If It’s Such A Climate Emergency, Why Do So Few Act Like It?

It is a good, and relevant question, but, not one climate cultists really want to answer, because they think words matter more, and want to apply their Beliefs to Other People

‘Words matter’: Numerous news outlets to use ‘climate emergency’ instead of ‘climate change’

Forget climate change. It’s a climate emergency.

The evidence is irrefutable, and now dozens of news outlets worldwide are joining the thousands of scientists who have been clamoring ever more loudly for the world to take note of the existential, self-made threat facing humanity — and act on it.

“Journalism should reflect what science says: the climate emergency is here,” wrote Scientific American senior editor Mark Fischetti, explaining the magazine’s decision to swap out the term “climate change” for “climate emergency.”

If it’s irrefutable, why are these news outlets continuing to use fossil fuels to gather and disseminate the news?

“This idea is not a journalistic fancy,” Fischetti wrote. “We are on solid scientific ground.”

That ground has been laid by myriad experts over the past several decades, including more than 11,000 scientists from 153 countries who in 2019 signed a declaration warning of “untold human suffering” if climate change is not stemmed. The number has since increased to 13,802 scientists and 156 countries, according to the Alliance of World Scientists at Oregon State University.

These same people are not giving up their own use of fossil fuels and making their lives carbon neutral. If your doctor tells you to stop smoking and eat healthier, yet, smells like smoke and is clearly overweight, do you listen to them?

Moreover, at least 1,859 jurisdictions in 33 countries, covering more than 820 million people, have issued climate emergency declarations, according to the monitoring website Climate Emergency Declaration, as Scientific American noted in an earlier op-ed.

That includes Spain, which declared a climate emergency in January of last year; the southern German city of Konstanz, near the Swiss border, which did so in May 2019, according to The Associated Press; the European Union Parliament, as AP reported at the end of 2019, and the U.S.’ own Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling on President Biden’s administration to declare a climate emergency in February of this year, AP reported.

Not to beat a dead horse, but I will because it matters, that’s mostly all they are doing, is declaring it, but not making changes to accord with that belief.

“Why ‘emergency’?” the journalism statement said. “Because words matter. To preserve a livable planet, humanity must take action immediately.”

Actions matter more.

Read: If It’s Such A Climate Emergency, Why Do So Few Act Like It? »

Fascist Party To Unveil Bill To Pack The Supreme Court

How many times have you seen a Democrat yammer on about protecting our democracy? That voting matters? That every vote should count? Well, since they can’t get their own way on the Supreme Court, they’ve moved one step closer to implementing their Progressice (nice Fascism) agenda

Democrats to propose legislation expanding the Supreme Court

Several House Democrats are set to unveil legislation Thursday to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court.

Supporters of the proposal plan to hold a news conference on the steps of the Supreme Court building. They include U.S. Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts and U.S. Reps. Jerry Nadler and Mondaire Jones, both of New York, and Hank Johnson of Georgia.

Given Democrats’ control of the White House and Senate, the legislation could allow the party to supersede the court’s current conservative majority by “packing” the Court with liberal justices.

Some Republicans quickly derided the proposal.

“Does expanding the Supreme Court count as infrastructure too?” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, wrote on Twitter. (snip)

The legislation will propose expanding the court to 13 justices, from nine, The Intercept reported Wednesday.

The shame of this all is that it shouldn’t matter how many justices serve on the court, because they should be following the Constitution as their only principle, but, Democrat appointees rarely do that. They apply their politics (not that some Republican appointees don’t go off the reservation, usually toward the Democrats opinions). They take an oath to the Constitution. And, the Supreme Court is supposed to be independent from the Legislative and Executive Branches. This would truly make those 4 justices in the back pocket of Biden-Harris.

(Washington Times) The Supreme Court has had nine justices since 1869. Prior to that, it fluctuated in size from five to 10 justices. The Constitution does not set a number of justices for the high court.

Why? Because it works. It didn’t go well when FDR tried to pack the court.

Mike Davis, president of the conservative Article III Project, said lawmakers who are part of this effort should be “ashamed” of themselves.

“Democrats who would destroy the independence and legitimacy of the high court must be disavowed as political pariahs by every last one of their colleagues. Packing the Supreme Court would be a declaration of war that could not be undone. President Biden and Democrats in Congress should tread extremely carefully. Packing the Supreme Court is a red line they must not cross. If they actually love their country, they should stand down immediately,” Mr. Davis said.

Except, pretty much every elected Democrat will back this. You might get just enough in the Senate to kill the legislation, but, that’s it. And, if it does make it through, calling it a declaration of war might not be just hyperbole, as this would immediately change the rulings to protect the hardcore Democrat agenda.

Read: Fascist Party To Unveil Bill To Pack The Supreme Court »

Hot Take: Even If We Do Something About Climate Emergency It’ll Still Be Hot

I told you not to have that delicious cheeseburger, fries, and sugary drink after taking a fossil fueled drive to the airport to take a fossil fueled flight!

Carbon Emissions Could Plummet. The Atmosphere Will Lag Behind

In the next several days, the Biden administration is expected to announce plans across the economy to reduce America’s greenhouse gas emissions dramatically by 2030.

The Biden administration’s goal is to speed the process to avoid a climate tipping point that scientists warn is quickly approaching. If global warming continues at its current pace, rising seas and heavy rain will flood cities around the world, wildfires and hurricanes will become even more destructive, and many more plant and animal species will go extinct.

The tipping points they’ve been pimping for 30 years?

But reducing emissions, even sharply, will not immediately fix the problems up in Earth’s atmosphere. It took decades for greenhouse gases to accumulate in the atmosphere and trap heat, and it will take centuries for those gases to dissipate once humans decide to stop pumping them into the air.

“When you emit carbon dioxide, the climate stays altered for a long time,” says Solomon Hsiang, a climate scientist who is the co-director at the Climate Impact Lab at the University of California, Berkeley. “And so we kind of have to deal with that baggage no matter what.”

Everyone alive will still need to adapt to a warming climate. Today’s adults will be dealing with climate-driven extreme weather for decades to come. But if countries transform their economies to cut heat-trapping emissions sharply, today’s kindergartners could inherit a safer world when they reach middle age.

This really does two things: one, it’s meant to subtly explain away why, despite the big drop in CO2 output during Lockdown there was no atmospheric change. Second, it sets the stage for Believers to willingly give up their money, freedom, and choice to Government and not say “hey, when’s this going to make a difference?” Because they’ve been told nothing will change for centuries, so, they’re Saving The Future!

You can read the rest of the propaganda piece at NPR, as that’s what it is, as they attempt to Justify this whole thing, but, expect a steady diet of this kind of “It’s For The Future!” stuff over the next few years with China Joe in office pimping climate change/crisis/emergency/doom.

Read: Hot Take: Even If We Do Something About Climate Emergency It’ll Still Be Hot »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike in an overheated world, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on your Wednesday feel good stories.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Obama, Biden, All Sorts Of Celebs To Appear On NBC Sunday To Pimp Vaccines

Is this supposed to be aimed at all the conservatives they media keep telling us are refusing to get a vaccine? I have a question about this, but, I’ll get to that in a minute

Biden and Obama to appear in TV special to promote Covid-19 vaccinations

President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama will appear in an hour-long NBC special on Sunday aimed at promoting Covid-19 vaccinations as they hope to convince hesitant Americans to get shots.

The special comes as the Biden administration races to get shots in arms and combat vaccine hesitancy, particularly after it was recommended that the US pause the use of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine over six reported US cases of a “rare and severe” type of blood clot.

The “Roll Up Your Sleeves” special will air at 7 p.m. ET on Sunday on NBC, according to a news release from the nonprofit Civic Nation. It is presented by Walgreens and was created by ATTN: in partnership with Civic Nation’s Made to Save initiative, which is a national public education and grassroots organizing effort focused on equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines and building trust in the vaccines.

Biden will make remarks during the special, and Obama will appear alongside former NBA stars Charles Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal to encourage Americans to get vaccinated so they can help end the pandemic and return to their normal lives.

Biden’s chief Covid-19 adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci will speak on “separating fact from fiction about the vaccines,” and will be interviewed by actor Matthew McConaughey.

The special will also feature former first lady Michelle Obama and a whole slate of celebrities, including Sterling K. Brown, Lana Condor, Billy Crystal, Eric Dane, Ryan Eggold, Dr. Vin Gupta, Faith Hill, Jennifer Hudson, Dale Jarrett, Ken Jeong, Joe Jonas, Eva Longoria, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Lovato, Joel McHale, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Kumail Nanjiani, Ellen Pompeo, Amanda Seyfried, Jane Seymour and Wanda Sykes.

It’s being hosted by Russell Wilson and his wife Ciara, and virulent anti-Semite Jimmy Carter, serial misogynist Bill Clinton, and #NeverTrumper George W. Bush. Who, exactly, is this supposed to convince? If you’re aiming at Conservatives, do any of these folks have influence, other than perhaps Dale Jarrett for NASCAR fans? Rachel Maddow ran a show telling people to get vaccinated the other night: no conservative is tuning in to that. So, this seems to be aimed squarely at Democrat voters. Wasn’t the media telling us that it was all Conservatives who were being vaccine resistant?

If you want to aim at Conservatives, then you have folks like Gary Sinise, Kurt Russell, Gina Carano, Jon Voight, Cheryl Ladd, Christie Brinkley, Dean Cain, Bill Engvall, Tim Allen, Ted Nugent, James Woods, Gene Simmons, Kidd Rock, and others. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott. What’s Demi Lovato going to do, record a song using autotune and take another nearly naked selfie while yammering about “taking her body back”? Will JLO perform on a stripper stage? What dumb stuff with Fauci say?

Want to convince Conservatives? Don’t do that stuff. But, the special isn’t aimed at conservatives.

Read: Good News: Obama, Biden, All Sorts Of Celebs To Appear On NBC Sunday To Pimp Vaccines »

Britain Really Wants Thousands To Descend On Nation Taking Fossil Fueled Flights For COP26

They really want it to be in person this year, because the lockdowns they put in place, some of the most burdensome in the world, were just so inconvenient for the climate cult. What if COVID is still raging in Europe and many parts of the world as it is now? The Elites keep doomsaying with news of new variants. Why even take the chance?

Britain wants in-person ‘COP26’ climate change summit this year

Britain is working hard to make sure it will host an in-person United Nations’ Climate Change Conference, known as COP26, in November and there is no desire to postpone the summit again, Britain’s COP26 president said on Wednesday.

“We are working very hard to ensure we deliver an in-person COP, which allows all countries to participate on an equal footing,” Alok Sharma told parliament.

“This is incredibly important as many parties feel strongly that negotiations must be in person,” Sharma said.

The November summit in Glasgow, Scotland, was originally due to be held in 2020, but had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Asked if the summit would go ahead, Sharma said: “COP26 has already been postponed by one year and the urgency of the climate crisis has not abated.”

“I don’t sense any desire amongst parties for a further postponement and we’re working very hard to ensure that we have an in-person physical COP, taking into account of course any COVID-related contingencies,” he said.

Why not use Zoom or some other type of video conference system, just like they’ve made kids and many working adults use? Oh, in person is important? Huh.

Anyhow, will all the parties, including the politicians and high ranking bureaucrats, from Europe take the trains they are so proud of to travel to Scotland? Or will they take fossil fueled vehicles and short airplane trips? France just agreed to ban most short haul domestic flights. Scotland’s not much further. Oh, right, this would only apply to the peons. How will it work with around 7,000 to 10,000 people descending on Scotland with COVID certainly still a danger? How do they do masking and social distancing and stuff? Will it be run 100% on renewables? As normal, the climahypocrisy will be amazing.

