Bummer: Marijuana Farms Contributing To Climate Apocalypse

I wonder what this will do to the Democrats push to legalize marijuana all across the country: which push is more important to them, climate crisis (scam) or getting stoned?

Marijuana farms contributing to climate change, research shows

Growing cannabis indoors is racking up energy production, resulting in large amounts of damaging gases that warm Earth.

With cannabis farming surging on the back of deregulation efforts, researchers at Colorado State University looked at how much electricity and natural gas it takes to grow marijuana — and its carbon footprint is sky high.

According to researchers’ calculations, for every one kilogram of dried cannabis, or about 1,000 joints, indoor growing operations produce the equivalent of 2 to 5 tons of carbon dioxide.

To put this figure in perspective, a typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, based on 22-mile per gallon fuel economy and a yearly driving range around 11,500 miles.

While farming cannabis indoors burns through electricity, shifting crops outdoors would help shrink the carbon footprint by 96%, researchers found. Using a greenhouse would cut emissions nearly in half.

So, to repeat, enough pot to make 1,000 joints is like a Warmist driving their fossil fueled vehicle all year long, especially if they’re driving something that gets crummy gas mileage. Realistically, more people are driving vehicles that get vastly better fuel economy. But, that’s a separate subject.

In Jacksonville, the need for dehumidifiers and air conditioning adds about 1,500 kilograms of emissions to every kilogram of product.

That would be Jacksonville, Florida, where medical marijuana is legal, but not recreational

As it turns out, Southern California’s moderate climate and renewable power makes it a prime location for the lowest emissions.

Would that be the renewable power that has caused planned brownouts and blackouts? Regardless, it still causes emissions, so, do we keep it or kill it off to save the Earth from turning into a hothouse like Venus? Anyhow, most states would be less than prime locations with their weather. New Jersey, which is pushing hard, has some pretty hot, humid summers and very dry, cold winters. Most states would have issues, and they aren’t going to grow it outside.

Also, wouldn’t making recreational use cause people to have the munchies, and eating all that food is Bad for climate apocalypse, right?

BTW, and once again, I really do not care if people use pot. I did long ago, it just started to bore me. No longer fun. But, I have no problem with others smoking, as long as it is away from me. Let’s make tax money off it.

Read: Bummer: Marijuana Farms Contributing To Climate Apocalypse »

After Colorado Shooting, The Usual Suspects Push Gun Control/Grabbing And Filibuster Reform

Many people were wondering what was going to happen now that we know that the shooter is not a white, Christian, Conservative. Well, we aren’t hearing about white supremacy or nationalism, the phrase “hate crime” is not being thrown around, and pretty much anything about the shooter is being ignored. It’s all about gun control/grabbing

In fact, it was a Ruger AR-556 Pistol, per USA Today. Not technically a rifle at all. Not that much difference, though. But, the Usual Suspects do not care, and they’re going double time after guns because they can’t complain about white people and conservatives (of course, the notion that a goodly chunk of the assaults against Asians was occurring from Black people, and primarily in Democratic Party run cities, was ignored as the media blamed whites, Trump, and Conservatives).

You have Biden, along with so many others, pushing for an assault weapons ban and other gun restrictions. Let’s say we do this: what will Democrats push when it makes no difference in criminals using guns (especially as they take advantage of law abiding citizens being disarmed)? And, their other big push

What has to happen after the Colorado killings

(many paragraphs about previous shootings and attempts to gun grab, which is actually a setup as we learn about gun grabbing legislation offered by Democrats being either watered down or killed because Republicans refuse to gun grab)

Despite former President Donald Trump’s “big lie” that led to the attempted coup on January 6, President Joe Biden, who ran on a strong gun-control platform, is in the White House and has signaled that he is ready to sign gun violence prevention bills into law.

Had to have some TDS in there, right?

On March 11, the House passed Thompson and Clyburn’s background check bills once again. Sen. Chris Murphy who introduced S.529, the companion bill to Rep. Thompson’s bill, is tasked with passing the bill in the Senate.

Without eliminating the filibuster, this legislation will require 10 Republicans to join 50 Democrats to support the bill, a herculean challenge in so partisan a political environment that 43 Senate Republicans refused to convict Trump for inciting unprecedented insurrection against our nation.

Well, write better bills. Don’t make them intrusive. Don’t make them violate the Constitution. Don’t make them punish the law abiding because criminals are criminal

The Brady background check and the assault weapons ban bills were signed into law more than 27 years ago, the last time Congress passed a meaningful gun control bill. With 253+ voter suppression bills in 43 states, Republicans are only interested in regaining power that serves the interest of the corporate gun lobby.

When you go hyper-partisan, why are you surprised when Republicans won’t work with you? And the Brady bill was supposed to fix all this. Weird it didn’t, eh?

The gun violence prevention movement worked tirelessly to secure a Democratic majority in the House, the Senate and the White House. It’s time for Democratic senators to reform the rules to force an up-or-down vote on lifesaving gun violence prevention measures. They must not squander this opportunity to take meaningful action to end the gun violence crisis in our nation.

Without ending the Senate filibuster, public safety policies with broad American support will not make it onto President Biden’s desk. That means we can expect more than 100 Americans to keep dying by guns every single day. And that we’re likely to see more of the tragic deaths that we’ve just seen in Atlanta and Boulder.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh? The bodies aren’t even cold and Democrats are using that to push gun measures and killing the filibuster (which they will immediately want reinstated when they next lose the Senate, right?).

Oh, and perhaps liberals should be looking at their politicized, left leaning FBI

That’s right, he was known to the FBI. Yet, was allowed to pass a lawful background check, and the conditions for gun ownership are much more burdensome in Colorado.

Read: After Colorado Shooting, The Usual Suspects Push Gun Control/Grabbing And Filibuster Reform »

Climate Cult Pretty Upset That Conservatives Continue To Say There’s A Debate On ‘Climate Change’

We’re back to “the debate is over.” Because that’s apparently how Science works for climate cultists. Second, conservatives are not the same from country to country. US conservatives are more of Classical Liberals, per Political Theory 101, while Canadian European Conservatives are more Classical Conservatives, and, yeah, there’s a difference. Third, it’s strange that one of the preeminent college institutions, Harvard, wants to shut down debate. Isn’t that part of what education is about?

Global Conservatives and the Myth of a Climate Change Debate

On Saturday, the Canadian Conservative Party voted down a recent proposal for the party to become more green-friendly, rejecting stances such as “Canadian businesses classified as highly polluting need to take more responsibility” and “climate change is real.”

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole was seen Friday urging his colleagues to be more open-minded, believing that the party’s failure to recognize the scientific consensus behind human-caused climate change would hurt their chances to challenge the Liberal Party coalition and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the next election. But the 54 to 46 percent vote is the latest affirmation of the enduring conservative trend to reject modern climate realities.

If you have to use “consensus”, it’s not science.

The Canadian decision is the latest development in a much larger problem. Conservatives across the globe are continuing to rally behind a scientifically debunked claim that climate change isn’t happening. In the United States, conservative politicians — none of whom are scientists themselves — discredit and question prominent and reliable climate change researchers. In Germany, right-wing party officials pass out scientifically inaccurate pamphlets at student activist rallies.

Alas, no. Skeptics will tell you again and again that the debate is not that the climate has changed. It has. It’s warmer than it was in 1850, when the Little Ice Age ended. No, the debate is on causation, and the Cult of Climastrology cannot prove, using the Scientific Method or anything other than supposition, that the changes are mostly/solely caused by Mankind. They surely do not act like it in their own lives, right?

The “debate” over climate change is a myth that conservative leaders must cease to perpetuate. Overwhelming scientific consensus affirms that the earth is warming at historic rates. Claims to the contrary are not a valid political opinion — they are an alternate reality that is incompatible with basic fact.

And that’s where we get into their “just shut up and take it” mode. The “how dare you speak!” mode. Wrongthink. They are very unhappy with Free Speech and Free Thought.

Groundbreaking studies on historic atmospheric carbon levels found that over the past 800,000 years, carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has never surpassed around 300 parts per million, even in Earth’s warmest periods. However, since 1950, CO2 levels have risen dramatically to over 400 ppm, levels never before reached in observable history.

Which means exactly zero, as the Earth has experienced multiple warm periods during the Holocene period, many warmer than the current Modern Warm Period. Heck, what caused the world to warm, ending the last glacial period? Sure wasn’t fossil fueled vehicles and people eating burgers. What they’re proposing is a supposition. An “uncertain belief.” Not science. Why don’t they try explaining why there were multiple warm periods when CO2 was much lower? “That was then this is now” is not a scientific explanation.

The time to deny humanity’s role in our warming earth is long over, and conservative leaders who continue to perpetuate the myth of a debate are lying to themselves and their constituents. This is different from a debate around which policies provide the best pathway forward. Countries like France, Germany, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and the U.S. —  with  large populations that continue to subscribe to the anti-climate-change narrative — should put tax dollars to use by discussing action, not by trying to ignore extensive scientific evidence.

Why would we spend money on something that is clearly not a proven scientific reality? If you want to argue that, yes, the climate has changed, it has gotten warmer, we could do with protecting infrastructure and such, sure, OK, I’ll agree. If you want to propose taxing the hell out of people and private entities while taking away their freedom, liberty, and choice, well, nah, you won’t get that agreement. Because that’s what they want. Just look at how they frame this: taking away people’s Free Speech and Thought. And that’s what they’ve been pushing for over 30 years.

When I started pointing out that this was all about pushing Progressive (nice Fascism) (you can call it Marxism, Socialism, Communism, etc) political doctrine around 16 years ago, even Skeptics said I was off base. And every day, month, and year proves me correct.

Read: Climate Cult Pretty Upset That Conservatives Continue To Say There’s A Debate On ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Biden transforming the military from a strong horse to a weak, woke one.

Read: If All You See… »

China Joe, Democrats Open To Using Reconciliation For “Infrastructure” Bill

Remember the days when China Joe talked about doing things in a bipartisan manner, about reaching across the aisle? It actually lasted a shorter time than when Obama pulled that schtick. The only reason they would need to push to use reconciliation is if the bill was vastly left wing

‘Open’ to using reconciliation process to pass infrastructure bill: Sen. Luján

Biden Brain SlugThe Biden administration is reportedly preparing to recommend up to $3 trillion in new spending, as part of a long-term economic recovery plan. The proposal would be split into two bills, according to the New York Times.

The plan is expected to include a large investment in the nation’s infrastructure, which President Biden has long said would be part of his recovery plan, after the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief plan was signed into law.

“There’s no greater return than investing in the American people and investment in infrastructure,” said Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D., N.M.) in an interview with Yahoo Finance Live. “If the economy does not recover and rebound, we all know that the economic effects are devastating and will cost us more in the long run.”

The economy was recovering and rebounding under Trump. Best way to do this is to re-open the nation. It can be done safely. Instead, Dems want to piss away even more more. We thought Obama’s Stimulus was expensive and wasteful? You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Not a single Republican voted for Biden’s massive relief bill, and many are already raising concerns about how to pay for infrastructure projects. While Biden and Democratic leaders have said they’d prefer the infrastructure push to be bipartisan, Democratic lawmakers acknowledge they may move ahead without Republican support.

“I’m open to every tool that’s on the table, including budget reconciliation,” said Luján. “That’s only one option. There’s nothing preventing Democratic and Republican members of the House and the Senate to come together and work to make investments in the United States of America.”

By coming together, Lujan means “Republicans surrendering.”

Details of the infrastructure plan and how to pay for it are still in the works, but Biden has previously said he’d like to increase the corporate tax rate and make the wealthiest Americans pay more in taxes. Republicans have generally opposed those plans.

I thought they were paying for healthcare? Climate change? This, that, and the other? The GOP opposition has little to do with the taxes, though they know that raising corporate taxes means lower wages for workers and higher costs for consumers.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) told reporters last week he expects the infrastructure bill to be a “Trojan horse” for tax increases.

“My suspicion is they’ll try and jam everything they can into that bill and call it an infrastructure bill,” said McConnell.

Democrats are pushing for a “landmark” infrastructure package that tackles traditional projects like roads and bridges, while also investing in efforts to fight climate change and expand broadband access.

Essentially, it’ll be yet another Democrat wish-list bill, one which expands the control of the federal government and makes people more beholden to them. But, still won’t do much for the economy, just like the Stimulus did little.

Read: China Joe, Democrats Open To Using Reconciliation For “Infrastructure” Bill »

Young Evangelists Are Super Concerned About Other People’s Carbon Footprints

When a cult attempts to infiltrate and change a religion

For These Young Evangelical Activists, Facing the Climate Crisis Is an Act of Faith

A few years back, William Morris came to realize just how he could be a light unto the world. Before this precise moment in time, his visions of a missionary life had involved foreign climes, distant shores, desecrated wastelands in desperate need of redemption. Then he had looked around at his native L.A. At the church he’d grown up attending. At the faith community he’d always considered to be his home. When it came to the climate crisis, he realized, his own flock were still living in darkness. Perhaps, with God’s grace, he could help bring them to the light.

Growing up in a conservative evangelical Baptist church, Morris, 25, had been the beneficiary of proper conservative evangelical indoctrination: “You know, evolution is a made-up political thing, and climate isn’t really changing,” he says. “LGBTQ people are sinful. All these different checking off of all those boxes, basically.” Yet he’d gravitated toward science, especially once he got to middle school and the labs and experiments had proven to him that rather than being “trickery,” what he was learning was undeniably true. Such a realization didn’t cause a crisis of faith per se, but it did lead to a mental bifurcation, a sense that God and science could coexist, but in two separate realms, largely divorced from each other.

In college, where he majored in environmental science, Morris found that he was often in a group of one — the only science major in class who openly identified as Christian and the only person in church who was a science major. Then one day, sitting in on a congregational meeting on mission work, he heard one of the speakers talking about environmental missions. “I was like, ‘What the heck is that?’ ” Morris tells me. “It was the first time I heard someone who was Christian explicitly doing environmental stuff. I went up to him right after and was like, ‘Hey, we need to talk.’ ”

That conversation eventually led Morris to spend a month doing volunteer work with a Christian conservation organization in Kenya, cataloging rare bird species, mapping mangrove forests, and collecting data on coral reefs. His meals and his free time were shared with other Christian environmentalists and scientists, most of whom were Kenyan and notably did not share his evangelical American hang-ups. He marveled at how their faith was not only integrated into their environmental pursuits but was in fact integral to them.

Well, see, there’s the reality of environmental concerns and then the mule fritters of climate apocalypse. BTW, how did he get to Kenya? You know it wasn’t through walking, biking, and sailing ships.

Morris also began to see this holistic view all over scripture: in Genesis, where the mandate to have dominion over creation did not seem to imply callous exploitation but rather a call to wise stewardship, and throughout the Gospels, where Jesus didn’t assuage people’s suffering with promises of the afterlife but actually tended to their physical needs in the here and now. So, Morris pondered, wouldn’t loving one’s neighbor mean protecting their habitat? Making sure they could grow food, have clean air and water, not be subjected to forced migration or the “threat multiplier” that he knew climate change to be?

In other words, the climate cult beliefs are hijacking the actual religious beliefs, demanding that he use those beliefs to force Other People to comply with the climate cult beliefs.

In integrating his faith with his environmentalism, Morris came to have a new understanding of what that faith entailed, one that he actually felt was deeper and more authentic. Before the world could be healed by the church, he reasoned, maybe the church needed healing through its engagement with the world. He would go home and preach the message of environmentalism.

It’s a cult. Definitely a cult. Once which is attempting to change the Christian religion from within, making Biblical beliefs secondary to Cult of Climastrology beliefs.

As one would expect with a Rolling Stone article, it’s full of crazy, climavirtue signaling, belittling Christianity, and long.

Read: Young Evangelists Are Super Concerned About Other People’s Carbon Footprints »

Attacks On Gender Confused Athletes Is Threatening Women’s Sports Or Something

This comes from the brilliant minds SJWs at Glamour, which, if memory serves, is a magazine for biological women

But, that would too obvious for these nutters, so, they’re going to dig in for some crazy rationales

Attacks on Transgender Athletes Are Threatening Women’s Sports

When a parent thinks of their daughter having the opportunity to play sports, they might picture themselves waking up early to drive her to the skating rink, or imagine they’ll spend hours of their lives in the car driving to tournaments. They may consider the countless weeks and months of training she will put in. They likely never consider the possibility that their daughter may be forced to undergo an exam of her reproductive anatomy in order to be eligible to take the field.

That’s exactly what’s being proposed by some three dozen bills that have been introduced across the U.S. in the past year (many since the start of the current legislative session) which claim to “protect” girls’ sports by attacking trans girls’ right to compete. Their arguments hinge on the inaccurate belief that trans girls have a “biological advantage” against cis girls in athletic competition and are therefore a threat to girls’ sports.

Who gets to compete as a woman, from college sports to the Olympics, is often based on hormone levels. And while there are plenty of arguments about why the science and evidence to support this line of thinking is faulty, there is another concern that’s so rarely discussed—ideas around bodily autonomy and consent, not just for the trans athletes these policies are attacking, but for cis girls and intersex athletes caught up in the transphobic witch hunt.

You know who should get to compete as a woman? A real woman. One not born with a penis. Ones born with the XX chromosome. A man taking female chromosomes is, get this, still male. And, considering how many women are complaining about having to compete against biological males, ones who do crummy against other males but tend to dominate female sports, I doubt they have a problem proving they have no penis.

In sports, especially at the elite level, there is perhaps more of a need to know things about people’s bodies than there would be in other jobs. The body is the tool, the instrument required to do the job—elite athletes are subject to rigorous doping standards; student athletes receive physicals before competing. But why should a trans athlete (or any athlete) have to disclose what gender-affirming surgeries they have or have not had or what their body parts look like? And what happens when we ask children to undergo genital exams in order to compete in sports?

Well, it wouldn’t be a problem if y’all lunatic Democrats weren’t pushing to normalize mental health problems. I think we can all tell who is a male and who is a female, and they used to be able to count on a birth certificate to show whether the child was male or female, as determined by the doctor at birth.

Under the guise of saving girls’ sports and protecting girls and women, the current and proposed legislation in Idaho, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, New Hampshire, and other states would require minor athletes to provide “proof” of their sex—that means trans girls, cis girls, and anyone suspected of being trans could have to undergo a genital exam before they’d be allowed to hit the court or the track or the field with their teammates (the original version of a bill introduced in Mississippi included this provision, but that was eventually removed from the bill that Gov. Tate Reeves signed into law last week). Many of the bills mirror the language of HB 500 in Idaho, which passed in 2020 and was subsequently enjoined in a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union; it requires that a person “prove” their sex by confirming their chromosomes, reproductive anatomy, or endogenous testosterone levels. (snip)

First, it should go without saying that subjecting girls and women to invasive exams and requirements to “prove” their gender is not protecting women at all. Beyond that, there is no medical basis for these exams and absolutely “no health reason to examine someone’s genitals before engaging in sports activities,” says Leah Torres, M.D., an ob-gyn at the West Alabama Women’s Center in Tuscaloosa.

Have y’all asked biologic females if they’re OK with this? Maybe you should ask them. They know who’s female and who’s male in the locker rooms, bathrooms, and showers. It’s pretty darned easy to prove.

Ultimately, transphobia and transmisogyny do more than just harm the trans women and girls who are at the receiving end of it—though that should be enough to condemn it. Its harms trickle outward, jeopardizing the safety of all girls. “For legislators to put forward a legal requirement to violate these basic tenants of medical practice and interpersonal respect is unthinkably cruel and inhumane,” says Torres. “There is no public good that comes from traumatizing teenagers by violating their bodily autonomy.”

This is just a made Excuse to make sure that gender confused males are able to compete as females, nothing more. They’re normalizing crazy. I’m betting women who compete in sports are more concerned with mentally unwell men pretending they’re women and taking away the wins that real women worked for, taking away their records, taking away their scholarships.

Read: Attacks On Gender Confused Athletes Is Threatening Women’s Sports Or Something »

Declassify Now: US Recorded Lots Of UFO Sightings

I still say one of the big things Trump should have done after seeing the election stolen was to declassify the heck out of all the information on UFOs

US military recorded ‘a lot more’ UFO sightings than made public, says ex-intelligence director

There have been “a lot more” UFO sightings than has previously been made public, Donald Trump’s former intelligence chief has said, as the US government prepares to release a declassified report on unidentified flying objects.

The Pentagon has evidence of UFOs breaking the sound barrier without a sonic boom and other “difficult to explain” phenomena, said John Ratcliffe, the Director of National Intelligence under the Trump administration.

“There are a lot more sightings than have been made public,” Mr Ratcliffe told Fox News. “Some of those have been declassified.

“And when we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain,” he said.

“Movements that are hard to replicate that we don’t have the technology for. Or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.”

The Pentagon’s report is expected to be released by June 1, and is part of a $2.3 trillion (£1.6 tn) legislation signed into law by former president Donald Trump in December.

So, it’s some information, but, Trump should have just signed some executive orders to make it happen without redactions and spin and such. I wonder if China Joe will hold this up, simply because Trump pushed it?

The question is, is this alien? Many can be explained. Many have no explanation.

And, to be clear, I do actually believe that UFOs are real.

Read: Declassify Now: US Recorded Lots Of UFO Sightings »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from fossil fueled vehicles that Other People drive, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on lesbian wives now being politically incorrect.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrats Padilla And Feinstein Want China Joe To Set Date To Get Rid Of Fossil Fueled Vehicles

I’m pretty sure that the Constitution was never meant to allow elected officials to simply declare that a product was verboten in such a manner. I’m also pretty sure that Padilla, Feinstein, and Biden haven’t given up their own use of fossil fueled vehicles

California senators calling on Biden to set date for phasing out gasoline cars

The two U.S. senators representing California are calling on President Biden to create a deadline for U.S. automakers to end sales of gasoline-powered cars, according to a new report.

In a letter to be sent to Biden on Monday that was obtained by Reuters, Democratic Sens. Alex Padilla and Dianne Feinstein urge Biden to “follow California’s lead and set a date by which all new cars and passenger trucks sold be zero-emission vehicles.”

The senators add that many U.S. automakers have the tools and process already in place to phase out gas-powered cars and would be able to meet a realistic deadline for ending gas-powered car sales with ease.

“We believe the national baseline should, at an absolute minimum, be built around the technical lead set by companies that voluntarily advanced their agreements with California,” they wrote. “California and other states need a strong federal partner.”

No, we actually don’t. The federal government was never, ever meant to be this powerful. By what legal rational could Joe force automakers to stop selling fossil fueled vehicles? I didn’t realize that the federal government was supposed to put out authoritarian dictates based on the Beliefs of a cult. Whatever happened to the old Leftist talking point about “separation between church and state”?

In September, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced he would sign an executive order requiring sales of all new passenger vehicles to be zero-emission by 2035 and additional measures to eliminate harmful emissions from the transportation sector.

You know who this hurts? The middle and lower classes, who, again, cannot really afford a pure electric vehicle. Not a good one. Maybe a tiny one which doesn’t go very far or carry much. As I noted a couple months ago

The least expensive out there, excluding the tiny ones like those you rent in places like Bermuda (which makes sense there), is the Mini Cooper SE, with a range of 110 miles and a base price of $30,750. For that kind of money you could get a Honda Accord EXL or the Toyota Camry equivalent, higher end standard sedans, or the same trim levels for the CRV or RAV4. Their hybrid versions aren’t that much more expensive. And will go a lot longer, have a much lower cost of ownership, and much higher residual values.

So, expensive for not much.

Biden earlier this year made a promise to ensure all vehicles currently owned by the federal government that run on gasoline would be replaced with U.S.-made electric vehicles.

“The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles which we’re going to replace with clean, electric vehicles made right here in America by American workers,” the president said at the time.

Who’s making them? Because there sure isn’t production for them. Even Tesla doesn’t make that many, they aren’t mostly set up for government work, and are way more expensive. Let these climate cultists give up their own use of fossil fueled vehicles, purchase their own EVs, see how that goes.

Read: Democrats Padilla And Feinstein Want China Joe To Set Date To Get Rid Of Fossil Fueled Vehicles »

Pirate's Cove