New Democrat Idea: China Joe Sending The DOJ After Trump

Excitable Alan Hunt says this will be “politically polarizing.” How about “driving a stake into the calls for unity”? Or “you want civil war? This is how you get it”?

Biden’s new challenge: Holding Trump accountable

The moves to hold Donald Trump accountable for trying to subvert the presidential election are proceeding with stunning speed, though there is no consensus among his critics on which is the most effective.

Two events have changed the political dynamics with only a week left in the Trump presidency: The Trump-incited mob that stormed the Capitol, causing five deaths and forcing the House and Senate to go into hiding as they were counting Joe Biden’s electoral victory; and the recorded phone call of the president trying to strong-arm the Georgia Secretary of State to reverse that state’s election results. (snip past impeachment stupidity)

But with the carnage at the Capitol and the president’s attempts to change the Georgia election results, many Democrats — and privately more than a handful of Republicans — now believe tax and accounting fraud seem trivial next to charges of attempting to subvert a presidential election.

Democrats spent four years trying to change the outcome of the 2016 election.

It seems almost inevitable now that the new Attorney General, Merrick Garland, will have to launch a criminal investigation into the president’s actions. That will be politically polarizing, but the enormous prestige of Garland, a former chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals and former top Justice Department official in charge of prosecuting the Oklahoma City bomber case, is a godsend for Biden.

Garland will probably tap a special counsel with a carefully prescribed mandate over subverting the election, culminating with the mob violence at the Capitol. Trump may try to pardon himself for any crimes committed during his term. This never has been tested, as there never has been a self-pardon, and with most constitutional experts suggesting it’s not permissible, it would not discourage a federal probe.

Will China Joe be dumb enough to do this? He would be asking for trouble, asking for protests in the street, protests which could turn as violent as the BLM/Antifa ones we’ve see this past year. He’d be telling 70 million Trump voters to, essentially, go f*ck themselves, that their votes did not count, that they don’t count. How dangerous could this be politically?

There still is a need for a special commission to look beyond just the criminal charges into questions like the role played by other politicians, social media and white nationalist terrorist groups. A parallel has been drawn to the 9/11 commission, but the better model might be the 1967 Kerner Commission on race relations, a bipartisan panel appointed by a presidential executive order.

And how smart would this be, investigating all these people for, essentially, Wrongthink? There are many Democrats yammering about “accountability before unity”: if they start attacking Trump supporters, using the Power Of Government, this will not go well for this country, and, no, that is not an overblown thought. Democrats using the Government to attack whom they consider to be political enemies will lead to bad things happening.

Read: New Democrat Idea: China Joe Sending The DOJ After Trump »

The Secret Weapon To Fighting Climate Crisis (scam)? Moms

If this was really science, would they really need to do this? To make it so personal, to make it so if you’re against high taxation, a skyrocketing cost of living, and being forced to give up your liberty, freedom, and choice that you’re essentially against moms and women? To have such unhinged emotional pleas, ones that mean you’re evil if you do not Comply

Women scientists focus on a secret weapon to fight climate change: Moms

“What world have I brought my child into?” the new mom pleaded. “What can I do to make sure my baby isn’t brought up in a world that’s being destroyed?”

It was 2019, and climate researcher Katharine Hayhoe was at a church breakfast in Fairbanks, Alaska, when a young woman tapped on her shoulder and confessed that she was terrified. Ever since the birth of her daughter, the young woman said, she couldn’t stop worrying about the threat of a rapidly warming planet.

I’m just thinking, some people really need to deprogram themselves from this doomsday cult that’s making them emotional wrecks over a bunch of nothingburger.

“That heartfelt question is one I thought I could only really answer as a fellow mom,” said Hayhoe, an atmospheric scientist at Texas Tech University and an evangelical Christian who has spent years trying to educate the public about climate change. Hayhoe told the Alaska woman the same thing she sometimes had to tell herself when she worried about her own son’s future: Channel your fear into action. Talk to your friends and family. Advocate for change in your town, your church, your school, your state.

Sure: practice what you preach. Give up your use of fossil fuels, etc and so on. I’m not writing it again at the moment

Now, Hayhoe aims to replicate that exchange on a much bigger scale.

Along with five fellow climate scientists who are also mothers, she has teamed up with Potential Energy, a nonprofit marketing firm, to launch Science Moms, a $10 million campaign to educate and empower mothers to do something about climate change.

Have fun driving the kids around in an electric vehicle….what’s that you say, that would be inconvenient? Huh.

“I want to connect with moms who look like me,” she said. “Black moms and Brown moms, and moms who are in communities of color, because we are disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change.”

And, see, if you don’t buy in, you’re not only sexist, but racist.

Marshall will measure success in heightened awareness of the threat posed by global warming and increased willingness to take action. He said his aim is to double the proportion of Americans who say they are “alarmed” about climate change — a number that hovers around 26 percent, according to the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.

30+ years of spreading awareness and that’s the best they get? 26%? Yet, so few actually modify their own lives, which should tell you all you need to know about this hypocritical cult.

Read: The Secret Weapon To Fighting Climate Crisis (scam)? Moms »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post noting that hundreds of islands are growing despite Hotcoldwetdry.

Read: If All You See… »

Excellent Bluetooth Headset For Working Out

I mentioned a few weeks ago about the trouble with trying to buy a new bluetooth headset for the gym, one where it doesn’t go down in the ear canal, because I hate that, and one that won’t fall off, especially in the era of masks (I usually wear one of those cooling gaiters at the gym). I think I finally found a good one.

First, I gave the Plantronics Backbeat 3100 a try. I read the reviews, and saw it had a lot of issues with cutting in and out, just like the Backbeat 3150 and the Skullcandy Push Ultra. You never know, maybe it would work with my new Samsung Galaxy S20 FE. Nope. Same cutting in and out. Was a lot more comfortable than the 3150, sound quality is good, and can get decent volume, especially since it seems to direct sound into the ear. Going back.

Then I ran across the Vidonn T1, which seems perfect. The sound quality is better than you’d expect for $50, it’s loud enough (though, really, nothing is that loud anymore), can really hear the highs, mids, and lows. Bass is good. It’s not thump thump thump, but, actual tone. A few songs I use are Pink Floyd’s Any Colour You Like, Steely Dan’s Aja, and Black Sabbath’s Heaven and Hell (really good for hearing bass tone), sounded excellent. Sure, not as good as my Bose over-the-ear headset, but, then, they are a lot more expensive. Can’t compare to my really good Bose wired headset or Sony one, because there is no 3.5 mil jack in the phone.

They are sweatproof, and one nice little thing is that the charging tags on the headsets did not seem to get sweat on them. The case is big, not one you’re really going to carry around, but, the point is to bring them to the gym. Or put them on for jogging, biking, walking, etc.

Importantly, they are very light and comfy, I barely know they are there. And, more importantly, not one cutout during the 2 hours I’ve used them. Sure, only 2, but, that type of thing crops up quickly.

Now to see how easy they get beaten up and if they last, including battery. If they’re good in a couple months I’ll order another pair for backup.

Read: Excellent Bluetooth Headset For Working Out »

Raleigh Joins List Of Cities Preparing For Protests, Fencing Goes Up

From the link

Local law enforcement agencies said Tuesday that they’re prepared for any protests in downtown Raleigh in the next week or so as President Donald Trump leaves office.

After last week’s riot at the U.S. Capitol stoked by Trump’s repeated claims to supporters of a “stolen” election, the FBI warned law enforcement nationwide on Monday of the potential for armed protests at all 50 state capitols before and after President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20.

Permits for gatherings downtown on Saturday and on Jan. 23 have been requested from state officials, but it wasn’t clear Tuesday who filed the requests or whether they were related to any election-related protest.

“We are prepared, and we are ready,” Raleigh Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin said.

Baldwin said Raleigh leaders learned many lessons about responding to protests last summer, when rioters took over city streets, damaging and looting businesses and setting fires as they battled with police in the wake of George Floyd’s death in police custody in Minnesota.

Two points. First, they’re putting up lots of fencing, despite telling us that fencing at the border doesn’t work (personally, I’ve said many times that there are better options than a border fence, but, I’m not going to get into that now). Second, I can guarantee that any conservative protests won’t become what the BLM/Antifa ones were, with the damage and looting and arson. If they do, I’ll not post about climate change for a month.

“Even though we are an open carry state, protesting with weapons is not legal, and we will be ready to deal with that situation,” Baldwin said.

Leave the guns at home, folks. This is not a 2nd Amendment protest. People carrying around their rifles during the Re-Open NC protests muddle the message badly.

They put up fencing around in D.C., and places like Arizona. Yet, the same Democrats told us that fences did not work. Huh.

Read: Raleigh Joins List Of Cities Preparing For Protests, Fencing Goes Up »

China Joe Plans To Fight Climate Crisis (scam) In A New Way Or Something

Will China Joe Biden require all his appointed minions to give up their own use of fossil fuels and only travel in electric vehicles? And switch out his giant limo for an EV one? Heavily limit his use of Marine One and Air Force One? Have a few meatless days a week at the White House? Keep the heat at the White House and executive agency building at 60 and the AC at 80? What will China Joe do?

Biden Plans to Fight Climate Change in a New Way

Joe Biden is preparing to deal with climate change in a way no U.S. president has done before – by mobilizing his entire administration to take on the challenge from every angle in a strategic, integrated way.

The strategy is evident in the people Biden has chosen for his Cabinet and senior leadership roles: Most have track records for incorporating climate change concerns into a wide range of policies, and they have experience partnering across agencies and levels of government.

Those skills are crucial, because slowing climate change will require a comprehensive and coordinated “all hands on deck” approach.

We did that with energy when I was governor of Colorado, and I can tell you it isn’t simple. Energy policy isn’t just about electricity. It’s about how homes are built, how they generate power and feed it into the grid and how the transportation, industrial and agriculture sectors evolve. It’s about regulations, trade rules, government purchases and funding for research for innovation. Coordination and collaboration among agencies and different levels of government is crucial.

This is written by climate cultist Bill Ritter, Jr, who was gov of Colorado from 2007-2011. And he’s pretty much giving up the game, which is that government will be involved in all manners of our lives with heavy handed dictates. Surprise! Do you really want Los Federales in charge of your food in this manner?

A coordinated approach also helps ensure that vulnerable populations aren’t overlooked. Biden has committed to help disadvantaged communities that have too often borne the brunt of fossil fuel industry pollution, as well as those that have been losing fossil fuel jobs.

If Biden helps the disadvantaged in the way Democrats have always helped them, the disadvantaged are in big, big trouble. Anyhow, Bill offers a few whines about the Trump admin and what China Joe could do when they take office (nothing about going after China and India), along with

The best way to tackle these sectors would be a comprehensive climate bill that uses some mechanism, like a clean energy standard, that sets a cap, or limit, on emissions and tightens it over time. Here, the problem lies more in the politics of the moment than anything else. Biden and his team will have to convince lawmakers from fossil fuel-producing states to work on these efforts.

Climate cultists sure love them some taxation, eh? Always thinking this will hit Other People, never themselves.

Read: China Joe Plans To Fight Climate Crisis (scam) In A New Way Or Something »

New York Times Super-Excited To Push Double Masking

Wouldn’t it make sense to push for everyone to wear a mask that can actually work to block viruses, since the majority of what people have been wearing are about as good as wearing them for gloves to stop freezing temperatures, right? Are they better than nothing? Maybe. Would 2 do anything more than create another flashpoint for Extreme Maskers to lose their sh*t when they see someone not wearing two masks?

One Mask Is Good. Would Two Be Better?

Football coaches do it. President-elects do it. Even science-savvy senators do it. As cases of the coronavirus continue to surge on a global scale, some of the nation’s most prominent people have begun to double up on masks — a move that researchers say is increasingly being backed up by data.

Double-masking isn’t necessary for everyone. But for people with thin or flimsy face coverings, “if you combine multiple layers, you start achieving pretty high efficiencies” of blocking viruses from exiting and entering the airway, said Linsey Marr, an expert in virus transmission at Virginia Tech and an author on a recent commentary laying out the science behind mask-wearing.

Of course, there’s a trade-off: At some point, “we run the risk of making it too hard to breathe,” she said. But there is plenty of breathing room before mask-wearing approaches that extreme.

Pretty much most of what people are wearing are “thin or flimsy.” A goodly chunk are just wearing something because they have to, and this isn’t necessarily the fight to have at this time. Ending lockdowns is. But, hey, NY Times, were you can bet “journalist” Katherine J. Wu isn’t walking around the Times building demanding people wear double masks, and isn’t doing it herself.

The arguments for masking span several fields of science, including epidemiology and physics. A bevy of observational studies have suggested that widespread mask-wearing can curb infections and deaths on an impressive scale, in settings as small as hair salons and at the level of entire countries. One study, which tracked state policies mandating face coverings in public, found that known Covid cases waxed and waned in near-lockstep with mask-wearing rules. Another, which followed coronavirus infections among health care workers in Boston, noted a drastic drop in the number of positive test results after masks became a universal fixture among staff. And a study in Beijing found that face masks were 79 percent effective at blocking transmission from infected people to their close contacts.

So, wait, we’re going to use a study from the country which started this and has consistently lied? Really? Oh, and if masks work so well why did infections skyrocket after mask mandates where put in place not just in 31 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico, but nations around the world?

Layering two less specialized masks on top of each other can provide comparable protection. Dr. Marr recommended wearing face-hugging cloth masks over surgical masks, which tend to be made with more filter-friendly materials but fit more loosely. An alternative is to wear a cloth mask with a pocket that can be stuffed with filter material, like the kind found in vacuum bags.

Go away.

No mask is perfect, and wearing one does not obviate other public health measures like physical distancing and good hygiene. “We have to be honest that the best response is one that requires multiple interventions,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, a public health expert at Johns Hopkins University.

Again, masks seem to make people feel like they can blow off social distancing (had to tell a guy in line behind me at Planet Fitness to back off), washing hands, not touching your face, and not touching other people. Double masking? Piss off.

Read: New York Times Super-Excited To Push Double Masking »

Say, What Does The “Green” Economy Look Like After COVID?

Well, this also depends on when the Powers That Be let go of COVID as a way to control citizens

What the “green” economy looks like after the coronavirus pandemic

Electric cars covered with solar panels. Solar-powered laptop and smartphone chargers. An AI-driven system to cut the energy use of a home or a factory. This year’s annual Consumer Electronics Show puts environmental sustainability and self-reliance front and center.

The increase in eco-friendly gadgets at the largest consumer electronics event in the U.S. continues an improbable trend begun during the coronavirus pandemic. Despite a broad economic decline, many green industries — from rooftop solar to bicycling — have thrived. Once the pandemic is curbed, environmentalists say keeping these green habits going will be key if humans are to stave off another existential crisis: climate change.

From the mundane to the fanciful, these CES technologies could help humans leave a lighter footprint.

And this will soon be mandated, and guess who gets to pay?

The shift to work-from-home could have long-term environmental benefits — the equivalent of taking 14 million cars off U.S. roads every year, according to one estimate. But there’s also a downside for those white-collar workers, mainly in the form of their work-from-home power bill.

You can’t win for losing in Warmist World

To help, Schneider is rolling out its Wiser Energy Center, a home power management system that can analyze which appliances are using the most power and when, and can be programmed to turn certain circuits off at certain times of day. For $299, plus added costs to add smart switches or integrate solar or battery power, Schneider is pitching the system as a cheap alternative to upgrading your home appliances.

Government has been pushing for similar stuff where they can just shut your appliances off whenever they feel like it.

Electric vehicles are getting plenty of play at CES, with exhibitors including Lightyear One, an electric car covered with solar panels that is being developed in the Netherlands; and Geotab Energy, a fleet-management system that promises to manage charging for large numbers of electric vehicles.

Which most people won’t be able to afford.

Of course, simply replacing our electronic gadgets with solar-powered versions won’t stave off the climate crisis. Even with the record drop in greenhouse gas emissions last year, 2020 tied for the hottest year on record. The year began with record-setting wildfires in Australia and ended with rolling blackouts in California just to keep the state’s power grid from being overloaded.

Buying solar-powered stuff without reconsidering one’s lifestyle is a “gimmick,” according to Mike Berners-Lee, an authority on carbon footprints and director of Small World Consulting, which helps companies reduce their climate impact.

The good news, he said, is that the technology to dramatically decarbonize the global economy doesn’t need to be invented — it already exists. Equally important is for consumers to understand that less-polluting ways of living can make a major difference, coupled with finding the will to maintain some of those lifestyle changes, such as flying and driving less, after the pandemic ends.

Of course, most Warmists refuse to do more than anything token. I’m looking forward to the shocked expressions on their faces when they are forced to practice what they preach.

Read: Say, What Does The “Green” Economy Look Like After COVID? »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on Parler peeing in the Leftist’s punch bowl.

Read: If All You See… »

Trump Should Declassify Everything On Russia Russia Russia

President Trump should ignore all the impotent sound of fury from Democrats and just start declassifying everything

It’s Trump’s Last Chance to Declassify These Secrets of the Russia Collusion Dud

President Trump’s last days in office offer a final opportunity to declassify critical information on the Russia investigation that engulfed his lone term.

Already voluminous public records – including investigative reports from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Congress and the Justice Department’s inspector general – have established that Trump and his associates were targeted with a baseless Russian collusion allegation. The fraudulent claim originated with the Hillary Clinton campaign, was fueled by a torrent of false or deceptive intelligence leaks, and was improperly investigated by the FBI, potentially to the point of being criminal. Despite these disclosures, key questions remain about the origins and the spread of the conspiracy theory. And with a Biden administration set to take office and Democrats taking control of both chambers of Congress, there are no guarantees that the ongoing probe of Special Counsel John Durham will fill in the remaining gaps.

Both the CIA and FBI have been slow to produce much material that Trump reportedly wants declassified. They argue that disclosure would reveal sources and methods vital to national security. Such claims arouse skepticism because they have been used in the past to cover up malfeasance – as the public learned when deceptive FISA warrant applications used to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page were finally released.

Before he leaves office on Jan. 20, Trump could use his declassification authority to help clear up some of the following critical issues of the Russiagate saga:

It’s a very long piece, which delves into

  • What Did the Feds Really Know About Joseph Mifsud?
  • What About John Brennan’s Kremlin Mole?
  • Did Mueller Rely on Steele More Than He Let On?
  • What’s the Evidence for the Russian Hacking Allegation?
  • Was Guccifer 2.0 Really With Russian Intelligence?
  • and Other Loose Ends

It’s well worth the read. Democrats ran on this crazy since, really, even before Trump won election in 2016, and never gave up on it. It’s time to declassify it.

And, while he’s at it, declassify all the information on UFOs. And, heck, Hillary’s server. And other stuff. Perhaps it’s long past time to expose the secrets of the federal government. Not actual national security material, mind you, but stuff that shows just how shady the people in power are.

And UFOs.

Read: Trump Should Declassify Everything On Russia Russia Russia »

Pirate's Cove