Who’s Up For Foreign Nationals Getting COVID Vaccine Before Americans?

Hey, this is what you voted for, Democrats and the deranged Never Trumpers. You happy with this? No, no, I don’t want to hear your complaints that you or your family members should get the vaccine before these foreigners, this is what you wanted with a China Joe presidency over Mr. Mean Tweets

Report: Foreign Nationals Traveling to U.S. to Get Coronavirus Vaccine Before Americans

Foreign nationals from a number of countries, but mostly Mexico, are flocking to the United States to get the vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus even as nearly 90 percent of Americans have yet to receive their first dose.

A report in the Washington Post detailed how likely thousands of foreign nationals are traveling to the U.S. to get the coronavirus vaccine, cutting in line before about 280 million Americans who have not yet been vaccinated.

The Post reports:

One of Mexico’s best-known TV hosts sat in a car, masked, looking straight ahead while a needle was plunged into his bare upper arm. Juan Jose “Pepillo” Origel was the latest Mexican national to get the coronavirus vaccine — by coming to the United States. [Emphasis added]


“I’ve known lots of Mexicans, thousands, who have gone to get the vaccine in the U.S.,” he added. “And nothing happened. In San Antonio, Laredo, all along the Mexican border, Mexicans are going to get the vaccine.” [Emphasis added]

As noted by the Post, Center for Disease Control (CDC) officials have not set any guidelines on who is and is not eligible for coronavirus vaccination in terms of an individual’s immigration status. The policy, or lack of, has meant that likely thousands of illegal aliens in the U.S. have already received the vaccine.

Sounds great, right? Instead of your older mom and dad and grandparents getting it, illegal aliens and border crossers are getting it. Yes, I do think that those who are lawfully present in the U.S. at this time, those who have been here having come for work and/or school, should be eligible. Those who are just visiting? No. More from the Washington Post

California’s vaccination website explicitly states that residency is not a requirement for receiving the vaccine. Arizona acknowledges that it is probably vaccinating some border crossers along with the snowbirds it considers eligible.

California is probably thrilled to give it to illegals. The rich folk need vaccinated workers to do their lawns and clean their homes.

Behind the debate is the polarizing issue of immigration policy, now complicated by difficult health policy decisions during a pandemic emergency. The Biden administration and public health experts say anything that discourages the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States from seeking vaccination — such as tightly enforced demands for proof of residency or legal status — would be self-defeating as the nation tries to reach herd immunity.

“It is a moral and public health imperative to ensure that all individuals residing in the United States have access to the vaccine,” the Department of Homeland Security said in a statement this month. “DHS encourages all individuals, regardless of immigration status, to receive the coronavirus vaccine once eligible under local distribution guidelines.

On this, yes, the illegals here should get the vaccine. In a proper, law abiding world they would then be deported toot sweet, but, we all know that won’t happen. As Steve Scalise points out, none of them should be jumping the line ahead of those who should be getting it first.

Some Mexican officials are openly recommending that their citizens seek vaccination in the U.S. The media are filled with what is being called “vaccine tourism.”

“My recommendation is, go ahead, do it,” the health secretary of northern Nuevo Leon state, Manuel de la O, told a news conference in late January. “It’s an act of survival.”

Hence, the need for strict control at the border.

Read: Who’s Up For Foreign Nationals Getting COVID Vaccine Before Americans? »

Climate Cultist Disha Ravi Arrested For “sedition, promoting hatred among groups and criminal conspiracy”

At the surface, it’s fun for Skeptics to laugh at this climate cultist, but, it’s not quite that simple

India activist Disha Ravi arrested over farmers’ protest ‘toolkit’

A 22-year-old Indian climate activist has been arrested after sharing a document intended to help farmers protest against new agricultural laws.

Police said Disha Ravi was a “key conspirator” in the “formulation and dissemination” of the document.

The “toolkit”, which suggests ways of helping the farmers, was tweeted by prominent activist Greta Thunberg.

Activists say Ms Ravi’s arrest is a clear warning to those who want to show support to anti-government protests.

As the Hindustan Times notes, she’s accused of “sedition, promoting hatred among groups and criminal conspiracy under the Indian Penal Code (IPC).” Anyhow, what are these protests about?

Tens of thousands of farmers have been protesting for more than two months over the laws, which they say benefit only big corporations.

The new legislation loosens rules around the sale, pricing and storage of farm produce which have protected India’s farmers from the free market for decades.

The farmers’ protests mark the biggest challenge India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has faced. His government has offered to suspend the laws but the farmers want them replaced altogether.

So, the government wanted more free market and less government control of farming and less price fixing. The farmers are not only not good with that, they want even more government involvement in fixing prices and protections. Remember that bit

Ms Ravi, one of the founders of the Indian branch of the Fridays for Future climate strike, was arrested by Delhi police.

In a statement posted on social media on Sunday, police said she had “collaborated” to “spread disaffection against the Indian State”.

It said she was an editor of the document and had shared it with Swedish climate activist Ms Thunberg.

Police have said the toolkit suggested a conspiracy in the run up to a huge rally on 26 January, which saw protesting farmers clash with police.

“The call was to wage economic, social, cultural and regional war against India,” Delhi Police Special Commissioner Praveer Ranjan said earlier this month.

“We have registered a case for spreading disaffection against the government of India – it’s regarding sedition – and disharmony between groups on religious, social and cultural grounds, and criminal conspiracy to give shape to such a plan,” he added.

So, she was instrumental in whipping up the farmers to protest against the government for …. more government, which led to violence in a few cases. That said, should Skeptics support her, at least her ability to organize protests? Because we do support freedom of speech, even though that isn’t quite a thing in India. But, free speech support is free speech support, something the Warmists are against if that speech is considered Wrongthink.

On the flip side, should Warmists be for her arrest, since she was engaged in “anti-government” activities? They are certainly massive Big Government believers, right?

That is all the surface thoughts. The deep thoughts are that these climate cultists are involving themselves and their cult with the concerns of farmers, whipping them up, causing problems, messing up the message of the farmers, all for their cultish beliefs. The protests really had and have nothing to do with the climate change scam.

Read: Climate Cultist Disha Ravi Arrested For “sedition, promoting hatred among groups and criminal conspiracy” »

Next Up For Democrats? A Long, Long 9/11 Commission Style Investigation Into The Mostly Peaceful Capitol Protest

It would be just another bit of theater for Democrats to express their Feelings about Trump, letting their Trump Derangement Syndrome out, but, it would not be cathartic for them like most group sessions. And, really, consider that 45% of Democrat voters felt that George Bush either let 9/11 happen or made it happen even after the 9/11 commission investigation

Coons: ‘We Need to Spend Months and Months’ on a 9/11-Style Commission on Capitol Hill Riots

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that the Democrats need to “spend months and months unearthing all the evidence that can possibly be gotten to through a 9/11-style commission” on the Capitol Hill riots.

Partial transcript as follows:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Senator Coons, you just heard Congresswoman Dean right there on the necessity of a 9/11 Commission. You agree?

COONS: I do. George, this was a remarkable week. A powerful week. And I think the House managers, obviously Congresswoman Dean and Congressman Raskin and a very talented team put on an incredibly compelling and powerful case. But there’s still more evidence that the American people need and deserve to hear and a 9/11 Commission is a way to make sure that we secure the Capitol going forward and that we lay bare the record of just how responsible and how abjectly violating of his constitutional oath President Trump really was. (snip)

COONS: Well, a number of senators promptly started talking to each other about what was the path forward with the unexpected request by the House managers for additional witnesses. And as lead manager Jamie Raskin recognized right after the trial, they could have had 500 more witnesses, it wasn’t going to change the outcome. Once Mitch McConnell made it clear he intended to acquit, even despite the compelling evidence, what the House managers needed wasn’t more witnesses or more evidence. What we all needed was more Republican courage.

So, their going to want to call witness after witness after witness in grand theater style. Lots of crying and emotion, like watching a Hallmark movie X2

COONS: I do think that we need to spend months and months unearthing all the evidence that can possibly be gotten to through a 9/11-style commission. I, frankly, at that time did not think that spending months fighting over additional witnesses would have changed the outcome of this trial one bit. And the House managers agreed. Many senators were making that point that they had as many votes on the Republican side as were possible to get. Frankly, they got more than even I expected given if you look back a year, the impeachment trial of President Trump that happened a year ago, only one Republican voted to convict.

So, yeah, this is all about TDS. Orange Man Bad. But, you know what? Let’s do the same thing with all the BLM/Antifa riots around the country since last May. Let’s expose all the government officials who failed to use law enforcement and the National Guard to safeguard average citizens and their property, along with state, local, and federal employees and property, from the rioters. The elected leaders who held the police back. Those who continuously let the arrested rioters out of jail again and again, dropping charges each time. Those who incented and supported those engaged in rioting, looting, assault, arson, and other criminal violations.

And how about those Democrats who asked people to donate to funds to bail out the rioters, many of them who attacked law enforcement officers, which just incented the violent BLM/Antifa members again and again. Elected officials like Kamala Harris.

Interestingly, Lindsay Graham wants one, too, and has questions Democrats won’t like

“I’d like to know, did the Capitol Hill police inform the House sergeant at arms and the Senate sergeant at arms the day before the attack that they needed more troops?” Graham asked during an interview on “Fox News Sunday.”

The push for a bipartisan commission seems to have Republican and Democrat support, but perhaps for different reasons.

Republicans have signaled that evidence could show that Democrat leaders were aware of the threat and did little to prevent the Jan. 6 attack. Democrats, who failed to convict Trump, see their window for holding the president accountable for the chaos quickly closing.

Or, bear with me here, we could just move on.

Read: Next Up For Democrats? A Long, Long 9/11 Commission Style Investigation Into The Mostly Peaceful Capitol Protest »

CBS: You Know Polar Vortices Are Not Quite As Extreme Due To ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Is CBS Columbia Broadcasting System Or Climate Broadcasting Sect? Jeff Beradelli takes a different tact from most Warmists, who are blaming the cold and snow and ice on the melting of the Arctic because you took a long shower followed by a fossil fueled drive to get a burger

Polar vortex brings most extreme winter weather in years

From wind chills near 60 below zero in the Upper Midwest to an ice storm all the way to the Gulf Coast, it is rare that winter weather gets this extreme. The culprit is a polar vortex teaming up a very active jet stream.

That means cold, snow and ice for hundreds of millions of Americans.

On Saturday, more than two-thirds of the nation was under some kind of winter weather alert running the gamut from wind chill warnings in the northern Plains to winter storm warnings for the Pacific Northwest. There were also winter weather advisories in South Texas and ice storm warnings in the Mid-Atlantic.

A few weeks ago, the polar vortex, which is typically located near the North Pole, broke into pieces — a natural occurrence that happens every couple of winters. Smaller daughter vortices scattered around the Northern Hemisphere, bringing pockets of Arctic air to Siberia, Europe and North America.

For the past week, one of the daughter vortices has set up shop, spinning near the U.S.-Canada border. As a result, temperatures have been frigid, at times dropping below -40 degrees Fahrenheit, but the coldest of air has been confined to the far northern U.S. That’s about to change as lobes of the vortex rearrange its orientation, sending cold air south.

So, polar vortices are normal and natural. Except Warmists have been trying to blame them on Mankind, because they want to make sure that they can blame Mankind for their cultish beliefs. They’ve been saying they have become more extreme. Jeff takes it in a different route

Despite being extreme, it’s not nearly as extreme as it could be. Over the past few decades, due to human-caused climate change, the coldest extremes are getting less extreme. As one example, in Minneapolis the coldest day each year is now 12 degrees warmer than it used to be.

And that’s the only example offered, and the attached graphic only goes back to 1970, you know, the time the Earth was in a period where they were worried about a coming ice age. How does UHI and land use come into play? Yes, they are Man-caused, but, not global. Anyhow, these doomsday cultists just can’t help but drag their cult into everything.

Read: CBS: You Know Polar Vortices Are Not Quite As Extreme Due To ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon impact scooter, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on a media weenie seeing her narrative burned to the ground.

It’s summer dresses week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future nation of America. Lots of fun winter weather, Trump’s acquitted, and the NJ Devils will hopefully be out of COVID protocol to start playing on Tuesday. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Red State points out how the Democrats just can’t quit Trump
  2. Not The Bee highlights the new Navy intersectional pledge
  3. Gen Z Conservative has the Orwellian vocabulary of snowflakes
  4. Neon Nettle features Instagram monitoring private messages for “hate speech”
  5. IOTW Report covers Oregon thinking math is raaaaacist
  6. Blue State Conservative has all the times Kamala incited, condoned, or suggested violence
  7. Jo Nova wonders about the NATO Chief discussing solar powered battle tanks
  8. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers Germany turning back to coal as solar and wind fail
  9. No Tricks Zone highlight’s St. Greta’s Sweden being 3C hotter 9300 years ago
  10. Weasel Zippers covers ANTIFA smashing an urgent care center distributing COVID shots
  11. The People’s Cube features the end of Aunt Jemima
  12. The Other McCain discussing the NY Times doxxing Scott Alexander
  13. The First Street Journal highlights a library firing a BLM activist for burning books
  14. Raised On Hoecakes has a controversial stance on Valentine’s Day
  15. And last, but not least, Powerline discusses Richard Burr’s vote against Trump

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Trump Acquitted Again: What Comes Next?

As you know by now, Donald J Trump was acquitted yet again for shampeachment. The result was never in doubt. We all knew there was zero chance the Democrats would get enough Republicans to cross over to get the necessary 67 votes. Seven did cross over, and the Louisiana Republican party has already voted unanimously voted to censure Bill Cassidy for voting to convict. I’m wondering if the NC GOP will do the same for Richard Burr, but, he says he’s not running in 2022.

So, what comes next? CNNLOL points out all the legal nutbaggery aimed at Trump from hardcore leftists in leftist states (obviously, they didn’t put it that way, but, that’s exactly what it is). I wouldn’t be surprised if the Democrats attempted to censure Trump next week, even though this whole shampeachment seemed more like censure. Charles Hurt thinks the moonbats will try something different

After Impeachment Farce Ends, Next Comes 14th Amendment

Move OnWith the result of the second impeachment charade a forgone conclusion in Washington, let us now turn to the final partisan tool remaining in Democrats’ torture closet: The 14th Amendment.

This amendment allows Congress to banish from future federal office any current or former politician deemed by congress to have “engaged in insurrection.” Its adoption after the Civil War was designed to prevent officers or political leaders of the Confederate regime from being elected to Congress or the presidency.

In a normal world, it would be impossible for Congress to punish a man for engaging in “insurrection” after Congress had just acquitted the same man of engaging in the same insurrection. Or, as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer recently called it on the Senate floor, “inciting the erection.”

But this is Washington and the man in question is former President Donald Trump, whose Latin name is Swampus Horribilis.

Gripped by hatred and fear of their long, partisan nightmare, Democrats in Congress today seek “unity” by heaving Mr. Trump into the dustbin of the Confederacy. In this name of “unity,” what precisely does that mean for the 74 million current Americans who just voted for this modern-day Jefferson Davis?

To be sure, it is a rusty, gnarly hatchet. But when all you have is a hatchet, everything is plump flesh and brittle bone. And hack away they will!

In the name of “unity.”

They are so fearful of Trump, and so full of TDS, that it is not out of the realm of reality, not a conspiracy theory, to think that Democrats will go down this route. I think there’s little chance Trump will run in 2024: he’ll be older, and I bet he’ll have moved on, and so will Melania. He may well be the king maker for the GOP primary, and Republicans had best have learned the lessons of the Trump era: defend yourself and your policies voraciously. You do not have to turn the amp up to 11 as Trump did (and, I’ve criticized him over this) and need to dial the attacks back on your own party, but, you can’t be a “get along go along” Republican anymore, not when Democrats are free to ditch the civilized part of the old saying “politics is a dirty, nasty business with a veneer of civility on top.” Republican need to get tough.

As for Dems and Trump, will the Dems move on this week, or continue with TDS? We’ll know soon enough.

BTW, there’s video of Pelosi going bat guano insane below the fold

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Read: Trump Acquitted Again: What Comes Next? »

Good News: Roses Are Contributing To Climate Apocalypse

Well, this is a new one. Hadn’t seen the climate cult trot this one out before, and just in time for (surprise) Valentine’s Day. It is funny that this is on Al Jazeera, a “news” o

Roses are red and contributing to climate change, florists warn

It is the classic romantic combination: Valentine’s Day and a bouquet of red roses. But some Parisian florists are trying to wean customers off the flowers because of their ecological cost.

Most roses sold in France in the run-up to Valentine’s Day, a peak sales period for the global flower industry, have to be imported by air freight from countries such as Kenya, resulting in carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.

Florists worried about the environmental damage from this trade say there are viable alternatives that can be grown locally and are trying to encourage their customers to try them.

But these ecologically-minded florists face an uphill struggle because the tradition of gifting red roses on Valentine’s Day, which is celebrated on February 14, is so ingrained in many cultures.

Hortense Harang, founder of an online flower shop called “Fleurs d’Ici” — French for “Flowers from here” — has been spearheading the campaign to wean people off roses.

Here’s an idea: these florists can stop selling them. Of course, then the customers will simply go to other florists. Further, a lot of the flowers florists sell come from far away, so, really, they should just close shop. Just to be on the safe side. But, hey, we have a holiday coming up so the climate cultists have to climavirtue signal.

Read: Good News: Roses Are Contributing To Climate Apocalypse »

If All You See…

…are climate killing dogs making the seas rise and land turn to sand, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a big jihad attack plot being stopped in Germany.

Double shot below the fold, check out Moonbattery, with a post on BLM masks in the workplace

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Read: If All You See… »

Mississippi Senate Votes To Restrict Women’s Sports To Actual Women

We’re probably going to see a lot more stuff like this with China Joe in office, as he and his folks respond to the unhinged Woke pushing to allow the gender confused to destroy women’s sports

Mississippi Senate votes to ban transgender athletes from women’s sports

The Mississippi Senate voted Thursday to ban transgender athletes from competing on women’s sports teams in the state’s high schools and universities.

The sponsor of the bill, Republican Senator Angela Hill, told her colleagues prior to the vote that she’d “had numerous coaches across the state call me and believe that they feel that there is a need for a policy.”

Senate Bill 2536 passed 34-9 in the late-night session, with very little prior discussion. Now it heads to the Mississippi House of Representatives for consideration.

Several states, including Montana, North Dakota and Idaho, have attempted to pass similar legislation recently. While proponents say that allowing an athlete born male to compete in women’s sports gives them an unfair advantage, those against say the proposals are discriminatory and harmful.

“All this bill does is put transgender youth at risk of bullying, exclusion, and increased danger while discrimination and violence against transgender people is at a record high in this country,” the Human Rights Campaign Mississippi State Director Rob Hill said in a press release. “If legislators would simply listen to medical experts and transgender athletes, they might know that transitioning for the sake of a competitive advantage is simply unrealistic. So is the idea that transgender athletes even gain a supposed advantage in the first place.

What about the actual, real, biological females who do not want to have to compete against biological males with mental health issues? Who do not want to lose victories and scholarships to biological males who tend to have an advantage in sporting competitions? Who might not want biological males swinging their penises around in the locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms? Who do not want all their hard training to be flushed down the toilet because some Woke nutjobs are siding with the mentally deranged?

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves responded to the order on his Facebook page, saying the order would take away from female athletes like his daughters who will have to “compete with biological males for access to athletics.”

“I just don’t understand why politicians are pushing children into transgenderism in the first place,” Reeves said. “And my heart breaks for the young women across America who will lose in this radical social experiment.”

Exactly. Why are so many pushing kids into being TG, which comes with a much higher rate of seriously mental health issues (other than thinking one is the opposite sex to start with), suicidal thoughts, and attempted suicide? It is child abuse. And it is going to destroy women’s sports. You don’t see many females identifying as male trying out for male sports, right? And you certainly don’t hear about them dominating men’s sports. But, men in women’s sports? They tend to dominate.

Read: Mississippi Senate Votes To Restrict Women’s Sports To Actual Women »

Pirate's Cove