Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future nation of America. Lots of fun winter weather, Trump’s acquitted, and the NJ Devils will hopefully be out of COVID protocol to start playing on Tuesday. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Red State points out how the Democrats just can’t quit Trump
  2. Not The Bee highlights the new Navy intersectional pledge
  3. Gen Z Conservative has the Orwellian vocabulary of snowflakes
  4. Neon Nettle features Instagram monitoring private messages for “hate speech”
  5. IOTW Report covers Oregon thinking math is raaaaacist
  6. Blue State Conservative has all the times Kamala incited, condoned, or suggested violence
  7. Jo Nova wonders about the NATO Chief discussing solar powered battle tanks
  8. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers Germany turning back to coal as solar and wind fail
  9. No Tricks Zone highlight’s St. Greta’s Sweden being 3C hotter 9300 years ago
  10. Weasel Zippers covers ANTIFA smashing an urgent care center distributing COVID shots
  11. The People’s Cube features the end of Aunt Jemima
  12. The Other McCain discussing the NY Times doxxing Scott Alexander
  13. The First Street Journal highlights a library firing a BLM activist for burning books
  14. Raised On Hoecakes has a controversial stance on Valentine’s Day
  15. And last, but not least, Powerline discusses Richard Burr’s vote against Trump

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Trump Acquitted Again: What Comes Next?

As you know by now, Donald J Trump was acquitted yet again for shampeachment. The result was never in doubt. We all knew there was zero chance the Democrats would get enough Republicans to cross over to get the necessary 67 votes. Seven did cross over, and the Louisiana Republican party has already voted unanimously voted to censure Bill Cassidy for voting to convict. I’m wondering if the NC GOP will do the same for Richard Burr, but, he says he’s not running in 2022.

So, what comes next? CNNLOL points out all the legal nutbaggery aimed at Trump from hardcore leftists in leftist states (obviously, they didn’t put it that way, but, that’s exactly what it is). I wouldn’t be surprised if the Democrats attempted to censure Trump next week, even though this whole shampeachment seemed more like censure. Charles Hurt thinks the moonbats will try something different

After Impeachment Farce Ends, Next Comes 14th Amendment

Move OnWith the result of the second impeachment charade a forgone conclusion in Washington, let us now turn to the final partisan tool remaining in Democrats’ torture closet: The 14th Amendment.

This amendment allows Congress to banish from future federal office any current or former politician deemed by congress to have “engaged in insurrection.” Its adoption after the Civil War was designed to prevent officers or political leaders of the Confederate regime from being elected to Congress or the presidency.

In a normal world, it would be impossible for Congress to punish a man for engaging in “insurrection” after Congress had just acquitted the same man of engaging in the same insurrection. Or, as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer recently called it on the Senate floor, “inciting the erection.”

But this is Washington and the man in question is former President Donald Trump, whose Latin name is Swampus Horribilis.

Gripped by hatred and fear of their long, partisan nightmare, Democrats in Congress today seek “unity” by heaving Mr. Trump into the dustbin of the Confederacy. In this name of “unity,” what precisely does that mean for the 74 million current Americans who just voted for this modern-day Jefferson Davis?

To be sure, it is a rusty, gnarly hatchet. But when all you have is a hatchet, everything is plump flesh and brittle bone. And hack away they will!

In the name of “unity.”

They are so fearful of Trump, and so full of TDS, that it is not out of the realm of reality, not a conspiracy theory, to think that Democrats will go down this route. I think there’s little chance Trump will run in 2024: he’ll be older, and I bet he’ll have moved on, and so will Melania. He may well be the king maker for the GOP primary, and Republicans had best have learned the lessons of the Trump era: defend yourself and your policies voraciously. You do not have to turn the amp up to 11 as Trump did (and, I’ve criticized him over this) and need to dial the attacks back on your own party, but, you can’t be a “get along go along” Republican anymore, not when Democrats are free to ditch the civilized part of the old saying “politics is a dirty, nasty business with a veneer of civility on top.” Republican need to get tough.

As for Dems and Trump, will the Dems move on this week, or continue with TDS? We’ll know soon enough.

BTW, there’s video of Pelosi going bat guano insane below the fold

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Read: Trump Acquitted Again: What Comes Next? »

Good News: Roses Are Contributing To Climate Apocalypse

Well, this is a new one. Hadn’t seen the climate cult trot this one out before, and just in time for (surprise) Valentine’s Day. It is funny that this is on Al Jazeera, a “news” o

Roses are red and contributing to climate change, florists warn

It is the classic romantic combination: Valentine’s Day and a bouquet of red roses. But some Parisian florists are trying to wean customers off the flowers because of their ecological cost.

Most roses sold in France in the run-up to Valentine’s Day, a peak sales period for the global flower industry, have to be imported by air freight from countries such as Kenya, resulting in carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.

Florists worried about the environmental damage from this trade say there are viable alternatives that can be grown locally and are trying to encourage their customers to try them.

But these ecologically-minded florists face an uphill struggle because the tradition of gifting red roses on Valentine’s Day, which is celebrated on February 14, is so ingrained in many cultures.

Hortense Harang, founder of an online flower shop called “Fleurs d’Ici” — French for “Flowers from here” — has been spearheading the campaign to wean people off roses.

Here’s an idea: these florists can stop selling them. Of course, then the customers will simply go to other florists. Further, a lot of the flowers florists sell come from far away, so, really, they should just close shop. Just to be on the safe side. But, hey, we have a holiday coming up so the climate cultists have to climavirtue signal.

Read: Good News: Roses Are Contributing To Climate Apocalypse »

If All You See…

…are climate killing dogs making the seas rise and land turn to sand, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a big jihad attack plot being stopped in Germany.

Double shot below the fold, check out Moonbattery, with a post on BLM masks in the workplace

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Read: If All You See… »

Mississippi Senate Votes To Restrict Women’s Sports To Actual Women

We’re probably going to see a lot more stuff like this with China Joe in office, as he and his folks respond to the unhinged Woke pushing to allow the gender confused to destroy women’s sports

Mississippi Senate votes to ban transgender athletes from women’s sports

The Mississippi Senate voted Thursday to ban transgender athletes from competing on women’s sports teams in the state’s high schools and universities.

The sponsor of the bill, Republican Senator Angela Hill, told her colleagues prior to the vote that she’d “had numerous coaches across the state call me and believe that they feel that there is a need for a policy.”

Senate Bill 2536 passed 34-9 in the late-night session, with very little prior discussion. Now it heads to the Mississippi House of Representatives for consideration.

Several states, including Montana, North Dakota and Idaho, have attempted to pass similar legislation recently. While proponents say that allowing an athlete born male to compete in women’s sports gives them an unfair advantage, those against say the proposals are discriminatory and harmful.

“All this bill does is put transgender youth at risk of bullying, exclusion, and increased danger while discrimination and violence against transgender people is at a record high in this country,” the Human Rights Campaign Mississippi State Director Rob Hill said in a press release. “If legislators would simply listen to medical experts and transgender athletes, they might know that transitioning for the sake of a competitive advantage is simply unrealistic. So is the idea that transgender athletes even gain a supposed advantage in the first place.

What about the actual, real, biological females who do not want to have to compete against biological males with mental health issues? Who do not want to lose victories and scholarships to biological males who tend to have an advantage in sporting competitions? Who might not want biological males swinging their penises around in the locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms? Who do not want all their hard training to be flushed down the toilet because some Woke nutjobs are siding with the mentally deranged?

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves responded to the order on his Facebook page, saying the order would take away from female athletes like his daughters who will have to “compete with biological males for access to athletics.”

“I just don’t understand why politicians are pushing children into transgenderism in the first place,” Reeves said. “And my heart breaks for the young women across America who will lose in this radical social experiment.”

Exactly. Why are so many pushing kids into being TG, which comes with a much higher rate of seriously mental health issues (other than thinking one is the opposite sex to start with), suicidal thoughts, and attempted suicide? It is child abuse. And it is going to destroy women’s sports. You don’t see many females identifying as male trying out for male sports, right? And you certainly don’t hear about them dominating men’s sports. But, men in women’s sports? They tend to dominate.

Read: Mississippi Senate Votes To Restrict Women’s Sports To Actual Women »

Wood For Guitars Could Become Ruined Because You Ate A Tasty Burger Or Something

Another story of doom and gloom from the Cult of Climastrology, and it’s all your fault

Climate Change Could Shred Guitars Known for Shredding

It is the wood that the rock greats have sworn by—swamp ash, in the form of their Fender Telecaster and Stratocaster guitars—for over 70 years. If you’ve ever listened to rock, you’ve probably heard a swamp ash, solid body guitar. But now, climate change is threatening the wood that helped build rock and roll.

In today’s podcast, veteran guitarist Jim Campilongo takes us through the finer points of swamp ash and what it would mean to lose it.

Unlike usual posts, that’s all there is. You can watch the video, which is as climacrazy as you’d expect. Just another bit of fearmongering from the cult

Here’s the thing: the majority of the Telecasters and Stratocasters, both Fender and Squier, are made of…..mostly maple, not pure swamp ash, which is generally refereed to as trees that grow underwater, though that can be stretched quite a bit. The necks are usually made from Maple, Rosewood (my favorite), and Kona, with a few others here and there. So, the whole thing story is hot garbage. A goodly chunk of other electric guitars are the same. But, how do we know that a slight warming won’t make the wood sound better? Scientific America tried this before, that’s the link in the story, from back in 2020. It’s always doom with these people.

Read: Wood For Guitars Could Become Ruined Because You Ate A Tasty Burger Or Something »

COVID Today: Opening Schools Without Vaccines, Shaming People Who Chase Vaccines

This is a big blow for so many of the teacher’s unions, who are trying to keep in person learning shut down. Why? Pick your own theory. Getting full pay for working from home in sweatpants, holding out for more pay, all sorts

CDC: Strong evidence in-person schooling can be done safely

The nation’s top public health agency said Friday that in-person schooling can resume safely with masks, social distancing and other strategies, and vaccination of teachers, while important, is not a prerequisite for reopening.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released its long-awaited road map for getting students back to classrooms in the middle of a pandemic that has killed nearly 480,000 people in the U.S. But the agency’s guidance is just that — it cannot force schools to reopen, and CDC officials were careful to say they are not calling for a mandate that all U.S. schools be reopened.

Officials said there is strong evidence now that schools can reopen, especially at lower grade levels.

Recommended measures include hand washing, disinfection of school facilities, diagnostic testing and contact tracing to find new infections and separate infected people from others in a school. It’s also more emphatic than past guidance on the need to wear masks in school.

So, the stuff that we’ve known of over nine months. And saying that there is no need for everyone, including teachers, to be vaccinated. Plenty of essential workers have been working hard for almost a year now, going in to work, doing their jobs, taking the risk. Not so many teachers, though, and not their unions. And, yes, many are just fine going back, want to go back, and many are back. Many, especially in the hardcore Democrat areas, are not.

Biden said schools will need more money to meet the CDC’s standards and called on Congress to pass his COVID-19 package quickly to get $130 billion in aid to schools.

Here’s a question not being asked: where’s all the money that was saved for the schools not being opened for almost a year? The savings on electricity and water not being used? Not having people constantly cleaning the schools? Not having to bus kids to school, saving on paying drivers and fuel? How much does that add up to for schools across the nation? Perhaps not $130 billion, but, has to be quite a bit, right? It can’t be used for disinfecting and cleaning? Buying a few thermometers to check the kids in the morning? What else is that Biden money used for?

From the story, which isn’t quite as bad as the headline

For this vaccine chaser, the second time was the charm.

On her first attempt to get a Covid-19 shot last month, 28-year Leah Robson arrived at a Los Angeles city park at 4 a.m., waited all day with hundreds of other hopefuls, and wound up going home without the vaccination.

She tried again the next day at 2:30 a.m. at the Balboa Sports Complex in the Encino neighborhood and found six people already ahead of her in line. But this time, after another all-day wait she got her shot.

“It was worth the wait,” Robson told NBC News. “There were about a hundred shots left over at the end of the day that would have gone to waste if they weren’t used, so just about everybody I was in line with got a shot.”

The shots expire if not used, so, yes, lots of people are working to get the ones that not used and going to expire. What’s the problem? It’s a good idea. They’ve been doing it in Israel, calling it the Pizza Guy vaccination, where they just grab random people off the street to give them the unused and about to expire doses. It’s smart.

Because the vaccine doses have a shelf life of just five hours once defrosted, they have to be used that same day or they will wind up in the garbage. New websites like and Facebook groups like New Jersey Covid Vaccine Sites and Minneapolis Vaccine Hunters have popped up to assist people looking for leftover doses.

“There’s no downside to what we’re doing here,” website founder Brad Johnson told “NBC Nightly News.” “Any arm is better than the trash.”

No, there is no downside. Except it is mean, according to NBC News. And, apparently, raaaaacist

The vaccine chasers who are mostly white and well-to do are turning up at community centers that serve mostly minority constituencies, as has happened everywhere from Florida to California. But doctors still say it’s better not to waste the doses — just as long as the vaccine chasers don’t try to cut the line.

So what? If blacks, Asians, Latinos, etc, don’t want to do it, that’s on them.

Some state and county health departments and even hospitals, all determined not to waste the scarce vaccine doses, have created sign-up sheets where people willing to race over to a vaccination center to get a shot at a moment’s notice can register.

I’d sign up if I could find a list around here. I’ve tried, no luck.

Read: COVID Today: Opening Schools Without Vaccines, Shaming People Who Chase Vaccines »

Climate Kids Eye Supreme Court After Legal Setback

The Climate Cult can’t get people to cooperate with their agenda via the normal process of passing laws, despite 30 years of spreading awareness (remember, hyper-Warmist Jay Insless, couldn’t get the people of his own state to vote to initiate his climate agenda, and Democrats, who say they Care, blew him out of the primaries quickly), so, they turn to the courts

From the link

Federal judges won’t revisit an ambitious climate lawsuit from 21 young plaintiffs against the U.S. government—a development that could catapult climate law issues to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Wednesday declined to rehear Juliana v. United States, also known as the kids’ climate case. The decision is another loss for the plaintiffs on their high-stakes claims that the government is violating their constitutional rights to a safe climate system.

Lawyers for the children and young adults are already vowing to take the issue to the Supreme Court, despite warnings from legal scholars that such a move could undermine environmental litigation more broadly.

“The Ninth Circuit failed to correct the legal errors in the panel decision. It’s now up to the U.S. Supreme Court to protect the ability of our federal courts to interpret the U.S. Constitution and resolve controversies through a declaration of law,” Our Children’s Trust executive director and chief legal counsel Julia Olson said in a statement Wednesday.

If I’m reading this correctly, the climate cultists want the Court to create law. Have they read the Constitution? Here’s an idea: convince your fellow cultists to practice what you preach, kids, by you yourselves practicing what you preach.

Environmental lawyers and scholars last year cautioned that putting the case before the conservative-leaning Supreme Court could invite the justices to narrow environmental standing and preclude other types of climate cases.

As usual, the climate crazies are over-reaching, but, this is what happens when one has been indoctrinated and think they are In The Right, that this is about Morality, that everyone should listen to them and do what they feel.

Read: Climate Kids Eye Supreme Court After Legal Setback »

If All You See…

…are mountains missing their glaciers because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Disney’s selective standards.

Read: If All You See… »

Trump Is About To Be Acquitted Yet Again In The Dems Trial Of Feelings

Have you watched Shampeachment Theater? I haven’t. It’s a waste of time. It’s silly. Trump is out. He lost (whether real or fraud). Move. But, Democrats are truly deranged. Trump will be living rent free in their heads for years. And their silly impeachment will end exactly the way we thought

“We Lost the Line”: Trump Is on the Brink of Yet Another Senate Acquittal

Move OnA few hours into the presentation of the House managers’ case against Donald Trump, for inciting the mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6th, Representative Eric Swalwell (this was the guy sleeping with a Chinese spy, you know), of California, played senators an extraordinary new clip of themselves on that awful day. The previously undisclosed security-camera footage was short. There was no sound. It simply showed senators running down a long corridor, to escape from the mob. This was no calm, orderly evacuation. These were members of Congress running for their lives. Swalwell said that he went back and checked to see how close the rioters had come to the senators. The answer was fifty-eight steps. “We all know that awful day could have been so much worse,” he said. (snip)

This was the horrible moment when the Capitol was breached. But it was so much more than that, too—a before-and-after moment in our democracy, when Trump’s months-long campaign to undermine the legitimacy of an American election culminated in a deadly but failed attempt to stop Congress from certifying the results. Had Trump finally gone too far, even for his Republican Party to follow? Had he gone too far for the members of the U.S. Senate who were themselves targets of the mob? This week’s impeachment trial will answer those questions, and in so doing offer one last clarifying, horrifying coda to the Trump Presidency.

So, no, we are not moving on. Not yet. Joe Biden has been the President for three weeks now, but the profane spectre of Trump, his unprecedented attack on the election, and the violence that he helped unleash in furtherance of that attack remain the unfinished business of his disastrous Presidency. (snip)

And that, as always in the Trump era, is what it comes back to: Trump alone never could have wreaked such mayhem on our democracy, on our Capitol. His mob is not just the thugs who attacked cops with flagpoles on January 6th; it also includes some of the elected officials inside the besieged building, the ones in suits who advanced and promoted Trump’s election lies, just as they had advanced and promoted so many of his other lies for the previous four years. Of course, they are standing by him now.

Susan B. Glasser of The New Yorker is not taking this well, is she? Her mental illness really would disqualify her from obtaining a firearm in most Democrat run states.

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Read: Trump Is About To Be Acquitted Yet Again In The Dems Trial Of Feelings »

Pirate's Cove