If All You See…

…are mountains missing their glaciers because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Disney’s selective standards.

Read: If All You See… »

Trump Is About To Be Acquitted Yet Again In The Dems Trial Of Feelings

Have you watched Shampeachment Theater? I haven’t. It’s a waste of time. It’s silly. Trump is out. He lost (whether real or fraud). Move. But, Democrats are truly deranged. Trump will be living rent free in their heads for years. And their silly impeachment will end exactly the way we thought

“We Lost the Line”: Trump Is on the Brink of Yet Another Senate Acquittal

Move OnA few hours into the presentation of the House managers’ case against Donald Trump, for inciting the mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6th, Representative Eric Swalwell (this was the guy sleeping with a Chinese spy, you know), of California, played senators an extraordinary new clip of themselves on that awful day. The previously undisclosed security-camera footage was short. There was no sound. It simply showed senators running down a long corridor, to escape from the mob. This was no calm, orderly evacuation. These were members of Congress running for their lives. Swalwell said that he went back and checked to see how close the rioters had come to the senators. The answer was fifty-eight steps. “We all know that awful day could have been so much worse,” he said. (snip)

This was the horrible moment when the Capitol was breached. But it was so much more than that, too—a before-and-after moment in our democracy, when Trump’s months-long campaign to undermine the legitimacy of an American election culminated in a deadly but failed attempt to stop Congress from certifying the results. Had Trump finally gone too far, even for his Republican Party to follow? Had he gone too far for the members of the U.S. Senate who were themselves targets of the mob? This week’s impeachment trial will answer those questions, and in so doing offer one last clarifying, horrifying coda to the Trump Presidency.

So, no, we are not moving on. Not yet. Joe Biden has been the President for three weeks now, but the profane spectre of Trump, his unprecedented attack on the election, and the violence that he helped unleash in furtherance of that attack remain the unfinished business of his disastrous Presidency. (snip)

And that, as always in the Trump era, is what it comes back to: Trump alone never could have wreaked such mayhem on our democracy, on our Capitol. His mob is not just the thugs who attacked cops with flagpoles on January 6th; it also includes some of the elected officials inside the besieged building, the ones in suits who advanced and promoted Trump’s election lies, just as they had advanced and promoted so many of his other lies for the previous four years. Of course, they are standing by him now.

Susan B. Glasser of The New Yorker is not taking this well, is she? Her mental illness really would disqualify her from obtaining a firearm in most Democrat run states.

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Read: Trump Is About To Be Acquitted Yet Again In The Dems Trial Of Feelings »

Mass. Climate Undersecretary Who Said “We Must Break The Will” Of Citizens Resigns

Several days ago I mentioned this guy

David Ismay, the undersecretary for climate change under Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker’s (R) administration, explained during a Vermont Climate Council meeting last month the majority of the Bay State’s emissions come from average people and there is “no bad guy left … to point the finger at, to turn the screws on, and you know, to break their will.” Rather, he told his fellow climate advocates, “We have to break your will,” a remark he admitted would not bode well publicly.

“You know one thing we found through our analysis is that 60 percent of our emissions come from, as I have been starting to say, you and me — except you guys are in Vermont,” he told the climate advocates at the January 25 meeting.

And now?

Mass. Climate Change Undersecretary Resigns Amid Backlash Over Comments

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker’s Undersecretary for Climate Change has resigned, after facing criticism over comments he made during a Zoom meeting last month.

David Ismay sent in his letter of resignation on Wednesday night to Secretary Kathleen A. Theoharides of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, also offering an apology for the remarks he made at the January Vermont Climate Council meeting.

“It is with great regret that I submit my resignation, effectively immediately,” Ismay wrote. “Serving the people of Massachusetts as part of the Baker-Polito administration has been the honor of a lifetime, and I am proud of the equitable climate solutions we achieved together.”

The comments drew criticism after they were posted in a YouTube video by the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance. In the video Ismay can be heard saying lawmakers must “break the will” of consumers to address emissions and climate change.

“Sixty percent of our emissions that need to be reduced come from you — the person across the street, the senior on fixed income, right? There is no bad guy left, at least in Massachusetts, to point the finger at, to turn the screws on, and you know, to break their will, so they stop emitting. That’s you. We have to break your will. Right, I can’t even say that publicly.”

No, he apparently can’t say that publicly, because that’s letting the cat out of the bag regarding what this whole scam is about. Smaller fish in the Cult of Climastrology might be able to get away with it, but, not someone in a higher position of government. Ismay did attempt to walk his comments back a bit in his resignation, but, come on, he meant it. He was saying what the high poobahs of the CoC believe and want to do

When asked about Ismay’s remarks on Wednesday, Governor Baker said he thought the comments “did not speak for the administration in terms of tone, substance, style or anything else.”

“He does not speak for me,” Baker said. “I happen to think in all of these issues, the goal here is to balance the various interests that are involved.”

If Baker believes, why is he not giving up his own use of fossil fuels? Good luck with Massachusetts winters without fossil fuels.

Read: Mass. Climate Undersecretary Who Said “We Must Break The Will” Of Citizens Resigns »

Good News: Double Masking Is Just The Start, Plus, Joe Expects Masks Through 2022

See, all we need was 15 days to bend the curve. If everyone just stays home and washes their hands we’ll beat this. If everyone wears a mask we can end this. If we just get herd immunity we can end this. If most people get a vaccine we can end this. If everyone double masks we can end this

Double masking is only the start. Here are latest CDC face-covering recommendations.

The idea of double masking has been floating around for a few weeks. But now officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are weighing in.

The CDC just released results of a new study that found that double masking offers more protection for the wearer against COVID-19. But that’s not all: The CDC’s experiments also found that there are other ways to make your mask more efficient, and it largely revolves around fit.

The CDC conducted lab tests with dummies and found that exposure to potentially infectious aerosols decreased by about 95 percent when both dummies wore tightly fitted masks. Those face coverings included a cloth face mask over a “medical procedure mask,” like a surgical mask, and a surgical mask with knotted ear loops and tucked-in sides.

The CDC also found that the following helped improve mask efficiency:

  • Using a nylon covering over a mask. When it’s worn, the researchers found that this can offer more than 90 percent protection.
  • Using a mask fitter, a solid or elastic device that’s worn over the mask and secured with head ties or ear loops. When used properly over a surgical mask, researchers found that a fitter can offer more than 90 percent protection for the wearer.

It’s always something new, always something that seems to expand and extend this whole state of emergency. How much is legit? And will Government start mandating this stuff?

Opt for layers, either by double masking with a disposable mask under a cloth mask, noting that the second mask should push the edges of the interior mask against your face, or choosing a multilayer mask.

Interesting, they want us to do the thing most people hate, namely, have the mask tight on their nose and mouth. Are they seeking Compliance? Why is it that almost everything they said would stop this doesn’t work? Lockdown didn’t work.

Biden indicates that masks will be worn through next year

President Biden visited the National Institutes of Health complex on Thursday and he spoke about the U.S. vaccine supply and his goals for the rollout, but he also indicated that mask-wearing will likely be a reality for the next year.

He told reporters that even though he was standing on stage about 10 feet from Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins, he would continue to wear his mask. He said that wearing the mask “though the next year” can save a significant number of lives.

Health officials have stressed that even with effective vaccines, many of the same safety protocols will have to remain in place until there is clear herd immunity. But if and when that is achieved seems to be anyone’s guess.

Do you think people will Comply with wearing masks all of 2022, much less through the end of 2021? Will the 30 states with mask mandates comply, or start removing those mask mandates? Will companies start blowing off the mandates? It always seems as if there is something new with these folks.

Read: Good News: Double Masking Is Just The Start, Plus, Joe Expects Masks Through 2022 »

Good News: Global Warming Is Causing Harsh Winter Weather In Europe

This is all your fault, you know that, right?

How Global Warming Can Cause Europe’s Harsh Winter Weather

St. GretaAs Germans shiver through double-digit negative temperatures and more than 80 centimeters (30 inches) of snow in parts of the country, climate science deniers have taken to social media to argue that global warming is a hoax.

Their claim — which has been repeatedly debunked by climate scientists — is that extremely cold weather shows that carbon dioxide emissions are not warming the Earth.

In fact, the effects of global warming may even have favored the extremely cold temperature.

The past week’s sub-zero temperatures and heavy snowfalls are more than just a cold winter. They are made more likely by the collapse of the polar vortex — a huge ring of cold winds raging in the Earth’s stratosphere — at the North Pole.

The polar vortex is closely connected to the jet stream, a band of strong winds about 10 kilometers above the ground. At the polar front, this flows between warm air from the tropics and subtropics, and cold polar air. The pressure extremes that form in this transitional area at lower layers are sometimes referred to in weather reports as the Icelandic low or the Azores high.

And, because it’s gotten slightly warmer over the past 170 years, all because you refuse to give up your use of fossil fuels and give up your freedom to government, the Arctic has gotten warmer and we’re doomed and blah blah blah.

Through the burning of fossil fuels, people have heated the planet by more than 1 degrees Celsius (1.8°F) since the Industrial Revolution. The decade from 2010 to 2019 was the hottest on record. Climate change, however, doesn’t only lead to higher temperatures, but more extreme weather.

See? Your fault.

Seriously, this is some major league doomsday cult stuff, isn’t it? No matter what, they always have some answer that supports their cultish beliefs.

Read: Good News: Global Warming Is Causing Harsh Winter Weather In Europe »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle causing extreme weather flooding, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on school openings.

Read: If All You See… »

Washington Post: All You Selfish Americans Are Taking COVID Doses Away From Poor Countries

All the employees at the Washington Post are willing to forgo their own doses of vaccine, right, so they can be sent to poor nations? And since Biden voters tend to believe this garbage, they’ll be willing to forgo their own doses, right?

The zero-sum vaccine game: How a dose in the U.S. takes a dose away from a poorer country

The swift development of effective coronavirus vaccines has been one of the few bright points of the pandemic. Since Britain administered the first fully tested vaccine in December, well over 130 million doses have been delivered around the world — 44 million in the United States alone.

But most countries have yet to see the benefits of this accomplishment. Months into the global vaccine rollout, the pace remains staggeringly unequal, with wealthy countries leaving poorer ones in the dust. And they aren’t competing in a vacuum: The success of the former has come very much at the expense of the latter.

“It remains to a large degree a zero-sum game, which means that every dose that goes to the U.S. or the U.K. or an E.U. country is a dose that’s off the shelves,” said Andrea Taylor, a researcher at Duke University’s Global Health Innovation Center who tracks vaccines. “And the shelves aren’t going to be restocked for a while.”

The zero-sum nature of vaccine supply is rooted in a wide variety of factors, but boils down to the simple fact that manufacturers cannot yet meet demand. The potential consequences are wide-ranging. Unmitigated spread in any country, rich or poor, can lead to variants that may be more virulent or resistant to vaccines.

OK, what Democrat is willing to give up their dose? Who’s willing to send dose for Americans to poor nations? Anyone? Sure, some Modern Socialist SJWs might be willing to send Other People’s doses, but, not their own.

Some experts have urged wealthy nations to address the situation head-on, through a policy likely to find little domestic support: the donation of doses to other countries that need them, before fully vaccinating at home.

I wonder if those anonymous experts are willing to give up the doses for themselves, their family, and their close friends and coworkers. That would be an important question to ask, eh?

So far, buy-in to this way of thinking remains limited. Norway has offered a plan to donate excess vaccine doses. Mexico, despite recording the third-worst death toll globally, has limited its purchases of the Pfizer vaccine after a U.N. request. Most other nations have not detailed such plans.

The Biden administration has pledged to pursue the idea of donating vials, but has not offered a timeline or other specifics.

The United States would “develop a framework for providing surplus U.S. government vaccine doses to countries in need, once there is sufficient supply in the United States,” a State Department spokesperson said. The government has not said how it would define surplus in light of vaccine hesitancy.

Joe already got his doses, along with his family and people, so, he wouldn’t be worried. Of course, he can’t be so dumb as to put other nations ahead of the U.S., right? He’d get eviscerated. Even the compliant Dem voting media would take issue, wouldn’t they?

The spokesperson said the United States might consider donating excess doses through Covax Facility, a program backed by the World Health Organization that is designed to ensure global access to vaccines. The Biden administration has pledged to support the program, in which the Trump administration did not participate.

What excess doses? California is temporarily closing sites because of vaccine shortages (mostly because the doses have been given).

It may well be shifting under our feet. WHO officials suggested this week that the prevalence of virus variants may necessitate annual vaccinations or booster shots. “That would completely change the picture. It blows everything out of the water,” said Taylor. “And I think it’s where we’re heading.”

Well, that’s a new one. Being the WHO, and all their issues with protecting China, you have to wonder what the agenda is.

Read: Washington Post: All You Selfish Americans Are Taking COVID Doses Away From Poor Countries »

Because You Ate A Burger You Enabled The China Flu Pandemic

They just can’t help themselves in attempting to link COVID with you eating a burger after taking a fossil fueled trip

And we’ve gone from “may have played a key role” to “enabled”

Climate Change Made the Coronavirus Pandemic More Likely to Happen

Scientists have concluded that the Coronavirus Pandemic was likely enabled by human-caused Climate Change. But how?

Over the last century, the temperatures have changed quite a bit in China.  As a result, the vegetation has also changed. That caused many species of bats to move around. It is well-known that bats carry many forms of the coronavirus. And many scientists have concluded that the human pandemic started from the transmission of the virus from a bat to a human. So if the climate hadn’t changed, then the bats would not have migrated to where they were in more contact with humans. Here’s a quote from the University of Cambridge:

“The researchers discovered that vegetation changes in this area over the last 100 years had led to the introduction of 40 new bat species and, with them, 100 new types of bat-borne coronaviruses, a University of Cambridge press release explained.”

You can read a complete explanation here: Ecowatch.

It’s always great when a supposed news station, ABC in Columbia, SC, links to a hardcore biased website, eh? A station that uses vast amounts of fossil fuels and energy to operate. I figure within 2-3 weeks they are going to say that the pandemic could not have happened without ‘climate change’ (you know, a whopping 1.5F increase in global temperatures since 1850), that it is specifically the fault of man caused climate change. And to solve it we need a tax and to restrict your liberty, freedom, and choice.

Read: Because You Ate A Burger You Enabled The China Flu Pandemic »

China Joe Considering Domestic Travel Ban Or Something

Remember this?

The restrictions went into effect on Jan. 31. On the following day, Feb. 1, Biden said on social media, “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.”

Despite all the Credentialed Media attempting to protect China Joe, who was saying the same things that so many other Democrats were saying in their kneejerk reaction to Trump’s ban on people coming from China at the beginning of the pandemic, namely, going 100% opposite, Joe was saying it was hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. But, as the actual Guy In Charge, he’s reinstated the UK travel ban and put in place bans from other places, and now

White House looks at domestic travel restrictions as COVID mutation surges in Florida

The Biden administration is considering whether to impose domestic travel restrictions, including on Florida, fearful that coronavirus mutations are threatening to reverse hard-fought progress on the pandemic.

Outbreaks of the new variants — including a highly contagious one first identified in the United Kingdom, as well as others from South Africa and Brazil that scientists worry can evade existing vaccines — have lent urgency to a review of potential travel restrictions within the United States, one federal official said.

“There are active conversations about what could help mitigate spread here, but we have to follow the data and what’s going to work. We did this with South Africa, we did this with Brazil, because we got clear guidance,” one White House official said.

“But we’re having conversations about anything that would help mitigate spread,” the official said, referring to discussions about new travel restrictions that could target the spread of the U.K. mutation in Florida.

The U.K. variant, known as B.1.1.7, has recently exploded in Florida, where over a third of all cases in the United States have been identified.

No decision is imminent, and any move to restrict travel or impose new health measures would be taken in partnership with state and local governments, two federal government officials said.

Remember when China Joe said “I’m not going to shutdown the country. I’m going to shutdown the virus.” Seems like he lied. Remember when Andrew Cuomo, the governor of the state that was ground zero and in the deepest trouble, said it would be a declaration of war?

Remember when New Yorkers were streaming out of the state, and especially NYC, spreading COVID around the nation in their attempt to flee ground zero? No one is leaving Florida for other states. And, Cuomo is correct, the federal government locking down a state, and potentially restricting U.S. citizens from traveling from state to state (and perhaps locally, we don’t fully know the plan being thrown around), is rather unConstitutional.

The UK variant is big in Florida and California, but, present in 34 states, and on the down side

But even if it’s too late to halt the spread of the variant, a travel restriction could at least slow its exportation, said Stephen Kissler, an immunology and infectious disease expert with Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Kissler said that the arrival of COVID vaccines has given public health officials added incentive to impose travel restrictions, even if they would only slow the spread of the variant, because it gives them a longer window to get people protected from the virus before they are infected.

That sounds more political than science. Yet, they called Trump a dictator. Not that most people would comply with the travel ban. Will The Authorities stop people at borders?

Read: China Joe Considering Domestic Travel Ban Or Something »

UAW Holds Talks With Biden Admin About EVs, Reduced Emissions

These are people who do not actually own or run the auto manufacturers talking about increasing the cost of vehicles for consumers, probably in a manner which increases the pay of the auto workers (which would, in reality, most likely mean replacing auto workers with more automation, along with moving plants to Mexico)

UAW president holds White House talks on vehicle emissions

United Auto Workers (UAW) President Rory Gamble held a virtual meeting last week with a top White House environmental official as the Biden administration moves to reverse the rollback in vehicle emissions rules adopted under then President Donald Trump.

A spokesman for the Detroit-based union confirmed Gamble met with White House domestic climate change adviser Gina McCarthy and other members of the Biden Administration.

“It was a very open and positive dialogue,” Gamble said in a statement, praising the Biden administration’s “commitment to regular dialogue with the UAW.”

The Biden administration has started discussions with the automobile sector about reducing greenhouse gas emissions, McCarthy told Reuters last week.

McCarthy also spoke recently to General Motors Chief Executive Mary Barra about the Detroit automaker’s aspiration to halt sales of all gas- and diesel-powered vehicles by 2035, the automaker confirmed.

In the grand scheme of things, do consumers actually care? Most people are pretty happy with the fuel economy of vehicles right now. Almost no one mentions “carbon emissions” as a reason to purchase a vehicle. They want affordable and specific features. But, someone is telling the LA Times differently

Letters to the Editor: People want electric cars, but dealers don’t want to sell them. Let’s change that

To the editor: Your piece on electric vehicle demand states that “consumers aren’t there yet” and that traditional automakers have “struggled to sell electric cars.”

False. Most of the time, a traditional auto dealership will attempt to dissuade you from buying their EVs. They aren’t struggling to sell their EVs; rather, they are struggling not to sell you their EVs because they make virtually nothing on parts and service.

And, if the automakers really wanted to sell EVs, they’d build more compelling products.

In reality land, not that many people want to buy an EV. Honda tried this with their Clarity, expanding a nationwide rollout from West Coast and NE states. Sure, there were some sales, but, not what you’d think, to the point you can only get a Clarity on the west coast. Not even in states like NY, NJ, and Mass. Most people do not want the hassle of them, or the cost. Even hybrids are sluggish. You can get a CRV hybrid for not much more than a regular CRV, but, sales are probably like 50 regular to every 1 hybrid. And we’re talking in a high tech area like the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area.

Automakers make what sells. There really isn’t much of a demand for plugins or pure EVs. Used hybrids often sit. Parts and service is still need for the components of an EV. Still needs maintenance. You don’t make money making products that most people are neither demanding nor buying.

Meanwhile, the world’s leading EV manufacturer, Tesla, can’t make its vehicles fast enough. Tesla is building new factories on three continents to satisfy a steadily growing demand. They make EVs that people want: beautiful styling, exceptional performance and an unparalleled safety record.

Who’s buying them? Upper middle class to rich. Who often have another vehicle for taking a long trip. Most people cannot afford $38K for a base model Tesla. Much less the over $120K for a regular one.

Furthermore, the analyst quoted states that most households can’t afford EVs. Numerous EVs on the market today sell for less than the average price of a new car. And, used EVs are flooding the market.

Yes, but they are tiny things that do not go far or fast. And aren’t worth squat when you go to sell them. Residual values on hybrids are rather low, because used car buyers are worried about the used batteries.

Perhaps one day EVs will be viable. I’m not against them. They are nowhere close, and, again, most people are not asking for them. Can they make an Accord with the same features that gets the same range for around the same price? Where you can recharge in close to the same time as filling a tank?

Read: UAW Holds Talks With Biden Admin About EVs, Reduced Emissions »

Pirate's Cove