If All You See…

…is an ocean that will rise a dozen feet soon, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post wondering who’s bankrolling the anti-Israel demonstrators.

Read: If All You See… »

Republicans Surprised By Number Of Arrests For Pro-Hamas Vandals

Why are they surprised? Pretty much everyone said this would happen

Top Republican demands answers after WH protests yield 0 arrests; questions ‘political sympathy’ with vandals

The top Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee demanded answers from the Department of the Interior over its handling of violent protests that engulfed National Park Service property outside the White House last week.

Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., whose committee has oversight over the Interior Department, also questioned in a Thursday letter whether politics played a role in how the chaos concluded with a “disturbing” lack of arrests.

The letter, obtained by Fox News Digital, recounted assaults on U.S. Park Police and a National Park Service ranger at Lafayette Park – which lies just north of the White House – as thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators amassed to protest the administration.

“I am deeply troubled with last weekend’s incidents near the White House involving pro-terror, anti-Israel agitators,” Barrasso wrote to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, saying the vandals inscribed “Long live Hamas” and other slogans on federal property.

Barrasso demanded Haaland account for the lack of arrests by describing how she is working with law enforcement to identify suspects, and he also called on the department to implement explicit measures to protect federal park rangers on-duty.

Zero arrests. People wearing Hamas headbands, calling for the death of Jews, assaulting federal employees, and vandalizing federal property. Why would Republicans think that the Biden regime would allow any to be arrested? They need the terrorist supporters to vote for Biden. They need the Islamic extremists who’ve been imported and never assimilated to vote for Biden. Certainly do not want to upset them by treating the demonstrators just like the J6 folks, right? Or even a simple arrest and prosecution.

Barrasso wrote to Haaland that her oversight of the NPS and USPP is paramount to federal land security and that the chaos that ensued in Lafayette Park is emblematic of the dangers rangers and other law enforcement face daily.

“I question whether political sympathy with the agitators influenced your department’s response to these acts of violence and vandalism. It is imperative that your department’s actions are guided by the principles of law and order, rather than political considerations,” said Barrasso.

Here’s the question: what are Republicans going to do about it? We’ve seen this for decades, where there’s a lot of smoke from them but no fire. Stop yapping and start doing something about it.

In his letter, Barrasso called for enhanced security measures at NPS properties like Lafayette Park and revisions to protocols for managing violent demonstrations.

If you’ll remember, they put up more fencing around the White House knowing there would be protests.

Read: Republicans Surprised By Number Of Arrests For Pro-Hamas Vandals »

Utah Supreme Court To Hear Youts Climate Scam Suit

I sure hope one of the questions asked is whether the youts have given up their own use of fossil fuels and made their lives carbon neutral

Utah Supreme Court agrees to hear teens’ climate change lawsuit

The Utah Supreme Court will hear a lawsuit brought by a group of teens challenging the state’s fossil fuel policies that they say harm their health and exacerbate climate change.

The state’s top court could revive a legal challenge that was dismissed in 2022 by a lower court judge. While he declared the teens “have a valid concern” about climate change and the impacts of the state’s fossil fuel policies, the judge dismissed their lawsuit, declaring that the issues fell within the realm of the legislative branch of government.

The teens appealed and the Court agreed to take up the case, setting arguments for Sept. 4. A notation in the docket indicates Associate Chief Justice John Pearce has recused himself from hearing the case. Prior to joining the Court, he was legal counsel for then-Governor Gary Herbert.

“We are hopeful that the Court will set this case back on the path towards trial, where it belongs. With each passing day that Utah’s statutory policy to maximize fossil fuel development remains in place, Utah’s government continues to increase the state’s dangerous air pollution and worsen the climate crisis, directly harming the health and safety of these brave young plaintiffs,” the teens’ attorney, Andrew Welle, said.

Will this turn out the way they hope? Probably not. But, anything can happen. Sadly, judges and opposing attorneys never seem to ask the questions they should. Are they practicing what they preach? Who’s funding this? Are the youts traveling around to take all their selfies and vids, eating meat, using a ton of energy, buying fast fashion?

Read: Utah Supreme Court To Hear Youts Climate Scam Suit »

Second Gentleman To Attend Pittsburgh Synagogue Memorial Groundbreaking

I’m not sure what to think of this. On one hand, it’s great that someone who is a Jew is being sent by the Biden regime for the groundbreaking. On the other hand, the 2nd gentleman is essentially a nothingburger in terms of the federal government. They are not a part of the government. Will Kamala attend with him? Could Biden not show up? Of course, that would have its own sorts of embarrassments, plus, this would give his unhinged, Jew hating base apoplexy

Emhoff will speak at groundbreaking of the memorial for the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims

Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris and the first Jewish person to serve as the spouse of a nationally elected U.S. leader, will deliver remarks on Sunday at the groundbreaking of the memorial to victims of the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.

The White House announced that Emhoff, who has been among the most visible and outspoken Biden administration officials on combating antisemitism at home and abroad, would attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the new Tree of Life campus.

The synagogue in Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood was home to the deadliest antisemitic attack in the United States, in which 11 worshipers were killed by a gunman driven by hatred of Jews. The space will include a new place of worship, a museum devoted to studying the hatred of Jews in the U.S. and a memorial to the victims.

The June 23 event will include community leaders, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, who will serve as the ceremony’s host.

Good on Doug, and, he has been vocal about defeating Jew hatred. The big question, beyond whether Kamala will be there, is will the Jew hating protesters show up, and show the normal Americans what the Democratic base is all about?

Read: Second Gentleman To Attend Pittsburgh Synagogue Memorial Groundbreaking »

Climate Cult Super Upset That Trump Said Nuclear Weapons Are Worse Than Hotcoldwetdry

I mean, they aren’t upset enough to give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their lives carbon neutral. Just enough to foam at the mouth

Trump Reveals the Biggest Threat Facing the U.S.

Donald Trump has been caught downplaying the threat of climate change, insisting that sea levels will only rise “one eighth of an inch” over the next 400 years.

“That basically means you will have a little more beach front property,” he said. “I really think… nuclear weapons, which I think are the single biggest threat, not global warming.”

“[Biden] goes, it’s the greatest existential threat to our country—global warming. In the meantime, you get these maniacs with nuclear weapons that can do damage, which I won’t even talk to you about. It’s the greatest. There has never been anything like it. The power of weaponry today, it will be obliteration.”

The New Abnormal team was quick to call bullshit on his bogus climate claims.

“By the way, it’s 10 to 12 inches in the next 30 years,” The New Abnormal’s co-host Andy Levy said. “That’s from the NOAA’s website, and is I think the generally agreed upon figure, not an eighth or a quarter of an inch over 400 years. 10 to 12 inches over the next 30 years, which is truly catastrophic. He’s just stupid.”

And who gets fired and loses all accreditation when this doesn’t happen? It won’t happen. The 20th Century saw an increase of 7 inches, which is exactly average for the last 8,000 years, and incorporates Holocene cool periods. A couple inches. Maybe an inch this century. Sea rise is not accelerating. But, the climate cult media will not give real facts, real data, they just go with the scaremongering.

The use of nuclear weapons is certainly a big concern, what with Biden and his pals tempting Russia to use them, and doing nothing as Iran rushes to them. I’d say that radical Islam is actually the biggest danger for the world.

Read: Climate Cult Super Upset That Trump Said Nuclear Weapons Are Worse Than Hotcoldwetdry »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution driven heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the Monday morning stimulus.

Read: If All You See… »

SCOTUS Rules Against Illegal Aliens Challenging Deportation Orders In Perpetuity

Basically, if they fail to show for their court dates they can’t challenge it

Supreme Court Rules Against Migrants in Dispute Over Deportation Hearing Notices

illegal alien DemocratThe Supreme Court sided with the federal government on Friday in a dispute over what information immigration officials must provide migrants about their deportation hearings.

In a 5-to-4 decision, the majority upheld the current requirements, which can mean that basic information about a deportation hearing is missing.

Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. wrote the majority opinion, joined by four of the court’s other conservatives.

He cautioned that the decision “does not mean that the government is free of its obligation” to provide immigrants with notice of deportation hearings. Rather, he wrote, it blocked immigrants from seeking to challenge removal orders “in perpetuity based on arguments they could have raised in a hearing that they chose to skip.”

This has made illegal alien supporters, including those on the high court, very upset. Did the Liberal justices offer to take illegals into their own homes?

The dispute before the court stemmed from a group of cases brought by immigrants who challenged their deportations, claiming they never received proper notice of their court hearings. Although the circumstances of each case varied, in each instance the government failed to provide a single notice to appear with information about the time and place of the deportation hearing.

In each case, the migrant failed to show up for the hearing and was ordered deported. Each person challenged the deportation.

There was all sorts of whining from illegal aliens about non-notification, claiming there was no time and date. At least for those who showed up. And then you have all those who did not receive the order, because, let’s be honest, the government can’t find them. They disappear.

ICE struggles to track down migrants ‘paroled’ by DHS chief Mayorkas

More than 99% of illegal immigrants caught and released a year ago as part of a special border “parole” program are still at large, according to government data that signals how difficult it will be to unwind the millions of migrants who have gained a foothold under President Biden.

These migrants present a critical test case for the Biden administration. A federal judge has demanded unprecedented transparency in the Department of Homeland Security’s handling of 2,572.

ICE said it can confirm the deportation, departure or death of just 14 people, meaning 99.5% of all of the migrants caught and released under this parole program are thought to still be in the U.S. Only one of the migrants was being held at the time ICE reported to the court in late May.

That’s just a small portion of illegals, as we go back to the first article

Record numbers of migrants have been apprehended at the country’s southern border for the last three years. In the fiscal year that ended in September, 2.4 million were caught.

The government cannot keep track of 2,572 (possibly because the Biden regime has jammed up the works). How do they keep track of the 2.4 million caught in the last fiscal year alone and serve them with court dates?

Biden Prepping New Immigration Policy That Would Provide Amnesty to More Than a Million Migrants: Report

President Biden is preparing to announce a new plan aimed at protecting illegal immigrants from deportation and easing the process for obtaining work permits, so long as they have been in America for at least a decade and are married to an American citizen, according to a new report.

Oh. Good. More illegals.

Read: SCOTUS Rules Against Illegal Aliens Challenging Deportation Orders In Perpetuity »

Climate Cult To Disrupt Austrian Grand Prix

I wonder how they will be traveling there? It’s on June 30th

Climate change activists threaten to disrupt Austrian Grand Prix

Hundreds of thousands of people will travel to Spielberg again at the end of this month, where the annual Austrian Grand Prix is scheduled at the Red Bull Ring. Perhaps their journey towards the circuit will not go entirely smoothly, with fears that climate change activists will be on the access roads and will cause delays.

Austrian police are at least taking that into account, the Kleine Zeitung reports. Indeed, there are indications that climate activists are using the race to protest – as they did a year ago, doing so by glueing themselves to the road surface. Removing them from that will take some time, but Austrian police expect adequate action to be taken in the event of protests.

Arresting known activists in advance is not something the authorities do. The police confirmed to the newspaper that protesting is a fundamental right. But after some point, the protest must be over and, moreover, the organisation of the Grand Prix (where 300,000 fans are expected over three days) must not go haywire.

Fearing that the climate stickers will also come onto the track during the race and then stick to the asphalt, the police are not. It is assumed that security measures at the Red Bull Ring are so strict that no one will manage to get over the fence on the track.

Well, I hope the police and security are on the ball, and have proper liquids on hand to deal with the glue. Too bad cutting their hands off is not allowed. Certainly do not want to run them over, those cars are expensive, and all that blood and gore affects windflow and slows the cars down.

Read: Climate Cult To Disrupt Austrian Grand Prix »

Hamas Is Totally Up For Giving Up Hostages Or Something

But, they have a few conditions

Hamas: We’re ready for hostage deal with ceasefire, IDF must withdraw

Hamas is ready for a hostage deal that includes a Gaza ceasefire and a withdrawal of the IDF, the group’s Qatar-based leader Ismail Haniyeh said in a televised speech on the occasion of the Islamic Eid al-Adha on Sunday.

“Hamas and the (Palestinian) groups are ready for a comprehensive deal which entails a ceasefire, withdrawal from the Strip, the reconstruction of what was destroyed, and a comprehensive swap deal,” Haniyeh said.

His comments referred to renewed efforts to forge a deal for the remaining 120 hostages seized on October 7, based on a three-phased deal unveiled by US President Joe Biden May 31.

Egypt and Qatar, which along with the United States have been mediating between Hamas and Israel – said on June 11 that they received a response from the Palestinian groups to the US plan, without giving further details.

Here’s a question: why in the ever loving fuck is Biden negotiating with Hamas? They are a US State Department designated terrorist organization, and have been since 1997. Is there no one else in Gaza the Biden regime can negotiate with, not that most of the Hamas big-shots are actually in Gaza. Or, are all the Palestinians Hamas supporters? Hamas should not be left in charge of Gaza.

Anyhow, any deal should not include a swap. Hamas needs to let all their hostages go. Israel would be more than happy to leave and stay left as long as the terrorists and their supporters do not attack Israel. Hamas breaks the ceasefires every time. The last one was the straw that broke the camel’s back. If Hamas wants reconstruction, let them get the money from their backers in Iran.

Israel has accepted the deal, which deals with the issue of a permanent ceasefire only once the deal is underway. It has insisted that any deal must allow for its military campaign to continue until such time as Hamas is ousted from Gaza.

It’s time for the end of Hamas. Most likely another terrorist group will grow in Gaza, but, it could take a while. And Biden should be backing this.

(Jerusalem Post) Palestinian pollster Khalil Shikaki released a survey of Palestinian attitudes on Wednesday – the third since October 7 – showing that fully 61% of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza would prefer to see Hamas in control of the Gaza Strip and that support for the terrorist organization far outstrips that of Fatah.

Nevertheless, the headline of a New York Times front page article on Sunday read, “Gazans voice their distress under Hamas.” The online headline to the story was, “As war drags on, Gazans more willing to speak out against Hamas.”

Can’t Biden find people in that 39% who do not support Hamas? Fatah is not all that much better, but, they are no longer designated a terrorist group by the U.S. or Israel.

Read: Hamas Is Totally Up For Giving Up Hostages Or Something »

If All You See…

…are bushes sucking evil carbon pollution out of the air, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on what the Marxists have.

It’s clearing out the folders week.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove