USA Today: You Darned Christians Are Too Threatening To Keep Around

Now, just imagine the USA Today allowing an opinion piece like this about Muslims. Can’t do it, can you?

Christian nationalism is a threat, and not just from Capitol attackers invoking Jesus
Christian nationalists inside our government are working quietly to take America for Jesus. They are the more resilient danger to religious pluralism.

After a portion of the mob entered the Senate chamber on Jan. 6, a handful of men mounted the podium. One of them lifted his hands and cried out, “Jesus Christ, we invoke your name. Amen.” Then Jacob Chansley, sometimes called the “QAnon Shaman,” took his bullhorn and announced gratitude to God for being able to “send a message to all the tyrants, the communists, and the globalists that this is our nation, not theirs.”Bare-chested to expose his white supremacist tattoos, he had paused briefly to remove his Viking-inspired horned headdress and cap — presumably to assume a properly humble posture as he claimed the United States for himself and his fellow-believers.

The violence was roundly condemned, if a bit mealy-mouthed in certain quarters. People spoke of the criminal threat against members of Congress, staffers and police. They lamented the violation of sacred civic space and democratic norms (the few we have left). Many were especially dismayed to find police, veterans and elected officials among the rioters — individuals who had taken oaths to serve and protect the nation.

It is easy to protest when white Christian nationalism turns violent. Within the chorus of critics, however, are a substantial number of Christians who plan to take the country for Jesus another way. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, a leader of the misinformation campaign that led people to believe (falsely) that the presidential election was stolen, is among them.

That keeps going on and on and on, heaping scorn and abuse on Christians, attempting to elevate their Constitutionally allowed beliefs to the level of threats that need to be shut down, no matter if you are simply a person who just goes to church every Sunday. Why? Because belief in religion, more specifically Christianity, interferes with the Progressives ability to have everyone worship the State. They’ve been going after Christianity since the 70’s, and, since they couldn’t destroy it then, then infiltrated it to get it to change from the inside. This is how we get gay marriage in churches, teaching people to give up their freedom to Government, and a Pope who spends more time on Social Justice than opposing abortion on demand.

But, it’s not moving fast enough, so, it’s back to attempting to destroy organized religion (no, not Islam, they are Useful Idiots for Progressives at this time), so, the Mostly Peaceful Capitol Protest is a good excuse, along with Republicans who are devout. 1st Amendment? When do the Progressives really care about the Constitution if it interferes?

The idea to start is to make them Enemies Of The State

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Read: USA Today: You Darned Christians Are Too Threatening To Keep Around »

Surprise: Fighting Climate Crisis (scam) Means Big Changes To America

Climate cultist Seth Borenstein, who’s been a leading pusher of the climate crisis scam in the Credentialed Media for a long time, tries to put a positive spin on having to change everything about America

Fighting climate change in America means changes to America

Climate isn’t the only thing changing.

What comes next in the nation’s struggle to combat global warming will probably transform how Americans drive, where they get their power and other bits of day-to-day life, both quietly and obviously, experts say. So far the greening of America has been subtle, driven by market forces, technology and voluntary actions.

The Biden administration is about to change that. (snip)

“You will no longer be going to a gas station, but you will need to charge your vehicle whether at home or on the road,” said Kate Larsen, director of international climate policy research at the Rhodium Group. “It may be a whole new way of thinking about transportation for the average person.”

But it will still be your car, which is why most of the big climate action over the next 10 years won’t be too noticeable, said Princeton University ecologist Stephen Pacala.

“The single biggest difference is that because wind and solar is distributed you will see a lot more of it on the landscape,” said Pacala, who leads a decarbonizing America study by the National Academy of Sciences that comes out next week.

So, they’re pretty much going to force you out of your fossil fueled vehicle, but, it won’t matter where the charging stations are, because even 10 years from now most EVs will be too expensive to purchase except tiny ones. What are families going to do? And, because of the short ranges and long time to charge, long trips will be out for most people. And, rather than a beautiful landscape you’ll see it spoiled by wind turbines and solar panels.

Other recent detailed scientific studies show that because of dropping wind, solar and battery prices, Biden’s net-zero carbon goal can be accomplished far cheaper than feared in the past and with health benefits “many, many times” outweighing the costs, said Pacala, who was part of one study at Princeton. Those studies agree on what needs to be done for decarbonization, and what Biden has come out with ”is doing the things that everyone now is concluding that we should do,” Pacala said.

These are the type of shifts that don’t cost much — about $1 day per person — and won’t require people to abandon their current cars and furnaces, but replace them with cleaner electric vehicles and heat pumps when it comes time for a new one, said Margaret Torn, a senior science at the Department’s of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, who co-authored a peer-reviewed study Wednesday.

The article doesn’t really say what those other shifts really are, but, hey, it’s just about a $1 a day! And then all the increased costs that get shifted from businesses to consumers. And, let’s be honest, if these climate cult grifters are saying a $1 a day, it’s probably more like $10-100 a day. If it was so cheap they’d change their own lives, right?

Biden’s executive orders featured plans for an all-electric federal fleet of vehicles, conserving 30% of the country’s land and waters, doubling the nation’s offshore wind energy and funding to help communities become more resilient to climate disasters. Republicans and fossil fuel interests objected, calling the actions job-killers.

Um, they were and are job killers.

All this work on power and vehicles, that’s easy compared with decarbonizing agriculture with high methane emissions from livestock and high-heat industrial processes such as steel-making, Breakthrough’s Hausfather said.

“There’s no silver bullet for agriculture,” Hausfather said. “There’s no solar panels for cows so to speak, apart from meat alternatives, but even there you have challenges around consumer acceptance.”

So, next up to destroy is agriculture. How happy will people be when their food costs skyrocket and products are limited? Will people be happy when the federal government is dictating every aspect of their lives?

Read: Surprise: Fighting Climate Crisis (scam) Means Big Changes To America »

China Joe Agrees To Meet With Republicans Who Have COVID Relief Legislation

Republicans had been 100% ignored by China Joe and the Democrats in Congress in crafting a COVID relief package, so, they came up with their own. China Joe has agreed to talk with them. How long till he dismisses the plan out of hand? First, the plan

10 Republican senators agree to meet with Biden to talk COVID-19 relief

Sore Winner DemocratsA group of 10 Republican senators announced late Sunday that they accepted an invitation from President Biden to visit the White House to discuss the next steps in the COVID-19 relief proposal.

Reports have indicated that these Republicans—many who are considered moderates within the party— initiated the contact with the hope of talking Biden down from the $1.9 trillion relief package he has in mind. These Republicans have expressed concern over another massive package weeks after former President Trump approved a $900 billion measure, NPR reported.

Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., who is among ten Republican senators who proposed an alternative $600 billion coronavirus relief package, told Fox News on Sunday, “If you say you want bipartisanship … and then you have a budget reconciliation which is chock-full of payouts to Democratic constituency groups … you don’t want bipartisanship, you want the patina of bipartisanship.”

Let’s take a quick look what else Cassidy said (it’s that last link)

“The President’s team did not reach out to anybody in our group, either Democrat or Republican when they fashioned their proposal,” Cassidy said. “So if you want unity, if you want bipartisanship, you ought to start with a group that’s shown it’s willing to work together for a common solution. They did not.”

So, here’s China Joe

The White House issued a statement obtained by Fox News that said Biden spoke with Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and invited her and the other signers “to come to the White House early this week for a full exchange of views.”

Expect the plan from the 10 Republicans … Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska; Cassidy; Mitt Romney, R-Utah; Rob Portman, R-Ohio; Shelley Moore Capito, R-Wyo.; Todd Young, R-Ind.; Jerry Moran, R-Kan.; Mike Rounds, R-S.D.; and Thom Tillis, R-N.C….. to be dismissed out of hand by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, who’ll take the heat rather than putting it on Biden.

It is a much smaller plan, and also much more targeted

(The Hill) Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) said on Sunday that the framework for a COVID-19 economic relief package unveiled by 10 Republican senators would cost $600 billion, less than half the price of the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion proposal.

Cassidy said on “Fox News Sunday” that the pared-down GOP proposal unveiled earlier Sunday includes $1,000 direct payments to individuals that would be targeted to certain income levels. He did not specify if the GOP’s threshold would be those who made under $75,000 in the 2019 tax year. President Biden’s proposal includes a third round of direct payments of $1,400.

Funding for schools is also slashed in the GOP package, which Cassidy said offers $20 billion instead of Biden’s $170 billion. Cassidy noted previous COVID-19 relief proposals that funded schools and the notion that assisting public schools would help teachers unions that are skeptical of whether returning to in-person teaching is safe.

Cassidy said one area of agreement is vaccinations, with the 10 GOP senators agreeing to match the White House’s $160 billion figure to distribute and administer shots.

Unlike the Democrats proposal, it is not a a porkalapalooza, and it also avoids the massive payouts to irresponsible Democrat run cities and states

(Axios) Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) shot back at the plan via an interview with the New York Daily News, saying: “They should negotiate with us, not make a take-it-or-leave-it offer.”

Negotiate on what? Democrats crafted their plan without Republicans, and were talking about using budget reconciliation from the get go. Are Dems willing to remove the payouts to Dem groups, states, and cities?

Read: China Joe Agrees To Meet With Republicans Who Have COVID Relief Legislation »

New Zealand To Get Rid Of Fossil Fueled Vehicles, Reduce Number Of Cows

I’m just wondering if the fossil fueled vehicle elimination applies to the Elites and politicians. And, what about their use of fossil fueled airplanes. And, what of tourists coming in on fossil fueled planes? And all the goods brought to the island nation on fossil fueled planes and boats?

Climate Change: New Zealand to Phase Out Petrol Cars and Slash Cow Herds

New Zealand unveiled a blueprint Sunday to phase out petrol-powered cars while its dairy industry, a key pillar of the economy, must slash cow numbers under the ambitious plan to be carbon neutral by 2050.

The changes are among a raft of recommendations presented to the government by the Climate Change Commission on steps New Zealand must take to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address climate change.

Commission chairman Rod Carr acknowledged the advice was ambitious but said it was realistic and made a clear case for “immediate and decisive” action.

“As a country, we need transformational and lasting change to meet our targets,” he said.

“There are a few actions that are critical to meeting our targets: electric vehicles, accelerated renewable energy generation, climate-friendly farming practices and more permanent forests, predominantly natives.”

The commission wants to end imports of petrol-powered cars by 2032 and projects that more than half of all light vehicle travel would be in electric vehicles by 2035.

And the other half would be on what, exactly? Since most people won’t be able to afford EVs. And what of construction vehicles and other big vehicles for things like moving goods around the country? Oh, and what kinds of ships will be bringing those EVs to New Zealand? What are they powered by?

“Action on climate change is critical to our ongoing economic success. New Zealand exporters rely on our clean, green brand and there will be new opportunities for Kiwi businesses as we adapt to a zero-carbon economy.”

How are they going to export their products? Sailing ships? Do these climate cultists even consider this stuff, or is it all just emotion and bullshit?

Read: New Zealand To Get Rid Of Fossil Fueled Vehicles, Reduce Number Of Cows »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Biden’s first step on court packing.

It’s women in uniform week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Earl Moran Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! A rainy/snowy day in the Once And Future Nation of America. But, we need the rain, and the snow looks great. This pinup is by Earl Moran, with a wee bit of help.

What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The First Street Journal discusses the Truth being blocked on Twitter (which includes why Twitter gave me a 7 day timeout)
  2. Raised On Hoecakes covers erasing history
  3. Shot In The Dark features a barrel with no bottom
  4. The American Conservative discusses the death of free speech under China Joe
  5. The Gateway Pundit highlights Cancel Culture going after a beauty influencer for Wrongthink
  6. The Last Refuge is doing Days Of Resistance – now day #12
  7. The Lid discusses the NY Times complaining about China Joe’s EOs
  8. The People’s Cube notes an uppity prole arrested for mematic interference
  9. The Right Scoop covers #NeverTrumper grifters attacking Ted Cruz
  10. This ain’t Hell… wonders about pointing fingers
  11. Vox Popoli cover pre-emptively burning books
  12. Weasel Zippers wonders why the fortifications are getting bigger in D.C.
  13. Independent Sentinel discusses violent BLM nominated for a Nobel
  14. Powerline covers more statue toppling, including that of Gandhi
  15. And last, but not least, Patterico’s Pontifications has more news of California’s high speed rail boondoggle

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Las Vegas Journal Review Takes On Biden’s War On Private Sector Workers

Hey, perhaps the people of Nevada should have voted Donald Trump for president, rather than Dementia Joe. In fairness, the editorial board of the Las Vegas Journal Review came out for Donald Trump for president in early October, Back then they wrote

The most pressing matter facing Nevada and the nation in coming months, and even years, will be the resurrection of the economy post-pandemic. Mr. Trump’s record on job creation and economic growth speaks for itself. Mr. Biden disingenuously blames the current administration for the economic downturn, implying that Mr. Trump had the power to stop a worldwide pandemic. That’s desperate nonsense. Prior to the lockdowns, U.S. growth was more consistently robust than it had been in years and wages were continuing their upward trend for workers.

They couldn’t really write anything about China Joe’s resume on job creation because he never ran a business, only worked in the private sector for a few years before going into politics in 1972, and has really done nothing while a Senator or as Vice President. And now?

EDITORIAL: The Democratic attack on private-sector employment

The war on private-sector employment is in full gear as President Joe Biden begins his second week in the White House.

Last week, Mr. Biden issued a flurry of executive orders, including one that revokes the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. By doing so, the new president elevated feel-good green utopianism above the interests of Canada, one of our closest allies and thousands of high-paying jobs in this nation.

“Environmental ideologues have now prevailed,” read a statement from North America’s Building Trades Unions, “and over a thousand union men and women have been terminated from employment on the project.”

The administration haughtily dismissed such concerns, claiming most of the jobs were only temporary — aren’t they all? — and that union workers will have ample opportunity to latch on to one of the abundant make-work green energy jobs that Mr. Biden’s central planners will create through government fiat as they remake the American economy from inside the Beltway. Meanwhile, enjoy the unemployment checks.

How is it again that Donald Trump managed to attract rabid support in blue-collar America? It remains a puzzler.

Las Vegas was devastated by the Wuhan Flu, and needed the economic leadership of Trump. How will it recover under Biden? Time will tell, and it will probably be a long time till it starts recovering. But, can it ever get back to where it was? How many jobs will a $15 minimum wage kill off? And, it certainly cannot operate without fossil fuels

Not to be outdone, congressional Democrats on Tuesday announced that they have an even more ambitious plan to outlaw thousands of private-sector jobs. At a time when small businesses across the country are hanging by a tree limb over the abyss thanks to the pandemic, the likes of Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seek to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour.

To show they have a sense of humor about the whole thing, House Democrats plan on including the mandate in a coronavirus relief package. You can’t make this up.

If it is included, the only way it passes the Senate is by getting rid of the filibuster, and Democrats would own the economic destruction

Sen. Sanders thunders that the current $7.25 hour is a “starvation wage.” Never mind that about 98 percent of minimum wage earners aren’t the sole family breadwinner. Of course, a lucky few will make more money under a higher wage floor. But many others will see their hours cut, and still others will be sent to the sidelines.

Just like has happened in the Democratic Party run cities and states that are slowly raising their minimum wage to $15. Jobs are being cut, hours are being limited (kiss any OT goodbye), and businesses are moving elsewhere, including Mexico.

This is bad enough during prosperous times. But to embark down this road as small businesses attempt to rebound from the devastation wrought by COVID is to signal a callous indifference to their fate. Does today’s Democrat understand where the money that funds the public sector comes from?

Nope. They don’t. Most of them in Congress have zero idea how business works. How many have worked in the private sector recently or ran a business? Not Comrade Bernie. Not Bartender AOC. And all these climate crisis (scam) executive orders will kill more and more jobs. Except Joe and the Dems to work to kill more private sector jobs. The question now becomes “did the GOP learn anything about fighting back during the Trump years?” They don’t need the amp turned up to 11, just an 8 or 9, in pointing out what the Dems are doing. In resisting. In refusing to vote for any of this. In explaining the poison pills in legislation that would otherwise have been bipartisan. Will the have a spine? Time will tell.

Read: Las Vegas Journal Review Takes On Biden’s War On Private Sector Workers »

New York Times Is Here To Remind You That Winter Weather Is Caused By You Driving A Fossil Fueled Vehicle

Yeah, we all heard about you taking that fossil fueled trip to get a cheeseburger with a big syrupy soda full of carbon pollution (the photo in the excerpt is the one the NY Times uses to convince you you’re a horrible person causing winter weather)

Forecast: Wild Weather in a Warming World

The polar vortex is experiencing an unusually long disturbance this year because of a “sudden stratospheric warming.” Bundle up.

Rough winter weather is working its way across the United States, with bitterly cold air hitting the Northeast and snowstorms expected along the East Coast next week.

Forecasts predict Chicago can expect several inches of snow. Six to eight inches of snow could fall along the I-95 corridor from Washington through New York and up to Boston on Monday and Tuesday. (snip)

Research into the interplay of the complex factors that bring on blasts from the polar vortex is ongoing, but climate change appears to be part of the mix. While warming means milder winters overall, “the motto for snowstorms in the era of climate change could be ‘go big or go home!’ said Judah Cohen, director of seasonal forecasting at Atmospheric and Environmental Research, a company that provides information to clients about weather and climate-related risk. (snip)

To Dr. Francis, a senior scientist at the Woodwell Climate Research Center, the influence of climate change on these phenomena is inevitable, if still somewhat mysterious. “We’re changing the planet in such dramatic and incontrovertible ways,” she said. “The atmosphere is different now. The Earth’s surface is different now. The oceans are different now. So there must be some connections that are yet to be discovered as we do more research on the stratospheric polar vortex.”

See? Your fault. Winter weather used to be wholly natural, now it’s the fault of Mankind. According to a doomsday cult that blames every type of weather now on humanity.


Local climate coalition aims to make Charleston the climate action leader of Southeast

Charleston relies on the tourism industry, golfing, and fishing, which all require fossil fuels. Will they tell people to not come? But, hey, there’s someone we totally need to hear from

Poet Amanda Gorman, star of Biden inauguration, on climate change

Poet Amanda Gorman got well-deserved rave reviews for her dramatic reading of her six-minute “The Hill We Climb” poem January 20 before a global TV and online inauguration day audience.

It’s fair to say that for many, she in effect “stole the show” during the Biden/Harris inauguration day ceremonies. And she continued to do so through countless major- and social-media follow-ups since then.

But what if Gorman, 22, the nation’s youth poet laureate, could bring her poetic, presentation skills, and grace to the issue of climate change?

Read: New York Times Is Here To Remind You That Winter Weather Is Caused By You Driving A Fossil Fueled Vehicle »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle turning the Earth into a desert, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on turning D.C. into the Forbidden City.

Read: If All You See… »

China Joe, Democrats Move On From Plans To Woo Republicans

How can one have a plan to move on from a plan when one never implemented the first plan in the first place?

Biden, Democrats prepare to move beyond efforts to woo Republicans

A week and a half into the Biden presidency, Democrats are adopting a more muscular approach to dealing with Republicans, essentially declaring they will work with them if they can but are prepared move past them if they must.

Top Senate Democrats are now working on dual tracks, planning to hold a speedy impeachment trial to avoid derailing President Biden’s legislative agenda while also laying the groundwork for Biden’s covid relief package to pass shortly afterward.

The moves come after Biden launched his administration without Republicans in his Cabinet and started by issuing dozens of executive actions, a clip far more rapid than any of his recent predecessors.

Taken together, the moves are energizing Democrats eager for the party to flex its political muscle. But the tougher approach could also jeopardize one of Biden’s chief goals: achieving more bipartisanship in a capital that has been gripped by polarization.

Many Democrats are concluding that Republicans are unlikely to work with them and that waiting for them to do so would be a mistake. Biden seems to be heeding that argument to some degree.

The two parties will still have numerous opportunities to work together, of course, on issues like infrastructure and foreign policy. But Biden, despite his longtime emphasis on bipartisanship as a principal campaign theme, is signaling that once he has asserted his willingness to work with the GOP, he will not delay his initiatives in hopes that will happen.

Could someone point out what Biden has done so far that in any way resembles unity and bipartisanship? His agenda is far, far left, and his executive orders are anything by ones that are bipartisan or show unity. We’ve had multiple climate cult ones, one that allows federal funds for abortion on demand, ones that protect illegal aliens and stop deportations, climate ones that kill jobs, ones that are about racial divisions, one letting the gender confused in the locker rooms, bathrooms, and showers of girls, while also ruining women’s sports for biological women, paying federal workers $15 an hour minimum, and so much more. There’s very little in the list that could get agreement from Republicans, and the stuff that is not bipartisan certainly overshadows that that is.

And we know so much more is coming, like kowtowing to Iran and China, destabilizing the Middle East, raising taxes, and more. You can bet the next COVID package will be full of lots of unrelated Democrat policies, which means the GOP will not vote for it and will block it in the Senate. And Joe, rather than pushing a “clean” (meaning related simply to COVID), will blast Republicans. Because Unity.

Read: China Joe, Democrats Move On From Plans To Woo Republicans »

Pirate's Cove