Good News: WHO Study, Backed By China, Absolves China

See, the World Health Organization, which is totally not in the pocket of China, says that it was definitely not bio-research that caused COVID19, as stated by China

AP Exclusive: WHO report says animals likely source of COVID

A joint World Health Organization-China study on the origins of COVID-19 says that transmission of the virus from bats to humans through another animal is the most likely scenario and that a lab leak is “extremely unlikely,” according to a draft copy obtained by The Associated Press.

The findings offer little new insight into how the virus first emerged and leave many questions unanswered. But the report does provide more detail on the reasoning behind the researchers’ conclusions.

The team proposed further research in every area except the lab leak hypothesis — a speculative theory that was promoted by former U.S. President Donald Trump among others. It also said the role played by a seafood market where human cases were first identified was uncertain. (snip)

The report, which is expected to be made public Tuesday, is being closely watched since discovering the origins of the virus could help scientists prevent future pandemics — but it’s also extremely sensitive since China bristles at any suggestion that it is to blame for the current one.

See? China, I mean the WHO, say the lab leak theory is not credible. I’m totes convinced!

Matthew Kavanagh of Georgetown University said the report deepened the understanding of the virus’s origins, but more information was needed.

“It is clear that that the Chinese government has not provided all the data needed and, until they do, firmer conclusions will be difficult,” he said in a statement.

Last year, an AP investigation found the Chinese government was strictly controlling all research into its origins. And repeated delays in the report’s release have raised questions about whether the Chinese side was trying to skew its conclusions.

But China, I mean the WHO, is totally fine with this.

Still, suspicion of China has helped fuel the theory that the virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan, the Chinese city where the virus was first identified. The report cited several reasons for all but dismissing that possibility.

It said that such laboratory accidents are rare, that the labs in Wuhan were well-managed and there is no record of viruses closely related to the coronavirus in any laboratory before December 2019.

So, rare, meaning they happen. And China cleaned it all up. If China even really let anyone look at the lab. Former CDC head Dr. Robert Redfield says that the most likely scenario is that it did escape from the Wuhan lab. Being China, that is the most likely scenario. WHO covered for China from the get-go, and, for some reason (probably Trump Derangement Syndrome, having to back the opposite of anything Trump says), the U.S. media decided to take China’s side. And few of the other stories that came out yesterday and this morning show any type of skepticism over this joint WHO-China report.

Read: Good News: WHO Study, Backed By China, Absolves China »

Doom: Hotcoldwetdry Threatens Potato Chip Production!

This is horrible, and all your fault, you know

Climate Change Threatens Potato Chip Production, Global Food Storage

Climate change poses significant dangers to global food supplies as rising temperatures make storage more difficult, The Associated Press reports.

Food around the world is stored outside after harvest, before processing, but rising temperatures and other altered weather patterns threaten to drive prices higher as more food is lost and producers are forced to install costly equipment to protect food stores.

Rising temperatures will make it easier for insects and mold to destroy grain stores in Sub-Saharan Africa, and in Mecosta, Michigan, Brian Sackett was forced to spend $125,000 on a new refrigeration unit to protect what will become potato chips. Michigan potato farmers have long been able to rely on fans and cool air from the September harvest to late spring to keep their potatoes fresh. But the annual period in which outdoor air in the region is cool enough to store potatoes will likely drop by as much as 17 days in the next 30 years. “Our good, fresh, cool air is getting less all the time, it seems like,” Sackett said.

Oh, so it isn’t actually happening, it just might possibly maybe we feel EVERYBODY PANIC happen in the next 30 years? And even if it does, why is this different from the other Holocene warm periods? Earth gets warm, Earth gets cool. The temperature is not stagnant. Changes occur. Of course, Warmists like to blame Mankind for this, while failing to modify their own behavior and lives to accord with their Beliefs.

This is what the AP article mentioned has to say

For generations, Brian Sackett’s family has farmed potatoes that are made into chips found on grocery shelves in much of the eastern U.S.

About 25% of the nation’s potato chips get their start in Michigan, where reliably cool air during September harvest and late spring has been ideal for crop storage. That’s a big reason why the state produces more chipping potatoes than any other.

But with temperatures edging higher, Sackett had to buy several small refrigeration units for his sprawling warehouses. Last year, he paid $125,000 for a bigger one. It’s expensive to operate, but beats having his potatoes rot.

“Our good, fresh, cool air is getting less all the time, it seems like,” he said on a recent morning as a front-end loader scooped up piles of plump, light-brown potatoes that would be packed into a tractor trailer for shipment to chip factories.

The situation here illustrates a little-noticed hazard that climate change is posing for agriculture in much of the world. Once harvested, crops not immediately consumed or processed are stored — sometimes for months. The warming climate is making that job harder and costlier.

The global temperature has gone up a tiny 1.5 Fahrenheit since 1850. That’s it.

But, hey, we can solve this with a tax, right?

Read: Doom: Hotcoldwetdry Threatens Potato Chip Production! »

China Joe Demands States Reimpose Mask Mandates – While Failing To Wear A Mask

At the height of the mask mandates, only 31 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico had them. Some were more stringent than others. Since then, many states have gotten rid of them. This makes Dementia Joe unhappy

Biden calls on states to reinstate mask mandates as CDC warns of possible COVID-19 surge

President Biden is calling on states to reinstate mask mandates following a dire warning from the CDC about the possibility of a new surge in COVID-19 cases.

Biden on Monday said “this is not a time to lessen our efforts” in the COVID-19 pandemic, adding he agrees with CDC Director Rochelle Walensky’s comments earlier in the day after she expressed a feeling “of impending doom” about COVID-19 cases ticking up in the United States.

“Our work is far from over,” Biden said. “The war against COVID-19 is far from won. This is deadly serious … If we let our guard down now, we could see a virus getting worse, not better.”

Biden also criticized “some of the reckless behavior we’ve seen on television over the past few weeks,” saying it’s a “very bad thing” that “people are letting up on precautions,” and he called on states that have lifted their mask mandates to reinstate them.

“Please, this is not politics,” Biden said. “Reinstate the mandate if you let it down. And businesses should require mask as well. The failure to take this virus seriously is precisely what got us into this mess in the first place.”

“Everyone wear a mask but me!” How often are Joe and his peeps caught failing to wear a mask in an indoor setting, which violates Joe’s EO? But then Joe, who has been fully vaccinated, will wear two masks outdoors while social distancing from reporters. Do as I say, not as I do.

They’re going to keep finding ways to attempt to force compliance on masks

Don’t throw away your masks yet

We posed a few questions about where the pandemic is headed to epidemiologist Ali Mokdad, a professor of health metrics sciences at the IHME. (snip)

We predicted a bump in this month and in April simply because of the new variant, B.1.1.7. We knew that it would come in. We also predicted a bump because many Americans told us in surveys — 25% of Americans — said once they get the vaccine, they’re not going to be wearing the mask.

So we are taking into account that mask wearing will come down and we’ve seen it come down slowly in the United States. So that’s very important to keep in mind.

What does it mean for Americans? We’re heading into summer. The vaccines are doing a great job. They’re effective and they’re preventing infections. The warm weather and the vaccines are helping us. Our behavior is hurting us. That balance will dictate what happens in the future.

Conditionally, right now, if Americans keep up wearing the mask and keep limiting the mobility, we should see a decline all the way to the next winter. Why next winter? It’s a seasonal virus. Next winter, we’re going to have a surge. There is no way to avoid it. Like the flu, it’s going to come up again.

So, even with an expectation of herd immunity from vaccinations and antibodies from having had COVID, they still want us wearing masks through winter. And social distancing and all sorts of restrictions.

Read: China Joe Demands States Reimpose Mask Mandates – While Failing To Wear A Mask »

Your Fault: Earth Will Soon Have “Ultra-Heat Waves”

Yeah, I saw you take that fossil fueled trip down the road when you could have walked

Ignoring climate change will lead to “ultra-extreme” heatwaves

In a new study from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, experts report that ignoring the signs of climate change will lead to “ultra-extreme” heatwaves in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) that are extremely damaging to human health and society.

To assess the characteristics of emerging heatwaves in the MENA region, the researchers used a mix of climate projections designed exclusively for this geographic area. The team then projected future hot spells based on the Heat Wave Magnitude Index.

“Our results, for a business-as-usual pathway, indicate that in the second half of this century unprecedented super- and ultra-extreme heatwave conditions will emerge,” explained study lead author George Zittis of The Cyprus Institute.

The researchers said that these events will involve excessively high temperatures of up to 56 degrees Celsius – or 132 degrees Fahrenheit – and higher in urban settings and could last for multiple weeks. The consequences for humans and animals will be potentially life-threatening.

“By the end of the century, about half of the MENA population (approximately 600 million) could be exposed to annually recurring super- and ultra-extreme heatwaves,” wrote the experts.

See? Doom! Sometime in the latter half of the century. But, we can fix this by raising your taxes and taking away your freedom, liberty, and choice

To avoid extreme heatwaves in the MENA region, the scientists are calling for immediate and effective climate change mitigation measures, including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

Once that type of stuff is added this is no longer science, but politics.

Read: Your Fault: Earth Will Soon Have “Ultra-Heat Waves” »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful pristine wild area that is perfect for wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on your Monday feel good stories.

Read: If All You See… »

How Soon Will All The Gun Violence Research Be Memory-Holed?

The NY Times thinks that Science can solve the “epidemic of gun violence.” I don’t think they’re going to like the results

Can New Gun Violence Research Find a Path Around the Political Stalemate?

Dr. Bindi J. Naik-Mathuria, a pediatric trauma surgeon at Texas Children’s Hospital who grew tired of seeing toddlers die of gunshot wounds, has a $684,000 federal grant to track every gun-related death and injury in Houston. The goal: identify and address “hot spots” the way public health researchers track and contain the coronavirus.

Dr. Garen J. Wintemute, an emergency room doctor and longtime firearm violence researcher in California, is supervising scientific research on whether community interventions in Detroit and Cleveland — including the greening of vacant spaces and the work of so-called violence interrupters like former gang members — can drive down gun-related deaths and injuries.

And Andrew R. Morral, a behavioral scientist at the RAND Corp., a research group, is using sophisticated modeling tools to estimate rates of gun ownership in every state, with detailed demographic information. The purpose, he said, is to search for patterns in firearm homicides and suicides — a first, basic step in research that could lead to reducing them.

The recent mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder, Colorado, have once again left Democrats and Republicans in a stalemate over background checks for gun buyers and assault weapons bans. But public health experts say a new round of research could pave the way for gun policies that avoid partisan gridlock — and ultimately save thousands of lives.

The studies by Naik-Mathuria and the others are being paid for by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is once again funding research into gun violence after a nearly 25-year hiatus imposed by Congress. And while they might not reduce the number of massacres, mass shootings account for an extremely small percentage of the roughly 40,000 Americans who die each year from gun violence.

Let’s start with gun ownership: they’re going to find that most shootings are not by people who lawfully own a firearm. Suicide, yes. People could just off themselves a different way. Oh, and this sure seems like it is using privileged government information which is not supposed to be shared.

And then there are “hot spots.” They are really not going to like the results, which will show that the majority of shootings are occurring in areas heavily, if not fully, run by Democrats, and, as the FBI data shows, 50% of the murders are committed by Blacks. That’s not racist, that’s fact. What percent of the shootings are by non-whites? And in urban areas? Once they get that information, what are they going to do with it? It could be so inconvenient in their Narrative that it gets memory-holed. Maybe not by the researchers (though, since they are probably anti-gun, they might spike it), but, certainly by the gun grabbers.

“There’s at least five different gun violence problems in the country and mass shooting is one of them,” said Mr. Morral, who has a Ph.D. in psychology. “There’s also suicide, there’s urban gun violence which mostly affects minority young men, there’s family shootings and there’s police shootings. And they all have different risk factors, they all have very different motives and they often involve different firearms.”

What will this research actually say? That police sometimes have to shoot Bad People? That people commit suicide? Nothing here is unusual.

Like cancer, there is no single cure for the epidemic of gun violence in the United States. If politicians want to make a difference, experts say, lawmakers need to quit the fruitless fights over whether liberals want to take people’s guns away and start financing — and listening to — research that could inform policies that could address the carnage.

The most interesting thing is that the article really doesn’t mention what any of those policies might be. It’s almost like they’re trying to hide their true intentions.

Read: How Soon Will All The Gun Violence Research Be Memory-Holed? »

BBC Wonders Why More People Aren’t Doing More On Climate Crisis (scam)

Us Skeptics wonder that, too. Why don’t those card carrying members of the Cult of Climastrology do more in their own lives to comport with their Beliefs? Why do so few give up their fossil fueled vehicles, move into tiny homes/apartments, give up meat, send lots of their money to the official tax collecting agency of each country?

Why are people not doing more about climate change?

I drive a diesel car, eat meat and just a few months ago had a gas boiler installed in my house, that’s quite an admission for an environment correspondent who reports on climate change.

Climahypocrite. Don’t forget, the grand high poobahs are coming after diesel now, after saying it was better than regular gas.

The problem is that greener options are financially out of reach for me and – it seems – most Scots.

That is something I have been investigating for BBC Scotland’s Disclosure.

We commissioned a survey of 1,009 Scots, conducted by Savanta ComRes, which suggests price is putting many people off making greener lifestyle choices.

Price? Ya think? This is the next thing in the article

Price, eh? We all know that EVs are expensive. I can get a Touring Accord hybrid or CRV hybrid, the top end, for less than the least expensive Tesla with a fast charger installed. Which will give me more range, and takes all of 5 minutes to fill up and be on my way, since range is the second concern. Much more convenient, which is the 3rd concern.

Price was a factor too when it came to switching from gas and oil home heating to greener alternatives such as heat pumps. In that question, 64% of those who had considered the switch said the cost had put them off.

Confused by options was #2, with concerns over heating performance just barely #3. Four is inconvenient. Replacing your gas furnace, stove, or hot water heater (only my heat is gas, which is weird the way they built these townhomes) is not cheap.

Both these changes and many others will be necessary over the next 25 years if Scotland is to meet its targets for reducing emissions.

But Dr Sarah Ivory from the University of Edinburgh, who has studied climate-related behaviour change, believes it will difficult to bring them about.

She says: “We’re all a little bit sick of hearing about how bad it is, hearing that something needs to happen and really not knowing how to act.

“We have people say, ‘why should we change now?’. I think the answer to that is, if we don’t change now, we really are on a pathway to some catastrophic changes in our climate.”

Yet, the big wigs in the cult aren’t doing this themselves. Why should we? Are they giving up meat, which is demonized later in the piece? Nope.

But our poll suggests only 32% of people have been influenced by the protests to make lifestyle changes for the benefit of the planet.

Switching out your lightbulbs really doesn’t count.

And 29% believe the actions of individuals have only a minor impact, or no impact at all, on tackling the issue.

If so many believe individual actions are important, why are the Warmists not doing it in their own lives? Oh, right, because they want to force Other People to do so.

Read: BBC Wonders Why More People Aren’t Doing More On Climate Crisis (scam) »

China Joe Admin Looks To Lead On Developing COVID Passports

On one hand, I can see the point of a COVID passport, something that mostly cannot be faked, which would allow those who have been vaccinated and/or have the antibodies to get out and about with full freedom among others with the same. On the other, what’s the chance for governmental abuse?

‘Vaccine passports’ are on the way, but developing them won’t be easy
White House-led effort tries to corral more than a dozen initiatives

The Biden administration and private companies are working to develop a standard way of handling credentials — often referred to as “vaccine passports” — that would allow Americans to prove they have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus as businesses try to reopen.

The effort has gained momentum amid President Biden’s pledge that the nation will start to regain normalcy this summer and with a growing number of companies — from cruise lines to sports teams — saying they will require proof of vaccination before opening their doors again.

The administration’s initiative has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology, said five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the effort. The White House this month took on a bigger role coordinating government agencies involved in the work, led by coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients, with a goal of announcing updates in coming days, said one official.

The White House declined to answer questions about the passport initiative, instead pointing to public statements that Zients and other officials made this month.

“Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people’s privacy,” Zients said at a March 12 briefing.

The passports are expected to be free and available through applications for smartphones, which could display a scannable code similar to an airline boarding pass. Americans without smartphone access should be able to print out the passports, developers have said.

That sounds like it is an….identification card. Aren’t ID cards evil, in terms of being necessary to vote? Racists, even? Say, how does one get the shot, anyhow? Wake County required a government photo ID to get the shot (and proof of work to make sure one was in the authorized group). From what I’ve been told, so did CVS and Walgreens drug stores. Have to make sure the person getting the COVID shot is actually who they say they are. And I had to carry an ID while driving to the center to get a shot. That’s raaaaacist! Right?

That photo above, which comes from a long past post, would be acceptable to me, would like a hard copy, just remove the physical address. City and state would be fine.

U.S. officials say they are grappling with an array of challenges, including data privacy and health-care equity. They want to make sure all Americans will be able to get credentials that prove they have been vaccinated, but also want to set up systems that are not easily hacked or passports that cannot be counterfeited, given that forgeries are already starting to appear.

One of the most significant hurdles facing federal officials: the sheer number of passport initiatives underway, with the Biden administration this month identifying at least 17, according to slides obtained by The Washington Post.

Those initiatives — such as a World Health Organization-led global effort and a digital pass devised by IBM that is being tested in New York state — are rapidly moving forward, even as the White House deliberates about how best to track the shots and avoid the perception of a government mandate to be vaccinated.

Now, you know if this was anyone within the Trump admin, the same Washington Post would be decrying this, would be slamming Trump, as would the rest of the Credentialed Media. But, anyhow, the China Joe admin is smart to low key this, because it will freak a lot of people out. If they’re smart, they will make these Bat Soup Virus passports as simple as possible, and contain the bare minimum of information necessary. No socials, no address, pretty much name and the passport, with a picture either off the state ID, US Passport, or uploaded. HHS should not be holding all sorts of unnecessary info. Run it through the IRS, which already has our information.

Public health and ethics experts agreed that the Biden administration needed to strike a careful balance: Encourage shots and support the private-sector initiatives but don’t put too much federal emphasis on the looming passports.

“If it became a government mandate, it would go down a dark road very quickly,” said Brian C. Castrucci, who leads the Bethesda, Md.-based de Beaumont Foundation, a public health group funding Luntz’s research into why some Americans are balking at the vaccine. “It becomes a credential. It becomes a ‘needing your papers,’ if you will. That could be dangerous — and it could turn off people.”

While the article mentions a whole bunch of Trump voters being against this, there are plenty of Biden voters against it, as well, along with plenty of Biden voters who do not want the vaccine, either. I guess we’ll see what is developed. What do you think?

And, even it it is minimal and acceptable, I will be sure to denounce it as Evil Racist Identification, because that’s how this works, right?

Read: China Joe Admin Looks To Lead On Developing COVID Passports »

Telling Girls To Be Happy Is A Bad Thing In Moonbat World

Not sure about you, but I’ve told plenty of women to smile in my life.

I’ve also said it to plenty of men.

I’ve told plenty of people to be happy. Tried to make them smile.

I’m an Evil person. You too, if you’ve done it

BEYOND LOCAL: Why you should think twice before telling girls to smile

Girls are constantly told to smile, from T-shirts sold in stores that say “everyone loves a happy girl” to the catcallers telling young women to smile when they walk down the street.

Audrey Hepburn once famously stated that “happy girls are the prettiest girls” — now this quote is reiterated in the post-feminist marketplace on T-shirts, pillow cases and stationery.

Perhaps the most public callout to a girl to smile was Donald Trump’s caustically sarcastic tweet that climate activist Greta Thunberg “seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!”

But lift up the hood of this pressure to be perceived as carefree and happy and look underneath: something much more disturbing is revealed.

I have been studying the experiences of girls, particularly tweens aged eight to 12, with regards to consumer culture for the past 15 years. The pressure on girls to be fun, happy and smiling reveals much about the cultural expectations projected onto girls and girlhood.

This constant expectation of girls to be always smiling depoliticizes girls and positions them as compliant in their own subjugation. “Fun” acts as a distraction from deeper political issues, discouraging girls from considering the exploitation and violence that girls worldwide face.

Directing their attention to the myriad social and political issues facing girls, like the climate crisis or missing and murdered Indigenous girls and women, would upset the happiness and fun of girlhood.

They just can’t help mentioning the climate change scam. And always going to the worst things possible. Bunch of miserable people

Feminist scholar Sara Ahmed writes that happiness is promised to those who commit to living their life in an unchallenging way that does not upset the status quo. To challenge the status quo by drawing attention to these issues disrupts the fantasy.

If everyone loves a happy girl, as the T-shirt says, then unhappy girls are unlovable: it’s a clear warning to girls to maintain happiness or else face being “psychologically and aesthetically unappealing.”

Or, perhaps people just respond better to people who aren’t being miserable shits. Like most Liberals.

Happiness and fun are forms of popular feminism that frame gender equality as individual empowerment eclipsing a feminist structural critique. Unhappiness deviates from the post-feminist script in which women — who are responsible for their own happiness and emancipation — need to think positively and be inspired to make change. The emphasis is on individual actions over collective consciousness.

These moral demands for happiness and fun undermine citizenship and commitments to community.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

Bunch of miserable people.

Read: Telling Girls To Be Happy Is A Bad Thing In Moonbat World »

If All You See…

…are wonderful low carbon skates, which should still be banned because the wheels are made with petroleum, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Tradition, with a post on when a politician uses the phrase “re-imagine.”

Clearing the IAYS folder this week.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove