Your Fault: Oceans Being Fundamentally Changing The Structures Of Ocean Or Something

All because you decided to take a fossil fueled flight on vacation and have an evil burger

Global warming is ‘fundamentally’ changing the structure of oceans, study says

Scientists are sounding the alarm over the impact climate change is having on the world’s oceans.

Sounds more like they are activists than scientists

In a new study published in “Nature” on Thursday, researchers examined 50 years of data and observed the manner in which surface water “decouples” from the deeper ocean. They concluded that the structure of the oceans covering the globe are becoming less stable at a much quicker rate than previously thought.

Water on the ocean’s surface is significantly warmer — and therefore more dense — than the deeper waters. According to the study, climate change is ultimately disrupting the mixing process, which helps store away most of the world’s excess heat and a significant proportion of carbon dioxide.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change, the oceans absorb more than 90% of heat generated by greenhouse gases.

Glacier and ice sheets melted by global warming are also pouring into the seas, lowering the salinity of the upper layer and further reducing its density.

Have they compared this to previous Holocene cool and warm periods to get an understanding of the processes, which would let them know if this is unusual or the standard? Because there always needs to be a comparison to other times in order to make a judgement call, right?

“Similar to a layer of water on top of oil, the surface waters in contact with the atmosphere mix less efficiently with the underlying ocean,” said lead author Jean-Baptiste Sallee of Sorbonne University and France’s CNRS national scientific research center.

He added that while researchers are aware of what is occurring, that the “change has occurred at a rate much quicker than previously thought: more than six times quicker.”

“Previously thought”? That’s politics, social studies, or some other type of soft discipline, not science. Was it happening as fast during the Global Climate Optimum? How about the Roman Warm Period? What happened during the Little Ice Ace and Dark Ages, for comparison to cool periods? Is this unusual or not? Thinking this quicker is not the same as proving it. But, this is not about science, it’s about fearmongering.

Read: Your Fault: Oceans Being Fundamentally Changing The Structures Of Ocean Or Something »

COVID: Rutgers To Require Vaccination For All Students

All sorts of pundits and news outlets had considered whether companies would require employees to get the vaccine in order to be able to work. Everyone forgot about schools

Rutgers University in New Jersey will require students to receive COVID-19 vaccine this fall

Rutgers University, New Jersey’s flagship state institution, said Thursday it will require COVID-19 vaccination for students before they arrive on campus this fall, possibly the first school in the country to announce a vaccine requirement.

The school plans to welcome back all students to its three campuses this fall. The requirement will apply to all residential and commuter students, though there will be limited case-by-case exemptions for religious or medical reasons. Students enrolled in fully remote programs will not be required to be vaccinated.

School officials said they were encouraged to require the vaccine for the fall after President Joe Biden declared earlier this month that all adults should be eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations by the end of May. (snip)

Vaccination will help play a key part in continuing to operate a safe campus and help return operations to a “pre-pandemic normal,” officials said.

“They need to get some sense of normalcy back in their lives,” Calcado said. “They need to experience the college experience. We really firmly believe that.”

The school wanted to announce the requirement now “so that we give all of our students and their families the opportunity to be able to make the right decision for themselves,” Calcado said.

A vaccine that would barely be on the radar right now without President Trump’s guidance with Operation Warp Speed, you know. Rutgers may well be the first school to make this announcement, and, with a student population of 71,000, it could be a big deal in tipping other schools into doing the same. But, um, what’s this

University faculty and staff are not required to get the vaccine, though they have been strongly encouraged to receive it during the rollout.

So, the students are required, but not the faculty and staff? What’s the reasoning behind that exclusion? No one seems to have an explanation.

As far as normalcy goes

Dangerous Covid-19 variants could mean all bets are off on the road to normalcy, expert warns

The evidence that Americans are gearing up for a return to normal life is growing apparent.

States are relaxing capacity restrictions for public areas and private gatherings. More school districts are reopening for in-person learning. Travel is increasing, with TSA data showing more than 1 million daily passengers in US airports for two consecutive weeks, the longest such stretch since the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns in early 2020.

However, many experts reiterate that Covid-19 is far from over. (snip)

With some states seeing rises of at least 10% in weekly average cases, according to Johns Hopkins University data, variants such as B.1.1.7 may lead to a greater risk of exposure and a potential stagnation in the fight against Covid-19.

“It tells us when we have a more contagious variant that all bets are off because it means that the activities that we thought were pretty low risk are now going to be higher risk,” CNN medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Thursday.

Fearmongering or the true reality? They’ve been doing so much doom and gloom for over a year that it’s hard to know which.

“In order for us to get to herd immunity even at this rate, it’s still probably going to take about five months, assuming we can convince fully 70% of the population to take the shot,” CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner told CNN’s Erin Burnett on Thursday.

And what happens in 5 months when we get that herd immunity? How will the Elites continue to keep all sorts of restrictions active?

Read: COVID: Rutgers To Require Vaccination For All Students »

Climahypocrite Matt Damom Says ‘Climate Change’ Will Impact Poor The Most

Let’s check in on Matt Damon, who has a net worth of over $75 million, a bit, shall we?

Damon’s 2012 movie Promised Land which attempted to villainize the natural gas industry, was produced “in association with” Image Media Abu Dhabi. That company was owned wholly by the government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). According to the CIA World Factbook, UAE exported $166 billion of crude oil in 2013. UAE is also a member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).


The self-obsession was on display when he flew into Australia earlier this week on a private jet before entering privately funded quarantine in a compound at — where else but — Byron Bay, ahead of filming yet another of Marvel’s increasingly tendentious superhero films, but that’s standard Hollywood, despite the shrieks of outrage.

Just a few examples. But, you know what? I actually sort of agree with him on this

Matt Damon: Climate change will most impact ‘the poorest people’

In a new interview, Oscar-winning actor and water equity philanthropist Matt Damon said the link between climate change and water scarcity will deepen over the coming years and predominantly impact the world’s most impoverished communities.

When asked about the connection between climate change and water scarcity, Damon pointed to low-income people in developing countries. Currently, 2.2 billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water.

“Those are the people that we’re dealing with, those are the people that we’re trying to reach, and those are the people who are going to feel the effects of [climate change] more than anybody,” says Damon, who co-founded the nonprofit organization in 2009 and WaterEquity in 2017.

“It’s always going to fall to the poorest people on Earth to bear the brunt of these things more than anybody,” he adds. “That’s the connection.”

He’s correct that it will fall on the poorest, because they will be even more boned by all the Cult of Climastrology policies they want passed. It will make them harder to live, as the cost of living will skyrocket. The cost of energy will skyrocket, and it will be harder to get it. Jobs will be scarce, and be harder to get for the poor. They will hose lower income farmers. The pain for the poor will just continue on and on. And roll up to the middle class.

Rich people like Damon, who won’t give up their fossil fueled private jets and 1%er vehicles, expensive big mansions, pools, fancy pants meals, etc and so on? It won’t affect them in the least, and they won’t give up their own giant carbon footprints. So, yeah, poor people will get hit hard, and Matt can continue living the same life.

Read: Climahypocrite Matt Damom Says ‘Climate Change’ Will Impact Poor The Most »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is neo-neocon, with a post on Democrats not being as dumb as you think, they have a plan.

Read: If All You See… »

Kamala Harris Seems Upset That GOP Is Saying Democrats Want To Ban Guns

Kamala is rated 7% by the NRA. She wants to do away with all private ownership of “assault rifles.” She supports massive restrictions on the 2nd Amendment. Democrats have stated that they want to take away the firearms from private citizens. They’ve openly talked about the “Australian solution”, the “UK solution,” the “New Zealand solution”

VP Harris tells the GOP to ‘stop pushing the false choice’ that ‘everybody’s trying to come after your guns’ after series of mass shootings

Vice President Kamala Harris told Republican leaders on Wednesday to stop spreading the “false choice” that “everybody’s trying to come after your guns.”

In an interview with “CBS This Morning” two days after a mass shooting in a King Soopers grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, that killed 10 people, Harris said that “it has to be possible that people agree that these slaughters have to stop.”

“And this is, again, reject the false choice of – and stop pushing it for sure – stop pushing the false choice that this means everybody’s trying to come after your guns,” she continued. “That is not what we’re talking about.” (snip)

The House of Representatives recently passed two bills that would close loopholes in the background-check system and make gun transfers between people without licenses illegal. One of the measures was supported by eight House Republicans.

What’s the false choice when Democrats say this is what they want? We could probably get some real solutions in place, but, we know that if Democrats get those two bills, plus a scary looking rifle ban (which never really worked last time), they’ll want more, especially when they make zero difference, because criminals don’t actually follow the law. And even Democrat moderates in the Senate are backing away from those bills

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on gun violence on Tuesday that Democrats were engaging in “ridiculous theater” and using mass shootings to take people’s guns away.

“Every time there’s a shooting, we play this ridiculous theater where this committee gets together and proposes a bunch of laws that would do nothing to stop these murders,” Cruz said. “What happens in this committee after every mass shooting is Democrats propose taking away guns from law-abiding citizens because that’s their political objective.”

Republican Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana, meanwhile, compared gun violence to drunk driving and gun owners to Muslims.

“We have a lot of drunk drivers in America that kill a lot of people. We ought to try to combat that too,” he said at the hearing. “The answer is not to get rid of all sober drivers. The answer is to concentrate on the problem.”

Why not go after the criminals who use firearms?

Is compromise possible? Republicans have gun control proposals too

“Thoughts and prayers alone are not enough. We need action,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said, echoing a line often used by Democrats after shooting tragedies. He called the House-passed bills “ridiculous theater” and said he and Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, would reintroduce their own bill. They say their bill would target those trying to buy firearms who were banned from owning them by creating a federal task force to prosecute them. It would also allow for the hiring of more Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco and Explosives (ATF) agents and implement other measures to strengthen existing gun laws. The bill received a majority vote when introduced in 2013 but did not meet the 60-vote filibuster threshold.

That’s because Democrats filibustered the bill. The same thing they want to scuttle. Why not enforce existing gun laws? I have zero problem with requiring a background check on every gun sale. Of course, what follows is Democrats pushing for gun registration, because that’s the only way to make sure, right? And they’ll want to know how many people have and where they are. No. Crack down on criminals.

Read: Kamala Harris Seems Upset That GOP Is Saying Democrats Want To Ban Guns »

NY Times Seems Pretty Upset That Riders Are Abandoning Public Transport, Which Hurts Climate (scam) Fight

The NY Times was one of the ringleaders in pushing for COVID lockdowns, in everyone staying how, in isolating yourself from everyone else, in fearmongering contact with other people – I’m not saying that social distancing and no touching are not smart measures. They are. I do it. Don’t touch me, no handshakes, not fist bumps, stay back. The NY Times went way overboard in trying to scare people -, in pushing Government to lock people down (all while the Times’ employees were free to do their jobs), not too mention ignoring what Cuomo was doing in nursing homes. Plus, it was a pandemic. People started changing their behavior even before Government starting dictating all sorts of things, having seen what was going on in China, Italy, and on cruise ships.

And this whole worldwide pandemic is just so inconvenient for the Cult of Climastrology

Riders Are Abandoning Buses and Trains. That’s a Problem for Climate Change.
Public transit offers a simple way for cities to lower greenhouse gas emissions, but the pandemic has pushed ridership, and revenue, off a cliff in many big systems.

On the London Underground, Piccadilly Circus station is nearly vacant on a weekday morning, while the Delhi Metro is ferrying fewer than half of the riders it used to. In Rio, unpaid bus drivers have gone on strike. New York City subway traffic is just a third of what it was before the pandemic.

A year into the coronavirus pandemic, public transit is hanging by a thread in many cities around the world. Riders remain at home or they remain fearful of boarding buses and trains. And without their fares, public transit revenues have fallen off a cliff. In some places service has been cut, fares have gone up and transit workers are facing the prospect of layoffs.

That’s a disaster for the world’s ability to address that other global crisis: climate change. Public transit offers a relatively simple way for cities to lower their greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention a way to improve air quality, noise and congestion in the world’s busiest cities.

The last three, yes. Climate change? Scam. In a place like NYC, I prefer to use public transport. I took the train into NYC numerous times when I lived in NJ, and would take the bus or subway around the city. In the times since living in NJ, I’ve gone into the city several times while visiting NJ, and always on public transport. I want absolutely nothing to do with driving in. But, it’s about convenience, not saving the earth from climate apocalypse.

“We are facing maybe the most important crisis in the public transit sector in different parts of the world,” said Sérgio Avelleda, the director of urban mobility for the World Resources Institute and a former transport secretary for São Paulo, Brazil. “It’s urgent to act.”

But act how? Transit agencies that have been bailed out by the government are wondering how long the generosity will last, and almost everywhere, transportation experts are scrambling to figure out how to better adapt public transit to the needs of riders as cities begin to emerge from the pandemic.

Well, good luck with that. But, consider that they let people on airplanes, and seat them right next to each other (I’ll be hones, that was rather uncomfortable over Christmas, but, I wore long sleeves and made sure no direct skin contact), so, why not buses and trains? They don’t have to be packed. Just full seating. But, will people do that, especially when so many are basically locked down/being told not to travel except where necessary around the world in big cities?

The bigger challenge for all cities is to fix their public transit systems now so that passengers will return, said Mohamed Mezghani, head of the International Association of Public Transport. They could adjust peak hour service as telecommuting from home becomes more commonplace, expand bus only lanes that make commutes more efficient and comfortable or improve ventilation systems to ensure citizens that riding public transit is safe.

“Those cities that were investing, they will get out stronger,” Mr. Mezghani said. “People will feel more comfortable traveling in a new modern public transit system. It’s about perception in the end.”

What’s “a new modern public transit system”? It’s still buses and trains. Nothing else. And why would we need as many when so many are locked down, working from home, etc? Anyhow, there are good, real reasons to take public transport in big cities like NYC. The climate scam is not one of them. But, you know, this whole pandemic, with people losing their jobs, losing their money, lives upended, getting sick, dying, yeah, that’s so inconvenient for the Cult of Climastrology.

Read: NY Times Seems Pretty Upset That Riders Are Abandoning Public Transport, Which Hurts Climate (scam) Fight »

China Joe To Open More Concentration Camps For Illegal Kids

Why are so many coming? Because with Joe in the White House and Democrats controlling both the Senate and House (thanks, Never Trumpers), all these migrants think they will all be given free citizenship in the U.S. Meanwhile, homeless Americans, including military veterans, have to fend for themselves

Biden administration prepares to activate 2 military sites in Texas for migrant children

Americans before illegalsThe Biden administration is setting up two more emergency intake sites that combined will provide more than 5,000 beds to accommodate migrant children crossing the US-Mexico border alone.

It’s the latest move by the administration to try to alleviate overcrowding in Border Patrol facilities and transfer unaccompanied minors who have been held in those facilities, akin to jail-like conditions, for prolonged periods.

The Department of Health and Human Services is partnering with the Defense Department to use property on Fort Bliss near El Paso, Texas, and Lackland Air Force Base near San Antonio, with the potential capacity to accommodate up to 5,000 beds and around 350 beds, respectively.

On Wednesday, the Defense Department announced it had approved a request from HHS to temporarily house unaccompanied migrant children at two military sites in Texas.

“This support will be on a fully-reimbursable basis, and will not negatively affect military training, operations, readiness, or other military requirements, including National Guard and Reserve readiness. HHS will maintain custody and responsibility for the well-being and support for these children at all times on the installation,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said in a statement.

HHS oversees an expansive shelter network where those children are placed until they can be relocated with sponsors, like parents or relatives, in the United States. But amid Covid-19 constraints and the accelerated pace of arrivals, the administration has struggled to move unaccompanied children out of border facilities designed for adults into HHS care within the 72-hour legal limit.

If they’re unaccompanied, how are they going to be placed with their parents, who wouldn’t be in the country? Does this mean that China Joe will allow the parents into the U.S. in order to take care of the kids? The same parents that sent their minor children on a long, dangerous trek to the U.S.? Or, will they be sent back to their parents? I think we all know the answer, and China Joe isn’t going to send anyone away, prioritizing foreigners over U.S. citizens.

Meanwhile, Joe put Kamala in charge of the border, because, apparently, Joe isn’t capable of doing his job

(Breitbart) President Joe Biden announced Wednesday his plan to put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the migrant crisis on the southern border.

”I can think of nobody who is better qualified to do this,” Biden said after making the announcement at the White House.

Biden shifted the responsibility for the crisis to his vice president as it threatens to overshadow his achievements in fighting the coronavirus and his massive $1.9 trillion spending package. He delegated full power to her team.

“When she speaks, she speaks for me,” Biden said. “Doesn’t have to check with me. She knows what she’s doing and I hope we can move this along.” (snip)

Harris said she would also work with members of Congress to address the problem.

There’s no need to work with Congress. Congress has already passed laws that state that aliens should, in almost ever case, be removed from the nation if even let in temporarily. If they actually crossed the border illegally, then deported. Period.

Read: China Joe To Open More Concentration Camps For Illegal Kids »

We Need To Rethink Capitalism To Solve The Climate Apocalypse Or Something

TIRACHOSII: This really isn’t about climate change or science, is it. Maybe that’s why it’s in the New Scientist, because it’s not about science

Mark Carney interview: Rethink capitalism to solve the climate crisis
The ex-governor of the Bank of England is now a key figure in international climate action talks. Progress requires radically reimagining how financial markets value nature, he says

MARK CARNEY made his name as a sound steward of money. He entered the public eye in 2008 when he was appointed governor of the Bank of Canada at the age of just 42, and his swift and decisive interventions there are credited with helping the country weather the storm of the global financial crisis better than any other rich nation. From 2011 to 2018, he was chair of the global Financial Stability Board, established in the wake of that crisis to strengthen oversight of the world’s banks and try to avoid a repeat. In 2013, Carney was appointed governor of the Bank of England, the first non-Briton to oversee the UK’s central bank since it was established in 1694.

So, he got his money, and damned sure isn’t giving up his big carbon footprint lifestyle. Anyhow

Since stepping down from the governorship in 2020, he has turned his focus to the tricky interface of economics and the environment. He has returned to the private sector as a vice chair and head of impact investing at Canada-based firm Brookfield Asset Management – a role that recently garnered some controversy for that firm’s definition of its net-zero climate investments. Carney is also the UN special envoy for climate action and the finance advisor for the UK government’s presidency of the UN’s COP26 climate change conference, a crucial point for the world’s climate plans, scheduled to take place this November in Glasgow. He has just written a book called Value(s): Building a better world for all about how we can and must rework capitalism to help solve the crises we face.

I think you have the idea, which is good, because the rest is behind a real paywall, one which cannot be gotten around by using something like (it’s a great workaround for most paywalls, like NY Times, Washington Post, Twitchy, LA Times, and more. Not WSJ and some others). Why do Warmists always want to change capitalism, especially when they’ve already made their money with it? Would be nice to see how far Carney goes in describing exactly how he wants to change it. Warmists usually avoid those details.

Along the lines of this isn’t about science

Scientists need to face both facts and feelings when dealing with the climate crisis

As a scientist, I was trained to be calm, rational, and objective, to focus on the facts, supporting my claims with evidence and showing my reasoning to colleagues to tear apart in peer review. I was trained to use my brain but not my heart; to report methods and statistics and findings but not how I felt about them. In graduate school, I was surrounded by brilliant, serious men who spoke in even, measured tones about the loss of California snowpack and crop yields; I tried to do the same.

My dispassionate training has not prepared me for the increasingly frequent emotional crises of climate change. What do I tell the student who chokes up in my office when she reads that 90% of the seagrasses she’s trying to design policies to protect are slated to be killed by warming before she retires? In such cases, facts are cold comfort. The skill I’ve had to cultivate on my own is to find the appropriate bedside manner as a doctor to a feverish planet; to try to go beyond probabilities and scenarios, to acknowledge what is important and grieve for what is being lost.

Only in the most recent decade of my life have I realised that feelings, manifested as physical sensations in the body such as my stomach clenching or my heart lifting, have their own wisdom. I don’t have to react to these feelings in any dramatic way if I don’t want to; all I have to do is make eye contact, wave, and not run away. Like all feelings, sadness is valid; it need not dictate my actions singlehandedly, but it deserves acknowledgment.

Science doesn’t care about your feelings.


RI House approves climate change bill; goal is net-zero emissions by 2050

After a lengthy debate, Rhode Island House lawmakers on Tuesday night approved legislation that calls for reducing the state’s greenhouse-gas emissions and strengthening its clean-energy policies.

The Act on Climate bill, sponsored by Rep. Lauren Carson, builds upon the Resilient Rhode Island Act of 2014 by toughening emission reduction targets. Supporters say it also adds accountability to make sure the state’s emission goals are met by 2050.

Why almost 30 years from now? If they care they’d implement immediately, and give up their own use of fossil fuels.

Read: We Need To Rethink Capitalism To Solve The Climate Apocalypse Or Something »

If All You See…

…is the flag of an Evil nation with a big carbon footprint, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is House Of Eratosthenes, with a post wondering when it all ends.

Read: If All You See… »

CNN Seems Pretty Upset That States Are Relaxing Their COVID Rules

It’s easy for people who were considered essential workers and never missed a paycheck to complain, eh?

A top health official warned relaxing Covid-19 measures threatens progress. A day later, more states said they were easing restrictions

A top health official warned the US could see an “avoidable” Covid-19 surge if Americans let up on mitigation measures now. A day later, two more states unveiled plans to loosen restrictions.

“The continued relaxation of prevention measures while cases are still high and while concerning variants are spreading rapidly throughout the United States is a serious threat to the progress we have made as a nation,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Monday.

It wasn’t the first time Walensky brought up concerns about the easing of safety measures. And a chorus of other health experts have made a similar point: While vaccination numbers continue to climb, safety measures will be critical in the coming weeks to help curb another possible surge as a dangerous variant spreads across the country.

“It’s really very much a race,” Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told CNN on Monday. “If we can continue to accelerate the number of people vaccinated in this country… I think we’ll be in a much better position. But you have unfortunately a lot of governors releasing restrictions, people are traveling… and this B.1.1.7 variant.”

It will always be something with these folks. Perhaps they should have been more forthright when the nation was mostly shutting down and mostly Democrat governors, along with those in charge of cities and counties, were going crazy with their restrictions. There really is little difference between those areas which put massive restrictions in place and those that didn’t. And you see those with massive restrictions, such as the UK and Italy, continuing to have big problems. There becomes a point where people are tired of this and thinking that the Elites are trying to over-scare us.

Since the start of the month, at least a dozen state leaders have eased Covid-19 restrictions. And a day after both experts’ remarks, two more governors announced plans to relax some measures.

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb announced Tuesday that starting April 6, the state’s face covering mandate will become a state mask advisory. Face masks will remain mandatory in state buildings and facilities as well as at Covid-19 testing and vaccination sites, the governor said.

In Virginia, Gov. Ralph Northam announced that starting April 1, both indoor and outdoor gathering limits will increase and certain sports and entertainment venues will be able to operate with additional capacity.

At some point, all the restrictions have to relax and go away, right? If not, why? Why try and scaremonger?

Many state leaders — including those who have opted to relax restrictions — have in recent weeks expressed optimism about inching closer to the end of the pandemic, citing lowered Covid-19 numbers in comparison to the winter surge and increasing vaccinations.

So far, more than 83.9 million Americans have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, according to data from the CDC. More than 45.5 million are fully vaccinated, according to the data. That’s roughly 13.7% of the US population.

So, over a quarter of Americans have been vaccinated, and you pair that with all those who have the antibodies after having COVID. As more become vaccinated, what rationale will the Elites use to keep restrictions in place?

Read: CNN Seems Pretty Upset That States Are Relaxing Their COVID Rules »

Pirate's Cove