WRAL Demands People Accept That China Joe Won

The ownership corporation of local Raleigh news outlet WRAL is very upset that people are denying that China Joe won the election

Editorial: Biden won. Time for the deniers to declare it, too

It is time, well past time really, that our members of Congress – particularly those representing North Carolina who have been arguing otherwise – declare that Joe Biden got the most legally cast popular votes and got the most properly assigned Electoral College votes. He is the constitutionally elected president of the United States.

No on is asking anyone that they must be happy with the results. No one is asking anyone that they must agree with all the duly elected president stands for or says. Just state simply that Biden won the election fair and square.

(a bunch of complaints about what Trump has said)

The election wasn’t stolen. Of 62 lawsuits filed in state and federal courts around the nation challenging voting and election procedures and processes, 61 failed. The lone victory, in a Pennsylvania court, affected a very few votes and had no impact on the election outcome in a state where Biden received 81,660 votes more than Trump.

Rep. Greg Murphy of Greenville, says he objected to the Electoral College votes from Pennsylvania because of a “constitutional breach.” What knowledge and expertise does he possess, what FACTS does he command, that state and federal judges – including members of the nation’s Supreme court – lack?

It takes more than simply declaring, as Rep. David Rouzer of Wilmington did that: “There are just too many aspects of concern, too many irregularities and clear violations of the U.S. Constitution by several of the states in question, which is why so many instinctively have little confidence that the presidential election was fair.”

There’s a bunch more complaints along those lines from the Capital Broadcasting Company’s editorial board, which ends thusly

Quit it already. There’s no requirement for anyone be happy with the outcome of an election.

But when the results are tallied, and when they are as thoroughly examined as the results of the 2020 presidential election have been, members of Congress in particular should be happy that democracy prevailed.

They must state, without qualification, that Joe Biden is the duly elected president of the United States.

Interesting. I’ve looked back in their archives, and I cannot find anything telling Democrats to do the same while Dems were caterwauling about Russia Russia Russia. Not in the time period between the election 2016 through February 2017. Nor in the months after the Mueller Report was released, which basically stated that Democrats were full of mule fritters. We were treated to four years of Democrats denying that Trump legitimately won the election.

Read: WRAL Demands People Accept That China Joe Won »

UN: 64% See Climate Crisis (scam) As Global Emergency Or Something

I don’t actually find this that surprising, since people are weak minded and have been indoctrinated via schools and a constant bombardment of negative news “stories”, so, they think Doom is coming

Climate change seen as global emergency by 64 per cent of people

The biggest ever poll of climate change views has found that 64 per cent of people think the issue is a “global emergency”.

The UK, which is hosting the COP26 climate summit this November, had the highest level of concern, at 81 per cent, of the countries polled. Among high-income countries, the figure is lowest at 65 per cent in the US, where president Joe Biden has made climate change one of his top priorities. The average for low-income countries is 58 per cent, although it rises to 74 per cent for small island developing states, many of which are at risk of rising sea levels.

At a global level, conserving forests and land was the most popular way to tackle emissions, with 54 per cent choosing it out of 18 policy options. The “Peoples’ Climate Survey”, commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme, had 1.4 million responses in 50 countries. That gives it the biggest response rate of any climate poll so far, although others have covered more countries.

The Axios article notes that people as young as 14 could vote, and

Some 550,000 people aged 14 to 18 took part in the survey, which had a margin of error of +/- 2%.

So, over one third of the responses were by children, and we’re supposed to listen to them, you know. And here is what everyone thinks should be done

Four climate policies emerged as the most popular of the 18 proposed to respondents in the Peoples’ Climate Vote (see Figure 9). These were to conserve forests and land (54%) and use solar, wind and renewable power (53%), climate friendly farming techniques (52%), and investing more money in green businesses and jobs (50%).

Strange, there’s nothing about changing their own lives, giving up their own use of fossil fuels, making their own lives carbon neutral. But, they’re happy to tell farmers how to do their jobs, right? A job most of these Warmists won’t do themselves. You can see the full survey in the Axios link or here. Below the fold is a screenshot of the policy solutions

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Read: UN: 64% See Climate Crisis (scam) As Global Emergency Or Something »

Shampeachment: 45 Republicans Vote That Trump Impeachment Is Unconstitutional

This is dead on arrival

Forty-five Republicans vote against proceeding with Senate impeachment trial

Move OnSenators were sworn in as jurors to President Trump’s impeachment trial Tuesday as the Senate voted 55-45 to end debate on Sen. Rand Paul’s point of order arguing that the impeachment trial is unconstitutional now that Trump is out of office.

Five GOP senators voted not to dismiss the impeachment trial of President Trump: Susan Collins, Maine, Lisa Murkowski, Alaska, Ben Sasse, Neb., and Pat Toomey, Pa., and Mitt Romney, Utah. They voted with all 50 Democrat senators to table the point of order.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has indicated he has an open mind on whether Trump should be convicted, voted against ending debate.

Paul, R-Ky., had told reporters earlier that he would make a point of order alleging that the trial is contrary to the Constitution — an argument that multiple Republican senators have made. That forced a vote on the point of order, requiring senators to go on the record about whether they believe the trial is constitutional.

It would be nice to say “we know who to primary”, but, those 5 RINOs with Trump Derangement Syndrome are very popular in their home states. Regardless, there aren’t enough votes to convict

Tuesday, in an appearance on FNC’s “Fox News Primetime,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) reacted to the 55-45 vote in the U.S. Senate earlier in the day, which paved the way for former President Donald Trump’s impeachment to proceed on a constitutional basis.

Paul insisted the process was still unconstitutional and pointed out that Chief Justice John Roberts was a no-show. He said that given there were 45 votes against proceeding showed that impeachment was “dead on arrival.”

“We put forward a motion that said that basically, you can’t impeach a private individual. You can impeach a president, but this is why the chief justice didn’t show up. If it was the president, the chief justice shows up. The fact that the chief justice wouldn’t come and refused to come means that this is a private citizen, but the Constitution doesn’t allow for impeachment of a private citizen. So, we put this issue forward, but the most important takeaway from the issue is they don’t have the votes to convict. We have 45 people, 45 Republican senators say that the whole — the whole charade is unconstitutional.

Democrats had to have known that there was zero possibility that they would get to the 67 votes needed to convict. So, what’s the point? Will they try to bring in other evidence? Demand stuff like Trump’s taxes? What’s the point of this quixotic quest? What if Team Trump introduces evidence that is embarrassing to Democrats? Heck, what if they offer the mythical evidence of election fraud?

(Fox News) On Tuesday night, during an appearance on “FOX News Primetime” with Maria Bartiromo,” Paul addressed what he saw as a double standard by Democrats.

“One of Bernie Sanders’ supporters came to the ballfield, nearly killed Steve Scalise … but nobody talked about impeaching Bernie Sanders. Maxine Waters has said, ‘Get up in their face’ — so has Cory Booker — ‘Become a mob, we want you to mob them at restaurants and cause mayhem.’ That sounds like an incitement to violence but nobody’s talking about impeaching Maxine Waters, nobody’s talking about impeaching Bernie Sanders or Cory Booker for saying ‘Get up in their face.’

That article goes into more detail on what Rand was saying. Remember, leftists surrounded him and his wife, threatened them. Booker and Waters should be impeached for that, and, that would be constitutional.

Really, those 45 Republicans, along with Trump and his defense team, should just refuse to play. Don’t show. Maybe have a golf outing for everyone or something.

Read: Shampeachment: 45 Republicans Vote That Trump Impeachment Is Unconstitutional »

Doom: Sea Rise From Melting Ice Prognostications Way Too Conservative

Seriously, how often do you see a piece from the climate cult that says “yeah, things are OK”? Because it is a doomsday cult, they continuously have to make things worse and worse and worse. Kinda like celebs, such as a Miley Cyrus, who do something a little crazy. Then have to top that. And top that. And top that. Etc

Surging global ice melt suggests sea level rise predictions are far too conservative

The world’s ice is melting so fast that sea level rise predictions can’t keep up.

In the 1990s, the Earth’s ice was melting at a rate of about 760 billion tons per year. That has surged 60 percent to an average of 1.2 trillion tons per year in the 2010s, a study published Monday in the journal The Cryosphere estimates. And as another study published earlier this month in Science Advances makes clear, the problem is feeding into itself.

Climate change is largely responsible for the huge ice melt surge, the Cryosphere study reports. In fact, about three percent of all the energy trapped within the Earth’s systems because of climate change has gone toward that ice melt, the study estimates. “That’s like more than 10,000 ‘Back to the Future’ lightning strikes per second of energy melting ice around-the-clock since 1994,” William Colgan, an ice-sheet expert at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, told The Washington Post. “That is just a bonkers amount of energy.”

“Together, the two studies present a worrying picture,” the Post writes. The first study found “the ice sheets are now following the worst-case climate warming scenarios set out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,” study author Thomas Slater said in a statement. But the second reveals that the panel’s sea level projections, which were already criticized as too conservative, may have underestimated the role of glacial undercutting in accelerating ice melt even more. Read more at The Washington Post.

