Scientific America Goes Full Climate Cult, Will Refer To It As “Climate Emergency” From Now On

Watts Up With That? ran a piece back in 2018 with some of the name changes, using this graphic

It’s all about continuing to ramp up the scare-factor. The Cult of Climastrology had been seriously pimping climate crisis, maybe they should go with climate apocalypse?

Citing grave threat, Scientific American replaces ‘climate change’ with ‘climate emergency’

Scientific American magazine announced Monday that it would stop using the term “climate change” in articles about man-made global warming and substitute “climate emergency” instead.

“Journalism should reflect what science says: the climate emergency is here,” Scientific American senior editor Mark Fischetti said in a Monday post about the magazine’s decision.

To make his point, Fischetti pointed to the mounting number of weather-related disasters that most scientists agree stem from climate change.

“A hurricane blasts Florida. A California dam bursts because floods have piled water high up behind it. A sudden, record-setting cold snap cuts power to the entire state of Texas,” Fischetti wrote. “These are also emergencies that require immediate action. Multiply these situations worldwide, and you have the biggest environmental emergency to beset the earth in millennia: climate change.”

Because hurricanes never happened before fossil fueled vehicles, right? A California dam bursts because sometimes it’s wet in the west, and sometimes dry, and the dam was substandard….hey, perhaps China Joe could allocate money in that Everything Is Infrastructure bill for actual infrastructure?…, and they’re actually blaming a serious cold snap on heat trapping greenhouse gases.

The oldest continuously published magazine in the U.S., Scientific American is not alone it its decision to highlight what it sees as an emergency requiring immediate action. It joined the Columbia Journalism Review, the Nation, the Guardian, Noticias Telemundo, Al Jazeera, Japan’s Asahi Shimbun and Italy’s La Repubblica in releasing a statement about the change in language.

“The planet is heating up way too fast. It’s time for journalism to recognize that the climate emergency is here,” the statement said, adding, “Why ’emergency’? Because words matter. To preserve a livable planet, humanity must take action immediately.”

Interestingly, none of them mentioned any measures they plan to take in their own business operations. No mention of refusing to use fossil fuels to gather the information to create their articles. No mention of doing away with the use of paper for those who still publish a dead tree edition. No mention of turning the heat down to 60 and the AC up to 80 (or doing away with the use of AC altogether). No mention of switching over to 100% renewables to power their operations.

“Failure to slash the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will make the extraordinary heat, storms, wildfires and ice melt of 2020 routine and could ‘render a significant portion of the Earth uninhabitable,'” the statement said, quoting from an article in, where else, Scientific American.

mule fritter sherman potter


Read: Scientific America Goes Full Climate Cult, Will Refer To It As “Climate Emergency” From Now On »

Brooklyn Center Mayor, City Council Decide Due Process Is Unnecessary, Fire City Manager

As violence, looting, arson, assault, attacking police officers, the whole gamut, occurred in the streets of Brooklyn Center (how many people lost their businesses, people who had zero to do with the shooting?), and the streets of other cities, the mayor and city council decided to bow to the mob

Daunte Wright shooting: Brooklyn Center city manager fired after call for due process for police officer

Brooklyn Center City Manager Curt Boganey was fired on Monday evening, hours after he publicly disagreed with Mayor Mike Elliott’s assertion that the police officer who fatally shot a Black man in the Minneapolis suburb should be immediately fired in response to the incident.

“Effective immediately our city manager has been relieved of his duties, and the deputy city manager will be assuming his duties moving forward,” Elliott wrote on Twitter. “I will continue to work my hardest to ensure good leadership at all levels of our city government.”

Daunte Wright, 20, was fatally shot during a traffic stop. Bodycam footage showed three officers gathered near a stopped car that police said was pulled over for an expired registration. Police attempted to arrest the man, later identified as Wright, for an outstanding warrant. A struggle ensued, followed by the fatal shooting.

Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon said the officer who shot and killed Wright had intended to fire a Taser, not their service weapon. Authorities have not released the name of the female officer involved in the shooting. (maybe not, but everyone seems to know her name)

The Brooklyn Center City Council voted to fire Boganey, a longtime city employee, during an emergency meeting, the Star Tribune reported. At the same meeting, the council voted to give the mayor command authority over the city’s police department.

During a virtual workshop after the meeting, Council Member Kris Lawrence-Anderson said she voted to fire Boganey out of fear of potential reprisals from protestors if she did not, according to the newspaper.

That’s called bowing to the mob. Mob rule. Running our system of justice on Men, not law, meaning on feelings and whim. What did Boganey say that was so bad?

“All employees working for the city of Brooklyn Center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline,” Boganey said. “This employee will receive due process and that’s really all that I can say today.”

When pressed on whether he personally felt the officer should be fired, Boganey again called for due process.

“If I were to answer that question, I’d be contradicting what I said a moment ago — which is to say that all employees are entitled to due process and after that due process, discipline will be determined,” Boganey said. “If I were to say anything else, I would actually be contradicting the idea of due process.”

ZOMG, that’s horrible! We don’t do that in 2021. But, Brooklyn Center might find itself on the wrong side of a lawsuit from Boganey, if he files a wrongful termination suit. He might have an “at will” type contract, but, for a position like City Manager, that would be highly doubtful. And a court will most likely not find calling for due process as a reason for “termination for cause.” And if they fire the idiot officer – I’m of the opinion that if you’re pulling your pistol instead of tazer, even in the heat of the moment, and deploying it and firing it (they feel different in the hand, and really wouldn’t be in the same spot as firearm), you’re too incompetent to be in the job – before due process, as laid out in the police contract, they’ll get another lawsuit.

And all because they’re bowing to a violent mob. This is bowing to the Heckler’s Veto. It’s dangerous, sets a bad precedent, may result in lawsuits, and, doesn’t work, because the Democratic Party voters will still riot, pillage, loot, destroy, assault, and burn.

Read: Brooklyn Center Mayor, City Council Decide Due Process Is Unnecessary, Fire City Manager »

Say, Can Colorado Sell Enough Electric Cars To Hit It’s Goal?


Post over.

Oh, OK

Can Colorado sell enough EVs to hit its climate change goals?

The challenges of convincing automakers to build more electric vehicles and Colorado consumers to buy them comes down to a story of Ford’s traditional show horses, the Mustang and the Bronco.

The 2021 electric version of Ford’s classic Mustang sports car got rave reviews. Enthusiastic Western Slope consumers ordered 13 of them from Glenwood Springs auto dealer Jeff Carlson.

About the same time, Ford announced it would revive its beloved four-wheel-drive Bronco after a 25-year hiatus. An electric or hybrid version might come eventually, but the first rejuvenated Broncos would run on gas.

Glenwood Springs customers ordered 160 of them.

Carlson says he is a fan of recent EV models from multiple manufacturers, and the goal of replacing gas-powered cars. Nevertheless, he says, “I can’t control customer demand.”

That’s the reality facing Gov. Jared Polis, his ambitions to combat climate change, and a legislature pondering its role in goosing EV sales. To meet emissions reduction goals codified in state law, the transportation segment of Polis’ plan calls for nearly 1 million EVs on Colorado roads in less than nine years.

The Mustang EV starts at just under $43,000. A 2021 Bronco starts at $28,500. Which sounds more enticing? Which sounds more affordable?

Colorado can’t just set a goal and hope, whether it’s EVs in question or other climate change fixes, said Kelly Nordini, executive director of Conservation Colorado. That’s why her group and allies are pushing to get more of the greenhouse-gas reduction goals written into law, with hard deadlines.

Well, that sounds more like they want to force people to buy them, despite being unaffordable and impractical for the majority of people. Once again

Beyond that, who’s paying for the EVs? They aren’t cheap, you know. The least expensive out there, excluding the tiny ones like those you rent in places like Bermuda (which makes sense there), is the Mini Cooper SE, with a range of 110 miles and a base price of $30,750. For that kind of money you could get a Honda Accord EXL or the Toyota Camry equivalent, higher end standard sedans, or the same trim levels for the CRV or RAV4. Their hybrid versions aren’t that much more expensive. And will go a lot longer, have a much lower cost of ownership, and much higher residual values.

EVs are toys for rich folks. Who often have a big fossil fueled vehicle for longer trips. Not sure about you, but, I rarely see Teslas when I drive down 40 to Wilmington or going west towards Greensboro or Charlotte. Nor the few times I hit 95 heading north.

Coloradans bought about 220,000 vehicles in 2020. Fewer than 7,500 of those were fully electric, according to new figures from the Colorado Auto Dealers Association.

So, even in Dem voting Colorado they’re having trouble selling them

Skeptics, including dealers, seem to be ignoring the revolution among carmakers, many of whom are pledging to go fully electric in the next few years, Will Toor, director of the state energy office, said.

“I don’t think that they are looking at what’s actually happening in the automobile industry,” Toor said.

Now, dealers are looking at what people actually buy. Honda stopped making the Fit for US sales because they weren’t selling many. Same with other manufacturers and their sub-compacts. This isn’t Field Of Dreams: if you build it they still won’t buy it.

Anyhow, this piece keeps going on and on and on, and even mentions inequality, which, in this case, is true. These are for rich folks, who get tax breaks.

Carlson has chargers available at his Western Slope dealerships, and agrees that building out the network is crucial if EVs are going to take over the market. He says, though, that he’s just not as certain as government and environmental leaders that car shoppers are ready to make big changes, fast.

“The consumer is a wily, wily critter,” Carlson said. “And the government thinks that they can tell the wily critter what to do.”

Yes, they do. And they will force you. To end up buying a scooter because you can’t afford an EV and don’t want to spend 2 hours on buses when your normal commute is 15 minutes.

Read: Say, Can Colorado Sell Enough Electric Cars To Hit It’s Goal? »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Coyote Blog, with a post on COVID variant terrorism and the NY Times.

Read: If All You See… »

COVID Doom: “Expert” Says Michigan’s Spike Could Be Sign Of Doom For U.S.

The Credentialed Media is always going to be about doom, about scaring people, but, now you combine that with politics in order to make everyone controlled by the government. An they just can’t give that up even as more and more are vaccinated

Michigan’s Covid-19 crisis could be a sign of what’s to come for the US, expert says

As the US races to vaccinate more Americans, Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are rising, predominantly among younger people who haven’t yet gotten a shot.

Some experts worry this might only be the start of what’s to come in the next weeks. Michigan is already in the middle of a violent surge, and one epidemiologist says other states should be paying close attention.

“Michigan is really the bellwether for what it looks like when the B.1.1.7 variant … spreads in the United States,” Dr. Celine Gounder told CNN on Sunday. “It’s causing a surge in cases and it’s causing more severe disease, which means that even younger people, people in their 30s, 40s and 50s are getting very sick and being hospitalized from this.”

The B.1.1.7 variant, first spotted in the UK, is now the dominant strain of the virus in the US. Experts say it’s more contagious, may cause more severe disease and may potentially be more deadly. And it’s rapidly spreading across the country.

Florida has the highest number of cases of the variant, followed by Michigan, Minnesota and Massachusetts, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Michigan had one of the strictest lockdown protocols of the entire nation, and was almost as bad as some European nations for governmental authority. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was drunk on power. Florida didn’t. Yet, they are both seeing spikes, and you have a heck of a lot more people going to Florida for vacations than Michigan.

“So there is no way that a surge in vaccination is going to help curb this when transmission is happening right now,” she said. “The hard truth is that the only thing that will curb transmission right now are measures that take effect immediately.” For example, masking up, not dining indoors, and socializing outdoors, she added.

Funny that COVID surged after 37 states implemented mask mandates worse than during the late winter into Spring, eh? And many governors are fear mongering, which may not actually be fear mongering, but, at this point, after all the Fear Porn and wielding of Authority by so many, people just don’t believe it anymore.

And what to do about vaccine hesitancy?

“The last 20 to 30% are going to be the hardest because a lot of folks in this country are still hesitant to get the vaccine. We’re seeing it all over the country,” Reiner said. “We need to really get down on the grassroots level, talk to people about their hesitancy and get shots into arms.”

“Because if we don’t vaccinate that last 30% or so, we’re still going to have to live with this virus for a very long time.”

And that will be the Excuse for keeping all the fear and authoritarian measures going for the long term. Pick your own excuse for not getting the shot, there are more than plenty on both sides of the political aisle who do not want it. Will they be forced?

Read: COVID Doom: “Expert” Says Michigan’s Spike Could Be Sign Of Doom For U.S. »

Vox: Say, Will China Joe’s Climate Targets Be Enough To Save Us From Doom?

Here’s a better question: why don’t climate cultists practice what they preach if they believe in coming doom?

What a fair climate target looks like for the US, the largest historical carbon emitter
Biden is about to announce a new 2030 climate target. Will it go far enough?

On April 22, President Biden will convene global leaders for a virtual climate summit in a bid to reassert US leadership and motivate countries to cut emissions much more aggressively.

Of course, the US is only just recommitting to climate action itself after a long leadership vacuum. During his presidency, Donald Trump tore down dozens of environmental regulations and withdrew the US from the Paris climate agreement, undermining global progress to reduce emissions.

Now, to reassure the world that the US takes the climate threat seriously, Biden plans to announce a new 2030 climate target under the Paris agreement ahead of the summit.

The administration is considering a goal to cut emissions somewhere between 48 and 53 percent from 2005 levels by 2030, Bloomberg reported Wednesday. This is in line with proposals from many green groups, which have coalesced around a 50 percent reduction target. While that goal will require significant changes, to take place in less than a decade, many recent studies show it is within reach.

What if We The People don’t want that? All the casual members of the Cult of Climastrology, kinda like the folks who only show up for Easter and Christmas service in Christianity, are about to get a lesson as to why Conservatives and Libertarians point to the Constitution as limiting the power of the federal government, that the Central Government should not have this much power to dictate our lives. Why they shouldn’t vote for these kinds of politicians. They’re fine right up till their votes smack them in the face with the Cold Dead Mackerel of Reality.

But a new report, produced by a group of environmental organizations including Friends of the Earth and the youth-driven Sunrise Movement, approaches the question from a different angle. Instead of determining what is feasible for the US, they start by asking: What should the US’s responsibility be in reducing global emissions to keep the planet from warming to dangerous levels?

The result is a much more audacious vision for US emissions reductions in 2030: 195 percent.

That’s right — they are proposing that the US’s true responsibility isn’t just to eliminate all its emissions by 2030 (which would be 100 percent) but to go even further.

Yet, these same people won’t give up their own “carbon pollution” products and activities. Take away the smartphones, streaming video, traveling to places not enjoy them but just to get a selfie, etc and so on, I won’t bore you yet again with a list.

The advocacy groups acknowledge that it isn’t actually feasible for the US to pull this off within its own borders. Instead, they suggest that the country reduce its domestic carbon footprint by 70 percent and contribute the remaining 125 percent by financing developing countries’ emissions reductions.

The authors argue that if the US hit these targets, it would be contributing its “fair share” toward tackling climate change, as the world’s largest historical emitter and wealthiest nation.

This would be the fair share that Warmists rarely share from their own lives, their own money. If this actually came to fruition they will all be screaming about the skyrocketing cost of living, the inability to travel anywhere, can’t afford housing, high unemployment, and, you can imagine the rest, since I’ve written this stuff time and time again. Will they get it when they’re living it, when it doesn’t just apply to Other People? It’ll be too late at that point.

Read: Vox: Say, Will China Joe’s Climate Targets Be Enough To Save Us From Doom? »

NYC Residents Leaving In Droves Over Tax Hikes

Why? Isn’t this what they want? Aren’t high taxes preferable for Democrats, who are the predominant voters in New York City? This is what they vote for. This is what the politicians they vote for want. Why are they leaving when they’re getting what they want?

New York City facing exodus after officials hike taxes to plug Covid-19 shortfall

unintended consequencesNew York is bracing for an exodus of its wealthiest residents after officials passed a budget that will see them pay the US’s highest tax rate, as they desperately seek to boost their Covid-hit economy.

Under the new rate, which is expected to soon be rubber-stamped by Governor Andrew Cuomo, the city’s top earners could pay up to 14.8 per cent tax – a combined federal, state, and city tax which could reach 52 per cent.

The move sees the state overtake California, which has the current highest combined tax rate for top earners in the US, and much of Europe.

Business leaders and CEOs this week warned that the increase is likely to backfire by driving away the very people and companies the city relies on for its revenue.

“Bell Tolls for NYC: Quality of life plummets, taxes rocket – and city faces uncertain future”, read the headline on the front page of the New York Post tabloid on Wednesday.

Ah, so the focus may be on NYC, but, it’s actually all of the state of New York. When went for China Joe 60.9% to 37.7% Trump, so, aren’t the people who want higher taxes? Including so many of the wealthiest residents, who constantly Virtue Signal and say things like “I want my taxes raised”?

A recent study showed that at least 20 per cent of banks and financial services firms have thought about relocating workers to other locations outside of New York. Dozens already have.

It’s a good example as to why this whole “tax the rich (because government is incompetent with the money they already take)” doesn’t work. Because they simply leave. And take jobs with them. And take fundraiser money for politicians with them. And instead of some tax money, NY and NYC get none.

The wealthiest two per cent of New Yorkers contribute half of the city’s revenue. However, many of them fled at the start of the pandemic.

New York was the number one state for population loss in the US last year, according to Census Bureau data. More than 300,000 New York City households in higher-income neighbourhoods filed change-of-address forms, resulting in the largest decline in property tax receipts in nearly 25 years.

The other problem here is that many of these people bring their moonbattery with them, and often advocate for the same policies, including high taxation and policies that require raising taxes, to the Red areas.

Read: NYC Residents Leaving In Droves Over Tax Hikes »

China Joe’s “No Tax Pledge” Could Sink His Climate Scam Initiative Or Something

Hmm, what would be his “no tax pledge”? That he wouldn’t raise taxes on people making less than $400k a year. Which has morphed into families at $400k, individuals at $200k. And Warmists think this is a problem, as they want Everyone Else but themselves taxed

How Biden’s No-Tax Pledge Could Sink His Climate Change Initiative

Nowhere is President Biden’s ambitious policy agenda more in conflict than in his triple aim of funding a major infrastructure initiative, attacking climate change, and never raising taxes on households making less than $400,000. He has a terrific opportunity to achieve the first two promises, but he cannot if he sticks to that no new tax pledge.

Last week, my TPC colleague Len Burman blogged about why Biden’s no new taxes pledge is such a bad idea. This week, my colleague Thornton Matheson described how Congress could use energy taxes, such as a carbon tax, to help pay for Biden’s ambitious domestic spending agenda. And The Washington Post recently endorsed a carbon tax to fund Biden’s $2 trillion-plus infrastructure plan. But the president prefers instead to raise taxes on multinational corporations and, perhaps later, on high-income households.

Say, I wonder who would pay for these carbon taxes?

If you polled economists of all ideological persuasions, you’d find overwhelming support for a carbon tax. By taxing “bads” rather than goods, it could significantly reduce carbon emissions and slow climate change. And, depending on how it is designed, it could raise a substantial amount of revenue to pay for clean water, more public transit, and better roads (though the latter may also conflict with his climate change goals).

If you polled citizens, and explained exactly what would happen with carbon taxes, how many would support them when they understand that their own lives and money will be effected significantly? And our system of government is designed that they can’t go all Fascist in declaring things “bad” that aren’t. There’s a heck of a lot of difference between fossil fuels and, say, heroin. Nor should Government be regulating to modify behavior for things that are not actually bad. Heck, some would argue that they shouldn’t, at least at the federal level, be regulating things like heroin. If dumb asses want to do it, let them be dumbasses. Their power would be to stop it from being imported and crossing state lines.

But, as the president himself would say, here’s the deal: No serious carbon tax can exempt roughly 98 percent of households from a tax increase. While the president has made fighting climate change one of his top long-term priorities, he has effectively precluded a carbon tax—arguably the single most effective tool to accomplish this goal.

Funny how it doesn’t mention what percentage should be taxed, eh?

By itself, a carbon tax would reduce after-tax incomes on all households that use carbon-based goods and services—gas for their vehicles, plastic containers, airplane rides, most electricity. In effect, it would raise taxes on everybody, except those very few who have managed to live completely off the grid.

Max Herman is letting the reality out of the bag. He then goes on to note a few of the ideas where a portion of the taxes are refunded back to citizens. Not all, of course. Not noted is that this makes citizens even more reliant on government, where so many will be appreciative instead of saying “you nimrod cultists raised my cost of living and I’m supposed to be indebted to your charitably? GFYS.”

Read: China Joe’s “No Tax Pledge” Could Sink His Climate Scam Initiative Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike that Everyone Else should be forced to own instead of fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on a city that is pushing back against protesters.

It’s biking week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The bushes are getting some rain, the mocking birds are bugging the squirrels, and the Dodgers are doing well. Not sure who did this pinup, can’t find the name, but, it’s a beauty, with a wee bit of help.

What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Washington Examiner notes that China Joe’s gun policies would treat everyone like a criminal
  2. No Tricks Zone covers cutting down trees to replace them with wind turbines
  3. Ace Of Spades wonders about George Floyd having COVID, and why this isn’t a bigger story
  4. America’s Watchtower discusses New Hampshire’s governor coming out against COVID passports
  5. Blazing Cat Fur notes trans-human surgery insanity
  6. Blogs For Victory covers the 5-4 SCOTUS case on religious liberty
  7. DC Clothesline highlights police in Austin, Tx, quitting over Woke policies
  8. Free North Carolina covers what Iowa gov Kim Reynolds has to say about Biden’s border issues
  9. Gen Z Conservative notes grammar and spelling as victims of Wokeness
  10. Legal Insurrection discusses Egypt’s “lost city of gold” being found
  11. Moonbattery highlights that laughing at AOC gets you a visit from the police
  12. Newsbusters covers a reporting to note that the hate crime she was covering was, in fact, a hoax
  13. Pacific Pundit shows Mayor Pete calling highways “racist”
  14. Powerline discusses China Joe commencing his war on the suburbs
  15. And last, but not least, Raise On Hoecakes notes that we do, actually, need more money for infrastructure

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove