California Government Pushing Private Entities To Require Vaccine Passports – Just Don’t Call Them That

This will probably be the way it breaks down in most Deep Blue states, while Republican states will restrict the use of vaccine passports

California encourages venues to require vaccine ‘passports’ — just don’t call them that

California health officials have repeatedly said they have no plans to institute COVID-19 vaccine “passports” — digital or paper passes that allow vaccinated residents or those who’ve tested negative into concerts, baseball games and other sports arenas.

But this month, the state announced reopening rules for indoor live events that give businesses an incentive to demand such proof from ticket holders. Businesses can hold larger events when they verify either of the safeguards.

“Of course, it is a form of a vaccine passport,” said Dr. John Swartzberg, a UC Berkeley infectious-disease expert.

That California has not embraced the label is unsurprising, he said.

“What is happening to vaccine passports is the same thing that happened with masks,” Swartzberg said. “It has become politicized, and that is really just unfortunate.”

Why would masks and vaccine passports be politicized in a vastly left voting state? Shouldn’t the little Democrat voting sheep follow what Government tells them? Surely they ignore the information that COVID cases skyrocketed after all these states mandated masks, and even tightened requirements over time. Cases were worse than the pre-mask time of the 1st wave. And we’re told that even with the full vaccine we aren’t really supposed to change our behavior.

As the pandemic continues, vaccination requirements by California employers, colleges and others will probably grow, particularly once the vaccines can be easily obtained and win formal federal government approval. Private companies and medical and education institutions are already working to produce a pass, akin to an airline boarding pass, that could be used digitally or printed out.

Just don’t call them that.

Scores of countries require that travelers carry “yellow cards” verifying inoculation against yellow fever or other diseases. In the United States, children have long been required to be vaccinated to attend schools and camps.

“What is new and different and what is scaring some people is the idea of vaccine verification not for employment or school registration but for daily activities,” Longhurst said. “You need to show it more frequently.”

And that’s where it breaks down. Get the vaccine for the mumps? School knows, and that’s it once. Now, want to go to the movie theater, the grocery store, the convenience store to grab a hotdog and drink while filling the gas tank? Show your papers.

UCLA constitutional law professor Eugene Volokh said a vaccine pass might have generated less opposition if it hadn’t been dubbed a passport, which is a government-issued document and “makes it sound like the government is controlling your movement.” (snip)

“It’s just not an American thing to be constantly told, ‘Your papers, please,’” he said.

Well, the horse has already left the open barn door at this point.

At the end of the day, it is up to a private entity on whether they require this or not. I think we can agree on that. Government playing games doesn’t help.

Read: California Government Pushing Private Entities To Require Vaccine Passports – Just Don’t Call Them That »

Say, Will People Actually Purchase EV Pickup Trucks To Stop Climate Apocalypse?

Mostly, no. Maybe some of those coastal elites who will buy them for status

Automakers Are Going All In on Electric Pickups. Will Anyone Buy Them?

Mitchell Yow’s pickup truck has decals advertising that the vehicle is all-electric, but sometimes people aren’t convinced. “That’s not really electric, is it?” bystanders will ask, often approaching him in grocery store parking lots in Surprise, Arizona, where Yow and his company Torque Trends, which makes gearboxes for converting gasoline vehicles to electric, swapped out the hulking Ford F-150’s V8 engine for an electric motor. The result doesn’t look like any zero-emissions vehicle most people have seen. “Even though they see it, and they read it, they don’t believe it,” says Yow. “They’ve never heard of an electric truck.”

That’s likely about to change. As automakers’ investments in electric vehicles (EVs) ramp up, pickup trucks are fast becoming a new front in the electrification wars. Manufacturers from Tesla to Ford are unveiling electric pickups—just last week, General Motors said it will deliver a 400-mile-range electric Chevrolet Silverado—though they have yet to hit the market. For automakers, the potential rewards are huge, as pickups accounted for one in five new cars sold in the U.S. in 2020. Environmental gains could be big, too. When it comes to typical highway or city driving, pickups are disproportionately wasteful; even the newest models have dismal fuel economy ratings. Getting pickup drivers to switch to more efficient options is essential if the U.S. is to decarbonize its economy, and electric pickups could also help automakers reach fleetwide fuel efficiency targets.

But for now, the possibility of mass conversion to electric pickups seems tenuous at best. Most EV buyers so far have been wealthy coastal dwellers, while pickup buyers tend to live in different areas of the country, often with different values and needs. “We’ve been thinking about it for a long time,” says Autotrader analyst Michelle Krebs. “We’re always saying internally, ‘Do you think anybody really wants an EV pickup truck?’”

That’s a good question: do they really want one? Do you think people who are using their pickups for actual work, ones which have decades and decades of reliability, dependability, and durability built into them, want to switch? How much more will these cost? Prices for the Silverado, meant for release in 2023, haven’t been released, but the estimates say they will be way above a regular Silverado.

For one thing, there might not be a huge overlap between people currently interested in EVs and those who buy pickups. Historically, EV adoption has been the highest in liberal-leaning coastal states, especially California and Washington. States where pickups rule the roads, like Texas, Wyoming, and North Dakota, tend toward big skies and conservative values. On an individual basis, survey data have shown EV and hybrid buyers tend to lean Democratic, while pickup drivers lean Republican. One Oct. 2020 Strategic Vision survey showed that more than 50% of heavy-duty pickup buyers identify as Republicans, while less than 10% say they are Democrats. Meanwhile, Democrats bought 36% of midsize hybrids and EVs, compared to less than 20% bought by Republicans. Electric pickups’ potential is further limited by the fact that many states with high numbers of pickup drivers tend to have the worst EV charging infrastructure.

Even then, you aren’t finding that many Democrats switching to EVs, because they cannot afford them.

There’s also a deeper issue with some of the upcoming vehicles themselves. Auto industry analysts say that many of the new electric pickup trucks set to hit the market, like the Tesla Cybertruck, the Rivian R1T, and GM Hummer EV, appear to be aimed more at wealthy “lifestyle” buyers (coders who go rock climbing on the weekends, for instance) than “traditional” pickup truck buyers (who are more likely to use them for, say, pulling equipment around a farm or hauling building materials). That might mean that, in the near term, electric pickups might cut into sales of luxury EVs like the Tesla Model S rather than reduce demand for internal-combustion pickups.

The only way the switch happens is if Government forces people to do this. Few auto buyers are asking for this.

It is cute how the accompanying photo for the story used the reflection of an American Flag, though, eh?

Read: Say, Will People Actually Purchase EV Pickup Trucks To Stop Climate Apocalypse? »

News Outlets Shamefully Forget To Mention Important Details Of Adam Toledo Case, Whipping Up Violent Protests

The narrative from the media is simply that Adam Toledo was a good kid who was shot and killed by a police officer while he had his hands in the air. Here’s three of the four big news outlets in Raleigh in discussing the Saturday and Sunday afternoon “protests” becoming violent

(WRAL) The event acted as a vigil for recent victims of police shootings, including 20-year-old Daunte Wright and 13-year-old Adam Toledo.

Wright was fatally shot by police officer Kimberly Potter during a traffic stop in Brooklyn Center, Minn. Potter claims she meant to use her taser instead of her gun.

Toledo, a seventh grader, was shot by Chicago Police on March 29, but the bodycam footage of the shooting wasn’t revealed until Thursday.

(ABC11) Raleigh’s gatherings have been in line with those near Minneapolis and Chicago over the police shooting deaths of 20-year-old Daunte Wright and 13-year-old Adam Toledo. The demonstrators have demanded justice for the families and police reform.

(Raleigh News and Observer) A suburban Minneapolis police officer shot and killed 20-year-old Wright during a traffic stop when, police say, an officer confused her firearm for a taser.

Body camera footage released in Chicago Thursday showed Toledo, a 13-year-old boy, complying with an officer’s commands and raising his hands in the moment before a Chicago police officer fatally shot him during a March foot chase.

None of them mention that Toledo was out at 230am on a Monday morning, hanging with a 21 year old who was firing a pistol, and then handed Adam the pistol when the police showed up, at which point Adam ran. The video clearly shows Adam dropping the handgun a split second before whipping around and raising his hands, which will cause anyone to shoot if they’ve already seen the gun in your hand while chasing you. And all occurred in a known gang area, particularly the Latin Kings.

Wright, who is mentioned briefly in the CBS17 article (the other Raleigh TV station) was killed in an accident, in a way it’s an accident that a person ran someone over while playing on their smartphone while driving. But, dude wouldn’t have been pulled over if his plates weren’t expired, nor would the officers have attempted arrest him without the warrant for an illegal firearm, with a court date pending for assault a woman in her home while robbing her while using a firearm. Then Daunte resisted.