First, this is all your fault. You know that, right? That big steak you had the other day, remember that? Second, let’s hit the Washington Post

Together, the two studies present a worrying picture

The first finds that the current ice losses, which are accelerating quickly, are on pace with the worst scenarios for sea-level rise put out by the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). That expert body found that ice sheets could drive as much as 16 inches of sea-level rise by 2100.

Well, if that happened, that would actually be on the high side of what is expected during a Holocene Warm period. So, no big deal. This has happened numerous times, and I don’t think they were driving fossil fueled vehicles in 30BC

“It is no surprise that the ice on our planet is melting,” said Robin Bell, an expert on the polar ice sheets at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. “We have turned up the temperature, and just like you can watch an ice cube in your glass melt on a hot summer day, our actions are melting our planet’s ice.”

The weird part is that there is not one shred of scientific proof offered in the piece that would show that Mankind is mostly/solely responsible for any of this. They don’t think they need it, because doomsday cults do not actually need proof for their beliefs.

Read: Doom: Sea Rise From Melting Ice Prognostications Way Too Conservative »

If All You See…

…is a climate emergency causing war and desertification, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on everyone believing in ‘climate change’ but voting for fossil fueled SUVs.

Read: If All You See… »

China Joe Signs EO Allowing Gender Confused In Military

The U.S. military is there to protect the nation, not be a hotbed of social justice

From the cheerleading piece

President Biden reversed his predecessor’s ban on transgender troops serving in the military, administration officials announced Monday, moving swiftly into a social issue that has tangled the Pentagon over the past five years.

With Lloyd J. Austin III, his new defense secretary, by his side in the Oval Office, Mr. Biden signed an executive order restoring protections first put in place by former President Barack Obama that opened up the ranks of the armed services to qualified transgender people. (snip)

But the swiftness signaled a willingness by the new Biden administration to put its own stamp on Defense Department social issues. It follows an announcement from Mr. Austin on Saturday that he was ordering up a review of how the Pentagon has been handling sexual assault issues.

So, who would be “qualified”? Because transgenders tend to have a lot more mental issues, including suicide, than those who aren’t gender confused. Heck, the very notion that they believe they are the opposite biological gender is a mental issue to start with. It’s always a good idea to put people with mental issues around military grade weapons, right? Democrats have hated the U.S. military since the 1970’s, and, since they couldn’t defund it, why not destroy it from within?


Read: China Joe Signs EO Allowing Gender Confused In Military »

Excitable Chuck Schumer Wants China Joe To Declare A “Climate Emergency”

Would this mean that Joe, Chuck, and the rest of the unhinged climate cultists in the US government would be forced to practice what they preach?

Schumer calls for Biden to declare climate emergency

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on Monday night that President Biden should consider declaring an emergency when it comes to the climate.

“It might be a good idea for President Biden to call a climate emergency,” Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.

Schumer appeared to be referencing Biden making a national emergency declaration, with the Senate leader noting that former President Trump used it for the border wall.

“He can do many, many things under the emergency powers … that he could do without legislation,” Schumer added about what authority Biden would have if he used his emergency powers.

“Trump used this emergency for a stupid wall, which wasn’t an emergency. But if there ever was an emergency, climate is one,” Schumer added.

The wall was authorized by numerous duly passed pieces of legislation signed into law by previous presidents. Under what authority given by the Constitution and/or Legislative Branch would Joe be able to do this? Rachel didn’t ask, and you can bet almost no reporter will ask

Declaring a national emergency would give Biden more leeway on combating climate change, including being able to direct additional funding.

In other words, it will give Los Federales more power over the private sector, including you. Meanwhile, these same climate cultists like Chuck and Joe will continue to travel around in fossil fueled vehicles and planes, use lots and lots of electricity, and just be climahypocrites.

Though legislation typically needs 60 votes to clear the Senate, Schumer told MSNBC that Democrats were also studying ways that they could include climate change legislation and parts of Biden’s Build Back Better plan under reconciliation.

The budget tactic allows some spending-related bills to pass the Senate with only a simple majority. But Democrats are limited in how frequently they could use it.

Schumer noted that the first reconciliation bill was likely to go toward coronavirus relief because Democrats want to move quickly and Biden’s $1.9 trillion relief proposal has gotten GOP pushback.

Reconciliation can only be used 3 times a year. Right here the Dems are showing that they are going to jam through their agenda. Yes, things are going to get ugly. And Democrats still won’t practice what they preach, though they’ll happily force you to practice what they preach.

Read: Excitable Chuck Schumer Wants China Joe To Declare A “Climate Emergency” »

Impeachment Farce: Senator Leahy (D) Will Preside Rather Than Chief Justice Roberts

Do these people even Constitution?

Republicans object after Sen. Leahy announces he, not Chief Justice Roberts, will preside over impeachment trial

Move OnAs the Senate prepares to conduct an impeachment trial for former President Donald Trump, Republicans are criticizing the procedural development — that Chief Justice John Roberts will not preside over the trial.

Instead, Senate President Pro Tempore Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) will preside over the trial. Leahy, the most senior Democrat in the chamber, announced Monday he will hold the gavel and pledged to deliver “impartial justice.”

“The president pro tempore has historically presided over Senate impeachment trials of non-presidents. When presiding over an impeachment trial, the president pro tempore takes an additional special oath to do impartial justice according to the Constitution and its laws. It is an oath that I take extraordinarily seriously,” Leahy said.

“I consider holding the office of the president pro tempore and the responsibilities that come with it to be one of the highest honors and most serious responsibilities of my career. When I preside over the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, I will not waver from my constitutional and sworn obligations to administer the trial with fairness, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.”

Got that? One of the jurors will also be the judge. One who has previously voted to convict Trump. You ask how this is Constitutional? It cannot be. Article 1 Section 3 paragraph 6

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

It specifically says that the Chief Justice must preside. Democrats are attempting to say they can do this because Trump is no longer the sitting president. If that’s the case, then they are not actually impeaching/convicting under the rules of the Constitution, meaning this is an illegal, unconstitutional trial of a private citizen.

However, that does not preclude Republicans from complaining. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) told The Hill that having Leahy preside over the trial “really undermines the legitimacy.”

“The Constitution requires that the chief justice preside over the impeachment trial of a president but that’s not what we’re doing. To me that’s indicative of the fact that we’re in uncharted waters,” he said.

“I just think it looks very petty and vindictive and I understand there are a lot of people who are mad but the process itself already looks like a railroad job,” Cornyn added.

“If the chief justice doesn’t preside, I think it’s an illegitimate hearing and really goes to show that it’s not really constitutional to impeach someone who’s not president,” said Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.).

Republicans should first stand up and object to the entire sham., then boycott. Senator Paul writes this

Well, impeachment is a tool to remove someone from office. That’s it. The Constitution specifically forbids any legal action that targets any one private individual.

There’s lots of information in his piece, such as no Republicans calling to impeach Bernie Sanders when his supporter shot Steve Scalise.

I am more than willing to work with Democrats to find common ground on protecting civil liberties or ending some of our many foreign military interventions, but no unity or common ground will be found while Democrats continue to fight the last election. This so-called impeachment is a farce and should be dismissed before it is even allowed to begin.

Paul says he will call to end it, and then boycott if it continues. All Republicans should simply refuse to participate. Don’t bother showing up. Same with any Trump lawyers. Let Democrats have their little charade, one which will never see 67 Senators vote to convict. So, don’t participate. Let the Dems have their unhinged Sore Winner festival. Don’t be part of it.

Read: Impeachment Farce: Senator Leahy (D) Will Preside Rather Than Chief Justice Roberts »

Biden Plans More Climate Crisis (scam) Policies Or Something

And, supposedly, he will demand China toughen their targets

Biden administration to unveil more climate policies, urges China to toughen emissions target

U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration next week will release more policies it believes are needed to tackle climate change and is urging China to toughen one of its targets on greenhouse gas emissions, his top climate advisers said on Saturday.

Gina McCarthy, the White House’s national climate adviser, did not say what policies would be released. A memo seen by Reuters on Thursday showed Biden will unveil a second round of executive orders as soon as Jan. 27 that include an omnibus order to combat climate change domestically and elevate the issue as a national security priority.

“We’ve already sent signals on the things that we don’t like that we’re going to roll back, but this week you’re going to see us move forward with what’s the vision of the future,” McCarthy told a virtual meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

Ah, won’t say, eh? These should be some doozies, all while the elites pushing them refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their own lives carbon neutral. And you know that it will be bad for the economy, especially during the COVID recovery

John Kerry, Biden’s special climate envoy, said a recent pledge by China, the world’s top greenhouse gas emitter, was “not good enough.” In September, Chinese President Jinping set a goal for his country to become carbon neutral by 2060, 10 years after the 2050 time frame favored by most countries, while also pledging a more ambitious short-term goal on emissions.

Like we would trust China in the first place? Heck, most of the Paris signatories who have tough targets are nowhere close to sticking to them.

Anyhow, when all the Biden voters, including the #NeverTrumpers on the Right, start whining, remind them who they voted for. And, if these policies were so great, why are they not going through the Legislative branch, where they belong?

Read: Biden Plans More Climate Crisis (scam) Policies Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a dry seabed from the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on leftist celebs trying to overturn the 2016 election.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove