Crimes Against Cooking: Barveque Plans To Expand Production Footprint

Isn’t this against the law in most Southern states, including North Carolina?

New ‘Carolina Smokehouse’ putting a different spin on barbecue – it’s plant based

This is what real barbecue looks like, made from pig

This is what real barbecue looks like, made from pig

Plant-based barbecue producer Barveque will expand its footprint and employee base in Cornelius, in the Lake Norman region near Charlotte, with what it’s calling “the world’s largest plant-based smokehouse.” How’s that for a new kind of pig pickin’?

The company disclosed the new earlier this week.

The approximately 10,000 square foot facility, to be named the Carolina Smokehouse, will open in July 2021, said the company. It plans to continue operating in its current facility that will eventually be turned into innovation space.

The company anticipates that it could produce 800,000 pounds of Barveque products as it scales up to meet surging demand.

“As we grow to keep up with demand for Barvecue products, we decided that it was time to expand production and lead the way in the plant-based barbecue market,” said Barveque founder and CEO Lee Cooper.

Well, good for them, expanding in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic. Not many businesses can say that. It’s still a crime against barbecue, calling it barbecue. Not many things truly Offend me, but, this might get there

According to Future Marketing Insights (FMI), the global market for plant-based pork is projected to rise at a compound annual growth rate of 24 percent between 2020 and 2030.

There’s no such thing as plant-based pork. It’s not pork. It’s plant. It’s nothing like pork. And it darned sure ain’t barbecue. Heck, barbecue is not a verb down South, it is a noun. Period. You do not go out and barbecue. You go cook some barbecue. You smoke it. As a verb, you grill out. If you try and serve me this fake stuff, I will be Triggered. I’m going to go work my aggression and sadness off at the gym.

Read: Crimes Against Cooking: Barveque Plans To Expand Production Footprint »

Surprise: Higher Frequency Of Tropical Systems Due To Better Observation, Not Hotcoldwetdry

Who would have seen this coming? Somebody is going to have to do some serious walking back of reality once the Cult of Climastrology starts coming after him (via Watts Up With That?)

Should the hurricane season begin earlier?

The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins on 1 June. But over the past six years, significant storms have been forming earlier than this. So does the hurricane season need to start earlier – and is climate change to blame?

At a regional meeting of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) this week, meteorologists and officials will be discussing a possible change to how the hurricane season is defined.

“The 2020 hurricane season was one of the most challenging in the 40-year history of [the] WMO’s Tropical Cyclone Programme,” says WMO Secretary-General Prof Petteri Taalas.

“The record number of hurricanes combined with Covid-19 to create, literally, the perfect storm.”

The hurricane season has officially started on the 1 June since the mid-1960s, when hurricane reconnaissance planes would start routine trips into the Atlantic to spot storm development.

Over the past 10 to 15 years, though, named storms have formed prior to the official start about 50% of the time.

Must be due to you eating lots of burgers and taking fossil fueled trips

And the way they are defined and observed has changed significantly over time.

“Many of these storms are short-lived systems that are now being identified because of better monitoring and policy changes that now name sub-tropical storms,” Dennis Feltgen, meteorologist at the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) told BBC Weather.

Certainly, even 20 years ago, there were not as many ways to identify systems. Going back 50 years? Way, way less. Before the late 70’s most were identified by ships and planes, not satellites, which have become better and better.

Is climate change playing a role?
The number of named storms has increased over the decades, but there is no real evidence this is the result of a warming world.

Dr McNoldy notes “the big shift in counts is simply that there were several inactive seasons from 1981-1990 and several active seasons from 2011-2020”.

“Once that inactive period drops out of the average, and is replaced by the active, it will increase the numbers”

The overall increase from 1961 is also likely to be due to better technology, along with observations over the Atlantic Ocean.

Since satellites came along in the 1980s, we can spot and monitor the development of tropical cyclones and name them when they meet the threshold.

We are simply able to record more.

I’m sure the climate cultists will find a way to say this is all bunk and your fault.

Read: Surprise: Higher Frequency Of Tropical Systems Due To Better Observation, Not Hotcoldwetdry »

Almost Half U.S. States Sue Biden For Revoking Keystone Pipeline

During the Trump era, Democrats sued Trump for doing things that were pro-America, and because they had Trump Derangement Syndrome. During the China Joe era, Republicans are suing Biden as he does things bad for Americans

21 states sue Biden for revoking Keystone XL permit

Biden Brain SlugA coalition of states with Republican attorneys general sued President Biden on Wednesday over his decision to revoke a key permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

The lawsuit from 21 states, led by Texas and Montana, argues that revoking the cross-border permit is a “regulation of interstate and international commerce” that should be left to Congress and that Biden’s move was an overreach.

The Republican attorneys general also argued that the decision was arbitrary and capricious.

Some of the states represented in the lawsuit have Democratic governors, including Kentucky and Kansas, though all of them have Republican attorneys general.

“Cabinet Defendants’ actions … have the possibility of depriving States and local governments of millions of dollars in revenues. Yet, far from providing a reasoned explanation for why they are taking their actions, they have not provided any reason at all,” the suit states.

Let’s not forget that even Obama’s State Department found that the pipeline was safe, and much better than transporting fossil fuels over long stretches of road and rail. But, Keystone XL caused butthurt in enviroweenies, becoming their Main Cause, so, Biden has tried to end it. Which means, get this, Canada will send the oil to their west coast and on to China.

In a statement on the lawsuit, Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen (R) called Biden’s cancellation of the permit “an empty virtue signal to his wealthy coastal elite donors.”

“The power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce belongs to Congress – not the President. This is another example of Joe Biden overstepping his constitutional role to the detriment of Montanans,” he added.

Joe doesn’t care about the loss of jobs, nor the rising cost of fuel and energy. His is paid for, plus, he got plenty rich via his government jobs. I suspect Joe, well, really his advisors, will create plenty more opportunities for lawsuits going forward.

Read: Almost Half U.S. States Sue Biden For Revoking Keystone Pipeline »

Climahysteric John Kerry, Who Was In Vietnam, Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight

If you don’t get the Vietnam thing, an old joke from 2004. Regardless

Well, at least he’s not flying his even more world killing private jet, right? Some are trying to defend him saying he took it off to take a drink. Not sure about you, but, I just drop it down a bit to take a sip, especially when I flew to Newark over Christmas. When I’m at work indoors. At the gym. I don’t take it off. And, if it was just a sip, where’s the bottle? Why is he reading? Why did the American Airlines crew not say something?

Who wants to bet nothing happens? Further, that looks like first class: think the average government worker would be given permission to fly first class? Or did Kerry pay for the entire ticket himself (yeah, right)? Anyhow, just another climahypocrite. He could have taken the train from Boston to DC.

Read: Climahysteric John Kerry, Who Was In Vietnam, Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight »

French Parliament Votes To Include Climate Crisis (scam) In Their Consitution

I really don’t know anything about how the French constitution works, but, I have to wonder: do the people of France get a say in the matter, or, just their political masters?

French Parliament votes to include climate change clause in constitution

The lower house of the French parliament, the National Assembly, on Tuesday voted in favor of amending the country’s constitution with provisions that include climate and biodiversity protection.

The 391-47 vote on the climate bill marks the first step towards a referendum on the constitutional amendment.

According to Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti, this bill is a “real chance that [the French] will go to the referendum promised by the president.”

In December, French President Emmanuel Macron announced his intention to hold a nationwide referendum on constitutional amendments related to the fight against 

The amendments are set to add notions of biodiversity, the environment and the fight against global warming to the basic law’s Article 1.

Ah. I guess they do get a voice. Which way will they vote? Will they vote to give Government even more power over their lives, and to give government more of their hard earned money? Because that’s what will happen if they vote in favor. If it passes, will this give the climate cultists here in the U.S. ideas?

Read: French Parliament Votes To Include Climate Crisis (scam) In Their Consitution »

If All You See…

…is a hazy day due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on science going Woke.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrats Block Legislation Requiring COVID Tests For Illegals And Migrants

What’s so bad about testing illegals and migrants? The same Democrats want U.S. citizens locked down and wearing masks, yet, not for those at our borders?

Democrats Block GOP Bill to Test Illegal Immigrants for Coronavirus

Democrats blocked a bill sponsored by Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), which would require the federal government to test all illegal immigrants for coronavirus.

Republicans introduced a motion to block the previous question on a piece of legislation Tuesday tht would allow for the consideration of Miller-Meeks’ legislation, the Requiring Every Alien to Receive a COVID-19 Test (REACT) Act. This bill would mandate that the Homeland Security Department (DHS) test all migrants crossing the border illegally that the DHS releases into the country.

Miller-Meeks’ office noted that, as of March 8th, the federal government released 185 migrants into Brownsville, Texas, who have tested positive for the coronavirus. The Iowa conservative’s office also said that current law does not require the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or Immigration and Customs Enforcement to test illegal immigrants for coronavirus.

Miller-Meeks said on the House floor Tuesday night:

This week, I traveled to El Paso, Texas, to meet with CBP agents and officers. I saw firsthand the crisis they are facing, and I believe it is our job in Congress to address it and assist them. Approximately 50% of agents have tested positive for COVID-19, and very few migrants are being tested. My REACT Act would require that every migrant released from CBP or ICE custody is tested and receives a negative test. Border security and immigration is not an issue that only affects border states, it affects every community across the country. By ensuring that individuals entering the country are negative for COVID-19, we can help keep our communities safe and healthy.

Democrats voted to advance the previous question, or against Miller-Meeks’ bill, with 212 votes in against and 200 votes in favor of the Iowa Republicans’ legislation.

Americans locked down, illegals free to move about and spread disease. Let’s ship them all to areas that have high concentrations of Democratic Party voters, like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Albany, NYC, Boston, and so forth, see how they like it.

And this was a straight party line vote. Not one Democrat voted to require COVID testing on illegals/migrants. Bet they’d vote to require you to get tested. To force you to get a vaccine and carry around a vaccine passport.

Read: Democrats Block Legislation Requiring COVID Tests For Illegals And Migrants »

Bummer: British Teachers Complain They Lacking Training On Teaching ‘Climate Change” Which They Shouldn’t Even Be Teaching

Should gym teachers be teaching about the climate crisis scam? How about English teachers? Sociology? Math? History? Music? Is it any wonder that more kids are getting degrees in worthless subjects when they are taught silly stuff in level classes

Most British teachers say they lack training on climate change – poll

Nearly three quarters of British teachers say they have not had enough training to educate students about climate change, the implications of global warming and how best to confront them, a poll showed on Tuesday.

Although 90% of teachers thought climate change education should be compulsory, 41% said it was rarely or never mentioned in their schools, according to a study by youth-led campaign group Teach the Future.

Seven in 10 teachers said they had not received adequate training on the topic.

In schools where children did learn about climate change, it was mostly limited to science and geography lessons, with only one in 20 teachers agreeing the issue was integral to many areas across the curriculum.

Why would it be taught in English or math class? Or classes on foreign languages? Or most other stuff? Heck, even teaching it science class is silly, since it isn’t actually about science. Perhaps in classes about world religions and cults.

Teach the Future campaigner Dorothy Joddrell said education was failing to prepare young people for the future.

“Our lives will be significantly affected by climate change, and our education should therefore prepare us to adapt to the climate crisis, empower us to contribute to its solutions and enable us to achieve climate justice,” she said.

Well, considering the Cult of Climastrology has a 30+ year history of failure in their prognostications, how can the CoC know what the future holds?

Teach the Future, which aims to improve education on climate change, was started by a group of secondary school students after the school climate strikes in 2019 led by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg.

The little snowflakes do understand they can actually learn on their own, right? They have enormous amounts of readily available material on the Internet, something most of us in Gen X didn’t have. We had to go to libraries. Hell, I did a 40+ page paper in grad school on the impacts of dumping garbage at sea, one of which was sea rise and rising temperatures, and what the governmental response should be, all from research in multiple libraries. Nothing on the Internet.

But research by the National Union of Students in 2019 showed only 4% of school children in England felt they knew a lot about climate change.

Well, here’s The Politically Incorrect Guide To Climate Change. And The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World s Top Climate Scientists. And INCONVENIENT FACTS: The science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know. How about Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist’s Guide to Global Warming. And The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism: Mankind and Climate Change Mania. And here’s something on identifying a cult.

Read: Bummer: British Teachers Complain They Lacking Training On Teaching ‘Climate Change” Which They Shouldn’t Even Be Teaching »

China Joe Wants Everyone To Wear A Mask Until Everyone Is Vaccinated

Whatever happened to “wear a mask for 100 days to stop the virus”? Maybe he should take his own advice and stop taking it off while inside giving brief talking points

Biden tells Americans to keep wearing masks ‘until everyone is, in fact, vaccinated’

President Biden wants Americans to wear face masks to prevent the spread of coronavirus “until everyone is, in fact, vaccinated,” he said on Monday.

“I urge all local docs and ministers and priests to talk about why, why it’s important to get that vaccine and even after that, until everyone is, in fact, vaccinated, to wear this mask,” Biden said after giving an address on his $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.

After his inauguration in Janury, Biden urged citizens to “mask up” for the next 100 days as federal and state governments work to make vaccines available. (snip)

Biden said in February that the U.S. will have enough supply of the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the summer to inoculate 300 million Americans. However, he has also said that Americans should expect to continue to wearing masks into 2022.

When does Government wanting you to wear a mask flip from safeguarding citizens to wanting compliance for the sake of compliance so you’ll comply with more burdensome things later? What if lots of people refuse to be vaccinated? They can throw blame at Trump supporters, but, when you talk to people you realize how many who refuse to take the vaccine are bipartisan.

And, will people continue to wear the masks? When you look around, who is playing games with leaving their noses uncovered inside? Who’s pulling it just to their lips, down over their mouths, or leaving their faces completely uncovered? It darned sure isn’t just Trump supporters. I can confidently say, at least in my area, that at least 50% are Democratic Party voters.

Read: China Joe Wants Everyone To Wear A Mask Until Everyone Is Vaccinated »

Who’s Up For Spending $131 Trillion By 2050 On Climate Crisis (scam)

Mind you, this is just for clean energy investment, not for all the other things the Cult of Climastrology wants to do

Climate Change: $131 Trillion Clean Energy Investments Needed to Avert Catastrophe, Report Says

Planned investment in clean energy must increase by 30% to a total of $131 trillion by 2050 to avert catastrophic climate change, with the need to massively scale up hydrogen production particularly acute, according to a study published on Tuesday.

In its annual flagship report, the International Renewable Energy Agency underscored the scale and pace of change needed to cap the rise in average global temperatures at 1.5 degrees Celsius, in line with the 2015 Paris climate accord.

“The gap between where we are and where we should be is not decreasing but widening,” said Francesco La Camera, director-general of the Abu Dhabi-based organization, which has more than 160 member states. “We need a drastic acceleration of energy transitions to make a meaningful turnaround.”

OK. Then spend your own money on it. Why is it necessary to spend Other People’s money for your beliefs? I don’t ask gun grabbers to pay for my ammunition.

The agency’s “1.5C pathway” set out in the report found that fossil fuel consumption would have to fall by more than 75% by 2050, with oil and coal shrinking more quickly.

Use of natural gas would have to peak in 2025, although it would be the dominant fossil fuel by mid-century.

Renewable power capacity will have to expand more than ten-fold by mid-century, accompanied by a 30-fold increase in the electrification of transport, the report found.

I’m assuming that “clean energy” includes electric vehicles, non-gas stoves, fridges, and more. But, does this include retrofitting homes, all the climahysteric building requirements, compliance with production of food and goods, and more? Because that’s a lot of damned money. Where do they think it’s coming from, the Climate Fairy?

Warmists are fine with taking all their business and personal profits, right?

Read: Who’s Up For Spending $131 Trillion By 2050 On Climate Crisis (scam) »

Pirate's Cove