Democrats Says Environmental Justice Is Racial Justice, Push Partisan Legislation

We all know that the Cult of Climastrology has hijacked real environmentalism, so any talk of “environmental justice” is about Hotcoldwetdry. Racial justice? Well, considering the way Democrats treat “minorities” in Democratic run cities, well, yeah, they could use some of that. But, but using climate crisis (scam) justice as the basis Democrats can enact more restrictions on people’s lives along with taxation

Ed Markey, Cori Bush Introduce ‘Environmental Justice Mapping’ Bill: ‘Environmental Justice Is Racial Justice’

Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) and Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) introduced on Thursday the ‘‘Environmental Justice Mapping and Data Collection Act of 2021’’ to gather data and direct federal money to communities around the country they say face environmental injustice.

Those injustices, they say, include pollution, police killing black Americans and other minorities, and poverty, among others.

“Environmental justice is racial justice,” Bush, who was a Black Lives Matter activist before winning election to the House of Representatives in 2020, said at the virtual press conference.

President Joe Biden has said he would direct 40 percent of environment-related funding to communities with high numbers of low-income and minority residents. The funding, Biden said, could pay for clean energy and wastewater projects.

Markey said at the press conference that the bill is a tool to make sure the money is properly directed.

“That tool is going to be essential to direct at least 40 percent of the funding for a clean and climate safe future into communities facing environmental injustices,” Markey said. “So that’s our goal and it’s completely consistent with what President Biden has laid out as his agenda.”

“When we talk about gun violence and when we talk about community violence, we’re talking about where the disparities are to make sure that funding is there to fix decades of injustice that have opened the door to this,” Bush said. “It’s not just pointing a finger at the issue, but it’s about how we can fix the issue.”

So, something like this is all over the place, and, because it is a smattering of Virtue Signaling and SJW insanity, it would never achieve anything of consequence for the people it proports to help. Like other Dem pushes it would most likely harm said minorities.

Bush said at the press conference that a safe environment is about more than air or water quality.

“If we fix those things, but if we continue to have this stressor [sic], this situation, where the police can just murder us disproportionately and without impunity, then did we fix our environment? Is our environment now safe?” Bush said.

Perhaps Bush should be talking to her community, since she thinks the Black community is separate from everyone else, about committing less crime per proportion. It may be called raaaaacist, but, by percentage, the black community has a much higher portion of crimes committed, including violent crimes. You look at all those Democrat run cities, and the vast majority of shootings and murders are committed by blacks. Against other blacks. FBI crime statistics bear this out.

Bush is also the person who got caught in a lie in attempting to say Republican Marjorie Taylor Green (who’s rather nutty) and her staff attacked Bush and her staff, when it was Bush and her staff who initiated everything.

BTW, when are both Bush and Markey going to give up their own use of fossil fuels?

Read: Democrats Says Environmental Justice Is Racial Justice, Push Partisan Legislation »

CDC Issues Order Requiring Face Masks For Travel Or Something

First of all, where does the CDC get the stutory authority to make this proclamation, which seems more a function of the Legislative Branch? Second, this pretty much being done in the 31 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico already. Will the other states declare their 10th Amendment Rights, at least at it applies to non-federal travel?

CDC orders sweeping U.S. transportation mask mandate as COVID-19 rages

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a sweeping order late Friday requiring the use of face masks on nearly all forms of public transportation Monday as the country continues to report thousands of daily COVID-19 deaths.

The order, which takes effect at 11:59 p.m. EST on Monday (0459 GMT Tuesday), requires face masks to be worn by all travelers on airplanes, ships, trains, subways, buses, taxis, and ride-shares and at transportation hubs like airports, bus or ferry terminals, train and subway stations and seaports.

President Joe Biden on Jan. 21 ordered government agencies to “immediately take action” to require masks in airports and on commercial aircraft, trains and public maritime vessels, including ferries, intercity bus services and all public transportation.

Under Donald Trump, who was president until Jan. 20, a CDC push to mandate masks in transit was blocked and the agency instead only issued strong recommendations for mask use. Trump also rejected efforts by Congress to mandate mask use.

“Requiring masks on our transportation systems will protect Americans and provide confidence that we can once again travel safely even during this pandemic,” said the 11-page order signed by Marty Cetron, director for CDC’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine.

Being that mask mandates have been in place since around Memorial Day, if not earlier, yet COVID infections actually surged after that, what does the science say about wearing masks? Here’s where it gets a little funky

While airlines and most transit modes already require masks, the CDC order will make not wearing a mask a violation of federal law that could make it easier for flight attendants and others to enforce.

A U.S. airline group told Biden this month that carriers had had to bar “thousands of passengers” from future flights for failing to comply with airline mask policies.

The CDC said people violating the order could potentially face criminal penalties but suggested civil penalties would be more likely if needed. The order will be enforced by the Transportation Security Administration and federal, state and local agencies.

I’ve looked through about 15 other articles, as well as the CDC website, in an attempt to find out just what those federal penalties would be, but, to no avail. Any penalties would seem a serious Executive Office overreach, and possibly unconstitutional without legislation from the Legislative Branch.

The CDC said this week it was “actively looking” at requiring negative COVID-19 tests for domestic air travel after mandating it for nearly all international travel effective Jan. 26. The prospects of domestic COVID-19 testing drew strong opposition Friday from airlines and other groups.

And then they will require negative tests for more and more. They will find a way to keep you peons locked down.

Read: CDC Issues Order Requiring Face Masks For Travel Or Something »

Warmists Very Excited To Use Courts To Force Someone Else To Pay For Hotcoldwetdy

I still maintain that fossil fuels companies should refuse to provide their products and services to those who sue them, as well as make big deals. Joe is unhappy with fossil fuels over ‘climate change’? Fine. No fossil fuels sales to the Marines and Air Force out of Andrews AFB. No sales for Joe’s limo.

The one question about climate change only the courts can answer

President Biden has taken important steps to put the United States on the path to addressing our escalating climate crisis. In his first week on the job, Biden rejoined the Paris climate agreement, canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and announced a new ban on oil and gas drilling on public lands.

But when it comes to the immense, billion-dollar costs that climate change will continue to force on American communities, there is one question that executive orders and much-anticipated legislation from Congress is poorly positioned to answer: Who should pay for it all: taxpayers or the polluters who knowingly caused the crisis?

How about “no one”? The Constitution provides no answers, and without duly passed legislation, what would the courts be ruling on? It isn’t within their power to essentially make up law. Not that they sorta haven’t already. But, Warmists think they have the way

From tobacco and opioids to asbestos and lead paint, matters of justice and liability for harms caused by products sold to the public have and always will be decided by the courts. Climate change is no different. Global warming is a problem largely caused by one single industry: fossil fuels. Major oil and gas companies spent decades lying to the public about the catastrophic damage they knew their products would cause, and they are now rightfully facing a flood of climate liability lawsuits in courts that seek to hold them accountable for their lies and the cost of ensuing climate damage from flooding, wildfires, sea-level rise, heat waves and more severe storms.

If someone continues to smoke even knowing the dangers, that’s on them. If people continue to use fossil fuels even though they screech in Cult that they’re killing the Earth, well, let them pay. Because they obviously aren’t too concerned if they refuse to give up their own use, right?

Lawsuits seeking damages from climate polluters are not about solving climate change. They are about survival and justice. That’s why President Biden, while promising to work with Congress to transition the U.S. to a clean energy economy, has separately pledged that his Department of Justice will “strategically support ongoing plaintiff-driven climate litigation against polluters.” Each branch of government has a role to play. While it’s important that Biden and Congress do their job to advance climate policy, it’s just as important for the courts to do theirs: hold the multibillion-dollar fossil fuel industry accountable for paying to clean up its own mess.

So, this is a shakedown? Good to know.

Read: Warmists Very Excited To Use Courts To Force Someone Else To Pay For Hotcoldwetdy »

If All You See…

…is an area turned to desert because other people ate burgers, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on making America California.

Read: If All You See… »

Political Crazy: Censure, $20 Bill, And D.C. Wall

Three different pieces of crazy. Let’s start with

Putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 Bill Is Not a Sign of Progress. It’s a Sign of Disrespect

The Biden Administration announced its plan to return to an Obama-era initiative to put Harriet Tubman’s face on the U.S. $20 bill. Her image would replace Andrew Jackson, the notoriously racist President, known both for owning hundreds of slaves and for his brutal and genocidal policy of Indian removal. Based on current designs, a statue of Jackson would remain on the back of the bill, while Harriet Tubman would grace the front. Many Americans, across the racial spectrum, are excited about this tribute to Tubman. They view it as progress, as a necessary and long overdue disruption of the American Founding Fathers narrative. I do not.

I know in a country that worships at the altar of capitalism–an economic system made possible by the free Black labor procured through the Transatlantic slave trade–a Black woman’s face on our currency seems like the highest honor we could bestow. But what a stunning failure of imagination. Putting Tubman on legal tender, when slaves in the U.S. were treated as fungible commodities is a supreme form of disrespect. The imagery of her face changing hands as people exchange cash for goods and services evokes for me discomfiting scenes of enslaved persons being handed over as payment for white debt or for anything white slaveholders wanted. America certainly owes a debt to Black people, but this is not the way to repay it.

You just can’t win. Now it’s a case of wondering whether this become the big view of the SJWs.

Capitol Police Chief: U.S. Capitol Needs ‘Permanent’ Wall to Protect Congress

The United States Capitol needs a “permanent” security wall around it to protect members of Congress, Acting U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) Chief Yogananda Pittman says.

In a statement on Thursday, Pittman said the security at the Capitol building must include a “permanent fencing” barrier — a similar barrier to the one halted by President Joe Biden’s administration at the U.S.-Mexico border.

“As I noted earlier this week, even before September 11, 2001, security experts argued that more needed to be done to protect the U.S. Capitol,” Pittman said in a statement. “In fact, a 2006 security assessment specifically recommended the installation of a permanent perimeter fence around the Capitol.”

You just know that the Democrats are going to approve of this, right? They love walls to protect themselves, but, not the border.

And here’s the kicker

Senators are working on a bipartisan resolution to censure Trump as it becomes more likely he’ll be acquitted in impeachment trial

Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia said on Wednesday that he’s drafted a censure resolution against former President Donald Trump.

Kaine told reporters that there “maybe a little more interest now” in a censure resolution after an overwhelming majority of Republican senators hinted on Tuesday they are likely not going to convict Trump in an impeachment trial. GOP Sen. Rand Paul argued on Tuesday to dismiss the trial, claiming that it goes against the Constitution as Trump has already left office. He was joined by 44 Republicans, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who voted to declare Trump’s impeachment unconstitutional. The motion ultimately failed as 55 senators, including five Republicans, voted to kill it.

If the Democrats had been smart that would have done this to start with. But, they’re unhinged, so, now it’s on to Plan B.

Read: Political Crazy: Censure, $20 Bill, And D.C. Wall »

Texas Gov Abbott Pledges To Sue The Heck Out Of China Joe Over Climate Crisis (scam) Orders

The great thing about Texas Governor Greg Abbott is that he doesn’t make baseless threats: he will sue, and his Attorney General, Ken Paxton, is simpatico. In fact, Paxton already sued China Joe over one of his illegal immigration orders

Texas Governor Vows To Sue Biden Over Climate Change Orders

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said the state is ready to sue the the Biden administration over new environmental regulations, signing an executive order against what he described as “regulatory overreach” by the federal government one day after President Joe Biden unveiled a sweeping order on climate change.

Biden has taken swift action on climate change: he’s directed the U.S. to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord, revoked permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline, told federal agencies to review the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks and signed an executive order Wednesday with a range of climate-related measures.

The executive order includes a directive to freeze oil and gas leasing on federal land, which the oil industry and even some Texas Democrats have heavily opposed.

Abbott said at a press conference that Texas will pursue a “litigation strategy to fight back against any efforts by the Biden administration” that threatens the energy sector or its jobs.

Abbott’s executive order directs state agencies to “use all lawful powers and tools” to oppose federal actions they believe threaten the state’s energy industry—including “identify[ing] potential litigation”—and criticizes Biden’s measures as showing “extreme hostility toward the energy industry.”

The governor described the order as a “homework assignment” for agencies and said he would fire officials who do not follow it.

Abbott went on to point out that Texas is largely not affected, since Los Federales do not own that much land. Almost 3 million acres is owned by the federal government, but, that’s only 1.8% of Texas, and a lot of that is borderland and military bases. Abbott sued Obama 31 times when he was attorney general, and more while governor. And, many of those Obama enviro/climate crazy executive orders/rules were killed or put on hold by the courts. Because they went too far. Because they had no statutory authority. This should get fun.

Read: Texas Gov Abbott Pledges To Sue The Heck Out Of China Joe Over Climate Crisis (scam) Orders »

CNN: Congress Is In Total War, And It’s All Trump’s Fault

This “analysis” piece, as in, it’s total opinion, is the top story on CNN at the moment, so, not actual news is #1. Surprise? It also looks like CNN just can’t give up on Trump Derangement Syndrome, but, then, that’s a lot easier than explaining why Joe is blowing off wearing a mask and, oh, yeah, destroying American jobs

Trump’s legacy of mistrust sends Congress into total war

Former President Donald Trump may be gone from the White House but his legacy of catastrophic mistrust is poisoning Washington, dimming hopes of a unified effort to crush the pandemic before mutant viral strains take root.

Nine days after newly sworn-in President Joe Biden told America that “every disagreement doesn’t have to be a cause for total war,” recriminations between the parties and the Republican meltdown are consuming Congress.

It’s now clear that the January 6 mob attack on Capitol Hill, while failing in its bid to reverse Trump’s election loss, has utterly fractured the basic level of trust needed to make a political system function — at a critical national moment.

In the quarter century of bitter political battles since former speaker Newt Gingrich’s Republican revolution, Washington has never been this inflamed.

At times on Thursday, it appeared that the whole of Congress was fixated on its own civil wars, cut off from behind its high iron fence from the reality of America’s darkest modern winter.

Interesting. Democrats have been at total war since Bush was elected with the backdrop of Clinton’s impeachment, and CNN had zero problem with the invective launched at Bush, Dick Cheney, and the whole administration. Condi Rice, a black woman, was treated disgustingly. Barack Obama did a very good job at dividing us, especially since he was so untrustworthy. He would negotiate in good faith, then renege and/or demand more. That’s what led to the big shutdown. We’ve seen Democrats go Category 5 Moonbat since Trump won election, willing to go to war on everything, but, hey, now that Republicans are being the dissenters, and willing to fight CNN has an issue.

Oh, hey, perhaps attempting to impeach then convict a guy no longer in office, a quixotic attempt when they know they can’t get 67 votes, isn’t helping. I’m sure there are lots of examples of Dems starting it you can offer, right?

And with more than 432,000 Americans dead from Covid-19 and the economy in ruins, hopes are fading — amid the acrimony — of a bipartisan effort to beef up the crucial vaccine drive.

Remember how Democrats held off on doing a second big stimulus for almost eight months because they wanted to hurt Trump, and couldn’t have cared less about the American people?

The magnitude of that death toll has much to do with Trump’s neglect when he was in office. The tumultuous forces now rocking Capitol Hill are, in most cases, linked to Trump or the extremism of his acolytes who have fully bought into his alternative reality that rejected truth and democracy itself.

Told you this was opinion. I don’t think it was Trump putting COVID patients in nursing homes, etc and so forth. You know this all.

In another sign of the toxicity paralyzing Congress, House Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York lashed out at Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who had appeared to agree with her on the need for an investigation probing chaos on Wall Street. The New York Democrat, who has said she felt her life was in danger during the insurrection, tweeted that “you almost had me murdered.” Just before a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol, Cruz had objected to the certification of Arizona’s electoral votes, embracing the baseless allegations from Trump of an improper election.

Strangely, no words of admonition from CNN for AOC going unhinged. (as usual)

The pandemonium on Capitol Hill contrasts with the methodical calm that now prevails at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue just over a week into Biden’s presidency.

That’s right, CNN is fan-boying. I’ll stop on this big of lapdog.

Read: CNN: Congress Is In Total War, And It’s All Trump’s Fault »

China Joe Once Again Blows Off His Own Mask Requirement

Here in North Carolina we are required to wear a mask at all times in our own places of work, even in separate offices. But, NC is not D.C., right (thank God)? The order from the mayor says at all times. Just like Joe’s order!

(Breitbart) President Joe Biden on Thursday abandoned his precedent of wearing a mask in the Oval Office as he signed executive actions on health care.

“Since we are socially distanced, I think I can take my mask off and make this very brief announcement,” Biden said after reporters entered the Oval Office.

The president spoke to reporters for about three minutes as he signed executive actions, clearing his throat and even coughing into his hand at one point.

If he can have that exception, then why shouldn’t the rest of us do that while on federal property?

Read: China Joe Once Again Blows Off His Own Mask Requirement »

Good News: Pentagon Has Gone Full On Climate Cult

Protecting the United States? Projecting power? Deterring other nations from getting frisky with our people, public and private entities, and sovereignty? Pfft! We have some climate cult virtue signaling to do (along with other SJW garbage like letting people with mental health issues, ie, transgenders, around military grade weapons)!

Pentagon declares climate change a ‘national security issue’

The Pentagon will now consider climate change when planning war games and will incorporate the issue into its future National Defense Strategy, according to a Wednesday announcement.

“There is little about what the [Defense] Department does to defend the American people that is not affected by climate change. It is a national security issue, and we must treat it as such,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement.

“The Department will immediately take appropriate policy actions to prioritize climate change considerations in our activities and risk assessments, to mitigate this driver of insecurity.”

OK, so, Austin, along with the high end leadership of the military, will immediately forgo all use of fossil fueled vehicles, planes, ships, and helicopters, right? You aren’t running the military without massive amounts of fossil fuels. Seriously, when the Elites have problems with their big yachts, do they want the Coast Guard coming to save them in sail boats?

Austin announced the change after President Biden earlier on Wednesday signed a series of executive orders aimed at addressing the climate crisis.

The shift means the Department of Defense (DOD) will now “include the security implications of climate change in our risk analyses, strategy development, and planning guidance,” according to Austin.

Great, turning our national defense into a joke. I wonder what’s next, demanding that all members and recruits proclaim their allegiance to ‘climate change’, or they’re not allowed in?

Democrats have long wanted to destroy the U.S. military, since the 1970’s. They couldn’t defund it, so they infiltrated it, plus did things like the ‘climate change’ schtick.

Read: Good News: Pentagon Has Gone Full On Climate Cult »

If All You See…

…is an area turned to desert because Other People drove fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Biden’s next land grab, using the Monument’s Act.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove