Maryland Becomes First State To End Law Enforcement Bill Of Rights

Seriously, what could possibly go wrong?

Maryland to end police Bill of Rights after Democrats override GOP governor’s vetoes

Maryland lawmakers passed legislation Saturday, becoming the first state to end its police Bill of Rights after the Democrat-controlled Legislature voted to override three of Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s vetoes.

The sweeping reform bills remove protections in police due process for alleged misconduct that critics say have impeded accountability and will now give civilians a role, The Baltimore Sun reported.

The reform package also increases the civil liability limit for officers from $400,000 to $890,000 and an officer convicted of using excessive force, causing serious injury or death could face 10 years in prison. It also sets a new statewide standard for what is deemed “necessary” force.

Within the reforms, officers will also be limited to daytime for “no-knock” raids, except for emergencies, and body cameras will be mandated by 2025.

Supporters of the bills call them “citizen-centered” and a necessary reaction to protesters who “demanded change” last year, but critics say the reforms go too far and are “anti-cop.”

Hogan explained in his vetoes that he thought the bills would “further erode police morale, community relationships, and public confidence.”

“They will result in great damage to police recruitment and retention, posing significant risks to public safety throughout our state,” he wrote.

Reform is one thing: this goes well beyond reform and does enter the realm of police hatred, and it will cause police at the local, county, and state levels to retire or just leave for other pastures. Maybe they go work in a different state that isn’t hating on the police. Replacing them will be difficult. I doubt Leftist soy boys and chubby, purple haired out of shape liberal girls will be interested in being officers. Those few who do will probably have massive authoritarian streaks, which will be dangerous. Those officers who stick around will take an even more hands off approach, as we’ve seen in other cop hating areas, like Portland, NYC, and Seattle, to name a few, which will lead to a skyrocketing crime rate. You won’t be able to call it a wave, because wave denotes that it will go down.

Republican state Sen. Robert Cassilly, said the reform package “allows for hindsight review of folks sitting in the easy chairs to judge people who made split-second decisions in volatile situations.”

Those same easy chair folks will then blame the police over the skyrocketing crime rate.

Democratic state Sen. Charles Sydnor, who sponsored one of the measures, said “Last year, I attended and participated in multiple demonstrations of people demanding change — the young and the old, people of all races and walks of life. With so many situations being thrust before our eyes, we could no longer deny what we see, and I thank my colleagues for believing their eyes and listening to the majority of Marylanders.”

That’s interesting: why was he breaking the strict stay home rules put in place in Maryland?

Critics of Maryand’s police Bill of Rights called it one of the most “extreme” in the nation, according to The Sun.

Maryland is also the first state to repeal its Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights, as the Washington Post notes. But, you know, every experiment needs an experimental group. The police in Portland, Oregon, are leaving in droves, as they are overworked, overwhelmed, and burned out. Their budget was slashed $16 million last year. They want to replace officer position with unarmed park rangers, and their union (park rangers have a union?) wants body armor for them. This should work out well. Crime in Portland is surging, as it is in other Democrat run cities who’ve played the defund the police game. What happened when an entire state essentially stops backing the police?

Read: Maryland Becomes First State To End Law Enforcement Bill Of Rights »

If All You See…

…is champagne which will soon be grown in Siberia due to the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Ice Age Now, with a post on underwater volcanoes heating the oceans.

Read: If All You See… »

SJW Pentagon Chief Looks To Purge People Who Have Wrongthink

Essentially, if you don’t conform the Progressive doctrine (because they’re totally about tolerance and multiculturalism, you know), you will be labeled an extremist and booted. This should do wonders for recruitment, eh, with tough Republicans saying “no, thanks”, and soy boy liberals, overweight and soft liberal women, and  transgenders with serious mental health issues joining

Pentagon orders “immediate actions” to weed out extremism in armed forces

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Friday signed a memo ordering several “immediate actions” to weed out extremism in the ranks.

Driving the news: The memo comes after Austin in February ordered commanding officers to hold a “stand down” to discuss extremism among the armed forces. The issue gained heightened attention after multiple service members and veterans were arrested for their alleged actions in the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol siege.

What he’s saying: “The vast majority of those who serve in uniform and their civilian colleagues do so with great honor and integrity, but any extremist behavior in the force can have an outsized impact,” Austin wrote in his memo Friday.

So, you know this will excuse “extremists” in gangs, extremists who advocate for Leftist causes, right? Our military is boned. It’s going to become weak and useless, and radicalized with Leftism.

Will refusing to take the vaccine be considered extremist (with bonus fake Conservative grifters gotta grift)

What happened to “my body my choice” (declining to take a vaccine is a tad bit different than terminating a baby because someone was irresponsible in having sex)? And there are a lot of lefties caterwauling and saying the Congress should make this mandatory and if the Marines won’t take it they should be kicked out. Me, I got it. I know Trump voters and Biden voters who won’t. That’s their choice, and, while I might not agree with it, I won’t harangue them and don’t think it should be mandatory.

Read: SJW Pentagon Chief Looks To Purge People Who Have Wrongthink »

Climate Crisis (scam) Could Possibly Maybe We Feel Destabilize The Globe Or Something

See, before people drove fossil fueled vehicles and ate delicious cheeseburgers, there was no destabilization of the globe, right? No crisis, no big problems, no wars, no disease outbreaks, nothing, right? (yes, this is Axios, hence the format)

Climate change could destabilize globe through 2040, spy agencies say

Climate change will lead to a less secure, more crisis-prone world that will strain global institutions, according to a major national security assessment released Thursday.

Driving the news: The “Global Trends Report,” produced every four years by the National Intelligence Council, spotlights climate change among the main structural forces shaping the next two decades.

The big picture: Global warming, along with disease outbreaks, financial crises and other forces, will test the “resilience and adaptability” of the international system. There are reasons to believe that many systems large and small may fail under the increased stress.

What they’re saying: “Climate change will increasingly exacerbate risks to human and national security and force states to make hard choices and tradeoffs,” the report states.

See, a minor increase in the global temperature, which has a pretty strong component from land use and the Urban Heat Island effect, which is actually not global, will cause Doom. But, this is not your typical Doomy Prognostication, you guys

Quick take: This is not your typical grim climate report projecting disaster in the year 2100, i.e. the distant future.

  • Instead, the climate change we will see through midcentury is already baked into the climate system, thanks to how the oceans absorb and redistribute heat.
  • Studies show that even if emissions are sharply reduced now we are still in for additional amounts of warming through mid-century, which will lead to more extreme weather events, sea level rise, and other effects.

See? It’s totally different from all the other prognostications of doom over the past 50 years. But, hey, what can we do?

What is up to us, however, is how we prepare for and respond to such challenges.

  • We can strengthen democratic institutions or instead become a more fragmented global community with competing power centers, the report shows.

In other words, we can give even more power to central governments, taking it from smaller government entities (in the U.S. that would be states, counties, and cities) and from The People. Sounds like a great plan, right?

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Possibly Maybe We Feel Destabilize The Globe Or Something »

CDC Director Calls Racism A “Serious Public Health Crisis”

Is there a vaccine for this? Will we have to stay home and isolate? The CDC just lost it’s few remaining backers

From The Hill

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday declared racism a “serious public health threat,” becoming the largest federal agency to do so.

“A growing body of research shows that centuries of racism in this country has had a profound and negative impact on communities of color,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a statement published on the agency’s website.

Walensky noted the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt most severely in communities of color, which have experienced disproportionate case counts and deaths.

“To build a healthier America for all, we must confront the systems and policies that have resulted in the generational injustice that has given rise to racial and ethnic health inequities,” the agency said.

So, what are they going to do about it?

The declaration is part of a new agency-wide initiative called Racism and Health, which the CDC said is meant to be a hub for its research into the effects of racism on health, and efforts to achieve health equity.

The initiative is meant to go beyond studying the issue and focus on taking action.

For example, Walensky noted that the agency has new funding to address COVID-19 disparities by making investments in racial and ethnic minority communities, as well as other disproportionately affected communities around the country.

Let’s be honest, this is simply another way for Democrats to divide the nation, to create more strife, and to find more ways to control the citizens. And it’s a good way to deflect from the idiocy and anti-freedom stuff they’ll push over the next four years.

Walensky said “we must confront the systems and policies that have resulted in the generational injustice”. She forgot the phrase “from the Democratic Party”. No group has been more responsible for racism/bigotry than Democrats. They are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, community covenants that agreed to block blacks, and more. It was baked into their party platforms in the late 1800’s and early mid-1900’s. They were also very anti Asian, especially Chinese. Once the Civil Rights act passed they just corralled blacks into hoods in the Dems big cities. And try to do the same with Latinos. They like their “minorities” controlled and contained. They don’t care about the conditions, they’ll just patronize them with money and free stuff come election time.

Do Democrats care that blacks are shooting themselves at such high rates? The vast majority of shootings in NY, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, LA, and so many more, even Seattle and Portland, are black on black. Do Dems care? No. Democrats think blacks are too dumb to get an ID, for goodness sakes. They don’t think blacks and other “people of color” can succeed without government. That’s not racist at all, right?

BTW, is racism also infrastructure?

Read: CDC Director Calls Racism A “Serious Public Health Crisis” »

Climate Envoy John Kerry Is Super Thrilled For China Joe To Force Banks And Investors To Comply

All you #NeverTrumpers who were upset about Trump’s mean tweets and pushed to essentially get Biden elected, don’t come complaining about Joe going whole hog on economy killing and freedom taking orders

Kerry says Biden poised to issue executive order to force banks and investors to reveal climate exposure

President Joe Biden is set to issue an executive order on climate disclosure within capital markets, a move that could shift investments overall with implications for the fossil-fuel and renewables sectors, according to U.S. climate envoy John Kerry.

“President Biden is poised to issue an executive order that will require disclosure,” Kerry said at an International Monetary Fund event Wednesday. “It’s going to change allocation of capital. Suddenly people are going to be making evaluations considering long-term risk to the investment based on the climate crisis.”

And Kerry is in India this week after taking a long, fossil fueled flight. Who wants to bet on him taking a people powered rickshaw around India or a large, fossil fueled SUV? And staying in an air conditioned hotel? There is no segment of the economy that these Warmists do not want to control. These orders will just waste time and effort, and any costs will be passed on.

Meanwhile, Mattel is learning to climasignal

American Girl Encourages Girls and Families to Join the Conversation on Climate Change

American Girl, the beloved brand known for helping girls grow up with confidence and character, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mattel (NASDAQ: MAT), today invites families to tune into part two of the brand’s Conversations for Change series, Use Your Outside Voice: Climate Change. The new episode highlights four female changemakers who are raising their voices—and awareness—about the climate crisis and taking a stand to help save the planet.

What’s the carbon footprint of manufacturing and shipping all those toys, which end up being plastic pollution in landfills at some point?

Read: Climate Envoy John Kerry Is Super Thrilled For China Joe To Force Banks And Investors To Comply »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Hogewash, with a post saying when he’ll believe Xiden is serious about reducing criminal’s access to firearms.

Read: If All You See… »

New York Plans To Give Illegal Aliens Up To $15,600 In Taxpayer Money

For legal residents and citizens who’ve lost their businesses due to the over-the-top restrictions that made little difference? Nothing

Cuomo’s New York: Illegal Aliens to Get $15,600 in Taxpayer-Funded Checks

Nearly 200,000 eligible illegal aliens in New York could receive a one-time payment of $15,600 in taxpayer-funded benefits thanks to a budget deal approved by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D).

This week, as Breitbart News reported, state Democrats and Cuomo struck a budget deal that shifts $2.1 billion in taxpayer-funded benefits to illegal aliens who lost their jobs during the Chinese coronavirus crisis. The aid to illegal aliens is $1.1 billion more than tax credits and grants authorized for small businesses in the state.

Estimates now suggest about 187,000 illegal aliens are eligible for the benefits and each could receive a one-time payment of $15,600 or about $300 a week for the entire year. (snip through the breakdown)

Despite supporting the budget deal, Cuomo has admitted he is concerned about the potential for fraud when illegal aliens begin applying for the one-time payments.

“Cuomo says the [New York State] Comptroller will examine excluded workers fund before it goes online, as well as [Attorney General] Tish James, for potential fraud vulnerabilities,” Zach Williams with City & State NY reported.

Fraud by people who’ve broken U.S. laws? Providing aid violates multiple sections of US code on illegal aliens, including inducing/enticing and aiding/abetting. But, our two tiered justice system won’t prosecute.

You know what? You New Yorkers need to stay there and live under the system you voted for, rather than escaping and bringing your Progressive insanity to other areas. Suck it up.

Read: New York Plans To Give Illegal Aliens Up To $15,600 In Taxpayer Money »

Hawaii Closer To Declaring Climate Emergency, Cultists March In NYC

The State of Hawaii is looking to Climavirtue Signal

Hawaii closer to declaring a ‘climate emergency’

A series of symbolic—but widely supported—climate resolutions, including one declaring a climate emergency, continued to move through the Legislature on Tuesday.

The latest version of Senate Concurrent Resolution 44 would declare a climate emergency and request an “emergency mobilization effort to restore a safe climate, ” among other climate-related resolutions passed by the House Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection. The resolutions already had moved over from the Senate.

“We’re facing an existential crises, a climate emergency, ” testified Ted Bohlen of Climate Protectors Hawaii.

Although SCR 44 is only a resolution without the force of law, “it’s a recognition of symbolic importance, ” Bohlen told the committee Tuesday via video. “Secondly, it provides for collaboration statewide for a transition to a cleaner environment. And these are important, even though it’s just a resolution.”

Symbolism. That’s it. Because Hawaii will darned sure not take real action, since that would require Hawaii to stop all fossil fueled ships, planes, and helicopters. Tourism is 21% of their economy, the largest sector, and 90% of the economy is comprised of the service industry. Will they restrict tourists coming? What do they do with all those power intensive convention centers and hotels and restaurants? Defense is the 2nd to tourism. Will they demand that the military leave? Hawaii imports 90% of their goods, including food. How will that work on sailing ships? But, see, Warmists really do not want to do anything that causes problems in their own lives, just those of Other People.

Environmentalists march in Union Square to prevent climate change

The doomsday clock is ticking for climate change as environmentalists start the spring season rallying in front of the digital Metronome just above 52 E 14th Street in Union Square.

On April 7, protesters marched from Union Square to Washington Square Park, demanding that President Joe Biden and other Congressional leaders take a bigger and bolder approach on a climate change infrastructure package.

There is a famous Greek proverb which states: “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.” This quote goes a long way to demonstrate the actions some will take in hopes serving the next generation, knowing they themselves will not reap the benefits. Wednesday evening’s demonstration was led by several elderly activists hoping to do just that—fight for future generations.

Aren’t these the same types of people screeching about not gathering in large groups? NY allows up to 200 outside. Why is that guy not wearing a mask? And it sure looks like people were closer than 6 feet.

While there was roaring support for Biden’s proposed American Jobs plan, protesters want a more progressive approach to fix the damages caused during the Trump administration. They are pushing for the Climate and Community Investment Act (CCIA) to be passed on a state level, as well as the Thrive Act on a federal level.

First, they just can’t move on from Trump. He broke them. What did Obama really do? Pretty much nothing. Second, of course they want more more more. Let them do stuff in their own lives.

Read: Hawaii Closer To Declaring Climate Emergency, Cultists March In NYC »

Washington Post Editorial Board, Protected By Lots Of National Guard Members With Guns, Super Excited For China Joe’s Gun Restrictions

They forget to ask one little, but important, question

Opinion: Finally, a president takes on America’s epidemic of gun violence

ON MONDAY night in Brooklyn, a man went to his daughter’s 9th birthday party and shot and killed the girl’s mother and two sisters before going outside and killing himself. On Tuesday morning in Frederick, two Navy sailors were shot, one critically wounded, by a Navy medic who was shot and killed by police. Wednesday in Rock Hill, S.C., five people — including a prominent doctor, his wife and their two young grandchildren — were shot and killed, and the neighbor suspected in the shootings died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound after a standoff with police. And on Thursday, one person was killed and five people were injured when a gunman opened fire at a warehouse in Bryan, Tex.

These are horrifying events — and they represent but a tiny sliver of the nation’s gun carnage. Each day in the United States, more than 300 people are shot and more than 100 of them die. Some lose their lives in mass shootings that garner national attention. Others — the vast majority — die as the result of suicides or domestic homicides or street crime. In the week between the shootings at Atlanta-area spas that killed eight and the mass shooting at a Boulder, Colo., supermarket that killed 10, there were more than 850 shootings in which more than 250 people died, President Biden said Thursday.

“An epidemic . . . an international embarrassment,” Mr. Biden rightly said as he announced a series of executive actions addressing gun violence. The measures include rules to help stop the proliferation of so-called ghost guns, untraceable weapons that can be constructed from parts purchased online; tightened regulations on stabilizing braces for pistols of the kind allegedly used in the Boulder mass shooting; and publication by the Justice Department of model “red flag” laws for states to use as guides. They are modest — yet still likely to be challenged by gun rights activists who predictably see any effort to advance gun safety as an infringement of the Second Amendment.

Neither the WPEB nor anyone in the Credentialed Media is asking the question “will this make any difference?” Would any of these moves by China Joe have stopped the shootings in the initial paragraph? Did any of those people use ghost guns? Stabalizing braces (I don’t know anyone who has one)? Did they show any red flags? New York, Colorado, and Maryland already have red flag laws.

Kudos, though, to Mr. Biden for using his limited unilateral authority, for calling on Congress to do more and for nominating the well-qualified David Chipman to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The agency has not had a permanent director since 2015 and has been hobbled by the national gun lobby and its Republican allies. Mr. Chipman, a former ATF special agent who now serves as an adviser to the gun safety organization founded by former Democratic congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, could face a fight in the closely divided Senate because of his prior advocacy of an assault weapons ban and other gun safety measures. That the Senate has been unable to move ahead with legislation that would strengthen background checks — common-sense measures supported by a majority of Americans and already passed by the House — underscores the challenges Mr. Biden faces as he pushes for more aggressive action, such as stripping gun manufacturers of protection from lawsuits.

Chipman is an anti-gun nut, who wants to ban all “assault weapons” and require forced registration of all the others. Oh, and remember when Lefties like the WPEB were calling Trump a dictator when he would use his “unilateral authority”? They also forget that we have this thing called the 1st Amendment, which restricts the federal government from stopping people from protesting peaceably and petitioning for redress of grievance, to go with Free Speech.

“We’ve got a long way to go. It seems like we always have a long way to go,” Mr. Biden acknowledged. But his resolve was heartening as he stood in the Rose Garden and said “enough, enough, enough, enough” of these shootings. “The idea that we have so many people dying every single day from gun violence in America is a blemish on our character as a nation.” Indeed it is.

Weirdly, the WPEB is rather unconcerned with blacks shooting each other willy nilly in Democrat run cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, NYC, LA, and many more, including Washington, D.C. They rarely mention it. I wonder why? There was no criticism from the WPEB about all the shootings in places like Seattle and Portland with their autonomous zones, nor over the people carrying the icky assault rifles. Regardless, the who point here is that none of these measures will stop any shootings, particularly in Democrat run cities like Washington, D.C.

Read: Washington Post Editorial Board, Protected By Lots Of National Guard Members With Guns, Super Excited For China Joe’s Gun Restrictions »

Pirate's Cove