If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle causing extreme weather flooding, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on school openings.

Read: If All You See… »

Washington Post: All You Selfish Americans Are Taking COVID Doses Away From Poor Countries

All the employees at the Washington Post are willing to forgo their own doses of vaccine, right, so they can be sent to poor nations? And since Biden voters tend to believe this garbage, they’ll be willing to forgo their own doses, right?

The zero-sum vaccine game: How a dose in the U.S. takes a dose away from a poorer country

The swift development of effective coronavirus vaccines has been one of the few bright points of the pandemic. Since Britain administered the first fully tested vaccine in December, well over 130 million doses have been delivered around the world — 44 million in the United States alone.

But most countries have yet to see the benefits of this accomplishment. Months into the global vaccine rollout, the pace remains staggeringly unequal, with wealthy countries leaving poorer ones in the dust. And they aren’t competing in a vacuum: The success of the former has come very much at the expense of the latter.

“It remains to a large degree a zero-sum game, which means that every dose that goes to the U.S. or the U.K. or an E.U. country is a dose that’s off the shelves,” said Andrea Taylor, a researcher at Duke University’s Global Health Innovation Center who tracks vaccines. “And the shelves aren’t going to be restocked for a while.”

The zero-sum nature of vaccine supply is rooted in a wide variety of factors, but boils down to the simple fact that manufacturers cannot yet meet demand. The potential consequences are wide-ranging. Unmitigated spread in any country, rich or poor, can lead to variants that may be more virulent or resistant to vaccines.

OK, what Democrat is willing to give up their dose? Who’s willing to send dose for Americans to poor nations? Anyone? Sure, some Modern Socialist SJWs might be willing to send Other People’s doses, but, not their own.

Some experts have urged wealthy nations to address the situation head-on, through a policy likely to find little domestic support: the donation of doses to other countries that need them, before fully vaccinating at home.

I wonder if those anonymous experts are willing to give up the doses for themselves, their family, and their close friends and coworkers. That would be an important question to ask, eh?

So far, buy-in to this way of thinking remains limited. Norway has offered a plan to donate excess vaccine doses. Mexico, despite recording the third-worst death toll globally, has limited its purchases of the Pfizer vaccine after a U.N. request. Most other nations have not detailed such plans.

The Biden administration has pledged to pursue the idea of donating vials, but has not offered a timeline or other specifics.

The United States would “develop a framework for providing surplus U.S. government vaccine doses to countries in need, once there is sufficient supply in the United States,” a State Department spokesperson said. The government has not said how it would define surplus in light of vaccine hesitancy.

Joe already got his doses, along with his family and people, so, he wouldn’t be worried. Of course, he can’t be so dumb as to put other nations ahead of the U.S., right? He’d get eviscerated. Even the compliant Dem voting media would take issue, wouldn’t they?

The spokesperson said the United States might consider donating excess doses through Covax Facility, a program backed by the World Health Organization that is designed to ensure global access to vaccines. The Biden administration has pledged to support the program, in which the Trump administration did not participate.

What excess doses? California is temporarily closing sites because of vaccine shortages (mostly because the doses have been given).

It may well be shifting under our feet. WHO officials suggested this week that the prevalence of virus variants may necessitate annual vaccinations or booster shots. “That would completely change the picture. It blows everything out of the water,” said Taylor. “And I think it’s where we’re heading.”

Well, that’s a new one. Being the WHO, and all their issues with protecting China, you have to wonder what the agenda is.

Read: Washington Post: All You Selfish Americans Are Taking COVID Doses Away From Poor Countries »

Because You Ate A Burger You Enabled The China Flu Pandemic

They just can’t help themselves in attempting to link COVID with you eating a burger after taking a fossil fueled trip

And we’ve gone from “may have played a key role” to “enabled”

Climate Change Made the Coronavirus Pandemic More Likely to Happen

Scientists have concluded that the Coronavirus Pandemic was likely enabled by human-caused Climate Change. But how?

Over the last century, the temperatures have changed quite a bit in China.  As a result, the vegetation has also changed. That caused many species of bats to move around. It is well-known that bats carry many forms of the coronavirus. And many scientists have concluded that the human pandemic started from the transmission of the virus from a bat to a human. So if the climate hadn’t changed, then the bats would not have migrated to where they were in more contact with humans. Here’s a quote from the University of Cambridge:

“The researchers discovered that vegetation changes in this area over the last 100 years had led to the introduction of 40 new bat species and, with them, 100 new types of bat-borne coronaviruses, a University of Cambridge press release explained.”

You can read a complete explanation here: Ecowatch.

It’s always great when a supposed news station, ABC in Columbia, SC, links to a hardcore biased website, eh? A station that uses vast amounts of fossil fuels and energy to operate. I figure within 2-3 weeks they are going to say that the pandemic could not have happened without ‘climate change’ (you know, a whopping 1.5F increase in global temperatures since 1850), that it is specifically the fault of man caused climate change. And to solve it we need a tax and to restrict your liberty, freedom, and choice.

Read: Because You Ate A Burger You Enabled The China Flu Pandemic »

China Joe Considering Domestic Travel Ban Or Something

Remember this?

The restrictions went into effect on Jan. 31. On the following day, Feb. 1, Biden said on social media, “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.”

Despite all the Credentialed Media attempting to protect China Joe, who was saying the same things that so many other Democrats were saying in their kneejerk reaction to Trump’s ban on people coming from China at the beginning of the pandemic, namely, going 100% opposite, Joe was saying it was hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. But, as the actual Guy In Charge, he’s reinstated the UK travel ban and put in place bans from other places, and now

White House looks at domestic travel restrictions as COVID mutation surges in Florida

The Biden administration is considering whether to impose domestic travel restrictions, including on Florida, fearful that coronavirus mutations are threatening to reverse hard-fought progress on the pandemic.

Outbreaks of the new variants — including a highly contagious one first identified in the United Kingdom, as well as others from South Africa and Brazil that scientists worry can evade existing vaccines — have lent urgency to a review of potential travel restrictions within the United States, one federal official said.

“There are active conversations about what could help mitigate spread here, but we have to follow the data and what’s going to work. We did this with South Africa, we did this with Brazil, because we got clear guidance,” one White House official said.

“But we’re having conversations about anything that would help mitigate spread,” the official said, referring to discussions about new travel restrictions that could target the spread of the U.K. mutation in Florida.

The U.K. variant, known as B.1.1.7, has recently exploded in Florida, where over a third of all cases in the United States have been identified.

No decision is imminent, and any move to restrict travel or impose new health measures would be taken in partnership with state and local governments, two federal government officials said.

Remember when China Joe said “I’m not going to shutdown the country. I’m going to shutdown the virus.” Seems like he lied. Remember when Andrew Cuomo, the governor of the state that was ground zero and in the deepest trouble, said it would be a declaration of war?

Remember when New Yorkers were streaming out of the state, and especially NYC, spreading COVID around the nation in their attempt to flee ground zero? No one is leaving Florida for other states. And, Cuomo is correct, the federal government locking down a state, and potentially restricting U.S. citizens from traveling from state to state (and perhaps locally, we don’t fully know the plan being thrown around), is rather unConstitutional.

The UK variant is big in Florida and California, but, present in 34 states, and on the down side

But even if it’s too late to halt the spread of the variant, a travel restriction could at least slow its exportation, said Stephen Kissler, an immunology and infectious disease expert with Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Kissler said that the arrival of COVID vaccines has given public health officials added incentive to impose travel restrictions, even if they would only slow the spread of the variant, because it gives them a longer window to get people protected from the virus before they are infected.

That sounds more political than science. Yet, they called Trump a dictator. Not that most people would comply with the travel ban. Will The Authorities stop people at borders?

Read: China Joe Considering Domestic Travel Ban Or Something »

UAW Holds Talks With Biden Admin About EVs, Reduced Emissions

These are people who do not actually own or run the auto manufacturers talking about increasing the cost of vehicles for consumers, probably in a manner which increases the pay of the auto workers (which would, in reality, most likely mean replacing auto workers with more automation, along with moving plants to Mexico)

UAW president holds White House talks on vehicle emissions

United Auto Workers (UAW) President Rory Gamble held a virtual meeting last week with a top White House environmental official as the Biden administration moves to reverse the rollback in vehicle emissions rules adopted under then President Donald Trump.

A spokesman for the Detroit-based union confirmed Gamble met with White House domestic climate change adviser Gina McCarthy and other members of the Biden Administration.

“It was a very open and positive dialogue,” Gamble said in a statement, praising the Biden administration’s “commitment to regular dialogue with the UAW.”

The Biden administration has started discussions with the automobile sector about reducing greenhouse gas emissions, McCarthy told Reuters last week.

McCarthy also spoke recently to General Motors Chief Executive Mary Barra about the Detroit automaker’s aspiration to halt sales of all gas- and diesel-powered vehicles by 2035, the automaker confirmed.

In the grand scheme of things, do consumers actually care? Most people are pretty happy with the fuel economy of vehicles right now. Almost no one mentions “carbon emissions” as a reason to purchase a vehicle. They want affordable and specific features. But, someone is telling the LA Times differently

Letters to the Editor: People want electric cars, but dealers don’t want to sell them. Let’s change that

To the editor: Your piece on electric vehicle demand states that “consumers aren’t there yet” and that traditional automakers have “struggled to sell electric cars.”

False. Most of the time, a traditional auto dealership will attempt to dissuade you from buying their EVs. They aren’t struggling to sell their EVs; rather, they are struggling not to sell you their EVs because they make virtually nothing on parts and service.

And, if the automakers really wanted to sell EVs, they’d build more compelling products.

In reality land, not that many people want to buy an EV. Honda tried this with their Clarity, expanding a nationwide rollout from West Coast and NE states. Sure, there were some sales, but, not what you’d think, to the point you can only get a Clarity on the west coast. Not even in states like NY, NJ, and Mass. Most people do not want the hassle of them, or the cost. Even hybrids are sluggish. You can get a CRV hybrid for not much more than a regular CRV, but, sales are probably like 50 regular to every 1 hybrid. And we’re talking in a high tech area like the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area.

Automakers make what sells. There really isn’t much of a demand for plugins or pure EVs. Used hybrids often sit. Parts and service is still need for the components of an EV. Still needs maintenance. You don’t make money making products that most people are neither demanding nor buying.

Meanwhile, the world’s leading EV manufacturer, Tesla, can’t make its vehicles fast enough. Tesla is building new factories on three continents to satisfy a steadily growing demand. They make EVs that people want: beautiful styling, exceptional performance and an unparalleled safety record.

Who’s buying them? Upper middle class to rich. Who often have another vehicle for taking a long trip. Most people cannot afford $38K for a base model Tesla. Much less the over $120K for a regular one.

Furthermore, the analyst quoted states that most households can’t afford EVs. Numerous EVs on the market today sell for less than the average price of a new car. And, used EVs are flooding the market.

Yes, but they are tiny things that do not go far or fast. And aren’t worth squat when you go to sell them. Residual values on hybrids are rather low, because used car buyers are worried about the used batteries.

Perhaps one day EVs will be viable. I’m not against them. They are nowhere close, and, again, most people are not asking for them. Can they make an Accord with the same features that gets the same range for around the same price? Where you can recharge in close to the same time as filling a tank?

Read: UAW Holds Talks With Biden Admin About EVs, Reduced Emissions »

If All You See…

…is an area turned to sand due to carbon pollution extreme weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on a shocking week of violence in San Francisco

Read: If All You See… »

CDC Is Recommending Double Masking

Um, yeah, no, piss off

CDC updates coronavirus face mask guidance, endorses ‘double masking’

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its mask guidance on Wednesday to include data from a recent lab experiment that found placing a cloth mask over a surgical mask, as well as using a properly fitted mask, was effective in stopping coronavirus spread.

The update, which was announced by CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky during a White House coronavirus briefing, comes after a lab experiment using simulated respiratory breaths found that placing a cloth mask over a medical procedure mask or using a medical procedure mask with knotted ear loops and tucked in sides decreased exposure to potentially infectious aerosols by about 95%.

The question now becomes “how soon do certain governors and mayors (primarily Democrats) start mandating this?” Will they give this a shot? Especially since it is rather difficult to get medical grade masks, and because they need to be disposed of after one wearing. And people like to throw theirs on the ground. Because they’re jerks. And will people comply? I highly doubt it, even Biden voters in Biden areas.

Besides, I thought they told us that wearing a mask was good enough 9 months ago. That it would slow the spread. Despite a huge spike. Will Joe, Kamala, his staff, and so forth double mask?

Read: CDC Is Recommending Double Masking »

Hot Take: Comedy Has A Big Al-Right Problem

The hardcore Statists at The New Republic have an issue with people being funny. And, let’s face it, a goodly chunk of those on the Left who are “comedians” are in it more for the applause rather than the laughs

It’s a hell of a graphic, you have to see the full size at the link, and it is a huge article about….comedy

In the dark recesses of the internet lurks a man who goes by ToxicCisWhiteMaleFat. He makes his home on onaforums.net, a community named after the shock jock duo Opie & Anthony—a safe space to say what cannot be said offline. He’s posted in threads like “N—-r hate thread #1,” “The K-ke Hate Thread,” “Juno comes out as a tranny,” and “OFFICIAL Post-Election Voter Fraud THREAD,” where he called Joe Biden “a pedophile retard who’s about to die in the oval office.” Elsewhere he’s derided the Covid-19 vaccine, which he calls “gook juice” and “chinky jew sauce.” Last year he revealed his Twitter account, @ApevonTarskin. The username matches a commenter on Thought Catalog, which ToxicCisWhiteMaleFat has said he trolled after it retracted a transphobic essay by Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes. His contributions there were more of the same. Under a 2015 post titled “When You Love ‘The Chase,’” he once commented, “There is not a more despicable human on this earth than a fat white n—-r fucker. Get an AIDS test. You have it.”

The internet can sometimes seem like one big rabbit hole, and if you make it down to the bottom, waiting for you is a person. At the bottom of mine was ToxicCisWhiteMaleFat.

I’ve spent the last five years writing about the comedy industry, the last three or so covering inequality and extremism within it. This work has periodically brought me in contact with some of the leading lights in the scene’s transgressive edge—the place where popular, mainstream comedy bleeds into the kind of right-wing politics that animated the Capitol riot last month. It’s a place hostile to prying eyes, and the blowback can be furious. I have been harassed and trolled on social media. I have been doxxed, as have members of my family. And eventually, I found my way to a message board where ToxicCisWhiteMaleFat—who I have reason to believe, though I cannot definitively prove, is a person at the heart of the New York City club comedy scene—and others participated in the Gamergate-style campaign that had been conducted against me.

This is all so bat shit insane, it’s hard to even know where to begin, rather than just looking at the insane ravings of a lunatic.

This online forum—just one node in a constellation of similar forums, subreddits, and Discord groups—is not some outlier in the industry. Before I take you down my particular rabbit hole, it’s worth establishing the many ways in which the worlds of comedy and the racist right overlap and reinforce each other.

The recent comedy boom is popularly understood as an era in which new forms of media, like podcasts and streaming video, created massive new audiences for comedy, which in turn created massive new revenue streams for comedians. At the same time, the artificial intimacy of these platforms allowed fans to feel a level of connection with their favorite performers—and with each other—that could verge on the cultish. This was not simply an era of glorious bounty, in which little-known comedians could land massive Netflix paydays or leapfrog from UCB Comedy to College Humor to lucrative sitcom writing gigs. It was also the era of walled-off subcultures, like onaforums.net, which could transform into real, violent political factions, especially at a time when comedy was increasingly pitted against the forces of political correctness—the very forces that also fueled the grievances of Donald Trump’s supporters and the revanchist right, whose credo of “owning the libs” reads a lot like the traditional comedian’s defense of his right to insult and offend.

The mobs that descended on Washington, D.C., last month have intellectual roots in many places, going back to the bloody beginnings of this country. But they also have roots in specific areas of modern culture, including Facebook, BuzzFeed, and the increasingly online world of comedy. All the forces that incubated the rioters are still there, unchanged, chugging along as normal. The rot goes much deeper than you might expect.

Let’s skip to the meaning: comedians engaged in Wrongthink need to be shut down. Cancelled. Not allowed their Constitutionally protected free speech. But, don’t you dare call lefties fascists.

It really is an insanely long piece. You know, if they don’t think it is funny, they can just tune out.

Read: Hot Take: Comedy Has A Big Al-Right Problem »

China Joe Looks To Help “Climate Migrants” Or Something

Leftists (we really need to call them Rightists, since their Marxist/Socialist/Progressive/Stateists/Etc beliefs are way to the right of the political scale in the Authoritarian model, but, whatever) love using the notion of ‘climate change’ to push all their crazy political views. That’s one of the reasons why they like to blame the slight increase of global temperatures since 1850 mostly/solely on Mankind. And, heck, let’s say the increase is caused 51% or more by mankind: why does that require Big Government, Modern Socialist policies? Because this is about politics, not science, and the Elites love the notion of cheap labor and people being beholden to government

Biden Pushes U.S.—and the World—to Help Climate Migrants

A growing number of migrants are forced from their homes each day by climate change, and President Biden signaled last week that he wants the United States and the world to pay more attention to the problem.

His first step in that effort was the approval of an executive order Thursday that directs administration officials to undertake a six-month study of climate change’s impact on migration, including “options for protection and resettlement.”

The changes under consideration could far surpass current international practices, experts said—potentially vaulting the United States to global climate leadership after President Trump spent four years dismantling the United States’ capacity for both climate action and refugee resettlement.

Climate migrants lack protections under international refugee laws, despite their ballooning numbers.

“Those of us who have been working in this space have been waiting for this kind of development—and at the highest levels—for years,” said Maxine Burkett, a professor of international and climate change law at the University of Hawaii, Manoa.

Originally designed for people fleeing armed conflict or persecution, the international refugee system is unequipped to help people displaced by climate impacts. It struggles even to define them, because climate change is often an indirect or contributing factor to the proximate causes of migration, such as famine or floods.

That’s because weather and natural events, including disasters, have always happened and will always happen, and it doesn’t mean we need to bring in 10’s of thousands or more of people who aren’t interested in joining the US, being part of the melting pot, and don’t care about American ideals, they just want free stuff and to live like they’re back in their 3rd world shithole country. But, see, on one hand these “climate migrants” feel they are owed all this stuff because Other People have big carbon footprints. On the other, they then will vote for the party that brought them in and are used to being beholden to the authoritarian governments where they come from.

The elites set out a condition where the U.S. “owes” these migrants, who don’t speak the language, don’t read it, have few usable skills, little education, etc, and they will either end up on the government dole, and possibly working low wage jobs (some under the table), doing things like cleaning the houses and pools of the elites. And will vote the way that the elites want, as the elites jam through things like allowing illegals and non-citizens to vote in cities, and counties, and states, and keep attempting to jam through amnesties and just give these “climate migrants” free citizenship.

Biden’s order directs his administration to analyze how to identify, protect and resettle people “directly or indirectly” displaced by climate impacts. It also instructs the government to consider how U.S. foreign aid can help prepare climate-vulnerable areas. Those findings are expected to be published publicly.

China Joe will spend tons of U.S. taxpayer money, better spent on American citizens, on a scam.

Read: China Joe Looks To Help “Climate Migrants” Or Something »

Democrats Release Draft Plan For COVID Stimulus Payments

If getting relief to citizens who are suffering is so darned important, why not simply put forth a stand-alone bill with the stimulus payments?

Stimulus checks would be capped at $100,000 income under Democrat plan. What we know

House Democrats unveiled a proposal Monday that would cap direct payments for individuals making up to $100,000 a year and couples making up to $200,000.

House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal, a Massachusetts Democrat, released legislation that would provide $1,400 checks to individuals earning $75,000 a year and married couples earning $150,000 a year — the same income thresholds in Biden’s $1.9 trillion emergency plan released in January. The plan has a faster phase-out than in previous proposals, capping payments at $100,000 for individuals and $200,000 for couples.

The plan by House Democrats may not be the final version of the income eligibility requirements as lawmakers negotiate a bill they hope to pass before Mar. 14, the day that $300 weekly unemployment benefits approved in December’s coronavirus package expire. That timeline has added to lawmakers’ desire to go with the budget reconciliation route, a process that allows for “expedited consideration” of legislation on spending, taxes and debt and would enable Democrats to pass the bill without any GOP support.

“While it is still our hope that Republicans will join us in doing right by the American people, the urgency of the moment demands that we act without further delay,” Neal said in a statement.

What’s so urgent about March 14? That’s over a month away. Democrats knew they would have majorities months ago, yet seemed to have no actual plan ready to go. Unless the plan is to use the pandemic and economic devastation caused partially by locking down the economy, then continued by mostly Democrat rulers keeping states and cities locked down, to jam through a far left wish list. Because there will be few Republican votes in the House, and Democrats have to play games in the Senate by using reconciliation to get it passed. They’re still planning on jamming through the minimum wage hike to $15, which would kill millions of jobs.

A group of 10 Republican senators, led by Maine’s Susan Collins, released a plan on Feb. 1 that includes $1,000 direct payments to Americans instead of the $1,400 checks proposed by Biden. The plan would provide $1,000 stimulus checks for individuals making up to $40,000 a year and phase them out completely when income reaches $50,000. Joint filers would get $2,000, with the payments phasing out beginning at $80,000 a year with an income cap at $100,000.

That does make more sense, especially in terms of who would get the money. Do we really need it for higher earners? If they were smart they’d be on TV and social media and stuff constantly saying they’d be willing to compromise but that it’s super important to pass a stimulus immediately, and that it should be voted in a standalone bill which is “clean”, meaning it is solely about stimulus checks.

Read: Democrats Release Draft Plan For COVID Stimulus Payments »

Pirate's Cove