Climate Scam Today: Bill Gates Sounds Alarm On Bitcoin, Allergy Season Maybe Possibly They Think Longer, Youngsters Suing

Let’s start with Excitable Bill, who’s developments use massive amounts of energy all around the world

Bill Gates Sounds Alarm On Bitcoin’s Energy Consumption–Here’s Why Crypto Is Bad For Climate Change

As bitcoin pushes toward new highs, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates is sounding an alarm on the cryptocurrency’s strikingly high carbon footprint–which is only bound to worsen as mainstream adoption of the world’s largest cryptocurrency soars as expected.

“Bitcoin uses more electricity per transaction than any other method known to mankind,” Gates told the New York Times in a recent interview, calling himself a “bitcoin skeptic,” and adding that “it’s not a great climate thing.”

Now tell us about the carbon footprint of all the computers using Microsoft Windows. Oh, and Bill’s CF for his mega mansion, private jets, and so forth

Is Climate Change Making Allergy Season Worse? These Scientists Think So

During allergy season, some unfortunate souls spend a disproportionate part of their time experiencing some or all of the above. In the US alone, more than 50 million people are allergy sufferers.

Now scientists say climate change could be causing allergy season to start earlier and last longer.

A team of researchers from institutions across the US has reviewed data relating to pollen trends from 1990 to 2018. The conclusions they came to were that pollen is present in the air 20 days sooner than it used to be and at significantly higher concentrations – as much as 21% up.

OK, compare this, if we’re doing science, to not only the rest of the Modern Warm Period, but previous Holocene warm and cool periods. Heck, how about during the slight cooling from the mid 40’s to the late 70’s. Seriously, there’s nothing unusual at all about a Holocene warm period having trees bloom earlier. Now, though, we have climahysteria

Young people seeking to change federal policy on climate change try new tactic

(a couple paragraphs of the kiddies losing their climacase)

Evidence in the case shows that federal officials’ “actions (or inaction), such as coal leasing, oil development, fossil fuel industry subsidies, and the setting of fuel efficiency standards for vehicles” are violating the youths’ rights, their lawyers said in a federal court filing in Oregon. The youths “merely seek justice for the injuries they are suffering at the hands of their government,” and a judicial declaration of illegality would be a major step forward, the filing said.

The lawyers also urged the Biden administration to abandon the “scorched-earth tactics” of President Donald Trump’s administration, which fought the suit for four years, and to negotiate a settlement “based on technically and economically feasible solutions to the climate crisis.”

I have an idea

Read: Climate Scam Today: Bill Gates Sounds Alarm On Bitcoin, Allergy Season Maybe Possibly They Think Longer, Youngsters Suing »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fence keeping people from migrating during climate doom, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post wondering if we even have a republic anymore.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Aid Says Pandemic Was Best Thing To Happen To Democrats

Hey, China Joe aid Anita Dunn was just saying what we all knew: Democrats were taking advantage of a worldwide pandemic and all the death and misery associated with it, making it worse for people in order to blame Trump

Biden Aide: Coronavirus Pandemic ‘Best Thing That Ever Happened’ for Democrats

A top aide to President Joe Biden described the coronavirus as “the best thing that ever happened to him,” according to a recently released book.

The book, Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency, details how Biden adviser Anita Dunn made the remark in private to a campaign “associate.”

The book’s authors, Jonathan Allen of NBC News and Amie Parnes of the Hill, said Dunn’s comments were what “campaign officials believed but would never say in public.”

Dunn’s comments were first reported by the Guardian after the paper obtained an early release copy of the book.

An experienced Democrat campaign operative, Dunn also worked as a public relations guru for disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Dunn joined the Biden administration as a senior adviser after playing a similar role on his 2020 campaign.

We all know that one of the reasons for Democratic Party elected officials in cities, counties, and states ramped up the authoritarian COVID rules was to make people miserable so they could Blamestorm Trump and get Biden elected. In fairness, it worked (maybe, sure seemed like lots of election issues). The other being because they’re authoritarians. They didn’t care about the pain and suffering of Americans. How often did we see them breaking their own rules? How often do we see Biden breaking his own rules right now?

Read: Biden Aid Says Pandemic Was Best Thing To Happen To Democrats »

After Taking Long Fossil Fueled Flight, John Kerry Urges Top Polluters To Genuflect To Climate Cult

Unsurprisingly, no media members took photos of John Kerry landing his private jet nor disembarking. That would be bad optics, but, how did he get to England? He surely didn’t use a sailing ship, and hyper climate cult outlet the BBC won’t mention it

Climate change: Kerry urges top polluters to cut emissions now

US climate change envoy John Kerry has urged the world’s top 20 polluters which create 81% of emissions between them to reduce CO2 immediately.

He was speaking after meeting Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other senior UK figures in London to plan two upcoming international climate summits.

He praised the UK for phasing out coal, and for its “ambitious” climate goals.

But he told BBC Newsnight that the UK – along with other major nations – must deliver their proposed emissions cuts.

“China, the US, Russia, India, the EU, Korea, Japan and others all have to be part of this effort,” he said. “Twenty countries. Eighty one percent of the emissions.”

Brits have been burning peat moss and wood to supplement the loss of power from doing away with coal (I’ll note again, I’m not a fan of coal) and having to rely on unreliable solar and wind, particularly when it is cold. UK power costs have skyrocketed over the past 15 years as the nation, or at least the nations leaders, joined the climate cult.

Asked during the interview whether the UK should be planning a controversial new coal mine in Cumbria, he replied: “The marketplace has made a decision that coal is not the future.

In this case the marketplace he refers to is The Government.

On Tuesday, climate diplomacy sees him in Paris and Brussels for talks with European leaders, who have been praised for their recent target to cut emissions 55% on 1990 levels.

Did he take a pure electric vehicle, a bus, or a train to Paris and Brussels? Or hop back in the fossil fueled private jet for quick trips to those two cities?

Leaders are wrestling with gloomy news from China, whose recent five-year plan takes tiny steps to decarbonisation.

But they will be heartened by President Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus package agreed by the Senate, which will support “green” economic growth.

Wait, I thought the $1.9 trillion was about COVID relief? No?

Yes, climate hypocrisy matters, especially when it’s a major league bigwig telling people they will be forced to comply.

Read: After Taking Long Fossil Fueled Flight, John Kerry Urges Top Polluters To Genuflect To Climate Cult »

Good News: Rising Influx Of Migrant Children Being Held In “Jail Like Facilities”, But Not By Biden Admin

Someone at the NY Times has done what Rush always called a random act of journalism, and managed to get an editor to approve publication

From the article

Thousands of migrant children are backed up in United States detention facilities along the border with Mexico, part of a surge of immigration from Central Americans fleeing poverty and violence that could overwhelm President Biden’s attempt to create a more humane approach to those seeking entry into the country.

The number of migrant children in custody along the border has tripled in the past two weeks to more than 3,250, according to federal immigration agency documents obtained by The New York Times, and many of them are being held in jail-like facilities for longer than the three days allowed by law.

The problem for the administration is both the number of children crossing the border and what to do with them once they are in custody. Under the law, the children are supposed to be moved to shelters run by the Health and Human Services Department, but because of the pandemic the shelters until last week were limiting how many children they could accommodate.

The growing number of unaccompanied children is just one element of an escalating problem at the border. Border agents encountered a migrant at the border about 78,000 times in January — more than double the rate at the same time a year ago and higher than in any January in a decade.

Oh, see, it’s a problem for the Biden admin, whereas when Trump was the president it was racism and he’s a Nazi for holding the kids. In cages. Like Obama. But, now they are “jail-like facilities.”

But his approach — to broadly reopen the nation’s borders to vulnerable children with what he hopes will be a welcoming contrast to Mr. Trump’s erection of legal and physical barriers — is already at risk from the grim realities of migration patterns that have roiled the globe for years. Sensing a change in tone and approach after Mr. Trump’s defeat, migrants are once again fleeing poverty, violence and the devastation left by hurricanes and heading north toward the United States.

You can pretty strikethru everything starting with “fleeing” and write “streaming towards free stuff courtesy of the Democratic Party.” But, see, the Department Of Homeland Security, which runs the “concentration camps” via sub-agencies like Customs and Border Patrol and knows about all the “migrants” caught at the border, isn’t part of the Biden admin (?)

So, is there like some other Executive Branch? Or, is the Legislative Branch in charge? How do reporters not call this mule fritters out? Even if they’re on Biden’s side, this has to go against any shred of professionalism they have and a need to not be treated like complete idiots by Psaki. You’d think.

Read: Good News: Rising Influx Of Migrant Children Being Held In “Jail Like Facilities”, But Not By Biden Admin »

Twelve States Sue China Joe Over Climate Scam Order

I was hoping every single one of these GOP AGs would have dared Joe to give up his own use of fossil fuels

12 Republican-led states sue President Biden over climate change order

Twelve Republican-led states Monday sued President Joe Biden over his first executive order aimed at climate change, alleging he lacked the constitutional authority to implement new rules about greenhouse gases.

The federal lawsuit, led by Republican Attorney General Eric Schmitt of Missouri, argues Biden violated the separation of powers clause in the Constitution because Congress, not the president, has the power to regulate.

On his first day in the White House, Biden signed Executive Order 13990, directing federal agencies to calculate the “social cost” of greenhouse gas pollution by estimating “monetized damages” to inform future federal regulations. This includes changes in net agricultural productivity, human health, property damage from increased flood risk and the value of ecosystem services.

But the 12 states that are plaintiffs say assigning such values is a “quintessentially legislative action that falls within Congress’s exclusive authority.” They also say the economic ramifications of the order will be disastrous.

“If the Executive Order stands, it will inflict hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars of damage to the U.S. economy for decades to come,” the suit reads. “It will destroy jobs, stifle energy production, strangle America’s energy independence, suppress agriculture, deter innovation, and impoverish working families. It undermines the sovereignty of the States and tears at the fabric of liberty.”

Republican state attorneys general from Arkansas, Arizona, Indiana, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and Utah joined the suit.

Nope, nothing on Joe practicing what he preaches.

Read: Twelve States Sue China Joe Over Climate Scam Order »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on the Michigan government citing a guy who rescued injured animals, then killing all the animals.

Read: If All You See… »

South Dakota Celebrates International Women’s Day With Legislation Blocking Males From Competing In Women’s Sports

Where are all the women’s groups in the fight to protect women from having to compete against biological males with mental health delusions that they’re women, where women lose competitions they earned, along with potential scholarships?

Gov. Kristi Noem says South Dakota celebrating International Women’s Day with bill banning biological males from girls’ sports

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem joined in Monday on a social media frenzy to recognize International Women’s Day, sending the message that her state was celebrating the occasion by passing legislation that will protect women’s sports by prohibiting biological males from competing with girls.

Noem tweeted out, “In South Dakota, we’re celebrating #InternationalWomensDay by defending women’s sports! I’m excited to sign this bill very soon.”

The Republican governor linked to a message sent by the group American Principles, which proclaimed, “GREAT NEWS! The South Dakota Senate just passed the Women’s Fairness in Sports bill, 20-15. It now heads to @govkristinoem’s desk for signature.”

The Hill reported that the bill, once signed into law, will “legally prevent any student at a state institution from joining a sports team that does not match their at-birth biological identity.” The legislation would require “athletes in South Dakota state schools to provide information regarding their biological sex as well as their age and whether they are taking steroids.”

The American Civil Liberties Union in South Dakota is not happy about the legislation, issuing a statement that said the bill “is an attack on transgender women and girls that will cause them serious emotional and physical harm.”

Trans women aren’t women. They’re men in drag, taking drugs, even getting breast implants. And even with all the drugs, they typically are much better at sports than the women they are competing against in schools. This is a mental illness: why are rewarding it by harming actual, real women? Heck, the ACLU threw real women under the bus

Not according to biology. Why does the ACLU, and so many women’s groups, and China Joe, want men taking women’s sports wins and jobs?

Read: South Dakota Celebrates International Women’s Day With Legislation Blocking Males From Competing In Women’s Sports »

NY Times Blames Heat And Humidity On You And Your Burger Fixation

See, before fossil fueled vehicles there was no such thing as heat and humidity at the same time. Surely, there was no issue with this during the Global Climate Optimum, the Roman Warm Period, etc, right?

Global Warming’s Deadly Combination: Heat and Humidity

Here’s one more reason the world should aim to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, a goal of the international Paris Agreement: It will help keep the tropics from becoming a deadly hothouse.

A study published Monday suggests that sharply cutting emissions of greenhouse gases to stay below that limit, which is equivalent to about 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit of warming since 1900, will help the tropics avoid episodes of high heat and high humidity — known as extreme wet-bulb temperature, or TW — that go beyond the limits of human survival.

“An important problem of climate research is what a global warming target means for local extreme weather events,” said Yi Zhang, a graduate student in geosciences at Princeton University and the study’s lead author. “This work addresses such a problem for extreme TW.”

The study is in line with other recent research showing that high heat and humidity are potentially one of the deadliest consequences of global warming.

“We know that climate change is making extreme heat and humidity more common,” said Robert Kopp, a climate scientist at Rutgers University who was not involved in the study. “And both of those things reduce our ability to live in a given climate.”

I thought it was making extreme cold and snow more common? Have these people actually been to the tropics? They’re already rather hot and humid. And humanity did just fine during previous warm periods which were actually much warmer than this one, and the didn’t have the luxury of air conditioning (which the climate cult wants to do away with for Other People, or at least force Other People to keep their AC at a much warmer level), or refrigerators (which the climate cult want to make way more expensive by changing the refrigerants), nor modern housing.

Work or exercise generates heat, and the body has to dissipate it. If the air temperature is higher than body temperature, the main source of cooling is through evaporation of sweat. But if the humidity reaches a point where sweat cannot evaporate, “essentially the body will gain heat,” said Dr. Kenny, who was not involved in the new study.

That stresses the cardiovascular system. “The strain that the heart is facing becomes progressively greater, especially if there’s successive days of heat exposure,” he said.

Kinda like always. Scientific studies mostly do not “suggest”, the offer proof. But, climate studies from the cult are about prognostication. Nothing more, nothing less, all about governmental power increases.

Read: NY Times Blames Heat And Humidity On You And Your Burger Fixation »

Biden Refers To Sec Defense as “the guy that runs that outfit over there”

Is it any wonder that Joe’s handlers really won’t allow him to do a press conference? That he won’t do a state of the union? That  every appearance elsewhere is tightly scripted and often features his wife Jill right next to him, which is a strange look for the POTUS. One has to wonder just how bad Joe’s supposed speech on the 1 year anniversary since lockdowns began will go on Thursday night, and if it will actually be 100% pre-recorded. Because things like this

Biden’s Incoherence Just Hit Critical Mass, This Is Scary Awful

As we reported two days ago, Joe Biden completely made no sense when he was trying to explain the Wuhan coronavirus relief bill.

It was really bad and it explains why they’re afraid to have him deliver an address to Congress or do any kind of a real solo press conference, because at this point they have to be afraid this is all going to fall apart if he does anything live and this all becomes too obvious to the American people.

But there’s only so long that they can hold this off. And it’s getting worse, as video today revealed. Biden was holding an event to announce the nomination of two female generals to be promoted to combatant commanders. You could even see he was reading a teleprompter. But it didn’t help, he lost it in the middle.

Let’s note that Sec Defense Lloyd Austin and China Joe took their masks off in violation of Joe’s executive order on wearing masks on federal property. You don’t get to take it off just because you’re speaking.

Biden Brain SlugThis is just scary awful. He literally forgets the name of his Secretary of Defense, forgets the position, as well as the name of the Pentagon, calling him “the guy that runs that outfit over there.”

“I want to thank the — former general. I keep calling him General — the guy who runs that outfit over there. I want to make sure we thank the Secretary.” Yikes.

Meanwhile you see Kamala Harris standing behind him in the wings – literally – looking like a minder, wondering whether she’s going to have to help him away. Why is she or his wife always having to be there to spell him if he needs it? Biden takes no questions and forgets his mask as well.

Trump made plenty of verbal gaffes, as did Barack Obama, George Bush, Bill Clinton, etc. These aren’t verbal gaffes, like Joe saying all 7/11s are run by Indians. These are not foot in mouth disease, which Joe is renowned for. This is something much, much worse, a man in serious mental decline.

At this point, it’s no longer a question. Whatever is going on with him medically, whatever you call it, it’s a complete train wreck. He looks in terrible condition and he looks worse every day. It’s horrible what Democrats have done here. They’ve put this guy in, all to hold onto power without giving a darn about how much that might endanger us all or even how it might hurt him. He’s having trouble just reading the teleprompter, let alone making any impromptu comments or responding independently or intelligently to questions. Shame on all the people involved in this and no, don’t even try to claim this is just a “stutter.” This is just despicable. We are all in big trouble now because of what Democrats did here. God help us all.

Remember how Democrats used to claim that Dick Cheney was the puppetmaster during the Bush 43 terms, that he was the one running things? Who’s actually running the White House? Those bets of Kamala replacing Joe at some point are shortening the time frame. I’d be surprised if the guy can last through the summer.

Read: Biden Refers To Sec Defense as “the guy that runs that outfit over there” »

Pirate's Cove