Climate Cultist Prince Charles Blames COVID On ‘Climate Change’

Remember when Prince Charles said the world only had 100 months left back in 2009, and, when that failed, extended it out 33 years back in 2015? All while taking fossil fueled airplanes and limos?

We will face more pandemics unless we halt climate change, Charles says

The Prince of Wales has said he will “absolutely” get the Covid-19 vaccine when it is offered to him, but warned we face future pandemics if we do not get global warming and habitat loss under control.

Charles tested positive for the virus in March this year, although he only suffered mild symptoms, while the Duke of Cambridge reportedly tested positive in April.

But he warned humanity could face a wave of new illnesses if we do not tackle global warming and destruction of the natural world.

Charles said: “Planetary health and nature’s health is intimately linked to our own health.”

He said through the destruction of the natural world and the mass extinction of species “we are making ourselves ever more vulnerable to all sorts of diseases and problems”.

The prince added: “So this pandemic will not be the last one unless we are very careful, so that’s why it’s critical to heal the natural world as well as ourselves.

See, it was global warming that made someone eat a bat in China. Or unintentionally release a virus from a government facility that was screwing around with viruses, which had done the same previously.

On Monday, Charles launched the Terra Carta – or Earth Charter – initiative to coincide with the One Planet Summit hosted by France.

It aims to encourage 10 billion dollars (£7.4 billion) worth of commitment from supporters by 2022 to be invested in companies and projects working to preserve and restore the natural world.

They always want to do this with Other People’s money. Perhaps Charles shouldn’t have taken a fossil fueled flight to release this. Anyhow, climate cultists will use anything that happens to keep propagating their cult.

Read: Climate Cultist Prince Charles Blames COVID On ‘Climate Change’ »

Squad Member Jaypal Tests Positive For COVID, Blames Republicans

Update: I’ve removed the original Jaypal tweet below, and replaced it with her tweet and a reply to it, showing her maskless (via Twitchy)

See, originally, we were told that only those who were sick should wear masks. Then, around the end of May, we were told that we should all wear masks to keep from getting Bat Soup Virus. We can all see how that’s worked out with all the exploding cases. But, of course, Someone Else has to be blamed

Jayapal tests positive for COVID-19, criticizes some Republicans for ‘cruelly’ not wearing masks

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., took to Twitter early Tuesday to announce that she has been diagnosed with COVID-19, and excoriated several Republicans locked down with her during last week’s riot at the Capitol who did not wear masks.

Jayapal posted that she was “locked down in a secured room at the Capitol where several Republicans not only cruelly refused to wear a mask but recklessly mocked colleagues and staff who offered them one.”

Her office issued a statement that said some members and staff were informed by Dr. Brian Monahan, the attending physician of the U.S. Congress, that those secured in that particular room had been exposed to “another occupant with coronavirus infection.” She said they had been in the room for “multiple hours.”

She said there were over 100 people in the room and believes it was a “superspreader event.”

First off, neither she nor her office specifically point at any Republican, so, sounds just like over the top unhinged Blamestorming, along with failing to take responsibility. Nor do they say that the person who had the COVID infection was a Republican and refused to wear a mask. Second, if she was wearing a mask then it wouldn’t matter if others weren’t, right? Isn’t that what we were told? That wearing a mask Is The Way? That wearing one can keep us from getting it?  That’s what we’ve been told since the CDC updated their guidance.

From her little whine

“I am also calling for serious fines to be immediately levied on every single Member who refuses to wear a mask in the Capitol,” Jayapal continued. “Additionally, any Member who refuses to wear a mask should be immediately removed from the floor by the Sergeant at Arms. This is not a joke. Our lives and our livelihoods are at risk, and anyone who refuses to wear a mask should be fully held accountable for endangering our lives because of their selfish idiocy.”

If you’re wearing a mask, then you don’t have to worry. That’s what we were told.

Here’s Lisa Blunt Rochester, Delaware, Democrat, sitting with her

Not quite sure who this is, who put mask on then took off. Maybe Nanette Diaz Barragan (D-Ca)? Someone new without a photo? An aid?

Read: Squad Member Jaypal Tests Positive For COVID, Blames Republicans »

Climate Cult Has Ideas For China Joe’s First 100 Days

Interestingly, none of the suggestions in this piece or others recommend going after India and Joe’s buddies in China. Anyhow, this piece is by Marc Yaggi, “the executive director of Waterkeeper Alliance, a worldwide network of more than 350 environmental advocacy groups that protect over 2.75 million square miles of rivers, lakes and coastal waterways on six continents.” These groups would probably be best off spending their time actually trying to protect waterways rather than the mythical ‘climate change’

What needs to be done on climate in Biden’s first 100 days

The end of 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of the EPA, a momentous milestone for the agency and a reminder of the crucial role it serves in keeping our water cleaner, air safer, and climate healthier.

The climate is healthy. It’s utterly normal. It’s cooler now than during several Holocene warm periods.

We at Waterkeeper Alliance propose beginning with a five-point action plan, at the very minimum, to cling to any hope that our environmental failings are not irreparable.

Fossil fuels
Biden must fulfill his campaign pledge to ban new fossil fuel leasing on publicly owned federal lands by issuing a new executive order directing all relevant agencies to pursue such a ban. Fossil fuels extracted from federal lands are responsible for about one quarter of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, and it’s estimated that such a federal ban would reduce carbon emissions by 280 million tons per year.

And guess what happens? The US become a net importer, and prices go up, harming the poor and middle class.

Environmental racism
The new administration must fully recognize and address the human and ecological toll of environmental racism. Our nation’s environmental justice policy has never been nearly robust enough to make a meaningful difference in the lives and health of underserved people and communities. Upon taking office, it’s imperative that Biden either revise and strengthen the 1994 executive order that addresses environmental justice in minority and low-income populations or issue a new executive order that immediately prioritizes reversing the grave systemic damage done to environmental justice policy and enforcement over the past four years.

This isn’t really about science, is it. Interestingly, Trump did more in 4 years to raise wages in the Black community and increase Black employment that Obama ever did. Or any other Dems. But, don’t expect Marc to explain what “damage” Trump did, because he can’t.

Biden must issue an executive order to restore the Clean Water Act to its full regulatory force. The landmark legislation has been under attack by an administration intent on undermining the very principles that make it effective. Protecting drinkable, fishable and swimmable water starts with repairing the Clean Water Act’s broken definition of “waters of the United States” and restoring state and tribal authority, and public participation rights, under the law.

What Marc really means is giving the Waters of the US rule another shot, one of most egregious Big Government rules issued in decades. That stream behind your house? It would be controlled by Los Federales, and, by extension, your property.

An executive order directing the Council on Environmental Quality to promptly repeal the Trump administration’s National Environmental Policy Act rollback rule and replace it with new regulations that rebuild NEPA would be inextricably tied to two key Biden priorities — climate change and environmental justice.

No real explanation as to the meaning, so, moving on

Shifting course on climate also requires rescinding harmful and damaging executive orders from the last four years. These include executive orders that arbitrarily direct all federal agencies to repeal two existing regulations for each new regulation issued; direct agencies to review, rescind and/or revise rules that impede U.S. energy production; and undermine the sanctity and safety of our national monuments and marine sanctuaries.

Not getting rid of federal regulations, many of them are regs for the sake of being regs? Again, this isn’t about “science.”

Read: Climate Cult Has Ideas For China Joe’s First 100 Days »

If All You See…

…are wonderful low carbon bikes, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post wondering if the government’s Internet kill switch will be used.

Read: If All You See… »

Unhinged: Democrats Consider Expelling Republicans From House Over Election Resistance

The Sore Winners continue to be Sore Winners….though, when it comes to the House, they lost a lot of seats

(The Hill) Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) has introduced a resolution to have the Republican members of the House who supported contesting battleground states’ electors in Wednesday’s joint session of Congress be investigated and potentially removed from office. (snip)

“I believe the Republican members of Congress who have incited this domestic terror attack through their attempts to overturn the election must face consequences,” the progressive lawmaker tweeted. “They have broken their sacred Oath of Office. I will be introducing a resolution calling for their expulsion.”

Queen Nancy is considering it

Democrats spent 4 years claiming the 2016 election was stolen (and they still caterwaul about the 2000 and 2004 elections being stolen), and could never prove it. But, hey, if they want civil war by taking away the duly elected representatives who dared engage in Wrongthink, bring it on. Good luck with this whole unity thing.

Read: Unhinged: Democrats Consider Expelling Republicans From House Over Election Resistance »

Oil Companies “Challenge China Joe” By Stockpiling Drilling Permits

Really, I don’t think this is so much “challenging China Joe” as just understanding good business, and something they’ve done for a long time. But, climate cultists and their compatriots have to make it seem as if there is a challenge to their god, the State

Oil companies stockpile drilling permits, challenging Biden on climate

In the closing months of the Trump administration, energy companies stockpiled enough drilling permits for western public lands to keep pumping oil for years and undercut President-elect Joe Biden’s plans to curb new drilling because of climate change, according to public records and industry analysts.

An Associated Press analysis of government data shows the permit stockpiling has centered on oil-rich federal lands in New Mexico and Wyoming. It accelerated during the fall as Biden was cementing his lead over President Donald Trump and peaked in December, aided by speedier permitting approvals since Trump took office.

The goal for companies is to lock in drilling rights on oil and gas leases on vast public lands where they make royalty payments on any resources extracted. Biden wants to end new drilling on those same lands as part of his overhaul of how Americans get energy, with the goal of making the nation carbon neutral by 2050.

Companies submitted more than 3,000 drilling permit applications in a three-month period that included the election, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Officials approved almost 1,400 drilling applications during that time amidst the pandemic. That’s the highest number of approvals during Trump’s four-year term, according to AP’s analysis. (snip)

Making it easier to drill was a centerpiece of Trump’s effort to boost American energy production in part by enticing companies onto lands and offshore areas run by the U.S. departments of Interior and Agriculture.

Under Trump, crude production from federal and tribal lands and waters increased sharply, topping a billion barrels in 2019. That was up by almost a third from the last year of the Obama administration.

And prices were kept low, and the US was pretty much a net exporter. Few Americans were giving up their fossil fueled vehicles, and more and more were moving into SUVs (which, let’s be honest, get decent mileage for the subcompact and compact classes. Not as good as the same size sedans, though). Sure, there were a few more hybrids sold, with the price coming down, and things like the Honda CRV Hybrid and RAV4 Hybrid, but, except for some rich folks buying Teslas, most people want nothing to do with electric vehicles, nor can they avoid them.

To undo the late-term awarding of so many permits, a former senior Interior Department official said the Biden administration could be forced to pay millions of dollars to companies to get them to relinquish drilling rights. Such a scenario played out in pristine areas of Montana where officials spent decades trying to buy out companies with drilling leases near Glacier National Park. (snip)

Biden is nominating New Mexico Rep. Deb Haaland as interior secretary. And Haaland, who co-sponsored the Green New Deal by liberal Democrats, has said she opposes fracking and drilling on public land.

China Joe is super excited to skyrocket your cost of fuel, which will increase the cost of living. If fossil fuels companies had the cajones, they’d simply announce that they would no longer sell fuel for use by the White House and Dept of Interior. You can bet neither will give up their own use voluntarily, and, since the taxpayers ultimately pay, they don’t care if costs skyrocket.

Read: Oil Companies “Challenge China Joe” By Stockpiling Drilling Permits »

Sore Winner Party To Voted On Trump Impeachment On Wednesday

Democrats were sore losers for 4 years under Trump (and 8 years under Bush), and are now sore winners. Nothing makes these people happy. But, hey, #Unity, right?

Pelosi: Democrats will move to impeach Trump

House Democrats will stage a vote to impeach President Trump for encouraging mob violence at the Capitol on Wednesday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced Sunday night.

Pelosi said the Democrats’ preferred response to the attack on the U.S. Capitol is for Vice President Pence to remove Trump by invoking the 25th Amendment — an unlikely scenario less than two weeks before Trump is set to leave office.

But in a letter to fellow Democrats, the Speaker vowed to bring a vote on impeachment in the absence of action by Pence, setting the stage for an historic first: the impeachment of a president for the second time in his tenure.

“In protecting our Constitution and our Democracy, we will act with urgency, because this President represents an imminent threat to both,” Pelosi wrote in the letter to rank-and-file colleagues. “As the days go by, the horror of the ongoing assault on our democracy perpetrated by this President is intensified and so is the immediate need for action.”

Pelosi, who was personally targeted by some members of the pro-Trump mob in Wednesday’s insurrection, laid out the Democrats’ strategy for the days ahead.

So……it’s not “just property” when it is Nancy’s stuff, when it’s the Capitol? It was no big deal when BLM/Antifa were destroying the businesses of average Americans, when they were driving away customers, when they were attacking federal courthouses. It was no big deal when they were terrorizing regular citizens. Suddenly, Democrats are bent out of shape because they got to see a mob up close, something lots and lots of Americans saw in their own neighborhoods for a good chunk of the year. But, of course, according to AOC, almost half of the House came close to dying!!!!!!!!!

On Monday, they will try to adopt Maryland Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin’s 25th Amendment resolution by unanimous consent — a gambit sure to be blocked by Trump’s conservative allies.

“If we do not receive Unanimous Consent, this [Raskin] legislation is planned to be brought up on the Floor the following day. We are calling on the Vice President to respond within 24 hours,” Pelosi wrote.

“Next, we will proceed with bringing impeachment legislation to the Floor,” she added.

And where will this go? Even if the Senate could get to a vote by the 19th, they won’t get at least 67 votes to remove Trump from office, along with all the other loss of privileges once out, like Secret Service protection. After Trump leaves office? Well, there is quite a bit of Constitutional uncertainty as to whether that is allowed, even the House portion, and they won’t get to 67 votes in the Senate, either, so an exercise in Sore Winnership. Expect Democrats to whine about Trump for years.

Read: Sore Winner Party To Voted On Trump Impeachment On Wednesday »

Climate Cult Group Says Failure To Tackle Climate Crisis (scam) Is A Human Rights Violation

If there were any elected politicians with any guts, they’d tell groups like Earthlife that they’d be happy to tax the heck out of the group, skyrocket the cost of living of members, and take away their liberty, choice, and freedom. But, politicians love this stuff because politicians want Power


JOHANNESBURG – Environmental group Earthlife said government’s failure to tackle the effects of climate change represent a violation of human rights due to its impact on the poor and vulnerable.

It said despite South Africa’s repeated declarations to address climate change, the state is still proposing further exploitation of coal, gas and oil.

Earthlife Director Makoma Lekalakala said this will not only aggravate the climate situation but also lock the country into a treacherous carbon-intense future.

“We have to hold our government accountable so that the laws regulating emissions that are there should be implemented because currently, there is no will to really implement those regulations that we have in the country,” she said.

It’s always about “holding government accountable” but never about holding themselves accountable, nor about convincing others to practice what you preach. Go figure.

Also, are planet is dying or something

A decade for ecological restoration of our dying planet

What is the biggest crisis our contemporary world faces that has put the entire life on earth at stake? Without a shadow of doubt, it is the ecological and environmental crisis. There has been another crisis in the cob of this crisis, which is taking a virile form—the climate change. Realising the rapidly warming of the earth and consequent climate change, the late Stephen Hawking, a well-known physicist and cosmologist, had warned that the earth would become a fireball in 600 years. The long-running studies have now made it clear that human beings are the biggest cause of global warming and climate change. It also means that the solution to this crisis is also very much in the hands of human beings.

Read: Climate Cult Group Says Failure To Tackle Climate Crisis (scam) Is A Human Rights Violation »

If All You See…

…is a horrible natural gas stove causing coffee plants to die out, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on Discord banning TheDonald Server.

It’s cleaning out the IAYS folder week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we’re getting closer to the restart of the NHL. This post is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Weasel Zippers notes shootings are up 97% in NYC
  2. Vox Popoli says to fire Firefox (I stopped using after last big WordPress update. For some reason on my laptop I can’t write posts. Top bar with all the formatting stuff scrolls off screen. Using, get this, Microsoft Edge for this)
  3. This ain’t Hell… covers Impeachment part II
  4. The Rio Norte Line discusses the Official Truth
  5. The Right Scoop notes more Big Tech purges
  6. The People’s Cube features a Biden Inauguration day preview
  7. The First Street Journal discusses stories we didn’t see last summer
  8. Shot In The Dark highlights grabbing while the grabbing’s good
  9. Powerline goes California Dreaming
  10. Pacific Pundit discusses Mike Pence considering the 25th Amendment….per CNN, of course
  11. neo-neocon covers the cancel culture bell tolling for thee
  12. Moonbattery discusses souvenirs as cultural appropriation
  13. Legal Insurrection notes the Progressive purge week
  14. Jihad Watch highlights more Iranian threats towards Trump and others
  15. And last, but not least, LMAO notes nutters are looking to cancel Grease

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove