If All You See…

…is a horrible asphalt road causing the earth to boil, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Boston schools suspending testing for advanced learning due to too many whites and Asians.

Read: If All You See… »

Liberals Rather Upset GOP Says Ron Klain Is Pulling China Joe’s Strings

Remember how no one in the Credentialed Media had any problem with Democrats saying that Dick Cheney was George Bush’s puppet master? Now they seem pretty upset

GOP says Ron Klain pulling Biden strings

Biden Brain SlugRepublicans are attacking White House chief of staff Ron Klain as “the guy behind the curtain” and “Prime Minister Klain” as they try to push back on someone they see as formidable opponent in the battle over President Biden’s agenda.

The GOP blames Klain for Biden’s refusal to negotiate the price down on his $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, an approach they say conflicts with Biden’s campaign pledges.

“We’ve gotten the impression from our members that have been in meetings down there that he’s kind of the guy behind the curtain,” said Senate Republican Whip John Thune (R-S.D.).

Aides to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) have taken to describing the White House chief of staff as “prime minister Klain,” an effort aimed at hurting Biden.

A Republican aide said the point of focusing on Klain is to undercut public perception of Biden as a leader who is totally with it.

“It plays into the theme of Biden’s not really running the show here,” said the aide. “It plays into the theme is he’s the figurehead and jovial and needs permission from this unelected guy to make any decision.”

The aide acknowledged that Biden has a high approval rating and that the public has embraced the president’s personality, but said there’s an opening for Republicans to argue “he’s not really running the show over there, whether it’s Ron Klain or [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi [D-Calif.] and [Senate Majority Leader Charles] Schumer [D-N.Y.]” who’s really in charge.

Ah, yet another anonymous aide, so absolutely no one can verify this. Besides, we’ve seen Biden in action, and he does not seem mentally all there. But, hey, he’s got a great personality, no mean tweets! He’s just doing all these hardcore leftist things when he campaigned on unity and bipartisanship.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who led a group of 10 GOP senators who met with Biden at the White House earlier this month, says Biden is being penned in by Schumer and Klain. Republicans also say Pelosi is pushing Biden to the left.

“The problem is that what appear to be productive talks seem to be countermanded by the Democratic leader in the Senate,” Collins told reporters.

If you’ve lost Squishy Susan, well…..

Biden allies call the attacks on Klain silly, particularly the suggestion it is he and not Biden who is in charge. They say Republicans are covering up for their own unwillingness to meet Biden halfway on COVID relief and other Democratic priorities with broad popular support.

“God love Ron Klain, but Joe Biden does what Joe Biden wants to do,” one adviser said. “He certainly takes the advice and processes it. Ron is one of the best advisers the President has but he knows what he has to do.”

Yeah, but does Joe Biden actually have any idea what he wants to do?

Read: Liberals Rather Upset GOP Says Ron Klain Is Pulling China Joe’s Strings »

Bummer: Most Nations Failing To Abide By Paris Climate Agreement Is “Red Alert” For Earth

The funny thing is, the UN seems more concerned about nations having plans than actually implementing those plans

UN chief calls new report a “red alert” for Earth

A new report from the United Nations warns that global governments are “nowhere” near ambitious enough to adequately tackle climate change and meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. To fix this, the report shows that countries have to redouble their efforts and adjust their goals by the end of this year to limit global temperature rise by the end of the century.

The NDC Synthesis Report analyzes governments’ climate action plans that have already been submitted to the UN as part of the global effort to reduce emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. So far, 75 parties — making up roughly 30% of the world’s total emissions — have submitted their plans. A second report is expected to be released prior to the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in November.

And those plans so far? #Fail

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has said that emissions must be reduced by roughly 45% by 2030 compared to 2010 levels to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and ensure that the average global temperature does not increase more than 1.5 degrees Celsius. While the majority of countries included in Friday’s report show that their individual reduction goals have improved, combined, they will only reduce emissions by less than 1% by 2030.

That’s some serious economic destruction that needs to occur over the next 9 years, eh? Along with massive taxation and control of citizens and private entities.

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said in a statement that “2021 is a make or break year to confront the global climate emergency.”

Today’s interim report from the UNFCCC is a red alert for our planet. It shows governments are nowhere close to the level of ambition needed to limit climate change to 1.5 degrees and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement,” Guterres said. “The major emitters must step up with much more ambitious emissions reductions targets for 2030 in their Nationally Determined Contributions well before the November UN Climate Conference in Glasgow.”

mule fritter sherman potter

Is Paris still historic if the vast majority of nations don’t even have plans, much less proper plans?

Read: Bummer: Most Nations Failing To Abide By Paris Climate Agreement Is “Red Alert” For Earth »

Senate Dems Give Up On $15 Plan B, Might Pass COVID Bill In A Few Weeks

Democrats seem in absolutely no hurry at all to pass a COVID relief bill, just like during 2020. Back then they were trying to hurt Trump instead of helping Americans. What’s their excuse now?

Senate Democrats nix ‘Plan B’ on minimum wage hike

Top Senate Democrats are pulling a plan to penalize large corporations that don’t have a $15 per hour minimum wage, two sources confirmed to The Hill.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Budget Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) floated their “Plan B” after the parliamentarian ruled that a straight increase of the minimum wage to $15 per hour didn’t comply with arcane budget rules that govern what can be included in the coronavirus relief bill bill.

Under the back-up plan, outlined on Friday by Wyden, large corporations would get a 5 percent tax penalty if they paid workers less than a certain amount, with the amount of the penalty increasing over time. Democrats were also looking at giving tax incentives to small businesses to raise their wages.

But Democrats have dropped the effort, with one source familiar telling The Hill that there were concerns that working out the details could slow down the overall coronavirus bill. Democrats want to get the bill to President Biden’s desk before unemployment benefits expire in a matter of weeks.

“We worked through the weekend and it became clear that finalizing ‘plan B’ with the caucus would delay passage and risk going over the jobless benefits cliff on March 14,” the source said.

Here’s an idea: strip all the unrelated hardcore leftist garbage out of the bill, massively reduce the aid to cities/states and schools (because they do not actually need it), and vote on it Tuesday or Wednesday. Back to the House for a quick vote, back to Senate, you could have it on Biden’s desk by Friday. Stop using the misery of Americans to push your politics. Stop wasting time on this crazy, because you might not even get the 50 votes needed to do reconciliation.

If the GOP had any brains, they’d have a stripped down bill ready to go. I just do not get why they’re always so not ready to go. They never seem to learn. The Cotton/Romney compromise on raising the minimum wage is not where they should spend any time.

Anyhow, the Democrats plan on taking up the bill sometime this week after stripping the minimum wage crazy out. And, then people can offer amendments. The GOP should bow out of that game, because Dems might give them a few patronizing perks, but, the crazy would still be in the bill. Then it would possibly need to go back to the House, then back to the Senate. The GOP shouldn’t take any part of this. And, eventually, there might possibly be a bill on China Joe’s desk.

(The Hill) Because the Senate is expected to strip out the minimum wage language, the bill is going to have to go back to the House for a second vote either way.

Progressives haven’t yet said if they will support the bill without the wage increase and are keeping a close eye on additional potential changes coming from the Senate.

“Let’s see what the package is going to look like, I always hate to give answers before I know what the package is going to look like. …If it’s watered down, that’s a whole different issue, so we just have to see what it ends up as,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.).

Watered down? Shouldn’t even be in the bill, which is supposed to be about COVID relief.

BTW, that The Hill link highlights lots of other crazy legislation the Democrats are pushing.

Read: Senate Dems Give Up On $15 Plan B, Might Pass COVID Bill In A Few Weeks »

Good News: We’re Now Listening To 14 Year Old Ping Pong Champions On Climate Crisis (scam)

Remember when we were only supposed to listen to bonifide climate scientists?

Table tennis prodigy Anna Hursey, 14, is ready to help US President Joe Biden tackle the climate crisis

She’s just 14, but table tennis sensation Anna Hursey is making friends in high places.

Yet it isn’t her sporting abilities attracting attention, rather her environmental advocacy, a topic she cares passionately about.

That led to the US Embassy getting in touch with Hursey’s mom and dad earlier this year, inviting the youngster to work with US President Joe Biden in his mission to tackle the climate crisis.

“I was just at home, my parents just got a phone call and I was kind of like, what is this about? And they told me, but I was really excited,” Hursey told CNN Sport. (snip)

And in a bid to engage the younger generation, the US Embassy wanted to speak with Hursey about ways she can help in the fight.

She is set to talk with Deputy Chief of Mission Yael Lempert to discuss taking part in “Earth Day” on April 22 and the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, later this year.

Well, hey, why not? Let’s slap some restrictions and taxes on the youngster, let them realize what they’re advocating for. As for Biden? He probably has no idea what’s going on or who she is. Though, he’ll probably want to sniff her hair if they meet.

Read: Good News: We’re Now Listening To 14 Year Old Ping Pong Champions On Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…are evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is DC Clothesline, with a post on those fictional COVID passports.

It’s ladies rolling week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Earl Moran Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the once and future nation of America. The weather is warm, the NHL is playing, and COVID lockdowns are slowly going away. This pinup is by Earl Moran with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Moonbattery covers bombing back better
  2. MOTUS AD has preferred pronouns
  3. Newsbusters notes that even an Obama advisor say Joe’s COVID bill is a waste of money
  4. Pacific Pundit wonders what’s wrong with China Joe
  5. Powerline discusses the preparations for Derek Chauvin’s trial
  6. Raised On Hoecakes notes a California proposal to fine stores for having separate boys and girls sections
  7. White House Dossier covers Biden establishing more centers for illegal alien kids
  8. The Daley Gator highlights a thug dying from white privilege and police bullets
  9. The Last Tradition covers Kristi Noem’s CPAC speech
  10. The People’s Cube wonders if Biden could be our first Neuro-proxy president
  11. The Right Scoop discusses the White House charging reporters $170 for each required COVID test
  12. This ain’t Hell... has stupid criminals
  13. Weasel Zippers features a Syrian begging Americans and Trump to stop Biden from bombing them
  14. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers there being no sea rise acceleration
  15. And last, but not least, Green Jihad highlights the case against COVID passports

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Biden Brings Back Bipartisan White House Meetings Or Something

It’s totally more traditional that what Trump was doing, right? Press Squee!

Biden brings back bipartisan meetings at the White House

President Biden has brought back bipartisan meetings at the White House that diminished under his predecessor, trying to find common ground with Republicans even as they remain far apart on issues related to the next round of coronavirus relief.

What was the point of tons of meetings with Democrats for Trump when Democrats were just going to go moonbat?

Biden’s first meeting with lawmakers in the Oval Office was with Republican senators on the coronavirus proposal and he has since met with bipartisan members of Congress on infrastructure and, later, supply chain issues. Biden’s outreach to Republicans has also extended beyond Capitol Hill to governors and local leaders as his administration grapples with the coronavirus and recent winter storms in southern states.

Right, right, Trump never ever tried to talk to governors and local leaders. The Credentialed Media TDS continues

The meetings are another example of a return to more traditional governing under Biden and he is expected to make them a regular occurrence.

White House spokesman Michael Gwin said that the president is “glad to welcome lawmakers from both parties to the White House to work towards finding common ground on the challenges we face, and he’ll continue to do so throughout his time in office.”

“Biden’s brand is bringing people together, so it’s always helpful for him to remind voters that he’s trying to unite,” said Democratic strategist Joel Payne. “For now, it helps him stay above the fray.”

While Biden is making an effort to reach across the aisle, the real test will be whether that engagement yields any results. Discussions with Republicans on COVID-19 relief have brought both sides no closer to a compromise. Democrats have pushed ahead to pass Biden’s $1.9 trillion proposal using budget reconciliation, creating tensions with Republicans.

So, what did this more traditional governing accomplish? Joe and the House Democrats pushed the exact same COVID bill which is mostly not about COVID relief. There were no changes to it to deal with Republican concerns, nothing that will allow it to be voted on the normal way in the Senate. The House vote saw zero Republicans supporting it and two Democrats voting against it. Any Senate Republican who votes for it will get destroyed in their home states. Democrats may lose one or two Dem Senator votes, so they couldn’t even go for reconciliation.

Talking about being bipartisan is light years from actually acting bipartisan. It’s rather like New Year’s resolutions: it’s easy to talk about losing weight. It’s a lot harder to actually do that.

“He’s said he wants Republicans at the table from the very beginning,” said one longtime Biden adviser. “You can’t campaign on that for a year and a half and then not do it.”

Being at the table is meaningless if that’s all it is. Biden’s previous boss did the same, then blew off the majority of GOP ideas and concerns. Unity and bipartisanship isn’t listening to Republicans then going ahead and doing everything the hard left wants and none of what Republicans want. Many sports teams and players talk big, then go out and lose bigly because they didn’t follow the plan.

Biden has forecast plans to pass a recovery and infrastructure package and Democrats have also introduced an immigration proposal on Capitol Hill, presenting his next tests to work with Republicans. Biden would need Republicans to join Democrats in order to pass an immigration overhaul.

You can bet the recovery and infrastructure packages will be as far left as the COVID bill, and the illegal immigration/amnesty one is chock full of hooking illegals up while paying lipservice to protecting the border and reducing the flow of illegals.

“From the moment Trump won, Democrats were committed to defeating him four years later. The Democratic base had no interest in working with Trump,” said Conant. “Trump never presented himself as a president for all Americans. If you didn’t support Trump, he viewed you as the opposition from Day One.”

Exactly, so why meet lots with Democrats except on big issues? There was no point. They were #Resist, wouldn’t agree with anything Trump offered no matter how center it was. Biden can have all the meetings he wants, but, he won’t listen, so, Republicans will soon not bother attending.

Joe Biden’s Cabinet Nominees Prove His Unity Claims Are Garbage

In his first address on Nov. 7 to the nation after being prematurely crowned “president-elect” by the legacy media, Joe Biden called for “a time to heal” and urged for “unity.” At his January inauguration, President Biden did the same.

“With unity we can do great things. Important things. We can right wrongs. We can put people to work in good jobs. We can teach our children in safe schools. We can overcome this deadly virus. We can reward work, rebuild the middle class, and make health care secure for all. We can deliver racial justice,” Biden said.

Then Biden signed the most executive orders (15) in his first day than any other U.S. President in history—notably eliminating the Trump administration’s 1776 Commission to properly educate students about America’s founding. His cabinet nominations also do not spell unity. They indicate the opposite.

His cabinet nominees are nuts, he’s ruling by executive order, and nothing he’s doing is anything but doing what the hard left nuts want him to do.

Read: Biden Brings Back Bipartisan White House Meetings Or Something »

“What Am I Doing Here?”

This is literally painful to watch. Joe is just not there. The eye movements can be signs of dementia

“And don’t call me Shirley.” One of the most recognizable names in the Dem party, Sheila Jackson Lee. If Trump was doing this, the press would obliterate him.

‘Never before’ has the leader of the free world been ‘so cognitively compromised’

It is clear US President Joe Biden is not up to the task he has been “sworn in to do”, according to Sky News host Cory Bernardi.

“Never before has the leader of the free world been so cognitively compromised,” Mr Bernardi said.

“It’s clear to me at the least that US President Joe Biden is struggling with dementia and is clearly not up to the task he’s been sworn in to do.”

Dude really is lost.

Read: “What Am I Doing Here?” »

Your Fault: Atlantic Circulation Weakest In 1,600 Years

They have actual measurements of the circulation 1,600 years ago, right? Not models? BTW, if we’re talking 1,600 years ago, that was heading from the Roman Warm Period (caused by fossil fueled chariots and too much electricity at the Coliseum) into the Dark Ages. But, you know, the Cult of Climastrology is nothing without Scary Stories

Atlantic Ocean circulation is the weakest in at least 1,600 years, study finds – here’s what that means for the climate

An influential current system in the Atlantic Ocean, which plays a vital role in redistributing heat throughout our planet’s climate system, is now moving more slowly than it has in at least 1,600 years. That’s the conclusion of a new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience from some of the world’s leading experts in this field.

Scientists believe that part of this slowing is directly related to our warming climate, as melting ice alters the balance in northern waters. Its impact may be seen in storms, heat waves and sea-level rise. And it bolsters concerns that if humans are not able to limit warming, the system could eventually reach a tipping point, throwing global climate patterns into disarray.

The Gulf Stream along the U.S. East Coast is an integral part of this system, which is known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC. It was made famous in the 2004 film “The Day After Tomorrow,” in which the ocean current abruptly stops, causing immense killer storms to spin up around the globe, like a super-charged tornado in Los Angeles and a wall of water smashing into New York City.

Good grief. They actually mentioned a fiction movie to make their point. Did they forget that, according to the movie, the world went into an ice age? In the span of days, if memory serves.

Recent research has shown that the circulation has slowed down by at least 15% since 1950. Scientists in the new study say the weakening of the current is “unprecedented in the past millennium.”

They know this how, exactly? Do they have specific data from taking measurements in the past? Considering that people were not really sailing the Atlantic 1,600 years ago, the answer would be “no” and “they’re making crap up.”

The first significant change in their records of ocean circulation happened in the mid 1800s, after a well-known regional cooling period called the Little Ice Age, which spanned from the 1400s to the 1800s. During this time, colder temperatures frequently froze rivers across Europe and destroyed crops.

So, this is more about cooling?

“With the end of the Little Ice Age in about 1850, the ocean currents began to decline, with a second, more drastic decline following since the mid-20th century,” said Rahmstorf. That second decline in recent decades was likely due to global warming from the burning and emissions of fossil fuel pollution.

Oh, no, it’s all your fault. Of course, the always alarmist UK Guardian has to have their say. And you’ll love the subhead

Changes in Atlantic currents may have dire climate implications for the next century
Without modifying human behaviour we run the risk of violent weather swings and a drastic effect on crops and ocean life

Let’s start by requiring all news outlets to stop using fossil fuels to gather and disseminate the news, stop using anything other than renewables to broadcast it on TV and the Internet. And charge them carbon taxes. They’d be good with that, right? Funny how it always comes down to enabling Government to force people to change their lives.

Read: Your Fault: Atlantic Circulation Weakest In 1,600 Years »

Pirate's Cove