If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on the NY Times doxxing the Chauvin trial jurors.

Read: If All You See… »

CNN: Once You’re Vaccinated You Can Live Your Life

I’m just wondering if they meant to say this, as they’re also fear-mongering about a 4th wave

Get fully vaccinated before resuming normal activities, health experts plead with Americans

With fears growing that the US may be facing a fourth surge of Covid-19 cases, health experts are pleading with Americans to keep taking precautions until they are fully vaccinated.

“Please wait until you’re fully vaccinated before you’re traveling, before you’re engaging in high-risk activities,” said CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen. “No doubt when you become vaccinated, the activities that were once higher risk are now going to be lower risk and so just wait until then.”

Wen said she worries the US is on the “precipice” of a fourth surge as data is showing that infections are now skewed toward a younger generation.

Her sentiments were echoed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, who told NBC Nightly News that while he is feeling some Covid-19 fatigue himself, it is important the US continue taking precautions while vaccinating Americans.

“We need to hold out just a bit longer and give vaccines a chance to really get the upper hand in this,” Fauci said. “I’ll guarantee as we get into the late spring and the early summer, you’re going to see a return to gradual degree of normality that everyone is hoping for, but we don’t want to do it prematurely.”

OK, I got my second shot yesterday, so, in about two weeks I can say to hell with all the precautions, according to CNN. I can go and live my life.

But, really, how much of the 4th wave stuff is pushed into the fear-mongering realm because these people want to keep people controlled and in fear? They keep pushing out the timeline, adding to the lockdown. Meanwhile, Texas and Florida seem to be doing well, along with all the other states who’ve lifted their mask mandates and opened their states up mostly or fully.

The protection offered by the Pfizer/BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine remains high for at least six months, the companies said Thursday.

And Wen, speaking on CNN on Friday, described that level of protection as “the floor, definitely not the ceiling.”

She added: “Most likely the protection that the vaccine will provide will be years even. But we just don’t know that.”

“I do think there’s a possibility that we may need to get a booster shot. Maybe booster shots that target new, emerging variants,” Wen said. “But I think that’s a small price to pay now that we have these safe and very effective vaccines that are out there.”

That’s interesting to know, since I got the Pfizer. Still going to live my life. What will the Elites do next in trying to control the population?

Read: CNN: Once You’re Vaccinated You Can Live Your Life »

You Know What’s Lacking In The Scientific Method For Climate Science? “Human Engagement”

The Scientific Method is a process that was developed from a thousand years of scientific endeavors, about taking your feelings and personal opinions out and going with Facts, but, it’s rather inconvenient for a cult

Climate scientist pinpoints what exactly is lacking in the scientific method

Dr. Mika Tosca, 36, a climate scientist and assistant professor at the School Art Institute of Chicago, believes a certain step, if not process, is missing from the scientific method: a lack of human engagement. Of all subjects and their relation to science, art is what she accredits to allowing her to explore ways to better produce scientific knowledge.

“It’s [the scientific method] a lot of solo scientific work, whereas artists and designers start a lot of projects by talking to people,” Tosca told AccuWeather in an interview. Her theory is if scientists could adopt this process and think about the ways in which designers and artists create, perhaps scientists could find solutions to long-enduring questions.

For Tosca, one of those questions is how to address climate change.

The answer, she theorizes, may intersect with other movements for change.

“I think that if we are ever going to have a better world, for example, if we’re going to solve climate change, we can’t really do that on its own,” Tosca said. “It needs to be accompanied by, in my opinion, just sort of general liberation for queer people and for POC, and etc.”

Got that? Science needs to be all about feelings and social justice and stuff, hence, the Scientific Method, which is dispassionate and about facts needs to change (and because most climate cult research and hypotheses cannot stand up to the rigors of the SM)

Dr. Mika Tosca, a climate scientist and assistant professor at the School Art Institute of Chicago, tells AccuWeather how meteorology intersects with social movements.

As biases around marginalized groups persist across communities, factors from access to university-level education to not having representation or visibility in the field to a potential employer’s own biases all play a role in the diversity of the people coming to the table in the STEM field.

So, does this mean we have to force people of color, women, etc, into meteorology, climate science, STEM? And then teach them SJW stuff rather than science, of course.

“If I talk about being a trans[gender] scientist or, you know, someone talks about being a Black meteorologist or a woman, we’re often told you can leave your identity aside, but it’s not really true because the default identity for science has been white men.” (snip)

“Oftentimes, we think of science as being unbiased and objective and devoid of identity, but I’m here to talk about how that’s not really true and never has been true,” Tosca said. “I think we should bring our full selves to the job, even if it seems like two different things, like being trans and also studying the weather.”

This is a very long, crazy, wackadoodle piece, full of seriously cringe-worthy not-about-science stuff. Because it’s a cult. Not science. Hence the belief that the Scientific Method should be changed to accommodate them.

Read: You Know What’s Lacking In The Scientific Method For Climate Science? “Human Engagement” »

US Military Goes 100% Woke On Transgenders, Will Even Pay For Transition Surgery

Old and Busted: joining the military to get money for college. New and hot: spending your time in the military getting all sorts of gender confused surgeries and such rather than training and fighting, all paid for by Uncle/Aunt Sam

Glad China Joe picked a guy more interested in social experiments rather than making sure that the U.S. Military is the strongest fighting force in the world

Pentagon Releases New Policies Enabling Transgender People To Serve In The Military

The Pentagon announced new policies on Wednesday that undo the Trump-era rules that effectively banned transgender people from serving in the military.

The new regulations provide “access to the military in one’s self-identified gender provided all appropriate standards are met,” the Defense Department said in a statement, and “provide a path for those in service for medical treatment, gender transition, and recognition in one’s self-identified gender.”

The new policies go into effect April 30.

“These policies are based on the conclusion that open service by transgender persons who are subject to the same high standards and procedures as other Service members with regard to medical fitness for duty, physical fitness, uniform and grooming standards, deployability, and retention is consistent with military service and readiness,” the Department of Defense instructions state.

So, will the fake men be held to the same standard as the real, biological men? Will the fake women be berthed with real, biological women? Will they spend most of their time getting therapy and transition procedures? Trans folks have a lot of mental health issues, and are way more likely to commit  suicide, which is always great when they’re around all the weapons in the military, right?

“We applaud this step to ensure the Department of Defense provides inclusive policy to attract and retain the best and brightest our nation has to offer,” said Air Force Lt. Col. Bree Fram, who is vice president of SPART*A, a transgender military advocacy organization.

The military is about getting the best fighters, the best to complete the mission of protecting the United States, not who can be the best Social Justice Warrior.

“Military personnel reach maximum effectiveness when they have access to all medically necessary care and we are excited that this policy extends that access to transgender service members. Additionally, opening recruitment to transgender individuals ensures an extremely talented and motivated pool of people that this country needs have the opportunity to serve in uniform,” Fram said in a statement.

One of the bullet points in the article says “The Defense Health Agency will develop clinical practice guidelines to support the medical treatment of service members diagnosed with gender dysphoria.” In other words, they’ll spend their time not being soldiers/airman/Marines/seamen, they’ll treat joining as a way for free stuff, getting boob jobs, lip injections, estrogen/testosterone treatments, and so on. And they’ll muster out the minute they get their stuff. I’m sure China and Russia are laughing at the U.S.

Read: US Military Goes 100% Woke On Transgenders, Will Even Pay For Transition Surgery »

Hotcold Take: Senator Durbin Says It’s Patriotic To Invest In Climate (scam) Bonds

If he wants to play this game, I’d say that it is patriotic for climate cultists to give up their own use of fossil fueled travel, their big fancy pants houses, meat, and make their lives carbon neutral

Sen. Durbin wants Americans to make a ‘very patriotic investment’ in bonds to fight climate change

In times of war, the U.S. government has asked Americans to buy bonds to help fund the fight. Now, Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) wants to give Americans the chance to buy bonds in order to fund the fight against climate change.

“Many of us believe that climate change is a similar challenge and an expensive one,” said Durbin in an interview with Yahoo Finance.

Durbin and Rep. Ted Deutch (D., Fla.) have proposed a bill that would authorize the U.S. Treasury to offer $200 million in state and local tax-exempt “climate bonds” annually, with the option to increase the issuance to $1 billion if the demand exists.

Money from the bond sales would go toward a Climate Change Resiliency Fund, which would give grants to federal, state, and local governments, non-profits and other organizations to fund projects to fight climate change. A bipartisan commission would create program requirements and select projects to be funded trough the Climate Change Resilience Fund, giving priority to low-income communities and communities of color.

So, a slush fund to patronize these people, who will have their lives destroyed by climate cult policies.

“Let’s get into the world where Americans live and let them know that this is a very important patriotic investment in the country,” said Durbin.

Read: Hotcold Take: Senator Durbin Says It’s Patriotic To Invest In Climate (scam) Bonds »

If All You See….

…are palm trees that will soon grow in Canada due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Change Dispatch, with a post on the statue to St. Greta.

It’s Opening Day! And, yes, most are picking the Dodgers to repeat.

Read: If All You See…. »

China Joe Whines About Texas Rangers Having Fans In Attendance

The Elites really do not like people getting back to normal, as that takes away their power to limit freedom

President Joe Biden on Rangers allowing 100 percent capacity crowds: ‘I think it’s a mistake’

Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Texas Rangers have announced plans to fill Globe Life Field to 100 percent capacity this season.

President Joe Biden thinks they are making a mistake.

During an interview with ESPN that aired Wednesday night, Biden stressed the importance of masks, vaccines and safety protocols for MLB as it enters opening day. He was blunt while assessing the Rangers’ full-stadium plan:

Well, that’s a decision they made. I think it’s a mistake,” Biden said. “They should listen to Dr. [Anthony] Fauci, the scientists and the experts. But I think it’s not responsible.”

The Rangers remain the lone team to announce plans for 100-percent capacity crowds, but it’s unlikely they will be alone by the end of the season, or even the All-Star break. Other leagues have interest in doing the same; NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said Tuesday he hopes to see every team with full stadiums when the NFL season begins in September.

Would this be the same Dr. Fauci caught at the ballpark not wearing a mask in close proximity to others?

Remember, that’s when pretty much no fans were allowed at the ballparks. And how’s Texas doing since killing off their mask mandate and fully reopening the state?

They’re actually doing much better than super restrictive New York. Personally, I would not go to a full stadium at this point. Even after getting my 2nd shot later today I might hold off for a bit, rather be safe than sorry. But, that’s my choice. Others can do as they want. I’ll mind my business, they can mind theirs.

Go Dodgers!

Read: China Joe Whines About Texas Rangers Having Fans In Attendance »

“Experts” Say The Next Fight Between US And China Will Be Over Climate Crisis (scam)

China has been getting rather frisky for years, building up their military, making moves toward Taiwan and the south Pacific, and has amped that up since Joe came into office. But, you know cultists have to cult

U.S. and China’s next economic battle will be over climate change, experts say

Having long been at loggerheads over trade, technology and capital markets, the world’s foremost economic superpowers are turning their attention to climate change as the next path to commercial supremacy.

China outspent the U.S. nearly two-to-one on energy transition-related investment between 2010 and 2020, according to BNEF data, Bank of America’s ESG Research team highlighted in a report last month.

Pressure points including “supply chain dominance, domestic-focused manufacturing policies, human rights-related laws and carbon-related trade tariffs,” BofA analysts said.

BofA Managing Director of Research Haim Israel said a “climate war” between Washington and Beijing would follow the tech war and trade war as climate change becomes the dominant economic and political theme of the coming decades.

Yeah, quite a bit of that energy they’ve invested in have been coal plants and making super cheap and not as good solar panels to sell to idiot Western nations, undercutting the Western world manufacturers. China is the very definition of “paying lip service” while not actually doing anything, all in an attempt to beat Western nations economically while making moves to ingratiate themselves with 3rd world nations.

“It’s not just about saving the planet. We believe climate strategies offer a route to global supremacy, as much more is at stake here: the economic impact of climate could reach $69 trillion this century, and energy transition investment needing to rise up to $4 trillion per year,” Israel said in a research note in February.

“Energy independence and supply chain control are also at stake with the geopolitical balance of power also linked to peak oil in 2030.”

We’re still doing this “peak oil” thing?

Harry Broadman, managing director and chair of the emerging markets and CFIUS practices at Berkeley Research Group, told CNBC last week that developed countries’ ability to develop, execute and sell products that advance the climate agenda without negatively affecting the labor market would shape the economic landscape in the coming years.

In Reality Land, this won’t happen.

“There can be only one sort of standard in the world from a pure economic perspective. The economies of scale are so powerful that if you have two co-existing standards, someone is going to lose money,” he explained.

“That’s why I think whoever wins that race is going to be on top. That race has begun and the G-7 have not pursued this through collective action, and that is what they have to do. Climate is just an extraordinarily critical case in point.”

That’s about the G7 banding together to Do Something about the climate scam, taking on China. And China will be happy as hell that the U.S. and it’s European partners in the G7 are limiting their economies for this scam while China doesn’t.

Read: “Experts” Say The Next Fight Between US And China Will Be Over Climate Crisis (scam) »

Biden’s Infrastructure Plan: Destroying Right To Work, Hooking Up Rich Folks With Electric Vehicles

It would be crazy to just focus on infrastructure in an infrastructure bill, right?

Biden Infrastructure Plan Erodes ‘Right-to-Work’ Laws, Includes ‘Card Check

A provision of President Joe Biden’s proposed $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan, the American Jobs Plan, would erode “right-to-work” laws in states that do not force workers to join a union, and would include a controversial “card check” system.

As described by the White House, the plan will “promote union organizing and collective bargaining,” in part through the “Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act,” a Democrat bill that passed the House of Representatives earlier this year.

In the event that workers vote not to join a union, the PRO Act allows the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to set aside the results if an employer is found to have interfered in any way. The union will then immediately become certified if “a majority of the employees in the bargaining unit have signed authorizations designating the labor organization as their collective bargaining representative” in the year preceding the election.

Those “signed authorizations” are a system called “card check,” in which union members can approach workers — even at their homes — and ask them to sign that they want to join the union.

“Card check” does away with the secret ballot, and it could allow union organizers to intimidate workers — which is why even former Democratic Party presidential nominee George McGovern opposed the idea in 2008. Then as now, Democrats claimed they were helping workers’ rights, calling “card check” the “Employee Free Choice Act.”

Over half the states are “right to work” states, where people cannot be forced to join a union or pay dues as terms of employment. It would also reclassify many independent workers as employees, causing serious harm, just like we’ve seen with California’s AB5.

Hey, I’ll offer a deal: y’all Democrats get that stuff, but, you must do away with all public sector unions. Sounds fair, right? Unions are very much dying out in the public sector.

Biden’s Push for Electric Cars: $174 Billion, 10 Years and a Bit of Luck

President Biden is a muscle-car guy — one of his most prized possessions is a 1967 Corvette that he got from his father. But he’s trying to make this an electric vehicle world.

The $2 trillion infrastructure plan that he unveiled on Wednesday is aimed at tackling climate change in part by spending up to $174 billion to encourage Americans to switch to cars and trucks that run on electricity, not gasoline or diesel. That is a large investment but it might not be enough to push most Americans toward E.V.s.

Why is Government pushing people to do something big like this? Enticing people to wash their hands, social distance, limit contact, get the vaccine? Yeah. COVID may not be as dangerous as positioned, but, you never know if you’re the one who gets a mild sickness or the one on a ventilator. Pushing to buy something very expensive that is completely unnecessary? An which most of the climate cultists pushing this do not drive?

Despite rapid growth in recent years, electric vehicles remain a niche product, making up just 2 percent of the new car market and 1 percent of all cars, sport-utility vehicles, vans and pickup trucks on the road. They have been slow to take off in large part because they can cost up to $10,000 more than similar conventional cars and trucks. Charging E.V.s is also more difficult and slower than simply refilling the tank at far more prevalent gas stations.

$10,000 is chump change to someone like Biden, but, not too most people. And it’s really not “up to”. More like “way over $10k more.” Is a Honda Civic Touring similar to the base model Tesla? It’s darned sure a heck of a lot more for you money that a Nissan Leaf. Then you have to have the charger installed in your home.

Mr. Biden hopes to address many of those challenges through federal largess. He aims to lower the cost of electric vehicles by offering individuals, businesses and governments tax credits, rebates and other incentives. To address the chicken-and-egg problem of getting people to try a new technology before it is widely accepted, he hopes to build half a million chargers by 2030 so people will feel confident that they won’t be stranded when they run out of juice. And he is offering help to automakers to get them to build electric vehicles and batteries in the United States.

Tax rebates are not the same as actual cash, and right off the bat, many banks will not provide a loan for a car of that price, based on people’s credit and income. And people do not want to be jammed into a tiny vehicle. Some need their bigger vehicles, especial minvans for the families. Why doesn’t government mind it’s own ****** business?

Read: Biden’s Infrastructure Plan: Destroying Right To Work, Hooking Up Rich Folks With Electric Vehicles »

High Flying John Kerry Says “Mother Earth Is Screaming At Us” Or Something

Perhaps John, who was in Vietnam, should give up all his fossil fueled vehicles, his private jet, his multiple homes, and disinherit himself from all the money from Heinz, which uses lots and lots of fossil fuels to make and distribute their products (geez, I haven’t written that in a long, long time)

“Mother Earth, the planet, is screaming at us”: U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry tells global leaders not enough is being done to fight climate change crisis

John Kerry climateThe global community is failing to urgently combat the climate crisis, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry told leaders at the International Energy Agency’s COP-26 Net Zero Summit.

“I don’t want to be the scold,” said Kerry, speaking virtually Wednesday morning. “But we’re here because of science. This is not politics. This is not ideology. This is not some political goal. This is not a pet project of one, or two, or three countries. This is a reality.”

The U.S. is the world’s second leading emitter of carbon behind China. As a sign of America’s crucial role in the fight for climate recovery, Kerry was the first representative of any country to address the summit. (snip)

Kerry said the next 10 years of the “gargantuan” climate fight cannot be approached “willy-nilly,” adding that if not enough is done by 2030, the 2050 and 2060 goals will be irrelevant. He also stressed the need for collective change, saying if the U.S. or China — also present at the summit — were to reach net-zero emissions “tomorrow,” the world would still be on track for climate disaster.

This, he said, was his “plea.”

“Mother Earth, the planet, is screaming at us,” Kerry told the conference. “Not to mention the next generations that are likewise screaming at us and saying to us, “Hey, adults. Please be adults. Make the decisions we need to make.”

Hey, if John, Joe, Kamala, the rest of the Democrats and all the Warmists want to be adults, then practice what you preach and stop trying to shove your cult on the rest of us.

Meanwhile, about that summit

UK-hosted summit seeks solutions for ‘searing injustice’ of climate change

Britain will highlight how the poorest who have done the least to cause climate change are suffering the worst of its impacts, and urge rich countries to offer more support at an online ministerial summit on Wednesday.

The virtual meeting will bring together governments, development banks and others to work on solutions to the floods, droughts and extreme heat faced by many developing countries, as well as ways to boost energy access, clean air and smart cities.

In a statement, London said the event would be an opportunity for countries on the climate frontline to “help set the international agenda” ahead of the G7 summit in June and the COP26 U.N. climate talks to be held in Glasgow in November.

See? It’s all about science, not politics. Right? And, call me a big meany, but, you don’t give the interns a voice in running your big company. You don’t let countries which pretty have done nothing, with many of them living sometime back in the early 20th Century or earlier, a voice in how you run your country.

Read: High Flying John Kerry Says “Mother Earth Is Screaming At Us” Or Something »

Pirate's Cove