This is vital information, because, otherwise, you just think “oh, those mean police, killing people of color! Let’s protest and commit illegal acts. Hey, I like those sneakers and that TV! The 1st Amendment didn’t specifically offer freedom of the press so they could fear monger and whip people up to commit acts of violence. Here’s MSNBC, which has a bigger national reach than the Raleigh outlets, though, really, the only people watching will be Leftists, who will now have their talking points about cops being bad reinforced (I see it on the Fast News app)

Adam Toledo’s killing is part of a brutal pattern of child killings in America

The death of Adam Toledo, a 13-year-old Mexican American boy who was shot by a Chicago police officer, has sparked a new wave of national outrage over police violence. Many point to the inconsistencies in the officer’s narrative and the efforts of public officials to conceal aspects of the case after police bodycam video was released to the public Thursday.

The Toledo case is the latest piece of a troubling pattern of police killings of children — especially Black and Latino children.

And not providing all the important and relevant facts helps whip up the national outrage. No mention of all the other blacks and Latinos, mostly blacks, who shoot each other day after day in Chicago.

The Toledo case is the latest piece of a troubling pattern of police killings of children — especially Black and Latino children. It echoes the tragic 2014 killing of Tamir Rice in Cleveland and the 2010 police killing of 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones during an apartment raid in Detroit.

It’s also the latest evidence of why calls to defund the police must be taken seriously. As many activists pointed out after the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, Black and brown communities would be better served if funds were reallocated from police departments to other forms of public safety and to address social issues such as poverty. If that were the case, Adam Toledo might still be with us.

Let’s do it in Chicago, see how that works. And disarm the security at the MSNBC building. The article delves back all the way to the 1950s to demonize police officers, never giving the full information – like they also failed to do with Tamir Rice and Breonna Taylor – all to whip up the base which causes violence.

Kevin McCarthy Presses Nancy Pelosi to Take Action Against Maxine Waters for ‘Inciting Violence’ in Minnesota

House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy on Sunday night pressed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to take action against Rep. Maxine Waters (R-CA) for “inciting violence” in remarks she made in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, this weekend.

McCarthy said that if Pelosi does not act, he intends to take action of his own against Waters for her remarks encouraging violence in Minnesota if a jury does not find former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin guilty in his trial in the death of George Floyd.

Waters, in her remarks to reporters at a protest in Brooklyn Center where thousands have been protesting the death of Daunte Wright, encouraged people to “take to the streets” if Chauvin is not found guilty of murder — one of the several charges he faces in his trial in Floyd’s death, which is expected to conclude this coming week.

“We’re looking for a guilty verdict,” Waters said. “And we’re looking to see if all of the talk that took place and has been taking place after they saw what happened to George Floyd, if nothing does not happen, then we know that we’ve got to not only stay in the street, but we’ve got to fight for justice. But I am very hopeful, and I hope we are going to get a verdict that says ‘guilty, guilty, guilty.’ If we don’t, we cannot go away.”

All of this helps cause the violence in the streets from “protesters”, helps legitimize it.

Read: News Outlets Shamefully Forget To Mention Important Details Of Adam Toledo Case, Whipping Up Violent Protests »

High Flying John Kerry Goes To South Korea For Climate (scam) Talks After China

John “I was in Vietnam” Kerry is really racking up the frequent flyer miles, having previously been in India. Strangely, no one in the media is willing to show what type of plane he’s been flying on. I wonder why? And, aren’t there more pressing issues for South Korea, such as the nutjob to the north?

After China, US envoy Kerry in S. Korea for climate talks

John Kerry climateU.S. climate envoy John Kerry met with South Korea’s foreign minister in Seoul on Saturday for talks ahead of a virtual climate summit of world leaders called by President Joe Biden for next week.

Kerry arrived in South Korea after a four-day visit to China where he held closed-door meetings with senior Chinese officials in Shanghai.

Closed door, huh? I guess the Biden admin isn’t really hip to letting the American public know what shenanigans they’re up to with China.

While Kerry’s discussions with South Korea’s Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong were focused on Biden’s climate meeting and another video summit on environmental issues that South Korea will host in May, Chung also conveyed Seoul’s “serious concerns” over Japanese government plans to start releasing treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea in two years.

Chung and Kerry agreed that the countries should cooperate to create “mutual synergy” between the virtual summits hosed by each country in the coming weeks, which would help set up the U.N. Climate Change Conference scheduled to be held in Scotland in November, the ministry said in a statement.

Arriving for a dinner meeting at Chung’s official residence in Seoul, a mask-wearing Kerry bumped forearms with Chung and wrote in a guestbook saying: “Thank you so much for Korea’s leadership on the climate crisis.”

What of Kerry’s leadership on practicing what he preaches?

Biden has invited 40 world leaders, including South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Chinese head of state Xi Jinping, to participate in an April 22-23 virtual climate summit. The United States and other countries are expected to announce more ambitious national targets for cutting carbon emissions and pledge financial help for climate efforts by less wealthy nations.

Why couldn’t this all be done with Zoom or some other video-conference program? Why was it necessary to put out massive amounts of what climate cultists call world killing carbon pollution?

Read: High Flying John Kerry Goes To South Korea For Climate (scam) Talks After China »

If All You See…

…is a field that would be perfect for a solar farm, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on crazy people being dangerous.

It’s ladies in nature week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the mockingbirds are annoying the squirrels, and the Dodgers are on fire. This pinup is by Ren Wicks with a wee bit of help.

What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Not A Lot Of People Know that discusses the British Army’s new solar farm
  2. Watts Up With That? notes the German coal phaseout lasted 8 days
  3. 357 Magnum wonders about NYC being a Progressive utopia in wake of attacks on Asians
  4. American Greatness discusses the rise of the new state religion
  5. Blazing Cat Fur covers racism being a one way street
  6. Bustednuckles has a few rules for approving reparations
  7. Chicks On The Right notes the Chauvin trial judge threatening prosecution with a mistrial
  8. Datechguy’s Blog has questions on the WNBA draft
  9. Dissecting Leftism highlights a poll on voters being ideologically deluded
  10. Free North Carolina covers the Arizona senate beginning an audit of the 2020 vote
  11. Gen Z Conservative has a great article on the dangers of the “Equality Act”
  12. hogewash has a cool video of neutron stars
  13. Moonbattery notes there’s more to that story about a military member pushing a black guy
  14. Never Yet Melted discusses why Derek Chauvin must be declared not-guilty
  15. And last, but not least, Pacific Pundit has the videos that got James O’Keefe banned from Twitter (for exposing CNN)

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Nutter In FedEx Shooting Purchased Rifles Legally

China Joe says that universal background checks will stop this stuff or something

Suspect in FedEx shooting used two assault rifles he bought legally: police

The suspect in a mass shooting at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis, Ind., used two assault rifles during the attack that he purchased legally, police said Saturday.

Brandon Scott Hole, 19, allegedly open fire on a Fedex facility late Thursday evening, resulting in the deaths of eight people. He was identified as the suspect by Friday afternoon.

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department confirmed on Twitter that Hole was “witnessed using assault rifles in the assault.”

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) traced the two weapons, and found that Hole legally purchased them in July and September of 2020.

Legally purchased means he passed the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which is the law in Indiana. This, even after warnings to the FBI

The update comes after the FBI revealed that Hole’s mother in March of 2020 warned that her son might try to commit “suicide by cop.”

The Indianapolis Metro Police Department last year placed Hole “on an immediate detention mental health temporary hold” after officials received the warning, the FBI said.

Indianapolis Police Chief Randal Taylor told The New York Times that Hole’s ability to legally purchase a gun despite his mother’s warning meant that he was not subjected to the state’s “red flag” law, which prohibits those deemed a risk by a judge from possessing a firearm.

So, Red Flag laws were ineffective. And, if the FBI was involved, there was no excuse that the information wasn’t in their database, unlike many times where someone commits a criminal act and the info never makes it to the background check system. Of course, Hole may have simply been cleared by the FBI, hence, not blocked from purchase because people still have Rights. But, the FBI did seize Hole’s shotgun during their interview, and hadn’t returned it. Huh.

(Breitbart) Breitbart News reported that the March 22, 2021, Boulder attacker bought his gun “legally” too, as did the March 16, 2021, Atlanta-area gunman.

In fact, the overwhelming majority of high profile attackers acquire their guns by complying with background checks, rather than going around them.

Here is a just a partial list of other attackers who got their guns by complying with gun control laws:

  • Parkland high school attacker (February 14, 2018)
  • Texas church attacker (November 5, 2017)
  • Las Vegas attacker (October 1, 2017)
  • Alexandria attacker (June 14, 2017))
  • Orlando attacker (June 12, 2016)
  • UCLA gunman (June 1, 2016))
  • San Bernardino attackers (December 2, 2015)
  • Colorado Springs attacker (October 31, 2015)
  • Umpqua Community College attacker (October 1, 2015)
  • Alison Parker’s attacker (August 26, 2015)
  • Lafayette movie theater attacker (July 23, 2015)
  • Chattanooga attacker (July 16, 2015)
  • Alleged Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal attacker (Jun 17, 2015)
  • Muhammad Carton Contest attackers (May 3, 2014)
  • Las Vegas cop killers (June 9, 2015)
  • Santa Barbara attacker (May 23, 2014)
  • Fort Hood attacker (April 2, 2014)
  • Arapahoe High School attacker (December 13, 2013)
  • D.C. Navy Yard attacker (September 16, 2013)
  • Aurora movie theater attacker (July 20, 2012)
  • Gabby Giffords’ attacker (January 8, 2011)
  • Fort Hood attacker (November 5, 2009)
  • Northern Illinois University attacker (February 14, 2008)
  • Virginia Tech attacker (April 16, 2007).

Oops? So, universal background checks will totally work, right? Anyhow, while all the articles say that Hole bought and used 2 “assault rifles”, I can’t find anyone who says what they were or shows them.

Meanwhile, neither China Joe nor most Democrats are concerned with the continuing shootings in Democrat run cities like Chicago, Baltimore, LA, NYC, and so many others. Mostly because they don’t care that blacks are shooting blacks. I bet universal background checks will totally stop this, right?

Read: Nutter In FedEx Shooting Purchased Rifles Legally »

China Joe Takes Long Fossil Fueled Helicopter Flight Home To Delaware

This is nice

The train runs from D.C. to Delaware. Remember how they used to tell us that China Joe rode the train all the time? Seriously, one of his old nicknames was Amtrak Joe, because he used to take it all the time. Now he wants to force you to take the train, but, he takes a low NMPG (nautical mile per gallon) helicopter. Go figure. He’s pushing major “investments into rail. He’s even yammered about high speed rail. You know, like California’s, which ballooned from around $38 billion to $100 billion, is years to a decade behind, and the number of tracks has been reduced.

BTW, why is Joe going home when the Japanese prime minister and his retinue are in town? First Joe let Kamala meet the PM, finally showing up later (imagine if Trump had let Pence meet a foreign leader at the White House first. The media bleating would be epic. And deserved). Shouldn’t Joe be around for this?


Study: Climate Change Could Impact Your Favorite Cup of Coffee

Climate change could make it harder to find a good cup of coffee, new research finds. A changing climate might shrink suitable areas for specialty coffee production without adaptation, making coffee taste blander and impacting the livelihoods of small farms in the Global South.

More doom. And to clear out the climate apocalypse stuff from Pocket

New York is about to spew a lot more carbon into the air, thanks to Andrew Cuomo and anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s anti-nuclear crusade

New York’s air is about to be filled with a whole lot more carbon dioxide, thanks in large part to the efforts of a couple of science-denying scions of political dynasties who claim to be acting in the interests of the environment.

The Indian Point nuclear power plant – located in Buchanan, New York, about 30 miles north of Manhattan – is slated to have its third and final reactor permanently shut down by the end of April, thanks to an order signed by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in 2017.

And they don’t have the energy to replace it with solar and wind, so, they’ll have to use way more natural gas, which is Evil for ‘climate change’.

Read: China Joe Takes Long Fossil Fueled Helicopter Flight Home To Delaware »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on paint with white privilege.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out Climate Scepticism, with a post on CNN milking ‘climate change’, as fear sells.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

China Joe Wonders Just Who Needs A 20 Round Magazine

I know a few people Joe can ask

Joe Biden: ‘Who in God’s Name’ Needs a Weapon that Can Hold 20 Rounds?

President Joe Biden defended his record on gun control despite spending his energy on infrastructure spending, angrily condemning gun owners for owning weapons with the capacity of holding 20 rounds

“Who in God’s name, needs a weapon that can hold 100 rounds, or 40 rounds, or 20 rounds?” he asked. “It’s just wrong.”

Biden repeated he strongly supported a ban on assault weapons and even a ban on magazines holding more than ten rounds.

“It’s just wrong, and I’m not going to give up until it’s done,” he said.

So, perhaps China Joe could ask the Secret Service, since they carry many weapons that carry 20 or more rounds per magazine. They’re also carry real assault weapons, rifles and submachine guns that fire on automatic, firearms that it is almost impossible for most citizens to legally purchase. Same with the military. And so many police officers. How about we restrict the Secret Service, FBI, and other federal agents who carry firearms (some IRS agents do) to mags that only hold 10?

Biden complained that gun violence had become a “national embarrassment” in the United States.

“It’s not only these mass shootings that are occurring, every single day, every single day there’s a mass shooting in the United States if you count all those who are killed on the streets and our rural areas,” he said.

Rural areas? Most of this occurs in cities run by Democrats. Five more were shot, one killed, in Chicago on Friday into Saturday. At least three shot in Baltimore. Four were shot, including a teen girl, in D.C.. That’s only a mile or two from the White House. Those cities aren’t run by Republicans.

Read: China Joe Wonders Just Who Needs A 20 Round Magazine »

Pirate's Cove