If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow due to Other People refusing to accept a carbon tax, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Creeping Sharia, with a post on a top Biden economic policy advisor being linked to Kashmiri extremists.

Read: If All You See… »

USA Today Gaslights With Claim Cops Kill One Black Woman A Day

And they’re all like Breonna Taylor. Which is an interesting hot take, since Taylor had a long relationship with a big time drug dealer with plenty of violence in his background and Breonna was the one who was handling all the drug money

Black women like Breonna Taylor die every day at the hands of police. It’s time we said their names.

No one sets out to be a Black Lives Matter martyr. But somewhere along the way last year, as masked marchers from Louisville to Las Vegas chanted her name, Breonna Taylor became a symbol of change.

Using a criminal as your martyr is probably not the best, eh?

Taylor’s fate was sealed in the wee hours of March 13, 2020, when three Louisville Metro Police officers burst into the 26-year-old’s apartment on a no-knock warrant, firing 32 bullet rounds and killing the emergency room technician as she stood in her hallway with her boyfriend, who survived.

Now her death is bringing new life to the stories of other Black women who have died at the hands of police or in police custody, those whose names and identities have largely gone unknown and unacknowledged.

While the names of too many Black men and boys killed by police – Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice – are widely known, Black women’s cases have rarely garnered national attention.

Probably because there aren’t that many. And a lot of the men were criminals attacking the police

There’s not a lot of data on the police-involved deaths of Black women; no national registry exists. But The Washington Post has noted nearly 250 women, including 48 Black women, have been shot and killed by police since the newspaper began tracking police-involved shootings in 2015.

So, according to the article the headline is 100% a lie. 48 in 6 years is rather below the threshold of one a day, right? And nowhere in the rest of the screed, which is less an article and more a propping up of the #SayHerName movement, along with the normal hatred for police, is the headline backed up. 48 in 6 years is not many. And, most of them were involved in criminal activity and/or attacking police officers. This is the height of journalistic malpractice.

Read: USA Today Gaslights With Claim Cops Kill One Black Woman A Day »

Bummer: It’s Mostly White Men Talking About Climate Apocalypse On TV

Obvioiusly, climate change is raaaaacist and seeeeexist

Who’s talking about climate change on TV? Mostly white men.

If you watched news about climate change on TV last year, chances are you saw a white man on-screen.

According to an analysis published this week by Media Matters For America, a nonprofit media watchdog, people of color made up just 8 percent of guests interviewed or featured in the major broadcast networks’ climate coverage in 2020 — we’re looking at you, ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox Broadcasting Company. Women were also less likely to be in front of the camera, comprising 28 percent of guests.

Could it be that “people of color”, by which Media Matters means black people, really just do not care about the climate scam? That it’s not something they’re interested in? That, perhaps, especially in 2020, they were more interested in other issues, like police reform? Why are all these white people, especially white males, always trying to force others to be a part of their cult?

The total amount of time that these broadcast networks spent on the climate crisis was down 53 percent compared to 2019. Climate-related segments claimed 112 minutes of airtime over the course of the year, less than your average movie. That’s not because there weren’t worthy stories — wildfires blazed, the Arctic lost historic amounts of ice, and 2020 was tied for the warmest year on record — but likely because the pandemic consumed our lives. The study found that broadcast coverage rarely mentioned the connections between coronavirus and climate change, such as how both disasters disproportionately impact people of color and lower-income communities.

Well, gee, the pandemic was just so inconvenient for the Cult of Climastrology, what with all the people getting sick, people dying, people losing their jobs and businesses.

The underwhelming representation of people of color isn’t new. 2020 marks the fourth consecutive year — as long as Media Matters has been tracking the numbers — that less than 10 percent of network television’s climate guests were people of color. Only six women of color were featured out of the total 89 guests the report identified.

“This lopsided representation flatly ignores the reality that, due to historical and current injustices, climate change disproportionately affects communities of color,” the report’s authors write.

White people telling black people they should care, and black people continuing to not care. Rather white privilege of these climate cultists, eh?

Why, then, have people of color and women repeatedly been underrepresented in broadcast television? Allison Fisher, the director of Media Matters’ climate and energy program, suggested that television news outlets often don’t make the effort to speak to frontline communities, relying on climate scientists and politicians instead. In 2020, a presidential election year, politicians were the most common guests for climate change segments. While climate activists were more commonly featured in prior years, broadcast TV only featured one activist guest this past year — Greta Thunberg, the small but mighty Swedish activist.

Wow, that was patronizing. They totally discount what POC want to think for themselves, that they are not allowed to make their own decisions, that they must think in a certain way, if only the Credentialed Media would talk to them more.

The problem runs deeper than television — it’s partly a reflection of diversity issues in climate science, advocacy, journalism, and politics. Although numbers have ticked up in recent years, people of color still make up a very small percentage, sometimes less than 10 percent, of top environmental groups’ staff, according to Green 2.0, a nonprofit watchdog. If the people leading the most well-known organizations are consistently white men, Fisher said, they’re going to be the ones featured on television.

Did anyone consider that POC might not want to be involved? That they don’t care about those subjects or want to work in those industries? That, perhaps, they care about other things?

Read: Bummer: It’s Mostly White Men Talking About Climate Apocalypse On TV »

China Joe: If You’re Good, Compliant Comrades, We Might Be Able To Have Small Gatherings For July 4th

Is there anyone who can prove that China Joe’s Big Primetime Speech was doing live? No way he got through the whole thing, unless they pumped him full of meds. Anyhow, dude not wearing a mask in violation of his own Executive Order has proclamations

From the Daily Caller

(Not My) President Joe Biden said Thursday night that there is a “good chance” people can have small gatherings for the Fourth of July, but warned that Americans need to listen to Dr. Anthony Fauci and get vaccinated.

“I need you to get vaccinated when it’s your turn, and when you can find an opportunity,” Biden said during his Thursday night presidential address. “And to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well.”

Would this be the same vaccine (actually, several different types) which Joe and so many Dems would never happen for years, but, was accomplished around election day?

“Because here’s the point – if we do all of this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the 4th, there’s a good chance you, your families and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day,” Biden added.

The president said that celebrating Independence Day doesn’t mean people can gather in large groups, “but it does mean small groups will be able to get together after this long, hard year.”

Biden then told Americans that the “goal” is to be able to celebrate the Fourth of July, but that they need to listen to Fauci and take the vaccine, which Biden says he knows is safe. Many Americans have said that they will not take the coronavirus vaccine, including 47% of supporters of former President Donald Trump.

As the vaccine has become more available, I’ve heard more and more come forth saying they are not going to take it, especially now that it is available for those in my profession, since we were deemed “essential” during the lockdown months (I got my Pfizer shot yesterday, scheduled for 2nd in April). Some just refuse to take a shot, some have objections over how fast developed, waiting to see about how it works out, and they are a smattering of conservatives and Trump haters.

These are things many are already doing. Heck, these are things we are already doing at places of business, albeit with masks on in most states. China Joe is just reading lines someone else wrote for him, with no comprehension as to what it means.

Read: China Joe: If You’re Good, Compliant Comrades, We Might Be Able To Have Small Gatherings For July 4th »

Surprise: California AG won’t Share “Gun Violence” Data

Over in the House today, they passed two bills on guns. One, which I’ve mentioned before, simply extends background checks to almost every private transfer. No biggie there, but, hey, I’m sure criminals will comply, right? The other extends the waiting period up to 10 days for the the FBI to have to return the background check, which could be problematic. Regardless of how tame these are, and they were passed mostly on party line, they are simply steps to the real gun grabbing they want. Rather than the One Big Bill, gun grabbing by a 1,000 papercuts, with them saying, in short order (providing they even make it through the Senate), that they didn’t work, so, Something Else needs to be done. But, how do we know when data is being blocked?

California attorney general cuts off researchers’ access to gun violence data

For decades, America’s gun violence researchers fought an uphill battle against the National Rifle Association to obtain the data and funding they need to study the effects of US gun laws. But researchers in California say they are now facing a different, unexpected hurdle: the state’s outgoing Democratic attorney general.

Under Xavier Becerra, who has been nominated to serve as Joe Biden’s health secretary, California’s department of justice started to deny researchers access to firearms data used to evaluate a wide range of gun laws and policies.

The new data restrictions have put key projects at California’s state-funded gun violence research center in limbo, and locked Becerra into a bitter, bizarre public standoff with one of America’s most respected gun violence researchers.

California, which has much stricter gun laws than most American states, also has more detailed government data available, including records of individual handgun purchasers going back decades and statewide records about the restraining orders filed to temporarily bar at-risk people from owning or buying guns.

That’s interesting. I wonder why it’s being blocked?

But it’s precisely this more detailed personal information, including about gun purchasers, and subjects of gun violence restraining orders, that Becerra’s justice department is telling some researchers that it will not provide. The department is also attempting to formalize some of these policies, including in a proposed rulemaking under discussion this week that would limit researcher’s access to personal information about the subjects of gun violence restraining orders across the state.

The justice department has cited privacy concerns as a justification for the data restrictions, and has said it believes current California law does not permit the agency to release certain kinds of data to researchers.

Could that be it? Because giving up people’s private files seems like a big invasion of privacy

But Garen Wintemute, a professor at the University of California, Davis, and the director of California’s firearms violence research center, said some of the data the justice department is now denying researchers had been previously shared with them for decades, and other data is specifically mandated to be shared with the gun violence research center under California law.

So, why block it now? What is being hidden? Some are wondering if it will show that Becerra’s policies have not been successful, or California’s, for that matter. We can all speculate (I think it would show a failure of California gun restrictions and just who is shooting whom the most), but, you may see hardcore lefty gun grabbing groups, such as Brady United Against Gun Violence, Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, sue California and Becerra.


Read: Surprise: California AG won’t Share “Gun Violence” Data »

Climahysteria Has Now Spread To TikTok Or Something

TikTok used to be a place where idiots could go to be obsessed, outrage, freaking out, etc (I’m not going to search for examples, which I usually find on the front page of Yahoo, because then I’ll be here all day linking Crazy), along with posting their narcissism and dumb stuff. Apparently to amuse people in China who are harvesting people’s information. Now?

Meet the Climate Change Activists of TikTok

When Louis Levanti woke up one morning last September, climate change wasn’t on his mind. “I was never huge into researching climate change, but I was aware that it is real.” So when the 24-year-old TikTok creator, who lives with his parents on Long Island, opened his phone and saw something about a clock being unveiled, he wasn’t initially interested. “I rolled my eyes thinking it had something to do with the stock market.”

The Climate Clock, in Union Square in New York City, counts down how much time we have left to act before climate change is irreversible. Levanti, who normally posts videos with topics like “weird food that celebrities like to eat” or “annoying things people do at the gym,” was distressed, and he immediately decided to make a TikTok video about it. “It’s a problem that can’t be ignored,” he said. “Why not responsibly use my big platform to educate people and wake some people up the way I was?”

In the TikTok video, Levanti, superimposed over an image of Earth on fire, says, “Hey, stop scrolling. Our planet is fucking dying.” It’s gotten over 314,000 views and been shared nearly 14,000 times. There are over 5,000 comments, some of which are heartbreaking: “I am 13, does that mean my future children will suffer.” “It’s sad that younger people have to suffer because of this.”

Well, that’s interesting (nutbaggery), since other cultists claim that all this social media contributes to ‘climate change’.

The world is facing a climate change problem, and climate change is facing a communication problem. The complexities and hypotheticals of climate science do not translate well to an audience who just wants to know whether the dress was blue or white. And yet, on TikTok, one of the world’s most active communication platforms, climate change is a rapidly growing topic. The hashtag #ForClimate has over 533 million views. A video showing a girl singing, “We’re killing the earth and that’s really fun, nobody believes us because we are young,” has over 6.4 million likes. Every day, thousands of mostly Gen Z content creators post videos about climate change and their personal relationship to it. In the span of five minutes, you can get tips on the zero waste movement, watch a teenager cry while looking at starving polar bears, learn about environmental racism, and see scientists working in Antarctica.

Of course, this is mostly being done in a “look at me” manner, attempting to become some sort of “influencer” and get free stuff. The question they should all be asked is “what are you doing in your life other than posting Doomy Scaremongering videos?”

But one of the challenges of having thousands of eager “knowledge brokers” telling their stories about climate change is exactly that: For the sake of good engagement and a good story, they say (and do) whatever they want. Discussion of global warming on TikTok is often simplified to “doom and gloom” commentary, or the misguided idea that at this point there’s nothing we can do to stop climate change, something that Cameron Brick, a professor of social psychology at the University of Amsterdam, says is actually dangerous. “If you paint it as a terrible tragedy, people either turn away from it or internalize it and feel despair and then disengage.” A study published in 2019 in the journal Frontiers in Communication revealed that dire climate change content can lead to fatalism and inaction.

Of course, doom and gloom is pretty much all the Cult of Climastrology has.

Another result of unvetted climate change information is a misguided focus on individual actions, such as using lower-wattage light bulbs or metal straws. “One of the dangers of this kind of unvetted information is that people can be led into low-impact behaviors that are not going to move the needle enough,” said Brick. Leah Thomas, the creator of Intersectional Environmentalist, disagrees. “There’s too much gatekeeping of activism and what it could look like. Let the kids pop lock and drop it for the planet on TikTok.” She says she’s seen firsthand the impact of bringing attention to climate change. “Awareness leads to empowerment and knowledge, which leads to real action.”

And, of course, the CoC is not happy when people take individual actions, that they practice what they preach, because this isn’t about science, but implementing authoritarian governmental control.

Read: Climahysteria Has Now Spread To TikTok Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on Cocaine Bear…wait, what?

Read: If All You See… »

Many Grocery Store In Los Angeles Closing Over “Hero Pay”

There’s a price to pay when Government decides that Other People should spend their money in a manner than destroys businesses.  It’s very easy for Government to demand things, another for them to be put in play

Kroger will close 3 grocery stores following Los Angeles hazard pay mandate

unintended consequencesKroger announced it will close three Los Angeles grocery stores in May amid concerns about the city’s new hazard pay mandate, which requires large grocery and pharmacy stores to pay their employees an additional $5 per hour over a four-month span due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is at least the third time this year that Kroger has declared plans to shut down locations in select cities, following local government decisions that force stores to increase hourly wages.

The company said Wednesday that the closures of the Los Angeles stores — two of which are operating as Ralphs and one as Food 4 Less — was a decision accelerated by the new pay requirement.

“It’s never our desire to close a store, but when you factor in the increased costs of operating during Covid-19, consistent financial losses at these three locations, and an extra pay mandate that will cost nearly $20 million over the next 120 days, it becomes impossible to operate these three stores,” a Kroger spokesperson said.

The Los Angeles City Council voted in late February in favor of the new hourly mandate by a margin of 14-1, as part of a trend among other West Coast cities that are requiring grocers to compensate employees at a higher rate during the pandemic.

Despite what appears to be a huge increase in gross earnings by grocery stores, the actual net earnings were way down, as operating costs were way up. Earnings for grocery stores have always been tight. COVID didn’t erase that, even with the binge purchasing. Mandating an extra $5 an hour for all employees is a massive increase in operating costs. And some stores have a smaller margin than others, especially in areas where theft is high

United Food and Commercial Workers International Union President Marc Perrone called Kroger’s actions on Wednesday “a cruel attack on essential workers.”

“Essential workers in grocery stores are putting their health at risk every day to make sure families can put food on the table and city leaders are stepping up to ensure they have the hazard pay they have earned,” Perrone said in a statement Wednesday. “Hazard pay is not just about recognizing the health risks grocery workers face, it’s about making sure that these essential workers have the support they need to keep our grocery stores safe for customers and ensure all our families have the food we need as the pandemic continues.”

Then let the city council pay for it. Perhaps they can use all that extra money they’re getting from Biden’s 100% partisan $1.9 trillion “COVID relief” bill. Perhaps UFCW International could reduce their union dues. Oh, they don’t want to do that? Huh. The LA Times notes

Kroger said pay bumps for workers will add an additional $20 million in operating costs over that period, making it “financially unsustainable” to keep underperforming stores in operation.

That’s rather a lot of extra costs during a short period of time, eh?

Denise Francis Woods, who ran for City Council to represent her South L.A. district last year, said closing the store on Slauson would cost locals their jobs and deprive the area of a needed grocery store.

Well, perhaps she shouldn’t have voted for the rule, because now, instead of making more money, the employees will make no money. She calls the area a food desert, there’s a Food 4 Less (that is staying open) several blocks away.

Read: Many Grocery Store In Los Angeles Closing Over “Hero Pay” »

United Nations: Say, You Countries Aren’t Spending Enough Recovery Money On ‘Climate Change’

Heck, too little of the current $1.9 trillion recovery bill actually goes to helping U.S. citizens. We don’t need more worthless money for ‘climate change’. But, hey, tell you what: I’m good with shifting the hundreds of billions earmarked with rescuing Democrat cities and states (which do not really need it), along with all the money for schools (which still have billions left from previous COVID bills), especially since so much of it is for 2022 and future years, and shifting it into R&D for better renewable power sources, including nuclear. And none of it should go to the moochers at the U.N.

UN: Too little of recovery spending fights climate change

Nations are spending unprecedented amounts of money to bounce back from the pandemic and the economic shock it triggered, but less than one dollar out of five spent so far will help fight global warming and heal nature, a new United Nations report says.

The top economies have laid out more than $14.6 trillion to date to rebound from last year’s crisis, with nearly $2 trillion of that aimed at long-term recovery. But only $341 billion — about 18% — of that COVID-19 economic recovery money is going to green spending and “building back better,” according to Wednesday’s report by the United Nations Environment Programme and Oxford University.

Build back better is part of The Great Reset, which is a push for Progressivism (nice Fascism) and corporatism control.

“It seems like the world is trying to put out a house fire with a garden hose, while a perfectly good hydrant is available just next door,” said report lead author Brian O’Callaghan of the Oxford University’s Economic Recovery Project. He said the report highlights missed opportunities, singling out Australia where only 2% of $130 billion in recovery spending is green-oriented.

The report focuses on long-term spending, such as on roads, buildings and energy projects, as opposed to quick relief, such as unemployment checks and other emergency relief to keep people and businesses afloat.

It’s very easy to spend Other People’s Money and yammer about saying “screw relief to people who are suffering”, eh?

Countries in a hurry often choose familiar economic methods instead of investing in “a sustainable inclusive future” which involves shifting the way society acts, said German environment minister Svenja Schulze.

Using a global pandemic, with all the accompanying misery and death, for government to take more power to control people.

If the world concentrates on clean energy spending it can come out of this crisis “definitely more able to deal with the abrupt shock that climate change demonstrably is imposing on our societies,” said International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva. She said the world needs to “create more jobs and better economic opportunities by investing money in the right way, not the wrong way.”

So, then private companies can do so with their own money.

With 82% of the recovery spending not being green, it supports the status quo which is heading in the wrong direction in terms of the environment and income inequality, O’Callaghan said, adding that about 2% to 3% of the spending is actually “dirty,” boosting use of climate-damaging fossil fuel.

Is it O’Callaghan’s money? No? He, along with the rest of the Warmists, are welcome to invest their own money into so-called green projects. Heck, I triple do dare all the U.S. climate cultists to take their $1,400 stimulus checks and put them into something green. Buy a nice bike and ride it everywhere instead of taking a fossil fueled trip. Or something. Till then, shut up, you do nothing in your own lives, and take the UN with you, since they couldn’t survive without the money of nations who take it from people who work.

Read: United Nations: Say, You Countries Aren’t Spending Enough Recovery Money On ‘Climate Change’ »

CNN: Too Few Are Vaccinated, Another COVID Surge Just Weeks Away

You know, no Americans would be vaccinated if President Trump hadn’t initiated Operation Warp Speed. No Democrat said it could happen so quick, that it would be years before we had any sort of vaccine. First, though

This guy is not OK. He also has his mask, well, masks, since he sometimes wears two despite getting both shots of the vaccine (mine is scheduled for this afternoon), off. The Credentialed Media calls this a “stutter”, which was missing during his 8 years with Obama. And then Kamala went and spoke with reporters after passage of the $1.9 trillion so-called COVID relief bill (which spreads money overseas and has spend dates in the US for 2022, 2023, and beyond). Why is the VP speaking to the press, not Joe? Anyhow

A year after the pandemic was declared, still too few Americans are vaccinated to suppress the viral spread and experts say another surge could be weeks away

Biden Brain SlugMore than 29 million cases have been reported in the US since the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus a pandemic one year ago.

The virus plunged America into grief and crisis. Several rounds of violent surges in infections prompted local and state leaders from coast to coast to order safety restrictions — in some cases, curfews — hoping to curb this invisible enemy’s spread. Waves of Covid-19 patients crippled healthcare systems. Spikes in deaths drove some communities to call in mobile units to support their morgues.

The US has lost more than 529,000 people to the virus, Johns Hopkins University data shows. It’s more than the number of Americans killed in World War I and World War II combined. And the death toll is rising by the thousands each week.

Now, the country is at a pivotal point.

Case numbers, after plateauing at high levels, may be beginning to decline again, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during a White House briefing on Wednesday. Average hospital admissions and Covid-19 deaths were also down over the past week, she added.

So far, almost one in 10 Americans have been fully vaccinated — a number that is still too low to suppress the spread of the virus. And some experts have warned another possible surge could be weeks away, fueled by a highly contagious variant spreading across the country.

Thank you for the vaccines, President Trump. The NY Times looks to have given Trump credit along with Biden. Biden deserves none. He didn’t do anything. This all started under Trump’s leadership and guidance.

What will help now, while the country works to boost its vaccination numbers, are the precautions that have been touted by officials for months: face masks, social distancing, avoiding crowds, washing hands.

And it’s especially crucial, according to experts, that Americans heed this guidance, even as more governors announce it’s time to begin loosening Covid-19 restrictions and paving the way for a return to normal. Experts have highlighted we’re not there just yet.

In other words, the “officials” want people kept locked down, because it’s a lot easier to condition citizens to bow to authority when they aren’t trying to express freedom. How long will the keep the “doom is just around the corner” going?

Read: CNN: Too Few Are Vaccinated, Another COVID Surge Just Weeks Away »

Pirate's Cove