Who’s Up For An Easter Sermon On….Climate Change?

When a cult invades an actual religion, causing ordained ministers to yammer about other stuff before the whole point of Easter

Easter message from The Right Reverend Dr Tim Dakin, Bishop of Winchester

IT HAS been quite a year – and, of course, the great thing about Easter is the hope it brings even in our crises. Yet the crises that we’re facing really are quite something.

First, we’re aware that we’re facing an environmental crisis. Climate change is becoming critical. Many of us, I’m sure, are committed to doing something about that personally.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

Perhaps someone should explain to Rev Dakin that climate cultists are committed to forcing Other People to do something, not themselves.

As a sidebar, after his start on climate crisis scam, he then mentions economic crisis, BLM, Brexit, and COVID, before finally getting around to mentioning Jesus. Which seems more like “hey, I gotta mention Jesus if this is about Easter. Oh, well.”

Read: Who’s Up For An Easter Sermon On….Climate Change? »

If All You See…

…is wine which will soon no longer be grown in France, but in Norway, due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on replacing NY power plants for Justice.

It’s drinking week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup – Happy Easter

Patriotic Pinup Al Buell

Happy Easter Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and this is the start of the 16th year of patriotic pinups. The first was all the way back on April 3rd, 2005, and has expanded out from a simple photo to what I do now. And this is the 852 edition. This pinup is by Al Buell, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Free North Carolina has Woke cancel culture companies to avoid
  2. Gates Of Vienna highlights “justice” being served in Sweden
  3. Geller Report News features Trump calling for boycotts of Woke companies
  4. Gen Z Conservative says that media bias doesn’t matter, credibility does
  5. LMAO doesn’t think much of Mayor Pete’s bicycle shenanigans
  6. Jihad Watch notes the police going after a Catholic mass on Good Friday in the UK
  7. Legal Insurrection covers the 9th Circuit’s really bad 2nd Amendment ruling
  8. Moonbattery discusses the China Joe admin as seen from overseas
  9. MOTUS AD wonders if there is nothing the Left can’t destroy (the answer is no)
  10. neo-neocon notes that new facts do not matter when a Narrative has been established
  11. Pacific Pundit notes the national media silent on an Asian attacked in a hate crime
  12. Patterico’s Pontifications discusses COVID passports
  13. Powerline says China should be boycotted
  14. Sultan Knish covers Kamala’s husband hosting the virtual passover from Hell
  15. And last, but not least, The First Street Journal says if you show me a bad kid, you show me bad parents

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup – Happy Easter »

Saturday Night Live Takes On Georgia Voting Law Or Something

There was, if you can believe it, a time when Saturday Night Live was about laughter, not applause line, along with highlighting some great music acts who actually played live. It wasn’t about being part of the In Crowd, and the times when politics was mentioned was funny and not abusive. And there was little of it, even on the episode where Rudy Guiliani came out to do the opening. It probably hasn’t been actually funny since Chris Farley was on it. John Belushi, Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, Gilda Radner, Jane Curtin, Garrett Morris, and Laraine Newman were the original Not Ready For Prime Time Players, which Bill Murray soon joining, along with many other funny folks down the years.

It wasn’t without controversy, nor afraid to take on controversy in a funny way. The skit with Richard Pryor doing a word association game with Chevy Chase, where the N word was dropped. Which Pryor wanted to do, and they made it funny. Garrett Morris did a bit during the news segment over the apparent controversy about the Rolling Stones song “Miss You”, which some people were mad about (even back then, people got their knickers in a twist, but had to actually call or write a letter) due to the line about some Puerto Rican girls are just dying to meet you.” Morris seemed serious, then said “where are these girls?” He caught crap for years. He also went out and sang a few times, with a beautiful operatic voice.

I could go on and on. Coneheads, land shark, 2 wild and crazy guys, Samurai delicatessen, and so much more. They’d make fun of Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton. Today? It’s about applause lines, and they only swing one way politically, and there’s way too much

SNL calls out Georgia for its new voting law during cold open

The state of Georgia got called out for its new voting law in the latest “Saturday Night Live” cold open on Saturday.

In another episode of the talk show “Oops, you did it again,” Britney Spears, played by Chloe Fineman, hosts the pariahs of the week to decide who is “not that innocent.”

At the beginning of the segment she says, “Speaking of pariahs, shout out to our sponsor Georgia. Voted best place not to vote,” as the state’s name appears across the bottom of the screen adorned by peaches.

So two pieces during the show mention Georgia (and the Oops skit went into more politics), as written by people who certainly did not read the law and are going with the myths propagated about the new law. It’s definitely not the “new Jim Crow”. When does SNL take on that the state of New York has fewer early voting days than Georgia and similar food and drink restrictions (it’s to keep partisans from interacting with people in line waiting to vote in order to stop influencing them, just like there can be no electioneering within so many feet of a polling station). Georgia allows no-excuse vote-by-mail, while New York requires an excuse.

Oh, and then there’s this

Per the instructions on the NBC website, to enter you send an email to snltickets@nbcuni.com while the lottery is open….

Standby tickets are a gamble, but they’re also your only option if you didn’t win tickets through the lottery or know someone who works at the show….

For both the SNL ticket lottery and standby tickets, audience members must be over 16 years old and have a valid photo ID.

Isn’t that, according to Democrats, racist? They require ID. And NBC requires ID to get tickets for all their shows. Will SNL stop requiring valid identification for their tickets? Of course not. Will they note people need ID to get a COVID shot, and that Dems are pushing for COVID passports? Of course not. Do as I say, not as I do.

Read: Saturday Night Live Takes On Georgia Voting Law Or Something »

We’re Saved! Energy Company Makes Spotify List For Climate Apocalypse

I was getting worried for a moment

Energy Company Makes Spotify Playlist to Reduce People’s Climate Crisis Concerns

European energy company Vattenfall has produced a Spotify playlist to help people who are losing sleep over the climate crisis.

The “Super Soothing Climate Progress Engineering Tracks” allow listeners to hear the technical details around energy production, hydroelectric power and electric vehicles.

The latest spot in Nord DDB’s pan-European “What’s Happening” campaign promotes a playlist of seven different tracks. It features a lady dozing off on a train while a Vattenfall employee whispers information in her ear about energy production. The series will be promoted through a new multi-channel campaign on TV, digital and social channels.

The second, called “Tuck In,” features a man in bed with his wife while a male Vattenfall employee lies between them whispering information about energy production.

It has been inspired by the rise of sleep meditation apps.

“Of course, we must admit that it is quite a challenge to become completely fossil-free, but at the same time, we know that people have a need to see all the positive things that are actually happening, since the opposite can lower the motivation to act. This is a way for us to reach new target groups in new channels, with a message of the work we do every day to be able to become fossil-free,” said Carole Lindmark, global brand director at Vattenfall, in a statement.

Setting the sarcasm down for a moment, this is exactly the type of do nothing but Climavirtue Signaling we have come to expect from Climate Cultists. It does absolutely nothing, except feed into making people even more crazy and scared, what’s called “climate anxiety”. You know, just like when you make yourself nuts and worried over absolutely nothing. Utter ridiculousness.


NY’s outgoing climate czar says he hopes Biden can save city from rising seas

Senior Director of Climate Policy and Programs for the City of New York Daniel Zarrilli is resigning his position.

After serving for eight years, Zarilli decided to leave office, hopeful that the Biden administration can combat the city’s climate concern, according to The Guardian.

“[It is the] right time to move on and hand over the reins,” said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, the man who appointed Zarilli in January 2016. Zarilli has a new position, but it is unknown what he will be doing within the climate crisis space.

Zarilli was appointed during the Trump administration, and the former president halted a study looking into constructing a sea barrier with retractable gates from New Jersey to Queens. Former President Trump called the project a “foolish” way to prevent climate disasters like Hurricane Sandy. Trump told New Yorkers to get “mops and buckets ready.” The project was going to cost $119 billion and include a series of man-made islands.

“That longer-term study was canceled but we are seeing more partnership with the federal government again,” Zarrilli said. “We’re hopeful the infrastructure bill will be a major climate bill that will be to the benefit of New York and cities around the world. It’s been a remarkable whiplash; we were fighting off the federal government for four years due to its reckless leadership. We will now see more flood defenses in the city – we are already under way with that.”

If NYC is so worried, why not spend their own money? Certainly all the leftist climate cultists wouldn’t mind a big tax to pay for it, right? Remember all the people who said that NYC would be underwater by 2000? And then 2018? And now they’re saying 5 feet of sea rise by 2100, because the other prognostications didn’t work out. There is continuous data for The Battery in NYC going back to 1895, which shows no acceleration and 2.88mm per year, which equates to .95 feet per 100 years, which is still lower than one would expect during a Holocene warm period. Again, the average for the last 7,000 years is 6-8 inches of rise per century, and, since cool periods mean lower rise, warm have to have higher rise. That’s the way averages work. The 20th Century was at exactly average.

Read: We’re Saved! Energy Company Makes Spotify List For Climate Apocalypse »

If All You See…

…is an area turned to desert because Other People won’t increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour because everything is part of climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on illegals being the worst parents.

Read: If All You See… »

Florida Governor Bans COVID Vaccine Passports

I’ve said before, I can see the point of having some sort of something which will show that you got vaccinated. I have the two cards provided by Wake County (I forgot to bring the 1st one when I got my 2nd shot), and have taken photos of them. I don’t necessarily have a problem with showing them, or having some sort of electronic something I can easily show at place where they want to know that the patrons are safe, safeguarding the other patrons and workers. Of course, where this breaks down is “mission creep”, with Government wanting to do more with this COVID passports, requiring them more and more, putting more information on them, tracking people, and who knows what Government authoritarians want to do. We didn’t need anything after the Spanish Flu ravaged the nation, did we?

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis bans coronavirus “vaccine passports” in the state

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order Friday prohibiting businesses from requiring customers to show proof they have received COVID vaccines and preventing the state government from issuing so-called “vaccine passports.”

Why it matters: Immunization credentials for the coronavirus have become a controversial subject, especially with Republican governors, though proof of vaccination could speed international travel and economic reopening plans.

What they’re saying: DeSantis’ order says requiring immunization credentials “would create two classes of citizens based on vaccination.”

  • “Businesses in Florida are prohibited from requiring patrons or customers to provide any documentation certifying COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery to gain access to, entry upon, or service from the business,” the order states.
  • “It is necessary to protect the fundamental rights and privacies of Floridians and the free flow of commerce in the state.”
  • Businesses that do not comply with the order will be ineligible to receive state contracts or grants.

The big picture: The Biden administration has been working with private companies to create immunization credentials, and many businesses, including some in Florida, have said they’ll require proof of vaccination as part of reopening.

While on the surface the passports aren’t bad, they are simply rife for abuse. Especially when we’re talking about making these all international. Do you want even more of your private data in the hands of bad actors like China and Russia?

Let’s not forget, the people who are pushing hardest on these passports are also crazy against showing identification to vote (and think blacks are too dumb to be able to get one. Not racist at all, right?). MLB pulled the All Star game from Atlanta over the utterly misrepresented and lied about Georgie voting integrity bill, which requires voter ID. You need ID to purchase a beer at the game, pick up your tickets, and more. You need an ID to go on a White House tour. You need an ID to drive. You need one at the airport, multiple times. And you need an ID to get your vaccine shot.

Read: Florida Governor Bans COVID Vaccine Passports »

You Know What’s Super Scary? Cherry Blossom Trees Blooming A Bit Earlier From Climate Apocalypse

You know it’s a doomsday cult when they can find the most mundane thing and turn it into a sign of the apocalypse. There’s nothing unusual about trees blooming a bit early during a low level Holocene warm period. It’s happened many times before and will happen again. But, this is your fault this time, and we should all be super scared and give up our money, freedom, and choice to government

Early bloom of cherry blossoms in Washington DC point to climate crisis
Unusually warm weather accelerated the bloom cycle of the mall’s 3,800 cherry trees, causing them to pop days ahead of schedule

Spring has sprung in America’s capital, bringing with it a resplendent bloom of white and pink cherry blossoms that is one of the city’s grandest annual traditions.

But this year, as Washington DC’s residents embrace a relative return to normal after a tumultuous year marked by the coronavirus and civil unrest, the earlier-than-anticipated bloom may point to yet another looming crisis: climate change.

Unusually warm weather in Washington accelerated the bloom cycle of the National Mall’s 3,800 cherry trees, causing the blossoms to pop days ahead of schedule in what experts say is a new normal that will make their arrival increasingly difficult to predict.

“Empirical data shows the peak bloom date for the cherry trees is occurring earlier than it did in the past,” said Mike Litterst, a spokesman for the National Park Service.

Washington’s cherry trees now reach peak bloom about six days sooner than they did 100 years ago. At the same time, weather station measurements in the US capital show the temperature has increased by 1.6C (2.88F).

This is what they’re freaking out about: 6 days earlier from 100 years ago, in a city that looks quite a bit different that it did in 1920

You can find plenty of photos like that. There are quite a few more buildings, lots more traffic, lots more people, lots more air conditioners and heating, all contributing to an increase in temperature from land use/Urban Heat Island effect. See The Eclipse up in the top right, in what is known as President’s Park? There were four baseball diamonds there in 1920. Not now. Things change. And if DC is 2.88F above what it was in 1920, that’s well above the actual global increase, which is 1.5F since 1850, hence, it is artificial and localized.

Anyone freaking over a 6 day earlier blossoming should be deprogrammed from their cult.

Read: You Know What’s Super Scary? Cherry Blossom Trees Blooming A Bit Earlier From Climate Apocalypse »

China Joe Reportedly Attempting To Craft Executive Orders That Can’t Be Undone On Gun Grabbing

The Associated Press forgets to ask and answer a very pertinent question: would any of these EOs actually make a difference in reducing gun play? Would they make any difference in Chicago, which is seeing the most shootings since 2017? Or so many others that are occurring in Democratic Party run cities, where murder is, at last check, still illegal?

Analysis: Biden White House tries to craft gun executive orders that can’t be undone

The White House is trying to craft a series of executive actions for President Joe Biden to sign to try to limit gun violence, hoping they cannot be quickly dismantled in court, according to aides and gun safety groups.

Among the measures being considered – and strongly encouraged by activists – is one directing the Department of Justice (DOJ) to reinterpret existing law on untraceable “ghost guns.”

So-called “ghost gun” kits are self-assembled from parts purchased online or at gun shows and are increasingly associated with crimes. But they are not classified as firearms and so can be legally sold without serial numbers or background checks.

The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has said more than 30% of the illegal weapons it has confiscated in some areas of California are ghost guns.

Among the topics discussed, according to attendees, were “ghost guns”, pushing the DOJ to bring more cases against firearms dealers and manufacturers, limiting exemptions for private sales from background check rules, and alerting local law enforcement when someone fails a federal background check.

So, they say ghost guns associated with crime. What types? How often? Are there shootings involved? You know if they were being used the Credentialed Media would be screaming about this, right? Going after dealers and manufacturers? For what, selling and manufacturing legal devices? If any have done something illegal, why would an EO be needed? Under what authority would limiting exemptions be changed by an EO? That’s something lawmakers would have to do. The last one is already supposed to be done.

Biden has said the administration is exploring whether he has the authority to take action on firearms made using 3D printers as well as on imported guns.

“We stand ready and all options are on the table,” said Amy Hunter, a spokeswoman for the pro-gun National Rifle Association, when asked about the possibility of presidential executive orders.

White House and Department of Justice lawyers are working to anticipate a raft of legal challenges, aides and allies said.

If you’re worried about Constitutional lawsuits, well, that should tell you that your EOs could very well be un-Constitutional

The Department of Justice needs to create a paper trail to show that any rule change was not abrupt or political, that it has a strong foundation in law, and that officials followed a reasoned and orderly process before making the change, lawyers and activists say.

“They are talking about the levers that they have to address gun violence,” said Christian Heyne, vice president of policy at the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, a group that has met with White House. “That’s reflected in some of the meetings they had.”

I have an idea: how about enforcing the tens of thousands of existing laws on the books? How about developing a system whereby people who have been busted by police at any level (as well as in the military, as we’ve seen) are put into the database for checking gun eligibility, which would make the so-called
Charleston loophole” null.

Absent congressional legislation that cements any U.S. presidents’ executive orders or other policies into law, the conservative-leaning Supreme Court could have the final say.

Cute, considering how often hardcore leftist courts blocked Trump’s EOs. Anyhow, how many shootings will this stop? How many killings? How many crimes involving a firearm will be stopped? When they instituted the 55 mile an hour speed limit, seat belts, helmets, and other moving vehicle regulations, they said “it will save this many lives.” What will any of these gun restrictions do?

Read: China Joe Reportedly Attempting To Craft Executive Orders That Can’t Be Undone On Gun Grabbing »

Climate Cult Groups Want Kerry To Stop Wall Street From Investing In Fossil Fuels

Where does climate envoy and climahypocrite John Kerry get the authority to do this? Further, it just reinforces that these people are Fascists

U.S. Climate Groups Call On Kerry to Shut Off Wall Street Funds

Climate groups are calling on John Kerry to shut off the flow of money from Wall Street to the fossil-fuel industry and acknowledge the role of U.S. finance firms in warming the planet.

A total of 145 organizations, including the U.S. divisions of Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, wrote to Kerry, the special presidential envoy for climate, requesting his support in addressing the contribution that banks and investors make to climate change by financing companies involved in fossil-fuel extraction and deforestation. If the U.S. is to be a global leader on climate issues, it must take action to cut off the money pipeline to polluters, the groups said.

“We must recognize that Wall Street isn’t yet an ally,” they wrote. “As long as U.S. firms continue to pour more money into the drivers of climate change, they are actively undermining President Biden’s climate goals.’’

A State Department spokesperson said the U.S. government doesn’t have sufficient resources to address the crisis by itself and will require the public and private sector to help finance its climate agenda.

“Resources”? How about authority. When I started saying this whole ‘climate change’ thing was about politics, not science, 16+ years ago people said I was off-base. This simply smacks of authoritarianism, forcing others to Comply with the whims of the cult. It’s no wonder they love China so much. They love this power.


Oil companies defeat New York City appeal over global warming

A federal appeals court on Thursday rejected New York City’s effort to hold five major oil companies liable to help pay the costs of addressing harm caused by global warming.

Ruling in favor of BP Plc, Chevron Corp, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil Corp and Royal Dutch Shell Plc, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan said the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions should be addressed under federal law and international treaties.

It rejected the city’s efforts to sue under state nuisance law for damages caused by the companies’ “admittedly legal” production and sale of fossil fuels, and said the city’s federal common law claims were displaced by the federal Clean Air Act.

“Global warming presents a uniquely international problem of national concern,” Circuit Judge Richard Sullivan wrote for a three-judge panel. “It is therefore not well-suited to the application of state law.”

First off, screw international concerns and such. We go by American law and the Constitution. Second, if NYC is so upset, they could stop using fossil fuels for city operations, right? Perhaps their mayor could stop taking fossil fueled flights.

Read: Climate Cult Groups Want Kerry To Stop Wall Street From Investing In Fossil Fuels »

Pirate's Cove