If All You See…

…is a wonderful area that would be perfect for a solar farm, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Pelosi appointing someone to whitewash the truth of the mostly peaceful Capital protests.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: People Went Out More After Mask Mandates

Um, wasn’t that rather the point of mask mandates, so that people could get out and about more? That if we were going to be in proximity with other people we should wear them?

Study: Americans Went Out More After Face Mask Mandates

New research published in Scientific Reports has found that people spent less time at home after face mask mandates were implemented, although investigators do not know whether this exposed Americans to a greater risk of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection.

Investigators used anonymized location data from smart devices to examine changes in behavior of residents 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after mask mandates were implemented in regions of the United States. They found that residents spent between 11 and 24 more minutes outside their homes after a face mask mandate was issued, even as COVID-19 rates were rising.

Individuals increased trips to a variety of places—most often restaurants and other eateries, as well as to recreational locations such as parks. The investigators said these were likely trips that they were not taking prior to the mask mandate. When people are expected to wear a mask, they perceived a lower risk associated with leaving home and visiting public locations, according to the study.

The researchers said they do not know whether this behavior increased or reduced infections. The central question asked whether masks are effective enough to offset the risks of exposure when increasing time outside of the home. The answer depends on the relative effectiveness of masks, whether they are worn properly, and other behaviors. Cases of COVID-19 increased in some states and decreased in others despite mask orders, the study noted.

I wonder if there’s a way to conduct a study to see if people were more likely to get too close to other people because they were wearing masks. Because that’s my experience, especially as time went on and we got into summer. People get too close. I’ve said again and again I practice social distancing, wash the hell out of my hands throughout the day many, many times, and do not touch. The masking made people think they were invulnerable and had them getting too close. I’ve had a few blowups with a few at work who get too close. I’d prefer not to catch COVID and be sick and not working for at least 14 days. How about you? Yes, the chance of surviving is very high, but, I’ve known people with it and they got miserable sick, and had the symptoms, like being out of breath and energy, stick around for weeks to months.

I Wore This Breathable Face Mask On an 8-Day Hiking Trip
Now, it’s quickly become my go-to for errands, workouts, and everything in between. It’s my best quarantine purchase to date.

Yes, this is a mask review, but, my question is “why in the heck did you wear a mask while out hiking in the wilderness with almost no one near you?” COVIDstupid.

This Is When You Shouldn’t Double Mask, CDC Says

Double masking was recently endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with the agency noting that it’s just one way to improve the fit and filtration of your mask. A tighter fitting mask will help prevent potentially contaminated respiratory droplets from leaking out of your mask, which could infect others and heighten the spread of COVID overall. And improving the filtration of your mask will also help protect you from breathing in contaminated droplets from others, blocking them with higher efficiency. However, double masking is not the right choice in every situation. Keep reading to find out when the CDC warns against double making, and for more guidance on what not to do, If You’re Layering These Masks, the CDC Says to Stop Immediately.

This seems more about normalizing double masking. Piss off. And take you double masking with you.

New standards will take the guesswork out of choosing the most effective face masks

Americans may soon be able to choose between two clearly labeled levels of face mask protection while browsing store shelves.

The new national mask standard outlines minimum fit, design, performance and testing requirements for face masks and would require user instructions, package labeling and a permanent tag on the product.

First, this seems like something that the Powers That Be are going to continue pushing, and second, they want to force us to wear only Approved masks. After telling us “just wear something. Anything. Protect yourself”.

Why do you have to wear a mask after getting vaccinated? Will vaccines need to be given every year?

Because the Powers That Be want to keep the pain going, in order to keep people used to being controlled by Government. Fortunately, 20 states are refusing to cooperate with this stuff.

Read: Surprise: People Went Out More After Mask Mandates »

What’s Happening In Texas Is A Global Warning Or Something

The hit parade on blaming what’s happening in Texas to and/or blaming it on the climate crisis (scam) just do not stop. Because doomsday cult members have to keep pushing their doomsday cult, no matter how little it makes sense in a rational world

Texas’s cold-weather catastrophe is a global warning

Many parts of the planet saw unusually cold weather this week. In some places, it looked pretty fun: There was ice skating on Amsterdam canals and cross-country skiing on Moscow sidewalks. Even in the Middle East, students at the University of Damascus in Syria got a break as their exams were canceled due to snow.

But when cold weather hit Texas, America’s famously independent southern state, the early novelty of snow and ice quickly evaporated. With temperatures in the low teens for days, the state, despite its dominant energy sector, saw rolling power outages turn into a prolonged blackout that left more than 4 million people in the dark and cold. (snip)

Broadcast around the world, the scenes in Texas are another blow to America’s global image, already smeared by the pandemic and the Jan. 6 insurrection. But there may be lessons for everyone in what is happening to the Lone Star state — and a warning for anyone not prepared for a changing climate.

Texas doesn’t use these models, for an obvious reason: It generally doesn’t get that cold. What happened this week is really unusual. On Monday, the temperature in Dallas was a high of 14 degrees, about 50 degrees lower than normal for February. Experts have attributed this weather to a mass of cold air from the Arctic.

We tend to think of climate change in terms of warmer weather, rather than the winter storms seen this week. But the science is more complex than that: As Tom Niziol wrote for the Capital Weather Gang, some research suggests that melting sea ice in the Arctic could be responsible for the disrupted weather patterns in the Northern Hemisphere.

Scientists expect more cold weather to come. “We used to not worry too much about such extreme cold weather in places like Texas, but we probably need to get ready for more in the future,” Le Xie, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Texas A&M University, told the Texas Tribune. “We’re going to have more extreme weather conditions throughout the country.”

It’s a cult. Warm weather, hot weather, cold weather, snow, ice, you name it, it’s all because you and your family members going back to the 1850s drove fossil fueled vehicles and ate meat. Thanks, dudes and dudettes!

How many more days do we have to suffer through this cult propaganda? Again, I didn’t go looking for this, it was the first article showing in the news section when I searched climate change on Google.

Read: What’s Happening In Texas Is A Global Warning Or Something »

China Joe Announces Amnesty Plans As Americans Still Suffer Economically From COVID

I’m sure it will be totally bipartisan, right? Joe might pick off a few Republicans like Lindsay Graham, but, Americans are still suffering with being out of a job, having their business closed, working shorter hours, not able to do their full jobs because of lockdown, and so forth. So, perfect timing to trot out an amnesty plan, right? Als0, BTW, notice that with a Democrat in the White House the headlines tend to be “White House announces” rather than “Trump says” or something similar

White House announces sweeping immigration bill

Americans before illegalsThe White House announced a sweeping immigration bill Thursday that would create an eight-year path to citizenship for millions of immigrants already in the country and provide a faster track for undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children.

The legislation faces an uphill climb in a narrowly divided Congress, where House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has just a five-vote margin and Senate Democrats do not have the 60 Democratic votes needed to pass the measure with just their party’s support.

Administration officials argued Wednesday evening that the legislation was an attempt by President Joe Biden to restart a conversation on overhauling the US immigration system and said he remained open to negotiating.

“He was in the Senate for 36 years, and he is the first to tell you the legislative process can look different on the other end than where it starts,” one administration official said in a call with reporters, adding that Biden would be “willing to work with Congress.”

Do we really need this conversation at this point? With COVID and the fallout from it and lockdowns still raging? Perhaps if Joe wasn’t going super soft on the border and on deporting illegal aliens, including criminal ones. What conversation does Joe want? He did little during his 36 years in Congress other than push for amnesty, same when his was Vice President.

Interestingly, there are really no quotes from China Joe. The White House is announcing “major legislation” and not one word from him? Strange

Here’s what the bill, titled the US Citizenship Act of 2021, includes:

The legislation goes further than the last effort in 2013 by cutting the time to acquire citizenship to eight years instead of 13, according to an administration official.

First, individuals would be in a temporary status for five years, with three years until they get citizenship, amounting to an eight-year path.

There’s an exception for undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children, who fall under a form of humanitarian relief known as Temporary Protected Status or who are farmworkers. Those individuals can go directly to green cards if they meet requirements, including passing background checks.

To be eligible for the bill’s legalization plan, immigrants must have been in the country before January 1, 2021.

They supposedly need to pass criminal and national security background checks and pay their taxes, then be able to demonstrate knowledge of English and US civics (which probably means being able to ask “do you have anyone who speaks Spanish” in English and knowing which party they’re supposed to vote for) to apply for citizenship. How’d that criminal thing work out with Obama’s DACA, where lots and lots were serious law breakers?

From the “fact sheet” linked above, which is not a plan, “the bill further recognizes America as a nation of immigrants by changing the word “alien” to “noncitizen” in our immigration laws.” Hell no. They’re aliens. Foreigners. Not “noncitizens”. It would also clear backlogs and massively increase the number of legal immigrants, along with forgiving illegals who were previously deported. And, from the fact sheet

Keep families together. The bill reforms the family-based immigration system by clearing backlogs, recapturing unused visas, eliminating lengthy wait times, and increasing per-country visa caps. It also eliminates the so-called “3 and 10-year bars,” and other provisions that keep families apart. The bill further supports familes by more explicitly including permanent partnerships and eliminating discrimination facing LGBTQ+ families. It also provides protections for orphans, widows, children, and Filipino veterans who fought alongside the United States in World War II. Lastly, the bill allows immigrants with approved family-sponsorship petitions to join family in the United States on a temporary basis while they wait for green cards to become available.

Bringing in tons of foreigners with few job skills, eh? This is what I wrote back in September 2017 regarding DACA kids

Here’s a recommendation: Congress puts DACA into law, but allows 4 year renewals, rather than 2 years, in order to decrease burden on federal agencies. Just like with people who are applying for citizenship, any serious crimes can be cause to cancel an illegals legal status and deport them. And, yes, even DUIs may be considered cause, just like with those applying for citizenship. After 12 years, they can go through the same process as those applying for citizenship in order to attempt to earn full citizenship.

BUT, if we aren’t going to lay the “sins” of the parent(s) on the children, we are going to lay them on the parent(s). In order to obtain DACA status, the parent(s) must self deport, and provide proof at an immigration checkpoint as they leave. They are not allowed back in the United States for 2 years, and then only for a short visit. If they are caught residing in the U.S., or attempting to enter the country illegally, the children will have their DACA status ended and will be deported. After 12 years, they would be allowed to apply for temporary resident status, conditioned on speaking English and having good moral character. This seems fair. The parents broke our laws.

If you don’t agree with punishing the parents, then you’re simply using DACA to create a backdoor amnesty for all.

Someone has to pay for that sin. Why would we reward the parents?

The fact sheet also yammers about growing our economy. How about getting Americans back to work first before hooking up illegals and people who over-stayed their visas?

Read: China Joe Announces Amnesty Plans As Americans Still Suffer Economically From COVID »

Extreme Winter Storms Aren’t Inconsistent With Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

This is not a retread article. This is a new one. I’m not even looking for this stuff purposefully. It’s showing up on Yahoo’s front page and when I search “climate change” on Google. The ones this morning were front and center without even clicking the news link. This was prominent on the Yahoo front page. Because it is a cult, and cults have to sync their messages and then get them out

Extreme winter storms aren’t inconsistent with global warming and will continue for decades, expert says

The massive winter storm that buried much of the United States in snow this week bringing record-setting cold across the plains and knocking out the power grid in Texas is not inconsistent with climate change, a leading expert told Yahoo News.

“We haven’t had enough warming to eliminate cold events, and we shouldn’t expect to have enough warming to eliminate cold events in the mid-latitudes for some time,” Noah Diffenbaugh, a climate scientist at Stanford University, said in phone interview on Tuesday.

Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, global temperatures have risen by just over one degree Celsius, enough to significantly alter weather events, but certainly not enough to put an end to winter storms. (snip)

“Our climate change present is that we are already in a climate that has changed significantly and that the change of one degree Celsius has already been enough to increase the frequency and severity of many different kinds of many different kinds of extreme events,” Diffenbaugh said. “We see this very clearly in extreme hot events, where our research has shown that the probability of record setting hot events has already increased by more than 80 percent of the global surface area. For extreme wet events and extreme dry events, in terms of high and low precipitation, that number is about 50 percent — we’ve already seen increases in probability in about half of the globe so far.”

OK, that’s a new Hotcold take. See, the slight 1.5F increase in global temperatures since 1850, caused by you and your predecessors, is not only not killing off winter storms, but, is making them more extreme. But, in the future, your carbon footprint will kill them off in a couple decades (and, when it doesn’t happen, the cult will say that’s further Proof of the climate crisis).

Then the doomsday climate cult propaganda piece delves into wildfires and hot weather and sea rise before, deep in the article

What is unclear, however, is whether climate change is making winter storms like this week’s blizzard more severe. That’s because climate systems are highly complex and based on myriad factors.

So the whole leadup is a bunch of mule fritters? There’s an old saying with Internet pieces: most people read the first three paragraphs or 30 seconds. How many never made it to the “unclear” part? How many simply read the headline?

Read: Extreme Winter Storms Aren’t Inconsistent With Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful big city full of like-minded climate believers, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on Disha Ravi (who I mentioned the other day) potentially facing life in prison for St. Greta’s silly mistake.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Illegals Falling From Wall Being Left In Mexico For Medical Care

If you attempt to climb a wall and fall off, whose fault is that? You shouldn’t have been climbing the wall. If you climb a tree on someone else’s property and fall out of it, is that the fault of the tree or property owner or your own?

‘This is a war zone’: Migrants wounded falling from Trump’s border wall being sent back to Mexico without medical help

A pastor who runs shelters in Mexico at the US border, has accused American border patrol agents of sending injured migrants back without providing them medical support, calling it a “new low” for the country.

Pastor Rosalio Sosa, who runs a network of migrant shelters at US-Mexico border, told Dallas News a shelter in Palomas gets about seven injured migrants per week and the situation there looks like that of a “war zone,” with number of injured piling up.

“This has become a war zone, with war injuries and no resources,” Ms Sosa was quoted as saying in the report. “But governments need to know that deserts, rivers, walls are no match for hunger.”

The “big, beautiful wall” built under former president Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign to stop the influx of illegal immigrants and drugs over the border is leading to crippling injuries to migrants attempting to cross the border amid worsening situation in the home country.

I understand that The Independent is a UK news outlet, but, could Shweta Sharma and their editor not have done a little research to realize that many parts of the border wall have been around for decades? That most of the border wall was already constructed. Under Trump, there were only about 5 miles of new construction, with around 300 miles being replacement and/or secondary walls. A lot was built under Bush 43, per actual federal law. But, hey, Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The migrants from Mexico, trying to flee the country amid political unrest and economic fallout, have alleged that they are being “dumped” back in “Mexico like garbage” without border security force providing them medical help, a claim that has been denied by the border patrol agency.


Pedro Gomez, who attempted to flee Guatemala in January, said his ankles were broken after falling from the wall and he had to crawl to the US border agent’s vehicle.

“I couldn’t even get up, so I crawled inside the migra [US Border patrol] vehicle”, Mr Gomez said, adding: “they dumped us in Mexico like garbage, a piece of trash.”

Just wondering, did the Dallas News and Independent demand proof from Pastor Sosa and the illegals like Mr. Gomez?

In response to the migrants and pastor questioning the ill-treatment, the border patrol agency released a statement rejecting the claims. It said the agents regularly encountered injured migrants and administered medical aid to those hurt.

“We routinely encounter injured people on the border, most of which are individuals that have entered the country illegally. When it is apparent that someone is hurt we will administer first aid and request assistance as needed,” El Paso sector border patrol chief, Gloria Chavez, said in the statement.

We’ve been treating the idiots who fall off the wall (and get in trouble like dehydration as they cross deserts) for a long time, and it often leads to some judge or politician releasing the illegals into the nation while awaiting their hearing, which they more often do not show up for. But, hey, don’t want to get hurt? Don’t climb a big wall.

Read: Bummer: Illegals Falling From Wall Being Left In Mexico For Medical Care »

Hotcold Take: All The Winter Storm Power Outages Are Linked To ‘Climate Change’

See, the power outages don’t really have anything to do with the wind turbines freezing and solar panels covered with snow and ice (and, let’s be honest, that’s only a portion), nope, it’s your fault for that big dinner you had for Valentine’s Day with evil meat

A Glimpse of America’s Future: Climate Change Means Trouble for Power Grids
Systems are designed to handle spikes in demand, but the wild and unpredictable weather linked to global warming will very likely push grids beyond their limits.

Couldn’t even make it past the subhead at the NY Times fable

Huge winter storms plunged large parts of the central and southern United States into an energy crisis this week, with frigid blasts of Arctic weather crippling electric grids and leaving millions of Americans without power amid dangerously cold temperatures.

The grid failures were most severe in Texas, where more than four million people woke up Tuesday morning to rolling blackouts. Separate regional grids in the Southwest and Midwest also faced serious strain. As of Tuesday afternoon, at least 23 people nationwide had died in the storm or its aftermath.

Analysts have begun to identify key factors behind the grid failures in Texas. Record-breaking cold weather spurred residents to crank up their electric heaters and pushed power demand beyond the worst-case scenarios that grid operators had planned for. At the same time, a large fraction of the state’s gas-fired power plants were knocked offline amid icy conditions, with some plants suffering fuel shortages as natural gas demand spiked. Many of Texas’ wind turbines also froze and stopped working.

The crisis sounded an alarm for power systems throughout the country. Electric grids can be engineered to handle a wide range of severe conditions — as long as grid operators can reliably predict the dangers ahead. But as climate change accelerates, many electric grids will face extreme weather events that go far beyond the historical conditions those systems were designed for, putting them at risk of catastrophic failure.

See, power outages never happened before ‘climate change’. Or, is it global warming, as in the subhead? This is all what a cult says. The article keeps going with the cult talk, let’s see what the climahysterics at the LA Times have to say

Texas blackouts show the power grid isn’t ready for climate change

More than 4 million homes and businesses saw their electricity shut off as a powerful cold snap sent temperatures into the single digits, driving up demand for heating while simultaneously freezing much of the energy infrastructure that would normally keep people warm. Rolling blackouts began in the wee hours of Monday morning and continued into Tuesday evening. (snip)

But for all the differences between the events in Texas and California’s more limited rolling blackouts last year, there’s a common lesson: Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and more severe as the climate crisis worsens. And the U.S. power grid is not prepared to handle the hotter heat storms, more frigid cold snaps and stronger hurricanes of a changing planet.

California’s blackouts were mostly due to a lack of available power due to an over-reliance on solar and wind while doing away with nuclear, natural gas, and coal. But, this is the kind of ghoulish behavior to expect from a cult. Weather can always affect the grid, until such time as pretty much everything is buried, but, there will still be choke points. The lines in my community are all buried, but, if some idiot driving around a corner too fast loses control and hits a pole with a control transformer, up the road, it snaps our power. If there’s a cascade failure in a substation several mile from where I live from a hurricane, it can cause power outages all over. These doomsday cult jerks are using the suffering of people, and even deaths, to perpetuate their cult beliefs.

Most of the country’s power comes from coal, oil and natural gas — the very fuels driving climate change. The grid of the future will need to be powered primarily by zero-carbon electricity sources, such as solar and wind — and rebuilding the grid from top to bottom, without further disrupting energy supplies, will be a delicate balancing act.

The solar panels covered with snow and ice and turbines frozen solid? Turbines that only work with the wind between 5 and 30 miles an hour? Solar panels which can be broken by hail? And don’t work at night? Or when it is overcast and rainy? I triple dog dare the LA Times to run their business solely on solar and wind.

Read: Hotcold Take: All The Winter Storm Power Outages Are Linked To ‘Climate Change’ »

Dementia Joe Claims There Was No Vaccine When He Came Into Office

Joe’s townhall went just like you’d expect, with him getting all softballs

CNN skips asking about Cuomo nursing home scandal, TJ Ducklo fiasco at Biden Wisconsin town hall

CNN didn’t exactly challenge President Biden during Tuesday night’s town hall in Milwaukee, avoiding uncomfortable subjects for the administration or other Democrats.

While much of the program was focused on Biden’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic going forward, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper grilled the president on whether he agreed with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif, that Senate Republicans who voted to acquit former President Trump in his impeachment trial were “cowards” and whether he would allow his Department of Justice to investigate his predecessor. (snip)

Cooper did, however, dedicatee the last several minutes of the town hall to ask Biden “what’s it like” to live in the White House.”

“Was it different than you expected it to be in some ways?” he asked at one point.

And during one part about COVID? (video at link)

Biden: We Didn’t Have the Vaccine When We Came into Office

President Joe Biden said during a CNN town hall on Tuesday that when he came into office, they “didn’t have” the coronavirus vaccine.

Biden made the statement despite health care workers receiving the first doses in mid-December 2020, well over a month before he was sworn in.

Biden said, “There’s just not all of a sudden 600 million doses are going to appear. What’s going to happen is it’s going to continue to increase as we move along, and we’ll have reached 400 million by the end of May and 600 million by the end of July. The biggest thing, though, as you remember, when you and I— I shouldn’t say it that way as you remember— when you and I talked last we talked about, it’s one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn’t have when we came into office, but a vaccinator. How do you get the vaccine into someone’s arm?”

Well, I think you use medical needles. You know, like you find all over Democratic Party run cities like San Francisco, except, we use them to deliver the vaccine developed under President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, which Joe and the rest of the Dems said would never happen. Seriously, this guy has made some whopper gaffes in the past, this just seems delusional. Like he has a mental degradation issue.

Perhaps he meant to say before he was elected, but, that really doesn’t put to bed his obvious mental decline, because he’d surely backtrack. But, the vaccines were announced just before election day.

Read: Dementia Joe Claims There Was No Vaccine When He Came Into Office »

Philly’s Demolition Plans Are A Problem For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Yet another case that Warmists have to drag ‘climate change’ into everything, and everything into their scam

Philly’s plan to fight climate change has a glaring absence on demolitions and cultural heritage

Philadelphia released its citywide plan to tackle climate change in mid-January, but with a glaring absence: it doesn’t address the massive waste of materials and energy caused by building demolition.

If the City wants to take climate action seriously, it should adopt a demolition review period along with deconstruction requirements. Changing our approach to buildings up for demolition will stem the loss of cultural heritage and reduce environmental waste while moving the city closer to its sustainability goals.

Philadelphia’s current trajectory is unsustainable, both culturally and environmentally. We need policies that recognize the value of our cultural heritage and the embodied energy it contains. Implementing demolition review and deconstruction requirements would encourage adaptive reuse, reduce carbon emissions associated with demolition and construction, and encourage the salvage and reuse of valuable building materials, moving us closer to a circular economy.

Huh what? What does all this have to do together? Unless this really isn’t about science?

Recent cases, like the rowhouse at 1513 Christian, covered by Inquirer architecture critic Inga Saffron, illustrate the need for demo review. There is also the pending loss of two commercial properties: at 140 S. 11th Street the former Palamida’s Costume Shop, run by a well-known costumer and important to Philly’s LGBTQ history, and at 1105 Walnut Street the Augustin House and Catering Establishment, an antebellum-era African-American catering business. All can, and likely will be, demolished.

There is no question the three occupied, fully functional, structurally sound buildings mentioned above might qualify for historic designation. A review might also increase the possibility for a compromise, such as an overbuild (building atop the old structure) or façadectomy (preserving the building’s facade after demolishing the rest).

If the city doesn’t like it they can purchase the building from the private owner. Simple enough, right?

Salvage and recycling are critical because building materials contain significant amounts of “embodied carbon” or “embodied energy,” which refer to the amount of carbon emissions produced during their extraction, refinement, fabrication, and transportation. Existing buildings represent a massive, underappreciated store of embodied energy, often of materials that simply could not or would not be economically possible to produce today. Demolition itself requires immense amounts of energy, and new building materials also represent significant amounts of embodied carbon. The bottom line is, demolishing existing buildings simply to reconstruct another of a similar size is terribly unsustainable.

In other words, climate cultists want governmental control of Other People’s property. Go figure.

Read: Philly’s Demolition Plans Are A Problem For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Pirate's Cove