Teen Girl Attacking With Knife Shot By Columbus Police, Media Try A Bit Of Gaslighting

Many, many media outlets are attempting to position the girl shot by police as a darling and another black person killed by police for no reason, linking it to the Derek Chauvin case

Black teenage girl in Ohio ‘shot dead by police’ as Derek Chauvin jury returns verdict

A black teenage girl was shot dead by police in Ohio on Tuesday minutes after a guilty verdict was returned in the case of the officer who killed George Floyd.

Officers were responding to a call on Legion Lane in the city of Columbus when police shot the girl, who was named locally as 16-year-old Makiah Bryant.

Police later released body camera footage showing an officer shooting the victim, who was holding a knife and was poised to attack another girl.

But, she was a good girl!

“She was a good kid. She was loving,” Hazel Bryant, who said the child was her niece, told reporters. She said the girl lived in a foster home and had got into a fight with someone else at the home. “She was 15 years old. She didn’t deserve to die like a dog in the street,” she said.

A good kid!

Police shoot teenage girl to death in Ohio and release bodycam video

Police in Columbus, Ohio, released bodycam video Tuesday night of the fatal shooting of a teenage girl earlier in the day. Interim police chief Michael Woods said at a press conference that it is unusual to have video released so quickly but “we understand the public’s need, desire and expectation to have transparency.”

Police did not identify the girl but her family and Franklin County Children Services identified her as 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant. The family also told CBS Columbus affiliate WBNS-TV that Bryant was the one who called the police for help, saying people were fighting outside her house.

Can you guess was CBS News forgot to provide? The bodycam video. It’ll be interesting to see if the 911 call supports Ma’Khia being the one that called. If so, perhaps she shouldn’t have been attacking another girl with a knife when the cops showed up

Bryant’s mother, Paula Bryant, told WBNS she’s “very upset. I’m hurt. I want answers.”

“My daughter dispatched Columbus police for protection, not to be a homicide today,” Paula said with tears in her eyes.

Ma’Khia was staying at a foster home. Paula said the two last saw each other on Thursday. “We hugged each other. She said ‘Mommy, I made honor roll.’ She said ‘Mommy, I’m looking forward to coming home,'” Paula said.

“Ma’Khia had a motherly nature about her. She promoted peace. That is something that I want to always be remembered,” Paula added.

Motherly nature for stabbing. Promoting peace with a knife. Gotta wonder why, exactly, she was staying in a foster home rather than in her mom’s home. Anyhow, you can find this kind of stuff across a lot of the Credentialed media, usually forgetting the bodycam footage, which was released quickly


The mayor noted

Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther called it a “tragic day in the City of Columbus.”

“We know based on this footage the officer took action to protect another young girl in our community,” Ginther explained. “We think it’s critically important to share as much information as possible. We’ll continue to share footage and other information as quickly as possible.”

You can see that Bryant attacked someone else before going after the girl in pink with the knife. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Read: Teen Girl Attacking With Knife Shot By Columbus Police, Media Try A Bit Of Gaslighting »

A Bunch Of Youngsters Yammer On About The Moment They Joined The Climate Cult

It’s no wonder they profess to have climate anxiety: they’re making themselves nuts. Oh, and a bunch of these young people are in their 20’s. One is 28

17 Young People on the Moment the Climate Crisis Became Real to Them

St. GretaWatching An Inconvenient Truth in your middle-school science class. Hearing Greta Thunberg’s calls to join weekly school strikes. Driving away from smoldering wildfires engulfing dry California hillsides.

These are some of the moments that made young people realize the climate crisis will define their lives — and the future of human life on Earth. We’ve heard the facts so many times that it’s easy to become numb to them. The world is steadily growing warmer, certain parts of the world are facing extreme droughts or floods, many wildlife populations are shrinking — and things are only projected to grow worse, with carbon emissions rising and countries contributing to mass deforestation. Despite these emergencies, many U.S. politicians, including Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton and Florida Senator Marco Rubio, deny the reality of climate change. And the Western world, particularly the United States, is currently the biggest contributor to the climate crisis. Though the climate crisis is affecting everyone on Earth, it’s effects have been particularly felt by those living in the global south, lower-income people, and younger people, whose futures are being shaped by how we handle the crisis.

