Oh Noes: Global Boiling Threatens Democracy Around The World

Bad Weather is apparently bad for voting, and never happened before 1850

How Climate Change Threatens Democracy

This year, at least 68 countries will hold elections, with billions of voters heading to the polls. Voting will be subject to many of the usual electoral risks, including disinformation campaigns, foreign interference, and rigging by incumbents. In some states, both incumbents and challengers could even use violence to keep certain people at home.

But there will be another factor, one not yet widely considered, that could skew results: the physical forces unleashed by climate change. They present a unique and novel challenge. Although all electoral threats are serious, the ones brought by climate change have the potential to disenfranchise voters even in the absence of malevolent intent. The disenfranchisement of even a few voters can make a profound difference in election outcomes, as in the case of the 537 votes in Florida that determined the U.S. presidential election in 2000. As extreme weather events become more frequent, the risk to voters will grow.

Of course, they aren’t actually becoming more frequent, you just see them more because of everyone being able to take video and put it up on social media. So, what’s this really about?

Electoral authorities in all countries, including Australia, Canada, India, and the United States, must take action to ensure that—even if polling places, ID cards, and communication networks are damaged or destroyed—citizens can exercise their fundamental democratic right to vote. Options include relocating polling stations, making the rules on registration more flexible, and protecting communications networks.

There it is: we have to make it easier for people to vote even if they are outside the rules. Outside their districts. Dead. Voting multiple times. Their address is a graveyard. They’re illegal aliens and lawful residents who are not eligible to vote. In a coffin. Seriously, most states have early voting periods: if you can’t get there during that time period that’s on you. This is all about enabling more cheating during elections.

Read: Oh Noes: Global Boiling Threatens Democracy Around The World »

If All You See…

…are wonderful carbon neutral sailboats, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Science, with a post on RFK Jr’s plan for $12 gas.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Biden’s Border Order To Create Chaos And Suffering

I know that the order is simply an election year stunt to attempt to convince voters that he’s Doing Something after doing the exact opposite for over three years, but, are we really caring that this creates hardship and suffering for illegal aliens invading our nation?

Biden’s migrant order is recipe for chaos at US border: ‘It will only cause suffering’

Joe Biden on Tuesday signed an aggressive new immigration order suspending asylum rights, signalling that “securing the border” was a central tenet of his re-election bid.

At the southern US border, the policy is set to cause chaos and hardship for those seeking the protection of the United States.

The executive order revealed on Tuesday revokes – at least temporarily – the country’s longstanding promise that anyone who sets foot on US soil can ask for refuge.

Meaning it ends the minute Biden wins re-election, provided he does.

Starting at 12.01am Wednesday, the government will be able to return people apprehended at the border to Mexico or their home countries within hours or days if a daily number of crossings is exceeded, giving them little chance to apply for asylum.

On Tuesday afternoon, lawyers who work with people attempting to cross the border were still scrambling to understand how exactly the order would work – as detailed regulations had yet to be made public. But what was sure, they said, was that it would create panic and chaos at the border in the short term. The rush of people fleeing violence and chaos in their home countries is unlikely to stop overnight, they cautioned.

“It can’t be counted on to reduce, or to stop, people from coming,” said Monika Y Langarica, a senior attorney with the Center for Immigration Law and Policy (CILP) based at the border in San Diego. “But it certainly will create confusion. It will create disorder, and it will put people’s lives in danger.”

That’s their problem. They decided to make a long trek to the U.S., thinking they would get free food, shelter, clothes, jobs, schooling, etc and all the way up to citizenship without wanting to actually assimilate. If you decide you’re going to take a walk in a dangerous section of Chicago in the night, what happens is on you. You were warned.

(USA Today) In May, Reuters reporters came across Colombians, Ecuadoreans, Peruvians, Turks, Brazilians, Jordanians, Egyptians, Indians and Chinese – a more varied mix than the Mexicans and Central Americans who formed the bulk of migrants in years past.

Where are these people getting the money and resources to make these long trips? There are many from the African continent coming. Same with the Middle East, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. That’s not cheap. This is an invasion. Back to the original article

Meanwhile, human rights advocates say, Biden’s order – which is the latest in a number of policy changes aimed at drastically reducing access to the US asylum system – is unlikely achieve its intended purpose of reducing arrivals at the border.

Logistically, it is impossible to completely shut down the border, said Faisal Al-Juburi, chief external affairs officer at Raices, an immigrant support and advocacy group in Texas.

“Phrasing this as ‘shutting the border’ is much more of a PR statement,” Al-Juburi said. “When we look at actually about 30 years of deterrence practices, we know they don’t work long term. What we consistently see is that people just end up taking greater risks.”

There you have a Biden supporter saying this is all theater.

Lawyers and advocates say deterrence policies, such as those outlined in Biden’s executive order, incentivise families in vulnerable situations to make desperate choices. “What we expect to see is a lot of people in desperate situations, for example, separate from their children, and send their children up across the border,” said Alvaro Huerta, director of litigation and advocacy at the Immigrant Defenders Law Center.

Except, the majority are actually young, fighting age men, not women and children. And, the only ones putting their children in danger are the parents.

Read: Bummer: Biden’s Border Order To Create Chaos And Suffering »

Americans Are Totally Ready To Take Climate (scam) Action Or Something

Weirdly, they forgot to ask if Americans are willing to spend lots of their own money and give up their freedom and life choices

Survey: Americans ready to take climate action

Most Americans are willing to take steps to help address climate change, a new survey finds.

Why it matters: While some Americans still haven’t accepted climate change’s impact, most believe it’s a major threat.

What they did: Environmental company Veolia and French research and consulting firm Elabe polled 2,000 U.S. adults online between Oct. 17 and Nov. 6, 2023, as part of their “Barometer of Ecological Transformation,” a regular report on global views surrounding climate change.

What they found: 61% of Americans feel vulnerable to a lower quality of life due to climate change, while 57% worry about climate-related health risks, per the survey.

61% of Americans are open to drinking recycled wastewater in the face of water shortages, 74% would eat food grown using recycled water, and 82% would pay more to filter microplastics out of their drinking water.

Interesting. Except none of those are about ‘climate change’, but, actually environmental issues. I’m in on the microplastics stuff. But, what of actual questions about people practicing what they preach? I’m not going to download the survey, since it requires registration. But, I’ve read a bunch of other articles, and none go further than the Axios one above. Why are most surveys afraid to ask the tough questions about people living the carbon neutral lifestyle?

Read: Americans Are Totally Ready To Take Climate (scam) Action Or Something »

WWIII Watch: Ukraine Uses US Weapons To Strike In Russian Territory

In fairness, as I’ve said, this is war. If one nation is striking in the territory of another, well, that country should strike back in the other nation’s territory. Of course, since Ukraine is using US weapons to strike a nation that has nuclear weapons with a nutjob in charge who has threatened to use them, it’s rather dangerous

Ukraine strikes into Russia with US weapons for first time, official says

Ukraine has struck inside of Russia with U.S. weapons for the first time since permission was granted by the Biden administration last week, according to a Ukrainian official.

Ukrainian parliament member Yehor Cherniev confirmed that U.S.-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) have hit Russian logistics and artillery locations inside of Russia near Ukraine’s northeast region of Kharkiv, where Moscow is conducting an offensive.

“We have already achieved some success and forced the Russians to stop shelling the city,” said Cherniev, the deputy chairman of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence in Ukraine’s parliament, in a text message. “Also, thanks to the HIMARS strikes, we managed to reduce the offensive potential of Russian troops in this area.”

Unconfirmed videos shared on Russian Telegram sites appeared to show the aftermath of a HIMARS strike that caused an explosion in the Belgorod region of Russia, which borders Kharkiv.

The New York Times first reported that U.S. weapons were used in Russia.

Now just imagine that it was Trump in office: the NY Times and all the other Credentialed Media would be screeching about how this is going to lead to WWIII. The editorials and op-eds would be yammering about warmonger and doom, saying we should all stock up on anti-radiation pills, and just general unhinged. Now? No big deal. Even as they yammered about how bad Putin.

Read: WWIII Watch: Ukraine Uses US Weapons To Strike In Russian Territory »

Earth Is On A “Pathway To Hell” From Hotcoldwetdry Or Something

This comes from the group that holds multiple climate conferences every year, including the big one in the Fall for which tens of thousands take long fossil fueled trips, along with hundreds if not thousands who fly private jets

UN chief says world is on ‘highway to climate hell’ as planet endures 12 straight months of unprecedented heat

The planet just marked a “shocking” new milestone, enduring 12 consecutive months of unprecedented heat, according to new data from Copernicus, the European Union’s climate monitoring service.

Every single month from June 2023 to May 2024 was the world’s hottest such month on record, Copernicus data showed. (snip)

(UN General Secretary) Guterres urged world leaders to swiftly take control of the spiraling climate crisis or face dangerous tipping points. “We are playing Russian roulette with our planet,” he said Wednesday. “We need an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell.”

Would this be the same Guterres who took a long fossil fueled trip to Nepal and another to the Antarctic for a climate scam photo-op? Anyhow, the record doesn’t go back that far. Can they compare to direct observations during the previous Holocene warm periods? That’s how science works, to see if it is shocking and unprecedented. Oh, and it is not accelerating.

‘Hanging by a Thread’: U.N. Chief Warns of Missing a Key Climate Target

With the planet in the grips of its highest temperatures in more than 100,000 years, scientists with the United Nations weather agency have crunched the numbers and come to a stark conclusion: More record-hot years are all but inevitable.

In the next five years, there’s a nearly 90 percent chance Earth will set yet another record for its warmest year, surpassing the scorching highs experienced in 2023, the World Meteorological Organization said in a report Wednesday.

What if it doesn’t? Who resigns/gets fired and has their career put in tatters? Nothing is hanging by a thread, the world has been warmer during the Holocene, and we were fine.

UN Secretary-General Urges Ban on Fossil Fuel Ads as Planet Warms

It’d be fun if petroleum companies refused to sell to the UN and their employees. It is cute how they want to get all sorts climafascist, eh, though, really, none of the companies need to advertise: people will still show up at the gas stations. Since I mostly stream I rarely ever see or hear an ad on TV or from iHeart Radio or Spotify. I do not think I hear them on FM when I listen to the Two Guys Named Chris show, or, the times I’m watching News14 for the weather. I still go. I bet you do, too.

Read: Earth Is On A “Pathway To Hell” From Hotcoldwetdry Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible road built for evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on an internal memo to ICE.

Read: If All You See… »

ACLU Plans To Sue Over Biden Border Order

Interesting. The ACLU looks to protect illegal immigrants over U.S. citizens

ACLU to challenge Biden’s border action: ‘Same approach’ as Trump asylum ban

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said Tuesday it planned to sue the Biden administration over a newly unveiled policy that will restrict asylum claims at the southern border.

“The Biden administration just announced an executive order that will severely restrict people’s legal right to seek asylum, putting tens of thousands of lives at risk,” the organization posted on the social platform X.

“This action takes the same approach as the Trump administration’s asylum ban. We will be challenging this order in court,” it added.

The White House on Tuesday took long-expected executive action that will turn away migrants seeking asylum who cross the southern border illegally at times when there is a high volume of daily encounters.

I’m sure they’ll be leading the pack with many other pro-illegal alien groups joining in. Will they be able to find a friendly judge to put the kibosh on the order? What’s the over/under that a judge puts a hold on it before Friday, one who says that the order has no force of law until such time as it can be litigated in court?

Of course, this is all theater: Biden is pretending he’s Doing Something after utterly destroying immigration limits at the border, after opening the floodgates. Even if it goes into effect before the election, the minute the election is over he’ll end it. If the ACLU sues and wins, Brandon can say he tried.


Biden border crackdown could snip economy

President Joe Biden’s latest attempt to address one of his biggest political liabilities — immigration — could fuel another of his weak spots among voters by sapping strength from the U.S. economy.

The country’s post-Covid-19 rebound stands out from those of other countries, a phenomenon economists say is partly due to immigration, both through legal and unauthorized channels. But the executive action Biden issued Tuesday could stem the number of asylum seekers and other migrants who make their way into the U.S. and provide a vital, often cheap, labor source for employers. (snip)

Nationwide, nearly half of the job growth outside of the farming sector since October can be attributed to various immigrant groups, according to a recent analysis by the financial firm Standard Chartered.

Huh, so, Americans aren’t actually getting their lion’s share of the jobs? Exactly what do illegal aliens offer? Government is spending massive amounts on them, giving them food, shelter, clothes, and more while they give back….nothing.

But it wasn’t all good news. CBO estimated that immigration would contribute to inflation, another pressing problem for Biden in this election year. Wages would also rise more slowly over the next 10 years due to the influx of low-skilled workers, according to the agency.

So, immigrants take half the jobs (remember, these are mostly ones who came in on legal pathways for visas, not those coming to the border and demanding asylum, and the legals are not effected by Brandon’s EO) and help increase inflation while deflating wages. Huzzah!

Read: ACLU Plans To Sue Over Biden Border Order »

Climate Wacko Defaces Monet Painting In Paris

Do these wacko doomsday cultists think they’re actually getting people on their side?

Monet Painting at the Musée d’Orsay Vandalized by Climate Activist

A climate activist affixed an adhesive poster to a Monet painting at the Musée d’Orsay Saturday. The woman, who said she intended to raise awareness for climate change, was arrested.

The stunt was carried out by a member of Riposte Alimentaire (Food Response), a group of environmental activists and defenders of sustainable food production in response to the climate crisis. The group has been targeting museums across Europe for years, including most recently a protest at the Louvre last month. (snip)

The French Impressionist’s work depicts people with umbrellas roaming through a blooming poppy field. Unlike works like Leonardo’s Mona Lisa, which has been the subject of much backlash, it was not protected by glass.

Well, I hope they’re going to prosecute the hell out of this wacko

Everything she’s wearing is made with petroleum.

Read: Climate Wacko Defaces Monet Painting In Paris »

55 Democrats Join With GOP To Pass Sanctions On ICC

This means that 155 voted in favor of the court which supports Hamas and hates Israel and Jews

House passes GOP bill to sanction ICC as it seeks arrest warrant for Netanyahu

The U.S. House on Tuesday passed a Republican-led bill that would impose sanctions on the International Criminal Court after its top prosecutor recommended war crimes charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The legislation passed in a 247 to 155 vote. Forty-two Democrats crossed party lines to help Republicans pass the bill despite opposition from the White House.

The Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act, led by Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy, would require mandatory sanctions and visa restrictions on any foreign person working or providing funds for the ICC in prosecutions against the U.S., Israel or any other U.S. ally that is not party to the ICC.

The vote came weeks after the international court’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, filed applications for warrants of arrest for Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Will the Senate take up the bill and give it a vote? There are surely 51 votes to pass it, right?

The White House said Monday it was “deeply concerned” about the ICC actions but that, ultimately, the Biden administration “strongly opposes” the legislation.

“There are more effective ways to defend Israel, preserve U.S. positions on the ICC, and promote international justice and accountability, and the Administration stands ready to work with Congress on those options,” a statement from the White House read, though it did not include a veto threat.

Will Biden veto it?

Meanwhile, a good laugh

College graduates are concerned pro-Palestinian activism could deter future employers

When graduating University of Chicago senior Rayna Acha heard about the lawsuit filed by a Lebanese American attorney alleging a job offer from a national law firm was rescinded because of her pro-Palestinian views on Gaza, the revocation confirmed one of her worst fears.

“The reality is we might not get jobs because of (our activism),” said Acha, an undergraduate anthropology major at the U. of C. and an organizer with Students for Justice in Palestine.

Acha has more than one reason to worry. She is one of four U. of C. students whose degrees were withheld because of their involvement with the university’s pro-Palestinian encampment calling on the institution to sever its financial ties to Israel.

Well, yeah, if you’re taking the side of Islamic terrorists and spouting Jew hatred you find a goodly chunk of companies do not want you working for them. Heck, even if the people at companies agree with you, they won’t want to piss off their customer base for your dhimmitude. Have fun with that job search!

Read: 55 Democrats Join With GOP To Pass Sanctions On ICC »

Pirate's Cove