Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Ren Wicks Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! It’s still a great day in the once and future nation of America. Got some rain for the bushes, the Super Bowl is today, and I tested negative for COVID again. Though the parents didn’t. Caught it from their barber. While wearing masks. Fortunately, it seems low level. Pray it stays that way. This pinup is by Ren Wicks with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. neo-neocon covers Time mags piece on the conspiracy to “save” the 2020 election
  2. Noisy Room discusses the only exhibit Team Trump needs for Impeachmentpalooza
  3. Pacific Pundit wonders where are the National Guard are as Antifa hassles diners
  4. Powerline covers SCOTUS knocking down California’s ban on inside worship
  5. Raised on Hoecakes discusses NC’s Lt Gov being likened to the KKK….he’s Black, BTW
  6. The First Street Journal notes Biden’s act about caring for Americans is just an act
  7. The Other McCain discusses catch and release in San Francisco
  8. The Right Scoop covers Iowa’s governor ending mask mandates and opening the state
  9. The Rio Norte Line wonders what we do now
  10. Virtual Mirage covers changing institutions
  11. Weasel Zippers notes Biden saying it will take 10 years to bring jobs back
  12. Legal Insurrection highlights the CDC being nags about the Super Bowl
  13. Gay Patriot shows up on the feed reader again, with a post on it being fun being a conservative
  14. Chicks On the Right has a doozy of an addition to the wall of shame
  15. And last, but not least, Blazing Cat Fur notes British Columbia extending COVID restriction indefinitely

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

TDS: Trump Supporters Being Aggressively Nice Is Terrorism

This is what it’s come to: being nice, being neighborly, helping others who aren’t of the same political party is terrorism, is being a Nice Nazi

From the link

The Los Angeles Times published an op-ed on Friday addressing the struggle to “resist demands for unity” in the face of acts of “aggressive niceness” on the part of friendly Trump-supporting neighbors who are compared to terror organizations who “offer protection and hospitality” and “polite” Nazis.

The essay, penned by journalist Virginia Hefferman and titled, “What can you do about the Trumpites next door?” seeks to present the author’s dilemma in dealing with “Trumpite” neighbors who plowed her driveway without being asked “and did a great job.”

The Trump-supporting neighbors are described as moderate, not “being Q or believing Trump actually won.”

“How am I going to resist demands for unity in the face of this act of aggressive niceness?” she asks, articulating the “torment” she struggles with throughout the essay.

Wait, wasn’t the election supposed to be about #Unity? Isn’t that what electing Dementia Joe all about?

The author then compares the generosity of such neighbors to that of the designated terrorist organization Hezbollah which, prior to 9/11, was responsible for more American deaths than any other terror organization.

“Hezbollah, the Shiite Islamist political party in Lebanon, also gives things away for free,” she writes. “They offer protection and hospitality and win loyalty that way. And they also demand devotion to their brutal, us-versus-them anti-Sunni cause.”

Well, that’s weird, since Democrats tend to support Hezbollah, since the terrorist group is against Israel and attacks Israeli/Jewish citizens.

“When someone helps you when you’re down, or snowed in, it’s almost impossible to regard them as a blight on the world,” she writes.

Hefferman then recalls a family she stayed with in France as a teenager who declared their happiness during Nazi occupation because “the Nazis were very [polite]” before addressing her neighbors again.

“My neighbors supported a man who showed near-murderous contempt for the majority of Americans,” she writes. “They kept him in business with their support.”

Really, the question here is “how many Democrat voters think this way?” You know it’s quite a few, you know a ton of the moonbats were bobbing their heads in agreement as they read it. But, what percent would agree with this? Remember, 45% of the lunatics believed that Bush either made 9/11 happen or let it happen. How many of them were truly Trump Deranged? Not sure about you, but, quite a few that I’ve talk to were losing their minds over Trump the person, but couldn’t say anything about actual policy.

Ultimately, though, the author is unable to grant “absolution.”

“I also can’t give my neighbors absolution; it’s not mine to give,” she writes. “Free driveway work, as nice as it is, is just not the same currency as justice and truth.”

In her conclusion, the author vaguely expresses her ability to offer an invitation “to make amends.”

“But I can offer a standing invitation to make amends,” she writes. “Not with a snowplow but by recognizing the truth about the Trump administration and, more important, by working for justice for all those whom the administration harmed.”

Remember the days when they talked about tolerance? Of course, that was all mule fritters, but, it’s gotten worse. How are we possibly supposed to work with these lunatics? People who are, by their own definition, haters? If you are not 100% with them, they believe you are an enemy. Not a political opponent. An enemy.

Read: TDS: Trump Supporters Being Aggressively Nice Is Terrorism »

Surprise: Mass. Climate Official Setting Stage To Come After Average Citizens, “Break Their Will”

For over 15 years I’ve been noting that the global warming/climate change/climate crisis scam is primarily founded in what is erroneously called left wing politics. It’s decidedly right wing, delving into the Authoritarian model. Regardless, it’s about government power over citizens and private entities (video at the link)

MA Climate Official Says 60% of State Emissions Come from Average People: ‘We Have to Break Your Will’

David Ismay, the undersecretary for climate change under Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker’s (R) administration, explained during a Vermont Climate Council meeting last month the majority of the Bay State’s emissions come from average people and there is “no bad guy left … to point the finger at, to turn the screws on, and you know, to break their will.” Rather, he told his fellow climate advocates, “We have to break your will,” a remark he admitted would not bode well publicly.

“You know one thing we found through our analysis is that 60 percent of our emissions come from, as I have been starting to say, you and me — except you guys are in Vermont,” he told the climate advocates at the January 25 meeting.

“60 percent of our emissions come from residential heating and passenger vehicles,” he said, repeating the percentage and emphasizing the majority of emissions that need to be reduced come from average people.

“So let me say that again, 60 percent of our emissions that need to be reduced come from you, the person across the street, the senior on fixed income, right?” he said, acknowledging there is “no bad guy left, at least in Massachusetts, to point the finger at, to turn the screws on, and you know, break their will, so they stop emitting.”

“That’s you,” he declared. “We have to break your will. Right? I can’t even say that publicly,” he said as the clip ended. It remains unclear if he added further context to his remarks on the purported need to break the will of average Americans to reach his lofty climate goals.

Do base level climate cultists actually think that Government is going to go after the rich folks and companies, the people and entities that donate heavily to campaigns? They stupidly do. But, government isn’t going to come after the elites, it’s coming after the peons. The same government elites running around with big carbon footprints need to control the little people, the average people. Unfortunately, Warmists have been too brainwashed and indoctrinated to realize what they’re asking for will hit their own lives, and hit it hard.

Read: Surprise: Mass. Climate Official Setting Stage To Come After Average Citizens, “Break Their Will” »

If All You See…

…is a sea that is angry and rising from climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace calling to drone strike Trump supporters.

Read: If All You See… »

China Joe Takes Away Saudi Arabia’s Blank Check To Commit War Crimes That Joe Originally Gave Them

Many media outlets had stories on this, and almost all of them forget to include two basic pieces of information in their attempt to give props to Biden for stopping what “Trump did”. This one seems to be have stealth edited to include part of that information between yesterday and today

Biden takes away Saudi Arabia’s blank check to commit war crimes

The Biden administration announced Thursday that it would halt support of Saudi Arabia’s offensive military operations in Yemen, where the war has caused a gigantic humanitarian emergency on top of the coronavirus pandemic. Biden will also reportedly appoint experienced diplomat Timothy Lenderking as special envoy to Yemen.

It remains to be seen exactly how this will play out, but as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) noted in a statement, it looks like the start of a diplomatic push to get Saudi Arabia to end the brutal war in which it has been bogged down since 2015, obtain a general ceasefire, and coordinate an international aid effort. The Saudi military basically cannot do anything without U.S. support, and any strong signals from America that it should knock it off probably will be heeded. That’s especially true now that Trump is gone, and Saudi dictator Mohammad bin Salman thus faces possible recrimination for ordering the cold-blooded murder of a U.S. resident and Washington Post columnist, Jamal Khashoggi, back in 2018.

It is worth noting that while Biden is reversing a Trump decision, the Yemen policy actually originated under the Obama administration. It is a marked difference from the early months of 2009, when Obama kept on George W. Bush’s secretary of defense and planned for a massive troop surge in Afghanistan. Perhaps two decades of expensive, bloody, and totally unsuccessful wars are enough?

How is Yemen a Trump decision, other than simply keeping Obama’s policy active? That last paragraph on this having originated under the Obama admin was not there when I read it Thursday. It seems rather important to the narrative, does it not? Who was VP during that time?

Read More »

Read: China Joe Takes Away Saudi Arabia’s Blank Check To Commit War Crimes That Joe Originally Gave Them »

COVID19 May Have Been Caused By ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Almost no one has really directly blamed Hotcoldwetdry yet. They’ve dinked and dunked around the edges, saying there are some links, saying that it will reinforce and cause future pandemics. Now, though

Climate change “may have played a key role” in coronavirus pandemic, study says

Human-caused climate change “may have played a key role” in the coronavirus pandemic. That’s the conclusion of a new study which examined how changes in climate have transformed the forests of Southeast Asia, resulting in an explosion of bat species in the region.

The researchers found that, due to changes in vegetation over the past 100 years, an additional 40 species of bat have moved into the region, carrying with them 100 more types of bat-borne coronaviruses. Bats are known carriers of coronaviruses, with various species carrying thousands of different types. Many scientists believe the virus that started the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic originated in bats in southern China’s Yunnan province or neighboring areas before it crossed paths with humans.

Many believe it actually was released, intentionally or unintentionally, from the research center right there in Wuhan, down the road from the wet market. Which has happened multiple times from that center

These findings have scientists concerned about the probability that climate change will make future pandemics more likely.

“If bats carrying around 100 coronaviruses expanded into a new area due to climate change, then it would seem likely that this increases, rather than decreases, the chance that a coronavirus harmful to humans is present, transmitted, or evolves in this area,” explains Dr. Robert Beyer, lead author of the study and a researcher at the University of Cambridge.

The researchers used climate records to create a map of the world’s vegetation as it was a century ago. Using knowledge of the type of vegetation required by different bat species, they determined the global distribution of each species in the early 1900s. (snip)

According to the authors, climate changes such as increases in temperature, sunlight and carbon dioxide, which affect the growth of plants and trees, have shifted the makeup of vegetation in southern China, turning tropical shrubland into tropical savannah and deciduous woodland. This type of forest, the authors contend, is more suitable to bat species.

The study calls this area in Southeast Asia “a global hotspot” for bat species and points to genetic data suggesting that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, originated in this region.

This, the authors say, provides the first evidence of a way that climate change could have played a direct role in the emergence of the virus.

Apparently, these climate scientists think that everything on Earth is supposed to stay the same all the time, and it’s your fault for driving a fossil fueled vehicle to get a juicy burger that changes happen. Really, these people just cannot help themselves in making ‘climate change’ the boogeyman in everything. Then we get to near the end of the article

Dr. Rick Ostfeld, a disease ecology expert from the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York, finds the research compelling, even though he doesn’t agree with all of its conclusions. He says it is not surprising that climate change was found to have transformed forests and bat communities. He also agrees with the study authors that the movement of animals can help spread viruses.

But he is cautious about drawing conclusions beyond that.

“The link to emergence of coronaviruses is highly speculative and seems unlikely,” said Ostfeld.

“What the study apparently gets wrong is the assumption that the increased diversity of bats (which they postulate) leads to an increased risk of a bat-borne virus jumping to humans. This is simply not the case,” he said. “The vast majority of bats are harmless to humans — they don’t harbor viruses that can make us sick. So adding more of those species doesn’t increase risk.”

Kate Jones, a professor of ecology and biodiversity at University College London, is also somewhat cautious. She said, “Climate change certainly has a role to play in changing species distributions to increase ecological hazard. However, spillover risk is a complex interplay of not only ecological hazard but human exposure and vulnerability.”

Surprise! When you ask non-climate cult scientists they’ll start shooting this garbage down.

Read: COVID19 May Have Been Caused By ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Erin Hawley, Wife Of Senator Hawley, Files Criminal Complaint Against “Protest” Organizer

It’s about time that someone starts holding these Leftist nutjobs to account, since the Dems in charge in many states, counties, and cities won’t

Wife of GOP Sen. Hawley files criminal complaint over protest at their home

The wife of Republican Sen. Josh Hawley has filed a criminal complaint against one of the organizers of a protest last month outside their Virginia home.

The individual has been charged with a misdemeanor count of illegally demonstrating, but not charged with making threats or vandalism, as the Missouri senator initially alleged. A local magistrate found enough “probable cause” to issue a summons in the case, according to a police spokesman.

Hawley’s office said the complaint was filed in a court in Fairfax County, Virginia, with the defendant identified as activist Patrick Young of Washington, D.C. But as of Friday morning, Young told ABC News he had heard nothing about a criminal complaint, which wouldn’t become public until he receives it.

“If a summons has been issued, it is outrageous that a rich and powerful person — a United States senator — can go to their magistrate to get a summons to harass a normal person,” Young said in a statement, acknowledging that he helped organize last month’s protest.

Even rich and powerful people are entitled to not be the targets of violent harassment.

Video posted online of the Jan. 4 incident showed protesters loudly demonstrating in front of the Hawley home for nearly 30 minutes, objecting to his claims that the 2020 presidential election was illegitimate and that Joe Biden shouldn’t be certified two days later as the next U.S. president.

At the time, Hawley and the couple’s two sons were in Missouri, while his wife, Erin, and their newborn daughter, were at the Vienna, Virginia, residence.

Within hours of the protest, Hawley posted on Twitter that “Antifa scumbags” had “screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door,” condemning it all as “leftwing violence.” But protesters and others disputed his claims, with police saying they had not found evidence of violence at the protest.

In a statement supporting her complaint, Erin Hawley largely recounted what can be seen in the 50-minute video posted online, following the group of protesters as they gathered at a nearby shopping center and then walked to her family’s neighborhood, where they “shout threateningly,” she said. (snip)

In the statement supporting her complaint, Hawley’s wife said, “I was fearful and closed and locked the door.”

Under the AOC Rule, Hawley’s complaint should be 100% be taken seriously. Especially since she was actually present, unlike AOC who wasn’t anywhere near the mostly peaceful Capital protest.

After about 12 minutes, an officer from the Vienna Police Department arrived on the scene and told the group that, under state law, it was “actually illegal” to picket in front of a home, according to the video. City ordinances also prohibit such use of bullhorns, a spokesman for the police department told ABC News.

The continued protesting for another 10 minutes, after they said a prayer and more officers arrived.

So, it was an illegal protest, they were terrorizing a woman (remember how Dems used to say that all women should be believed?), and you can bet Erin Hawley has some evidence. These Antifa scum need to be held responsible.

Read: Erin Hawley, Wife Of Senator Hawley, Files Criminal Complaint Against “Protest” Organizer »

Got Climate Insanity? There Are People Who Can Help You With That Or Something

What they will help you with is essentially reinforcing being driving bonkers by doomsday cult dogma

Got Climate Anxiety? These People Are Doing Something About It.

After Britt Wray married in 2017, she and her husband began discussing whether they were going to have children. The conversation quickly turned to climate change and to the planet those children might inherit.

“It was very, very heavy,” said Wray, now a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. “I wasn’t expecting it.” She said she became sad and stressed, crying when she read new climate reports or heard activists speak.

Jennifer Atkinson, an associate professor of environmental humanities at the University of Washington, Bothell, became depressed after students told her they could not sleep because they feared social collapse or mass extinction.

There are different terms for what the two women experienced, including eco-anxiety and climate grief, and Wray calls it eco-distress.

“It’s not just anxiety that shows up when we’re waking up to the climate crisis,” she said. “It’s dread; it’s grief; it’s fear.”

Dr. Lise Van Susteren, a psychiatrist based in Washington, D.C., and co-founder of the Climate Psychiatry Alliance, an organization building a directory of climate-aware therapists, said she had “absolutely” seen a surge in patients seeking help with climate anxiety in recent years.

But as the prevalence of climate anxiety has grown, so has the number of people working to alleviate it, both for themselves and those around them.

Wray, for example, who holds a doctorate in science communication, began reading everything she could about anxiety and climate change, eventually shifting her own research to focus on it entirely. She shares her findings and coping techniques in a weekly newsletter, Gen Dread, with more than 2,000 subscribers. In the spring of 2022, she plans to publish a book on the topic.

“My overall goal is to help people feel less alone,” Wray said. “We need to restore ourselves so we don’t burn out and know how to be in this crisis for the long haul that it is.”

I have a recommendation. You’ll probably guess it easily. These people should simply practice what they preach. Give up their use of fossil fuels and make their lives carbon neutral.

For many Americans, counseling for climate distress is relatively accessible. In some communities, however, especially in less wealthy countries, it may seem more like a rare privilege.

And now they drag in “privilege.”

Regarding the white and affluent, who most likely will not feel climate change’s worst effects, Kritee said it was crucial they confront their grief, too. In doing so, she said, they can begin to contemplate questions like, “If I am hurting so much, what is happening to people who are less privileged?”

I’m seriously having to pick and choose from a wide variety of nutbaggery in this long NY Times piece.

“What’s really important is we start normalizing this,” Wray said. “Not only to help people who are dealing with this very reasonable distress, but also because allowing those transformations to happen is hugely energizing for actionable climate movement.”

Start normalizing stupid people making themselves wonkers by joining a cult? No, thanks.

Read: Got Climate Insanity? There Are People Who Can Help You With That Or Something »

If All You See…

…are weapons of war needed because carbon pollution causes war, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on a Civil War do-over.

Read: If All You See… »

China Joe Admin Considers Sending Masks To All Americans

Because they know you’re having a really tough time getting a mask, right?

Biden administration weighs plan to directly send masks to all Americans

The Biden White House is considering sending masks directly to American households, according to three people familiar with the discussions, an action the Trump administration explored but scrapped.

The Covid-19 Response Team is evaluating the logistics of mailing out millions of face coverings, but no decision has been made, and the proposal hasn’t yet reached President Joe Biden for final approval, a White House official said.

The idea has been raised in several meetings among Biden’s top health experts in recent days, particularly as Biden continues to urge Americans to use masks as a primary defense against the spread of the coronavirus. (snip)

It’s unclear when the masks would go out to the public, how many would be included per residence and whether they would be disposable or made of cloth. It’s also not yet clear what the cost could be.

“There are a range of options on the table to help protect more Americans from the coronavirus and encourage people to mask up, but no decision has been made,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said.

It’s unclear what the purpose will be, unless they’re going to have the Biden/Harris or Democrats logos on them. Or be made in China, which would enrich Biden’s kids and Joe. Seriously, are you having trouble getting a cloth mask? They seem to be at every convenience store, grocery store, Walmart, Target, Dick’s sporting goods, etc. You can find just about anything you like at Amazon. I have a Dodgers mask, East Carolina Pirates, an American flag one, a pirate face one, some basic stuff, some gaiters (the ones by Mission are great for working out), one by Under Armor (good for outside when cold, otherwise, big time face sweat). I can order a NJ Devils one in a heartbeat if I want. So, why send them to citizens when everyone can get one in a heart beat? Is it just another little “paper cut” making people reliant on Government?

Did any reporter bother asking what the point was?

Read: China Joe Admin Considers Sending Masks To All Americans »

Pirate's Cove