It’s almost like they’re making it all about themselves, just like their narcissistic selfies

These overarching facts are important to reiterate. But it’s also critical to understand what climate change feels like on an everyday level — how it affects our mental and physical health. It’s a problem so enormous and disorienting that it’s often easier to just shove it into the darker corners of our minds, where we don’t want to look. Living under the spectre of climate change can make it feel surreal to try to plan an education, a career, a family, or any concrete aspect of your future.

That’s why younger generations have risen up, calling on global leaders to treat our rapidly changing climate like the emergency it is. Teen Vogue heard from more than 80 young people about how they imagine the climate crisis might define their future. A selection of their responses is below.

Yet, reading through the responses, you get the feeling that, at most, they are only making token changes in their own lives. Strange, right? Let’s take a look at a few. Here’s me favorite

Delina, Houston, Texas, 21, college student

I live in Texas, so the recent winter-storm outage has scared people around me and made us want to take matters into our own hands. I am a coordinator for mutual aid efforts in the Austin area, and seeing people share funds, housing those in need, and sharing food and water has brought me so much hope when seeing how we can help those who are victims of climate disaster. Through social media and listening to community leaders, I am educating myself on how to live a low-waste life and having discussions with those around me to take small steps in living sustainably.

That’s right, blaming a winter storm on heat trapping gases. Sure sounds like a cult, where no matter what happens, it is Proof of what they’re selling. Even when it makes no sense. So, they’ll just make something up to fit it into their cult.

Read More »

Read: A Bunch Of Youngsters Yammer On About The Moment They Joined The Climate Cult »

If All You See…

…is hay meant to feed world killing cows, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on the truth about COVID passports.

Read: If All You See… »

Oregon Looks To Make Firearms For Law Abiding Citizens Worthless For Home Defense

The very same people who are protected by armed police officers, some all the time, look to take away the ability to defend your home and and loved ones. Think criminals won’t be looking at this law gleefully? (via Dana Pico)

Oregon gun storage law would be among the toughest in the US

A proposed gun storage law that would be among the toughest in the U.S. is headed for a vote in the Oregon Legislature, with backers saying it will save lives and opponents contending it could lead to deaths.

Meanwhile, in Colorado, a less sweeping gun storage bill was signed into law Monday by Gov. Jared Polis., who said: “It’s a sensible measure to help avoid immeasurable heartbreak.”

Colorado’s new law creates the offense of unlawful storage of a firearm if a person stores a gun knowing that a juvenile could access it without permission or if a resident of the premises is ineligible to possess a firearm.

Oregon’s bill generated testimony from hundreds of people, mostly in writing because there wasn’t enough time to take all the oral testimony.

A vote in Oregon’s House of Representatives on the bill, initially scheduled for Monday, was pushed back by a week to enable Democratic representatives to work with the Senate “to guarantee the bill is on track to pass and be enacted,” said Hannah Kurowski, spokeswoman for the majority House Democrats.

One person testified on a gun being stolen and used for a mass shooting in Portland back in 2012…I though Portland was a Liberal Utopia? Others had different things to say

But opponents say forcing people to keep guns locked up could waste precious moments if they need to defend themselves against armed intruders.

Jim Mischel, of Sheridan, Oregon, described how his wife woke up when he was away one night in 1981. She heard a noise, went to investigate and saw that a man had broken into their home.

She returned to the bedroom and tried to get to a pistol that was in a locked gun box in the nightstand.

“She was unable to get the box unlocked and the pistol out before he got into the bedroom and threatened her with his gun,” Mischel said. “She has never recovered.”

Criminals will know this. They will know that lots of people will comply (why do Dem voters even have guns in places like Portland? Aren’t they anti-gun? Or just anti-gun for Other People?). Law abiding citizens will have a choice: lock the guns up making them almost worthless for home defense, or be a criminal by making sure they are handy. I wonder how much influence the gun storage industry has on this, and other similar, bills.

Oregon’s bill mandates that gun owners secure unattended weapons with trigger locks or in locked compartments. Those who don’t would be strictly liable for any injuries or property damage. If a minor gets ahold of an unsecured firearm, the gun’s owner would face a maximum $2,000 fine.

What kind of safe do you get? A biometric would seem the smartest, giving access to only a few people, but, does your fingerprint work perfectly on your phone every time? What if it is cold? Doesn’t work that well. The fingerprint reader at work will often fail when your finger is too cold or sweaty. Having to carry a key around all the time just in case? What if you drop it? A code? Now trying to put it in when you are freaking out over criminals breaking in.

The idea here is simply to make them worthless for law abiding citizens.

Read: Oregon Looks To Make Firearms For Law Abiding Citizens Worthless For Home Defense »

The World Is “On The Abyss” From Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

The climahysteria usually ramps up before the UN COP conferences (when 10k or so take fossil fueled trips to hobnob and attempt to tell the rest how to live their lives) in late November/early December, but, with China Joe having a virtual meeting on the climate emergency (scam) soon, and summer coming, why not drop some Fearmongering?

As Biden prepares for climate summit, U.N. says the world is ‘on the verge of the abyss’

Just days before President Biden kicks off a climate summit with world leaders, the United Nations World Meteorological Organization released a report Monday warning that “time is fast running out” to keep global temperatures in check.

Titled “State of the Global Climate 2020,” the report finds that concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere continued to climb in 2020, despite lockdowns imposed to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Last year, the report notes, was the third warmest on record, worsening the melting of glaciers and sea ice, the acidification of the world’s oceans and the severity of wildfires and hurricanes.  (snip)

“The data in this report show that the global mean temperature for 2020 was around 1.2 degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial times, meaning that time is fast running out to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement,” U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said in a foreword to the report. “We need to do more, and faster, now.”

In an interview with Reuters, Guterres was even more direct, saying, “We are on the verge of the abyss.”

Is that like a way to say tipping point in a scarier manner? Yes, this is a doomsday cult. Made up of lots and lots of hypocrites. A doomsday cult which constantly decrees doom being almost here or here right now. That if we don’t do X, things will get so much worse. So, give up your money, freedom, liberty, and choice to Government.

Read: The World Is “On The Abyss” From Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

Shifting Goal Posts: Herd Immunity Won’t Stop COVID, But Vaccines Might Control It

I though masks were meant to control COVID19? No? All they’ve been telling us is that we need herd immunity to beat Bat Soup Virus, now “experts” are starting to say something different. Is this real, based on actual science, or is this more of the goal post shifting to keep the government controlling citizens?

‘Elusive’ herd immunity likely won’t stop COVID-19 in the US but vaccines can control it, experts say

For almost a year, Americans have been looking forward to herd immunity, when enough people are protected through vaccination or past infection to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Once there, public officials have said, masks won’t be necessary and hugging and handshakes – not to mention gyms, bars and indoor dining – can return.

But even as more than half of Americans have received at least one dose of vaccine and many others are protected by recent infections, health experts are moving away from the idea of reaching some magic number.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease doctor, doesn’t want to talk about herd immunity anymore.

“Rather than concentrating on an elusive number, let’s get as many people vaccinated as quickly as we possibly can,” he said at a White House briefing last week, a sentiment he’s since repeated.

What Fauci doesn’t explicitly state, but others do, is that with about a quarter of Americans saying they might not want to be immunized, herd immunity is simply not an attainable goal.

“It’s theoretically possible but we as a society have rejected that,” said Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group. “There is no eradication at this point, it’s off the table. The only thing we can talk about is control.”

Well, huh. They’re trying to Blamestorm people being vaccine resistant for one thing, even though the same Experts have been saying that the vaccine might not mean the end of masks and stuff (I’m still fine with mostly social distancing and no touching. Keep the flu and colds away!). And saying all the above will make people even more resistant, not seeing the point in taking the quickly developed vaccines. Nor does it help that they’ve shifted the goal posts on what percent is considered herd immunity.

Israel, which at 62% has the world’s highest vaccination rate so far, gives a preview of what can happen.

“As soon as vaccination rates hit 50%, you saw cases and deaths just start to plummet,” said Christina Ramirez, a professor of biostatistics at UCLA.

Data from Israel shows that the vaccinated not only are much less likely to get severely ill or die, but if they do get COVID-19, it’s almost always a mild case.

Then you know what? Stop telling people all the things they still can’t do when vaccinated, because they then so zero point in getting the vaccine.

Well, things you can’t do, but, the Elites can, despite their Excuses.

And, yet, Florida and Texas are still doing pretty well despite doing away with most COVID measures.

Read: Shifting Goal Posts: Herd Immunity Won’t Stop COVID, But Vaccines Might Control It »

AOC’s Latest Idea: Let The Post Office Also Be A Bank

Also, why is she not wearing a mask?

How many people actually go to the bank these days? How about the USPS office? Closest I get is the mailbox outside it down the road from work. Maybe twice a year. Who thinks it’s a good idea to keep your money in a government controlled account? The can garnish the account directly, and you can bet the terms of service will allow that. They now make even more interest off your money, not all the money that’s been taken from your paychecks, with a possibility of a refund of some of that. They can take your money and invest it willy nilly on basically a promissory note to let you have it back.

She’s not the only idiot pushing this

Last week, U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and U. S. Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Bill Pascrell (D-NJ), and Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) called on Congress to implement postal banking pilot programs in rural and urban communities across the country as part of the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Senate and House Financial Services and General Government Appropriations (FSGG) Appropriations Bill and eventual final conference agreement. The lawmakers also pushed for $6 million in funding for USPS in FY22 to carry out the pilot programs to expand non-bank financial services offerings.

“Called on Congress.” They are a part of Congress. They know they can submit legislation, right? Again. Dems have been pimping this idea for years. It gets more fun

“So many families in my community in The Bronx can’t afford to be banked. So instead, they go into checking cashing places and pay relatively large fees – money that’s desperately needed for food, rent and diapers. Others go the ATM, and sometimes they can only afford to take out $5, but they’re paying $3 in fees. What we are asking the Post Office to do here is very basic – checking cashing, money wiring, and taking out money from an ATM without a penalty – but it’ll make a dramatic difference in so many communities and so many families. It’ll also provide needed revenue to USPS,” said Rep. Ocasio-Cortez.

If you go to the ATM for your bank, you usually have no charge. Will the Post Office have ATMs everywhere? How many of those checks will bounce, leaving tax payers on the hook?

Millions of Americans live in ‘bank deserts’ — regions without immediate access to a brick and mortar bank — and nearly 63 million Americans are considered underbanked. Ninety percent of the zip codes lacking a bank or credit union are in rural areas. However, low income communities of color are also historically underserved by mainstream financial services — approximately 46% of Latino households and 49% of African American households are underbanked.

We have “food deserts”, now we have bank deserts? That’s because fewer and fewer go to banks that often with this whole 21st Century technology. Heck, my closest Bank Of America is a 12 minute drive out in Knightdale. There’s one technically closer, but, takes longer to get there due to stop lights and traffic.

Let’s face it, they want more low income people to be reliant on Government, while propping up the USPS and controlling more of people’s money.

Read: AOC’s Latest Idea: Let The Post Office Also Be A Bank »

China Joe To Soon Reveal How To Spend Your Money Solving The Climate Crisis (scam)

Oh, and not just your money, but how the U.S. government will further control your life

Joe Biden to reveal US emissions pledge in key climate crisis moment

Joe Biden faces a key test of his commitment to climate action this week, when he sets out his core plans for tackling the climate crisis and calls on all of the world’s major economies to join him in bold action to slash greenhouse gas emissions in the next ten years.

The US president has made the climate emergency one of his administration’s top priorities, and stated that clean growth must be the route for the US to rebound from the coronavirus crisis.

Biden and his climate envoy, John Kerry, will host a virtual summit of 40 world leaders to discuss the climate crisis and seek new commitments from the world’s biggest carbon emitters to fulfil the 2015 Paris agreement.

I’m hoping it starts with Joe and John giving up their own use of fossil fuels and living the carbon neutral life. And requiring all who work directly for the White House to do so. Kamala, all the functionaries, department heads, all the elites. No more fossil fueled trips.

At the meeting, or shortly before, the US is expected to unveil its national plan for cutting greenhouse gas emissions over the next 10 years. If the plan – which the Paris accord refers to as a nationally determined contribution or NDC – is bold enough, and other countries follow suit, the world has a chance of meeting the Paris goals and avoiding dangerous levels of heating. If not, it will face a deepening climate crisis as carbon emissions rebound from their lull during the pandemic.

Why is it necessary for the U.S. to be bold? All the other nations which were hot trot had their chance. And pretty much failed. Because they are all paying lip service. Because it is about the money and the authoritarianism.

Even more significant will be the world’s biggest emitter, China, which surprised other countries in September with a new target of reaching net zero emissions by 2060. It has not, however, submitted an NDC to date.

“If China says nothing, things are not going to go well,” said Paul Bledsoe, of the Progressive Policy Institute in Washington. “China is not doing the near-term things it needs to do if it is serious about net zero. They are building 150 new coal-fired power plants.” Beijing reiterated its intent to ensure its emissions peak by 2030 in its recent five-year plan, but analysts say that is far too late to put the world on a path to net zero, and many have called for a peak date of 2025.

We all know China won’t do a damned thing, yet, these idiots thing that them saying the right thing is a step forward

The US and China issued a joint statement on Saturday after Kerry’s visit to Shanghai in which they “committed to cooperating” on the pressing issue of climate change. Li Shuo, a senior Greenpeace climate adviser, welcomed the statement, which he described as being “as positive as the politics would allow”. He said it sent an unequivocal message that the two countries were prepared to work together on the issue. “Before the meetings in Shanghai this was not a message that we could assume,” he said.

If you believe them, you’re an idiot. Now we await what Joe will declare to comply with an agreement that was never agreed on by the elected lawmakers. Watch your wallets, and all you who vote for Joe, especially Republican #NeverTrumpers? Keep your yaps shut and pay up.

Read: China Joe To Soon Reveal How To Spend Your Money Solving The Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a field of food that will soon grow tiny due to climate emergency, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Virtual Mirage, with a post on an interesting history lesson on the shot heard round the world, April 19, 1775.

Read: If All You See… »

California Government Pushing Private Entities To Require Vaccine Passports – Just Don’t Call Them That

This will probably be the way it breaks down in most Deep Blue states, while Republican states will restrict the use of vaccine passports

California encourages venues to require vaccine ‘passports’ — just don’t call them that

California health officials have repeatedly said they have no plans to institute COVID-19 vaccine “passports” — digital or paper passes that allow vaccinated residents or those who’ve tested negative into concerts, baseball games and other sports arenas.

But this month, the state announced reopening rules for indoor live events that give businesses an incentive to demand such proof from ticket holders. Businesses can hold larger events when they verify either of the safeguards.

“Of course, it is a form of a vaccine passport,” said Dr. John Swartzberg, a UC Berkeley infectious-disease expert.

That California has not embraced the label is unsurprising, he said.

“What is happening to vaccine passports is the same thing that happened with masks,” Swartzberg said. “It has become politicized, and that is really just unfortunate.”

Why would masks and vaccine passports be politicized in a vastly left voting state? Shouldn’t the little Democrat voting sheep follow what Government tells them? Surely they ignore the information that COVID cases skyrocketed after all these states mandated masks, and even tightened requirements over time. Cases were worse than the pre-mask time of the 1st wave. And we’re told that even with the full vaccine we aren’t really supposed to change our behavior.

As the pandemic continues, vaccination requirements by California employers, colleges and others will probably grow, particularly once the vaccines can be easily obtained and win formal federal government approval. Private companies and medical and education institutions are already working to produce a pass, akin to an airline boarding pass, that could be used digitally or printed out.

Just don’t call them that.

Scores of countries require that travelers carry “yellow cards” verifying inoculation against yellow fever or other diseases. In the United States, children have long been required to be vaccinated to attend schools and camps.

“What is new and different and what is scaring some people is the idea of vaccine verification not for employment or school registration but for daily activities,” Longhurst said. “You need to show it more frequently.”

And that’s where it breaks down. Get the vaccine for the mumps? School knows, and that’s it once. Now, want to go to the movie theater, the grocery store, the convenience store to grab a hotdog and drink while filling the gas tank? Show your papers.

UCLA constitutional law professor Eugene Volokh said a vaccine pass might have generated less opposition if it hadn’t been dubbed a passport, which is a government-issued document and “makes it sound like the government is controlling your movement.” (snip)

“It’s just not an American thing to be constantly told, ‘Your papers, please,’” he said.

Well, the horse has already left the open barn door at this point.

At the end of the day, it is up to a private entity on whether they require this or not. I think we can agree on that. Government playing games doesn’t help.

Read: California Government Pushing Private Entities To Require Vaccine Passports – Just Don’t Call Them That »

Pirate's Cove