Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny Trashes Twitter’s Trump Ban

If anyone would know what living under a real authoritarian system is like, Navalny would

Top Putin Rival, Russian Dissident Alexei Navalny: Trump Twitter Ban ‘Unacceptable’

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny – one of President Vladimir Putin’s most prominent foes who nearly died last year of suspected poisoning by the state – called Twitter’s decision to ban President Donald Trump permanently on Saturday “an unacceptable act of censorship.”

Navalny, the leader of the opposition Progress Party and a longtime protest organizer calling for the end of Putin’s rule, compared Twitter’s censorship of Trump to Putin’s censorship of himself and noted that “cold-blooded murderers” like Putin and Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro continue to use the platform without restrictions.

After years of advocating for a democratic transition out of former KGB agent Putin’s over-two-decade-long rule, Navalny is now currently in Germany, recovering from what German doctors believe is deliberate exposure to Novichok. Novichok is a chemical weapon almost exclusively used by the Russian government. The Kremlin has repeatedly denied any involvement in Navalny’s illness, which put him in a coma for weeks in August.

Here’s his thread

1. I think that the ban of Donald Trump on Twitter is an unacceptable act of censorship (THREAD)
2. Of course, during his time in the office, Trump has been writing and saying very irresponsible things. And paid for it by not getting re-elected for a second term.
3. The election is a straightforward and competitive process. You can participate in it, you can appeal against the results, they’re being monitored by millions of people. The ban on Twitter is a decision of people we don’t know in accordance with a procedure we don’t know.
4. In my opinion, the decision to ban Trump was based on emotions and personal political preferences.
5. Don’t tell me he was banned for violating Twitter rules. I get death threats here every day for many years, and Twitter doesn’t ban anyone (not that I ask for it).
6. Among the people who have Twitter accounts are cold-blooded murderers (Putin or Maduro) and liars and thieves (Medvedev). For many years, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have been used as a base for Putin’s “troll factory” and similar groups from other authoritarian countries
7. Those who denied COVID-19 exist freely and communicate on Twitter. Their words have cost thousands of lives. And yet, it was Trump who got banned publicly and ostentatiously. Such selectivity indicates that this was an act of censorship.

It is censorship. Just not one that is restricted by the Constitution. It’s basically when an authority suppresses communications.

10. This precedent will be exploited by the enemies of freedom of speech around the world. In Russia as well. Every time when they need to silence someone, they will say: ‘this is just common practice, even Trump got blocked on Twitter’.

And you can bet Russia, China, and others will demand that certain people/groups get banned by Twitter. As some have noted, Twitter hasn’t banned Iranian leaders, who call for death to Israel and America. Violent Antifa groups are all over Twitter, and do not get banned.

And, of course, since Twitter did this to Trump, and seems to be wacking Conservatives left and right, they are leaving for other platforms. As you probably know, Apple and Google kicked Parler’s app off their app stores, and now Amazon will boot Parler off of their web hosting by 11:59pm Sunday because Parler won’t institute massive censorship schemes (it’s not a very good site, to be honest. Like using a pre-beta test design). Gab is gaining around 10,000 per hour (it looks too much like Facebook-lite in design for me), so, you can bet Gab will be on the hit list for app stores if it makes it that far (nope, no app at moment).

It is an excellent point. The question now is “will there be lawsuits?” Further, will you get a Section 230 repeal? I’m really loathe to go after Twitter, and of course, Facebook would be included, plus smaller outlets, over making them responsible for the content of their users. But, they have now set the stage.

Read: Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny Trashes Twitter’s Trump Ban »

With Climate Crisis (scam) Book Coming Out, Bill Gates Bids To Buy Fossil Fueled Plane Company

If it wasn’t for hypocrisy, climate cultists wouldn’t believe in anything. Does this bit of hypocrisy actually surprise anyone?

Bill Gates is accused of hypocrisy after joining bidding war to buy the world’s largest private jet operator – one month before he releases his book preaching about climate change

Bill Gates has been accused of hypocrisy after entering a bid to buy the world’s largest private jet operator, just one month before he releases a book preaching about climate change.

The Microsoft boss’s company Cascade Investment entered the bidding war for Signature Aviation Friday, teaming up with Blackstone Group to make a $4.3 billion play for the British private jet servicing company.

Cascade and Blackstone are now going head-to-head with private equity firm Carlyle, which had already made an initial takeover approach.

Gates’ Cascade already owns a 19 percent stake in Signature making it the firm favorite to win the bid.

