Who’s Up For Some MACA (Make America California Again)?

A bold move by China Joe and The Los Angeles Times

Make America California Again? That’s Biden’s plan

After four years of being relentlessly targeted by a Republican president who worked overtime to bait, punish and marginalize California and everything it represents, the state is suddenly center stage again in Washington’s policy arena.

Huh what? Targeted? That was California’s Xavier Bacerra  (who now works for China Joe) suing the Trump admin over lots of things, such as cracking down on illegal immigration. Sorry if California was asked to pay its fair share.

California is emerging as the de facto policy think tank of the Biden-Harris administration and of a Congress soon to be under Democratic control. That’s rekindling past cliches about the state — incubator of innovation, premier laboratory of democracy, land of big ideas — even as it struggles with surging COVID-19 infections, a safety net frayed by the pandemic’s toll, crushing housing costs and wildfires, all fueling an exodus of residents.

There is no place the incoming administration is leaning on more heavily for inspiration in setting a progressive policy agenda. (snip)

Other Californians will be doing the same from Biden’s Cabinet. Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra is nominated to run the massive Health and Human Services Department. The nominee for Treasury secretary, former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, is a professor at UC Berkeley, as is the nominee for Energy secretary, Jennifer Granholm. Longtime California resident Alejandro Mayorkas is the nominee to run the Department of Homeland Security. (snip)

Not that Biden needs the nudge. He’s been pushing to nationalize some of the state’s pioneering efforts on climate action, workers’ rights, law enforcement and criminal justice, healthcare and economic empowerment since he was vice president in the Obama era. He continued to champion the cause while he and Harris were still rivals in the 2020 presidential race.

Let’s see: poop and used drug needles in the streets, a massive amount of homelessness (decriminalizing homelessness and giving them drug paraphernalia) , rising property and violent crime rates in the cities run by Democrats, an outsized cost of living, excusing illegal immigration, rolling brownouts and blackouts, many of them planned, skyrocketing energy prices, skyrocketing housing prices, a hostile environment for businesses, and so much more, to the point people and businesses are streaming out of the state to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and even Mexico. Californians think the state is headed in the wrong direction.

How’s this going to work for that #Unity stuff?

Read: Who’s Up For Some MACA (Make America California Again)? »

If All You See…

…are flowers that will wither from climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is NoTricksZone, with a post on proof of an earlier warmer climate.

Still clearing out the IAYS folder.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Edward Runci Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America! The Sun is shining, the birds are signing, and the NHL is back. My NJ Devils had a good start. Just 2 games, and overtime loss and an OT win, but, they played the Bruins, who are one of the top 5 teams in the league. BTW, I’m giving NHL.tv a whirl, and I like it better than Center Ice. Can watch anywhere, and resolution is great. Anyhow, this pinup is by Edward Runci, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Jihad Watch wonders why Twitter won’t ban Iran’s leader
  2. Legal Insurrection discusses loony Harvard students wanting Republicans stripped of their diplomas
  3. Moonbattery has a profile on loony race baiters
  4. Pacific Pundit notes Wuhan research with bats going back to 2016
  5. Patterico’s Pontifications discusses the Flight 93 impeachment
  6. Powerline has a discussion of whether the election was stolen
  7. Raised On Hoecakes covers “incitement”
  8. The Daley Gator highlights idiots speaking
  9. The First Street Journal covers how that impeachment is going
  10. A very rare link to the Gateway Pundit, which has video of DC military checkpoints
  11. The Hayride discusses the NRA leaving New York for Texas (why’d they stay in NY to start with?)
  12. The Last Tradition has an interesting take on AOC blaming Zuckerberg for the riots
  13. The Lid highlights China Joe’s COVID plan
  14. The Right Scoop has a reminder of what Trump’s 2017 inauguration looked like (I saved the link to Pocket for reference come the 20th)
  15. And last, but not least, Weasel Zippers covers Biden to ban “gendered” language at the White House.

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Biden Priorities: Amnesty, $15 Minimum Wage, Boys In Girl’s Bathrooms

Hey, #NeverTrumper, you voted for this with your Trump Derangement Syndrome. This is what you agitated for by telling everyone to vote for not just Joe Biden, but Senators and Representatives. No crying. No whining. No complaining. Own it.

Big Business: Joe Biden’s Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Is a Legislative Priority

The big business lobby is cheerleading President-elect Joe Biden’s massive amnesty plan for the 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States, calling the initiative one of their many “priorities.”

Biden floated the amnesty plan with a number of open borders and business lobbying groups during a meeting this week. Some executives with the groups are calling the amnesty “the most aggressive” plan they have seen while working on Capitol Hill, suggesting it includes not only legislation, but executive orders to legalize most of the illegal alien population. (snip)

Today, 18 million Americans are jobless, and another 6.2 million are underemployed, all of whom want full-time jobs with competitive wages and good benefits. Their chances of securing higher wages and more job opportunities are crushed by the mass inflow of illegal and legal immigration.

So, you have all these Americans jobless because of COVID, and Joe wants to add all these illegals to the rolls, who will take all those American jobs, and depress wages. There’s another massive migrant caravan moving towards the U.S., and, if Congress and Joe pass an amnesty, it will incent even more. And Joe could always expand the DACA idiocy. So, what could Joe and the Dems do for wages?

That’s right, it would destroy jobs, just like we’ve seen in cities that have implemented this. Portland and Seattle, among others, just saw businesses reduce their workforce, limit hours to avoid overtime, or just leave the city. California has seen the same, but, they just leave the state, some to Mexico. What happens if it is all of the U.S.? The same, except, when they leave, they do not leave for another state, they go to other countries. And, businesses who stay just pass on the increased cost to consumers. Which raises the cost of living, making the wage increase much lower. Some jobs just aren’t worth that much. Perhaps all the low wage workers agitating for getting paid more than their skills are worth should work on their skills. The median pay for a plumber is $55.

But, both of those require, really, a law from Congress. The only way that happens is if the Senate nukes the filibuster, which they should realize will boomerang back when the GOP eventually takes over. But, what of

Joe Biden Day 1: Order on Transgender Rights in Sports and Bathrooms

President-elect Joe Biden vowed to his supporters that, on his first day in office, he will begin removing any legal recognition of the two sexes by adopting pro-transgender polices.

Biden’s campaign website promises:

On his first day in office, Biden will reinstate the Obama-Biden guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence Administration, which will restore transgender students’ access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity. He will direct his Department of Education to vigorously enforce and investigate violations of transgender students’ civil rights. (snip)

Biden has also promised to sign the Equality Act into law in his first 100 days, a measure that would remove federal  recognition of two sexes.

The Equality Act will codify into federal law transgender bathrooms, the elimination of women-only sports, forcing preferred pronoun use, and other similar special transgender privileges.

So, on day one he plans to ruin women’s sports, make women and girls suffer with biological males in their bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers. Yay? Expect lots and lots and lots of lawsuits. We’ll see if the vast number of conservatives Trump and McConnell put on federal courts, including the Supreme Court, will matter.

The Equality Act’s bit about forcing pronoun use is against the 1st Amendment, so, expect lots of lawsuits there, too. If Democrats can get it through, which would require nuking the filibuster, again. And, if they forgot to include severability, that would destroy the entire law. But, yes, Democrats do want to codify Wrongthink as a crime.

These are just a few things that Joe plans to mess up. So, Never Trump should shut up and take it, and all the Dems losing their jobs and having their daughters exposed to boys and losing their earned sports spots, including scholarships, also need to shut up and take it.

Read: Biden Priorities: Amnesty, $15 Minimum Wage, Boys In Girl’s Bathrooms »

Capital Mostly Peaceful Protest Beginning Of Insurgency Or Something

I don’t really have to say yet again that I do not condone the violence that happened, but, when you call people you disagree with Nazis and White Supremacists and raaaaacists and such for years, then conduct an election that is full of, let’s call them, irregularities, which can’t be explained and are not explained, people are going to be pissed. When they hear the plans of Democrats, they are pissed. But, hey, dissent is now no longer patriotic, and will be deemed an insurgency

Attack on Capitol was the beginning of an American insurgency, counterterrorism experts warn

After ransacking the U.S. Capitol and threatening the lives of members of Congress on Jan. 6, they walked down the building’s broad steps unmolested and into the mythology of right-wing extremism. Many wore shirts identifying them as accolades of QAnon, riders in “the Storm” who believe the fever-dream conspiracy that they are foot soldiers in a war against Satan-worshipping pedophiles in the government’s “deep state” bureaucracy. There were also neo-Nazis and anti-Semites in the overwhelmingly white crowd, including a man wearing a “Camp Auschwitz” sweatshirt. Racists rallied to the Confederate flag of rebellion that some of the insurrectionists waved in the halls of Congress.

Yes, this hyperbole is actually in the straight news section. As far as ransacking, it was nothing compared to what BLM/Antifa did to privately owned stores across the country

With President Trump only days away from an unceremonious departure from the White House, the vision of a mob desecrating the citadel of democracy felt for many observers like the end of a shameful period of norm breaking and tradition smashing. But for counterterrorism experts who have spent the two decades since the 9/11 terrorist attacks closely studying and fighting violent extremist groups overseas, the spectacle looked like something altogether different: the likely birthing of a violent American insurgency.

Retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal was formerly the head of Joint Special Operations Command in Iraq and the commander of all U.S. and allied troops fighting the Taliban and al-Qaida in Afghanistan. “I did see a similar dynamic in the evolution of al-Qaida in Iraq, where a whole generation of angry Arab youth with very poor prospects followed a powerful leader who promised to take them back in time to a better place, and he led them to embrace an ideology that justified their violence. This is now happening in America,” McChrystal told Yahoo News.

A radical group of citizens have adopted a very hard-line view of the country, he noted, that echoes the Lost Cause narrative that took root in the old South after the Civil War. “Only President Trump has updated Lost Cause with his ‘Stop the Steal’ narrative that they lost because of a stolen election, and that is the only thing holding these people down and stopping them from assuming their rightful place in society,” McChrystal said. “That gives them legitimacy to become even more radical. I think we’re much further along in this radicalization process, and facing a much deeper problem as a country, than most Americans realize.”

Similarly, counterterrorism experts say a number of the white supremacist groups who took part in the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol have reached out and formed linkages with white nationalist counterparts in Germany, Canada, Norway and Russia. “I worked with the State Department to designate as terrorists an extreme white supremacist group in Russia that has many ties to U.S.-based groups,” said Ali Soufan, a former FBI supervisory special agent and counterterrorism expert who led some of the highest-profile investigations of al-Qaida attacks, speaking on Thursday to reporters. He noted that a National Security Council strategy document identified the Nordic Front, a neo-Nazi group spreading throughout Nordic countries, as a threat to the United States. “If the Nordic Front is a threat to the U.S., that means they have some connection to activities here. There are also [right-wing] extremist groups in Canada designated as terrorist organizations by our ‘Five Eyes’ allies, but they still operate with impunity here in the United States. That has to stop.”

So, dissent will now be labeled terrorism and insurgency. Should be a fun four years.

Read: Capital Mostly Peaceful Protest Beginning Of Insurgency Or Something »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post noting Pelosi hasn’t sent the impeachment papers to the Senate.

Read: If All You See… »

Hot Take: “The Capital Riots Highlighted Corporations’ Hypocrisy On Climate Denialism”

That’s the actual headline at MSNBC on the front page

The headline in story is slightly different, but, either way, same screed. The Cult of Climastrology is finally finding their groove in blaming/linking ‘climate change’ for the riots

(MSNBC) Last month, I co-published an article with the newsletter Popular Information exposing six corporations that “talk green but spend dirty.” Like so many articles we’ve written before, the piece showed how corporate America markets itself as a friend to the climate while directly funding climate deniers.

How dare these corporations using their own money in a manner they want!!!!! Cites like MSNBC called Trump and his supporters Fascists for 4 years, yet, are actually the ones wanting to limit what other people can say.

It’s fantastic that corporate America is finally starting to reckon with its role in spreading deadly, democracy-endangering misinformation. Since the violent riots on Jan. 6, at least 23 major companies now say they will no longer donate to lawmakers who voted against certifying the results of the election. To them, denying the results of a free and fair election has become politically unacceptable.

But denying a scientifically proven crisis that’s killing millions of people, particularly Black and brown ones, is still politically fine. Exactly zero of the companies that have pledged to cut off politicians who spread misinformation about the election have also pledged to cut off politicians who spread misinformation about the climate crisis, which has already killed far more people, and stands to kill far more.

This is how cults work: if A then purple, link the two in some manner.

Take Comcast, for example (not part of our original Popular Information piece). When the telecommunications giant announced a freeze on donations to election deniers, it called the riots they inspired “appalling.” But Comcast donated to Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., who was re-elected to his fifth term in November and whose decadeslong crusade against climate science has inspired Trump’s climate-destructive policies more than any other sitting lawmaker. In 2020, the company gave $10,000 to keep Inhofe in power.

Nope, nothing Fascist at all about attempting to shame a company for daring to give money to political opponents of Democrats.

Corporations are pausing contributions to election deniers because they don’t want to be seen as contributing to misinformation and violence. Well, guess what: They are contributing to misinformation and violence when they bankroll climate deniers. And I’m not just talking about violence to the planet and ecosystems. I’m talking about right-wing political violence, armed anti-government insurrections and white nationalism.

Cult. BTW, when does MSNBC go carbon neutral?

Read: Hot Take: “The Capital Riots Highlighted Corporations’ Hypocrisy On Climate Denialism” »

Tigers Are Attacking Indians More Because Of ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Well, it was either blaming attacks (which have always happened. Indians have known of this long enough to wear mask on the backs of their heads, so tigers think someone is looking at them) on ‘climate change’, the patriarchy, or white supremacy, which seem to be the usual wells news outlets like Reuters go to

Tigers attack as Indians are forced into forests by climate change

On a warm November afternoon, Parul Haldar balanced precariously on the bow of a small wooden dinghy, pulling in a long net flecked with fish from the swirling brown river.

Just behind her loomed the dense forest of the Sundarbans, where some 10,000 square km of tidal mangroves straddle India’s northeastern coastline and western Bangladesh and open into the Bay of Bengal.

Four years ago, her husband disappeared on a fishing trip deep inside the forest. Two fishermen with him saw his body being dragged into the undergrowth – one of a rising number of humans killed by tigers as they venture into the wild.

Now, this couldn’t possibly be due to the massive and growing population of India, and all these humans encroaching on the tiger’s areas, especially as the tiger population is growing back, right?

That Haldar, a single mother of four, is taking such risks is testament to growing economic and ecological pressures on more than 14 million people living on the Indian and Bangladeshi sides of the low-lying Sundarbans.

They have led to a reduced dependence on agriculture, a rising number of migrant workers and, for those like Haldar who can’t leave the delta to work elsewhere, a reliance on the forests and rivers to survive.


And as climate change pushes up sea surface temperatures, the cyclonic storms that barrel in from the Bay of Bengal have become fiercer and more frequent, particularly in the last decade, researchers said.

Ah, finally get a mention of Hotcoldwetdry, with no proof of anthropogenic causation.

According to the Sundarban Tiger Reserve’s director, Tapas Das, five people have been killed by tigers in India’s Sundarbans since April.

Local media, which closely follow such attacks, have reported up to 21 deaths last year, from 13 both in 2018 and 2019. Many attacks are not recorded, as families are reluctant to report them since it is illegal to go far into the forests.

“The number of reported cases of human wildlife conflict and fatalities are certainly alarming,” said Anamitra Anurag Danda, a Senior Visiting Fellow with the Observer Research Foundation think-tank.

A new factor behind the increase has been the coronavirus pandemic, which trapped tens of thousands of people like the Mondal family on the Sundarbans when they would normally be earning money as labourers elsewhere in India.

So, not ‘climate change’? Literally, there is nothing in the few remaining paragraphs that makes any attempt to justify the headline. But, see, that doesn’t matter, because Reuters got the cult propaganda out in the headline. The rule of the Internet is that most people will read for 30 seconds or 3 paragraphs before moving on. People see that headline, read a bit, and are now convinced that it’s your fault that tigers are attacking people in India. Something which has happened for a long, long time.

Read: Tigers Are Attacking Indians More Because Of ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Lindsay Graham Releases Trove Of Russia Russia Russia Documents

Interestingly, I’m not finding this at any of the Big Media outlets, and not that many smaller outlets. One would think this would be rather important and newsworthy, would one not?

Graham releases Russia probe docs, slams original investigation as ‘incompetent, corrupt’

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham on Friday released a slew of additional documents and transcripts related to his panel’s investigation into the origins and aftermath of the Trump-Russia probe, calling the original probe “one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ.”

The first investigation – which looked into whether members of President Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with the Russians to influence the election – was called “Crossfire Hurricane” Graham, the senior Republican senator from South Carolina, released transcripts of interviews with FBI and Justice Department officials conducted by the committee, between March 3, 2020 and October 29, 2020.

“I consider the Crossfire Hurricane investigation a massive system failure by senior leadership, but not representative of the dedicated, hardworking patriots who protect our nation every day at Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice,” Graham said in a statement Friday, saying his committee has released “as much material as possible,” but noted that “some classified material has still been withheld.”

Calling the “Crossfire Hurricane” operation “one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ,” Graham also said he “appreciates all those who participated in the depositions and their candor. “They have charted a path to allow us to reform the system.”

“The FISA court was lied to. Exculpatory information was withheld on those being investigated. The investigators, with some notable exceptions, were incredibly biased and used the powers of law enforcement for political purposes,” Graham said. “The subjects of the investigation had their lives turned upside down. It is my hope that counterintelligence investigations will be reined in and this never happens again in America.”

OK, so, who’s going to jail? Who will be prosecuted? Who’s going to be fired? Anyone? So far, virtually no one has had to pay for their malfeasance. No one has had to pay for lying to the FISA court. No one has had to pay for doing this stuff.

Graham slammed the leadership of the FBI under former Director James Comey and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, saying it was “either grossly incompetent” or said “they knowingly allowed tremendous misdeeds.”

“There was a blind eye turned toward any explanation other than the Trump campaign was colluding with foreign powers,” he continued. “At every turn the FBI and DOJ ran stop signs that were in abundance regarding exculpatory information.”

And what is going to happen to that FBI leadership? I’m betting nothing. It shows that they can get away with using the Federal Bureau of Justice to go after political opponents with zero consequences, which means they’ll simply do it again.

“It is hard to believe that something like Crossfire Hurricane could have happened in America,” Graham said. “The bottom line is that going forward we must have more checks and balances when it comes to political investigations. We must have more meaningful sign-offs on warrant applications, and we need to restore the trust to the American people in this system.”

The bottom line is that if no one is punished, people will feel free to do it again.

Read: Lindsay Graham Releases Trove Of Russia Russia Russia Documents »

Surprise? Dems Have Zero Evidence Colleagues Aided Capital Hill Mostly Peaceful Protesters

This sounds rather familiar, eh? Democrats say they have all this evidence but cannot produce it

House Dems who accused colleagues of aiding Capitol rioters have yet to provide any evidence

More than 30 House Democrats signed a letter suggesting several Republican colleagues may have aided Capitol rioters by providing them with tours of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 5 but have yet to flesh out their accusations, following inquiries from Fox News.

House Democrats on Wednesday requested an immediate probe into “suspicious behavior” and access that they claimed was given to visitors at the U.S. Capitol a day before the riot. Thirty-four lawmakers led by Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-N.J. — who first went public with the “reconnaissance” tour claims — urged the Capitol Police and the acting House and Senate sergeants-at-arms to look into the matter in a letter.

“I also intend to see that those members of Congress who abetted him, those members of Congress who had groups coming through the capitol that I saw on Jan. 5 for reconnaissance for the next day. Those members of Congress who incited the violent crowd. Those members of Congress that attempted to help our president undermine our democracy, I’m going see that they’re held accountable,” Sherrill said on Tuesday.

And what happened when Fox News asked for information (obviously, no other news outlet was asking for proof)?

Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., signed the letter and told Fox News he believes his and Sherrill’s concerns “must be fully investigated.”

“While I did not see everything that Congresswoman Sherrill witnessed, but after speaking with her, I was very alarmed by her description of what she witnessed and described,” Carson told Fox News in a statement. “Added to my own observations, I believe these concerns must be fully investigated.”

The letter does not name any members or staff who may have led the alleged “reconnaissance” tours, as Sherrill described them, or give more detail on why the visitors appeared suspicious.

So, again, accusations with zero proof

Rep. Kim Schrier, D-Wash., who did not sign the letter, told Cheddar’s J.D. Durkin that protesters who entered the Capitol seemed to have inside knowledge of the Capitol building.

“The perpetrators, terrorists were able to find locations in the Capitol that I probably could not find,” she said.

Well, gee wiz, it’s not like there are floor plans readily available for the Capital building, right?

Read: Surprise? Dems Have Zero Evidence Colleagues Aided Capital Hill Mostly Peaceful Protesters »

Pirate's Cove