St. Greta Says China Joe Not Doing Enough To Fight Climate Change (scam)

In all fairness, St. Greta should be directing her comments to Joe’s people, because Joe doesn’t seem to have any idea what he’s doing. People just tell him what to say and what to sign

Greta Thunberg: Biden’s Actions ‘Not Nearly Enough’ to Fight Global Warming

St. GretaAppearing Sunday on MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan Show, teenage activist Greta Thunberg said “the science” shows that President Joe Biden’s climate change policies are inadequate.

MEHDI HASAN: In your view, how has Joe Biden done on climate issues in his first 50 days in office? What grade would you give him?

GRETA THUNBERG: ​Well, you shouldn’t take that from me, I’m just a teenager, so I don’t have the mandate to sort of give grades like that. My opinions on this doesn’t matter​. You should rather look at the science and whether his policies are in line with the Paris agreements and to stay below 1.5 or even 2 degrees Celsius, and then you can clearly see that, no, it’s not nearly enough in line with the science. That’s not me saying, that’s just black and white, looking at the facts​.

HASAN: What would you like to see him do climate change that he isn’t doing, that he said he won’t do because his administration is saying, “we set up a climate office, we set up a climate czar, we resigned Paris, we’re conserving more land, undoing a lot of what Donald Trump did.” What would you like to see him do that he’s not doing?

THUNBERG: I understand that it’s difficult and I would not want to be in a politician’s position right now. I can’t imagine how hard it must be. But, I would just like you to basically just treat the climate crisis like a crisis. They have said themselves that this is an existential threat. They better treat it accordingly, which they are not. They are just treating the climate crisis​ ​as it was a political topic, among other topics. Treat it as a crisis, that’s the Number one step​ we need to do.

Crisis! Existential threat! Yawn

Read: St. Greta Says China Joe Not Doing Enough To Fight Climate Change (scam) »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climatism, with a post on gaslighting, unending lockdowns, and climate change.

BTW, it’s yoga pants week.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: World On Brink Of 4th COVID Wave

Is this believable? The problem with all the hyperventilating news is “can we believe it?” The news has always been about hyping stuff up, right? For amplifying a story to more Doom than it deserves, right? So, how much of this is about the leftist news’ need to proclaim Doom? Which people are tired of and often discount. How much is them wanting to continue the Big Government control of citizens by proclaiming Doom? And how much might be real, but, people tune out?

World on brink of fourth wave of coronavirus

A year after the frightening beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the world stands on the brink of a fourth wave of infection as nations race to vaccinate their populations and stave off a new surge in hospitalizations and deaths.

Total reported cases rose across the globe in the last week of February after six weeks of decline, driven in part by new, more virulent variants that transmit between people at startlingly higher rates than the initial strains out of Wuhan, China, and northern Italy.

“This is disappointing, but not surprising,” World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters last week. “This is a global crisis that requires a consistent and coordinated global response.”

The United States recorded about 66,000 new cases a day over the last week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), down 73 percent from the apex reached in early January and similar to levels of transmission from October. But the precipitous decline of late January and early February has plateaued in recent days, raising fears that a new wave is just around the corner.

I thought China Joe was going to end this? No?

Some models show an increase in cases just around the corner. One model maintained by the PolicyLab at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia shows reproduction rates — the measure of how many people are infected by someone who has the virus — rising in three quarters of the counties surveyed. States in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest showed higher transmission rates last week.

Several states have loosened restrictions on businesses and gatherings imposed over the summer, even though infections continue at higher levels today than when those mandates were initially put in place.

And by linking the two it appears that the Credentialed Media is trying to perpetuate everlasting authoritarian government. Perpetual lockdown. They provide zero statistics or facts that show the two are correlated in the least.


Senate COVID relief bill paves way for student debt forgiveness through executive action

The Senate version of the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, which cleared the chamber Saturday, was amended to remove taxes on forgiven student loan debt through 2025, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Why it matters: The provision, which was included by Democrats this week, paves the way for President Biden to forgive student debt through executive action — one of his campaign promises — without burdening thousands of Americans with a new tax.

So, one more reason the COVID bill is mostly not about COVID relief.

Read: Good News: World On Brink Of 4th COVID Wave »

NY Times Wonders If The Burger Is Nearing Extinction

See, I blame you quite often for your choice to cause the Earth to eat a tasty burger instead of having lettuce (raised organically without GMO’s, of course), beans, and water, or a plant based burger, which is pretty much the same thing, right? Along comes Frank Bruni, who wastes his opinion column with this

Is the Burger Nearing Extinction?
Meat has more competition — and less justification — than ever before.

I liked my patties thin and then I liked them thick. There was the Cheddar period, followed by the Roquefort interregnum. Sesame-seed buns gave way to English muffins as ketchup traded places with special sauce or even, God help me, guacamole, which really was overkill.

But no matter its cradle or condiment, the hamburger was with me for the long haul — I was sure of that.

Until now.

A few days ago I tripped across news that McDonald’s was testing a vegetable-based patty, coming soon to a griddle near you. The McPlant burger, they’re calling it — a McOxymoron if ever I’ve heard one. And McDonald’s is late to the game. Burger King has been selling a meatless Impossible Whopper since 2019. Dunkin’ has been serving a Beyond Sausage Breakfast Sandwich for nearly as long. (snip through other nasty meatless options)

This is the future: not a meatless one — not anytime soon — but one with less meat. I’m now sure of that. It’s the inevitable consequence of alarm over climate change, to which livestock farming contributes significantly. (Gates’s meatless musings were in the context of his new book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.”)

When does the NY Times ban burgers at their giant building which has a massive carbon footprint?

Nature’s Fynd, which has attracted almost $160 million in funding, belongs to the third track: fermentation-derived proteins made from microorganisms, like fungi, that can be coaxed in a meaty, cheesy, creamy or milky direction. This track is arguably the most exciting — in terms of affordability, versatility, environmental gentleness and untapped possibility. There are microbes out there just waiting to feed us.

This opinion piece is actually looking more like an advertisement for Nature’s Fynd, because it spends a lot of time on the company.

Last month, Nature’s Fynd unveiled a direct-order breakfast combo of faux-sausage patties and a mock cream cheese for $14.99 and quickly sold out. It’s restocking and expects to have those products plus others — maybe the yogurt, maybe meatballs — on store shelves later this year. If all goes well, it will expand from there. A burger can’t be too far off.

Wait, what? $14.99? I can get a Big Breakfast (no pancakes) with a chocolate milk at McDonald’s or head to Bonjangle’s for a steak biscuit with egg, fries, and sweet tea, both under $5 before tax. This “eco-friendly” stuff looks expensive.

But given the long love affair that many humans, including this one, have had with animal meat, is there really a chance that these substitutes can make all that much headway in the near future? Thomas Jonas, the chief executive of Nature’s Fynd, said that a conspicuous change in America’s beverage-scape suggests so.

“Ten or 15 years ago, if you were looking at soy milk or almond milk, you were looking at something that was considered to be for health stores and tree-huggers and hippies, right?” he said. Now, both take up considerable space in every supermarket I visit, and there’s nary a coffee shop without one or the other. Nobody, Jonas argued, would have predicted that.

Both soy and almond, especially the latter, use immense amounts of water to produce their product. They’re fads. And, per the tenets of the Cult of Climastrology, bad for climate change. These people are all nuts. They’re aren’t eating or drinking this stuff because they like it but because their cult tells them to.

Read: NY Times Wonders If The Burger Is Nearing Extinction »

Gun Grabbers Set To Vote On Two Gun Control Bills This Week

On the surface these two bills don’t look incredibly burdensome, and, if it wasn’t for knowing what the gun grabbers want to actually do they might have some GOP support. We know that these pieces of legislation are just steps, and might actually have some poison pills

U.S. House set to vote on bills to expand gun background checks

The U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote on Wednesday on a pair of bills to expand background checks before gun purchases, two years after a similar House effort failed to make it through the Senate.

The House Rules Committee on Monday will take up the two bills that Democrats, who control the chamber, say are aimed at closing loopholes in the background check system.

One of the bills under consideration would make it illegal for anyone who is not a licensed firearms importer, manufacturer or dealer to transfer a firearm to any unlicensed person without a background check. The bill has exemptions, including gifts from relatives and transfers for hunting, target shooting and self-defense. A version was introduced in the Senate last week.

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the bill, which would extend background checks to gun shows and other sales, would close “dangerous loopholes in the existing background check system to help keep all of our communities safe.”

The other bill extends the initial background check review period to 10 days from three. Under existing law, the sale of guns can proceed if a background check is not completed within three days.

For the first bill, it requires a background check for almost every single transfer, but, at this time there are no requirements to register a firearm, so, how would Los Federales even know? If I sell my gun to my friend, the feds would have no idea unless that friend went on a rampage, then I’d just say they must have stolen it. And, heck, this is already the law in North Carolina.

Raising the review period makes it that much harder for people to get a firearm in a timely manner. Even with the 3 day period it can still take up to two weeks to receive a pistol purchase permit here in Wake County, and that was when we had a Republican sheriff. Make it 10 days and it could take a month.

The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) opposes both bills, arguing the three-day requirement “ensures that the FBI carries out its background check duties in an expedient and responsible manner.”

The NRA-ILA argues the other bill makes it a crime “to simply hand a firearm to another person” and suggests exceptions “are overly complicated and create many traps for unwary gun owners.”

One big question would be “what will Democrats try to stuff into either of these bills? Could be pork, could be unrelated wish list garbage, could be something like requiring registration or ammo taxes.” Regardless, even if passed as written, these are just small steps to the Dems gun grabbing. And the gun grabbers are demanding that Joe Manchin help nuke the filibuster to make this happen. If you have to do that, it tells you all you need to know how partisan this is.

Read: Gun Grabbers Set To Vote On Two Gun Control Bills This Week »

Climate Cult Won’t Give Up On Blaming Texas Winter Storm On You Eating A Burger

Once the Cult of Climastrology latches on to a good talking point they’ll turn it into dogma and never let go

‘When Texas freezes over’: Arctic conditions across the southern U.S. show climate change is here

Sometimes, it seems like certain politicians won’t support climate action until hell — or Texas — freezes over. Well, after last month’s storms, the climate threat is as clear as can be, and it’s time for Congress to act.

On Feb. 13, a winter storm began sweeping across the U.S. Within days, the frigid conditions and ensuing infrastructure challenges led to dozens of deaths, massive power outages, and millions without clean water. Texas came within minutes of catastrophic failures that would have caused months-long blackouts. Here in Iowa, the deep freeze was especially hard for livestock. On our farm, we had to feed our llamas high-energy food to ensure that they made it through the night. Every morning, we’d wake up and run to the barn to make sure they were OK. Then our water hydrant broke, so we carried buckets of water from the house to the barn in the dangerously cold temperatures. Our old farmhouse seethed cold air around every window and door, and home deliveries of food and other essentials were suspended for our entire rural area. It was a very tense time.

Um, winter gets pretty cold and snowy in Iowa (this credo comes from the Iowa City Press Citizen) in what is called “winter”. It always has, at least during the Holocene period, right? Good luck ranching, growing food, traveling anywhere in Iowa, heating homes, etc, without fossil fuels.

So why is this all happening? Typically, a strong jet stream keeps Arctic air locked over the poles. But as we see more variability in our climate and Arctic air warms, the jet stream weakens, gets wavy and allows frigid air to dip down into the lower latitudes.

And there’s the Cult talking point

There’s plenty to be said about modernizing America’s power grid, improving battery storage, and so on, to be better prepared for future extreme temperatures. But the root challenge is the same: We’re feeling the impact of climate change here and now, and we’re running out of time to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing the problem. We must, therefore, use all the tools at our disposal to curtail those emissions.

Your fault!

One of the most effective tools is an ambitious price on carbon that will speed up the transition to a low- or zero-carbon economy. A carbon tax can quickly slash our emissions and save lives — plus, when designed right, it can actually pay people and benefit American business. Endorsements from the scientific community, businesses, economists and more show that this is the consensus solution.

I suggest we start with an ambitious carbon pricing scheme on newspapers which use lots of fossil fuels to gather and disseminate their news, along with all the energy to run websites. They’d be fine with that, right?

The extreme weather ravaging our nation should serve as a warning that our climate could one day be unbearable if we fail to take the actions necessary to rein in climate change. An effective price on carbon with money given to households can put us on the path to preserving a livable world.

See, greenhouse gases warm the Earth which makes it very cold and snowy which is making the world unlivable. Of course, the carbon taxes wouldn’t apply to those pushing them.

Read: Climate Cult Won’t Give Up On Blaming Texas Winter Storm On You Eating A Burger »

If All You See…

…is a carbon pollution haze, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on a Tennessee bill that makes obstructing a highway a felony.

It’s yoga pants week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Billy DeVorss Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous in the Once And Future nation of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and China Joe is still hiding in the basement. This pinup is by Billy DeVorss, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Climate Change Dispatch notes Biden reviving a scandal plagued Obama era loan program
  2. Green Jihad says not to fall for the #MeToo against Cuomo, don’t forget about nursing home deaths
  3. Weasel Zippers features the Socialism success of Venezuela and their new printed $1,000,000 bill due to inflation
  4. The Rio Norte Line covers fundamental transformation weaponized
  5. The Right Scoop notes Trump coming after Lisa Murkowski
  6. The Lid covers 20 US AGs stating that HR1, the “For The People Act”, is unconstitutional
  7. Rare link to The Gateway Pundit, noting that prosecutors are arguing not too release a Capitol Hill crazy because he might ….. speak about election fraud.
  8. The First Street Journal covers the Capitol Police requesting the National Guard stay another two months
  9. The Daley Gator discusses Eternal Bitterness Syndrome
  10. White House Dossier highlights VP Kamala speaking with Netanyahu, the 4th world leader she’s spoken with rather than Joe
  11. Pacific Pundit notes Connecticut lifting all COVID capacity limits, Biden silent
  12. Moonbattery discusses a Moonbat Product of the Year candidate
  13. Legal Insurrection covers California and the feds spending millions on hotel rooms for illegals
  14. Just One Minute highlights a 4th Cuomo accuser
  15. And last, but not least, Jihad Watch covers Denmark telling Syrian refugees to go home

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Interesting: Mexican President Erects Barrier Around Presidential Palace

See, walls are fine for protecting political elites, just like we’ve seen in Washington, D.C., but, not good for protecting the border from unauthorized people attempting to cross illegally and sneak into the U.S. The Mexican president said he has “no opinion” of the wall, but, hailed China Joe’s halt of border wall construction

Mexican president defends 10-foot barriers to wall off women protesters

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Saturday said a metallic barrier to wall off the presidential palace ahead of a planned women’s march on International Women’s Day was to avoid provocation and protect historic buildings from vandalism.

In a country where femicides rose nearly 130% between 2015 and 2020, critics said the decision to erect the 10-foot-high (3-meter) barriers was symptomatic of Lopez Obrador’s apathy toward the crisis of violence afflicting women.

Ahead of International Women’s Day on Monday, barriers were also installed around other emblematic buildings and monuments in downtown Mexico City where a year ago tens of thousands of people protested rampant violence against women and impunity.

“We have to avoid provocation of people who only want to cause damage,” Lopez Obrador said at an event in Yucatan. “Imagine, if we don’t take care of the national palace and they vandalize it. What image will this send to the world?”

Hmm, we have to avoid provocation of people who only want to sneak into the U.S. and take jobs from citizens, drive down wages, drive drunk, assault citizens, steal people’s identity, commit arson and rape and child sexual assault and murder.” Well, hey, it’s always some excuse to protect the elites, be it walls, excuse me, fencing, fossil fueled limos and private jets, you name it.

Lopez Obrador reiterated that women had the right to protest and cited his own movement in 2006 as an appropriate form of peaceful protest.

“The presidency was stolen from us … and we protested but never broke glass. … I walked two, three times all the way from Tabasco to Mexico City,” he said. Lopez Obrador has repeatedly accused opponents of electoral fraud over the years.

Interesting. The article doesn’t complain about Lopez Abrador saying an election was stolen from him.

Interior Minister Olga Sanchez Cordero said on Twitter that the barriers were “for the protection of the women.”

Oh, right, right. Sure thing, Sparky.

Read: Interesting: Mexican President Erects Barrier Around Presidential Palace »

Closing Offshore Wealth Loophole Could Help Solve ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Just so you know, we aren’t even going to get to the central point of the headline before seeing some very, very interesting information in this article by Vox

One weird trick to fix climate change: Close the offshore wealth loophole
How closing tax havens can fund climate policy.

Governments have long tried pricing carbon to induce companies to make the kind of serious emissions reductions actually needed to address the climate emergency.

They’ve done this by imposing a carbon tax, an additional fee for each ton of carbon dioxide emitted, or through “cap and trade” schemes, which give companies limited allowances for how much CO2 they can emit and then allow them to buy and sell those allowances to offer more flexibility. (3 more paragraphs on this, including how carbon taxes have failed. You know how Vox writers like to run on and on)

Jessica F. Green, an associate professor of political science at the University of Toronto whose work focuses on global environmental politics, argues that’s partly because focusing on the technicalities of carbon pricing is a good way to avoid addressing the harder problem of actually ending fossil fuel use.

“We’ve been working on how to measure carbon for 30 years and we’re still debating about or refining what it is because it’s easier to do that than it is to actually decarbonize,” Green told me.

Green argues in a new paper that climate change is not a “market failure” to be fixed through mechanisms like carbon pricing. Rather, she says, it’s “a problem of societal transformation” that requires “strong state intervention to reorganize the economy.”

Surprise? I wonder what she wants to transform society to and what type of economy. Why is it that this supposed science problem always requires Government tyranny?

Green says countries should aggressively pursue taxation (one of the basic functions of the state), but of the rich — and use the money generated to fund climate policy.

And tax the rich. Do you get a paycheck? Then you’ll be considered rich. People said I was nuts back in the early part of this Century when I said the global warming/climate change issue had almost nothing to do with science and was mostly about empowering government, about taxing the masses out the ying yang, taking away freedom, liberty, and choice, and creating an authoritarian government.

Eventually Green gets into the offshore wealth loopholes. The beginning of the article tells you all you need to know.

Read: Closing Offshore Wealth Loophole Could Help Solve ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Pirate's Cove