Follow The Science? CDC Says It’s Safe To Reopen Schools Without Vaccine

Not that a lot of teacher’s unions around the country will care, because they aren’t there for the kids

CDC director says schools can safely reopen without vaccinating teachers

Teachers do not need to get vaccinated against Covid-19 before schools can safely reopen, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday.

“There is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen and that safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told reporters during a White House news briefing on Covid-19.

“Vaccinations of teachers is not a prerequisite for safely reopening schools,” she added.

China Joe’s admin, which received the backing of teacher’s unions, was not happy with this

During a press briefing later Wednesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki walked back Walensky’s comments, saying that they were not “official guidance” from the CDC.

If Walensky were here, she would say “that they have not released their official guidance from the CDC yet on the vaccination of teachers and what would be needed to ensure the safe reopening of schools,” Psaki said.

The Elites want the pain of COVID to last as long as possible, making as many people as possible reliant on government along with accepting the dictates, making it easier to implement more controls on people’s lives. And the teachers? They’re happy not having to do as much work, not having to get up early to go in to class, while making their full salary, and demanding even more.

Some parents have been forced to stay at home to watch their children instead of going to work. Meanwhile, teachers and other faculty have expressed concerns about returning to school, potentially putting their health at risk.

Kids are the lowest group to get COVID, even as simple carriers. If teachers are so concerned, they they shouldn’t go to grocery stores, where people have been working this whole time. Or any other place that has been open the whole time.

A study from the CDC published late last month found little evidence of the virus spreading at schools in the U.S. and abroad when precautions were taken, such as wearing masks, social distancing and ventilating rooms.

If the teachers do not want to work, they replace them with people who want to do the job.

Read: Follow The Science? CDC Says It’s Safe To Reopen Schools Without Vaccine »

Climate Cultists Getting Arrested Is “White Middle Class Activity”

And that’s one of the reasons that “people of color” do not want to get involved with the nutty and unhinged protests put on by Extinction Rebellion

Climate activists say ‘shock’ protests need to evolve to get people of colour involved

It’s the year of the landmark COP26 climate conference and a big year for environmental activism.

But although lockdown has brought a halt to street protests in the UK – questions are being asked about how to make climate action more racially inclusive.

It’s weird how they’re always looking to that question, yet, not that many “people of colour” are interested in being involved in this doomsday cult.

Sky News has spoken to one teenage campaigner who says she believes it’s harder for people of colour to take part in and get climate justice.

And a leading figure on climate change within the Church of England says it’s time to re-think what she calls “shocking” protests.

For several years now we’ve seen demonstrations by the campaign group Extinction Rebellion grab headlines and focus much-needed attention on the climate emergency. But often their success is due to the disruptive nature of the protests which then leads to arrests.

For protestors getting detained risks a criminal record and a fine prompting criticism this kind of action is a “white middle-class activity”.

So, the Cult of Climastrology is racist? Huh.

How to engage people of colour with climate activism is an issue pondered by the Venerable Dr Rosemarie Mallett, the Archdeacon of Croydon.

Perhaps she should spend more time considering the teachings of the Bible rather than joining a cult. Just a thought

Rosemarie has established herself as a leading figure on climate change within the Church of England trying to give a voice to those who feel less empowered to bring about change.

She says: “Many black people understand that if they are arrested it’s going to have a tremendous impact on their lives and perhaps their employment, and so many other ways in which they and their family live. I think a lot of people just will not take part. They see it as a white middle-class activity.”

Perhaps they just see the whole thing as bat guano insane, and want no part of this.

She says: “I think there’s a need for an evolution away from the kind of sharp, shocking protest. I think we’ve done it. And I think with any group it needs to evolve and think about its tactics in how it wants to change the debate.”

Good luck with that. It won’t stop, just like when many leading Warmists were asking others to tone down their doom and gloom prognostications.

Anjali says she’s taken part in climate strikes and marches but believes all environmental activism in the UK is a very white activity.

She says: “I would say that it is more difficult to be a climate activist if you are a person of colour. And I think a lot of this is about the way that environmental issues are framed by the movement. And that they’re often framed through a very white middle-class perspective.

Read: Climate Cultists Getting Arrested Is “White Middle Class Activity” »

Surprise: China Joe’s Moving On Without GOP On COVID Bill

When Joe Biden met with some GOP Senators the other day, I wondered just how long it would be till he blew them off and moved on. The answer is “a couple days”

Days after talks with GOP senators, Biden signals he’ll move ahead without them on COVID-19 relief bill

Days after an Oval Office meeting with Republican senators to discuss coronavirus relief, President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats are barreling ahead with their own aid package and signaling they are ready to act without backing from Republicans demanding a much smaller plan.

Biden told House Democrats during a private call Wednesday that paring his $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan down to the $618 billion proposed by 10 Senate Republicans was “not even in the cards.”

Later, the president met with Senate Democrats in the Oval Office, where he expressed hope that some Republicans would come on board. “I think we’ll get some Republicans,” he said.

Biden campaigned on a pledge to bring bipartisanship back to Washington, but the White House has made it clear he won’t budge from his position that his COVID-19 relief legislation remain largely intact. During their meeting, Biden and Senate Democrats agreed on “the need to go big,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said.

He didn’t even give negotiation a chance, eh? He didn’t even try. He didn’t make a counteroffer. He didn’t attempt to do anything at all to be bipartisan. Who’s surprised? Any Republican who votes for Biden’s bill, which will have to be done through the reconciliation process (and might be unconstitutional, since it includes some things like a $15 minimum wage), can bet they will be primaried. People won’t forget.

Democrats said they are willing to look for areas of compromise with Republicans but stressed they are willing to go it alone if necessary.

“We want to do it bipartisan, but we must be strong,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. “We cannot dawdle. We cannot delay. We cannot dilute. Because the troubles that this nation has and the opportunities that we can bring them are so large.”

By bipartisan he means “the GOP can support our package which is great for liberal beliefs or not, we aren’t giving them a damned thing.”  As for dawdling, they did that for 8 months because they wanted to hurt President Trump.

McConnell threatened a host of amendments from Senate Republicans to force Democrats to take potentially controversial votes on denying funding to school districts that refused to reopen or on tax increases for small businesses.

Yeah, he does plan on blowing it up, and the debate and votes on those amendments cannot be blown off, they must be taken during a reconciliation.

In his private call with House Democrats, Biden told lawmakers he would not break “a promise to the American people” to provide $1,400 aid checks, according to a source who was on the call but not authorized to speak on the record.

His promise again and again was $2,000 checks. He never once said “a total of $2,00o which includes the $600 checks.” Anyhow, Mr. Unity and Coming Together started out with blowing off unity with his executive orders and now with COVID relief, so, if anyone thought of giving him a chance, it’s over at this point.

Read: Surprise: China Joe’s Moving On Without GOP On COVID Bill »

Climahypocrite John Kerry Getting Called Out All Over The Place

You remember John Kerry, right? He served in Vietnam, and was also a Senator (damn, that’s an old joke from 2004, eh?) Well, he’s a grand high poobah in China Joe’s climate cult sect, as you know

‘For God’s Sake, Man!’: Rick Perry Calls John Kerry To Get Off The Private Jet If He Cares About Climate

Former Energy Secretary Rick Perry let loose on former Secretary of State John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s special envoy for climate.

Perry spoke with Fox News host Neil Cavuto during a Tuesday segment of “Your World,” and he argued that Kerry was “a pretty poor spokesperson” for climate change. (video at the link)

Cavuto began by referring to Kerry’s suggestion that Keystone XL Pipeline workers — who were displaced by Biden’s executive order — could go to work making solar panels.

“How do they transition to making, building, putting on homes and businesses solar panels? How do they do that without — without some preparation, without going back essentially to the beginning, to zero?” Cavuto asked.

“First off, John Kerry is a pretty poor spokesperson for the climate business when he hops on his private jet and the leaves a trail of emissions that is about 40 times more than what it would be if he flew first class on a, you know, United Airlines going somewhere, American airlines, one of our great airlines. Matter of fact, they probably need the work right now,” Perry replied. “So it just doesn’t square good with me.”

“Listen, if you’re going to parrot this line that we’ve gotta do things to help the climate out, for God’s sake, man, get off your private jet and go travel with the rest of the folks out there if you’re going to move around,” Perry said.

Yeah, but, see, they need to use fossil fueled private jets to help solve the climate crisis (scam). They can’t just travel around with the plebes. There are appearances to keep! Just sit down, shut up, and let your betters do what they do.

See, it’s OK for him (you’ll be paying for those offsets out of your tax dollars, peons), because he’s from the climate cult Government and he’s here to help.

Read: Climahypocrite John Kerry Getting Called Out All Over The Place »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by extreme rain from fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Change Dispatch, with a post on China Joe wanting to kill 80% of America’s energy.

Read: If All You See… »

China Joe’s COVID “Relief” Plan Could Shrink GDP Long Term

Relief is in quotes because Joe’s plan is less about helping middle America and more about hooking up Democrat states and cities, along with teacher’s unions, while killing off jobs in his attempt to placate the idiotic Fight For $15 folks (who’ll be the first ones on the pink slip line)

Biden’s COVID relief plan could shrink economic growth over long-term, study shows

Democratic lawmakers are poised to plow ahead with passing President Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, a measure that will provide an immediate burst to the U.S. economy but that could drag on growth in years to come.

That’s according to a new analysis published Wednesday by a nonpartisan group at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, which found that Biden’s proposal could increase the nation’s GDP by 0.6% in 2021. But the additional public debt resulting from his measure would decrease GDP, the broadest measure of goods and services produced in a nation, by 0.2% in 2022 and 0.3% in 2040.

“The Biden relief plan leads to an increase in output in 2021 as the plan’s expenditures stimulate the economy, but GDP declines in subsequent years as the additional public debt crowds-out investment in productive capital,” the report said. “The increase in output 2021 is due to the immediate stimulative effect of the economic recovery plan.”

Unlike the $2.2 trillion CARES Act, which Congress passed last March at the beginning of the pandemic, the U.S. economy is much closer to its pre-crisis output. As a result, Biden’s $1.9 trillion plan “would generate less additional output in 2021 than it did in spring or summer of 2020 when the U.S. economy was further from potential,” the analysts said.

A goodly chunk of the money wouldn’t be actually going into the economy or relief for citizens, but, to wasteful cities and states run by Democrats. And telling people they don’t have to pay their rent, still, means less money in the economy.

For instance, Biden has made a third stimulus check — worth $1,400 — an integral part of the emergency aid package. But the Penn Wharton Budget Model estimated that 73% of check recipients would stash the money away in household savings rather than spend it. Just 27% would go to increased consumption, the analysts projected.

Would they, though? I’m not so sure they wouldn’t spend it on TVs and stuff. But, that’s short term.

“The economy is on its way to recovering,” Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, said. “More funding is warranted to assist those out of work because of the pandemic, prevent state and local government layoffs, boost economic demand, prevent a decline in household incomes, and end this pandemic once and for all. But it shouldn’t take $1.9 trillion to fill a $400 billion or $800 billion hole.”

No, it shouldn’t.

The proposal is also expected to increase the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, provide $400 a week in supplemental unemployment benefits through September, increase state and local government funding by $350 billion and allocate $160 billion to accelerate vaccine distribution and expand COVID-19 testing.

Giving money to irresponsible Democrat run cities and states. Instead of the $400, let’s open the freaking economy. Why expand COVID testing? It’s already pretty much available all over the place. Vaccine distribution is worthless when so many governors, especially Dem ones, are failing. $15 an hour? That will just increase unemployment.

Read More »

Read: China Joe’s COVID “Relief” Plan Could Shrink GDP Long Term »

French Court Rules France Not Respecting Its Climate Crisis (scam) Goals

The French government should immediately turn around and turn off the power to the French court, restrict foods on the property to meatless ones, restrict the court’s usage of fossil fuels, right?

Court rules France failed to respect its climate change goal

A court on Wednesday ruled that the French state failed to take sufficient action to fight climate change in a case brought by a group of nongovernmental organizations.

In its ruling, the Paris administrative court recognized ecological damage linked to climate change and held the French state responsible for failing to fully meet its goals in reducing greenhouse gases.

President Emmanuel Macron, who has been very vocal about his support for climate change action, pushed in December for beefing up the European Union’s 2030 targets to reduce greenhouse gases by at least 55% compared with 1990 levels — up from the previous 40% target.

But Oxfam France, Greenpeace France and two other organizations say Macron’s lobbying for global climate action is not backed up by sufficient domestic measures to curb emissions blamed for global warming.

France is missing its national targets that had been set under the 2015 Paris Agreement to curb climate change, and the country has delayed most of its efforts until after 2020.

Well, that’s ironic. France is missing it’s Paris Climate Agreement goals. It’s Historic goals! Remember when it was uber-historic? Also remember that the PCA was set up to avoid needing the official approval of legislatures in nations around the world, so it’s more of a gentleperson’s agreement, a soft one at that. There’s no force of law, no force of treaty.

Be funny as hell if the French government implemented massive climate restrictions on the operations of Oxfam, Greenpeace, and the others. Maybe on those big fossil fueled ships that Greenpeace likes to use.

The court gave itself two months to decide on measures to repair the problem and stop it from getting worse. It did, however, ask the French state to pay each of the four organizations that brought the action a symbolic euro each, a common practice in France.

So, good news, citizens of France: the court will now consider what measures to implement on you. Have fun.

Read: French Court Rules France Not Respecting Its Climate Crisis (scam) Goals »

China Joe To Reopen Illegal Alien Concentration Camps, Er, Overflow Centers

I’m sure the media will be concerned over kids in cages, like they were for the previous four years, right?

Will AOC take the Biden admin to task? Will she demand to be allowed in to inspect one? Cry crocodile tears in an expensive outfit?

Biden administration to open overflow shelter for migrant children in Texas

The Biden administration said it plans on reactivating a “temporary Influx Care Facility” in Carrizo Springs, Texas, to potentially accommodate up to 700 migrant children within the next two weeks.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released a statement obtained by Fox News that said its Office of Refugee Resettlement division currently funds 13,200 licensed beds. Axios reported on Monday that President Biden has faced a crisis at the border with an influx of unaccompanied minors and strict health guidelines in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The report pointed to how the Trump administration was “lambasted” for its use of similar temporary shelters in 2019. Both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris vocally opposed the Trump administration’s immigration priorities during the presidential campaign.

The facility in Carrizo Springs has been unoccupied since late 2019.

“Initially, the Carrizo Springs ICF will accommodate approximately 700 children in hard-sided structures. Additional semi-permanent (soft-sided) capacity may be added if necessary, though ORR will always prioritize place children in hard-sided structures over semi-permanent structures,” the statement read.

So, basically, the exact same thing that Trump did. And Biden did. And no other media source other than Fox and some conservative outlets are noting this. None are calling them cages. Will any outlets demand to take photos in the facility? I wonder if any employees will sneak some photos out, because you know that most of the employees of Customs And Border Patrol, which will be in charge of the facility, voted Republican.

(Texas Tribune) The orders, expected to be signed Tuesday afternoon, will require a review of the controversial Migrant Protection Protocols and establish a task force to reunite hundreds of families still separated under Trump’s 2017 zero-tolerance policy, which caused more than 5,000 children to be separated from their parents or guardians.

No one is reporting how they will be reunited. Will the parents, who more often sent their kids off with other people to the border, who did not accompany the kids, be allowed to come into the United States and stay?

The MPP program, also called “remain in Mexico,” sends most migrants back to Mexico as they wait for their asylum hearings in American courts. Since its inception in late 2018, more than 60,000 asylum seekers have been forced to wait in some of Mexico’s most dangerous border cities, including more than 20,000 in Ciudad Juárez, across the Rio Grande from El Paso.

Why are they different from everyone else around the world, who have to apply for asylum, work or school visas, and even a chance for citizenship while staying in another country? Something every other nation does. Why are these migrants, who often bring only basic skills, no education, and little ability to support themselves financially, given priority?

Read: China Joe To Reopen Illegal Alien Concentration Camps, Er, Overflow Centers »

In Order To Solve The Climate Crisis (scam) We Need More Diverse Boardrooms Or Something

Remember, this is all about science. No, stop rolling your eyes, I saw that. Science!

We need more diverse boardrooms to address the climate crisis

climate change joke

In recent years, national governments have strengthened their commitment to addressing the climate crisis.

The UK has said it will reach net-zero emissions by 2050. President Xi Jinping has pledged China will do the same by 2060. And Joe Biden is expected to prioritize climate goals, having already pledged to rejoin the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Countries will be looking at their supply chains to see where emissions can be reduced. International co-operation will be stepped up, too, especially with flagship events such as COP26 happening later this year. But while national governments increase efforts to combat climate change, the private sector has its part to play too.

It could start by improving its gender diversity.

In 2021, leading on corporate diversity is no longer a good press exercise, but something which can boost both financial performance and environmental impact.


The link between gender diversity and carbon footprint may not be obvious. After all, while companies around the world have been switched on to the fact that greater diversity equals better performance for many years now, that performance has usually been viewed through a financial lens alone.

Perhaps understandably so. A 2019 Credit Suisse study found that companies with a high percentage of women on the board, and within management, outperformed their less diverse counterparts. It makes sense that a diverse and inclusive team is more competitive in today’s globalized economy.

So, one study. And, it may be correct. There needs to be more data, especially going beyond a study that starts out with an editorial. Doesn’t sound rather unbiased. And, there’s nothing wrong with women and different people on boards, as long as they’ve earned it. Just like a man has to earn it (unless you’re Joe Biden’s son).

In fact, diversity across a business has wider implications, including – most significantly – for that business’ carbon footprint. Recently, Arabesque looked at the data from more than 2000 companies around the world, and found that as diversity increased, so did corporate transparency, which included how likely it was that a company would make its volume of greenhouse gas emissions public.

Companies that are doing better on managing and reducing their greenhouse gas emissions are more likely to disclose adequately, since they will gain from that disclosure.

Sounds like these companies are more interested in Virtue Signaling than their core missions.

To truly achieve lasting change, we will need to move towards a place where the corporate world sets high standards for itself with respect to diversity and makes sure those standards are upheld. This can take the shape of external pressure. Goldman Sachs will no longer underwrite IPOs for companies with fewer than two board members from diverse backgrounds, and Nasdaq has proposed requiring that a business has at least one female director to list on their exchanges.

And you end up with token people in positions with no actual power, just Social Justice Warrioring. Treating people like tokens. This is not about science. And, let’s face it, this is actually rather patronizing, thinking that women can’t do it themselves and have to be given positions.

Read: In Order To Solve The Climate Crisis (scam) We Need More Diverse Boardrooms Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on the Harris/Biden move against Joe Manchin having little success

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove