Zionist aggression” is inevitable and could devastate Israeli capabilities in a single operation, the NYT reported. The statement marks the first official confirmation from Iran of planned reprisals following Israel’s attacks on Oct. 25, which have heightened tensions in the region.

Iran’s leaders are reportedly wary of actions that could inadvertently aid former Trump’s reelection bid by escalating regional tensions, which could look bad for the Biden-Harris administration, according to the NYT. Despite the heated rhetoric, the timing and nature of Iran’s response remain uncertain, raising questions about potential diplomatic negotiations or delays.

Biden-Harris buddy Khamenei reportedly is going to strike via Iraq, so, yeah, things are looking great. Why would Iran want to hold off to protect Harris? Hmm. And where’s Biden? Off to Delaware for the weekend yet again.

Read: WWIII Watch: Blinken Confirms North Korean Troops About To Fight In Ukraine »

cBS Still Trying To Make The Election About Climate Doom Or Something

God forbid cBS attempted to do some journalism on the things Americans really care about in practice, digging into things like this

She laughed about it. But, maybe cBS could ask Kamala why she takes so many unnecessary fossil fueled trips?

The Climate Election: How climate change will impact your food and electric bills, the economy and more

Election Day is just days away and of all the critical issues at stake, there is one that has a fast-approaching deadline to get a handle on: climate change. If emissions aren’t drastically reduced by 2035, the U.N. warned last week, global climate disaster will be inevitable — but the impacts of climate change are already being felt in daily life in the U.S.

From maternal health and immigration to the cost of food, electricity and insurance, here’s how.

If you’re adding “here’s how”, it’s not news, it’s opinion, just like they started doing at Vox.

The economy is top of mind for voters this year, and experts say that climate change has the potential for “significant economic harm.” According to NOAA, the impacts of extreme climate events, including hurricanes, wildfires and floods, are costing the nation an estimated $150 billion every year. The University of Chicago’s Energy Policy Institute finds that climate impacts cost just under 1% of the nation’s GDP for every 1 degree Fahrenheit in temperature change, on average. Even “modest amounts of warming” will hurt the U.S. economy, researchers found.

They also do immigration, mining, disaster recovery, transportation, fracking, home insurance, maternal health and pregnancy (I though Dems wanted to abort all kids?), electric bills, grocery bills, and power infrastructure, all in a manner to prop up Kamala’s bad policies, saying if we don’t Do Something then all these things are doomed.

The American Society of Civil Engineers said in its latest report grading the nation’s infrastructure that this sector received a “C-,” with the organization’s experts saying U.S. energy infrastructure is aged and still being used half a century past its life expectancy. That age, combined with the increasing extreme weather events, could cost businesses about $150 billion a year. Blackouts pose additional dangers to human health, including blocking access to food and water, communication and emergency health care.

Yeah, well, Kamala and her climate cult comrades won’t let us build new natural gas and nuclear power plants.

Read: cBS Still Trying To Make The Election About Climate Doom Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a tropical forest which will soon grow in the Arctic, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Illinois hating tiny bottles of shampoo.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove