Surprise? Dems Have Zero Evidence Colleagues Aided Capital Hill Mostly Peaceful Protesters

This sounds rather familiar, eh? Democrats say they have all this evidence but cannot produce it

House Dems who accused colleagues of aiding Capitol rioters have yet to provide any evidence

More than 30 House Democrats signed a letter suggesting several Republican colleagues may have aided Capitol rioters by providing them with tours of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 5 but have yet to flesh out their accusations, following inquiries from Fox News.

House Democrats on Wednesday requested an immediate probe into “suspicious behavior” and access that they claimed was given to visitors at the U.S. Capitol a day before the riot. Thirty-four lawmakers led by Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-N.J. — who first went public with the “reconnaissance” tour claims — urged the Capitol Police and the acting House and Senate sergeants-at-arms to look into the matter in a letter.

“I also intend to see that those members of Congress who abetted him, those members of Congress who had groups coming through the capitol that I saw on Jan. 5 for reconnaissance for the next day. Those members of Congress who incited the violent crowd. Those members of Congress that attempted to help our president undermine our democracy, I’m going see that they’re held accountable,” Sherrill said on Tuesday.

And what happened when Fox News asked for information (obviously, no other news outlet was asking for proof)?

Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., signed the letter and told Fox News he believes his and Sherrill’s concerns “must be fully investigated.”

“While I did not see everything that Congresswoman Sherrill witnessed, but after speaking with her, I was very alarmed by her description of what she witnessed and described,” Carson told Fox News in a statement. “Added to my own observations, I believe these concerns must be fully investigated.”

The letter does not name any members or staff who may have led the alleged “reconnaissance” tours, as Sherrill described them, or give more detail on why the visitors appeared suspicious.

So, again, accusations with zero proof

Rep. Kim Schrier, D-Wash., who did not sign the letter, told Cheddar’s J.D. Durkin that protesters who entered the Capitol seemed to have inside knowledge of the Capitol building.

“The perpetrators, terrorists were able to find locations in the Capitol that I probably could not find,” she said.

Well, gee wiz, it’s not like there are floor plans readily available for the Capital building, right?

Read: Surprise? Dems Have Zero Evidence Colleagues Aided Capital Hill Mostly Peaceful Protesters »

If All You See…

…are snowy mountains which will Soon! lose all their snow from climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report News, with a post on the FBI arresting an Antifa leader for what happened at the Capital.

Read: If All You See… »

UK Businesses Win Insurance Payouts Over COVID

Could this be coming to America?

Small businesses win Covid insurance payouts after UK supreme court victory

Hundreds of thousands of small businesses that were forced to close during the Covid-19 pandemic are now set to receive payouts on insurance claims worth more than £1bn following what was described as a “historic victory” at the supreme court.

The Financial Conduct Authority, which brought the test case, said it would now be working with insurers to ensure they “move quickly” to pay claims to businesses, some of which have been struggling to stay afloat.

Judges threw out the appeals from six insurance companies and largely supported the arguments made by the FCA and a policyholder action group – prompting the law firm Reed Smith to declare that this was “a catastrophic outcome” for insurers.

The FCA has previously said that 370,000 policyholders may be affected by the outcome of the test case, and originally estimated the value of claims affected at about £1.2bn. However, some analysts have said several billion pounds could be at stake. (snip)

The complex case involves business interruption insurance, a key part of commercial policies which is meant to pay out if a firm cannot trade as usual owing to an unexpected event.

Many small businesses, from restaurants and bars to hairdressers and guesthouses, claimed they should have received payouts from their insurers after the coronavirus lockdowns left them unable to trade. Insurers have been accused by some of relying on technical legal arguments to wriggle out of their responsibilities.

So, let’s see if we have this right: the government of the UK shut down all these small businesses over COVID, and then sued the insurance companies to pay out under their “business interruption” clauses for the interruptions the government created. Is that about it? Sure, this could have happened without government intervention. Certainly, business was way down in February/early March due to the fears of what everyone was seeing on TV and in the news, but, it was Government who shut it all down. I have to wonder if the payouts from the insurance companies will lead to higher premiums or cancellations. And could we see this in the U.S.?

Also in the UK

Read More »

Read: UK Businesses Win Insurance Payouts Over COVID »

UN Warns That Most Countries Aren’t Really Doing Enough On ‘Climate Change’

There’s a very interesting admission in this piece on the UN saying we could fix what’s going on (we can start with ending all UN sponsored Hotcoldwetdry in-person meetings and conferences, with their giant carbon footprints)

UN Warns World Is Failing to Prepare for Climate Change—But We Can Fix That

If world leaders don’t seriously step up their game to adapt to the climate crisis, we’ll see catastrophic human and economic losses everywhere, a new report from the world’s top global environmental authority warns.

United Nations scientists have told us time and time again that we must curb greenhouse gas emissions to slow climate change. But the fifth edition of the UN Environment Program’s Adaptation Gap Report, released early Thursday morning, says those efforts must be coupled with strategies to adapt to the warming world. That’s because even if emissions drop to zero, we still face a climate unlike anything humanity has ever seen.

Every facet of human life and every corner of the planet comes with adaptation options, and many of the tools we need to adapt to a more frenetic climate are already at our disposal. We can conserve wetlands and mangroves to help cope with surging sea levels, and address landslides and erosion by restoring peatlands—all of which would also lower greenhouse gas emissions. We can create urban green spaces to mitigate flooding during heavy rains and to counter the high temperatures of heat islands. We can even put houses on stilts to keep them above floodwaters.

Mixing real environmental concerns with a cult scam. Landslides and erosion have always happened. So have rising seas. A tiny greenspace in a city does little to reduce the much higher temps in urban heat islands, but, it’s nice they mention the UHI effect, which is real, vs anthropogenic climate change, which isn’t.

Here we go

But world leaders largely haven’t taken these opportunities. Of the more than 1,700 adaptation initiatives in the report, most were in the early stages of implementation. And only 3% have yet demonstrably lowered the local risks they aimed to address.

It’s not that nothing has been done. The authors note that 72% of countries have adopted at least one nationwide adaptation plan, strategy, policy or law, and that the Green Climate Fund—the UN’s grant-making body that provides resources for international climate action—has allocated 40% of its total portfolio to adaptation. Private funding for adaptation is on the rise, too. Adaptation projects are also getting more ambitious as well.

In other words, all these nations are great at making pledges, not so great at implementing them. It’s mostly lip service to the “Historic Paris Climate Agreement.”

Rich, highly carbon-polluting countries, in particular, need to up their investments for themselves and poorer countries as well. More than half of the adaptation projects that have been launched since 2015, the authors say, have been implemented by the world’s “least developed countries,” which the UN defines as low-income nations facing “severe structural impediments to sustainable development.” In particular, almost 15% of projects are located in small island developing states. They have minuscule carbon footprints, but are likely to suffer some of the climate crisis’ worst effects, and in some cases, could become completely uninhabitable.

Well, their part of Paris is mostly about being given money and infrastructure with zero strings attached, so, it’s easy for them.

But, mostly, no nation really cares about implementing Paris.

Read: UN Warns That Most Countries Aren’t Really Doing Enough On ‘Climate Change’ »

Secret Service Calls Washington Post Story On Bathroom Use Bunch On Mule Fritters

I’m simply shocked that the Washington Post would run an article full of unnamed sources that wasn’t real

Secret Service refutes WaPo story claiming that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner denied agents restroom access in their home

The Washington Post reported Thursday that U.S. Secret Service agents assigned to protect Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have been forced to go to great lengths to use the bathroom because the couple forbids their protectors from using the facilities in their home.

But a spokesperson for the Secret Service says The Post’s claims were not true.

The Post made waves with a story alleging that Kushner and Trump told agents they were not allowed to use any of the six restrooms in their Washington, D.C., home, causing the guardians major inconveniences whenever nature called.

“After resorting to a porta-potty, as well as bathrooms at the nearby home of former president Barack Obama and the not-so-nearby residence of Vice President Pence, the agents finally found a toilet to call their own,” the newspaper reported, adding, “But it came at a cost to U.S. taxpayers. Since September 2017, the federal government has been spending $3,000 a month — more than $100,000 to date — to rent a basement studio, with a bathroom, from a neighbor of the Kushner family.”

The Washington Post piece is based on utterly anonymous “according to neighbors and law enforcement officials.” There’s not one person who would go on the record saying this is what was happening, nor why, because none of the people had a clue. The White House responded to say the story would be a bunch of mule fritters, as did a Secret Service spokesperson

But on Thursday evening, eight hours after this story appeared online, she sent a second email with a new statement, saying that the Secret Service tries to have minimal impact on households it protects. “In accordance with this practice, Secret Service personnel do not request access to the facilities at private residences,” she wrote. “Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have not denied Secret Service personnel access to their home to include use of the restroom.”

So, within the story itself we learn that the story is hot garbage. But, most people will have given up reading it by that time, and miss it. All they’ll see is that Jared and Ivanka are horrible people. And later on a mention of the 2nd impeachment and the Capital assault. And then more on how horrible Jared and Ivanka are, because this is a Typical Hit Piece from a Trump Derangement Syndrome infused newspaper and “reporter.” We could barely get reporting on Obama’s Fast and Furious, which killed hundreds, including Mexican children and 2 US federal agents, nor any Obama scandal. Nor Joe and Hunter’s issues. Yet, we can get “deep reporting” on bathrooms. Which was fake.

Read: Secret Service Calls Washington Post Story On Bathroom Use Bunch On Mule Fritters »

Climate Crisis (scam) NGO Look To Convict The Nation Of France

France has long been a bastion of Doing Something about Hotcoldwetdry. Apparently, all the actions they’ve taken are not enough

NGOs seek to convict French state of failing to tackle climate crisis

A Paris court has been asked to convict the French state for its alleged failure to act to halt the climate crisis.

The legal case, which is being brought by four environmental groups after a petition was signed by more than 2 million citizens, seeks to hold the country responsible for ecological damage and its detrimental health and social effects.

The NGOs hope the case will trigger greater action to limit the climate breakdown by regarding it as a human right, and say convicting the French would represent an important symbolic victory and could force other governments to do more.

The Paris agreement signed five years ago aimed to limit global warming to less than 2C above pre-industrial levels. Donald Trump pulled the US out of the deal in 2017. Environmental experts say governments, including the French administration, have failed to meet their commitments.

If the court, and the State, had any cajones they’d ask what action the NGOs and their members have taken to make their own lives carbon neutral. Maybe trot out some photos of the members driving fossil fueled vehicles.

The case in France began in December 2018 when four NGOs lodged a formal complaint accusing the government of failing to reduce environmentally damaging emissions. This followed an online petition signed by a record-breaking 2.3 million people.

Too bad France can’t restrict those 2.3 million (supposedly) citizens from using fossil fuels, limit their use of AC and heating at home and their businesses, restrict the use of water and electricity. Restrict what kinds of foods they can eat. Restrict where they can travel to. And impose an extra tax on them.

When the organisations Greenpeace France, Notre Affaire à Tous, the Nicolas Hulot Foundation and Oxfam France received what they considered an inadequate response, they filed a legal complaint in March 2019. The groups are seeking symbolic damages of €1 from the French government.

And, if they win and force France to Do Something More, they will still not be satisfied.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) NGO Look To Convict The Nation Of France »

If All You See…

…is the horrible powerstrip leading to vampire electricity, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is MOTUS A.D., with a post on the great thing about all this unity.

Read: If All You See… »

Rep Marjorie Green Says Will File Impeachment Against China Joe

Good idea? Bad idea? Obviously, this will go nowhere with a Democratic Party majority in the House, and won’t even be debated, much less voted on. Will any other Republicans have the cajones to back her, considering the way Trump was treated by the Democrats for four years? Will Republicans #Resist? I guess we’ll see

Rep. Marjorie Greene says she will file for impeachment against Joe Biden on the first day of his presidency in order to avoid violence

Newly elected Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) announced on Wednesday that she would be filing articles of impeachment against President-elect Joe Biden on the first full day of his presidency.

Greene made the announcement during an interview on NewsmaxTV.

“I would like to announce on behalf of the American people, we have to make sure that our leaders are held accountable. We cannot have a president of the United States that is willing to abuse the power of the office of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments, foreign Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies,” said Greene.

“So on January 21st, I will be filing articles of impeachment on Joe Biden,” she added.

The question here is, can Joe be impeached for things that happened when not in current office, and voted out of office? Could he be impeached and booted for things he did while Vice President and/or as a private citizen? There really isn’t an answer to that, not Constitutionally or any law. Article II Section 4 doesn’t say when “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors” had to have occurred.

“On January 21, 2021, I’ll be filing Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden for abuse of power,” she tweeted.

When TheBlaze reached out to Greene’s office to clarify her motivation for filing impeachment articles, her spokesperson offered the following response:

Rep. Greene simply wants to be a voice for the voiceless. American conservatives have been banned, censored, deplatformed and physically attacked. Unfortunately that removes hope from the people. Congresswoman Greene wants to defend these Americans and represent the Silent Majority.

We all know Democrats will not play nice. Unity? Pffft. They say they’re trying to unify while stabbing Republicans/Conservatives in the back. They’ll complain that Republicans are not playing along with #Unity for refusing to back far left crazy legislation and Biden admin rules/regs. They are very much sore winners.

Read: Rep Marjorie Green Says Will File Impeachment Against China Joe »

Surprise: The Capital “Riot” And Climate Change (scam) Are Linked Together Or Something

For anyone saying “oh, come on, no one would link what happened in D.C. with anthropogenic climate change, that’s just silly,” well, you haven’t been paying attention. This is what’s called Climarettes, a condition where the Cult of Climastrology has to link every incident with their cultish beliefs. BTW, the NY Times mostly avoided the term “riot” for what were real riots in Democratic Party run cities for a goodly chunk of this year. Nor when Liberals ran riot during the Kavanaugh hearings, for one

The Capitol Riot and Climate Disinformation
They’re more closely related than you might think

Not really, but, Cultists gotta cult, and the NY Times isn’t even pretending to run news articles anymore, as this is pure opinion

Last week, a mob incited by President Trump stormed the United States Capitol building. Rioters broke windows, beat law enforcement officers, vandalized offices and tried to track down members of Congress with mayhem in mind. At least five people died.

For those of us who cover climate change for a living, the blatant lies about election fraud that fed the mob felt very familiar. A big part of our job is dealing with the disinformation that people and institutions spread to muddy the waters about climate change.

There’s a long and sad history of efforts by industries and interest groups to reshape the discussion of climate science and undercut the overwhelming evidence that greenhouse gases produced by humans are leading us to global catastrophe.

The interesting part is how most climate crisis (scam) pieces never actually mention any actual scientific evidence. Nothing. Not one thing. Nor what the “lies” are. Anyhow, it’s utterly not surprising that a climate cultist would drag his cult into what happened at the capital, is it?

The tools of deception are decades old, said the historian Naomi Oreskes, in the book she wrote with Erik Conway, “Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Climate Change.” In an interview, she told me that the tobacco industry’s strategy “was applied to environmental and health issues more broadly.”

Underlying many of the arguments, she said, are paeans to personal freedom that undercut the belief that government should, or even can, solve our problems.

Now that is the most amazing thing, what truly interested me about this piece, beyond the Climarettes: essentially saying that people need to give up their personal freedom to Government to solve the (imaginary) climate crisis. That people should not be enthusiastically praising person freedom.

Read: Surprise: The Capital “Riot” And Climate Change (scam) Are Linked Together Or Something »

New Democrat Idea: China Joe Sending The DOJ After Trump

Excitable Alan Hunt says this will be “politically polarizing.” How about “driving a stake into the calls for unity”? Or “you want civil war? This is how you get it”?

Biden’s new challenge: Holding Trump accountable

The moves to hold Donald Trump accountable for trying to subvert the presidential election are proceeding with stunning speed, though there is no consensus among his critics on which is the most effective.

Two events have changed the political dynamics with only a week left in the Trump presidency: The Trump-incited mob that stormed the Capitol, causing five deaths and forcing the House and Senate to go into hiding as they were counting Joe Biden’s electoral victory; and the recorded phone call of the president trying to strong-arm the Georgia Secretary of State to reverse that state’s election results. (snip past impeachment stupidity)

But with the carnage at the Capitol and the president’s attempts to change the Georgia election results, many Democrats — and privately more than a handful of Republicans — now believe tax and accounting fraud seem trivial next to charges of attempting to subvert a presidential election.

Democrats spent four years trying to change the outcome of the 2016 election.

It seems almost inevitable now that the new Attorney General, Merrick Garland, will have to launch a criminal investigation into the president’s actions. That will be politically polarizing, but the enormous prestige of Garland, a former chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals and former top Justice Department official in charge of prosecuting the Oklahoma City bomber case, is a godsend for Biden.

Garland will probably tap a special counsel with a carefully prescribed mandate over subverting the election, culminating with the mob violence at the Capitol. Trump may try to pardon himself for any crimes committed during his term. This never has been tested, as there never has been a self-pardon, and with most constitutional experts suggesting it’s not permissible, it would not discourage a federal probe.

Will China Joe be dumb enough to do this? He would be asking for trouble, asking for protests in the street, protests which could turn as violent as the BLM/Antifa ones we’ve see this past year. He’d be telling 70 million Trump voters to, essentially, go f*ck themselves, that their votes did not count, that they don’t count. How dangerous could this be politically?

There still is a need for a special commission to look beyond just the criminal charges into questions like the role played by other politicians, social media and white nationalist terrorist groups. A parallel has been drawn to the 9/11 commission, but the better model might be the 1967 Kerner Commission on race relations, a bipartisan panel appointed by a presidential executive order.

And how smart would this be, investigating all these people for, essentially, Wrongthink? There are many Democrats yammering about “accountability before unity”: if they start attacking Trump supporters, using the Power Of Government, this will not go well for this country, and, no, that is not an overblown thought. Democrats using the Government to attack whom they consider to be political enemies will lead to bad things happening.

Read: New Democrat Idea: China Joe Sending The DOJ After Trump »

Pirate's Cove