But news of Gates’ pursuit of the private jet firm has raised eyebrows given the company’s actions are at direct odds with his very vocal stance on climate change.

It comes just one month before Gates releases his hotly-anticipated book, ‘How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need’, where he sets out his plans for how the world can reach zero greenhouse gas emissions in time to prevent a climate crisis.

It also comes just months after he published a blog post lecturing the public that climate change ‘could be worse’ than the coronavirus pandemic.

Signature Aviation handles 1.6 million private jet flights every year. And every single private jet flight emits up to 40 times as much carbon per passenger as a regular commercial flight, according to a 2019 report by aviation firm Honeywell Aerospace.

But, see, according to Warmist dogma, this is meaningless, because Bill is just one person. If we all pitch in and give up our money, freedom, and choice to government, preferably by Government mandating all this, we could solve the climate crisis. This is about all of us, people, all of us!!!!!1!!!!

Read: With Climate Crisis (scam) Book Coming Out, Bill Gates Bids To Buy Fossil Fueled Plane Company »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful green space perfect for a wind turbine, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on the social media purges.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out Victory Girls Blog, with a post on social media becoming 21st Century Pravda.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

China Joe To Require Masks On Buses, Trains

Joe is laying out his COVID response, and plans on doing….things that are already being done

Biden lays out plan to combat covid in first 100 days, including requiring masks on interstate buses, trains

China Votes BidenPresident-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday laid out a three-point plan to begin defeating the coronavirus pandemic during his first 100 days in office, saying he will sign an executive order the day he is sworn in to require Americans to wear masks on buses and trains crossing state lines, as well as in federal buildings.

Biden also pledged to distribute “at least 100 million covid vaccine shots” during that time, singling out educators, who he said should get shots “as soon as possible” after they are given first to health workers and people who live and work in long-term-care facilities under current plans. He did not specify whether he meant 100 million doses or vaccinating that many people; the two vaccines nearing approval both require two doses.

The other goal of his 100-day plan, Biden said, is to enable “the majority of our schools” to reopen within that time and to remain open. He called on Congress to devote the funding needed to make it safe for students and teachers to return to classrooms.

Yeah, masks are already required on Amtrak, Greyhound, the trains, buses, and even boats going between New Jersey and NYC. And most that are in-state and in-city. It’s like Joe is unaware of what’s been going on for a goodly chunk of the last year.

As far as COVID shots, perhaps those 55 and older should be prioritized over teachers, so many of whom are sticking with their unions in not wanting to have to go back to class, happy to do virtual learning. Is Joe aware of unions resisting the calls to go back to the classroom? Of course, for lots of teacher’s, you can’t blame them, since so many schools in Democratic Party run cities are hellholes of violence.

Biden has said often and urgently that Americans should wear masks, and he reiterated Tuesday that he would work with mayors and governors, encouraging them to impose mandates for face coverings in their jurisdictions. But his remarks were the first time he committed to signing an executive order to require masks “wherever possible” in venues under federal authority.

Um, this has all been happening. Just try going into a federal building without one. 31 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico have mask mandates. In the states without one, cities have no authority, in most cases, to go above state requirements and mandate face masks.

Kinda strange that the Washington Post didn’t mention anything about all this. It’s almost like they’re cheerleaders. You can bet if it was Trump saying this stuff they would have resisted.

Read: China Joe To Require Masks On Buses, Trains »

Over-heated World: Spain Sees Rare Snowfall

It was the warmest year on record for Europe or something, and Spain just got hit with some heat snow. I’m guessing school kids will know what snow looks like

Rare Snowstorm Closes Madrid Airport, Creates Travel Chaos

Heavy snowfall from Storm Filomena left thousands of Spanish drivers trapped in their cars on Friday as roads were blocked and Madrid airport was closed.

The M-30 and M-40 motorways near Madrid were among more than 400 roads where snow hindered vehicles, traffic authorities said. Citizens were asked to avoid non-essential travel because of the highly unusual blizzard.

“I drove to see my husband in hospital and have been stuck here for three hours. It’s a journey which should take 15 minutes,” a woman told Spanish television RNE from her car.

Meteorologists expected Friday’s snowfall to total 20 cm (8 inches), and temperatures hovered around freezing. The Red Cross took food to trapped lorry drivers on the A4 in Madrid.

Airports were closed all over the country

Madrid and eight provinces were under the most severe weather advisory for the first time since the system was created in 2007.

Large parks in the capital, including the Retiro next to the Prado museum, were closed as a precaution.

Rare, and probably your fault for that fossil fueled trip you took for Christmas. Why close parks? Isn’t that where the fun happens?

High-speed rail services between Madrid and the southeastern cities of Alicante and Valencia were suspended.

So, we’ll all be stuck when we’re forced onto AOC’s trains?

A record temperature of -35.6 degrees C (-32 degrees Fahrenheit) was recorded at Vega de Lourdes in Leon, northern Spain, the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) said.

That’s the coldest temperature ever recorded in Spain.

There’s not a lot of that yet, but, it is around. Oh, and that BBC article has lots of great pictures

Read: Over-heated World: Spain Sees Rare Snowfall »

North Korea Starts Getting Frisky With China Joe On The Way

This is the “first test” for China Joe. Will he pass? Say what you will about Trump’s attempt at connecting with Kim Jong Un early in his presidency, North Korea has mostly been non-frisky towards the U.S. for most of Trump’s 4 years. But, Joe is less than 2 weeks from being coronated, so…

North Korea’s Kim calls U.S. ‘our biggest enemy’ in challenge to Biden

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called for more advanced nuclear weapons and said the United States is “our biggest enemy,” state media said on Saturday, presenting a stark challenge to President-elect Joe Biden just days before he takes office.

Washington’s hostile policies would not change regardless of who occupies the White House but dropping those policies would be key to North Korea-U.S. relations, Kim said, according to state news agency KCNA.

“Our foreign political activities should be focused and redirected on subduing the U.S., our biggest enemy and main obstacle to our innovated development,” Kim said during nine hours of remarks over several days at a rare party congress in Pyongyang.

“No matter who is in power in the U.S., the true nature of the U.S. and its fundamental policies towards North Korea never change,” Kim said, vowing to expand ties with “anti-imperialist, independent forces.” (snip)

Biden, who was vice president under President Barack Obama, called Kim a “thug” during the election campaign. In 2019 North Korea called Biden a “rabid dog” that needed to be “beaten to death with a stick.”

But, Biden will be president now. It’s him who makes the decisions. What does he do?

Biden said in October that he would meet Kim only on the condition that North Korea agreed to draw down its nuclear capacity.

Last month Kurt Campbell, the top U.S. diplomat for East Asia under Obama and considered a contender for a top Asia policy position under Biden, said the incoming U.S. administration would have to make an early decision on what approach it will take with North Korea and not repeat the delay of the Obama era.

We’ll see. The Clinton, Bush 43, and Obama admins were not very good on North Korea, which is a tough one, considering there is little international interest in taking out their nuclear capability nor their missiles/missile production, plus, any military attack could mean Seoul, a city of well over 10 million, along with lots of other very big South Korean cities, getting hit with a massive amount of regular missiles, which could even be loaded with chemical and/or biological weapons. All these South Korean cities are within 30 minutes of the DMZ.

China Joe wanted to be president, now he gets his chance to Do Something. What will Kamala and his wife tell him to do?

Read: North Korea Starts Getting Frisky With China Joe On The Way »

Bad News, Folks: ‘Climate Change’ Is Not Wiping Out Pikas

They’re actually doing just fine, the cute little buggers

Pikas are adapting to climate change remarkably well, contrary to many predictions

Climate change is harming many special places and iconic species around our planet, from Glacier National Park’s disappearing glaciers to California redwoods scorched by wildfires. But for the animal I study, the American pika (Ochotona princeps), there’s actually some good news: It’s not as threatened by climate change as many studies have warned.

I have studied pikas, small cousins of rabbits, for over 50 years and never tire of watching them. These tailless, egg-shaped balls of fluff live primarily in cool mountainous environments in piles of broken rock, called talus.

During summer, observers can see pikas industriously gathering caches of grass and leaves into haypiles that will serve as their food supply through the winter. Their light brown coats blend well with their surroundings, so they are easiest to spot when they perch on prominent rocks and call to alert other pikas of their presence.

When fellow hikers see me observing pikas in California’s Sierra Nevada, they often tell me they have read that these animals are going extinct. I have collected a stack of press releases that say exactly that. But based on my recent research and a comprehensive review of over 100 peer-reviewed studies, I believe that this interpretation is misleading.

The upshot is they’re not being wiped out by a tiny increase in the global temperatures, something that has occurred multiple times in just the Holocene alone, but blamed on Mankind’s carbon footprint this time. Like most animals, they simply adapt. And we aren’t anywhere near the types of climatic changes, both cold and hot, that have led to previous big extinction events, nor will you driving to get a burger make it happen.

In contrast, most sites where researchers believe that pikas have disappeared are small, isolated and often compromised by human activities, such as grazing by livestock. These sites generally are lower and warmer than sites in pikas’ core range.

So, yes, humans are problematic, but, this is an environmental issue, not anthropogenic climate change.

Funny how all these animals that climate cultists say are doomed end up doing well, right?

Read: Bad News, Folks: ‘Climate Change’ Is Not Wiping Out Pikas »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon carriage, perfect for replacing fossil fueled travel, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on this being the violence the left asked for.

Read: If All You See… »

Michelle Obama Seems Upset About This Whole “Desecrating The Center Of American Government” Thing

Desecrating is a hell of a word to use, eh?

‘They desecrated the center of American government’: Michelle Obama

Former first lady Michelle Obama responded to Wednesday’s riots at the Capitol in a blistering statement a day later, saying her “heart had fallen harder and faster than I can remember.” (snip)

“In just a few hours, though, my heart had fallen harder and faster than I can remember. Like all of you, I watched as a gang — organized, violent, and mad they’d lost an election — laid siege to the United States Capitol,” she added. “They set up gallows. They proudly waved the traitorous flag of the Confederacy through the halls. They desecrated the center of American government.”

First, I thought it was “just property”? Isn’t that what they told us, that it was just property that could be replaced? Second, desecrate? Most definitions of the word revolve around things that are holy, like graveyards, shrines, temples, churches, and such. Are we actually treating federal buildings like the Capital Building as holy? Was this just a poor choice of words by Michelle, or, does this dovetail perfectly with Democrats belief in Government being super-awesome to the point of being a pseudo-religion, their belief in Statism?

BTW, further in the article, Obama drops some race baiting, claiming that things would be different had the protesters been black people. Because we all saw how they were treated differently. The cops were mostly told to stand down, even in the face of violence.

Read: Michelle Obama Seems Upset About This Whole “Desecrating The Center Of American Government” Thing »

Your Fault: Cities Are Becoming Ovens From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Yeah, yeah, we know all about what you do daily. Taking long showers, using more than two sheets, having sausage with your breakfast, driving your fossil fueled vehicle to work, having a burger for lunch. All your fault!

Climate Change Is Turning Cities Into Ovens
A new model estimates that by 2100, cities across the world could warm as much as 4.4 degrees Celsius. It’s a deadly consequence of the heat-island effect.

Whoa, whoa, is the Cult of Climastrology attempting to hijack the Urban Heat Island effect, the notion that urban areas will be warmer than the surrounding countryside simply because all that metal, glass, concrete, and so forth hold more heat? Yes, that is anthropogenic, but, it is not global

WHICHEVER SIDE OF the subjective city-versus-rural debate you’re on, the objective laws of thermodynamics dictate that cities lose on at least one front: They tend to get insufferably hotter, more so than surrounding rural areas. That’s thanks to the urban heat-island effect, in which buildings and roads readily absorb the sun’s energy and release it well into the night. The greenery of rural areas, by contrast, provides shade and cools the air by releasing water.

Climate change is making the urban heat-island effect all the more dire in cities across the world, and it’s only going to get worse. Like, way worse. An international team of researchers has used a new modeling technique to estimate that by the year 2100, the world’s cities could warm by as much as 4.4 degrees Celsius on average. For perspective, that figure obliterates the Paris agreement’s optimistic goal for a global average temperature rise of 1.5 degrees C from preindustrial levels. In fact, the team’s figure more than doubles the agreement’s hard goal of limiting that global rise to no more than 2 degrees C.

That would mean a rise of 7.92 Fahrenheit in Big Cities. Oh, right, in 2100, so, if we implement taxes and control your life and choices, we can stop that

Mora likens the simultaneous risks of climate change and the heat-island effect to having to battle two foes at once. “Dealing with climate change is like getting into a fight with Mike Tyson,” he says. “With the heat-island effect that these guys just documented here, that is now like bringing Jackie Chan on top of Mike Tyson. So now you gotta face those two guys—there is just no way for people to cope with this.”

With the arrival of the Biden administration, the US could even revive the New Deal’s Civilian Conservation Corps, putting people back to work greening up cities. That’ll be especially critical in communities of color and low-income neighborhoods, which tend to be less green and thus more likely to suffer from the heat-island effect, a consequence of racist housing policies.

Why not just tear most of them down to minimize the UHI? Go back to living in huts.

Read: Your Fault: Cities Are Becoming Ovens From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Pirate's Cove