If All You See…

…is an area flooded from carbon pollution driven extreme rain, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Biden pushing tax increases.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrats Pushing A Law That Even Californians Didn’t Like

It always seems to be something to kill jobs with Democrats, right?

Congressional Democrats push a job-killing law even Californians couldn’t stand

In the 2020 election, 63% of California voters backed President Biden. On the same ballot, those voters essentially repealed a job-killing state law that Biden and Democrats now want to impose on a national level in the form of the PRO Act.

That California law, A.B. 5, attempted to force businesses that use contract and freelance workers into hiring them with employee benefits. Instead, it predictably caused freelance work to dry up throughout the state. News conglomerates cut loose their California-based freelancers. A variety of independent contractors, such as truck drivers, professional service providers, and interpreters, suddenly faced financial ruin.

Legislators were forced to carve out multiple exceptions to their ill-considered law in a last-ditch effort to save it, but even that wasn’t enough. In the end, Uber and Lyft, the iconic ride-share applications that the law had originally targeted, came within a hair’s breadth of shutting down all service in California. A judge stepped in and blocked the law just in time. Finally, voters approved a ballot proposition exempting almost everyone from A.B. 5, and although its ill effects linger on for some, this destructive experiment in regulating work appeared to be over.

Unfortunately, Democrats have failed to learn from this mistake. They now want to pass the PRO Act, which, among other things, would codify the same job- and income-destroying rules of A.B. 5 that even Californians couldn’t stand.

The driving force behind this attempt to turn back the clock on employment is Big Labor unions, which cling to this as one more measure designed to delay their total obsolescence. For one thing, they favor the PRO Act because it would eliminate 27 states’ right-to-work laws. This is obviously a nonstarter. Right-to-work laws leave it to workers whether they want to join and pay dues to a union, a choice that should be a fundamental right.

As usual, the only way to pass it is to nuke the filibuster, which a few Democrats, such as Joe Manchin, realize not that it could boomerang on them, but will boomerang on them at some point. If it was good legislation there would be no need for a filibuster, because both parties would have enough votes. Instead, Democrats want to try and prop up the pro-Dem unions who are in bed with the Democrats, which would kill lots of those contract and freelance jobs.

In the last decade, smartphone applications have expanded the availability of independent and flexible freelance work to the average person. As a result, 36% of workers in the United States (and 42% of workers under age 34) were already deriving at least some income from the gig economy as of 2019. They are participating in such activities as ride-sharing, car-sharing, house-sharing, moving, delivery, scooter-charging, online tutoring, professional tasking, craft-making, etc. The list of opportunities is endless and evinces a creativity in the nation’s workforce that has probably been suppressed by the old 9-to-5 for decades.

These trends have probably only become more favorable to freelancing during the pandemic. Indeed, part-time side hustles have likely become full-time lifelines for many families.

According to one study, freelance workers report feeling healthier (68%) and happier (78%) outside of traditional employment. Another study found that more than 50% of them believe themselves more financially secure than they would be with traditional employers, and a third study found that 51% of freelancers say they would not return to regular employment for any amount of money.

This is very bad for unions, hence, bad for Democrats. If this somehow became law it would face massive numbers of lawsuits, starting with the federal government taking powers that the Constitution does not grant them. No one should be surprised that Democrats want to erase state and individual rights and take them for the central government.

Read: Democrats Pushing A Law That Even Californians Didn’t Like »

“Green” Groups Spending Big To Get Biden, Democrats To Spend Your Money On Climate (scam)

Funny how these “green” groups always seem to have lots of money to spend on silly things. Why don’t they try giving up their own use of fossil fuels and making their own lives carbon neutral, instead of trying to drag Other People into their cult beliefs?

Green groups launch $10M ad campaign pressuring Biden, Congress to spend huge on climate

A coalition of environmental groups backed by Democratic governors is launching a $10 million-plus ad campaign pressuring the Biden administration and Congress to spend trillions on climate change and clean energy as Washington gears up for its next fight over President Joe Biden’s infrastructure and jobs plan.

Dubbed “The Great American Build,” the campaign aims to set an aggressive starting point for negotiations over the size and scope of the infrastructure package, which is coming into focus as Biden’s next major push after last week’s passage of the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief package.

Wait, we’re doing this infrastructure thing again?  Do we really want Joe in charge, after the horrible job he did with the Obama stimulus?

Biden campaigned on spending even more on infrastructure and green jobs. But many Democrats have said they are concerned that his commitment to reaching out to Republicans, combined with a lack of appetite for another huge round of spending so soon after the Covid-19 deal, could lead to a scaled-back infrastructure deal that would fall short of the trillions they say is needed to address the climate problem.

Can anyone point out anything bipartisan Joe is actually doing? Any reaching out he’s doing?

The first TV ad, which starts airing Tuesday on cable, uses black-and-white images of blue-collar workers to argue that America’s builders, roofers, electricians and steelworkers would be the ones to benefit from investing heavily in new, climate-friendly infrastructure, reinforcing the Biden administration’s claim that clean infrastructure and jobs go hand in hand.

“Your country is calling you to rebuild America, to create a cleaner, safe, more prosperous future for all,” the ad says. “Tackling climate change — this is the job of our lifetime.”

Sounds like a giveaway to unions

Organizers said they were spending more than $10 million on the campaign, which will include grassroots organizing and additional TV ads. The first ad was produced by Pereira O’Dell, the advertising house that recently created an ad featuring former Presidents Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama encouraging Covid-19 vaccinations as part of the It’s Up To You campaign.

Grassroots? By a top down organization? I don’t think that word means what you think it means

A key goal is to put more political pressure on lawmakers who campaigned on bold action on climate to deliver, said Lori Lodes, executive director of Climate Power, which organized the campaign with the League of Conservation Voters and the Potential Energy Coalition.

“Americans elected pro-climate majorities in Congress, and they expect big things on the issues that drove them to the polls — including clean energy and climate change,” Lodes said.

OK, let’s build lots of nuclear power plants. They’re good with that, right? No? Huh.

“In some ways the bigger they go on the spending side, the easier it is to sell a broader climate package, because the net economic effect is pretty big,” said Navin, who is now at the government affairs firm Boundary Stone Partners. “I think the climate groups rightly recognize that this is their moment for action.”

Hey, remember how Obama’s Stimulus stimulated the economy? It didn’t do much at all? Huh.

Inherently linked to the debate is the looming question of how aggressively the U.S. will commit to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 under its renewed participation in the Paris Agreement, which former President Donald Trump withdrew from and Biden rejoined. That announcement, expected in April, will require laying out what exactly the U.S. plans to do domestically to meet the goal and demonstrating that there’s the political support do to it.

He can lay out all he wants, and he’ll see GOP states blow him off, along with opposition from federally elected Republicans, all who will refuse to ruin our economy for a scam. Especially since there was no Senate agreement on Paris.

Read: “Green” Groups Spending Big To Get Biden, Democrats To Spend Your Money On Climate (scam) »

Florida Has That Boomtown Feel

Funny what the state taking a measured, realistic, non-authoritarian approach will do, no matter how much Democrats and the national media like to rail at Republican governor Ron DeSantis

Florida’s pandemic response gets a second look from the national media

After a solid year of living with a pandemic, the national press is beginning to ask the question that even Democrats have been quietly pondering in the Sunshine State: Was Gov. Ron DeSantis’ pandemic response right for Florida?

Don’t forget: More than 32,000 Floridians have died, a number the state’s leaders rarely acknowledge, but our death rate is no worse than the national average — and better than some states with tighter restrictions.

The Los Angeles Times compared Florida and California’s responses:

  • “California imposed myriad restrictions that battered the economy, and have left most public school students learning at home for a year. … Florida adopted a more laissez-faire approach decried by public health experts — allowing indoor restaurant dining, leaving masks optional and getting children back in classrooms sooner.”
  • But, it points out, “If California had Florida’s death rate, roughly 6,000 more Californians would be dead from COVID-19, and tens of thousands of additional patients likely would have landed in already overburdened hospitals. And if Florida had California’s death rate, roughly 3,000 fewer Floridians would be dead from COVID-19.”

Maybe. Maybe not. It certainly didn’t help that lots of Yankees, especially from the NYC area, decided to get the heck out of dodge as the pandemic was starting, potentially dragging it to other states, including Florida.

On Sunday’s front page, the New York Times explored the positives — from the booming real-estate market to Florida’s low unemployment rate — of an early reopening: “Much of the state has a boomtown feel,” writes Patricia Mazzei, “a sense of making up for months of lost time.”

The Times notes that Florida’s unemployment rate is 5.1%, compared to 9.3% in California, 8.7% in New York and 6.9% in Texas.

How long will it take for business to return to California? Lots of businesses and entrepreneurs were already in the process of leaving California due to their bad government policies on business and raising the minimum wage, along with other measures like a massive cost on living. So many are nowhere close to being able to fully reopen and start to make money.

Our (Axios Tampa Bay) thought bubble: We’ve long known that the state’s pro-business Republican leadership was making a sort of grand bargain: that the death toll was the price paid for keeping commerce flowing and keeping kids in school.

The leftists at Axios seem upset that Floridians would be pro-freedom and pro-not losing their livelihoods. DeSantis wasn’t sending seniors to nursing homes to die. He kept commerce going in the face of the knowledge that people would die. They would die regardless. It was, what’s that phrase? A global pandemic. Funny how so many in the Credentialed Media had harsher words, and still do, for an American governor but few if any for the Chinese government that spread COVID around the world.

NY legislature proposes nearly $7 billion in new taxes on wealthy

New York wants to sock it to Wall Street and the wealthy.

Both houses of the state legislature have proposed budgets that include nearly $7 billion in new and increased taxes on businesses and the rich.

The tax increases come despite a $100 billion avalanche of fresh federal aid to New York, including $12.6 billion directly to state government coffers. (snip)

To help cover the new proposed expenses such as rent for “New Yorkers who do not have access to unemployment, federal stimulus funds and other assistance programs’’ — including illegal immigrants — the pols said they want to raise the nearly $7 billion in new revenue through the taxes.

This is the kind of thing a Democratic state which implemented massive authoritarian controls on businesses needs to do, and wants to do. New York’s business is not really coming back at this time. And, something like this will simply drive away those who fund and create businesses. These people can simply move their primary residence elsewhere. Can you imagine if they moved the stock market to a business friendly state, like Florida? The last thing New Yorkers need is spending money on illegal aliens rather than actual Americans, but, Americans never seem to be the priority of Democrats.

Read: Florida Has That Boomtown Feel »

Who’s Up For A Climate Conscious Lent Or Something

What happens when a doomsday cult infiltrates a major world religion? This

A Climate-Conscious Lent: Healthy food for people and the planet

A complex food system — which includes production, transportation, processing, packaging, storage, wholesale and retail sale, as well as consumption, loss and waste — feeds most of the people in the world and provides an income for more than 1 billion people, according to a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

But although food production per capita has increased over the past six decades, so has malnutrition. And the entire food system is under increased stress from climate change, which is shifting growing seasons and contributing to weather extremes like drought and severe storms. This leads to decreases in crop and livestock productivity and, in some cases, to conflicts. (snip)

Individuals can contribute by making more climate-friendly food choices, but there must also be public policies that include comprehensive solutions to improve and protect food systems, the report says. This includes things like crop insurance for farmers, shorter supply chains that are less prone to disruption in emergencies, better storage for crops and food, more production of healthy food and less of carbon-intensive products, and government food nutrition programs.

The past year has shown the importance of preparing the food production and supply chain for emergencies, whether they come in the form of pandemics or climate change.

Lest you think this comes from the typical Climate Cranks, nope, from the National Catholic Reporter, which seems to be attempting to substitute the actual meaning of Lent (at its heart, following the teachings of Christ more faithfully) with climate cultism.

Read: Who’s Up For A Climate Conscious Lent Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fridge with an ice maker causing the world to burn, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Gen Z Conservative, with a post on government dismissing cases against Antifa and punishing patriots.

Read: If All You See… »

Gun Grabbing Groups Set Sights On Senate

And what happens if they manage to get these tame bills through and they do nothing?

Gun control groups focus all efforts on Senate

Gun control groups are now focusing all of their lobbying efforts on the Senate following House passage of two major bills last week that garnered some GOP support.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is promising quick action on the legislation — to strengthen background checks and to close the so-called Charleston loophole — but advocates face a familiar uphill battle in trying to win over enough Republicans.

Still, proponents are optimistic that a Democratic-led Senate, combined with an ally in the Oval Office and a weakened National Rifle Association (NRA), will help get gun control legislation passed for the first time in decades.

“We have a slim gun violence prevention majority, but we have the majority, which we know includes eight Republicans,” said Brian Lemek, executive director of Brady PAC.

Neither of the bills is really bad or intrusive. However, we all know they are just a start, that if you get these through, Dems will push more and more intrusive and gun grabbing bills, so, those supposed 8 Republicans had best think about their votes really hard. This is why we can’t get common sense – real world common sense, rather than the idiotic version Democrats push – reforms, ones that would make a difference: because Democrats always want more and more, because it’s always a step towards grabbing and banning.

Each bill would need 60 votes to make it through the Senate, meaning 10 Republicans would have to cross the aisle to overcome a legislative filibuster.

It won’t get there.

“I’m talking to senators across the aisle, but the real difference-makers in this debate are the survivors, students, and family members who have made this issue a movement,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) told The Hill about his plan for getting Republican support.

What you aren’t hearing is how many were shot/killed with guns purchased with no background check (excepting the criminals who bought them from other criminals who stole the guns). How many? Any stats? Also, you aren’t hearing any legislation being offered that goes after actual criminals who use guns. This is almost all about the law abiding citizens.

A day earlier, Psaki said Biden is “personally committed” to addressing gun violence when asked about if he believes the Senate can pass the two bills.

“I expect he will look for opportunities to be engaged and advocate for why these are not political issues; these are commonsense efforts to keep our children safe, keep our country safe and, you know, ensure that we are, you know, reducing gun violence in the country,” she said.

Want to keep children safe? Crackdown on criminals.

39 shot, 4 fatally, in Chicago this weekend

That’s the norm in Democratic Party run Chicago. People don’t even bat an eye at this anymore.

The shooter at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., in 2015, a self-described white supremacist who killed nine Black parishioners, was able to purchase a firearm legally despite an arrest on his record, which did not show up in his background check during the three-day waiting period.

And wouldn’t have shown up in a 10 day waiting period, either

FBI had resources to halt Dylann Roof’s gun buy, but it didn’t use them — and still doesn’t

The FBI had the information needed to stop Dylann Roof from buying a gun and the time to find it before Roof fatally shot nine churchgoers in Charleston.

But the agency never searched its own cache of crime records before Roof’s attack at Emanuel AME Church and since then has not used the database to evaluate whether millions of other Americans trying to buy guns every year should be allowed to bear arms.

An internal audit and a lawsuit by Roof’s victims identified the resource, along with the rules that the FBI says prohibit use of the database for gun background checks. A newer and less widely known tool among the FBI’s information offerings, the National Data Exchange is accessible to tens of thousands of local police officers trying to solve crime but not to the federal unit trying to thwart it through the checks.

Huh. Back to original article

“Now the job is to bring this bill to the Senate and get it done. [Senate Minority Leader] Mitch McConnell [R-Ky.] would not bring any anti-gun legislation to the Senate over the past five years,” Murphy said.

It’s right there: “anti-gun legislation.” They want to deny law abiding citizens their 2nd Amendment Right. Schumer has said he’s going to bring it up Thursday.

Read: Gun Grabbing Groups Set Sights On Senate »

Her Fault: Queen Pelosi Links Border Crisis To Climate Crisis (scam)

Perhaps Nancy should stop taking so many fossil fueled cross country trips on evil airplanes (video at the link)

Pelosi: Climate Change Causing ‘Humanitarian Challenge’ at the Border

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that climate change has contributed to the surge of migrant children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

Pelosi said, “There are more children, about 600, 700 more children, unaccompanied children coming over the border. This is a humanitarian challenge to all of us. What the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border, and they are working to correct that in the children’s interest. I’m so pleased that the president, as a temporary measure, has sent FEMA to the border to help facilitate the children going from one 72-hour issue where they are cared for as they are transferred into family homes or homes that are safe for them to be. So this, again, is a transition for what was wrong before to what is right. Of course, we have to also look to Central America, Mexico, and the rest. The corruption, the violence, all of that.”

She added, “My most recent trip to the northern triangle, that would be Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador. You saw the impact of climate change. These people were leaving because of the drought. They couldn’t farm, and they were seeking other ways to survive. There are many reasons to go into this, but the fact we have to deal with it at the border, and some of the people coming there are seeking asylum. I always like to quote our friends in the Evangelical movement. At one of our hearings, we had before the majority of the representatives said to us. The United States refugee resettlement program is the crowned jewel of American humanitarianism. So we have certain responsibilities that we must honor. We have to have a system that accommodates that, and that is what the Biden administration is in the process of doing.”

By mentioning ‘climate change’, Pelosi sets the terms that we in the United States owe these people entrance into the nation, along with food, shelter, money, clothing, jobs, housing, medical care, money, education, citizenship for free, and money. This is much like the way aid for other nations is being deemed, that 1st World nations now owe it, so, it should come with zero strings attached. That owed nations shouldn’t have to repay it or give anything back.

If they can’t farm, why not go somewhere else? Why trek thousands of miles to the U.S.? Why not implement more modern farming techniques? Because blaming the climate crisis scam is easier to demand entrance to the U.S. The U.S. has no need to accommodate that. If necessary, we can help them out in their home countries.

Read: Her Fault: Queen Pelosi Links Border Crisis To Climate Crisis (scam) »

Biden Admin Considering Updating Social Distancing Rule, World Wants Our Vaccines

Interestingly, this is the same rule that most of the rest of the world has been using for most of the pandemic, as it is the distance that the World Health Organization has been recommending, even though many studies show COVID from a cough can travel up to 20 feet

Fauci: US weighs 3-foot distancing rule, a major change

COVID dancing penguinsThe United States’ top pandemic advisor said Sunday that authorities were considering cutting social distancing rules to three feet (one meter), a move that would change a key tenet of the global fight against Covid-19.

Anthony Fauci, a world-respected figure during the coronavirus crisis, said experts at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) were examining a Massachusetts study that found “no substantial difference” in Covid cases in schools observing six-foot and three-foot rules.

Asked on CNN’s “State of the Union” show whether that meant that a three-foot separation was sufficient, Fauci replied, “It does, indeed.”

While cautioning that the CDC was still poring over the new data and conducting tests of its own, he said its findings would come “soon.”

The six-foot social distancing rule has been a widely-adopted global measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, along with mask-wearing and hand-washing.

First off, kids haven’t been the group that was really concerned with catching COVID. Second, here’s what WHO says

Maintain at least a 1-metre distance between yourself and others to reduce your risk of infection when they cough, sneeze or speak. Maintain an even greater distance between yourself and others when indoors. The further away, the better.

Sure, maintain an even greater distance inside, but, their basis is 3 feet (1 meter). And that’s the way it’s been since at least last May, when the CDC updated their guidance on masks, and I remember comparing the 2 political health departments.

School officials across the world are under enormous pressure to fully reopen as soon as safely possible, but many say the six-foot requirement makes it extremely difficult without adding portable classrooms or shortening the school day.

Many teachers unions have also insisted on six-foot distancing.

Ah. That’s why the CDC is considering changing this, so the damned schools can open in the face of teacher’s unions, despite the CDC having said time and again that it is safe to open the schools. How about if the teacher’s, being adults, at least by age if not mentality, stay 6 feet away, while kids are 3? Teacher’s unions just want more money, power, and to not have to actually go into work for as long as possible.


US comes under pressure to share vaccines with rest of world

President Biden is under increasing pressure to share the U.S. vaccine stockpile with the rest of the world.

The federal government has been amassing doses, growing its supply into what will likely become a surplus, as the rest of the world struggles with shortages. The U.S. has purchased enough vaccines to immunize every adult in the country three times over.

Then why is it taking so long to get vaccines to some areas? My area is slammed with vaccines. Right now there is, at most, a few days waiting period. Others have weeks or more for waits.

The White House said the extra doses could be a backstop for possible manufacturing issues, help vaccinate children, or serve as booster doses if they become necessary to fight against variants of the virus.

That makes sense, making sure they are available if necessary. Biden’s advisors are playing it safe (Joe just sits around and plays Mario Kart, naps, and does what he’s told)

When asked at the White House event about the widening gap between the U.S. and the rest of the world, Biden acknowledged the global nature of the pandemic but said his goal is to bring COVID-19 under control in America first.

“This is not something that can be stopped by a fence, no matter how high you build a fence or a wall,” Biden said. “So we’re not going to be ultimately safe until the world is safe. We’re going to start off making sure Americans are taken care of first, but we’re then going to try to help the rest of the world.”

Wait, that sounds like an America First agenda. Isn’t that racist?

Yet administration officials reiterated that the United States will not donate any vaccines until the full American population is inoculated, and did not say what threshold the country would set before considering exporting vaccines.

Experts and global health advocates think the U.S. has the ability to donate vaccines to other countries without significantly impacting their availability to Americans, but has been unwilling to make such a plan.

These are the same types of people who always throw hate America’s way, until they want something from us. They can wait. Or pay. Let’s take care of America first.

Read: Biden Admin Considering Updating Social Distancing Rule, World Wants Our Vaccines »

The Climate (scam) Crisis Has Become A Mental Health Crisis (part lots)

Now that it’s starting to get warm again, the stories about the climate scam messing with people’s mental health start to become more prevalent. Is it real? In a way. The grand high poobahs of the Cult of Climastrology constantly trot out prognostications of utter doom. They teach the Coming Doom in schools. Warmists read about doom online. They buy into it, and start spreading fables of doom coming Soon. And there they have created artificial mental health problems

Between anger and sadness: How the climate crisis has become a mental health crisis

What Phoenix Heberling remembers most about the tornado is the screaming. She was 2, living in a trailer park in rural Indiana, and her father and some friends were having a party when he got a phone call.

Get out now, a tornado is headed straight for you.

In a frantic scramble, the adults ran outside. The world was eerily silent. Some of them scattered and the rest piled into a car, including Phoenix and her father. To this day, the adults’ faces stick with her. A woman clawed at her cheeks in terror, tears streaming down her face. Others screamed and cried frantically: I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die. (snip)

“You’re so young that you don’t have words to define what that feeling of ‘we’re about to die’ is,” Heberling said. “You only know if you felt it, that death looming over you. That pure terror. Knowing that whatever was happening, it was beyond anything I could define or ever know. It was just so powerful.” (snip)

At 27, the experience remains stamped in Heberling’s mind. In hindsight, she thinks it influenced her anxiety and depression in the face of the climate crisis, another force that to many feels profoundly intractable and terrifyingly destructive.

But this one is primarily human-caused.

Surveys have found that 47% of Americans aged 18 to 34 feel that stress related to climate change impacts their daily lives. That number is even higher for teens, at 57%. Climate anxiety is increasingly being seen as a public health issue, especially for young people and children.

So, wait, are they trying to say that experience with a tornado, something that has happened forever, is actually human caused climate crisis? Or not? It’s not particularly clear, which is exactly the point, because weak minded, indoctrinated climate cultists will immediately link the “climate crisis” with what happened to Heberling 25 years ago.

There’s good reason to be anxious, experts say. In 2018, scientists warned world leaders they needed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 to avoid the worst effects of climate change. The world is not on track to reach that goal.

As a result, scientists say extreme heat, wildfires and other disasters will likely become more frequent and destructive. Rising sea levels, civil unrest and food shortages could displace billions by 2050 if human-caused greenhouse gas emissions aren’t severely cut.

Is it any wonder these Warmists are having mental issues when all they hear about is doom?

“I think younger people are generally more affected because they know they’re going to see these changes actualized in their lifetime,” said Collin Hagood, a therapist in Flagstaff who has seen the issue come up with his clients.

“It’s an anticipatory grief,” Hagood said. “I think it’s really important that we all are part of this conversation, being open about it, being expressive about it, trying to connect with one another and most importantly connect to nature so we can recognize why this is such a big deal.”

Or, bear with me here, it could be because they’ve been indoctrinated into this, hence losing their minds.

Anyhow, the continuation of Doom continues on in this very long screed. Have at it for a laugh. And, yes, people giving themselves what they think are mental health issues over a completely fake issue is funny.

Read: The Climate (scam) Crisis Has Become A Mental Health Crisis (part lots) »

Pirate's Cove