COVID Crazy: You Should Wear A Mask While Walking Your Dog

Pretty much every single state and city that has a mask mandate requires you to wear it if you are going to be in proximity with other people. But, you can stay away from people outside, right, so you don’t need to be masked up all the time, right? Au Contraire

It’s great when you’re told to wear a mask by someone who isn’t wearing a mask while inside and in the company of at least several people who are filming this bit of COVID moonbattery.

BTW, a fireplace is Evil for climate change, isn’t it? Not sure if wood or natural gas, but, either are supposed to be Bad.

Biden says women dropping out of workforce, closed schools are “national emergency”

President Biden said the exodus of millions of women from the labor force and the closing of schools —along with the mental health issues for children that could arise — during the COVID-19 pandemic constitute a “national emergency.”

“CBS Evening News” anchor and managing editor Norah O’Donnell spoke to Mr. Biden in the first network news interview he has given since his inauguration.

“It is a national emergency. It genuinely is a national emergency,” Mr. Biden said. Nearly 3 million women have left the workforce over the past year.

The president said he and his staff realized the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic was “even more dire than we thought” once they entered the White House.

Got that? China Joe is blaming Trump, despite Trump wanting to reopen the economy and schools. Despite the areas with the closed schools and biggest business restrictions being in areas run by Democrats. Despite this happening in areas around the world. Funny that Joe won’t throw any blame towards his pals in China, eh? Nor towards his pals in the teacher’s unions, many of whom won’t come back to class.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Mr. Biden’s chief medical adviser and the top infectious disease doctor in the country, has said that to get herd immunity, 75% of Americans have to be vaccinated. At the current rate of 1.3 million vaccines a day, CBS News has calculated 75% of Americans won’t be vaccinated until the end of 2021.

“We can’t wait that long,” Mr. Biden said.

We wouldn’t even have vaccines without Trump’s leadership. Joe was out there, along with other Democrats, saying a vaccine would never happen this quick.

Read: COVID Crazy: You Should Wear A Mask While Walking Your Dog »

Study: Modern Warm Period Started Around 1825

Could this be something? It’s always been assumed that the Modern Warm Period around the 1850’s, which allows Warmists to claim that the Industrial Revolution caused the current warm period

Climate change: global warming may have started before industrial revolution, Chinese study says

Studies of coral reefs in the Paracel Islands suggest that the South China Sea started warming up in 1825, at the start of the industrial revolution, according to a study by Chinese scientists.

That was the year the world’s first railway began operating in England and most ocean-going ships still used wind power.

Man-made carbon dioxide emissions could not fully explain such an early rise in the warming trend, they said in a peer-reviewed paper published in Quaternary Sciences on Friday.

The Paracel coral record “will fill in some important gaps in global high resolution marine environment records and help us better understand the history of environmental change in tropical waters”, said the researchers, led by Tao Shichen from the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology.

Coral reefs provide useful climate records because the higher the temperature the faster they grow. The Paracels have one of the largest living reefs in the Asia-Pacific region, but in recent decades the archipelago has become the focal point of territorial disputes between China and Vietnam, and the construction of infrastructure has threatened the natural environment. (snip)

With the help of uranium dating technology, the researchers found the samples contained a continuous climate record going back to 1520. To ensure the accuracy of the results, parts of the samples were also sent to a laboratory in Queensland, Australia for independent analysis.

The results showed that the temperature 500 years ago was lower than it is today. The cooling trend lasted until 1825. From that date to the present, there was “a general trend of rapid increase” with the biggest spike reaching 2.3 degrees Celsius, Tao said.

This isn’t the first study to show that the MWP started decades earlier that originally thought, and, yes, this would certainly mean that the cause was mostly natural, because the increase in CO2 from anthropogenic activities would have been negligible. There were no fossil fueled vehicles, coal trains were slowly being used, same with ships, but, there weren’t a lot of them. There weren’t a lot of heavy manufacturing plants at the time. So, what would cause the warming?

Of course, none of this will matter to climate cultists, because they don’t actually care about science, they’ve been indoctrinated into a Belief. They’ll find a way to spin it to their benefit, poo poo the study, etc, all the things they do.

Read: Study: Modern Warm Period Started Around 1825 »

Palestinians Set To Reap Rewards Of Trump’s Israel-UAE Peace Deal

The Democrats and the Credentialed Media looked to downplay all the peace deals they brokered between Israel and Muslim nations, but, they keep reaping better and better things

Palestinians are signing up to UAE peace deal, claims Israel’s first ambassador in the Gulf

Palestinians stand to reap major benefits from Israel’s peace agreements with the Arab world, the Jewish state’s first official ambassador in the Gulf has claimed, as he began his historic posting in Abu Dhabi.

In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, Eitan Na’eh, the new Israeli ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, said the accords could lead to major investments in Arab-majority towns in Israel and in East Jerusalem, the home of many Palestinians.

“When you connect the dots from the Emirates to Israel there are a few more people along the way, and Palestinians are on the way, and will be there to benefit,” he said.

Signed in September on the lawns of the White House, the Abraham accords set up full diplomatic ties between Israel, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, as well as direct flights and a raft of trade deals.

Israeli officials say one of their major goals is to bring more wealth to the Arab population on their side and heal tensions between Jews and Muslims, though Palestinian leaders have strongly condemned the treaty as act of betrayal.

“It’s early now but when you…create jobs, and people are starting to work together, rather than against each other, the increase in trade and investments in areas such as infrastructure, energy, [it] will affect Palestinians too,” Mr Na’eh said.

The leaders of the Palestinian extremists are not happy about what could happen, but, the average Palestinian citizen who generally just wants to go about their life seem to be anticipating reaping some benefits.

“People are calling, telling me, ‘Ambassador I am from Nablus, can we be in touch, I’ve got some business propositions” he said.

“It’s getting across the message that this peace is not just between leaders [but] a peace between people. The spectrum of that is evident. We are discussing dozens of areas of cooperation in various fields at a pace not known before.”

The deal itself has increased trade between Israel and Dubai tremendously, so, now comes the question, will Joe Biden attempt to ruin it, since he’s trying to get rid of all things Trump? Will Joe give in to Iran, which will cause issues in the Middle East?

Iran Tells U.S. It Won’t Honor Nuclear Commitments Until Sanctions Lifted

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Sunday warned Tehran will not reverse its nuclear program until the U.S. drops all sanctions against the Islamic republic.

“Iran has fulfilled all its obligations under the 2015 nuclear deal, not the United States and the three European countries … If they want Iran to return to its commitments, the United States must lift all sanctions first,” Khamenei wrote on Twitter.

“After verifying whether all sanctions have been lifted, then we will return to full compliance,” he wrote.

Joe had sorta claimed he would lift the sanctions once Iran stopped enriching uranium (like they ever really stopped cheating the original deal), but, will he give in to Khamenei?

Read: Palestinians Set To Reap Rewards Of Trump’s Israel-UAE Peace Deal »

Who’s Up For Carbon Neutral Underwear?

It’s totally rewriting the American underwear story

I Tried the World’s First Carbon Neutral Seamless Underwear — and I Already Want More

I stumbled upon underwear brand Parade about a year ago after seeing the brand’s impossibly cool Instagram ads. Upon further investigation, I fell in love with the mission, which is to “rewrite the American underwear story” with styles that are comfortable, size-inclusive, and as socially and environmentally conscious as possible.

I adore every pair of Parade undies I own, but the brand’s new Universal seamless collection is what truly changed the game for me. I can comfortably say I’ve never felt so strongly about undergarments.

Universal is Parade’s first foray into the world of edgeless, line-free underwear, with a robust collection of thongs, full-coverage hip huggers, briefs, and boyshorts. They’re all made from the same innovative fabric, composed of 80 percent recycled nylon and 20 percent elastane. The underwear has a buttery texture unlike anything I’ve ever felt, and each pair is topped off with organic cotton lining for maximum breathability.

Wait, nylon? They do realize nylon is made with petroleum, right? Fossil fuels. There’s a good chance that the elastane is made from petroleum, as well.

Beyond the combination of comfort and style, Universal breaks ground in the sustainability department. Parade balances emissions from producing the collection with carbon offsets, which take the form of investments in May Ranch, a Colorado prairie home to over 300 bird species. And as always, the brand continues to donate one percent of profits to Planned Parenthood.

So, they are not really being carbon neutral in their operations, they’re just purchasing “offsets” to cover up their climate killing operations. How are they delivered? Fossil fueled vehicles and airplanes, right?

Oh, and pretty much most of the models look exactly like you’d think a climate cultist leftist would look like.

But, kudos to them for coming up with a product and company that caters to Warmists, taking advantage of their climaidiocy. I hope they’re making a bundle off the little Modern Socialists.

Read: Who’s Up For Carbon Neutral Underwear? »

If All You See…

…is wine which will be ruined by climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post noting that being a moron can get you killed.

Kinda basic this week, it’s time for some bikinis!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Ren Wicks Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! It’s still a great day in the once and future nation of America. Got some rain for the bushes, the Super Bowl is today, and I tested negative for COVID again. Though the parents didn’t. Caught it from their barber. While wearing masks. Fortunately, it seems low level. Pray it stays that way. This pinup is by Ren Wicks with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. neo-neocon covers Time mags piece on the conspiracy to “save” the 2020 election
  2. Noisy Room discusses the only exhibit Team Trump needs for Impeachmentpalooza
  3. Pacific Pundit wonders where are the National Guard are as Antifa hassles diners
  4. Powerline covers SCOTUS knocking down California’s ban on inside worship
  5. Raised on Hoecakes discusses NC’s Lt Gov being likened to the KKK….he’s Black, BTW
  6. The First Street Journal notes Biden’s act about caring for Americans is just an act
  7. The Other McCain discusses catch and release in San Francisco
  8. The Right Scoop covers Iowa’s governor ending mask mandates and opening the state
  9. The Rio Norte Line wonders what we do now
  10. Virtual Mirage covers changing institutions
  11. Weasel Zippers notes Biden saying it will take 10 years to bring jobs back
  12. Legal Insurrection highlights the CDC being nags about the Super Bowl
  13. Gay Patriot shows up on the feed reader again, with a post on it being fun being a conservative
  14. Chicks On the Right has a doozy of an addition to the wall of shame
  15. And last, but not least, Blazing Cat Fur notes British Columbia extending COVID restriction indefinitely

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

TDS: Trump Supporters Being Aggressively Nice Is Terrorism

This is what it’s come to: being nice, being neighborly, helping others who aren’t of the same political party is terrorism, is being a Nice Nazi

From the link

The Los Angeles Times published an op-ed on Friday addressing the struggle to “resist demands for unity” in the face of acts of “aggressive niceness” on the part of friendly Trump-supporting neighbors who are compared to terror organizations who “offer protection and hospitality” and “polite” Nazis.

The essay, penned by journalist Virginia Hefferman and titled, “What can you do about the Trumpites next door?” seeks to present the author’s dilemma in dealing with “Trumpite” neighbors who plowed her driveway without being asked “and did a great job.”

The Trump-supporting neighbors are described as moderate, not “being Q or believing Trump actually won.”

“How am I going to resist demands for unity in the face of this act of aggressive niceness?” she asks, articulating the “torment” she struggles with throughout the essay.

Wait, wasn’t the election supposed to be about #Unity? Isn’t that what electing Dementia Joe all about?

The author then compares the generosity of such neighbors to that of the designated terrorist organization Hezbollah which, prior to 9/11, was responsible for more American deaths than any other terror organization.

“Hezbollah, the Shiite Islamist political party in Lebanon, also gives things away for free,” she writes. “They offer protection and hospitality and win loyalty that way. And they also demand devotion to their brutal, us-versus-them anti-Sunni cause.”

Well, that’s weird, since Democrats tend to support Hezbollah, since the terrorist group is against Israel and attacks Israeli/Jewish citizens.

“When someone helps you when you’re down, or snowed in, it’s almost impossible to regard them as a blight on the world,” she writes.

Hefferman then recalls a family she stayed with in France as a teenager who declared their happiness during Nazi occupation because “the Nazis were very [polite]” before addressing her neighbors again.

“My neighbors supported a man who showed near-murderous contempt for the majority of Americans,” she writes. “They kept him in business with their support.”

Really, the question here is “how many Democrat voters think this way?” You know it’s quite a few, you know a ton of the moonbats were bobbing their heads in agreement as they read it. But, what percent would agree with this? Remember, 45% of the lunatics believed that Bush either made 9/11 happen or let it happen. How many of them were truly Trump Deranged? Not sure about you, but, quite a few that I’ve talk to were losing their minds over Trump the person, but couldn’t say anything about actual policy.

Ultimately, though, the author is unable to grant “absolution.”

“I also can’t give my neighbors absolution; it’s not mine to give,” she writes. “Free driveway work, as nice as it is, is just not the same currency as justice and truth.”

In her conclusion, the author vaguely expresses her ability to offer an invitation “to make amends.”

“But I can offer a standing invitation to make amends,” she writes. “Not with a snowplow but by recognizing the truth about the Trump administration and, more important, by working for justice for all those whom the administration harmed.”

Remember the days when they talked about tolerance? Of course, that was all mule fritters, but, it’s gotten worse. How are we possibly supposed to work with these lunatics? People who are, by their own definition, haters? If you are not 100% with them, they believe you are an enemy. Not a political opponent. An enemy.

Read: TDS: Trump Supporters Being Aggressively Nice Is Terrorism »

Surprise: Mass. Climate Official Setting Stage To Come After Average Citizens, “Break Their Will”

For over 15 years I’ve been noting that the global warming/climate change/climate crisis scam is primarily founded in what is erroneously called left wing politics. It’s decidedly right wing, delving into the Authoritarian model. Regardless, it’s about government power over citizens and private entities (video at the link)

MA Climate Official Says 60% of State Emissions Come from Average People: ‘We Have to Break Your Will’

David Ismay, the undersecretary for climate change under Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker’s (R) administration, explained during a Vermont Climate Council meeting last month the majority of the Bay State’s emissions come from average people and there is “no bad guy left … to point the finger at, to turn the screws on, and you know, to break their will.” Rather, he told his fellow climate advocates, “We have to break your will,” a remark he admitted would not bode well publicly.

“You know one thing we found through our analysis is that 60 percent of our emissions come from, as I have been starting to say, you and me — except you guys are in Vermont,” he told the climate advocates at the January 25 meeting.

“60 percent of our emissions come from residential heating and passenger vehicles,” he said, repeating the percentage and emphasizing the majority of emissions that need to be reduced come from average people.

“So let me say that again, 60 percent of our emissions that need to be reduced come from you, the person across the street, the senior on fixed income, right?” he said, acknowledging there is “no bad guy left, at least in Massachusetts, to point the finger at, to turn the screws on, and you know, break their will, so they stop emitting.”

“That’s you,” he declared. “We have to break your will. Right? I can’t even say that publicly,” he said as the clip ended. It remains unclear if he added further context to his remarks on the purported need to break the will of average Americans to reach his lofty climate goals.

Do base level climate cultists actually think that Government is going to go after the rich folks and companies, the people and entities that donate heavily to campaigns? They stupidly do. But, government isn’t going to come after the elites, it’s coming after the peons. The same government elites running around with big carbon footprints need to control the little people, the average people. Unfortunately, Warmists have been too brainwashed and indoctrinated to realize what they’re asking for will hit their own lives, and hit it hard.

Read: Surprise: Mass. Climate Official Setting Stage To Come After Average Citizens, “Break Their Will” »

If All You See…

…is a sea that is angry and rising from climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace calling to drone strike Trump supporters.

Read: If All You See… »

China Joe Takes Away Saudi Arabia’s Blank Check To Commit War Crimes That Joe Originally Gave Them

Many media outlets had stories on this, and almost all of them forget to include two basic pieces of information in their attempt to give props to Biden for stopping what “Trump did”. This one seems to be have stealth edited to include part of that information between yesterday and today

Biden takes away Saudi Arabia’s blank check to commit war crimes

The Biden administration announced Thursday that it would halt support of Saudi Arabia’s offensive military operations in Yemen, where the war has caused a gigantic humanitarian emergency on top of the coronavirus pandemic. Biden will also reportedly appoint experienced diplomat Timothy Lenderking as special envoy to Yemen.

It remains to be seen exactly how this will play out, but as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) noted in a statement, it looks like the start of a diplomatic push to get Saudi Arabia to end the brutal war in which it has been bogged down since 2015, obtain a general ceasefire, and coordinate an international aid effort. The Saudi military basically cannot do anything without U.S. support, and any strong signals from America that it should knock it off probably will be heeded. That’s especially true now that Trump is gone, and Saudi dictator Mohammad bin Salman thus faces possible recrimination for ordering the cold-blooded murder of a U.S. resident and Washington Post columnist, Jamal Khashoggi, back in 2018.

It is worth noting that while Biden is reversing a Trump decision, the Yemen policy actually originated under the Obama administration. It is a marked difference from the early months of 2009, when Obama kept on George W. Bush’s secretary of defense and planned for a massive troop surge in Afghanistan. Perhaps two decades of expensive, bloody, and totally unsuccessful wars are enough?

How is Yemen a Trump decision, other than simply keeping Obama’s policy active? That last paragraph on this having originated under the Obama admin was not there when I read it Thursday. It seems rather important to the narrative, does it not? Who was VP during that time?

Read More »

Read: China Joe Takes Away Saudi Arabia’s Blank Check To Commit War Crimes That Joe Originally Gave Them »

Pirate's Cove