Superspreader? Climate Cultists Restart Fridays For Future Marches

Interestingly, we’re getting all sorts of headlines like this

Spring breakers descend on Texas amid fears of superspreader event

Spring Break Could Be Virus Superspreader Event In Florida

But, not for stuff like this

Climate change activists restart Fridays For Future protests across the world

Climate change activists are taking to the streets worldwide as the Fridays For Future protests restart.

The weekly protests were put on hold due to the ongoing pandemic but activists from more than 60 countries, including India, Russia, Germany and Australia, have taken to the streets demanding the climate crisis be treated as an emergency.

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish climate change activist, announced the return of the in-person strikes under COVID-19 guidelines to her followers on Twitter, writing: “School strike week 135. Today is the global strike! We’re striking in shifts to avoid big crowds and keep our numbers as low as possible.”

Video at the link shows a large group marching while not socially distanced

(The Salt Lake Tribune) A group of Utah teens marched to the Utah Capitol on Friday, shouting in an effort to show their concern for global climate change.

Some 80 marchers — mostly teens, with a few adults — walked from Salt Lake City Hall up State Street to the Capitol, in a local version of a “global climate strike.”

Co-organizers Natalie Roberts and Melanie Van Hook, both eighth graders at Salt Lake Arts Academy, led the march, carrying a banner that read “Invest in our future — not climate change.”

So, they’ll be giving up getting driven everywhere by mom and dad, right? And that’s a lot of people gathered closely together

Large group not really socially distanced. Besides being climanuts, isn’t this a superspreader event? Or is that OK because they’re Demanding Stuff?

A lot of people gathered together. Huh. Anyhow

Read: Superspreader? Climate Cultists Restart Fridays For Future Marches »

Biden Falls Up Stairs, Staff Blame It On Wind

Hey, remember this?

How about this?

Biden stumbles multiple times, falls as he scales Air Force One stairs

President Biden stumbled twice and fell as he scaled the stairs to Air Force One on Friday at Joint Base Andrews.

The president was briskly climbing the stairs to the presidential jet before appearing to trip, attempting to gather himself, then tripping again. A reporter in the pool following Biden reported that it’s a windy day at Andrews.

The White House said that Biden “is doing 100% fine” after his fall.

A White House spokesperson later blamed the wind for Biden’s fall, according to the New York Post.

Seriously, they feel the need to spin everything, eh? Many, many presidents, and others, have slipped while climbing the steps. Mike Pence, Gerald Ford (once, but, will SNL do something on Biden?), Obama, and so many others. Why blame the wind? That makes it seem so much worse, when you already have people thinking Joe has lots of health issues. Simply say “he slipped. It happens. And, when you’re wearing leather soled shoes on carpet, it can be really bad.”

In all fairness, this could happen to anyone. I just wonder about the hesitation at the foot of the stairs, like he’s thinking how the heck he’s going to do this, like a drunk at 4am after waking up off the couch looking at stairs up to the bedroom.

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Read: Biden Falls Up Stairs, Staff Blame It On Wind »

Washington Post Demands Congress Go Big On Climate (scam) Or Something

It’s very easy for the editorial board to make this demand, since they don’t see it directly affecting their operations

This Congress must go big on climate change

THERE HAVE been many moments when it seemed as though the United States would tackle climate change, only for hopes to be dashed. Now, it has another chance. President Biden promised to put global warming at the top of his agenda, and congressional Democrats, for now clinging to narrow majorities, are beginning to offer plans.

The danger is imminent. The world cannot afford another round of nice-sounding proposals followed by inaction. Congress must go big on climate change.

One plan, the sprawling Clean Future Act, released earlier this month by the leaders of several House committees, would have the country reach net-zero greenhouse emissions by mid-century, starting with massive decarbonization of the electricity sector over the next decade. The bill would require utilities to derive increasing amounts of their electricity from clean sources, which include renewables, nuclear power and, for a limited time and at a discounted rate, natural-gas-fired power plants. The bill would invest in electric car infrastructure, compensate coal country for lost jobs and ask states to develop emissions-cutting plans that would address any areas federal programs failed to cover.

Let’s start by requiring all federally elected lawmakers who vote for this to forgo the use of fossil fueled travel. And having to live in tiny homes/apartments when in D.C.

But market-based incentives should be part of any climate legislation, for reasons of policy and politics alike. Democrats need more than their side to get a comprehensive bill. They need 10 Republican votes to reach 60 in the Senate. The only other option is using reconciliation, a parliamentary maneuver that allows budget-related bills to pass the Senate by a simple majority. But climate mandates would not qualify for reconciliation. Using reconciliation, Democrats could enact massive federal subsidies but not climate regulations. They also could impose carbon taxes, or a mix of carbon taxes and spending.

By “market based”, they mean government requirements. So, socialism, not capitalism. How about slapping a carbon tax on news operations, like the Washington Post? It would be fun to watch them scream bloody murder, eh?

In a functional Congress, this situation would produce a deal: Mr. Romney and other GOP senators would offer a carbon tax; Democrats would insist that some of its revenue go to underserved communities and renewable energy research; the nation would get a climate plan. Mr. Romney should try. Democrats should listen. If it does not work, Democrats must find another path. One way or another, this Senate must approve a strong climate policy.

I have an idea: if you Believe, practice what you preach. Easy peasey. Slap some solar panels up on the Washington Post building. Only use non-fossil fueled travel to gather and deliver the news. Voluntarily send taxes to the IRS. Go for it. No one is stopping you.

Read: Washington Post Demands Congress Go Big On Climate (scam) Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the NYPD combating thought crimes.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Liberals Are Getting Tired Of Joe’s Foreign Policy

Is Joe being smart about foreign policy? Was he basically left with little choice by the Trump administration? Is he biding his time, trying to force other things through first? Well, many Democrats have had enough of being tough on Iran

Liberals Grow Impatient With Biden’s Foreign Policy Decisions

Earlier this week, Biden administration officials passed around with bemusement some words of praise from an unexpected source: Jared Kushner.

In an opinion essay for The Wall Street Journal, Kushner, former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and adviser on Middle East issues, said that President Joe Biden “did the right thing” and had “called Iran’s bluff” by refusing to make new concessions to lure Iran into talks about restoring a nuclear deal abandoned by the Trump administration.

Kushner may have meant well, but his seal of approval compounded a problem for Biden by inflaming liberal allies already disappointed that his nuclear diplomacy with Iran had not made swifter progress.

“I would take this in the Biden White House as a giant, blinking red light that maybe what I’m doing is not right because Jared Kushner is finding ways to praise it,” said Benjamin Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser under former President Barack Obama who worked closely on the 2015 nuclear agreement, speaking Wednesday on the “Pod Save the World” podcast.

Iran is just one of several foreign policy issues frustrating Biden’s base two months into his presidency. Although Biden delighted them with several swift actions — among them rejoining the Paris climate accord and withdrawing support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen — he triggered frustration by ordering an airstrike in Syria and declining to punish the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, over the brutal murder of a dissident journalist and U.S. resident, Jamal Khashoggi.

But, what they’re most upset about is not kowtowing to Iran. They really, really, really want to bow to Iran, not caring what it means, and, a lot of that is because liberals hate Israel and Jews.

On Wednesday, Biden fueled the discontent when he conceded in an interview with ABC News that it would be “tough” to meet a May 1 deadline, set under the Trump administration, to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, a high priority for liberals impatient to end what they call “endless” American wars.

Sounds like they should have voted for Trump who would have made the deadline.

The Middle East, which Biden officials hope to de-emphasize as they turn America’s attention to China, is the source of many complaints. Topping the list is Biden’s decision not to unilaterally rejoin the Iran nuclear deal by reversing harsh sanctions imposed on Iran by Trump after he abandoned the agreement in 2018.

Iran says it will not talk, much less scale back its advancing nuclear program and comply with the deal’s limits, until Biden acts.

Supporters of the original deal, including Obama administration officials who helped to design it, say the passage of time only allows for political opposition to build at home and for events in the dangerous region to trigger an escalation.

Told you, Iran is their most important thing in foreign policy. Why? Seriously, why do liberals want to normalize relations and such with Iran so badly? A nation that says death to America and death to Israel routinely. One which is directly responsible for hundreds, if not more, of American deaths, and thousands of injuries.

Anyhow, it’s a long article, worth the read.

Read: Bummer: Liberals Are Getting Tired Of Joe’s Foreign Policy »

There’s A Right To Fight Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Well, sure, people have a right to fight climate change, at least here in the U.S., where we have freedom to do things we want, right? They’re welcome to agitate for redress of grievance. They’re welcome to give up their own use of fossil fuels, take the bus, ride the train, walk or bike, go vegan, live in a tiny home, turn the AC up to 80 and the heat down to 60. Take short showers and only use 2 sheets of TP. But, that’s not what they mean by a Right to fight

Restoring Financial Regulators’ Right to Fight Climate Change

The Biden administration has pledged to make the climate crisis a top-tier issue, authorizing a “whole of government” to take on climate change. That would mean the responsibility to legislate environmental action wouldn’t be left up only to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, but would extend to all agencies, including financial regulators.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

This is why we can’t have nice things: climate cultists think that the Executive Office legislates. They don’t seem to understand or have knowledge of the document that is meant to guide all government in the United States. Seriously, literally the first paragraph after the preamble reads “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” The Framers thought the Legislative body was more important than the Executive, having a huge section on the Legislative first, with the Exec described in Article II. And, let’s not forget, prior to the 17th Amendment the Senate was composed of senators hand picked by state general assemblies, so, they were each voting for the legislative priorities of their own individual states, not their parties or “consciousness.”

Already, over the past few weeks, Biden’s Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that it will update its guidelines on how climate risks should be disclosed to investors, and launched a task force to focus on climate-related compliance and misconduct. The SEC has also refused to help ExxonMobil block a shareholder vote on a climate-change resolution. (Although the commission did just let the company reject a shareholder proposal to force the operation to disclose what it plans to do with its untapped fossil fuel assets.)

Do they have the statutory power to do this? Perhaps, since Congress has been negligent over the years in giving Executive Office agencies way to much power and latitude to do as they choose.

For much of the latter third of the 20th Century, corporate law was dominated by the idea best summarized in economist Milton Friedman’s influential 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom that “Corporations have no higher purpose than maximizing profits for their shareholders.” In the last decade, however, shareholders have begun to push for more responsible corporate citizenship, particularly with regards to climate change.

If shareholders aren’t pushing for a return on investment, then what’s the point in being a shareholder? Oh, right, these people are left-wing kooks, pushing Modern Socialism.

Shareholder advocacy organizations are planning to legally challenge the previous administration’s attempts to clamp down on corporate climate action, and the Biden administration is not expected to let many of Trump’s financial policies stand.

WTF is a shareholder advocacy organization? Is that like people who don’t hold shares who demand that those who do Comply with their demands? Why can no one mind their own business these days, especially when it has to do with Forcing Other People to comply?

As chair of the Financial Stability Oversight Council, which works to shield the economic system from crashes, Yellen also has the ability to push all federal regulators to enact strong climate policies, such as strict limitations on fossil fuel investments. The council could also take the aggressive steps to take any other actions it deems appropriate to address climate risks, even banning fossil fuel investments altogether.

I’ll say it again: the fossil fuels companies should refuse to sell their product to these groups/agencies if they take these actions.

Read: There’s A Right To Fight Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

Democrats Vote To Allow Illegal Alien Gang Members And Murderers To Be Eligible For Amnesty

Who’s surprised by this? Democrats just want amnesty, period. They don’t care who these people are. They don’t want to have vetting in place, they just want to give them all amnesty quickly, before voters realize how utterly bad and insane this is

Five Democrats Flip-Flop to Allow Illegal Immigrant Gang Members to Get Amnesty

Five Democrats flip-flopped Thursday to allow illegal immigrant gang members to obtain amnesty through the American Dream and Promise Act.

Rep. Pete Stauber (R-MN), a former Duluth, Minnesota, police officer, offered a motion to recommit on H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise, a bill that would grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. The motion to recommit, if passed, would mandate that the bill go back to the committees of origin, and they would have to add Stauber’s amendment before it could come up for a floor vote again.

Stauber’s amendment would ensure that gang members could not receive amnesty under H.R. 6. Specifically, it would ensure that federal authorities could use state or federal data on their criminal history to deny an illegal immigrant’s amnesty petition. H.R. 6 does not allow federal authorities to do this.

Stauber’s amendment would also allow the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to deport illegal immigrant gang members.

Stauber said, at one point

Under H.R. 6, information provided in an application for a green card may not be used for the purpose of immigration enforcement – even if DHS denies the application or it’s withdrawn.

This means that if an applicant has a murder conviction, a rape conviction, or if the applicant is a gang member, and DHS knows about it because of the application, DHS can’t refer that person for removal.

The person could be convicted of raping a child and they wouldn’t be removed. Instead, they’d be eligible for amnesty. An we all know that this so-called pathway to citizenship won’t be a multi-year process like all those who go through the normal citizenship process; instead, they’ll be lip service paid, and these illegals will be granted citizenship within a few months or so. Even with criminal backgrounds, with little understanding of English, with little to no understanding of US civics.

Democrats blocked Stauber’s motion, with 203 Republicans in favor of the motion and 216 votes against the motion.

Not one Republican voted against. Not one Democrat voted to block illegal alien killers, rapists, and gang members from getting amnesty.

Read: Democrats Vote To Allow Illegal Alien Gang Members And Murderers To Be Eligible For Amnesty »

Old And Busted: Not Raising Taxes On People Making Less Than $400K A Year

What was that old saying about Obama, something about every promise having an expiration date? Who was in the Executive Office with him?

And here we go

Psaki said at her daily press briefing that the proposed $400,000 threshold for tax increases applies to “families” rather than individuals.

The clarification significantly lowers the tax-hike threshold announced by Biden in an ABC News interview that aired Wednesday.

Biden’s interview statement appeared to indicate the cutoff would be $400,000 in individual income.

How soon till it drops to $100K? Then $50? Lower?

Of course, all his climate apocalypse scam stuff will raise everyone’s taxes.

Read: Old And Busted: Not Raising Taxes On People Making Less Than $400K A Year »

China Joe Admin Pushing Companies To Adopt Climate Cult Dogma

Because this has everything to do with science and not with hardcore Progressive (nice Fascism) policies, you know, where government controls private entities

U.S. pushing companies to help fight climate change

Federal regulators are pushing corporate America to reckon with the cost of climate change, arguing that global warming poses significant peril not only to the environment but to the U.S. economy.

On Wednesday, Rostin Behnam, the acting chairperson of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), announced that he is establishing a unit to focus on the role of complex financial derivatives in understanding and pricing climate-related hazards. That follows a request on Monday by the Securities and Exchange Commission for public input on how to require companies to disclose “consistent, comparable, and reliable information on climate change” risks to investors. (snip)

In recent weeks, the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve have highlighted the ballooning costs of extreme weather linked to climate change and flagged the potential danger to businesses, banking and investments that could come from a rocky transition away from an economy rooted in fossil fuels.

“Climate change poses a major threat to U.S. financial stability, and I believe we must move urgently and assertively in utilizing our wide-ranging and flexible authorities to address emerging risks,” Behnam said in a statement to The Washington Post. He added that the agency’s “unique mission” and its attention to risk and prices “puts us on the front lines of this effort.”

Blah, blah, blah, it’s all just an attempt to force Other People to comply with the climate cults beliefs, while those like Joe do jack and squat to reduce their own carbon footprints and go net zero. Though, Joe does try, what with being locked down in the White House.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen — who in her confirmation hearings called climate change “an existential threat to not only our environment but also our economy” — has established a new senior position for climate matters. And the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Monday requested public input on how to revise disclosure rules to include “consistent, comparable, and reliable information on climate change.” The Federal Reserve is also examining climate risks.

“No, we have no idea why the cost of doing business is going up, along with good, products, and services.” Will they mandate this stuff, like the good little authoritarians they are? And, good news, this stuff is also international

Sovereign Rating Cuts Coming to Those Who Ignore Climate Change

A failure to cut pollution will cost governments around the world billions, according to University of Cambridge economists who used artificial intelligence to forecast climate change’s effect on sovereign credit ratings.

If emissions continue at current levels, 63 countries will see ratings downgrades of more than one notch by 2030, acording to the group, which includes Moritz Kraemer, S&P Global Ratings’ former chief sovereign ratings officer. The U.S. grade would drop by two notches, and as much as three levels for Germany, India and the Netherlands. Even meeting Paris Agreement commitments will mean an average cut of 0.65.

So, just wondering, does this apply to all those nations who stayed a part of the Paris Climate (scam) agreement and then really did nothing? BTW, nice Fascism doesn’t mean they’re nice, it means that they are doing this for your own good, whether you want it or not. Because they Know Better than you. And you will be made to comply.

Read: China Joe Admin Pushing Companies To Adopt Climate Cult Dogma »

If All You See…

…is a tropical forest growing in the north due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post highlighting a mind numbingly, ridiculous comment on the 1st Amendment.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove