Bummer: Climate Anxiety Is Pretty Much Only A Problem For White Warmist

Scientific American’s Sarah Jaquette Ray is almost positioning “climate anxiety” as a raaaaacist thing, because, of course everything has to have a racial component these days, right? If you look at the URL, the original headline was “The Unbearable Whiteness Of Climate Anxiety”

Climate Anxiety Is an Overwhelmingly White Phenomenon
Is it really just code for white people wishing to hold onto their way of life or get “back to normal?”

The climate movement is ascendant, and it has become common to see climate change as a social justice issue. Climate change and its effects—pandemics, pollution, natural disasters—are not universally or uniformly felt: the people and communities suffering most are disproportionately Black, Indigenous and people of color. It is no surprise then that U.S. surveys show that these are the communities most concerned about climate change.

One year ago, I published a book called A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety. Since its publication, I have been struck by the fact that those responding to the concept of climate anxiety are overwhelmingly white. Indeed, these climate anxiety circles are even whiter than the environmental circles I’ve been in for decades. Today, a year into the pandemic, after the murder of George Floyd and the protests that followed, and the attack on the U.S. Capitol, I am deeply concerned about the racial implications of climate anxiety. If people of color are more concerned about climate change than white people, why is the interest in climate anxiety so white? Is climate anxiety a form of white fragility or even racial anxiety? Put another way, is climate anxiety just code for white people wishing to hold onto their way of life or get “back to normal,” to the comforts of their privilege?

The white response to climate change is literally suffocating to people of color. Climate anxiety can operate like white fragility, sucking up all the oxygen in the room and devoting resources toward appeasing the dominant group. As climate refugees are framed as a climate security threat, will the climate-anxious recognize their role in displacing people from around the globe? Will they be able to see their own fates tied to the fates of the dispossessed? Or will they hoard resources, limit the rights of the most affected and seek to save only their own, deluded that this xenophobic strategy will save them? How can we make sure that climate anxiety is harnessed for climate justice?

Oh, wait, not “almost positioning”, she is positioning white Warmists (these are her own fellow believers, people who mostly vote Democrat here in the US) as racist. Perhaps her fellow white climate cultists are just more fragile then all the Black, Indigenous and people of color (isn’t it racist to see people only by their skin color, rather than as individuals?), plus, let’s face it, most of the whites proclaiming climate anxiety are upper middle class to rich, who can afford to really care about the climate crisis scam.

And climate panic can be as dangerous as it is galvanizing. Dealing with feelings of climate anxiety will require the existential tools I provided in A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety, but it will also require careful attention to extremism and climate zealotry. We can’t fight climate change with more racism. Climate anxiety must be directed toward addressing the ways that racism manifests as environmental trauma and vice versa—how environmentalism manifests as racialized violence. We need to channel grief toward collective liberation.

I’ve been saying for over 15 years that this who thing is really not about science, or even a mildly changing climate, but, politics. They keep proving I’m right.

Today’s progressives espouse climate change as the “greatest existential threat of our time,” a claim that ignores people who have been experiencing existential threats for much longer. Slavery, colonialism, ongoing police brutality—we can’t neglect history to save the future.

So, white Warmists are racist positioning ‘climate change’ as the biggest threat, rather than slavery, which the US hasn’t had in 170 years?

Oppressed and marginalized people have developed traditions of resilience out of necessity. Black, feminist and Indigenous leaders have painstakingly cultivated resilience over the long arc of the fight for justice. They know that protecting joy and hope is the ultimate resistance to domination. Persistence is nonnegotiable when your mental, physical and reproductive health are on the line.

Huh what? How’d this get to abortion on demand? Which is also something, let’s remember, which Democrats wanted especially for the black areas, because Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was a massive racist, along with the Democrats, and wanted to reduce the population of blacks and other non-white groups.

Instead of asking “What can I do to stop feeling so anxious?”, “What can I do to save the planet?” and “What hope is there?”, people with privilege can be asking “Who am I?” and “How am I connected to all of this?” The answers reveal that we are deeply interconnected with the well-being of others on this planet, and that there are traditions of environmental stewardship that can be guides for where we need to go from here.

These people live by creating racial strife: the question now becomes, does this mentality invade the Cult of Climastrology, with the white Warmists genuflecting to the “BIPOC”? Adding the racial component will cause more strife with the CoC, and it will be even more amusing to Skeptics watching this bat guano insane doomsday cult.

Read: Bummer: Climate Anxiety Is Pretty Much Only A Problem For White Warmist »

Biden Border Crisis: Illegals Wearing “Biden Let Us In” Shirts, Releasing With No Court Dates

In the past, ex-Presidents kept their mouths mostly shut, and did not criticize newer administrations. That, of course, went out the window with Obama criticizing Trump, and, since Joe and the Dems can’t shut up about Trump, as they’re sore winners, he might as well chime in

(NY Post) Former President Donald Trump on Sunday ripped the Biden administration for turning the migrant crisis at the southern border into a full-fledged “national disaster.”

In the statement released Sunday evening, Trump also urged President Biden to complete construction of a border wall, and accused the administration of “causing death and human tragedy.”

“In the span of just [a] few weeks, the Biden Administration has turned a national triumph into a national disaster,” Trump said in the statement.

“They are in way over their heads and taking on water fast.”

I’m not sure they are in over their heads, because this is exactly what China Joe and the Democrats want: chaos at the border in order to bring in tens of thousands of low wage, uneducated foreigners who will also get amnesty, then live on the government dole and vote Democrat along with the other illegals who received amnesty. Keep an eye on where these folks are released. Republican states to turn them Dem? And these folks know Joe is there to help

Migrants waiting at the US-Mexico border have been photographed wearing shirts that say ‘Biden, please let us in!’

Migrants at the US-Mexico border were spotted wearing shirts that read “Biden, please let us in!” while gathering en-masse in Tijuana, kneeling and praying for US border officials to let them in.

The shirts mimic the design from Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, and serve as a message – and a plea – from desperate migrants squatting in tents and encampments waiting their turn to be allowed to cross over.

According to the Wall Street Journal, hundreds of immigrants have been camped out at a plaza in Tijuana just across from the US border.

Now, China Joe can say things like this

Insider previously reported that Biden last week told migrants from Central America to not leave their homes to come to the US, particularly after reports of a massive surge in migrants at the southern border of the US.

“Yes, I can say quite clearly: Don’t come over… in the process of getting set up, don’t leave your town or city or community,” said Biden in the televised interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News last week.

Yeah, a TV interview with a very friendly “reporter”, but, his actions say otherwise. Things like

Border agents releasing asylum-seeking migrants into US without court date

Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley are releasing asylum-seeking migrants into the US without issuing them court dates amid an influx of unlawful crossings along the border, a report said Sunday.

The measure is meant to bypass the hours-long process of giving the migrants a “notice to appear,” which requires tedious paperwork, several agents told Fox News.

Migrants crossing Customs and Border Protection’s Rio Grande Valley sector — the busiest crossing point in Fiscal Year 2021 — are instead being registered into a digital system using identifying characteristics, the report said.

The migrants are then responsible to schedule their own asylum hearing, the report said, either with the help of legal assistance or through Immigrations and Customs Enforcement.

Does anyone believe they will actually schedule a hearing? They’ll just wait for Democrats to trot out their partisan amnesty push, then appear out of the woodwork to demand amnesty.

Read: Biden Border Crisis: Illegals Wearing “Biden Let Us In” Shirts, Releasing With No Court Dates »

Climate (scam) Fight Is Impossible As Long As People Have Free Speech, You Know

No matter how delicate these climate cultists put it, this is what they mean: ending Free Speech that disagrees with them

Climate fight ‘is undermined by social media’s toxic reports’

Fake news on social media about climate change and biodiversity loss is having a worrying impact in the battle to halt the growing environmental threats to the planet, a group of scientists and analysts have warned.

In a report published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, they say measures needed to create a healthier, more resilient planet – by reducing fossil fuel emissions, overfishing and other threats – will be hard to enforce if they continue to suffer targeted attacks in social media. The international cooperation that is needed to halt global heating and species loss could otherwise be jeopardised, they say.

“Social media reports have created a toxic environment where it’s now very difficult to distinguish facts from fiction,” said one author, Owen Gaffney, of the Stockholm Resilience Centre. “One of the biggest challenges now facing humanity is our inability to tell fact from fiction. This is undermining democracies, which in turn is limiting our ability to make long-term decisions needed to save the planet.”

This view was supported by the report’s lead author, Professor Carl Folke, director of Sweden’s Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics. “Improvements are occurring – we are getting a lot of promises from big nations about tackling environmental threats – but the media still causes polarisation of views and that is not helpful. We need to tackle that.”

The group’s report is published on Monday as a background paper to the first Nobel Prize Summit, which will be held next month, on the subject “Our Planet, Our Future”. Originally scheduled to take place in Washington last year, the meeting was postponed because of Covid-19. This time it will be held – from 26 to 28 April – as a virtual event.

And, certainly, they want themselves to be the arbiters of what is considered real and what is fake. What could possibly go wrong? And why do the climate cultists get so upset when I call them a doomsday cult with Fascism/authoritarianism at its core? And none of them ever seem to realize that it could be them silenced next for heretical thought.

Today, there is no place on our world that is untouched by homo sapiens, state the report’s authors. Three-quarters of all Earth’s ice-free land has now been directly altered by humans. Every eight days, we build the equivalent of a city the size of New York. We simplify landscapes to ensure they provide maximum economic benefits and in the process erode the biosphere’s resilience. One result is the emergence of new pathogens such as Covid-19.

The relatively cool years that make up the Holocene epoch, which began 11,700 years ago, have now been replaced by the Anthropocene, an epoch in which humanity is the main driver of ecological events. We are destroying rainforests that absorb carbon dioxide and are driving countless species – from insects to gorillas and chimpanzees, our closest evolutionary cousins – towards extinction. At the same time, global heating – caused by our continued burning of fossil fuels – is triggering unprecedented heatwaves, droughts, storms, floods and wildfires.

Who’s to say that much of this isn’t fake news? That it is pretty much fact free? That this is the ravings of a cult member pushing a cult by attempting to scare people, all while refusing to change their own lives to match their Beliefs. They merge real things with cultish beliefs of climate doom to make it appear as if This Is Something. And now want to stop people from being able to respond.

Read: Climate (scam) Fight Is Impossible As Long As People Have Free Speech, You Know »

If All You See…

…is an evil low MPG fossil fueled vehicle in carbon polluting America, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Newsbusters, with a post on the Credentialed Media attacking the Atlanta sheriff for a completely out of context quote.

It’s Jeeps week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Alberto Vargas

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in the Once And Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the mocking birds are mocking the squirrels (squirrels are rather confused), and more and more are getting vaccinated. This pinup is by Alberto Vargas, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Old Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Weasel Zippers notes all the 3rd wave lockdown protests in Europe
  2. No Tricks Zone discusses fake hurricane news
  3. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers the Climate Commissars watching you
  4. Jo Nova highlights the Chinese scorn to the Woke Western Upperclass
  5. 357 Magnum provides a newsflash that tasers don’t always work
  6. American Power notes cancel culture took out Sharon Osbourne from The View
  7. Blazing Cat Fur wonders if AOC still cares about caged kids at the border
  8. Chicks On The Right features an exposed video of Biden slurring his words
  9. Diogenes’ Middle Finger notes the coming Ralphie-Ovaltine moments
  10. Dissecting Leftism notes the media’s shift on vaccine related injuries
  11. Free North Carolina covers active military members speaking out against Marxist-style purges
  12. Gen Z Conservative discusses the US Navy’s new Wokeness
  13. hogewash has a cool photo of a fluffy galaxy
  14. Jihad Watch notes what happened after a student told a teacher than her father would behead him
  15. And last, but not least, Legal Insurrection highlights companies needing to take anti-Trump pledges
  16. And one to grow on: Starving the Monkeys (new to the feedreader), gives a eulogy for the US Marine Corps

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Wait, What: China Joe Admin Announces They Will Launch Cyber-Attacks On Russia

What’s the first thought that ran through your head when reading that headline?

Biden administration to launch cyber attacks on Russia as feud with Putin escalates

Biden Brain SlugThe Biden administration is preparing a series of aggressive cyber attacks on Russia in a major shift in tactics designed as a warning shot to rival powers.

The attack, which is expected in the next fortnight, is in retaliation for the SolarWinds hack, the large-scale infiltration of American government agencies and corporations discovered late last year that was traced back to the Kremlin.

It comes after Joe Biden this week engaged in a war of words with Vladimir Putin, calling the Russian president a “killer”, while the White Houses attacked China for rights abuses in a tense opening of face-to-face talks.

The US will not target civilian structures or networks, but the hack is instead designed as a direct challenge to Mr Putin, Russia’s President, and his cyber army, The Telegraph understands.

The White House confirmed it will take “a mix of actions” – both “seen and unseen” – although it did not provide specifics on when and how it would do so.

The first thing I think is “why in the hell would you announce this? Why give them warning? You just do it.” This is like someone warning you that they will throw eggs at your house over the next few weeks. You know when it is coming. So, if real, Russia knows, so can take action, and can take measures to guard against it, and, when it happens, can just complain about China Joe at the U.N. You do these things secretly. Maybe you get caught, but, you don’t announce it. This is not meant to do anything but virtue signal.

Russia and the US had committed to the so-called cyber confidence building measures that allowed the countries to have a confidential beeline about possible breaches but the agreement collapsed spectacularly in 2016 when Russian hackers targeted the Democratic National Committee.

Supposedly, because Crowdstrike has only said this happened. They’ve never once let the FBI examine the actual servers. Further, the Mueller report shows definitively that it wasn’t so much a hack, as a spear-fishing operation, and that the old people in charge of security at the DNC should not be.

Any such move would mark a different tact taken by previous administrations, which have largely acted defensively against Moscow’s cyber warfare. Donald Trump took a much more cautious approach on Russia, being careful never to directly criticise or challenge the regime.

Obviously, there’s some TDS in this piece. What Trump did was actually slap Russia and China with lots of sanctions, and any operations against Russia were done in secret. Because that’s what you do with intelligence operations. Quiet. Secret. Gather info. Disrupt enemies. Not attempt a catty, announced cyber attack, which is about as useful as one of Obama’s strongly worded letters. This is what the U.S. foreign policy is apparently going back to.

Read: Wait, What: China Joe Admin Announces They Will Launch Cyber-Attacks On Russia »

Mayor Pete Explains Going Back To The Past For ‘Climate Change’

I know y’all are super excited to ride bikes, walk, and take trains, right?

Buttigieg: Biden plan will usher in a new transportation era

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said Thursday that an infrastructure plan expected soon from President Joe Biden will offer a “once in a century” opportunity to remake transportation in the United States, where cars and highways are no longer king.

Speaking at the Austin, Texas-based South by Southwest conference, which is being held virtually this year, Buttigieg compared the new possibility to the creation of an interstate highway under President Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950s and a transcontinental railroad under President Abraham Lincoln a century before that.

“We start with something unglamorous, which is fixing and improving what we’re already got — there’s been a trillion dollar backlog just in the roads and bridges we already have,” he said. “But I’ll add there are some things that need to be reduced … sometimes roads need to go on a diet.”

He said the U.S. can no longer follow a 1950s mentality of building roads and communities based on moving as many cars as possible, but must adapt to the reality of climate change and ensure the safety of growing numbers of bicyclists and pedestrians on the streets.

“The design choices we make, how fast cars move, whether there’s bike lanes and sidewalks … green space even, all of this is part of that view,” Buttigieg said. “Sometimes we do need to add a road or widen one. Just as often, I think we need to subtract.”

The new era is an old one, with bikes instead of horses. Of course, the big wigs won’t be giving up their own use of fossil fueled vehicles. They won’t walk or bike. And, last time I checked, our Constitution made this kind of dictatorial power verboten.

On Thursday, Buttigieg said he saw opportunities to build out high-speed and other passenger rail in strongly Republican states, not just coastal, Democratic areas in the Northeast and California. He said that could reduce car-dependence, create jobs and help the environment. But he acknowledged he “can’t do it alone,” without major federal investment and support from Congress.

I notice people like Pete do not take the train. But, you peons will have no choice, unless you want to walk or bike. Why does ‘climate change’ always seem to involve authoritarian centralized government?

Read: Mayor Pete Explains Going Back To The Past For ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is an ocean that will soon rise up and swamp the cities, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The People’s Cube, with a post on a study showing too much patriotism in the officer’s corps.

Read: If All You See… »

Gov. Abbott Slams China Joe Admin For Unsafe Illegal Alien Detention Centers

I think we’re all wondering when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her comrades will fly down to the border for a photo op

Gov. Abbott slams Biden for ‘failure’ at minors facilities. DHS reportedly considers flying migrants to states near Canadian border.

The Biden administration is currently considering flying migrants to states near the Canadian border, according to the Washington Post.

Citing two unnamed Department of Homeland Security officials and an email, the report states, “A new spike in the number of families and children crossing the Rio Grande into South Texas over the past several hours is forcing U.S. Customs and Border Protection to request airplanes that will allow the Biden administration to transport migrants to states near the Canadian border for processing.”

Friday afternoon’s report of relocating migrants from the southern border to the northern border comes at the same time that the Biden administration is being slammed for “unsafe” minor migrant facilities. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott released a scathing statement blasting the Biden administration for its “abject failure” in handling the immigration crisis, especially with migrant children.

“The Biden Administration has been an abject failure when it comes to ensuring the safety of unaccompanied minors who cross our border,” Abbott said in Friday’s statement. “The conditions unaccompanied minors face in these federally run facilities is unacceptable and inhumane.”

Abbott revealed that the water is unsafe at the federally-run unaccompanied minor migrant facility in Midland, Texas. Abbott said, “The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality has notified the Midland facility of their need to address the serious water issues.”

Abbott also noted that there has been a COVID-19 outbreak at the Carrizo Springs facility. Abbott deployed the Texas Department of State Health Services resources and personnel to the facility, which houses minors ages 13-17.

But, mean tweets are worse, right?

“The Biden Administration has no excuse for subjecting these children to these kinds of conditions,” Abbott’s statement reads. “President Biden’s refusal to address the border crisis is not only enabling criminal actors like human traffickers and smugglers, but it is exposing innocent unaccompanied children to illness and potentially unsafe living conditions. The administration must act now to keep these children safe, secure our border, and end this humanitarian crisis.”

“The Biden Admin. has turned a humanitarian crisis into a complete disaster,” Abbott tweeted. “They were unprepared for open border policies.”

I’m not sure about that last line. I think they were prepared: prepared to do nothing in order to create a crisis, knowing that illegals/migrants would stream to the border, all in an attempt to get an amnesty, and to hell with Americans who are suffering during COVID. This is exactly what Joe and the Democrats want. They don’t care about conditions, human traffickers, kids traveling long distance without their parents, rape and violence along the way, or anything else: they want their amnesty. They want cheap, free voters who will be on the government dole and voting Democrat.

Read: Gov. Abbott Slams China Joe Admin For Unsafe Illegal Alien Detention Centers »

Superspreader? Climate Cultists Restart Fridays For Future Marches

Interestingly, we’re getting all sorts of headlines like this

Spring breakers descend on Texas amid fears of superspreader event

Spring Break Could Be Virus Superspreader Event In Florida

But, not for stuff like this

Climate change activists restart Fridays For Future protests across the world

Climate change activists are taking to the streets worldwide as the Fridays For Future protests restart.

The weekly protests were put on hold due to the ongoing pandemic but activists from more than 60 countries, including India, Russia, Germany and Australia, have taken to the streets demanding the climate crisis be treated as an emergency.

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish climate change activist, announced the return of the in-person strikes under COVID-19 guidelines to her followers on Twitter, writing: “School strike week 135. Today is the global strike! We’re striking in shifts to avoid big crowds and keep our numbers as low as possible.”

Video at the link shows a large group marching while not socially distanced

(The Salt Lake Tribune) A group of Utah teens marched to the Utah Capitol on Friday, shouting in an effort to show their concern for global climate change.

Some 80 marchers — mostly teens, with a few adults — walked from Salt Lake City Hall up State Street to the Capitol, in a local version of a “global climate strike.”

Co-organizers Natalie Roberts and Melanie Van Hook, both eighth graders at Salt Lake Arts Academy, led the march, carrying a banner that read “Invest in our future — not climate change.”

So, they’ll be giving up getting driven everywhere by mom and dad, right? And that’s a lot of people gathered closely together

Large group not really socially distanced. Besides being climanuts, isn’t this a superspreader event? Or is that OK because they’re Demanding Stuff?

A lot of people gathered together. Huh. Anyhow

Read: Superspreader? Climate Cultists Restart Fridays For Future Marches »

Pirate's Cove