If All You See…

…is a horrible road for fossil fueled vehicles creating artificial heat known as land use/UHI and we still need a carbon tax to save the planet from overheating because total doom, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a quick post on what it means to be Woke.

Read: If All You See… »

AP Explainer: Why Biden Airstrikes Are OK In Sending A Message To Iran

See, it is OK that China Joe launched airstrikes in Syria, because Reasons

EXPLAINER: How US airstrike in Syria sends message to Iran

double standardsA U.S. airstrike targeting facilities used by Iran-backed militias in Syria appears to be a message to Tehran delivered by a new American administration still figuring out its approach to the Middle East.

The strike was seemingly a response to stepped-up rocket attacks by such militias that have targeted U.S. interests in Iraq, where the armed groups are based. It comes even as Washington and Tehran consider a return to the 2015 accord meant to rein in Iran’s nuclear program.

The U.S. appears to have chosen the target, just across the border in Syria rather than in Iraq, carefully. It’s a way for President Joe Biden to signal he will be tough on Iran while avoiding a response that could offset the delicate balance in Iraq itself or trigger a wider confrontation.

But, see, when Trump allowed airstrikes in Syria, it was Bad. Orange Man Bad. Even though, certainly in both cases, the targets were picked by the U.S. military. And, of course, it was Bad when Trump sent a message to Iran that attacking, harming, and killing U.S. military members would not be tolerated anymore with his strike against General Soleimani

The attack is likely aimed at sending a message to Tehran that the U.S. will not tolerate attacks against American interests in the region, while leaving the door open for talks.

Talks with a nation that says “death to America” and has been cheating on the Iran Deal from day 1? I’ll take Trump’s version, which is “don’t fuck with the U.S.”

But, hey, no matter what China Joe does the media will be there to protect him.

Read: AP Explainer: Why Biden Airstrikes Are OK In Sending A Message To Iran »

United Nations Claims We Have 10 Months To Get Serious On Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, if they really want to get serious, they should do almost every single meeting, big to small, but teleconference. No fossil fueled flights, no fossil fueled vehicles. The UN building in New York should be converted to renewables only, and should have limits on water use. And they should pay big taxes to cover their carbon footprints, right?

‘If This Task Was Urgent Before, It’s Crucial Now.’ U.N. Says World Has 10 Months to Get Serious on Climate Goals

The language of diplomacy rarely allows for a true sense of emotion or urgency. But reading between the lines of the latest report commissioned by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)—the body representing the 197 member nations of the Paris Agreement to minimize a global average temperature rise this century—the message is clear. The world has precisely ten months to get our act together if there is to be any hope of staving off a climate catastrophe by the end of the century.

If member nations are to achieve the Paris Agreement target of limiting global temperature rise above preindustrial levels by 2°C—ideally 1.5°C—by 2100, they must redouble efforts and submit stronger, more ambitious goals to reduce carbon emissions, according to the report. The document tabulates the national climate action plans [NDCs], of each member nation. The NDCs, which were due at the end of 2020, are essentially blueprints laying out emission reduction targets for each country along with plans detailing how they will meet those stated goals.

So far, the plans all coming up short. The report shows that while the majority of the 75 nations that have submitted NDCs increased their individual commitments, their combined impact puts them on a path to achieve only a 1% reduction in global emissions by 2030, compared to the 45% reduction needed to hit the 1.5°C temperature goal. “This report shows that current levels of climate ambition are very far from putting us on a pathway that will meet our Paris Agreement goals,” said Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change. “While we acknowledge the recent political shift in momentum towards stronger climate action throughout the world, decisions to accelerate and broaden climate action everywhere must be taken now.”

Wait, is cultist Aryn Baker in Time Magazine saying that the UN is saying that most nations that signed Paris aren’t complying with the “historic” agreement? Heck, forget actions, they can’t even submit proper plans. But, hey, they can Do Something to Save The World if they….submit stronger, more ambitious goals! Ones they won’t implement, but, they’ll have plans for goals!

Another report will be released prior to COP 26, the global meeting on Climate Change, currently scheduled for November in the U.K., giving stragglers time to catch up, says Espinosa. “It’s time for all remaining parties to step up, fulfill what they promised to do under the Paris Agreement and submit their NDCs as soon as possible. If this task was urgent before, it’s crucial now.”

See, the 10 months thing is about making it to COP26. Why are they even having an in-person conference? What’s the carbon footprint of 10 thousand plus people traveling to a place like the UK? Also, what will COVID look like in November? The UK has been one of the strictest countries for lockdowns and restrictions. Shouldn’t we be worried about being a possible super-spreader event?

The former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson, who also served as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and is now Chair of The Elders, was scathing in her assessment of the commitments made by some of the world’s biggest polluters and did not hesitate to single out countries by name. “Major economies need to ramp up their ambition – starting with the U.S., where expectations are high for an emissions and finance pledge to make up for lost time. Others like Japan, Canada, Korea, New Zealand and China, have committed to net zero goals by mid-century, but we are still missing their promised new near-term plans to get there,” she said in a statement released ahead of the report.

These high ranking climate cultists are expecting nations to harm their economies that are just now slowly coming out of pandemic conditions. Because their cults. What money and freedom are these cultists giving up themselves?

Read: United Nations Claims We Have 10 Months To Get Serious On Climate Crisis (scam) »

NC Gov Vetoes School Reopening Bill, Could Be Overriden

Schools in many states, mostly Republican run ones, are open and have been open, and there have been no reports of COVID incidents. You can bet the ranch that if there had been a big spread it would be top-line news. I’m guessing the gov is responding more to the teacher’s unions than the citizens

Gov. Cooper vetoes school reopening bill; Legislature could override veto

Gov. Roy Cooper (D) has vetoed a bill aimed at forcing K-12 public schools to offer the option of in-person learning saying it “threatens public health.”

Senate Bill 37 had been sitting on Cooper’s desk since it was passed by the House on Feb. 17 by a 77-42 vote.

Cooper has said he takes issue with the bill allowing school districts to choose whether to follow the state’s minimal or moderate social distancing plans as they reopen.

“Students learn best in the classroom and I have strongly urged all schools to open safely to in-person instruction and the vast majority of local school systems have done just that. However, Senate Bill 37 falls short in two critical areas. First, it allows students in middle and high school to go back into the classroom in violation of NC Department of Health and Human Services and CDC health guidelines. Second, it hinders local and state officials from protecting students and teachers during an emergency,” Cooper said.

Other schools are able to open, why not ours? Some businesses have been open the whole time. Many businesses have reopened. Lots and lots of teachers want the schools opened. Their unions get in the way.

The bill passed with enough support from Democrats that the legislature could override Cooper’s veto.

Sen. Deanna Ballard (R-Watauga), who was a primary sponsor of SB 37, said there is no legitimate excuse for the veto with teacher vaccinations in full swing.

“At the same time the Governor boasts of teacher vaccinations after giving them a higher priority than cancer patients, he vetoes this school reopening bill because it offers school districts the flexibility to operate under the plan that best suits their on-the-ground needs.

“The far-left NCAE owns the Governor’s mansion. Thankfully, Senate Bill 37 passed with enough bipartisan support to override Gov. Cooper’s veto, and we expect to bring it up for an override vote,” Ballard said.

Cooper literally just relaxed the rules, especially on bars and events. People can now go to sporting events like the Carolina Hurricanes at 15% capacity, more people can be in bars and stay their a bit later. Social gatherings can now be up to 25 people inside. So, sure seems like schools could be open.


As schools reopen, are teachers prepared to meet the emotional needs of all their students?

As debates around reopening schools heat up, parents and teachers can’t afford to ignore the social and emotional crisis threatening to overwhelm America’s children.

A recent report from Mental Health America tells a saddening story: the proportion of kids aged 11-17 who accessed depression and anxiety screenings in 2020 rose 9% over the year before. And that’s just the ones who asked for help: it doesn’t account for kids with underlying emotional and developmental disabilities exacerbated by the pandemic, nor does it wholly capture the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on students of color and those in under-resourced communities.

These are the schools that mostly Democrat leaders and teacher’s unions have kept closed despite the science showing they should be open. And despite the vast amount of money allocated to schools to make them safe to reopen provided in previous COVID bills.

These issues will come to a head when students return to physical classrooms. Unfortunately, educators — exhausted and overwhelmed themselves — have struggled to make room for the social and emotional learning (SEL) programs that can address students’ psychological wellbeing and combat narcissism. Back in July, a survey showed just 7% of educators were prepared to meet the SEL needs of students during COVID-19.

You know, a goodly chunk of us have been working the whole time. Outlets like the USA Today don’t seem to care about that. Anyhow, open the schools and the kids will be back to their normal, anxiety ridden, crazy selves. They’ll put the pandemic mostly behind themselves.

Read: NC Gov Vetoes School Reopening Bill, Could Be Overriden »

Hot Take: Miami Would Replace Palm Trees To Solve Climate Apocalypse

I guess they’ll ship all the palm trees to Canada, because cult doctrine says Canada will soon be as warm as Cuba

Miami Beach Climate Change Plan Would See Iconic Palm Trees Swapped Out For Canopy Trees

climate change joke

The city of Miami Beach is looking ahead in hopes of solving some of their climate change concerns.

Part of the city’s new plan calls for a reduction in the number of palm trees, adding instead more canopy trees.

“As we’re thinking about planning for our city, green infrastructure is going to be a part of that solution. Our tree canopy is that first piece of green infrastructure,” said Elizabeth Wheaton, Miami Beach’s environment and sustainability director.

Wheaton said they have earmarked $5 million for a citywide reforestation plan that will not only change the area’s skyline but also help the environment.

“We’re in the process of going through a major reforestation effort, with a goal to plant 5,000 trees by the next 10 years,” Wheaton said, “That is one major step in adding more canopy into our green spaces, our parks, as well as our roadways.”

She said planting more canopy trees will help with carbon reduction, absorb more rain water and help provide shaded streets. But the plan has come under fire because it calls for the reduction of palm trees.

Ya think?

“We would actually go from 57% tree canopy of palm trees, which we currently are, to 25% by the year 2050. A lot of that would be adding shade trees, which can be very positive, if done correctly. But, it also calls for the removal or relocation of 1,500 palm tree,” said Vice Mayor Steve Meiner. “The palm trees an iconic, beautiful tree. And it’s a symbol. It’s actually in the symbol of Miami Beach and I think such a reduction from 57 to 25%, I’m concerned could have a serious negative impact on our cultural, historical and economic brand.”

They say they’ll replant the palms elsewhere in the area, but, this is just typically Crazy by climate cultists. If these Warmists were so darned concerned about doom from ‘climate change’ you’d think they would ban fossil fueled vehicles and get rid of the airports. And move elsewhere.


Annapolis sues 26 oil and gas firms alleging they ‘concealed’ knowledge of climate change

City officials in Annapolis, Md., filed a lawsuit Monday accusing 26 companies including Exxon, Shell, and the American Petroleum Institute of failing to warn state officials about the dangers posed by man-made climate change.

The lawsuit, filed in Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, alleges that the named companies knew “for decades that climate change impacts could be catastrophic, and that only a narrow window existed to take action before the consequences would be irreversible,” yet failed to warn relevant state officials.

I still say those companies should refuse, at a minimum, to sell their products to the city government. Let’s see how well the city operates without fossil fuels.

Read: Hot Take: Miami Would Replace Palm Trees To Solve Climate Apocalypse »

If All You See…

…is a city area flood from carbon pollution Extreme Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on Iran saying it expects China Joe to repay the $1 trillion it lost under Trump’s sanctions.

Read: If All You See… »

House Passes Super Radical “Equality” Act

The crazy Equality Act, which will certainly end up in front of the Supreme Court for violating the 1st Amendment regarding the religion clause (providing it even gets enough votes to make it past the 60 vote threshold), is chock full of crazy. And we still don’t have the $1,400 checks for Americans

7 Radical Demands in the Equality Act

House Democrats have passed the radical Equality Act once again, claiming it will merely amend federal civil rights law to ensure sexual orientation and gender identity are protected classes, even though the Constitution already provides protection for the rights of all American citizens, regardless of their “identity group.”

If enacted, however, the Equality Act would have a major impact on children and their parents, potentially upending the culture as American families now know it. Lawsuits filed against Americans who adhere to the science of biological sex and the First Amendment rights of citizens would now have a federal law backing them up that states gender identity supersedes biological sex.

Below are seven radical demands in the Equality Act: (there’s quite a bit of discussion at the article on each one)

  1. The bill would end the federal legal recognition of complementary male and female sex in favor gender identity.
  2. The bill would eliminate the traditional right to privacy of women and girls in public facilities, in favor, instead, of gender identity.
  3. The Equality Act would eviscerate women’s and girls’ sports.
  4. The Equality Act would be used to mandate school curricula that affirm and promote sexual orientation and gender identity views.
  5. The Equality Act would be used to remove custody rights from parents who refuse to have their minor children undergo transgender medical interventions and procedures.
  6. Since the Equality Act exempts itself from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, religious schools, hospitals, and adoption agencies could face federal sanctions for upholding their teachings with regard to life, sexuality, and marriage under the legislation.
  7. The Equality Act’s text that names a form of “discrimination on the basis of pregnancy” would be used to punish healthcare providers who refuse to perform an abortion or to outlaw policies that ban funding for the procedure.

Ryan Anderson, president of EPPC, called the Equality Act “legislative malpractice that turns equality on its head.”

“It isn’t drafted as a shield to protect vulnerable minorities from unjust discrimination, but as a sword to persecute those who do not embrace new sexual and gender ideologies,” he asserted.

It’s also designed to destroy Christian religious beliefs (because Democrats are afraid to go after Muslim ones, because that would lead to violence). If this manages to pass the Senate and China Joe signs it, the lawsuits will be flying all over the place, and some will ask for an immediate ruling from the Supreme Court into the Constitutionality of the religion measures. If the crazy bill doesn’t include severability, it is done. And so much of it is wrapped up in controlling and limiting religion.

Read: House Passes Super Radical “Equality” Act »

European Court Demands EU Governments Prove They’re Doing Something About Climate Crisis (scam)

In a rational world, one where the Cult of Climastrology was treated as the cult it is, the EU governments would say “sure, cool, no problem, we’ll remove all funding for energy and fossil fueled vehicles/flights for the court, disallow all meat in the court building, and remove anything which puts out “carbon pollution.” Of course, since all these CoC European countries were so thrilled to sign the Paris Climate (scam) Agreement, why do they need to prove they are Doing Something?

European court: governments must prove climate change effort

A top European court is forcing 33 governments to prove they are cutting emissions in line with the requirements of the 2015 Paris climate accord.

The European Court of Human Rights has also rejected an attempt by those governments in the same case to overturn its decision to fast-track an ambitious climate change action brought by six young Portuguese activists.

The activists allege that the countries’ efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions are inadequate.

The governments had asked the court to drop its priority status for the case and hear their argument that the case is inadmissible, the activists’ legal representatives said in a statement Friday.

But in the latest legal victory for the activists, the court dismissed the governments’ arguments against an urgent hearing and denied their application to defer scrutiny of their climate policies, the statement said.

The governments now have until May 27 to submit their legal defense.

“This is another major step toward securing a decision from the court which compels (the) governments to take the urgent action necessary to safeguard the futures of the youth applicants and their generation,” said Gerry Liston of the Global Legal Action Network, an international nonprofit organization that challenges human rights violations and which is assisting the activists.

Interesting. The governments wanted the case basically dismissed. I thought they wanted to have to do all this climate crazy stuff? No? It’s more about ClimaVirtue Signalling, because they know it would destroy their economies? That their good with certain measures meant to control their citizens and others that are “look, we’re Doing Something” but do not want to go too far, which is what these Youths want and Paris demands?

The countries named in the complaint include the 27 member nations of the European Union plus the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine.

If the activists win their case, the countries would be legally bound to cut emissions in line with the requirements of the Paris climate accord. They would also have to address their role in overseas emissions, including by their multinational companies.

Remember, Paris was “historic”. Funny how the majority of nations that signed it aren’t actually anywhere close to being in compliance. The governments should, in a non climacrazy cult world, would turn off all power to the schools that doesn’t come strictly from “renewables” and take away all funding for fossil fueled vehicles and flights. Let the kiddies charge their phones and such with solar power, limit their streaming of shows and all their narcissistic videos (because that’s Bad for ‘climate change’). See how the Youths like it.

Read: European Court Demands EU Governments Prove They’re Doing Something About Climate Crisis (scam) »

Despite Ruling That Minimum Wage Hike Is Against Rules, Pelosi Vows To Keep It In COVID Bill

Rules? Pfffft. Rules are for Other People, not Democrats

Pelosi vows to keep minimum wage provision in House bill; Harris could act

The Senate’s chief parliamentarian ruled Thursday that a federal minimum wage hike should not be included in the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, but that seemed to do little to deter House Democrats from pursuing the plan — against impossible odds.

In a statement obtained by Fox News, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough’s decision “disappointing.” Pelosi, like most Democrats, insisted that the wage-hike provision be kept in the bill and said it would “remain in the American Rescue Plan on the Floor tomorrow.”

Vice President Harris, as president of the Senate, can override the parliamentarian’s ruling, but the move is considered unlikely. Ron Klain, President Biden’s chief of staff, said in an interview this week that a Harris override was “not something we would do.”

MacDonough’s decision was seen as a devastating blow by the chamber’s nonpartisan arbiter to the Democrat cause. Senate Democrats wanted to avoid having to deal with a Republican filibuster and employ a process called budget reconciliation. Under the process, Democrats would be able to pass the bill in the Senate with a simple majority. But budget reconciliation comes with additional rules, including what provisions can be added to these bills.

The NY Times reports that this is a “critical defeat for Democrats in their bid to preserve China Joe’s $1.9 trillion bill as it cut a crucial piece backed by Progressives (nice Fascists)”. Excitable Rachel Maddow at MSDNC is freaking out about Republicans trying to kill the minimum wage hike that most Americans want. Isn’t there an old saying about the People voting themselves money? In this case, it wouldn’t be from the public treasury, but, from Other People’s businesses. Which would lead to reduced hours, reduced jobs, no overtime, more part time positions, fewer perks, cost of goods/services increases, and more.

Let me ask: if a $15 minimum wage increase is just so darned popular, why is that the Democrats have to include it in a bill that is so partisan that they have to attempt to pass it by using the shady reconciliation form? If it’s so darned popular, why not with a simple stand alone bill? Why would they blow off the Senate Parliamentarian ruling that explicitly states that it would be against the rules? Put it up for a separate vote. Have a debate on the House and Senate floors.

Because there are lots of things in the COVID relief bill that really doesn’t have that much in COVID relief in it. Unless you work for the federal government

Let’s have a debate on that, too.

Read: Despite Ruling That Minimum Wage Hike Is Against Rules, Pelosi Vows To Keep It In COVID Bill »

COVID Today: Hero Pay In L.A., Double Masking, And California Variant

Hey, remember what happened when Long Beach, California passed a hero pay for grocery store workers law? That’s right, lots of stores announced their immediate closure. How’s this going to work in a whole county?

Los Angeles County passes ordinance requiring $5 ‘hero pay’ for grocery workers

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 Tuesday to adopt an urgency ordinance requiring national grocery and drug retail employers in unincorporated areas of the county to pay frontline workers an additional $5 per hour hazard or “hero pay” for the next 120 days.

Supervisor Kathryn Barger voted against the measure, to take effect at midnight Feb. 26, citing unintended consequences and a concern that the ordinance only covers a “small sliver” of the essential workforce.

Supervisors Hilda Solis and Holly Mitchell co-authored the motion calling for the temporary “urgency” ordinance that would apply to union and non-union store chains that are publicly traded or have at least 300 employees nationwide and more than 10 employees per store.

Solis pointed to store profits as one justification, though she referenced an analysis that includes retailers like Amazon and Home Depot, rather than just grocers and drug retailers. However, some of the national grocers listed, like Kroger and Albertson’s, enjoyed even higher profits, according to the Brookings Institution study.

Gross profit is not net profit, and lots of people where binge purchasing. It’s very easy to tell Other People what to pay their employees (while at the same time wanting to spend taxpayer money to hook up the teacher’s unions, right?), and perhaps their hearts are in the right place, but, that’s a heck of a lot of cost increase

“I have concerns about the unintended consequences that will result from this board directing salaries in the private sector. Stores can pass on additional labor costs to the public through price increases. However, they may also reduce the hours of the impacted workers or decrease the number of employees that they hire,” Barger said.

You can bet they’ll eliminate OT, reduce hours, and not fill job openings during that 6 months. Provided they do not close. This applies to the non-incorporated areas of Los Angeles county, so, it wouldn’t apply to the actual cities.

“Extra pay mandates will have severe unintended consequences on not only grocers, but on their workers and their customers,” CGA President and CEO Ron Fong said Tuesday. “A $5/hour extra pay mandate amounts to a 28% increase in labor costs. That’s huge. Grocers will not be able to absorb those costs and negative repercussions are unavoidable.”

We’ll have to see what happens.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: Wear Two Masks Until June

On Tuesday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio encouraged New Yorkers to wear two masks at least until June.

De Blasio urged citizens in the Big Apple to add a second mask to their personal protective equipment arsenal in a morning press conference. “Through June, keep doing exactly what you are doing,” he said. “Not just wear a mask, wear two.” De Blasio further obscured the timeline for the practice, admitting the local government may “continue that guidance for quite a while depending on what is going on.”

Will Bill make it mandatory? It sure seems rather threatening: “wear 2 masks or we’ll keep the lockdowns going”. But, hey, this is the type of government New Yorkers voted for, so, they get what they wanted.

California’s coronavirus strain looks increasingly dangerous: ‘The devil is already here’

A coronavirus variant that probably emerged in May and surged to become the dominant strain in California not only spreads more readily than its predecessors but also evades antibodies generated by COVID-19 vaccines or prior infection and is associated with severe illness and death, researchers said.

In a study that helps explain the state’s dramatic holiday surge in COVID-19 cases and deaths — and portends further trouble ahead — scientists at UC San Francisco said the cluster of mutations that characterizes the homegrown strain should mark it as a “variant of concern” on par with those from the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil.

More reason to keep Big Government controlling us, eh? BTW, doesn’t it seem rather strange that COVID19 mutates so darned easily and fast? It’s almost like it was, dare I say, developed.

Read: COVID Today: Hero Pay In L.A., Double Masking, And California Variant »

Pirate's Cove