Read: Britain Really Wants Thousands To Descend On Nation Taking Fossil Fueled Flights For COP26 »

Not National News: Teenager With Airsoft Gun Shot By Police

Will we get riots over this?

Maryland trooper shoots, kills teenager who had airsoft gun

A Maryland State Police trooper responding to a pair of 911 calls shot and killed a teenager who was pointing what investigators determined was an airsoft gun at him, authorities said Tuesday.

The shooting occurred after state police received two 911 calls about someone acting suspicious, Superintendent Woodrow Jones II told a news conference. The first caller said he thought the person had a gun, left a telephone number but didn’t give an address before hanging up, Jones said.

A second caller gave a street address for the suspicious person that was a short distance from the Leonardtown barracks, but the caller hung up before identifying themselves, Jones said.

Anyone thinking this was a setup in some manner?

Jones said the trooper, who responded alone, encountered Peyton Ham, 16, who he said had a gun and a knife. According to the superintendent, a witness said they saw Ham in the driveway of the home “in a shooting stance” and pointing a weapon at the trooper.

“The trooper fired at the male, wounding him,” Jones said. According to another witness, Ham then pulled out a knife and tried to get up.

“The trooper ordered him to drop the knife before he fired again,” Jones said, adding that the trooper reported the shooting and called for emergency personnel while other troopers gave first aid. Ham was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead, Jones said.

An investigation revealed that the weapon Ham wielded was an airsoft gun, which is commonly used to shoot BBs and which Jones called “a close representation of an actual handgun.”

It’s simple: do not point any firearm, real or fake, at law enforcement officers. Or anyone else that is armed. You may not like the results. Or you family may not like the results, because you’ll be dead. If officers show up, put it down. This is pure common sense, which is in serious lack these days. When do the riots start and the media make a big deal out of this? When is Walgreen’s, Port Of Leonardtown Wines, and Dunkin get looted? There’s not much more in Leonardtown, it’s small town on the shore of the tip of Maryland south of D.C.

The teenager was white, as is the trooper who shot him, according to Maryland State Police spokesman Greg Shipley.

Oh. Never to both. It’s a small town, with both the main office for the State Police in the county and the Sheriff’s office.

Meanwhile, Dana Loesch makes great points I 100% agree with

1) Don’t resist arrest. Don’t help to escalate a situation by not getting out of your vehicle or by jerking your arms out of cuffs when cops are serving a warrant for felony possession and fighting with them while trying to get into your car to flee. Contest the warrant in court. Contest the entire idea of detainment in court, if you want. Cops enforce the laws that politicians write…..

2) Cops should know the difference between their tasers and their guns. Thankfully, most do. Thankfully, situations like what we saw on that video are rare. The state of duress counts, true, but this is why training exists….

Duante Wright was not a good person. He was on bail from a 2019 assault and attempted robbery while he had a firearm. His bail was revoked in July for allegedly possessing a firearm. He was pulled over for expired tags (not the silly “he had an air freshener hanging from the mirror”), then the cops saw the warrant for his arrest. Had he complied, nothing would have happened.

(Yahoo News) The family of Daunte Wright on Tuesday dismissed the initial conclusion by police that his fatal shooting by an officer who fired her gun instead of a Taser during a traffic stop was an accident.

“An accident is knocking over a glass of milk,” Jeff Storms, an attorney for Wright’s family, said during a press conference outside Hennepin County Courthouse in Minneapolis. “It’s not an accident to pull your gun out of your holster. It’s not an accident to point your gun. It’s not an accident to ignore the fact that what you’re holding doesn’t weigh the same amount as the Taser you’ve used in training hundreds of times.

“So don’t tell us it’s an accident,” Storms said, “because it undermines the tragic loss of life that this family has experienced.”

They’re correct. It was not an accident. Duante shouldn’t have resisted, and the officer should not have kept her taser near her firearm, and should have known immediately that she wasn’t grabbing a taser. It would be a different color, for one thing. A lot lighter, for another. Most are taught to keep it on their non-dominant hand side. Officers should know what is on their belt like they know how to walk in their house in the dark. You rarely see a cop fumble for their handcuffs, because they know exactly where they are without looking.

And, of course, Obama had to chime in

Obama: Daunte Wright shooting shows “just how badly we need to reimagine policing”

Former President Barack Obama on Tuesday stressed that the U.S. needs to “reimagine policing and public safety” after Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man, was fatally shot by a Minneapolis officer this weekend.

What he’s saying: “Our hearts are heavy over yet another shooting of a Black man, Daunte Wright, at the hands of police,” Obama said in a statement.

“The fact that this could happen even as the city of Minneapolis is going through the trial of Derek Chauvin and reliving the heart-wrenching murder of George Floyd indicates not just how important it is to conduct a full and transparent investigation, but also just how badly we need to reimagine policing and public safety in this country.”

“Michelle and I grieve alongside the Wright family for their loss. We empathize with the pain that Black mothers, fathers, and children are feeling after yet another senseless tragedy. “

No mention that Duante assaulted a woman, choked her twice, all in an attempt to steal $820 in her own home. Or that he was certainly illegally in possession of a firearm. Or that he violated bail, and resisted arrest. Perhaps we need to be reimagining what kids are taught about the legal system, that you fight this in court, not the streets. It’s easy for Obama, Michelle, and their kids, who are surrounded by Secret Service all the time, so, won’t be choked by punks.

Read: Not National News: Teenager With Airsoft Gun Shot By Police »

Doom: Sea Level Could Rise 20-30 Because You Ate A Burger

If you would just comply and give up your money, freedom, and choice to Government, everything would be OK

Sea levels are going to rise by at least 20ft. We can do something about it

The climate emergency is bigger than many experts, elected officials, and activists realize. Humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions have overheated the Earth’s atmosphere, unleashing punishing heat waves, hurricanes, and other extreme weather – that much is widely understood.

The larger problem is that the overheated atmosphere has in turn overheated the oceans, assuring a catastrophic amount of future sea level rise.

As oceans heat up the water rises in part because warm water expands but also because the warmer waters have initiated major melt of polar ice sheets. As a result, average sea levels around the world are now all but certain to rise by at least 20 to 30 feet. That’s enough to put large parts of many coastal cities, home to hundreds of millions of people, under water.

The key questions are how soon this sea level rise will happen and whether humans can cool the atmosphere and oceans quickly enough to prevent part of this.

That’s horrible!

If seas rise 20 feet over the next 2,000 years, our children and their descendants may find ways to adapt. But if seas rise 20 feet or more over the next 100 to 200 years — which is our current trajectory – the outlook is grim. In that scenario, there could be two feet of sea level rise by 2040, three feet by 2050, and much more to come.

“If”. “2,000 years.” As for 20 feet in the next 100-200 years, well, the reality is that sea rise is averaging about 6-8 inches per century. Even if it speeds up to be like a normal Holocene warm period, that would only mean around a foot to a foot and a half over the next 100 years. Damned sure not 2 feet in 19 years, and another foot by 2050.  But, it’s all about scaring people. Like these people

Executives Call for Deep Emission Cuts to Combat Climate Change

More than 300 businesses, including Google, McDonalds and Walmart, are pushing the Biden administration to nearly double the United States’ target for cuts to planet-warming emissions ahead of an April 22 global summit on climate change.

In a letter to President Biden, expected to be released Tuesday morning, chief executive officers from some of the nation’s largest companies will call on the administration to set a new Paris Agreement goal of slashing the nation’s carbon dioxide, methane and other planet-warming emissions at least 50 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.

Interestingly, these same executives running the businesses so often have palatial homes by the sea. I won’t delve into all the rest of their climahypocrisy.

Read: Doom: Sea Level Could Rise 20-30 Because You Ate A Burger »

If All You See…

…are evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on what what #socialjustice criminal prosecution has done for Philadelphia.

Read: If All You See… »

North Carolina Looks To Ban Trans Males In Sport, Stop Transition Procedures For Those Under 21

Many states have done the same, especially in banning the gender confused from playing in sports of the opposite sex, mostly to protect women from having to compete with biological males, which destroys women’s sports. North Carolina is giving it a shot, and uber-Progressive NC Policy Watch is livid

HB 2 redux? NC lawmakers again buck science, human rights advocates and corporate America with attacks on transgender rights

(unhinged discussion of HB2, the so-called bathroom bill)

At issue this time are the new and even broader comprehensive assaults on transgender rights found in Senate Bill 514 and House Bill 358. Unlike the hastily tossed together “bathroom bill” of 2016, these proposals don’t just manufacture controversy out of thin air by advancing preposterous lies about “cross-dressing” male predators lurking in female restrooms. Rather, they undertake a broad and concerted assault on the very existence of transgender people.

As Policy Watch reporter Joe Killian reported last week, House Bill 358 – the badly misnamed “Save Women’s Sports Act” – is literally based on the premise that transgender women are simply men pretending to be women.

They are. So says thousands of years of biological science. So says reality. Even if they get breast implants, take huge amounts of estrogen and other drugs, and cut their willy off and create a fake vagina, they still have male chromosomes.

Indeed, the bill specifically states that “sex shall be recognized based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.”

The “party of science” doesn’t like science.

SB 514 would go even further by seeking to:

  • ban anyone under the age of 21 from receiving gender-affirming treatment, including reversible hormone therapy,
  • impose fines on medical professionals who provide gender-affirming treatment to anyone under the age of 21, and
  • require government employees, including teachers, to report children who demonstrate “gender nonconformity” to their parents, and
  • protect the discredited practice of “conversion” therapy,

Both bills are part of a transparent national effort by Trump-loyal social conservatives who dominate the Republican Party to find and manufacture issues that will keep the GOP base voting against its own economic interests.

The only thing that goes to far is the use of 21 as the age. But, then, these days, are those who turn 18 really adults? Considering the way they act in college, maybe not. But, should be 18. Let the grow up before deciding to make a huge, massive life changing decision, not as kids. And should have left conversion therapy out of this. Unfortunately, politicians always seem to add unnecessary stuff into bills.

First, the science is much more commonly understood than it was five years ago. Not only is gender dysphoria widely known and accepted as a serious medical condition and covered by numerous insurance plans, the notion that transgender women athletes will automatically enjoy an inherent and unfair physical advantage in sporting competitions has been widely debunked.

Let them wait till they’re mature enough to make the decision for life changing procedures. Certainly not their parents pushing for this stuff when they’re kids. And, yes, the reality is that men enjoy advantages over women in most sports. Notice no link was offered on that being debunked.

Meanwhile, the NCAA is hellbent on destroying women’s sports

NCAA backs transgender athletes, says events will be in places ‘free of discrimination’

The NCAA has issued a stern warning to state leaders: Fail to support an inclusive environment for all athletes and lose the chance of host tournaments.

The warning is directed at 30 states considering transgender sports bans, including both North Carolina and South Carolina.

The NCAA Board of Governors released a statement Monday that it will not host championships in places that discriminate against transgender athletes.

The NCAA said all student-athletes are “expected to be treated with dignity and respect” and that tournaments will only be held in places where hosts can commit to a “safe and discrimination-free environment.”

“The NCAA Board of Governors firmly and unequivocally supports the opportunity for transgender student-athletes to compete in college sports. This commitment is grounded in our values of inclusion and fair competition,” the statement read in part.

What about treating actual, real women with dignity and respect? How about not taking away their competition chances, their wins, their scholarships? The world is nuts.

Read: North Carolina Looks To Ban Trans Males In Sport, Stop Transition Procedures For Those Under 21 »

Pirate's Cove